Robert Madu

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you are where our health comes from Jesus your presence is more than enough your presence is more than [Music] everything [Music] up to you I love you give me this to see things like you to God I love to you you're helpless wrong give me were strong you know just what to do [Music] give us you know [Music] your prayer 2018 here's our vision he is our wisdom [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on if you love him can you just lift your hands [Music] come on just declared he rains in this place [Music] come on where you stand to your feet and sing that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] heat up range of he put all enemies under his feet a man Jesus rules and reigns I won't ever understand and I want us to welcome the gift of God the Bible says pay tribute to whom tribute is due and it is a good thing to honor those in the ministry that come to minister to us and be a blessing and I want us to love on our evangelist Robert Madhu as he comes to share amen hallelujah come on if you love Jesus you're not ashamed about it won't you give him a big priest tonight hallelujah our God reigns you may be seated in the presence of the Lord how many since God's presence already in here tonight and awesome I don't know what you came to do but I came to lift up the name of Jesus it's such a honor such a privilege see you back in the house of God on a Sunday night how many know you really came to give the devil a nervous breakdown if you come to church on a Sunday night and man I got great expectations for God it's gonna do I don't want to say that I said it but I did say come on it was gonna be a great day in the house of God and your Jaguars we're gonna win talk about the power of an introduction man they came out the gates ready to play and man I just sense God's gonna do something awesome in here tonight I want to thank God again for your pastor for his amazing wife for who they are I just don't ever take it lightly that a pastor would allow me to come stand in his pulpit him declare the Word of God and I pray you never take for granted the gift that God has given you we live in a culture where often leaders are tolerated and not celebrated but I pray that you always always celebrate the gift God has given you in Pastor Gary and his wife come on can we love on them just one more time let them know how much we're appreciative of who they are a man we don't have a good time in here tonight can I jump straight to the word come on if you got a Bible go with me tonight to second Timothy chapter one second Timothy chapter one I want to illuminate for our understanding verses 1 through 7 and it will also look at Genesis chapter 2 verse number 7 2nd Timothy 1 1 through 7 and then Genesis chapter 2 verse number 7 I don't need to tell you this because you're the Sunday night crowd but you do know I am a hollow back preacher okay so if anything I say tonight is resonating with you you can say a man you can say preach that you could grunt you could do anything but be quiet cuz how many know a quiet church is a dead church come on you're not dead you're alive in Christ second Timothy chapter 1 starting at verse number 1 when you're ready to read it say yeah if you need some time say hold up awesome it says Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus 2 Timothy a beloved son grace mercy and peace from God the Father and in Christ Jesus our Lord I thank God whom I serve with the pure conscience as my forefathers did as without ceasing I remember you in my prayers night and day greatly desiring to see you being mindful of your tears that I may be filled with joy when I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and I am persuaded is in you also therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands for God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind can you say a man come on that is good stuff I don't do drugs out description that is its to help Genesis Genesis chapter 2 verse number 7 and just one passage of Scripture out of Genesis and it declares God formed man out of dirt from the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life the man came alive a living soul can you say man I want to preach to you tonight using this as a subject it's in you it's in you if you don't get anything else in 2018 I hope you get a revelation daddy it's in you in fact just help me preach and set the atmosphere look at your neighbor get in their face get in their personal space and just say neighbor come on don't be afraid to talk to your neighbor in church come on say neighbor everything you need to do what God's called you to do it's in you okay come on just in case that neighbor was stuck up find you another neighbor come on find another neighbor come on say other neighbor you're my second option but I want you to know everything you need to do what God's called you to do it's in you come on somebody with faith to believe it would you give God some praise in here tonight I feel like preaching come on let's pray father thank you for your word God I'm cognizant of the fact that the grass withers the flower fades but your word shall stand forever Holy Spirit speak to us tonight give us our marching orders for this year open up our eyes to see what it is you want to do in US and through us in Jesus matchless name we pray somebody said hey man it's in you how many would say tonight just by a showing of hands that you were raised in church can I see your hand if you were raised in church oh wow that's almost everybody hold on keep it lifted raised in church I just need to see who needs the counseling with you and I'll let you know that I too was raised in church and if you lifted up your hand and you are acutely aware of the fact that the life of a church kid is distinctly different than the life of a regular kid oh come on somebody there are trials and tribulations and situations that you go through as a church kid that other kids aren't even aware of okay I know this - well because growing up in our household we had to be in church everyday the doors were open had to be in church it was not a democracy it was a dictatorship okay had to be in church I'm so glad my father is here cuz he can corroborate this I vividly remember growing up in my household and every day the doors were open we had to be in church and one Sunday I got a little bold I got a little brave and I told my father I told my father I told my father I told my Nigerian father said I'm not going this Sunday I don't feel like it I told my Nigerian father that and do you know what my Nigerian father said to me he said let me tell you something boy no no no let me tell you something okay you have two options huh you can get down to bed bed and go to church or I can kill you and we will go to church and have your funeral but either way you are being Church because as for me and my house we will serve the Lord that Evangel is a true stores were different in our house dinners were different in the house because you could not eat your food you could not touch your meal without my momma hitting you with this question what's your favorite scripture before you can eat your food you had to give a scripture before you can touch the plate give a scripture I'm telling you you don't know hunger until your mind is racing through the Bible just trying to find a scripture so you can eat your food I remember one dinner just being so exasperated with my momma I looked at her and said jesus wept give me the chicken why are you playing with people's food but that is that is the environment that I grew up in and to be honest Evangel temple I'm thankful that's the environment that I grew up in tonight I just kind of want to invert the question that my mom asked at the dinner table and not ask you tonight what your favorite scripture is but ask you have you ever considered what your least favorite scripture is because I know mine we read it tonight it is in Genesis chapter 2 verse number 7 the Bible declares that God created man from the very dirt of the earth just let that scripture bless you for a moment thing if you are ever tempted to be saved and stuck up or to be anointed and arrogant and kind of think you all that it would behoove you to do a Bible study on Genesis chapter 2 verse number 7 because the Bible is clear that we did not all come from some celestial amazing substance but every single one of us in here tonight came from nothing but turn just just get all turnt irrespective of your social status your economic status how good you think you look you see hallelujah came from nothing but dirt I want to do exercise just real quick just to help your self-esteem would you do me a favor tonight would you look at the person to your left look at them real good look at the person to your right look at them real good huh look at the person behind you mm-hmm look at the person in front of you watch this you may think you have nothing in common with the person you looked at you're wrong every single person you looked at according to the Word of God is a dirt bag yes yes I'm not trying to offend you I'm just being biblical because the Bible is clear that we came from nothing but dirt and it's funny it is funny to me to think about all the things that we do for our dirt like you got up this morning and you washed your dirt you put some deodorant I hope you put some deodorant on here all the things that we do for our dirt ladies the money you spend on your dirt you get your dirt manicured you get your dirt pedicure Mary Kay and Mac make up all on your dirt the things that we do for our dirt there are people in this room who have the nerve and audacity to take their smart devices turn it up in the air flip the camera and take about 83 pictures because you know the first one you pose is not the first one you took and they'll take about 83 pictures and put a picture on Instagram or Facebook or Twitter talk about hashtag selfie No hashtag dirty because you came from nothing put my mics nothing but dirt dirt okay I'm gonna give you a visual I'm gonna give you a visual and help you real good tonight this this is you help me you know we did not mess up the Evangel temple budget tonight getting this dirt okay about a dollar and 99 cents this is where we came from and I took issue with the fact that we came from dirt because dirt hear me has never had a positive connotation in society come on we say things like you better watch your mouth you got a dirty mouth even when you want to talk about the frugal T of somebody's spending habits you will say man you are as cheap as dirt and that is where we came from it becomes further problematic when you just oppose coming from dirt with the greatness of our God because how many know we serve an awesome God come on we serve a magnificent God we serve a god that does everything with a beauty that does everything with splendor come on have you seen a sunset you've seen the handiwork of our God if you've seen the stars as they shine in the darkness you have seen the craftsmanship and the workmanship of our God you do know he's the interior designer of heavens he did the streets in gold he did the gates in pearl but when he got ready to create you and I his prized possession the one he said his only Son to die on a cross for of all the things he could have used he said let's use turn I was so mad I said hold on God streets and heaven get gold but we get dirt that's messed up then God started speaking to me he said Robert don't get man giggling and he started revealing to me the revelation that is encapsulated within the creation process because here Evangel since the beginning of time God has been trying to teach us something about who he is and what he can work with and you want to praise God tonight because you serve a God who is holy but he's not afraid to work with things that are dirty oh come on you serve a God who is awesome but yet he works with things that are awful you serve a God who is magnificent but he works with things that are ordinary and mundane and I want to pause and thank God that in a culture where everybody says get that dirty thing away from me get that messed up person away from me gosh there's no bring me that turn bring me that person you think can't be used I will put my hands on that dirt I will shake that dirt and become a living soul come on is there anybody that's thankful that God can work with stuck up you can't praise God for that but some of you who know you got some issues and your issues got issues you better just take a praise break and thank God he let me perfect pristine pictures perfect people to get the glory out of their life but he can work with dirt only God can take a great mess and turn it into greatness because he's got the power to work with dirty situations how dare you say this year that God can't use you because since the beginning of time he's been showing us that he works with dirt oh I feel like preaching but let me calm down a little bit of y'all good I think it's also imperative to note I think it's also imperative to note tonight that dirt is the only environment hear me that is canoe Yussef for a seed cannot put a seed in a diamond you cannot put a seed in gold you cannot put a seed in a pearl I don't care how giant the oak tree or how nutritious the vegetation or how beautiful the flower if the gardener never takes the time to put the seed in dirt it will never reach its optimum potential and I want to submit to you that although you came from dirt there is a seed on the inside of you and that seed is a gift before the foundation of the earth God put a gift down on the inside of you and this is your year this is your season to see what he put in you so you can do what he's called you to do maybe that's why the Bible says maybe that's why the Bible says we have this treasure in earthen vessels that it is Christ in us that is the hope of glory I feel like preaching but let me calm down let me calm down and just just be an exegetical engineer who effectively and efficiently excavates in extrapolates the complexities hidden within the crevices of a biblical composition ghetto translation I just want to break this text down a little bit if I can I love the text that we read tonight because it is the Apostle Paul it is the Apostle Paul and he is writing to his spiritual son Timothy and he's letting him know about the need to be a steward of the gift that God has put in you and I love that Paul is writing this to Timothy because who else but Paul is qualified to tell somebody to stir up the gift of God on the inside of him who you do know that the Apostle Paul was absolutely off the chain if there is anybody that is qualified and deputized to tell you to stir it up it is the Apostle Paul you understand that most of the New Testament we have today was written by the hand of the Apostle Paul Paul was a beast to say the least if Paul was alive today and had the technology we had you would be given a text or a tweet or an email from Paul that would revolutionize your life this is the Apostle Paul this is the man that would send a letter and revival would break out in the city Paul was off the chain that's why everywhere he went they tried to shut him down because this man knew how to stir up what God put on the inside of him Paul was so effective everywhere he went people trying to stop him but they couldn't stop him because he kepp use it what God put in them they said Paul we gonna kill you he said that's cool cuz the dyers game they said okay then Paul we're gonna let you live he said that's cool too because to live is Christ they said okay then Paul we gonna make you suffer he said that's cool too because my body reckoned at the present sufferings of this world I'm not worthy to be compared to the glory of God that's gonna be revealed on the inside of me Paul was off the chain he knew how to take a licking and keep on ticking the Apostle Paul's gets the right to a spiritual son to everything he says Timothy whatever you do stir up the gift of God that is only inside of you and I love what Paul's writing but even more than that I love the context from which Paul is writing this letter from Jeff understand that second Timothy scholars and theologians are unanimous in their declaration the second Timothy is the last thing that the Apostle Paul wrote is the last thing that he wrote so whenever you read 2nd Timothy you are literally he's dropping into the psychology of a man who knows that he is about to die he is on death row at this Junction in his life he knows that a period is going to be placed on his apostolic career why is that important it's important because there's something about a consciousness of death that will clarify what's really important in your life oh come on somebody if I told you tonight if I told you tonight that you only had 24 hours to live how many no getting you some chicken and seeing a movie would not be that important to you come on you would want everything that you did to carry great weight and significance because you would know that you are running out of time so I find it intriguing of all the things Paul could have written about in the last moments of his life he feels the need to tell Timothy Timothy whatever you do stir up the gift of God inside of you he's telling somebody whatever you do stir up what's in you well I'll be honest with you tonight Evangel temple I love you I love you I feel like we're family you've been so economy but I'm gonna be honest if I'm on death row and they're about to kill me the last thing I'm gonna do is write you a letter to tell you to stir up the gift of God on the inside of your not to kill me I'm writing one letter don't kill me but not the Apostle Paul he says Timothy whatever you do stir up what God has put on the inside of you why would Paul do that because ultimately that is all the life is about what did you do with what God put in you what did you do with what he put in you do you understand when you get to heaven God's not gonna ask you did you jump up and down on your favorite praise and worship song he's not gonna ask you were you a democrat or republican he's not gonna ask you did you speak in more tongues than the United Nations he's not gonna want to know any of that all he's gonna want to know is what did you do with the gift what did you do with the dream what did you do with the seed that I put on the inside of you are you exhaling what I inhaled inside of you before the foundation of the earth I'll be honest with you tonight I'll be honest I'm scared of a couple of things I'm scared of heights it scared of heights this is already a lot for me I'm scared of heights you will never catch this chocolate brother bungee jumping or skydiving no you will not catch me doing it how many think it's biblical come on God said lo I am with you oh I know it's cheesy but with me ups scared of heights I'm scared of dogs it's good I'll even have a dog scared of dogs had a bad childhood experience I'm scared of snakes scared of snakes don't do snakes but above dogs and Heights and snakes man do you know what I'm really afraid of I'm afraid that when I get to heaven God will flash up on a screen all the things that I did for him and then he'll flash up on another screen all the things that I could have done with what he put in me and what I did will dim in comparison to what I could have done this is what wakes me up every morning to know there is a gift that is only inside of me there was a gift that is only inside of you and I'm wondering have you taken the time to know what it is and stir up what God has put in you I love what one writer says he says the tragedy of life is not death but rather what we let die inside of us while we're still alive another writer says that the wealthiest place on earth is the cemetery because buried in the cemetery are dreams that never became a reality buried in the cemetery are books that were never written songs that were never song because the person never stirred up what God put on the inside of them but God sent me from Dallas Texas to tell you this is your year to stir up everything that God put on the inside of you come on somebody with faith just shout stir it up come on somebody say stir it up stir it up stir up what God has put on the inside of you if you go to are y'all bored yet okay if you go to my parents house in Dallas and you go to the backyard what are you gonna see there is a peach tree it's a peach tree and the way that peach tree got there is when I was a kid I loved peaches Lois Peters still love peaches today and I remember being a kid eating this peach and being the precocious kid that I was I went to my father and I said dad what is this a down to the seat I said dad what is this my dad said son that's the sea actually let's be honest I told you he's not Geryon so he actually said son that is deceit I said I said really he said yes he said son did you know that if you take that seed and you plant it in the ground a peach tree will come on I said nah daddy he said son it is true so true story the next day I go to school and I'm so excited about having my own peach tree I mean I am elated about this peach tree I'm going to school I'm saying I'm having a peach tree I'm having a peach tree I'll tell us all my friends are like you can ask some my peaches y'all were talking about me you can't have none of my peaches I mean I'm so excited about this picture right after we plant it after we plant it the next day the next day I go outside to give my peaches to my shocked there is no peach tree I said okay maybe you need it today next day no peach tree next day no peach tree next day no peach tree Bob the eighth day I don't even want to go outside anymore I am inside the house my nose is pressed up against the windowpane one tear is slowly cascading down my face I wish I had a violin this was sad because I don't have my peach tree my father walks in sees me crying and says son what is wrong with you why you crying I said don't talk to me you liar don't talk to me you ain't nothing but a liar side note if your father's African don't call him a liar okay discipline is high on their priority okay are you calling me a liar are you calling your father a lot where's my spear boy I brought you in this world [Applause] [Music] no peach tree i dancin come here boy I'll never forget it took me to the backyard while we planned it where we planted in he didn't ask me a critical question he said son have you done anything with this since we planted it no he said son listen to me every day you come home from school go and get the water hose and water what we planted stop crying like a little baby and go and get the water hose and you water what we plant it I hope somebody sees where I'm going with this tonight because there are so many believers who have their nose pressed up against the windowpane of their life and you think your heavenly father lied about what he was gonna do in you and through you but gon say no I didn't lie I've just been waiting on you to do something and stir up the gift of God that it's on the inside of you come on somebody I came to tell you this year you ain't waiting on God God is waiting on you just stir up what he put on the inside of you oh come on somebody say stir it up stir it up oh I'm so glad that the Apostle Paul told Timothy to stir up the gift of God that was in him because when he said that he was actually giving us profound theological truth that whenever God puts a gift on the inside of you the responsibility is not just on God but you have a responsibility as well to stir up the gift of God that is in you it is the cohesive collaboration between God and man that causes his purpose to come forth in the earth you got to do something and stir it up somebody say stir it up what are you waiting for this is your year to stir it up if you're gonna go back to school go back to school if you're gonna write the book write the book if you're gonna start the business start the business books stir it up and do something see I think a lot of us think when we get to heaven that Jesus gonna say well thought my good and faithful servant well dreamed to my good and faithful servant well hashtagged my good and v no well done that means you got to do something some of us you just gonna say well because you never took the time to stir up what God put on the inside of you somebody say stir it up oh come on say stir it up say like you got power say stir it up pastor didn't even know but before I even got up on stage the first thing you said to me as I was walking up he said stir it up somebody say stir it up Oh stir up a sphere stir pass worry stir passed down stir pass insecurity stir past anxiety stir past the pain of your past come on start past what other people think about you and what they said about you somebody needs to stir pass what happened last year come on this is a brand new year somebody say stir it up oh and what you begin to stir it up you'll begin to see wait a minute there is there is a gift on the inside of me is none of you knew that was in there except for me you know why cuz I'm the one that put it in there see that's why I get excited when haters and naysayers come in my life and they say things like well I don't see you doing that no I don't see that happening in your life of course you don't see it you didn't put anything in me but there was a God that put something down on the inside of me put on the inside of me come on if you know something's in you would you give God 10 seconds of your best please hallelujah stone up stone up throwing up this year stalling up every dream every gift every purpose torn up there's a gift there is a gift down on the inside of you I don't care if you can't see it you can't see it cuz you haven't started it started up you got something God has given you to do something he is uniquely called and created you to do and until you stir it up you'll never see it there it's a gift end you can I tell you just as sure as I'm holding this gift in my hand every single person in this room every single person in this section every single person in this sanctuary has a gift not a single person has a gift ever something God has given you and I wonder have you figured it out yet what is your gift that this is the greatest day of your life the day you realize what God has put on the inside of you this is your real birthday right here the day you realize what he put in you in fact there's an old African proverb it says there's two important days in your life not the day you're born and the day you die but rather the day you're born and the day you find out why you were born what is your gift you have something God has given you to do what he's called you to do and I wonder have you figured it out yet come on can spend all night tonight talking about the gifts that are in this room we got gifted business leaders in here we got gifted teachers and doctors and lawyers and construction workers and artists all kinds of gifts in this room there are gifts that made this night possible come on how many you're thankful for your worship team come on there just let us into the presence of God that is their gift and I believe even some greater singers are sitting right out there you've never taken a step to stir up your gift and sing and put the song that God put in you just some of you now some of you not everybody hey man not everybody it's not your gift you need a lip sync for Jesus but but you got something you got something in mind to be able to see what you have again some people your personality is a gift just your personality you ever meet somebody that come around you're like oh I don't know what it is about friends but I feel better when Fred comes along that is a gift you've got something stay right here until this message hit you right in the face do you know what your gift is have you figured it out come on some of your gift could just be your smile come on that is a gift come on you don't see what I see from this stage I preached in churches all the time and there's some people whose face do not look like they love Jesus I think churches will grow exponentially if some people would just smile when they're coming to sanctuary instead of looking like you constipated been sucking on lemons on tax just this is your year to identify your gift and use it in the kingdom of God let me explain oh I feel like preacher tonight here's why here's why so many people don't think they have a gift it's not many people that don't think they have gift part of the problem forgive us is on the church because the church does a great job watch this and highlighting stage gifts stage gifts people can't preach like Pastor Gary I can't sing like that so maybe I don't have it is your gift in the marketplace your gift of your unique calling that I believe God wants to use in these last days to bring in the revival that we've been waiting for come on the preacher you've been waiting for is you you gonna preach the best sermon with your life and you gotta find out what your gift is what is your gift okay I told you I was give me some application tonight no my help don't you who love notes okay I'm gonna give you four questions you can ask yourself to find out what your gift is these are gift identifying questions to find out what is your gift because you have a gift number one what is your passion what is your passion often our gifts are hidden within our passions what is the thing that when you do it it brings a smile to your face that when you do it there's something on the inside of you that says ah I was born to do this right here you do know there's a difference between a career and a calling a career is what you get paid to do a calling is the thing you were made to do that's the thing when you do it you say I was put on the earth to do this right here what are you passionate about your passions are indicators of where your gift is what is the thing that brings you joy to your heart or the thing that breaks your heart so many ministries have been started from people who see things that just completely break their heart orphans kids starving and that that intense feeling they get this is this should not be this way pushes them towards their purpose because God put that in you because you've been called to correct it what is your passion what is your passion number two here's another question what would you do for free what would you do for free if nobody paid you to do it what would you do for free I'm blessed I'm incredibly blessed that I get to travel for a living and I get to make a living from this but how many know if I wasn't able to make a living from preaching I would still be preaching this is what I was created to do I was born to do this right here I'm telling you if I was in Australia it was nothing but kangaroos I would still be preaching I say hey get that stuff out of your pouch it does another level you can hop to come on so what I was created to do what would you do for free if nobody paid you to do it I know people who make a lot of money on their job but they actually bill to the job frustrated because they settled for a paycheck instead of their god-given passion but if you do the thing that you are created to do you will never work a day in your life cuz nobody can pay you to do what you were created to do what would you do for free why'd you do for free here's another question what do other people see in you what do other people see in you I think the role of a godly leader a leader with vision is to see what God put in you before you even see it yourself what do other people see us often people see things in us we don't see in ourselves I remember growing up in church I told you I was a church kid and I never wanted to be a preacher growing up as a kid never wanted to be a preacher I actually believe it or not to be an actor wannabe actor okay I figured I'd look like Denzel shut up so I want to be an actor and I was always saying I'm gonna be actor I'm gonna be an actor and so I would grow up in church and I'll be doing human videos and drama and and I'd never forgive one Sunday and getting ready to go on stage with our drama group and I'm sharing a devotion with our drama group before we go on stage and my youth pastor overheard me sharing the devotion and after the drama pulled me over to the side and said Robert you have got an incredible gift to articulate the Word of God I think God's gonna use you to preach and I said I don't know what you smoked and I'm going to Hollywood yes to be an actor but he saw something in me at 13 that I don't even see in myself what do other people see in you often that is an indication of what your gifting is this helping anybody get here tonight number four here's another question who does know bless somebody what frustrates you what frustrates you your frustration is often an indication of where your true gifting is I'm gonna say that again your frustration can often be an indication of where your true gifting is because often you are anointed for what annoys you you are anointed for what annoys you so maybe people don't even realize they come into churches sometimes and get frustrated over something that God sent you there to be an answer to frustration is an indication of where your cheating is I'll tell people all the time like if you walked in a service and you knows all why would they sing that's all they could have sang this song they could have been in this note or that no they could a transition to hello you might be called to be on the praise and worship team the rest of us we didn't notice we just tone deaf we're just singing and heaven gets huh what frustrates you if you walked in and you're like oh man why don't anybody smile when I came in thinking I didn't feel the love when I came in don't leave hello you might be called to be on the hospitality team come on where is your gifting it where is your gifting it if you walked in an event you're like oh this is chaos what in the world is going on they could have seven letters or emails about this six weeks ago don't put the tent over there you can put a hypnotist hello you're OCD No know you've got a gift for administration you've got to get for administration what is your gift now if you notice something wrong with everything they're always complaining well you just got a demon you need to be delivered but I'm saying oftentimes your frustration is an indication of something God has put in you to stir up do you remember what used to frustrate me can I tell you we used to first week a little bit you mean what else can I tell you what used to frustrate me as a kid growing up in church you know I used to frustrate me boring preachers that's what you see fresh every boring preach I used to be in the back going God why do you keep getting boring people to speak for you this is making you look bad was a frustration you can say a lot of stuff about my preacher but you cannot say I'm boring hello if you sleep on me please go see a doctor tomorrow why what frustrates you your frustration is an indication of where your true gifting is okay now I could land the sermon right there stir up the gift see your gift and let's call it a day however I can't in the sermon there without warning you that the day you identify what your gift is get ready for all hell to break loose in your life see laughs get ready for everything in your life to be turned upside down because if there's anybody that is on the hit list of Hell it is somebody that knows what they were gifted and called and created to do come on somebody somebody knows what I'm talking about he hates somebody who knows what they were gift-getting called to do you understand that's why they crucified Jesus not because he claimed to be the Messiah but because he was gifted and he flowed and his calling you understand there was a lot of people before Jesus that stood up and said I'm the Christ I'm the Christ but they didn't do anything jesus said I'm the Christ and started walking on water he said I'm the Christ and started calming hurricanes he said I am the Christ I started casting out demons he said I am the Christ I started healing blinded eyes and hid of lame people he said I am the Christ and started taking two fish and five loaves and multiplying and making the first Red Lobster he said I am the Christ and people started cutting holes and ruse and dropping people in his presence cuz he knew he would make them get up again and when he'd finished working his gift they said oh he's the Christ he is the Christ and then they said and we got a killer the enemy's saying the same thing about you he's going how can I destroy what God has put on the inside of you the enemy is after your gift it's matter of fact every single person in this room has a gift but there are actually three entities that are after your gift every person has a gift and there are three entities that will always be after your gift God wants your gift the enemy wants your gift and other people want your gift and all your life you will wrestle with these three entities that are all after the gift God has given you God wants your gift the enemy wants your gift and other people want your gift God wants your gifts because he's the one that put it in you and just like anybody wants a return on their investment how many know God wants a return on what he put in your life but here's what I love about God he put the gift in you knowing everything about you knowing your ability to handle your gift okay can I just teach for a moment here how many know the Bible says things like to whom much is given much is much is required that means that God even gives giftings on different levels different levels you should never be jealous or hate on anybody in your life you don't know what they have to go through to carry the gift that they have just open up your eyes to see what you have and be happy to have your gift and use your gift to its optimum potential God give giftings on different levels he gives you your gifting knowing your ability to handle the gift he's given you I have a friend of mine and he's an accountant he's an accountant we talk all the time and he's amazing man of God and he always says to me he's like Robert I don't see how you do what you do I don't see how in the world you go around the world standing on stages preaching the thousands of people he said if that was me oh my knees would be knocking my hands would be sweating I would throw up I don't see how you do it and I look at him and say man I don't see how in the world you stay in a cubicle trying to find $3.25 from 1997 if that was me I would be hanging by the ceiling fan losing ha ha ha but guess what he was gifted to do that and I was gifted to do this there's a gift and an environment you were created to flow in I love what I love what Albert Einstein said Albert Einstein said this he said everybody is a genius everybody is a genius but if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree it will grow up his whole life believing it's stupid you have an environment in which you were created to flow in and 2018 is your year to say gosh show me where my gifting is so I can flow and what you were creating me to do God wants your gift number two the enemy wants your gift the enemy wants your gift and here's how the enemy will rob you of your gift the enemy doesn't steal your gift by getting you to walk around looking evil wearing all black and talking like this no here's how the enemy will rob you of your gift the enemy will get you to use your gift just for you all the enemy will ever tell you is do you just use your gift for you don't give your gift back to the giver or use it in the kingdom of God the enemy will just tell you to use your gift for you it is a trick of the enemy to get you to selfishly use your gift for you and not give it back to the giver who is God can you imagine what Evangel would look like if every single person in here was flowing at the optimum level of their gift doing what God had created them to do was a trick of the enemy that says no just use your gift for you instead of in the kingdom of God but the problem with using your gift for you is you cannot handle your gift come on your gift left to you how many know will make you lose your mind you can cut on the TV and see people who are incredibly gifted but their gift has become a burden because they never took the time to give it back to the giver and say God take this gift take my creativity and use it for your kingdom and for your purpose number three other people want your gift other people want your gift now this is where it gets tricky because God's wanting my gift that's a good thing right the enemy wanted my gift that's a bad thing but other people wanted my gift is that a good thing or a bad thing because other people want your gift gifts are attractive the only problem with connecting with people based on their gift whether it be friendship relationship business partnership marriage only problem with that is how many know when you meet that person you do not just get their gift you also get their dirt and people can handle your gift but not a whole lot of people can handle your dirt okay I feel like I just lost everybody in the room okay you were so excited earlier you're like wow I got a gift this is my year but can we be honest you got some dirt too oh come on this is the thing you don't want anybody to know about everybody has a gift but everybody has some dirt something that you are working on something that annoys you some be your kryptonite everybody has some dirt and do you know what most people do humans are perfectionist we love to do this we love to show our gift and hide our dirt this is how you mean most people alive just like this this is how most people post on social media cuz we don't want anybody to see the real us we don't want anybody to see our dirt we like to show the best but hide the mess we don't want any body to see our dirt come on some of you did it tonight you came into church with your amazing spouse and somebody said how are you you said we're blessed yes we are god is good all the time but in the car it was a different conversation if you say one more word to me I'm gonna slap you in the next one this is the challenge of life is how do you handle your gift and your dark this is why let's just think vane this is why dating is easier than marriage because in the dating process all you see is the but when you get married you wake up one morning and you look and you say what in the world is on oh you just say this on the first page your credit score is what I'm telling you I'm telling you my wouldn't ceremony I don't even say I do I just said i dirt I'm dirt I'll take all the dirt hope you're gonna take mine too challenge is how do you balance the dichotomy how do you balance the incongruence of your gift and your dirt and that's the worship team to join me but I think the challenge of life is how in the world did you handle the gift God has given you and the dirt that seeks to destroy you the gift and the dirt is anybody who ever looked at an area of your life and said god I see this and I know you can use this but I got this dirt I'm trying to figure out how in the world can you use me when I got the dirt it's a matter of fact one of the reasons I love reading the Bible especially the whole Testament I love that the Bible keeps it so real especially in the Old Testament oh I'm glad that God gives us the whole story the good the bad and the ugly oh because you can lose your mind dealing with church people because church people often like to act like they're in the witness protection program oh yeah you don't tell your real testimony I'm so glad that God let us see with the candid lens people in the Bible who were incredibly gifted people who had some dirt people like David David who was gifted I mean walk right up to Goliath and said hey you ain't gonna talk about my god in front of everybody no I don't be quiet where's my slingshot I'm not to knock you out mama said knock you out you're gonna get knocked out today get us that NIV version that we were talking about earlier David was so gifted he was a worshipper and a warrior the same David one day was on a rooftop saw this lady named Bathsheba sent her a text message said hey I saw you taking a bath you should come over tonight smiley face and the king of Israel committed murder and adultery the dirt moses gifted walked right in the pharaoh's palace kicked the door open they cut the music off God said let my people let my people you know a stutter we want to leave okay we want to leave sick of this so gifted it's same Moses committed murder trying to accomplish the plan of God in his own life in its own strength come on I could give you person after person not a biblical antiquity but how many know you don't have to look at the Bible you can look at your own life and see the gift and see the dark and go Lord how in the world can I handle this and hear me do you know why a lot of us struggle to handle our gift in our dirt do you know why so many of us in this room are struggling to handle it hear me it's because we are trying to handle it we're trying to handle it see the whole time I've been preaching I've been trying to hold this gift and hold this dirt and hold this microphone and I've been struggling to keep it all in my hands and it is a picture of so many of our lives we're trying to handle the gift and handle the dirt and God said no you were never supposed to handle it true surrender is when you take your gift and you take your turn and you get it out of your hands and you put it in the hands of the God that formed you you put it in the hands of the God that loves you you put it in the hands of the God that created you you say God take my gift take my turn to take my stranger take insecurity and use it for your glory use it for your purpose oh you gotta get it out of your hands come on somebody if you'll get it out of your hands that's when you can worship in spirit and in truth when you get it out of your hand that's when freedom will break forth in your life oh come on somebody give God some grace tonight take your gift this year and you take your dirt and you say god I'm tired of trying to handle it I'm tired of trying to control it but I put it in your hands that's when God can get the glory out of your life this is not your year to handle it this is your year to say God I'm gonna put it in your hands I put this marriage in your hands I put this business in your hands I put these children in your hands you take it out of your hands and put it in God's hands that's what a shift occurs in your life every tonight life is predicated upon whose hands you put something in come on whose hands you put something in makes all the difference you don't believe me a basketball and my hands is worth about $20 you put that same basketball in the hands of LeBron James it's worth 300 million dollars because it all depends on whose hands you put something in come on if you take a tennis racquet and you put it in my hands I'm gonna swap a mosquito but that same tennis racket and the heads of Venus or Serena Williams come on we'll give you a Wimbledon championship because it all depends on whose hands you put something in come on if you take black and white piano keys and you put it in my hands you will run out of this sanctuary but the same black and white piano keys in his hands it's give it a worship I'll be an honor and praise to the king of kings and the Lord of lords come on this is your year to shift oh come on if you take a hammer and some nails [Music] birdhouse but the same hammer the same come on [Music] you put it in his hands this year that's when God will do exceedingly abundantly above all that you may ask or think you say God I'm gonna put my gift and put my dirt in your heads come on all over this sanctuary can you stand to your feet come on just begin to lift up your hands and I want you to just begin to open up your mouth [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so we we are you thank you Jesus [Music] somebody so awesome nobody like you Jesus come on he's a great guy he deserves great praise [Music] come on just a voice at the Clarion come on you swingers [Music] [Music] this is your year this is your year to say god I'm gonna give you my gift we'll give you my dirt now I put it in your hands if you're struggling to handle it is because you're trying to handle it you put it in God's hands that's the shift that will occur in your life son let's go we've seen the song he's got the whole world in his hands have you know he's got your world in his hands he's got your year in his hands just think I said God take my gift take my turn and use it for your purpose of your glory how many believed if some things God wants to stir up on the inside of you this year come on come on here's what I want to do I want everybody if you truly say this is the year I want you to stir favorite gift everything that's on the inside of me I just want you to get out of your seat and come to this altar it just come find a place I believe God's gonna stir up some things I believe God stirred up dreams that have died and some of you and you said no you know what it is I'm too old to this I'm too that I'm too whatever no this is your year stir it up stir it up stir it up you've got something God wants to use if you can't see it you gotta stir it you gotta stir it Hollywood just get as close to salt as you can I'm just gonna ask the worship team just the leaders are just a flowing I'm going to ask the pastors and some of the prayer team we're just gonna go through I'm just gonna begin to lay hands and pray that everything that's on the inside of you would be stirred up that this is your year come on it's not time for you to sit back go sit out a sit down come on this is your time to step into the totality of what God has for you so come on you just begin to lift up your hands even right now on expectation and just begin to worship as the worship team leads us I'm just gonna come through and begin to lay hands that the gift of God the gift of God will be stirred up on the inside of you [Music] [Applause] this is your gear this is your here stir it up start up start up start up start up [Music] fresh touch fresh touch up your presence Jesus stir it up Jesus stir it up stir it up till what never the same children never the same come on if you got a prayer language just begun to pray in that prayer language come on some of you gonna be revealed something I'll begin to be revealed [Music] [Music] rush whiz [Music] [Music] stern up to tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we saw Luis boys [Music] we love [Music] this presence is here tonight [Music] Jesus we get it out of our hands stir up the gift of God that's over here Silas Oh God that this city would see a harvest like it's never seen before because we're putting everything that we have in your hands Jesus [Music] I've seen you move you move a mountain I believe I'll see you do it I can when there was no time I'll see you [Music] [Music] I'll say [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll see you [Music] [Music] thank you Jesus do it again Jesus Oh God would not satisfy with what you did last year last revival god there's a fresh wind do it again do it again stir us up again come on reignite our hearts reignite our passion again [Music] I'll see you two [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is your faithfulness I'm still in your hands this is my console [Music] polish promised tales great is your faithfulness [Music] your head this is my company [Music] you're stirring up something new inside of us tonight geez we pressed into you God we present to you Jesus [Music] thank you Jesus we're still in your hands still in your hands I want to do one more thing that I really felt pressed upon the Holy Spirit to do tonight but are we saying this promises promised of Stan's everything that we begin to promise that in the last days God says I will pour out my spirit on all flesh sons and your daughters the prophesy power of this text is you have this Apostle Paul releasing the next generation and to their purpose into the destiny I am a walking billboard a living testimony awesome men women of God who saw the gift of God in me at a young age called it out I didn't have a choice but to preach the gospel cuz they call now the gift that was on the other side of in a young age and help you know what you know you're carrying a gift you handle yourself differently you know got what God's called you to do so I want to do something I want if you are let's see if you are 18 and younger 18 and younger I just want you to get as close to this altar as you can 18 you know into here tonight that's what I'll talk about just gets close to the front [Music] I mean oh this is the future of the banjo he's also men and women of God come on y'all don't sound like you excited about your future come on I want whatever you sing one of these young people to have somebody just lay hands on them and I just want us when I count to three just begin to pray and the gift of God listen you even at a young age would be stirred up but you'll know what you're called to do you won't have to worry about your purpose your destiny and you know what you're caught doing you're careful who you hang out with be careful who you date come on somebody I'm tired of seeing the enemy robbing this generation and they have a purpose they have a calling so come on this is what I want us just up a bar the atmosphere of heaven with our prayers when I count to three if you're close to one of these young people lay your hands on them when I count to three I want this entire church what uplifted voices just begin to pray that the gift of God come over be stirred up in the next generation come on can we do this church one two three come on would you just begin to open up your mouth and pray for them oh come on you can pray louder than that come on pray that the gift of God would be stirred up God thank you God that the next preachers the next leaders God the next the next lawyers the next doctors the next visionaries the next inventors God's right here in this room god I pray that you would keep them oh god is that going to school God that you would cover them that you would protect them God that the dreams will come into fruition they wouldn't have to wait a waste years sobbing right now right here you would stir up the gift of God there's something inside of them come on somebody pray for them like you want somebody to pray for you like it was your child father we declare every prodigal child this is the year that they're coming home that they return into their office gosh startup in the next generation Oh God call them even right now Oh God they would see dreams and they would prophesy that they would have visions God give them a fire that won't go out we call forth the gifts of God in the next generation god help this church not to speak words to destroy them but speak words to develop them God thank you Jesus for what's in there thank you for the purpose that they have in the name of Jesus we decree and declare that from young and old our gift and our dirt is in your hands Jesus hallelujah come on somebody give God a big hand clap of praise tonight if you believe it oh come on you can do better than that would you give God some praise at this place [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah why don't you just look at somebody next to you and just say neighbor no come on don't be afraid to talk to him say neighbor this is your year stir it up come on find another neighbor find another neighbor looking right in their face say other neighbor I'm telling you this is your year stir it up come on can you give God one more hand clap of praise all over this place tonight hallelujah couple of you are blessed by the Word of God would you give up some praise [Music]
Channel: Evangel Temple
Views: 647
Rating: 4.7142859 out of 5
Id: UIrQmEw4vOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 8sec (4748 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2018
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