Pastor Robert Madu - It's In You

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second Timothy chapter 1 verses 1 through 7 and then Genesis chapter 2 verse number 7 2nd Timothy chapter 1 1 through 7 and then Genesis to verse number 7 once you have second Timothy won't you say yeah you can still look at voice a hold up all right I'll give you some time it says Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus 2 Timothy a beloved son grace mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord I thank God whom I serve with the pure conscience as my forefathers did as without ceasing I remember you in my prayers night and day greatly desiring to see you being mindful of your tears that I may be filled with joy when I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and I am persuaded is in you also therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying out of my hands but God has not given us the spirit of fear hashtag don't be skirt but of power and of love and of a sound mind can you say Amen and then just to add an addendum to this Genesis chapter 2 verse number 7 I've been reading from Eugene Peterson's message translation and it declares God formed man out of dirt from the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life the man came alive a living soul can you say Amen I'm really going to be sharing something that I believe has become my life message there was one message I could preach probably be this message right here because I am totally convinced that once you get a revelation of what God has put in you it will change everything around you if God can just open up your eyes to what is in you everything around you will begin to shift and the trajectory of your life will begin to change and so this morning I want to preach not long probably 1/2 hours just from this thought it's in you it's in you would you help me preach look at your neighbor get in their face one last time and say neighbor come on don't be afraid to talk to your neighbor in church come on say neighbor everything you need to do what God's called you to do it's in you come on find one more neighbor in case that one was stuck up and didn't have their coffee come on find one more neighbor say other neighbor I'm telling you everything you need to do what he's called you to do it's in you come on if you believe it would you give God some praise up in here come on let's pray and let's ask God to speak to us today father I thank you for your word but I know the grass fades though the flower withers but it's your word that's gonna stand forever Holy Spirit speak to us today God give us our marching orders we want to hear from you God we've not gathered here today out of religious routine we not gathered today to be entertained but we have come to be drastically changed speak to us and we leave let us say it was so good to have been in the presence of the Lord and somebody loves Jesus say Amen say a man again a quick little sermonic survey before we delve into this how many would say just by a showing of hands that you were raised in church can I see your hand if you were raised into your own Lord that's almost everybody okay hold on keep it lifted raised in church I just need to see who needs the counseling okay not playing I'll lift my hand with you and tell you that I too was raised in church and if you lifted up your hand you are acutely aware of the fact that the life of a church kid is distinctly different than the life of a regular kid oh come on somebody there are trials and tribulations and situations that you go through as a church kid that other kids aren't even aware of I know this too well because in my household we had to be in church every day the doors are open had to be in church okay it was not a democracy it was a dictatorship okay I vividly remember one Sunday I got bold and I got brave and I told my father I told my father I told my Nigerian father okay I said I ain't going this Sunday I don't feel like it I told my Nigerian father that and you know my Nigerian father said to me he said let me tell you something okay no no let me tell you something you have two options I you can get out of that bed and go to church or I can kill you and we will go to church and have your funeral but either way you will be in church because as for me and my house we will serve the Lord that is a true story truth story something I like clapping to the abuse I can do it my life dinners were different in our house dinners were different because you could not eat your food you could not touch your meal without my momma hitting you with this question what's your favorite scripture before you can eat your food what's your favorite scripture before you can touch your meal you had to give a scripture number one dinner being so hungry and so frustrated and looking at my mom and saying jesus wept give me the chicken okay why are you playing with people's food why do I have to give you a scripture before I eat but that's just the environment that I grew up in and I'm thankful that's the environment that I grew up in but this morning for our journey I just kind of want to invert the question that my mom asked at the dinner table and not ask you what your favorite scripture is but ask you have you ever considered what your least favorite scripture is because I'm no mind we read it today it is in Genesis chapter 2 verse number 7 the Bible says that God created man from the very dirt of the earth just let that bless you for a minute there okay if you are ever tempted to be saved and stuck up or to be anointed and arrogant and just kind of think you all that and a can of Pringles it would behoove you to read Genesis chapter 2 verse number 7 because the Bible is clear you did not come from some celestial amazing substance you came from nothing but a dirt I think it interesting to consider that every single person in this room irrespective of your culture irrespective of your social status of how much money you got in the bank or how good you think you look every single person in this room came from nothing but I want to do exercise that I think is gonna be healthy for your self-esteem today would you do me a favor just look at the person to your left look at them real good uh-huh look at the person to your right look at them real good look at the person behind you uh-huh look at them real good look at the person in front of you okay watch this every single person you looked at every single person you looked at according to the Word of God is a dirtbag come on somebody I'm not trying to offend you I'm just being biblical because the Bible is true that you came from nothing but and it's funny to me to think about all the things that we do for our dirt come on you got up this morning and you washed your dirt you you put deodorant I hope you put deodorant on your dirt all the things you put your dirt in your best shirt ladies the money you spend on your dirt oh you get your dirt manicured you get your dirt pedicured billions of dollars are spent in this nation on dirt surgery come on somebody you can get a dirt lift you can get dirt suction whatever you want done to your dirt there are people in this room who pull out their smartphones and flip the camera around and hold it at the right angle and take about 75 pictures because you know is not the first one that you post and take 75 pictures to get the right picture of their dirt to post on Instagram on Facebook and snapchat come out hashtag selfie no hashtag dirty because you came from nothing but don't see you this is dirt this is you how many no we did not break the Trinity Miami budget today getting this dirt okay about a dollar and seventy five cents this is us if the substance of something speaks to his significance that I'll take issue with Genesis chapter two four seven because the Bible says we came from nothing but dirt especially when you juxtapose this with greatness of our God how many know God does everything with Beauty your God does everything with splendor come on if you've ever seen a sunset you've seen the handiwork of our God if you've ever seen the stars as they shine in the darkness you have seen the craftsmanship of our God Picasso and Rembrandt have nothing on our God he does everything with beauty he does everything with splendor come on you do know he's the interior designer of heaven he did the streets in gold he did the gates in pearl but when he got ready to create you and I his prized possession the one he sent His only Son to die on a cross for of all the things he could have used he said let's use oh I was so mad I was so mad I said hold on God streets and heaven get gold but we get dirt that's messed up then God started speaking to me and he said Robert don't get mad get glad and he started revealing to me the revelation that is encapsulated within the creation process because hear me Trinity since the beginning of time God has been teaching us something about his character and about how he works and hear me you ought to praise God this morning because you serve a God who is holy but he's not afraid to work with things that are dirty you serve a God who is also but yet he works with things that are awful you serve a God who is magnificent but yet he works with things that are mundane and ordinary and I want to pause and just give God praise and things and a culture that says get that dirty thing away from me God says no bring me that dirt and that person you think can't be used that person you think I can't put my hand on I will shape that dirt I will form that dirt as a matter of fact I'll Breeze in that dirt and it'll come alive to be a living soul come on somebody just give God praise because he wants he works with dirt this is good news this is good news see if you stuck up you can't praise God for that but if you've got some issues and you know your issues got issues you want to thank God that he doesn't need clean pristine things to get the glory out of it only God can take a great mess and turn that thing into greatness because when he puts his hand on dirt only he can get the credit for the work I'm thankful today if we serve a God that works with dirt can I take you deeper I think it's also imperative to know that dirt is the only environment that is conducive for a seed come on somebody you you can't put a seed in a diamond you cannot put a seed in gold I don't care how beautiful the flower or how nutritious the vegetation if the gardener never places the seed and dirt it will never reach his optimum potential and I want to submit to you that although you came from dirt God is a great gardener and he's put a seed on the inside of you and that she is a gift there was a gift that God put in you before the foundation of the earth and he's waiting for you to stir up and find out what he put in you this is why the Bible says we have this treasure in earthen vessels that it is Christ that is in us that is the hope of glory because of the deposit that God has put inside of the dirt I feel like preaching but I'm a calm down and be an exegetical engineer who effectively and efficiently excavates in extrapolates the complexities hidden within the crevices of his biblical composition huh ghetto translation I just want to break this text down real quick if I care for Benny okay I found it intriguing that the Apostle Paul he's writing this text of Scripture to his spiritual son Timothy and he's trying to let Timothy know that you've got to be a good steward of what God has put on the inside of you but but here's what I love about it is that Paul is writing this text and who else but the Apostle Paul is qualified to tell you to stir up what God put on the inside of you come on you know Paul was off the chain 2/3 of your New Testament was written by the hand of the Apostle Paul it is Paul who gives us a kaleidoscope of apostolic and thought that helps us as the church today Paul was off the chain this dude was send a letter a letter and revival would break out in the city because he sent a letter if Paul was alive today with the technology we have available to us you will get a text message from Paul that would change your life would send you an email they'll make you have Church at your workplace Paul it was off the chain that's why everywhere Paul went they tried to stop his ministry because he was so powerful and so effective in his gift they did everything to stop Paul they said Paul we're gonna kill you he said that's cool because the die is gain they said okay then Paul we're gonna let you live he said that's cool too because to live is Christ they said okay then Paul we gonna make you suffer he said that's cool too because I've already reckoned that the present sufferings of this world are not worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed on the inside of me that's it Paul we can't stop you he knew how to take a lickin and keep on tickin he was off the chain is what I'm trying to tell you and he's telling Timothy to stir up what God put on the inside of him but you can't really appreciate this text until you know it's context Paul is writing this letter here me from a jail cell he's literally on death row or waiting to be executed and feels the need to write a letter to Timothy limit a son right now if I'm on death row there was only one letter I'm writing don't kill me okay but not Paul in the last moments of his life he's writing his letter to Timothy and that's important to know because you do know there's something about a consciousness of death that will clarify what's really important in your life oh come on somebody if I told you today that you only had 24 hours to live how many know catching a movie and Netflix and chilling would not be that important to you you would want everything that you did in these last moments of your life to carry great weight and significance because you would know that you are running out of time and I found it intriguing of all the things Paul could have written about he feels the need to tell Timothy whatever you do stir up what God put on the inside of you stir up what he has put on the inside of you why would Paul do that because ultimately that is all that life is about what did you do with your gift you do know what we get to heaven God is not gonna say well thought my good and faithful servant well hashtagged my good and faithful servant well shouted and danced my goodness faith no no well oh God that means you got to do something with what he put in you some of us he's gonna look at us and say well some of you give that to my house lookit you gotta stir up what he's put on the inside of you when you get to heaven God's not gonna ask you were you a Democrat or a Republican did you jump up and down with your favorite worship song he's gonna know what did you do with the gift what did you do with the dream that I put in you are you exhaling what I inhaled inside of you before the foundation of the earth and I'll be honest with y'all this one I'm scared of a lot of things scared of a few things rather I'm scared of snakes I told them that the conference I'm scared I say I don't care this on your shoes I don't do snakes okay I'm also scared of dogs I had a bad childhood experience scared of dogs I'm scared of heights - it's good height but above dogs and Heights and snakes you know what I'm really afraid of I'm afraid that when I get to heaven God would put up on a screen all the things that I did for him and then he'll put up on another screen all the things that I could have done with what he put in there and what I did will dim in comparison to what I could have done this is what wakes me up every morning to know that there is a gift on the inside of me I've got to stir up what's on the inside of me you got to stir up what something inside of you because heaven is waiting to see what you do with what he put in you I love what one writer says he says the tragedy of life is not death but rather what we let die inside of us while we're still alive another writer says that the wealthiest spot on earth is the cemetery because buried in the cemetery are dreams that never became a reality buried in the cemetery are books that were never written songs that were never sung are buried in the cemetery because the person never stirred up what God put on the inside of him but God sent me from Dallas Texas to tell you the graveyard cannot get what you are carrying come on is there anybody in here that is ready to stir up what God has put in you if you go to my parents house in Dallas Texas and you go to my parents backyard if you go there you'll see this big peach tree there's a big peach tree there and the way that peach tree got there is when I was a kid I loved peaches I'll never forget being a kid and eating this peach and I got down to the seed and being the precocious kid that I was I went to my father my Nigerian father and I said dad what is this and my dad said son that is the seed there really he said yes he said son did you know if you take that seed and you plant it in the ground and peach tree will come up I said no our daddy he said son it is true so true story my father and I would go to the backyard to plant the seed y'all I am so excited about having my own peach tree I'm making up songs about this peach tree I'm having a peach tree I'm having a peach tree I'm going to school the next day saying hey y'all can have some my peaches yeah what hating on me you can't have none of my peach I mean I'm so excited about this peach tree after we plant it after we plant it the next day the next day I go outside to get my peaches to my shock there is no peach tree that's okay maybe neither today next day no peach tree next day no peach tree next day no picture about the seventh day I don't even want to go outside anymore I am inside the house I wish you could see this my nose is pressed up against the windowpane looking outside tears are cascading down my face I was had a violin this was sad because I don't have my peach tree my father walks in and sees me crying and says what are you doing why are you crying what's wrong with you don't talk to me you ain't nothing but a liar don't talk to me you liar side note if your father is African do not call him a liar okay discipline is high on their priority list okay are you calling me a liar are you calling your father where's my spear boy I brought you in this world take you hours and now I'm gonna strike you a lie I'm just sayin you ever said I was gonna have a peach tree no peach tree I'll never forget it my dad said come here boy went to the backyard he asked me a critical question he said have you done anything with this since we planted it I said no he said son listen to me every day you come home from school go and get the water hose and water what we planted stop crying like a little baby and go and get the water hose and water what we planted I hope somebody sees where I'm going with this today because there are a lot of believers in the body of Christ who have their nose pressed up against the windowpane of their life and you're crying tears cuz you think your heavenly father lies about what he was going to manifest in your life but God saying no I didn't lie you just haven't done anything you got to shut up what I put on the inside of you and when you stir it up that's when you're going to see the manifestation of the promise I feel like preaching in here today I love that Paul told Timothy to stir it up because he's actually given us a transcendent profound truth that whenever God puts a gift on the inside of you the responsibility is not just on God but there was a responsibility on your part it is the cohesive collaboration between God and man that causes his purposes to come forth in the earth and you ain't waiting no God God is waiting on to you to stir up what do you put on the inside of you come on somebody say stir it up oh come on saying like you got some power say stir it up come on say it like you see some things on the inside of you come on say stir it up come on say it like you got some face hey stir it up come on say it like you ain't ever gonna be broke another day in your life cuz you gonna start up what God come on say stir it up Oh some of you need to start past fear start past worry stop as what other people said on your comments section and believe what your father has said about you come on somebody shouts throw it up come on stir passed down it's to pass the pain of your past it's don't pass all the frustration somebody shall stir it up and what you begin to stir it up you'll begin to see wait a minute ha ha there is a gift on the inside of me you know what I love about the illustration isn't none of you knew that was in there except for me you know why cuz I'm the one that put it in there see that's why I get excited when haters and naysayers come in my life and say I don't see you doing that huh I don't see that happening of course you don't see it you didn't put anything in me but there was a God that put something on the inside of me as soon as I stir it up you go see the manifestation of what was put in me but for the foundation of the earth somebody give God some praise if you know there's a gift there's a gift on the inside of me that's what the Bible says eye has not seen ear has not heard neither has it entered into the heart of man the things that God has prepared there there is a gift in and the world is waiting for you to stir up what he's put in you please hear me today just as sure as I'm holding this gift in my hand every single person in this room every single person every single person in this room has a gift everybody everybody everybody has to get something God is good you might not be aware of it you might not know it but you have something God has that he would not put a call on your life without giving you a gift to accomplish that call you have something do you know what it is see to me this is the greatest day of your life right here the day you realize and find out what you put on the inside of you this is your real birthday right here the day you stir up and see your gift in fact there's a proverb an African proverb that says there are two important days in your life not the day you're born in the day you die but rather the day you're born and the day you find out why you were born what is your gift what is your gift do you know what it is are you aware of it do you know that you have something it's been forever talking about the gifts that are in this room today how many think before your worship team aren't they awesome come on just lead us into the presence of God come on that's their gift so amazing they can sing that is their gift some of you not so much come on you need a lip sync for the Lord okay say yes nacho get but you got something what is your gift what did you get we got business leaders in here we got authors in here we have artists in here we got all kinds of gifts they've got fashion designers in here do you know what your gift is sometimes you can look past a gift and think it's so small but it's actually significant you remember David's gift remember David and apartment what his gift was you remember the Duke could throw a rock don't get me wrong he was a great worship leader he was a great warrior but that is not what got him into the presence of Saul and got him into the palace you know what got him to the palace he could throw a good Rock come on who would've thought well how'd you get here man man I can throw a good Rock dog for real that's what is your give you got something it might seem insignificant but it is a gift your personality could be a gift you ever meet those people to come around like I don't know what it is about Billy but man what Billy come around I get happy man you're a good dude that's the gift your smile could be a gift just a smile I'm telling you I wish people would smile more in churches instead of looking like you've been sucking on lemons and constipated and you are listening for Shrek for I just dare you to actually let your face look like you love Jesus so tell helping churches mcgraw people just smile whoa what you do for Jesus man I smile what is your gift that's again Samir your gift is you just look good come on somebody that's a gift hey that's a gift that is and not everybody has it either come on now hey the Bible is clear some of us all wonderfully some of us were fearfully made there was a clear plan you're beautiful washer get what did you get you got something God is gonna see let me explain what a lot of people in the church hear me don't think they have a gift because the church does a great job at displaying stage gifts kiss on the stage so people come into the house of God they're like man I can't preach like pastor rich I can't priestly pastor Robert I can't sing like Zak I don't have anything to offer are you crazy it is your unique gift in the marketplace it is your unique gift and your sphere of influence that God wants to use to bring glory and to bring light in that darkness see this is why once you put your faith in Jesus you can never say you're just anything like that vernacular has to go out the window whatever you do becomes your gift you can't make statements like well I'm just a schoolteacher no you're not just a schoolteacher you're actually God's representative in the classroom so the classroom can see what does Jesus look like when Jesus teaches a class you can't say well Robin I'm just a lawyer no you're not just a lawyer you are God's representative in the law field so the law field can see what does Jesus looked like when Jesus takes your case huh you are God's represents they were wrong but I'm just a bus driver no you're not just a bus driver you're God's representative in that bus driving field so the bus driver world can see what does Jesus look like when Jesus takes the wheel come on somebody some of you get that tomorrow what is your camel with Robin man oh I'm just a barista at Starbucks you are not just a barista at Starbucks you are God's representative at Starbucks so the coffee world can see what does Jesus look like when he serves a triple grande mocha frappuccino no whipped cream that is your gift yeah sure gift that is your get almost Angela hits everybody upside the head somebody saying Robert you ain't talking to me you ain't talking to me because I'm just a hairstylist girl you are not just a hairstylist you're God's representative in the hair salon so the hair salon can see what does Jesus look like when he puts weave in extensions and somebody's hair wherever you are that's your gift stir it up turn up y'all know I'm crazy I uh I want to help the note takers today I want to give you some questions you can ask yourself to identify your gift I think there's some gift identifying questions you can ask yourself number one what do you like to do what do you like to do our gifts are hidden within our passions what do you like to do what's the thing that makes your heart beat fast when you do it you say oh I was born to do this right here here's another question what would you do for free if it's truly your gift nobody can pay you to do it because you were created to do it see that's why I know a lot of people who make a lot of money but they wake up on their job frustrated because they settle for a paycheck instead of their passion see but when you do what you were created to do nobody can pay you to do it because you were created doing it is payment to do it in and of itself because you are put on the earth for that purpose furthermore if you can ever get anybody to pay you to do what you were created to do you will never work a day in your life because you were called to do it y'all recording this imma watch it later is blessing me you see I'm blessed I'm blessed I get to travel and preach for a living I get to make a living off of this but even if I wasn't able to this is what I would be doing this is not relegated to money I was created if there were no humans and I was in Australia by myself this is what I would be do I'd be talking to the Kangaroos saying hey get that stuff out of your pouch there's another level you get hot to come on y'all better come I made this this is what I was created to do would you do for free here's another question what is something that comes easy to you but more difficult to others easy to you but more difficult to us if it's truly your gifting there'll be a natural flow to it it doesn't mean you won't have to work on a dummy you will have to hone it don't mean you wanted to put hours in it but there should be a natural flow because you were created to do it I call it the Nemo effect come on if you take Nemo out of the water you will think it is the dumbest animal God has ever created you know Nemo the fish you take it out of the water it is just doing the Harlem shake you're like God you messed up with this one right here but you put Nemo back in the water you see the brilliance of Nemo because that is the environment that the fish was created to flow in do you know the environment that you were created to flow in I have a friend who's an encounter that we talk all the time and he goes me Robert I don't see how in the world you travel around the world stand on stages with a microphone and speak to people he said if that was me my knees would be knocking I'd be throwing up he's like I couldn't do it and I look at my friend who's an accountant I say man I don't see how in the world you stand a little cubicle looking at a spreadsheet trying to find $3.25 from 1997 if that was me I would be hanging from the ceiling fan loose in my mind but you know what he can do that and I can do this because that's his environment to flow and this is my environment to flow what is your environment to flow in there's another question what do other people see in you what do other people see sometimes people see things in us we don't even see in ourselves that's why I'm thankful for incredible pastors like your pastors we have godly vision to see what's inside of you and call giftings out of you I'm the byproduct of great leaders that did that when I was growing up in the church I didn't want to be a preacher I want to be an actor hurry I sound look like Denzel shut up may as well go acting I'm never doing dramas in church and and one day I was doing a drum and I shared a little devotion before our drama team got on stage and my youth pastor was eavesdropping on the devotion and he pulled me to the side I'll never forget it he said Robert you've got an incredible gift to articulate the Word of God I think God's gonna use you to preach the gospel at 13 I looked at him and said I'll know what you smoking I'm going to Hollywood to be an actor but he saw something in me at 13 that I didn't see in myself what do other people see in you oh here's another question what frustrates you what frustrates you sometimes your frustration can be an indication of where your true gifting is because you are anointed for what annoys you see a lot of people leave churches leave churches not even realizing they were called to correct the thing they were complaining about what frustration like if you walked into church not here at Trinity but if you walked into the church and like the first thing you know you're like oh ain't nobody smiling here where is the love look at their face they could have been greeted hello you're called to be on the green team if you went to an event everything was crazy and chaotic you're like ah this is chaos like they could have sent out an email seven weeks ago about this this could all know don't put the table over there we could have put the table over there if that's you you're OCD but you got the gift of administration come on you walked into service you know oh man what were they saying that no oh they could've transitioned here or they could've sang that song it hello you're supposed to be on the praise and worship team the rest of us didn't notice we just toned them we're just loving Jesus and singing off-key now if you notice something wrong with everything you just got a demon and it need to be delivered but sometimes your frustration can show you where your gifting is you know what frustrated me as a kid growing up in church Noah frustrated me boring preachers boring preacher I'd be in the back talking about God why you keep hiring boring people to speak for you it's making you look bad but instead of complaining about it I stepped into my gift and you can say a lot of things about my preacher but you can't say I'm boring okay if you fall asleep on me go see a doctor okay what is your gift now I can in the sermon right there stir up the gift see the gift we could call it a day but I have to warn you because the day you find out what your gift is the day you identify your gift hear me get ready for all hell to break loose in your life because if there's anybody the enemy hates if there's anybody's on the hit list of hell it's the person that knows their gift it's the person that knows what they were created to do you understand they did not crucify Jesus just because he claimed to be the Messiah you understand there were a lot of people before Jesus that stood up and said I am the Christ but they didn't do anything jesus said I am the Christ and started walking on water jesus said I am the Christ and took two fish and five loaves and multiplied it and made the first Red Lobster Jesus said I am the Christ and started healing blinded eyes and casting out demons and started flowing in his gift and with the time he was done they said oh he to Christ he is the one and then they go and we gotta kill him the enemy saying the same thing about you how can I destroy what's in you three points in four minutes huh you have a gift and there are three entities that are after your gift God wants your gift the enemy wants your gift and other people want your gift God wants your gift the enemy wants your gift and other people want your gift and all your life you will wrestle with these three entities that are after your gift God wants your gift because he's the one that put it in you and just like anybody would want to return on their investment how many know God wants a return on what he put inside of you the Bible says things like to whom much is given much is required that means God even gives giftings at different levels different levels that's why you should never be jealous of anybody in your life you don't know the hell they have to go through to carry that gift just be thankful to be who God called and created you to be God gives giftings on different levels different levels but God says when you bring your gift to me I will show you the environment that your gift was created to flow in the enemy wants your gift and here's how the enemy were rob me of your gift the enemy takes your gift watch this by getting you to use your gift for you for yourself all the enemy will ever tell you is do you do what you feel instead of bringing your gift back to the giver and into the house of God can you imagine what the church the body of Christ would look like if everyone it was using their gift for the glory of God if everybody brought their gift back to the giver can you imagine what the church would look like but the enemy whispers in our ears and says I'll just use your gift for you not in the house of God but your gift left to you will make you lose your mind you can't handle your gift lastly other people want your gift and this is where it gets tricky because God wanting my gift that's a good thing right enemy one of my gift that's a bad thing well come on a preschooler could tell us that but other people wanting your gift is that a good thing or that thing because other people want your gift gifts are attractive the only problem with other people getting your gift is whenever you connect with somebody with their gifts where there be friendship whether it be marriage whether it be a business partnership how do you know when you connect with that person you don't just get their gift you also get their dirt and people can handle your gift but not a lot of people can handle your turn okay I just lost everybody in the room okay you are so happy earlier weren't you like I got the gift I'm the head and not the tail but let's keep it real you got some dirt too come on you've got some stuff you don't want anybody to know about your dirt is your character you see my gift causes me to walk in great power but my dirt causes me problems and you know what most of us do who this is humanity you know most of us do we love to show our gifts and hide our dirt this how you meet most people just like this cuz we don't want anybody to see the real this hi everybody came into church today married couples oh god is good yes he is Kathy and I are so blessed to be here aren't we honey but in the car it was a different conversation if you say one more word to me I'm gonna slap you into next week but you came into church this is why dating is easier than marriage because in the dating process all you deal with is the gift but as soon as you say I do you wake up one morning going Enzo Oh what is this oh you'll just say this on the first date what is this no critical is what oh my goodness what is this oh my wedding ceremony I'd even say I do I just had a dirt i dirt I take all the dirt challenge is the gift and the dirt and hear me church if you're not careful you'll start approaching God the same way you approach people which is to show the best hide the mess and God cannot transform who you pretend to be you can only transform who you really are and you got to bring him your gift and your dirt somebody comes to play softly behind me because when soft music plays behind a preacher he sounds more spiritual one of the things I love about the Bible especially the Old Testament is a love that God gives us the whole story the good the bad and the ugly I'm glad God tells the whole story no Christians will fool you man people act like they're in the witness protection program they don't want to really tell their real story I love that God gives us the real story of people and we get to see their gift and their dirt people like David gifted Oh David was gifted what right up to the line say hold on man you ain't gonna talk about my god in front of everybody no no he cannot talk about my god I'll just wear my slingshot in about to knock him out mama said knock him out he gonna get knocked out today yeah I read that version heavier that's the NIV okay Negro International Version it's a different version David was so gifted that same David though was on a rooftop one day sent a text message to a lady named Bathsheba saw her taking a bath said hey girl saw you taking a bath you should come over tonight smiley face the king of Israel the man after God's own heart committed murder and adultery the dirt moses gifted walked right in the pharaoh's palace with his head held high kicked the door open they wrote cut the music off God said God said let my gut you know ya stuttering probably God said let my people we want to leave okay we sick of this we want to leave Moses was gifted the same Moses committed murder trying to accomplish the plan of God in his own strength come on will you go after person after person but have you ever looked at your own life seeing the gift seeing your dirt your kryptonite the thing that seeks to destroy what God has put in you and you know how most of us wrestle and struggle with the gift in the dirt you know how most of us struggle trying to handle it it's because we are trying to handle it see the whole time I've been preaching I've been trying to hold this gift in hold this dirt and hold this microphone in my hand I've been struggling and it's really a picture of so many of our lives because you're trying to handle your gift and you're trying to handle your dirt and you were never meant to handle it you got to take your give and take your dirt and get it out of your hands and put it in the hands of the God that formed you put in the hands of the God that created you put in the hands of the God that spoke the world and to existence when you get it out of your hands that's when you can worship like never before that's when God can bring you real freedom when it's out of your hands in the hands of God here today church life is predicated upon whose hands you put something in come on if you put a basketball my hands is worth about $20 you put that same basketball in the hands of Steph Curry you got an automatic shot and an NBA championship because it all depends on whose hands you put something in come on if you take a tennis racket and you put it my hands I'm going to swat a fly but that same tennis racket in the heads of Venus or Serena Williams is a Wimbledon championship because it all depends on whose hands you put something in if you take some instruments and put it in my hands you will run out of this room and cover up your ears but the same instruments in their hands because they give glory and honor and praise to your God whose hands you're gonna put it in come on the slingshot in my hands can't do anything but in David's hands it defeated a giant so the people of God got the victory come on that hammer and some nails in my hands can't do anything at all but hammers and nails and the hands of Jesus gave us salvation gave us deliverance gave us peace gave us short come on somebody give God some praise in this place today
Channel: Trinity Church Miami
Views: 53,590
Rating: 4.84689 out of 5
Id: CB-pf84td3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 0sec (2520 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 19 2016
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