Pastor Nathan L Simmons “Who Told You My God Couldn’t Deliver Me?"

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first told me about him but I had never heard him until November last year right here in this same auditorium where the Lord so mightily used him and the holy convocation of the Church of God in Christ I don't know what it is I don't know in what way he will come but I want you to receive from Atlanta Georgia hallelujah founder and pastor of the citadel of hope in Atlanta pastor Nathan Simmons give God a praise for him McCarthy Amanda Casey above America's ally varicocele Iquitos Peru cosplay America Movil Rebecca hosaka more on the kissy and mmm succatash may make a rebellious attaboy all insane Kaneesha Manna Dey seein a bow or Maquis pocket R&O Korea Samantha Cassini has so - and behold even now know that I've gotta be in this place and then this time and in this hour but yes you're doing expressly wonderful and magnificent yeah even marvelous things indeed now concerning the things that thou has endured the things that thou has availed in yeh know that I will watch the I've seen thee with my own eyes gave expressions upon that face and the countenance thereof have come nigh before my dwelling watch me now and see what I shall do I shall show you in the glory in the glory I shall show you in the glory I shall but reveal and I'll reveal unto you the conclusion of the matters that concern thee I'll show you the end while you're yet in it I'll show you the end while you're yet in itself God now you watch me for I have heard thy prayer I have seen the tears and afflictions thereof now watch me deliver now saith the Lord of hosts watch me deliver now saith the Lord of hosts lift those hands if you will in the sanctuary for just a few moments and give God glory [Applause] ha ha ha ba ba ba my TCB at the kosher Marcus Allen gareki theater Bokashi we so thank you Jesus we let you in magnify your name we glorify you because your magnificent big God we thank you because it's in you we live we breathe we move and simply have our being have you Erica she boom have your way today who as you've been doing God have your way from this point on but the next 25 minutes or so God take us into another atmosphere and to another Emma sphere God do in us whatsoever you will I beseech you by your mercy don't let a man woman boy or girl leave here the same way they've come here Holy Ghost give us the entrance of your word because it giveth us a life Holy Ghost Syd Nathan Simmons down these are your people and they don't want to hear me they need to hear from you God your mind your mouth your wheel your heart your desire speak law education speak Lord Finkle of the picasa speaking the name of Jesus herb is Shiva just a few moments Lord and notice unknown me Lord anoint me Lord please anoint me Jesus anoint my lips anoint me or else anoint me kill me Holy Ghost so don't want to live without your annoying TV I don't want to move without your anointing do with us what she will in Jesus name and the people of God shout glory and we shall glory again this time would you say there's some glorying in the glory back and shall go another local shop I know reaches don't have a lot of a few minutes but there's another level in the Holy Ghost I beta a hands on your body and Lena open it up in the air and we're back because for just a few moments we can just kind of skip around under the Lord for His goodness and for his mercy the salvation so full and so free for Bishop Patterson and for all of the men of God that serve here in this conference the first ladies all of you God's people how many for just a few moments want to hear from the mouth of God tell your neighbor I don't want to hear no mess don't wanna hear no joke tell them other things to be entertained to them I gotta hear from God for just a few moments and a few moments in yes it must be the book of second chronicles chapter number 32 we were praying about what God said this morning and forgive us we just kind of got lost in the Holy Ghost in the room you know hallelujah he's that kind of God the book of second chronicles chapter number 32 and we're going to begin reading for the sake of time just a few verses into your hearing verse number 5 he also strengthened himself and built up the wall that was broken and raised up the towers and another wall without and repaired Milo in the City of David and made dots and shields in abundance and he said captains of war over the people and gather them together to him in the street of the gate of the city and speak comfortably unto them saying be true and courageous be not afraid nor dismayed of the king of Assyria nor for all the multitude that is with him for there be more with us than with him with him is an armored flesh but with us is the Lord our God to help us to fight our battles and the people rested themselves upon the words of his a Kai of the king of Judea after this disciplined ship the king of Assyria sent to a servants to Jerusalem and he laid himself lessly siege in the SIS and his power was with him and Hezekiah the king of Judea and all Judea were at Jerusalem saying thus saith serenity of the king of Assyria were on do you trust that ye abide in the siege in Jerusalem do not let his Akaya persuade you to give over yourselves to die by famine or by first saying the Lord our God shall deliver us out of the hand of the king of Assyria hath not the saint Hezekiah taken the high places and the altars and commanded Judah and Jerusalem saying you shall worship before one altar and burn incense upon it know ye not what I and my fathers have done unto the people of the other lands were the gods of those nations and those lands anyway able to deliver their lands out of my hand who was there among all the gods of those nations that my father utterly destroyed that could deliver his people out of my hand that your God should be able to deliver you out of my hand let's skip down if we will to verse 20 but this caused his Akaya the king and the prophet Isaiah the son of a miss prayed and cried to heaven and the Lord sent an angel which cut off all the mighty men of valor and the leaders of the captains of the camp of this king of Assyria so he returned with shame to his face to his own land and when his was come to his house of his God they that came forth out of his bowels slew him there with a sward thus the Lord said has a kind the inhabitants of Jerusalem from the hand of Civility of the king of Assyria and from the hand of all others and guided them on every side many brought gifts to the Lord of the Lord unto the Jerusalem and presence to his Akaya the king of Judea so that he was magnified in the sight of all the nations key verse 14 who was there among the gods of those nations that my father's utterly destroyed that could deliver his people out of my hand that your God should be able to deliver you out of mine had not enough to be anything but do me a favour and look at somebody dead in the face eyeball to eyeball and ask them this question if you will tell them who told you that my god couldn't deliver me say it if you will to someone on the other side who told you that my god couldn't deliver me look at someone across the room and ask them this say oh I want to know is who told you that my God couldn't deliver mean now lay hands on yourself and say god I don't know where I don't know how but you don't deliver me clap your hands and tell God thank you now for just a few moments if you will it's imperative in this last hour that the people that know their God find themself in strong and doing the exploits of the spirit understanding that in this last day say that in all that it does it's on a rampage and sometimes moving in areas of Halawa that seemingly have been strategically evolved that would cause us to have setbacks and causes they have dimensional delays and caused us to find ourselves in positions of wondering when and how and where and what in the world has caught doing god I don't know what I don't know where I don't even know how but somehow another in the ramification of the Spirit God brings up people that understand him to the width that we recognize that we lean not to our own understanding but in all of our ways we acknowledge him so to the point that we question not his will nor his purpose for in significance God does what he wants when he wants to in how but we rather tap into the realm of the Spirit and understand that in the dimensions of the Holy Ghost that the only reason why God is allowing some things to happen in the lives of individuals is that there are greater and greater and greater deficit than must be retained when we understand that believer we come to grips with the reality of knowing that's the only reason what God is allowing some of us to go through some of the things that we go through is because God's about to promote us into areas where the devil said we could never go the only reason why God is about to heal you amen from the cancer heal you from the tuberculosis heal you from the sugar heal you from the AIDS is because God's about to give you a healing ministry and you can't tell nobody that got a healer except you've ever been sick you can't tell nobody God's away maker except he's ever made your way you tell nobody gonna bring you out except he's brought you out whether he snatched you push - whatever it took take a job that's what Bob had to do and so what he does in this last hour is he brings us to a place where we understand the mindset of God because the steps of good men must be now ordered by God and we must now follow when we understand that believer we come to Chris with the reality of what the Holy Ghost is now sharing but in order for us to grabs the full meaning allow me not to deal with the long drawn-out introduction but go directly to the meat of the story in all of us the grass the full meaning of the Holy Ghost wants to share with us this morning we've got to leave this place we got the message or in the spirit into another atmosphere in this fear beyond Saturn and Mars and Jupiter into the Holies of Holies so we can sit down at the feet of the Messiah and hear what Jesus says so that he that happened here can only hear what the Spirit says unto the church so we're walking back in time to the Year seven hundred and thirteen years before the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ it's an awesome time now because the principal character here now is a man by the name of Hezekiah and I don't mean Walker when you stand that believer you'll recognize this man under the auspices of the Holocaust have been nurtured in the ways of God his consideration Estella being holy and about and consisted in maintaining his deliverance in Ghana Bible the Bible the Bible the Bible says when this man comes on the scene he understands who is he has no protege he has no mentoring system then I question why it was and when the righteous men will come forth drop with a loud wicked mystery yeah ah but then when wickedness with this is the preachers with some hundred comebacks then I wonder why it was and it's here that God began to share with us Hezekiah now is reigning Jehoshaphat yes done a hell and Jezebel have gone on about their business has been no rain for three and a half years and the dogs have let the blood of just fell by the wall Bible says it comes to pass now that has here has now died his mother has reigned and Jotham the Bible says comes upon the scene so as repairs the breaches in the wall and you sire now dies so that I say you can see the Lord and the Bible the Bible the Bible says it now comes to pass that here God's man Hezekiah comes on the scene I'm convinced the time belongs to God and everything there is a time and must be a season haha I just read the whole Eagle said there's a ship coming in season and we're moving just from a season introduce season look at somebody say it's my time now buy the season now comes the pass win this thing takes place and his Akaya comes on the scene ripen and at a young age but he likes something that is not end of man yeah he likes now the need of actually standing sufficiently in God he's lacking under others and what's camaraderie here he wants to be longer and so now he adapts himself in the business of selecting friends but the problem here now is that the Bible said he then one of the friend must first show himself friendly he doesn't understand that God gives friends that's why it's important and confuse them as friends at all times I want to be doing is understand all the liars hang out with the Lions all the gossipers know who to call the panoply discussing all the Bible the Bible the Bible the Bible says in so doing when he associates he does not discern in the spirituality form of being but you can judge a book by its cover the Bible says when he does this he comes on the scene and the Bible says in so doing this man associates with the man who doesn't have the same kind of qualities of existence as he does I know sometimes we consider to be prima donnas and somehow that's strange because we don't want to associate with everything and everybody but look at your neighbor tell them it's not that I'm being difficult it's just I don't know if you got as much to lose as I've gotta see when you pay a price for your anointing when you pay a price to walk with God you can't associate with if in anything I'm convinced if you fool around with dogs you're gonna get fleas and if your neighbor them you're gonna have some puppies the Bible the Bible say it came to pass that this man associates with the land who likes something in the name of friendship I Willie he decides and I'm a friend but inwardly he doesn't discern in his spirit and so because of this has a guy of the Bible says doesn't understand then what actually is is a man that's insecure or outwardly jealous of his anointing and his position he has everything that Hezekiah has when I looked at that realm God began to speak to me concerning the matters he said Nathan the only reason why there is jealousy it's because of the inward lack call insecurity whenever there is insecurity on the inside there will be an outward manifestation of jealousy and then when there isn't a permanent station of jealousy as a result of the inward manifestation there are of insecurity it would be because a person doesn't know who they are you see when you know who you are you don't have to be jealous and nobody huh you recognize the same God that bless you honey he can turn around and bless me yes if you keep on living everything don't happen just like us go happen and then ultimately the reason why person may be insecure and not know themselves is because they don't know God because when you know God you recognize that the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh but I said be the name of the law you recognize this in all of your doing that it's in him we live we move we breathe and simply have our being five of the Bible the Bible says it not comes to pass with this man as a kaya huh doesn't understand properly the relationship in its content and in so doing he now submits himself even unto Serena chamber not understanding the cyrillic ever means him no cool Bible says he's not but watch the smiles that smile in your face because they can stop you dead in the back Bible says it came the past now that's arena Jeff in time began to show his true colors when this thing happened the Bible says he's a kyod now is so lame and so a Luther evasion that he doesn't understand the deserting in spirits and the importance they offer when this thing happens the Bible says it now comes to pass that at first cyrillic a friendly succeeds my people are asked your people your people are asked my people and they pawned with the legions there are in so doing the Bible says long after the Bible says Cyrillic chef now is fine for as long as his acarya is buddy-buddy as long as they're selling up and eating and drinking and being married it's fine but here comes the prophet Isaiah and convinced when there is a call upon your life when there is a need of conviction in your spirit God would raise up a real man of God that won't speak to you about cars and houses or money he won't prophesy about no husband no wife you walk in your spirit point this thing gets you and saves us say it belong you see I'm convinced that when real prophecy come forth it's not what we are used to sing that brings about and all and convinced it with real prophecy comes forth it's like the saints of God used to say here's a girl huh not speak not help your way not do what you want to do and then those that were not in the place with God where they should be with random steps a Father forgive me for I know that what I do huh good if you forgive me don't show them don't show we don't show now but what prophecy has become now it's something like Sackett 900 because in the church we've got psychics sweetness things but I'm convinced crack him bless you're over your master oh I can't hear nobody when you don't live right now don't mess with you don't pay your tighter brother bye brother bad mother I'm convinced the real prophecy is not something you ain't never heard before but real prophecy should be confirmation that that God has already put in your spirit and if you ain't never heard it before that means there's something wrong with your prayer life something wrong with your walk with God tell somebody I need a real word now it brings about healing it brings about the literature it brings about change I said that's what I'm here for well I didn't come to the soul-winners conference just to shout I didn't come here just to run around I come here just to get Tressa I wanna be free I wanna I wanna get on the street I wanna cry out and smell nice Oh God and so the Bible the Bible says take your seat for just a moment if you will [Music] the Bible says and that comes to pass we've got from the time when this man now stops out uniquely develop in relationship but sooner or later he shows his true colors Serena check now the Bible says as long as he has a Gaia and him were on the same way they were they were all right but now the Bible says that Isaiah comes forth with a prophecy a prophetic utterance from the mouth of God and says unto Him set your house in [Applause] as you die first Hezekiah gets you it's in little mg because he remembers that how in the world can Isaiah prophesied of me and tell me God what God is saying when I was serving God when he was washing worshiping a desire it wasn't even until yours iodide that he saw the Lord God said to me Nathan Simmons what I'm gonna do is bring up the rib knit the folks from behind the scene the folks that don't nobody want to deal with but nobody's they walk in the church with the tambourines and with big coffee table Bibles speaking in tongues I can't hear about it and prophesied at the exit door the ones that everybody else says are crazy honey but God's gonna use all us crazy cuz the same folks they go pray cuz God tell them let me out on the floor they don't be too cute I can't get my buddy there you go what I mess up that's law but God tell you to roll your roll and tell me yours everything out of you that's not like him but I dare somebody that remembers when we used to be holy rollers to rep Bacchus I remember we used to be holy rollers the Holy Ghost will roll everything out of us and when we got up we got up speaking in tongues I know you don't speak now cause you're mastered on speaker we're back and tell somebody sanctified box speaking tongues yeah now it's in you gotta check yourself father son Oh y'all don't hear what I'm sayin Oh via chat ever so when you understand that the bank uses oh goodness it comes to pass when this man has founded a place where he now shows his true colors you may take your seat when this thing happens the Bible says it comes to pass that as long as they were cut buttoned and slapping each other how five and sitting up in a restaurant being a wonderful they were all right but when that word came from the mouth of God here's a guy jilted itself he came to himself and understood wait a minute that's trying to get my gosh trying to tell me something God's trying to get me in a right place with him when this thing happens the Bible says that Hezekiah goes into prayer and when it goes into prayer the Bible says the first thing that he does is the setting things in order now let's understand this when we understand that Hezekiah word came to him in such a fashion and form that it confused me literally because I said God you already said that this man was perfect and upright that this man loved you this man did everything that was right in the outside of God and that's when God said to me Nathan Simmons but that was not his mandate his mandate was not just to secure himself in righteousness but when God puts in position leaders he doesn't put them in position yes so that they can a bathe in their own self-righteousness but rather so that they can lead others into a righteous state of being the Bible the Bible the Bible says it now comes to pass and his Akaya now starts beginning this things in focus moves in a right relationship now he's he's no longer scandal abounding insecure about his self or his relationship and so when he does this the Bible says the first thing he does is he shuts up the wall is there harver of the well he closed up the rivers and puts borders there our Bible says it goes to the garden grows that were offered upon the bare land Astaroth and the Bible says he actually tears down those graven images then thirdly the Bible says that he actually sits down the portable worship stations and stops dividing and conquering here a little and leave in there a little and the Bible says he brings them back into one central place of worship he brings them back now to the place of one corporate place of dwelling so that when corporate worship goes father it moves the throne of God because the one thing that devil doesn't want to see is not coming together of the righteous of God because he knows that one can chase a thousand and two can put in thousand of life and so the Bible the Bible the Bible says it now comes the past women izakaya gets back in the right business of winning souls and doing what God told him to do yeah Bible says he actually actually finds himself leading the people back in the splendid worship I wonder what splendid worship could be and that's when God said to me Nathan the worship spirit now is not just lifting and so not just running a skipping in Holland it's not just in here when you're worshiping but it's in your room it's in your house it's in your kitchen while you're washing the dishes it's in the shower while you're taking a shower oh god I love you o God I praise you riding along in your car at the stoplight saying God if it wasn't for you it had not been for the Lord that's all Messiah oh that's wonderful there huh but would you get him here you recognize God I wanna know what you do not for what you've done but for who you are cuz if you never do anything for me god you're gonna if you never hear my body your God if you never deliver be your god there's somebody right back and look up and say your God your God your God your God Vasya Vasya for the Bible said God is a spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth when this thing happens the Bible says it now comes the past when there's a kaya gets back in focus he's starting things up he starts getting things in order his people not start lining up he brings them together from the north the South the east and the West and he gathers them together and speaks words that would exalt and even comfort them he tells them let's fill the walls in my love let's make dots and shields in other words he gathers the people together to make darts and shields for war and God said to me Nathan Simmons about four o'clock this morning he said when you get down there you're not gonna have a long time but Televisa he said the reason why I brought them from everywhere - memphis even before the convocation it's so that we meet war he said I'm a Plimpton with God sir I'm equipped with Shiva imma give them swore they go go back home and kick the Devers behind tell you what testify I'm about to kick that devil's behind I don't like what I did I don't like what it stood this means here the Bible the Bible the Bible says it now comes the past people of God did you see for just a minute it comes to guess I promise I promise I promise I will be but the Bible says it now comes to pass or how many felt the Holy Ghost function good God tell some I mean this thing ha ha ha oh the whole day oh you gotta recognize you gotta recognize her glass city here because he spoke to me in the spirit he said some of you already got the power but you don't let it not darling your gifts have been somehow another tarnish but I've got six you here to get a release feel the release in my spirit a pillar a laser release seek us what most of us have been dealing with is carnality and flesh but we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities I'm so mad at the devil I'm gonna go get me some souls I'm gonna get me some drug addicts imma give me some prostitutes oh yeah you tell your church which stage if you want to let me here to set us and so the Bible says it came to pass but Jesus when this thing tick uses the Bible said it came to pass Prabhavati secretive acabo de calabaza very kiss the eternal holy Amavasya and even easier more marketable invocation oh yeah oh yeah because yeah Oh boohoo I just heard the Holy Ghost say there's a wave of a new anointing bad there just to wake your trouble in qatar every time you do it you're slicing but there was pain with Nevada venomous madness you're terrible about them and see [Applause] lift our hands and say we thank you lord and so the Bible the Bible the Bible says it now comes to pass now when Sevilla just real colors show up his name in the Hebrew means this he who is my brothers but his Akaya never takes the time to discern in the spirit brothers what and so because of that the Bible says he has to experience some things in the flesh tell God his spirit to shield his spirit and when this thing happens the Bible says it came to pass that Hezekiah now actually begins to do what God says to do and serve in a chip that's the sad thing about it a friend what's you to obey God anytime you hang out with somebody and you feel like praying and they don't want to pray then ain't your friend if every time you pick up the phone and you talk to them you can talk about everything and everybody else they can talk about God wrong company to be around I can't hear nobody you ride in the car with somebody and you all of a sudden feel like praying I can't hear about it speaking in tongues while you're riding along in the car and they turn the radio up missing light of the drown you out I can hear nobody pull that car over and say let me out of here cuz we are unequally yoked [Applause] you obviously don't want to go where I want to go in God I want to go higher there's a deeper depth in gold there's a place I never been before and the Bible the Bible the Bible says here comes the end Syrena chaps name starts coming into real permission his name now simply means he who is my brother's destroyer or he who has been sent to destroy if you look through the scriptures who's the accuser of the Brethren savin comes to steal to kill and to destroy I'm convinced this more Devils walking around with Bibles in their hand in three-piece suits and alligators shoes I can't handle on it there's mud demons just as walking around with check the cards on oh I can't hear nobody [Applause] [Music] check out your spirit that's the person next to your channel whose side are you good come from Zion if God be for me who can be against me and so the Bible the Bible the Bible says it now comes the pass when Hezekiah now understands the Cyrillic F is showing his true colors and when he does that he results back into prayer let's finish for just a few moments and ended somewhat like this so Bible says that Serena's you have sent letters out to the people and started allowing himself to destroy and leadership in its totality yeah I'm convinced that the plan of the enemy is to destroy leadership so there'll be no confidence whatsoever so there'll be no Allegiance whatsoever because a house divided against itself will never ever stand and the Bible the Bible the Bible the Bible says it now comes to pass now when Hezekiah says what I'm gonna do is I'm not gonna play games with Serena chair because Serena Jeff is not my problem with him is they are my flesh but with us is the Lord our God to help us all I wanna know is there anybody here that's Allah ever helped in the time of trouble huh is there anybody here that's Allah brought you out of darkness it's a marvelous life and I know what I feel like boots in the state the Bible said it came to pass that all sarena chafa went about in its business now I don't have a whole lot of mean huh but if I can just illustrate for just a few moments huh can I get a few y'all brothers then just come on over here my five or six if you will huh yes come on over here huh Bible says that came over a one by one come on my brother's uh and the Bible declares that when they came over these were considered mighty me these will mean somehow nothing that everybody knew don't mess with them I can't hear nobody cuz they'll get you huh when I'm convinced that when you're in the Holy Ghost you don't recognize that you're really you're dealing with who not to deal with but you recognize that God before you who can be against you Bible says now this serenity will you come to security man so real except the ringleader comes on the scene and when it does the Bible says its rise its best can I please use your as here's a guy in his Akaya comes on the scene the Bible says and begins to hook up with Isaiah Isaiah and Hezekiah looks up in the spirit now notice this it confounds the devil because in other words they're supposed to be defined because he represents spiritual and he represents natural but what the enemy don't understand is his first natural they spirit if you get your natural together honey your spirit go Lana if you get your spirit man together your spirit go work on your natural until the whole y'all hear what I'm saying oh that's what the Bible said he's something on the inside it's working on the outside bringing about a change I get the Bible says it came to pass the wind and man Hezekiah huh who was the key got together with Isaiah huh who was the prophet huh the Bible said it messed up surreal chats theology huh because as long as people divine it he had a chance to get in between uh-huh but as soon as they came together the balances something started happening huh now what I like about Hezekiah and I say is they didn't come together for no business meeting they didn't come together for no reason I can hear nobody huh a seminar to work out how we go raise more money now that's not what the people wanted huh the Bible the Bible the Bible says that all I say huh and Hezekiah came together huh to fulfill the scripture that I say a prophesy I can't hear nobody huh to us a son will be given huh and a child is born and then wait a minute huh he says and on the government shall be upon his shoulder huh what are you trying to say Nathan Simmons huh when the priests get together huh and the leaders get together huh when the church gets together and the politicians get together huh have y'all noticed what happened in Washington don't you know everything that's going on is in the timing of God huh Oh get off of what the man did huh and Colossus is an opportunity huh because some preachers would have never walked in the White House okay here nobody oh yeah he would never repeat you he will give it with - nah I can hear about it cuz tell me y'all get a little bit now you just say got caught okay [Applause] but when you understand what's going on you recognize your recognizer well there with the turns gets together and the politicians get together oh that's the way God planned it huh so the government shall be upon his shoulder huh the government go come back to the church okay here nobody huh children don't be educated huh through the chair let's go come open huh cuz you're not gonna have no Medicaid huh you wanna have the clock for the elders to lay hands on the sick [Applause] it's coming back to grips that if my people that are called by my name will humble themselves and get down on their knees expensive time and plan changes things if you ever learn how to play and let God have his way change the state they got down on their knees and they started praying will you do me a favor bring my brothers huh I mean playing the holy ghost pray to God starts healing whether God starts delivery huh pray to God starts making waves and in no way take that starts bringing in souls from the vacants of him that notice fears it's long is long it's a real champion Hezekiah huh was running together everything was alright but when Hezekiah started praying huh so relative god man without proving signature but I'm so glad that he didn't do it necessarily huh unto the people of God but the Bible says the first thing he does is he declares under them huh don't you let Hezekiah persuade you that your God should be able to deliver you as he was talking about oh yeah as long as he was bombing this disapper and all Hezekiah huh borrow your Vista and all Hezekiah all your pizza and all Hezekiah huh oh you sir and all I'll say as long as they were breathing huh threateners again still it was all right huh but he made a verbal decision huh the Sun messing with his call huh you can mess with me huh yes ha ha ha not brothers not fit brothers out back to heaven and the Bible said that when they know anything so in a chair that went back to his father went back to his son trying to understand his son as a Bible say pray but the Bible said they look at somebody and tell him it's alright to cry God said that's the word for cry in the key room huh what's considered not a word not a feeling melancholy feeling sad for self but it was a Hebrew word which means stay calm after they prayed they tore down God ha ha ha Oh win over ha ha oh my god over here this arena chair and they still owe us to witness it [Applause] but your yes you can get gone he'll keep gone he'll can bond and ever say say say listen we gotta stop but that's the person next to you teller can God deliver you go ahead over that's enough what is it that's a god is not able to do can pop do anything tell me anything yeah I kept doing not to do anything what can do anything God can do anything both how many feel like me how they feel some miracles in there [Applause] how many feel some healings in the room how'd it feel some breakthroughs here tell your neighbor guess what got about to deliver me right now not tomorrow not next week not next year Wow go go Caribbean now listen to me I'm moving a little bit all over time but does anybody hear that heard God today tell the person next to you what you heard ask them the question asking the question who told me [Music] do me a favor look at him look them in the face I bought a bus I got one custom a shooting Tim I know what the doctor said I'm not the lawyer you saying I'd know where to look like well I got one question ass who told you that Matt go finish your job I wanna know who told you my wouldn't believe listen to me I'm definitely on overtime but is there anybody this morning that don't regret that you got up this morning [Music] see it was perfect timing Evangeline see lavenza because your testimonies and your encouragement concerning deliverances of your husband of sons of difference experiences set the pace oh don't ever under mr. meet God God does all things where oh come on somebody I don't think I've ever preached this show so that's a new thing right there thank you Jesus God is God was and shall ever be a what a what you better act like you not what [Applause] I saw in the Holy Ghost and I've got to hurry but how many is she under that it cuz yeah how many feel the Holy Spirit now I just heard the holy ghost said the door was open for deliverance it's open for healing is open for future that have never been obtained before Saints of the Most High God in this building too is there anybody beside me that believes that God can heal [Applause] for just a few moments and I promise I won't take long become a man of authority and under authority and so I do understand that timing is everything and I promise I won't take long but if you know that there's some areas that you know if God don't deliver in you don't know what you're going to do there are some individuals in this place today they surpassed asuma's I've been struggling with still for years and I could tell nobody about it Saints there's some things you can't tell folks you can't tell nobody but Jesus all their so pain in some handsome some things that you you want to open your mouth to say it but all that comes out as tears when you raise children and look like they come up and when they were little girls and little boys your football ribbons in the hand nice little flower addresses with lace and now that little girl is raised up and she's doing stuff that you never dreamed was imaginable the little boy that used to get up and do the welcome address pray the Lord to that to the things I welcome to what I welcome you twice I welcome you fight then neither cried and now he's 18 and you can't even it's ragam to church you've been married to the same man for 20 years and you love God and he allows you to go to church he'll take you and chop you up and pick you up sit in the car until he don't even get upset if the Holy Ghost takes over and runs all the time but I know it's got to hurt you sleeping in the bed with a man that loves you and don't love your God Oh Saints when I come to tell you God said he's come to deliver [Music] God send you for where he sits your farmer because you go to church every Sunday and you know just about what's going to happen when it's going to happen and it's sad that in most of our churches we don't even make altar calls folks never get the Holy Ghost we got people they've been members of the church for 10 years good people and have never spoken tongues and you sit there saying God that's not how supposed to be then go to church week after week no soul-winning no outreach no black parties on the know side no witnessing T's just saints that prophesy and pray for one another this thing has got to change Saints we've got to turn this thing around we've got to unshaken another young animal cruciate FBI we've got to get a burn in the souls to see God deliver I know it's hard I deal with it myself in my little church at home in Atlanta Georgia Joe Gattis come in and it's hard work dealing with them and cleaning them up praying with them and staying there with them and then they have a relapse and then before you know it you got to go back and get him again but all if you never give up on it if you keep going back together I can't have nobody one day God's gonna deliver what they got got you it may be that very time that you say I ain't going to get him now that one time will be the time that God will use to deliver that person our churches are so that we can't even take time to pray for people and make altar calls now because if we do the church will empty out Oh y'all know what I'm talking about if we tarry with people to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost or pray with people before you know you'll call your own benediction or what happens here the convocation it's soon as the future getting the height the church starts emptying out cuz Saints don't have a burden but look at some I said you're gonna pay for it God's calling all in the cards and deliverance in the house for just a few moments and I only have five I want every person under the sound of my voice as quickly as you possibly can don't you go through no changes don't you lose no sleep but I want you to get somebody about the hand today we don't have a long time to pray along join our prayer but all I want you to do in the Holy Ghost for just a few moments is regardless to what areas they may need to be delivered here tell them today is your day and God is about to bring you out [Music] we don't have time to play a long drawn-out prayer but for just a few moments if you will I want you to go through no changes I want you to speak in tongues for just a few moments and at the unction of God don't you wait on nothing just free them all now just pull them all into new deliverance put them on into a new place don't be cute about it I mean chuckling I mean pull them I mean yay come come on [Applause] now pull out [Applause] come on put out in fact Sumerians back quickly find somebody else that's about us come out from behind you seen in fact somebody else quickly tell me I don't know what God's gonna do at high school but you got to come out now you got to come out you got to come out come out come out come out behind you soon come on behind you see somebody way across the room and tell them I don't know what your problem is I don't know how long I don't know what you did to get in it but God said this is your day and you're coming out Tabitha [Applause] it goes back get back one come on son Luke returns hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on come up come on Satan your pops up page [Music] give us a real page shut up we got a stop but that's somebody the question will tell you could deliver me don't mess about of faculty already head god I feel like this somebody really listen I know in a few weeks we're coming back to the convocation two minutes on Friday night again if the law say the same and that's if he says the same a little Shia we're still praying about hotshot ended up a whole how the other never see but if you know God is deliver today I said you know Boston ever Lucas I know [Applause] somebody picked that man up somebody pick him up did you hear what I said I know I deliver now tell it like this tell me you know you'll deliver and I don't have delivered this is what you just stand there for listen waiting it it's too easy just to shout see the convocation it's gonna be too crowded in here hey I got a little wrong tell somebody I can get about a handset come here that's one myself yeah the night yes yes here yes Hey go Hotel Nichols hazard give got a great big yes it's time open your mouth and give it to him we everything you've got one two three guy [Applause] we got a stop we got to stop and just touch up my three pots on the shoulders say deliver deliver God said deliver deliver look and listen to me oh God said who told you I wasn't going to I wasn't going to minister this message was going to minister something else but the Holy Ghost said don't you dare try how many needed what God said this morning [Applause] what was it now who what say it again what now then I'll say this one what's happened I can really know it come on listen [Applause] I just asked my bishop if I could have permission to obey the Lord and he said to me son of a gun [Music] son-of-a-gun I struggled this morning in prayer because I heard the holy ghost say something and I wanted to be obedient to him having no you got to learn how to obey God to your neighborhood your glut pika come on tell them you've got to obey God something's got tells you to do it that make your flesh feel good it doesn't make you a demand shock oh it doesn't make you feel good [Music] two things I'm going to say before I do that you're here and you're not sand you're not saved this is a soul-winners conference you're here and you're not saved and you say brother Nathan pastor psyllids I'm not saying man I need to be saved my momma same my grandmama same I know better than this the devil got me so tripped up until I don't know whether I'm going to come and I need to be saved all over the building and you're praying Saints I know that there's at least three four five I know there's some Souls here they need to be saved this morning it's because you are don't wait on nobody witness to that person ask them if they if Jesus came right now where will you spend eternity where you're going tell you got to get your business straight you got to get your house in order tell them you need to be saved if you're here this morning and you're not safe come out from behind your seats from wherever you are come on meet me right here come on I wanna be safe pastor Simmons come on I wanna be safe but I need to be saved since I'm gonna ask you not to walk if this was your cousin if this was your niece if this was your son if this was your brother you want somebody to play with your child stay here play with them this young man needs to be the member from drugs and fear the demons of drugs on this boy hold it up so that leaves em in the name of Jesus in the name of theater of a bullshitter oh come get him get him get him come on I need to be saved man this is the time [Music] you know what they say you want to be say one of you say this is your son yes you said this is oh this is 2d - hallelujah Bishop II can see why you have this vision do you see why God have to do it buddy I did it do you see what God's trying to do [Music] come on come on turn around son every person that wants to be saved this little baby here come on children come on precious oh this is your wife come on young people come on this is your sister come on come y'all come on come on come on - Jesus come on - Jesus come on you may be a backslider you may be a bachelor come on this is your time to be saved to be delivered and to be set free thank you Jesus look those handsome listen listen to me listen to me the first thing I'm going to do is we're going to pray and I'm going to tell you first of all this Jesus loves you he loves justice till he died over 2,000 years ago listen to me sir listen to me pick her up off the floor pick up off the floor [Music] and listen to me dear listen to me first of all let me say something to you jesus loves you he loves you so much that over 2,000 years ago he died on the cross so that you would perish we have everlasting life I want you to know something the Bible says all of us have sinned no matter what the city is smoking cussing drinking varnak aiding adultery homosexuality lesbianism just being born you were born in sin and shaped into iniquity but shall we continue in sin that grace may abound God forbid for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord the Bible says in the Book of Revelations [Music] behold I stand at the door and knock and if any man that means you look a boy through princess that means you would hear my boys and young lady with teasing yeah harden that's your heart I will come into him and sup with him and he would be the Bible says that it shall come to pass that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him up from the dead you shall be saved who with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation and she'll come to pass that whosoever and I'm so glad that one day that whosoever met me and today that whosoever means you shall call upon the name of the Lord Jesus shall be same [Music] bow your heads and close your eyes and lift your hands to God lift your hands to God and when you lift those hands you're in the presence of God Almighty [Music] and I want you to bow your heads repeat after me these words Lord Jesus I'm a sinner and I'm tired of sinning going all the way I'm going I need to change it honey to be saved had me to be saved with these that should died on the cross and on the third day that's your rolls again now rising [Music] i denounce in and Satan no longer will he reign over me and I asked you to be my Lord and my Savior save me Jesus save me Jesus save me Jesus thank you for saving me thank you for saving me thank you for saving me and lift those hands and open those mouths and if you believe the play that you played you are safe thank God for saving you right now now that you're saying listen to me now that you're saying I don't know if they're soul winners are their workers or counselors but if there's a place that we can take them to to work with them so that you can receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost because that's what you need I want you to follow this young man right here follow this young man follow him right now clap your hands as they go on come on the souls show Roxy the bath got baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues double-click the head but this serves the balance of all the soul that sinneth it shall surely die all over this building I want you to get some money bout the hand and tell them whatever you do today you've got to obey God come on look at me say you can obey God talk did you hear what I said anybody home base card tell them you've got to obey about ten they say God all over thank you I'm a Jew I'll bet you I struggle with this and you only have to know me in the Holy Ghost that's the McDaniels you only have to know [Music]
Channel: Elvis Lewis
Views: 303,074
Rating: 4.7551594 out of 5
Keywords: Nathan Simmons GE Patterson COGIC
Id: mFnp9RqLdME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 13sec (5353 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2018
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