Pastry Chef Attempts to Make Gourmet Twix | Gourmet Makes | Bon Appétit

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40 minute long video... oh no Claire.

👍︎︎ 59 👤︎︎ u/anxiety_anne 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

I love Twix, just not what they do to Claire mentally.

ETA: But seriously though, it actually went really well.

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/maculae 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

Looks like they've been reading our comments and going back to making better versions of an industrial product.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Osapir 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

Amiel and Delany should do a road trip show where they tour wineries, eat cheese plates, and get drunk together.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/maeve117 📅︎︎ Jun 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

Suprised that BA hasn't done a full episode about tempering chocolate yet.

Would love to see the entire crew try it. Probably a cruel thing to do, but god it would make fantastic youtube.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Spleen-magnet 📅︎︎ Jun 14 2019 🗫︎ replies

twix always remind me of karl pilkington. because of the coffin. haha

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

Claire, with half the video left -- "It's going great, what could go wrong?"


👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/HellblazerPrime 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

OP why did you link 8 minutes in?

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/TheNorthComesWithMe 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

"I love you Brad"

Oh shit, Claire X Brad shipper's month was just made.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/SeeYouSpaceCorgi 📅︎︎ Jun 14 2019 🗫︎ replies
when Summit's originally came out so much I competitor they were like wait for her at all peanuts are you like a snack food historian yeah but some were great and tricks just crush them look I think he bars I need to be the person to tell you that every single person here disagrees with you I know you're the boss what does the can't work I'm y'all I just I need you I just please I oh damn it hey everyone I'm Claire we were in the v8s kitchen and today I'm making gourmet Twix I like Twix I think in the over-under like good good Candy's bad candies it's definitely good candy and it's been a loss of head Twix but I know it's caramel there's like a cookie and chocolate yeah crunchy cookie delicious caramel creamy chocolate cookie bars all good things the thing that I think about most when I think of Twix are like the older commercials where they show the like cascading waves of melted chocolate covering like like losing down and over the caramel on top of the cookie I'm very excited so I have to have my after lunch dessert just ever that my after-dinner dessert the dessert twice a day no no after breakfast dessert that's inappropriate looks great have two little waves down the top whatever that pattern is it's like the little heartbeat on the monitor pattern on the base oh yeah very stretchy caramel there's the cookie face it delicious Twix is one of the few candies or snack things that tastes exactly the way I remember very chewy caramel very sweet chocolate as I was expecting and very crisp dry almost dry cookie tears all the kinds I'm gonna start with the egg something weird about it I think the cooking is different and it's not as good white chocolate all my favorite I'm happy to see those a dark chocolate version this chocolate looks very very dark it's an unpleasantly bitter dark chocolate kind of disappointed okay triple chocolate so this is chocolate caramel and chocolate cookie there's something wrong with that one you guys need to taste this something went wrong someone someone's gonna lose their job over this see look at Danis just spit it out oh it is well more highs and lows that I've ever experienced in the taste think of all the different candy varieties given that chris is a super taster that might kill him he might die you wanna taste something disgusting really wait for it I was ready for like fireworks of awfulness was it just the one I we tried I still have the bad aftertaste in my mouth from eating this yeah yes that was a useful exercise if only to confirm that like there is no Twix except for original Twix in my mind I only have eyes for this guy confidence level is pretty high because if only because I can combine a lot of the experience from previous episode so like I think a lot of what I learned in Snickers will apply here and also some some of the things I learned on almond joy will help a lot chewy caramels essential crisp sort of dry cookie something in the shortbread realm it's this creamy chocolate doesn't say milk chocolate I could do what I've done in the passages and do a mixture of milk and dark to kind of get the right balance of sweet and bitter what I'm gonna travel yes I remember the chocolate at this point let's just assume only tempering chocolate if I can get the cookie in one day it might be a to two and a half day challenge so end to end it is nine point seven centimeters and it's about 2.3 centimeters wide the height is one and a half centimeters so I want to try to isolate the cookie from the chocolate and the caramel just to really see what the shape is it's very interesting when I just found one there's this like line of divots down the top of that far and then the caramel has like the opposite relief of the divots and it might be to create an air pocket to make it easier to release from the mold it also has smooth sides all around which tells me that it's not a cookie that's made in a slab and then sliced its preformed into the shape and then baked it almost seems like there's another flower in here besides wheat flour like a rice flour or something that's it's like a tiny bit of grit it's not very sweet it basically has no flavor on its own you can definitely make this part taste better it's a pretty tight caramel almost intolerably sweet on its own I think there's probably a pretty high proportion of corn syrup in there it does make me realize just to what extent Twix is greater than sum of its parts because not really any one of these things is something that I'd like to eat on its own Lucina che earlier today told me that Twix is her second favorite candy second only to Ferrero Rocher come on is this gonna be about cascading waves of chocolate yes yes and then it goes like low motion yes and it cascades from some place out of frame from some reckless chocolate fountain really bubbly and people know it was part of their marketing if there's left quicksand right Twix I don't think that's prey yes I'm a lefty or a righty let's try it I don't this is not left-handed no it's not just eat the tricks I was gonna ask you what are your thoughts I think you have to nail the consistency of the caramel yes you wanted the bite and the pole to be that cute like firmness and chewiness like not too runny but also not too hard right it's not like sticking to your teeth right and then the consistency of whatever that unknown shortbread cookie yes yes nondescript cookie I know at this point they make me say this but now for my favorite part reading the ingredients no chocolate sugar cocoa butter flagyl for that so I'll se JP are the flavors enriched wheat flour this is wheat flour knives and iron I mean monohydrate look at sugar palm oil syrupy milk dextrose less than 2% salt cocoa powder soy last modified corn star taking soda artificial flavor okay process that a whole lot of ingredients in that so baking soda I'm sure that that's an ingredient in the cookie that's giving it kind of like lift and aeration in the cookie wheat flour sugar palm oil not surprised so no butter the ingredient list told me a lot so research will just sort of be like being more focused on I guess construction and assembly the name Twix is a portmanteau derived from twin biscuit sticks fascinating and no it's a really good fun fact this chocolate and caramel candy bar is famous for his sweet cookie snap and in case you were wondering when all those little holes in the cookie dough do I was wondering one is it it actually helps it release from the mold or firstly didn't I say that and it's calling you Gabi oh you could be in the video I didn't learn a whole lot during the research space but that's okay because I think I kind of got everything I need to know you're just tasting and measuring and all that I'm feeling pretty good actually about this one today I want to start on a cookie which is kind of like a central component I want to start with a basic shortbread and see where I get with that I might have to add a little bit of lemon which is not typical in shortbread shortbread it's just butter flour sugar and as I remember from reading the text ingredients there's there's no butter at all in the recipe so that's a really good place to start because we're already going to improve the flavor quite a bit I'll do two separate recipes one with baking powder one without and I did come across a shortbread recipe that's based on a Michael Ruhlman recipe that uses a little bit of rice flour along with all-purpose flour which is interesting so that helps you get a very kind of sandy crispy texture so that's an interesting idea add my vanilla and then my ingredients makes it go all right so this is pretty well mixed I measure this recipe right it just seems very crumbly just makes me wonder if I goofed up the flour but how could I have screwed up such a simple recipe I'm sure there's sure there's away I'm going to put this into the fridge and then I'm gonna do the exact same thing but add baking powder and that's because I want to do a side by side to see if adding up at 11 in gives me a better texture in a cookie so feed paper baking powder that goes into the fridge so this was that first shortbread no baking powder so I'll roll it out to the right thickness and then cut it into bars this can't be the dough do i right there must be done wrong I'm getting off to a bad start I started looking up if I wrote this down wrong because I don't know how this could be right I did do it wrong I did do it wrong I would prefer not to tell you what I did wrong but I loved it out the extra six tablespoons of butter it did seem so dry God something is happening it is is mercury in retrograde that's a thing right yeah it is no can you fill it is it can that from what I can tell if 100 percent of the time in retrograde no oh about how helping oh so this test is it's it's not pointless you know so we're not the test I thought it was I'm gonna bake it just see what happened one good thing is that they gained kind of a smooth exterior even on the cut sides they didn't change in terms of dimensions at all which is good that's what we want it's pretty sweet I wonder if maybe that's a little too much sugar I need the thing about balance if I use dark chocolate and so I get that bitterness and that intensity and I make a really dark caramel it actually might provide good balance to have some sugar in the cookie surprisingly it's not that bad considering I left out a quarter of the butter I think that maybe cross-section wise they're a little big yeah I got to make them like half as tall here's my plan I'm going to add butter back into the existing Joe that I made with baking powder so three tablespoons then I'm gonna remake this original Joe again also adding back three tablespoons so I can do a side by side of two identical dough's with a little more butter one with baking powder [Music] the baking powder did a little bit of spreading but then so did the version without baking powder but I think that actually had more to do with dough temperature this dough is more room temp when it women you know they're definitely more golden than the cookie inside the Twix I'm deciding not to care about that because I think that's really important for flavor I love shortbread you're good okay so that's without this is with not only is there not a huge difference I don't think that the things that the bacons that are bringing are necessarily adding a lot or helping texture wives it's pretty good like this could be a tiny bit drier so I'm trying to isolate it so you can try I want to I want to know your thoughts oh yeah here all okay now you just can't look when you eat it yeah the essence of butter is so intense and pure in the shortbread thank you for permission I think that I thought I feel good about it the nightly works yeah cool right right that was like weirdly not that hard I'm feeling like today maybe not gonna be the day that I finish in which case this is the second day I do want to just do one quick experiment this is what I want to try is basically shaving down the sides using a fine grater like this just to see if I can make it straight working pretty well kind of surprised straight a little wavy that looks really good so now at least I have kind of a back-up plan if they're not baking with really straight sides I don't have to keep doing this part it's just kind of fun and satisfying I'll talk to you about the caramel while I'm doing this I did a recipe a while back that appeared the magazine for a salted a chocolate what is it a salted caramel chocolate tart the caramel had to be soft enough that you could cut it but that it also was foramina fed it went just like ooze out of the tart right away it's just sugar corn syrup a little water to it and then all right so this is that caramel it's still warm but you can see it's now firm enough where I can kind of roll it around and work with it so that's good I'm gonna taste it it's like 1,000 times better than the caramel in the Twix my best bet is to actually pour the caramel out into a mold and then let it set and I can cut it into bar shapes to match the cookie the length of the cookie is almost exactly the width of the pan so that means I can just cut across I have these three pans of caramel they're already setting up but I want to get them into the fridge so they set really quickly and then I think I'm gonna move into the final thing I'll probably be able to get done today which is trying to marry the caramel and the cookies you say caramel what's you say what do you say people say all different things carmel car no caramel caramel is there a right way I don't know um there's one right way I like your attitude right there's me if there's any ways to say it oh look at the leg all right so that that alone well let me grab the coast oh yeah sorry we didn't save you any have a bite yeah it's not dry enough I'm actually gonna take them again tomorrow and and really dehydrate them I love shortbread I'm afraid it's a little cute short ready and oh my god Claire you have to have the holes no but I'm entering the holes why do I have to have literally nobody knows that that's their more like everyone knows these plates that's not a thing no one has said that really truth be told I did forget about the little divots and the cookie before it today apparently not great thanks actually where you want to grab me that torch this stuff is hard to cut because it's so sticky don't get too close to your face so to cut through the caramel which is really sticky and a little bit firm you're gonna heat up my knife you know I can't turn it on I know I never understood that to be honest what you mean it's like I don't want this on my camera right I don't even want to explain why but it's in a circle there is no right and left just clockwise and counterclockwise okay so which way is right right there this way but but right but what if the arrow is on the bottom and then turning it right is the other direction so if you're under a car and it's like this you have to right exactly it doesn't make sense to use left and right when it's a circle it works perfectly ready tell you look all right well thanks for finally explaining that I never understood it lefty loosey the knife is stuck it's not good all right the camel is very firm which I wanted I'm worried that maybe it's a bit too firm like sticking your teeth I want it to fall a little bit over top of the cookie so I'm gonna try to gently heat it I hope I don't regret this part and hopefully in kind of losing it also sticks and adheres a little bit to the cookie wait a minute I forgot again I'm like really happy with that it looks pretty good do you think caramels a little tiny bit thick but I'm not that worried if there's a you know an extra millimeter of caramel in terms of thickness Wow so far you're at 8 inches okay oh my god oh my god 9/10 yeah like I'm afraid yeah well you haven't done the chocolate yet true so I'm gonna put the caramel back in the pan cuz I'm happy with this it was a good useful test then I'm going to go back to the cookies and use the grater to keep filing away those edges make them into nice bars so this might be a time like most episodes decor makes where we got the dehydrator and we get the cookies baked to the point we want to bake them and then let them totally dry out I've never dehydrated a cookie I don't quite know what it would do to the texture I imagine it's just what I think it would do just give it that super crisp snap okay now I can just sit here and peacefully just weirdly soothing to shave off the sides of the cookie very pleasing to me having all these nice straight edge uniform cookies I want to get them in the dehydrator so I'm gonna go grab that and set it up so it makes me look like The Incredible Hulk because it looks bigger I think today went really well I got actually a little further along than I thought I would and I think the caramel and cookies are in a good place hopefully in the morning I can focus on that assembly part and I think it would be ambitious but goal could be enrolling them in the afternoon letting them set and then finishing up tomorrow and a day it's gonna go damn let's so skeptical it's going great what could go wrong I don't think there's a cursor that third day that's something other people talk about but that's the idea that I come in on day 3 feeling like all I have to do is wrap it up maybe a couple of finishing flourishes and then disaster strikes and I have to start over first things first I want to look at the short breads that have been dehydrating on very low temp all night I like love how shaving off the sides looks they just look so smooth and regular there we go left Twix and right twigs all right I think that's looking if I'm in a good place with the size of the cookie I think it's the right amount of dry it crumbles nicely like it turns into really Pleasant buttery little crumbs which i think is important when everything's put together I think the place to start today is to just grab my second dough and roll out some more bars and we're baking them and then I have a lot of cookies to work with for when I'm assembling that's usually not what I do I love this part my favorite part of your like trimming the biskits stuff yeah what's like your I'm having I'm really good yeah I'm gonna check on these yet okay what I'm thinking about doing is slicing crosswise to get strips of caramel the right widths and lengths for the cookies I think what I'll do is make just like a little paper covering like a little sleeve for each bar of caramel and I want to fit it back into the pan just like this so having that little lip of paper in between each strip of caramel will put the from fusing back together and while they're in the pan and I just have to make 19 more of these to fill the two loaf pans so there's actually 11 in each for the two pans so let's look at the cookies all right I'm kind of excited it's time to fuse our caramel and cookies there was that weird layer of chocolate in between the cookie and the caramel which I'm kind of skipping because I think I can get the caramel to stick to the cookie all on its own so my plan is this take the torch soften the top layer of caramel oh damn it well I got the parchment paper on fire and the caramel is not even a little bit warm all right torch is a bad idea oh it's still on there we go I'm gonna try to pin it to using a heat gun it's it's good it's working it's definitely softening the surface and apply the cookie upside down onto the caramel and press gently just to get them to adhere right that seems really good I feel like the cookie is really on there yes I'm I've never had a better time I think gourmet makes it's so clean and everything's fitting oh she's nothing or gourmet makes ever works so it looks pretty great I'm gonna put this into a fridge so that the caramel hardens and firms up really well I'm gonna move on to chocolate phase yeah we're gonna temper the chocolate and so we're setting up our immersion circulator because I am going to try to do it sous-vide so chocolate tempering from like the 100,000th time on this show is where you melt chocolate and bring it down and then back up to certain temperatures so that you get a chocolate once it cools that has kind of a snap and a shine tempered chocolate is good because when you pick it up the won't immediately start to melt into your fingers and it's just sort of like sturdier and makes a better coating I feel totally different about chocolate tempering at this point I don't really care I know I have to do it I might as well get it over with this is the fourth time I tried to temper chocolate on this show fourth or fifth I don't remember third we did it with Snickers we did it with almond joy which is a disaster it's not tempered because it's still liquid duh I have no idea what went wrong I did everything it said kind of getting harder not easier one thing that was a good learning thing from last time was using the vacuum sealer and this the plastic tubing to create like sort of like makeshift pastry bags so what I want to do is to make two different bags of chocolate one is going to be a bigger bag and that's what I'll use to coat your Twix across the tops and one will be a slightly smaller bag just to put any chocolate along the bottom alright that looks great so then here's the triangle so once it's all melted I'll be able to use it like a pastry bag this way I'm gonna get this into the water to start melting and then this is that larger bag of chocolate oh dammit that's wrong forgot to put another bag Heelers forgetting something actually I didn't know I was forgetting something alright fur on it last time I put another bag in it damn it hold on no I have to care because it really works so much better if there's a bag over it it really helps prevent any water from getting into the chocolate as it's coming out of the bag which those two things don't really mix well [Music] there we go so I have to wait for all of these to come up to 115 they'll be fully melted and I want to actually unmold my twittering so mission accomplished because the caramel has adhered nicely to the cookie right now I'm just holding onto the caramel it's not separating on some of them the caramel is a little bit longer than the cookie itself so I'm going to also trim that I don't want there to be too much caramel overall relative to the cookie it's this show is 75% crafting but that's why I like it so now all I want to do before I get this back into the fridge to chill is use the heat gun to just soften those caramel edges a little bit so those not they're not quite so right angle they look so good back into the fridge so really set up again just massaging the chocolate to make sure that there's no I don't feel any bits of chocolate that have a melted yet and are so hard all right I think this is good so I'm gonna take this down 84 I'm going to sit here just massaging the chocolate to make sure that everything if I the bag hits this temp or I'm gonna turn it back up now 19 I want to add you take constantly I will pull out this smaller bag dry it off take it out of the outer bag and I'm gonna do the temper test on a little offset spatula just to make sure it's pretty good it's not so much that it's shiny it said it there's like a satin finish I'm not sure that I really did it I feel hopeful I'm doing the BA I'm coating the bottoms so here's my plan basically one by one a stripe of chocolate on the bottom and then precedent so spread that's it yes Deline you want to pull out an actual Twix and we can look at it the bottom is like maybe a quarter of the thickness of this Oh interesting okay I can go pretty thin really all right that's good so I'll come back in about ten minutes and double-check see what they look like on the bottom what I kind of liked about using the SIL pet is a steel pet has a bit of like a pattern which is cool because I think it kind of recalls a little bit the pattern on the bottom of the Twix now I'm going to work one by one and just use a little paring knife to trim off any excess chocolate so I'm gonna get these back into the fridge to chill for just a few minutes before I start to in rove maybe I should do freezer and then they'll really cool down let me do freezer after just a couple minutes in the freezer I think they were definitely cold enough and I think we're ready to in robe I'm trying to work quickly [Music] my main concern right now is that I'm using a lot of the chocolate and I'm not gonna have a lot left for the second trade the first one looked really good but it's definitely sending up quickly on such cold candies damn you should never have frozen them where those attached will go now the problem is the other ones have set up much too much to get any texture in it I want to talk about it [Music] I hate chocolate ones I'm not doing it anyway [Music] I don't want it done clearly I'm not saying anything just give me a second to process why did I do so many at once some of them look ok but I think basically the problems were the following the chocolate set up super quickly like you gotta go and come back I'll be Brad I can't you know I wanted it to like set up slowly enough that I could go back in with an offset spatula and make a little pattern across the top but setup and almost immediately I should have done like two at a time and now I'm really worried because I think the layer is so thick least I know I tempered the chocolate these were the last two I did so they were the slowest chipset I was trying to go for something similar to that on all of them and it didn't really work fried now I'm ready because now I need I need I need your sympathy I'm not happy very unhappy you guys are ruining a great yeah the chocolate is not fully set good what let this happen though well they snap through the carburetor dad are you going yeah this is walking away from my misery delicious treats is a delicious candy it's not a Twix all right they don't taste like it tastes I think you're very close it could just be the amount of job you do it you were like you're far off you've made something different then come close I didn't say you were far off do you think if I put a heat gun and dropped it I think it's worth a shot on one I think you're gonna make up I think it's gonna be hard to control yeah [Music] all right so that worked seemingly really well I want to transfer this one off because I love the way that looks like I wanted to get more heat from the gun on point on other bars so I'm gonna try to remove it and get it onto this parchment [Music] well that's heard laughing that was bed ten minutes ago I could not talk and I was gonna throw something in the director now I feel a little better this process is actually kind of fun thank God the heat guns do the show without it I want to get these in the fridge before anything else happens to them so they can really finish setting at least they look neat uniform this was more of a first pass I think for the final so you know it's not that bad it's not quite where I want it to be definitely it definitely has a pull I guess it's going to well I'm over it but I still have 10 more that are uncovered and I can code again tomorrow and some type of chocolate and hopefully those are the best ones yet and I can avoid some of these issues we can look at the ones at it yesterday just just kind of see how they ended up looking and how that chocolate looks a lot isn't tempered because it was tempered and then in order to send it out I rewarmed it and that rewarming broke the temper you got your patented slightly holographic my patented in fat bloom yeah exactly good talk like that right right the saffet she is brilliant and everyone is like we don't know how she got that you're in Destin uh hello well if this doesn't work out that's what I'll be doing at the end of this episode if they met I did it on purpose yeah with the patented avid shoot okay I'm curious and I'm sure you've covered this if you get do get it an ability than to detach your caramel from your cookie damn it Carla because that was not part of it then yesterday Brad was like if it doesn't have the divots on the top and it's then I don't want it if I was told about the caramel nibbling then I would have put a layer of chocolate in between the cookie and the caramel which they've done which they've done and I skipped at little holes oops today I have the second half of my the bars the cookie with the caramel on top that has been in the fridge and I'm going to do everything again the Lisa tempering seemed to go well I want the bars to be cold but they're gonna be fridge cold not for circle I think I'm going to create lots of smaller bags of chocolate so that I can go two at a time and coat them carefully and then I'm not worried about the chocolate hardening too quickly [Music] Hue's I'm gonna do I'm gonna do a temper test I think it's tempered I think it's fine I'm just that's what I'm doing differently as I'm gonna focus more one by one and I'm also going to use the offset and I'm gonna work more on coverage everywhere one by one oh no it's heading up so fast all right I'm not gonna do any texture on this one because I think it's still a little bit cold let me try with another one I have to work even more quickly than I thought well this is not easy nope what went wrong is it's just setting up so fast now I have to immediately go in with the offset to wipe off excess and maybe then do the little crosshatch and then do the taps and I think that'll give me what I'm looking for overall I think I did the best that I could know that circumstances I feel good about the sous-vide chocolate tempering method finally I feel good about the shape and overall dimensions of everything I think it's you know it's not identical but it's very very close to the Twix to the original and I'm glad that I made a really nice shortbread a very good caramel and well tempered dark chocolate so I think all the components are functioning the way they should and serving a purpose they could look worse there we go that's what I'm going for Feenie get the knife we got a cut one open wait don't you want to try it at the pole whoo do you want to try eating out let's do it Carlo say you wanna try eating a caramel off the top why there's no dots on there well nice job off all right separation past all right it melts in my hands oh Claire the original oh is that what's going on no we're gonna go with that when you bite into it I like oh my god you mimic the twigs right right but I guess that's not the show right depends on that's clarity for I think you've cleared a twitchy twitchy when I say Trixie yeah you made it Trixie Thanks that is entertainment class uh-huh well at least I can make some caramel wow this is so much better yeah no one said that yet okay really Braddock screw buttery I disagreed no no no no no no I know I mean I was not very exactly I think that the most successful part of this was the caramel which I weirdly kind of only did once well I think the chocolate is just clearly like Serperior oh they're gonna say well-tempered but yes thank you my only criticism of these is that I think there could be more cookie actually I feel like I disagree because I would say because even Rosie pack so much more flavor into that much less cookie mhm it's perfect it's the perfect balance so okay I love that thank you appreciate the help thank you this wasn't so much the making Twix episode as it was the chocolate tempering episode I'm going from being terrible to approaching maybe halfway decent so there's a the moment of despair where I realize something failed or didn't work and I know I've to do it again and then I get super frustrated and irritated but coming back repeating it it always turns out better so that that's that's less than all of these here's how you make gourmet Twix to make the cookie in the bowl of the stand mixer fitted with the paddle be two sticks plus three tablespoons room temperature unsalted butter and three quarter cups granulated sugar until smooth at combined add two and a half cups all-purpose flour third of a cup of white rice flour and one and a half teaspoons kosher salt you dunloe just until combined grabbed on plastic and chill until cold roll out chilled shortbread dough to a scant one centimeter thickness and cut into bars 1.8 centimeters wide and 9 centimeters long and bake 325 until pale and crisp all over let cool completely use a fine rasp grater to shave off any irregular edges and create smooth even sides place the cookies in a dehydrator and let dry for about 30 minutes to make the caramel combine one-and-a-half cups sugar 2 tablespoons corn syrup 1/8 of a teaspoon cream of tarter and a third of a cup water in a small saucepan and stir over medium heat to dissolve sugar bring to a boil and cook washing downside to the pastry brush until you have a dark amber caramel remove from heat and stirring 6 tablespoons unsalted butter third of a cup heavy cream and 1 teaspoon kosher salt find three standard loaf pans with parchment paper and grease or caramel into a pan to a depth of about point four centimeters and chill until caramel is set remove caramel from pants and cut crosswise into bars about 1.3 centimeters wide place each cookie all over top of a strip of caramel and use a heat gun to gently warm the caramel so it softens and slumps slightly over cookie chill while you temper the chocolate temper the chocolate both the bottoms of the cookies and a thin layer of chocolate on top of the still pet lined baking sheet chill to set chocolate and trim any excess chocolate from around sides of cookies pipe tempered chocolate over top of chilled cookie and caramel and quickly use an offset spatula to texture the top of the bar chill until set what's the type to fun when it starts off like hard what do you call something that's not fun in the moment and not fun later I just suck Simon I'm just stuck like an actual fun that I've had on this show nothing's coming to mind
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 7,563,047
Rating: 4.9239058 out of 5
Keywords: claire saffitz, gourmet makes, claire makes, twix, claire bon appetit, claire makes twix, gourmet twix, gourmet recipe, how to make twix, twix recipe, homemade twix, claire gourmet twix, twix bon appetit, bon appetit twix, making twix, claire, claire gourmet makes, gourmet twix recipe, twix candy, candy twix, claire twix, gourmet makes bon appetit, claire saffitz 2019, how to make a twix, twix bar, making gourmet twix, make gourmet twix, food, bon appetit
Id: qOsp6IMqnn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 54sec (2394 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
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