Nathan Simmons "You are in Prophetic Destiny"

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you do that so we can run right on through it romans the 8th chapter and the 26th through the 31st verse first corinthians the second chapter and one verse number nine and then the book of esther i got to go there this morning just for a few moments chapter number two let's read it likewise the spirit also helpeth our infirmities thank god for my lovely wife she's a sweetie pie and i thank god for in the holy ghost likewise the spirit also helpeth our infirmities for we know not what to pray as we ought but the spirit itself make an intercession with us according with groanings which cannot be uttered he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the spirit because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of god touch your neighbor say god's got a will for your life and we know that all things work together for the good to them that love god and to them who are called according to his purpose for whom he did for no he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the firstborn among brethren over whom he did predestinate them he also called whom he called them he also justified whom he justified them he also glorified what shall we say to these things [Applause] if god before us touch your neighbors can be against us [Applause] flip over to that first corinthians 2 and 9 you know it but as it is written eyes have not seen nor is her neither have it entered into the heart of man the things which god have prepared for them that love him but god hath revealed them unto us by his spirit for the spirit searches all things gave the deep things of our god the book of esther quickly if you will have to be cool now it's going to seem like i'm jumping around but just hit it with me and let's move on is that all right somebody said glory no no no please say it like you've got some anointing and the holy ghost glow all right we're going to start at chapter 2 and verse 7. go with me now and he brought up podesta that is esther his uncle's daughter for she had neither father nor mother and the maid was fair and beautiful who mordecai whom her father and mother were dead took for his own daughter let's jump over to that 17 just for the sake of time and the king loved esther above all the women she obtained grace and favor touch your neighbor say the king loves me got to get in the spirit i'm not talking about earthly king either there's a king that's the king of kings [Applause] the king loved esther above all the women and she obtained grace and obtained favor in the sight more than all of the other virgins so that he set the royal crown upon her head made her queen instead of the style let's move on quickly oh god verse number 11 of chapter four and we're gonna read these verses and i promise you we're gonna stop all the king's servants and the people of the king's provinces do know that whosoever whether man or woman shall come in the king into the inner court who is not called there is one lord of his to put him to death except such to whom the king shall hold out the golden scepter that he may live but i have not been called to come unto him these 30 days they said to monica esther's words mordecai commanded the answer esther saying these words think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the king's house more than all the jews for if thou hold together all together holdeth thy peace at this time then there shall an enlargement and deliverance arise to the jews from another place but thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this then that's debating returned mordecai of this answer go and gather together all the jews that are present in shushan get in god's face and fast for me go to the throne room and tell them these words i also in my maidens will fast likewise and i will go unto the king which is not according to the law but if i perish i just have to perish that that may not seem like enough to be anything this morning but i want you to do me a favor and just i need to ask this question before we move on is anybody that within the last six months to a year have gone through a major battle a major attack of the enemy you name it it has happened he's attacked your physical man he's attacked your spiritual life your finances your marriage your your anointing he's trying to you name it it's time to happen in these last i say to you if you have not gone through it then i ask you to excuse yourself for this session because you won't be the people that god would speak to this morning because the people that god would speak to this morning have been through the storms and the rain have had heart aches and pain and have been through tries have been in the trench they've been fighting with everything they know holding on with everything they've got for some reason god wouldn't allow them to give up in the process they're here now tonight i'm going to ask you to do this if you will look at your neighbor and say to them these words i finally figured out what your whole problem is tell me your problem is this you are in your prophetic destiny [Applause] that's the person on the other side of you and say i finally figured out why you're going through so much you are in your pathetic destiny now now this time you've got to get somebody way across the room and get them in eyes view in the spirit look at somebody look like they've gone through everything just to be where they are right now right back and say hey i know what your whole problem is you are in your prophetic destiny now i i promise i'm not gonna be real long but listen to me it's easy to tell somebody else what they're in and what they're going through and how they're going through it but every now and then you've got to lay hands on yourself speak to your own self okay find nobody to prophesy find nobody to lay hands on me can't even father preachers that'll preach jesus lay hands on yourself and say i know what my whole problem is say to yourself girl your problem is you are in your pathetic death take your seats in the holy ghost for just a few moments i i am convinced that this is a time that god almighty is moving like he's never moved before it's a time that god is now ushering the people of god into a place where by which we have never found ourselves participating and matriculating like never before in the history of mankind this now is the day that god is simply moving and having his way in the lives of those of you that least expect he's allowing individuals who seem to have come from the ruins of life that have come from the past and experiences and have found themselves declaring regardless of what i've been through regardless of what i'm going through even now i recognize in whom i believe that i am persuaded that this god that i serve has not left me here to die in the wilderness but rather the experiences and encounters that i've gone through have caused me to come to a place where by which i know him for myself i am so thankful to god in this last hour that this is the time that i recognize that it was good for me to have been afflicted because now that i've gone through my afflictions i know god like i've never known him before if i had never gone through that experience i would not have had the encounter in the holy ghost i would not be where i am and the things and the places in good luck i am and so as a result now this is the day that god has brought people full circle he's called them to understand that those that are high he's bringing down those that are low he's bringing forth the promotion comes not from the north south east or the west but it now comes from the auspices of gods originating strategies thereby this now is the hour that god has particularly matriculated and brought the people of god to a place where by which they will understand that the people that know their god shall be strong the bible says and be found not doing the exploits of the spirit this now this now this now is the hour whereby which god now is bringing the people of god full circle get your name and say i've been through so much but i'm grateful to god forever experience now because this experience has caused me to be defiant to the plan of the enemy it's to cause me to know it the devil's tricks to know the devil's plans i am not ignorant according to the devices of this satan i recognize that the devil's plan now is to stop and try to block me from moving into the place where i've got to go on him and the devil is a liar as a result now in the mystery of we must be cautious because in this last hour the enemy now is doing something like he's never done before please take your seat he's allowing individuals to sit in the corridors of the house of god and go through the religious experiences thereof and miss out in god sit up in church and just know how to have church just know how to sing just know how to play the organ just know how to preach and articulate but i'm concerned at this last hour because god said the kind of people that i'm raising up in this last hour will not be able to tolerate just anything they're going to recognize i need some power i can feel the anointing i can feel the presence of god i want him like i've never wanted him before this now is the lifestyle this now is the last day and the last crime i understand now in the realm of the spirit what's taking place like never before he declared unto me nathan simmons did not i declare unto you in the last days perilous times shall come did not i tell you that men now shall be lovers of themselves more than lovers of god did not i declare unto you that if i did shorten the days the very elect would sit up in church shout dance speaking talks give them money pay their tithes and be on the deacon's board the deaconess border be evanness missionaries pastors and preachers and fooled around and missed me in the process today i'm sorry i cannot miss god now so as a result now what has happened is god now has given those of us to have a low tolerance level for the things that are not like god i don't want to fool around with nobody that just has a gift that just has a talent because gifts and talents come without repentance i want to know is somebody living what they see are you living what you preach after you get through doing what you're doing here how can i follow you home it's the our believer that god now is raising up a generation of individuals so that when we think about ministry it will no longer be hollywood it will no longer be about star ism now who's who and what's watching god god said i'm gonna use nothings i'm gonna use no bodies i'm gonna use folks that you ain't never heard of but when they get up they're gonna walk to the anointing of the holy ghost touch your neighbor and say that boy is talking about me cause there's some stuff i've been through that when i get through going through what i'm going through or i may not be where i should be right now i may not be doing everything i should be right now but when i get that boyfriend upper mind when i get that lover up i can't hear nobody that's when god's gonna deliver me and cause me to out up in the victory touch your name and say don't put me out the church be patient with me god is working on me he took me on a trip to the house said to me nathan simmons unknownable he said this now is the hour that god is raising up a generation of individuals who in the blessing thereof will not just move with the talents of mankind it will not just be business as usual he said nathan simmons i don't just want to hear singers that can sing but when they finish singing they have bad attitudes you can't even talk to him you can't even shake the hand he said this has got to be the hour that when musicians play they don't just tickle on the i record just because they know how to make you shout and get excited he said but nathan simmons when is the last time you heard a musician play and when they got through playing the orchid they drove demons out as a matter of fact we don't even deal with demons now as soon as somebody act up we take the security force and escort them out but they used to cast out devils they used to lay hands on the cycle i can't hear them out of the handle said nathan simmons this is the hour the preachers have come forth and we're not demising anyone's ministry but this now is the day that we've got to stop of philosophy in the pulpit this is not a psychiatric ward i can't hear nobody this ain't just about prosperity honey but what should it profit a man to gain the whole world and fool around and bust help said nathan simmons this now must not be the time he said it's never before and i don't know about in your area but we've got more people that are called in ministry than ever in the history of mankind everybody's a missionary everybody's an evangelist everybody's a prophet everybody is a pastor everybody is a bishop oh i can't hear nobody he said but this must not be the day he said nathan simmons i want you to understand you cannot take a piece of paper uh to the hospital with somebody that's got cancer and tell them uh uh uh uh be healed because my bishop uh licensed me and ordained me in the convocation in the meeting that oh no he said nathan simmons that piece of paper ain't gonna heal he said what you need is some power with god and i'm made up in my mind you have the title you have the position but just give me the power i want power to walk right i want power to live right now i want power to get right i want power to do right i want power power power run over the three people and say i want power please take your seat for just a few moments he said to me nathan simmons and i apologize for seeming so radical when i'm tired of the devil took your neighbors say the devil makes me sick i'm going to mess up in just a few moments but he said to me nathan simmons you know what the problem is now i said what god please speak to me he said nathan the problem with this time is that babies are raising babies spiritual pygmies raising spiritual retards and people that have no standard in god i tried to usher people in the presence of god he said to me nathan simmons he said and i know this is going to sing old-fashioned and untimely he said but the problem now nathan is that there are no mothers and fathers in god that will correct individuals and tell them you mean well you meant well but that's not the way god meant for you to do it you cannot have your cake and eat it too said to me nathan simmons oh god help me he said we need mothers and fathers in god judge your neighbor say we need some mothers and fathers [Applause] that will nurture and build up this last chosen generation [Applause] as somebody where are they [Applause] i'm not speaking necessarily about chronological age i'm talking about somebody's got some experience and that has a hope in god that's been through something because you can't tell me that god's a deliverer if you ain't never been delivered you can't tell me that god's a healer if you've never been healed you can't tell me that god's away make up if he ain't never made your way who i'm about to mess up oh god i'm about to mess up [Applause] he said to me nathan simmons god help me [Applause] he said we need some mothers in god that will teach young women boys dignity class grace and how to be a lady he said to me nathan simmons this last generation needs a mother in god to sit them down i can hear nobody and tell them that oh god i'm about to mess up that ladies don't step like this they sit like this i know y'all don't oh i'm so i'm sorry we need some mothers in god that'll teach young women be loud but if she wants your husband y'all they said it to me she ain't got to get on up in the man's face take him out to dinner pay his rent buy him a car buy him a spoon get him if she wants her husband she got to hide [Music] stop thinking that every man that compliments you wants your body i can't hear nobody we need some mothers in zion or i'ma mess up right about now that will teach young women that class and dignity says that you don't come in bar-headed one week and the next week look like pharah fostered oh i'm sorry that even though it's your hair and it's your weave and it's your glue the class makes me think that you grew that bad boy i can't hear nobody not just paid for it or i'm about to mess up real bad now somebody look at me say preach before i preach we we need some mothers in god i'm about to teach oh god i'm about to mess up that will teach young women that just because clothes look good on a mannequin look good in a magazine don't mean you can put on everything and still i'm just a little sanctified preacher i'm sorry i my heritage among those that are sanctified we need some mothers in zion that will teach young women that you can't put that 22 and a 14 and still look good now you know i'm right oh i'ma mess up i'ma get to the world in a minute i promise you i'm really gonna mess up now we need some mothers in god that will teach young women sweetheart you're too blessed to be stressed the blessings of god have made you rich [Music] and have added no sorrow but baby you two bless the whale halter and then come to church jumping up oh y'all i don't like what i'm saying up in here they want to get mad when somebody want to touch it and feel it i can't hear them or i'm about to mess up or i'ma mess up real bad somebody please say preach nathan please preach [Applause] we need some mothers in god that will tell young women sweetheart thank god for this new undergarment thank god for the victorious secrets but the lord has blessed you and the more you have touch your body and tell them we need some mothers that'll teach young women you need to put on a foundation you're too blessed to wear bikinis i can't hear nobody so you're going to weep looking at the wife please take your seat for just a few moments he said nathan oh i'm gonna really mess up man i'm really gonna mess up this morning god he said nathan we need some fathers in god or they just the sisters problems there's some brothers that got problems because we need some fathers that will teach young men that real young men don't sit like this they step like this and even if they got but that much they still act like i can't hear nobody that real men still open doors for ladies that real men still let ladies go in first we need some fathers in god that will teach young men that a real man doesn't walk down the street wearing dungarees so you can see the crack of his behind we need some men that are fathers in god that teach young men that a real man keeps his shoes shy his hair cut and five dollars in his pocket so he'll never be able to say he's broken i'ma mess up and give it a really messed up man we need some fathers in god that will teach young men oh god i'm going to mess up victor that will teach young men self-control that a real man has to think with his head i'm going to mess up i'm going to mess up i'm going to mess up we need some fathers in god that will teach young men that if you don't use this head this head is going to get you in trouble i'm gonna mess up and so god said to me nathan simmons i want you to minister please take your seat for just a few moments my precious sisters he said to me nathan simmons this now must be the time that we literally find ourselves matriculating and participating in something called the paradigm shift he said this now must be the hour that god's people matriculate and grow in god to levels whereby which we have never obtained and gone before this now must be the time that god instructs and gives unto the people of god the lessons of life that must be taught and learned thereof so that we can get the full significance of the value of everything that god now has dictated upon our lives to bear he said this now must be the hour that the people of god understand i've got to go through some tests i've got to go through something but it's not what i go through but rather how i go through it he said nathan oh nathan this now must be the time that the real people of god come to a place where they recognize that when i pass this test i cannot go through with a 65 or 70 an 80 or 90 a 95 or 99 but this must be the time that 99 and a half simply want to touch your name and say i'm striving to make 100. now in the process of there must be lessons that we must learn that will cause us to matriculate in god and find succession in the thought patterns of god's purpose he said nathan simmons please tell my dear sisters he said tell my dear saints of god this now must be the time that we've got to learn the lessons that god is so instituted in our lives and learn them well get everything out of them that's the necessity so we can grow into the places with god beating and reaching the full heights of god's determination he said nathan simmons tell my people this tell them that this must be the hour that you've got to learn the lesson that when you look at an individual until you can shake their hand and look at somebody that you know don't really like you and say i know you don't like me but shake the hand and say but i love the hell out of you he said nathan simmons this must be the time that the lessons of god must be learned we now must understand the doing of god in all of us to say that we've learned the lessons of god we're going to literally we have to be able to shake hands with an individual and say to the person that you know lied on you listen girl thank you for the lie because it was that lie that drove me to a place in god where i would have never gone had you lied on he said nathan simmons he said tell my dear people until you can look at the person and shake their hand that has caused you to come to a point of rejection [Music] why y'all ain't jumping up now and look at the person whether it was through relationship whether it was through friendship whether he got a middle-aged crisis and said he didn't want to be bothered with you no more i could hear nobody and he rejected you until you can look at that individual and shake their hand and say thank you for your rejection because your rejection drove me to my knees i would have never got my prayer life i would have never gotten god's face i would have never been able to look to the heels but with cutting my help and know that my health come in from the lord do me a favor and just use the person proxy and shake the hand and say i know you didn't do anything to me but i'm practicing on you so when i get home i'ma call that old girlfriend of mine i'mma call my ex i'ma tell them thank you because now i know that i'm the head and not the tail i'm the person not the last that i'm above only and never beneath that i could do all things do me a favor and say no bitterness no hatred no unforgiveness am i harboring in my heart because if i have unforgiveness and iniquity in my heart god ain't gonna hear me said to me nathan simmons he said in order to go with god it's time to take us he said there are some individuals that found themselves at places in god where they recognize missing i am so close to what god is about to do within me until i recognize there's got to be a reason why i'm going through what i'm going through and the reason why i'm going through this thing is because i'm that close anybody here that close god said when you're that close you got to be careful because you're at a position that is very vulnerable in god and that position comes in this stance he said it's at that point that when god is about to do what he wants to do inside of you that's when you got to pray closer you got to lean closer to god than you've ever been in your entire life you got to forget about the hurt the pain you got to forget about the trial the suffering you got to forget about the persecution he said you got to draw now to god because it's at that time that you are literally betwixt and between the prophecy and the promise touch your neighbor and say i'm between prophecy and promise but touch your neighbor and say i can't go back to the prophecy because god already said what he said all i can do is go into my promise now ready or not here i come and the promises of god are yea god is not a man that he shall lie neither is he the son of man that he should repent tell us about people who say if god sent them out to you it's going to come to pass said nathan [Applause] he said you got to be very careful when the hand of god is on your life you got to be careful who you hang out with you got to be careful who you associate with because association brings on assimilation how can two walk together except they agree come out from among them and be separated saith the lord so he said nathan it's the devil's plan to strategically assign demonic forces to prohibit you from going into your fulfillment of prophetic destiny i said god what are you saying to me he said nathan simmons and this is what i'm gonna say to you if you were the devil what would you do to stop you from going where god had to take him [Applause] who would you use [Music] to stop you from tapping into the realm of the spirit where the devil don't want you to go he said nathan simmons he said what i want you to understand is this he said there are levels in god but your neighbors say there are levels in god oh what you're saying like you really know it say there are levels in god [Applause] now if you know anything about the levels of god every level you go to there's another situation there's another circumstance there's another problem there's another area that the devil is messing with you with there's your past that he's trying to bring up he said for every level that you go to confess to your neighbor for every level there is a devil god help me so that's why in the process of god god i wish god helped me he said that's why when you obtain certain things it's best for me god said to deliver you while you're in a low state of being so that when you get here the devil don't make a fool out of you now they don't teach this now because uh it's just not popular but they taught that there are some things that you got to get rid of in the infancy of your salvation or you will struggle with these things throughout your entire walk with god you'll be saved but you'll speak in tongues but you'll be anointed but you'll have a ministry but and it's those things that if you don't get together call the butt or can't hear nobody it's those butts that will take your butt to hell oh god he said oh god can i please say this i'm gonna get to esther you know i'm gonna ask him just a few seconds i promise you he said nathan [Music] tell my people if you don't get delivered when you first get saved from arrogance you will be saved you'll speak in tongues but you will be a arrogant knowing all saints that can't nobody tell nothing [Applause] he said nathan simmons tell my dear sisters if you don't get delivered in the infancy of being mean and knowing how to talk to people he said how dare you know how to speak in tongues and don't even know how to speak to me your holy ghost should have told you you hurt my feelings it's not what you say is how you say it oh i wish i had another message i'm getting ready to really mess up right now [Music] he said nathan i want you to tell my dear precious saints if you don't get delivered in the infancy of your salvation from oh my god father katie oh oh god he said you will struggle with that spirit because that's exactly what it is no matter how he tells you that he loves you i can hear nobody no matter how he tells you baby baby baby baby and lost it all lonely highway i don't care how he says i guess you'd say what can make me feel this way my girl my girl my girl i'm talking bout that all the shoulder right there he said my girl my girl and my dad's about three of y'all he's telling you the same thing he's telling that other girl and you so crazy you so hard you just want a man he said nathan tell the women of god that provocation is a spirit and if you don't get delivered from the spirit of foundation that's why you don't get married just because you're burned you don't get married just because you're hot you don't even get married just because you had a baby your pitch and raised that child i can hear about it and with the devil tell you he ain't got no father say oh yes he does and if he don't pay for this child in the size of one part we're going touch your neighbor say fornication is a sin it's a spirit present your body a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto god which is to be favored run over the three women say you gotta be holy you gotta be holy you gotta be holy girl you might be baptist but you gotta be holy you might be memories but you gotta be holy you might be about stalin but you gotta be holy you might be catholic but you got to be holy you might be touching god in christ but you gotta be he said nathan simmons if you don't get delivered from the spirit of follocation if you just cover it up by getting married it will matriculate and mature to the spirit of adultery and if you got to run him down now if you got to check his pager now if you got to call back the numbers that call you on his cell phone now you'll be doing it when you get married i i wish i had another message but i got to just seats i'm getting to really mess up in the second balcony i'm getting ready to mess up y'all listen oh god i'mma mess up oh god i'm gonna mess up so bad he said nathan simmons there's a quiet secret in the church there's no but we won't deal with it and address it he said we act like it's not there but we know it he said nathan simmons teach your young women don't marry a man that's a don't you let no closet case mess your life up because homosexuality is a spirit you can't judge it because it has muscles because it's a whole lot of men that got muscles that look like hercules look like tarzan but they sound like jade and they act just like cheetah i thought it came he said nathan simmons tell the women of god don't be that hard up wait on god if you marry a girl you're going to be sorry because homosexuality is a spirit now let me say this sister sister lesbianism is a sick oh i'm a mess up i'm a mess up an alternative lifestyle is wow don't you let these old sisters fool you because they wear a dress i can't hear nobody or have i messed up you know it's nice up they're keeping them oh my god touch that girl next to you and tell them i want to tell you one thing i have passed from life to death cause i know i love the brother but i can't hear them show me a man a real man a base talking man a baby i love you man uphold me in your arms man or take me out to get a man or help me paint a red man or have a house before i get married man with a j.o.b man god said to me in prayer he said nathan simmons he said i want you to tell the women of god and i'm wrapping up now he said nathan i want you to tell them that there is a place that i've definitely surrounded them with now in order for us to understand exactly what it is please take your seat that the spirit of god is sharing with us this morning all of us to grasp the full meaning of what it is that the holy ghost wants to share we've got to now leave this place we've got to announce a joy in the spirit beyond this atmosphere beyond another hemisphere thereof we've got to go beyond saturn and mars and jupiter if you will we've got to go beyond the stars and the moon into the place beyond the 12 gates of the city whose streets the other paved with gold we've got to now matriculate and walk down the places where by which we see our father's house have many mansions there we're going now into the holies of holies sitting down by the feet of the messiah in the heavens there are in the inner chamber of the sanctuary of the most high god here we are now people of god in an hour where the story comes into being at the year 510 years before the birth of the lord and savior jesus christ it's a marvelous time in god but god now has matriculated and brought forth up in predestined the perfect will thereof of his accomplishments long before the doing thereof he now has caused destiny to come thy into mist by a prophetic utterance thereof of god god now deals with the dear precious sister and you know the story you can preach it for yourself this story deals with the idea of precious sister that when you look at her life she now comes forth proceeding in time she's lacking under many that have found themselves hurt and wounded rejected and scarred beat up and wonderfully of but god now gives her to understand that every one of our experiences have been for the making thereof look at your neighbor and say everything you've been through god used it to make you and establish you to get you to this place that's why you got to be careful who you deal with because you don't want to fool around with nobody that wants to make you compromise in tell somebody you weren't there you don't know what i went through you don't know how i went through it to get to this place in god i know some have gone through similarities but tell somebody there is a price that had to be paid and i paid the price they don't teach it no more but they told me if i suffer with him i'm going to reign with him and i lord i feel like preaching y'all y'all in the tippy toes i heard him declare these words now he said nathan she's all right baby leave alone she's not the right place on the altar i wish somebody would pray there's an altar worker and come on up and give her deliverance in god [Music] i heard him declare these words i heard him say listen nate he said when you look at this dear woman understand that she had some major issues she had a reason to give up and die and never be everything that god made she had a reason to declare that she was not going to be ushered into the purpose and plan of god for her life but i heard in my eye i heard a declare that she was born by the name of hernessa all right look if somebody says she was odessa now the name odessa simply means this she who has been thrown away she who has been cast aside is there anybody in the room this morning that's ever been thrown away left for dead but the devil meant it for evil but god turned the thing around and worked it out for your good tell y'all tell your neighbor tell me everything that i went through it was god's purpose it was god's plan and now that i went through it look at me now god determined my name from heldessa in the esther and the name esther means stop touch your neighbor and tell them these words every scar that i went through every hurt every affliction i into i understood that many are the afflictions of the righteous but the lord i said the lord i said the lord i said the lord will deliver them out of them all tell your neighbor i don't know how god gonna bring you out i don't know if god gonna do it but he is if i know god like i know him he's gonna push me if i know god like i know him he's gonna pull me and i know god like i know him he's gonna shove me if i know god like i know him he don't drag me out of that mess and when [Applause] you're gonna know that i've been set free but now when i get there i can't get comfortable when i get there i can't act like i've arrived when i get there i can't be cute when i get there i can't like i when you have to cross back through those same bridges over again don't cut nobody out don't put thumbs down on nobody cause you don't know who is gonna be the one that god will have to use to help get you out your mess get you out your problem get you out your situation i heard of the clan when you're getting it to this point when you get me to this place don't get comfortable god allowed her i said god allowed to go through a trial to go through a test to go through the situations but he'll always have somebody that'll be a witness that'll be a prophet of god tell your neighbor i need a prophet i'm not talking about cleo i can't hear nobody i said i'm not talking about cleo i'm not talking about the psychic 900 i'm talking about a real man of god that'll tell me what the lord says they'll tell me when i'm right and correct i said wait a minute lord he said nathan simmons when she got to their place she was mordecai mordecai was not necessarily just any old body mordecai was the father of her brother which means that her father had died and her mother had died left her often tell your neighbor she was an orphan but guess what god knows how when my mother and my father forsake me to take me up that's why jesus said who is my mother who is my father in god my father is rich and house hauls the wealth of the world in the power of his hand now listen to this y'all the bible declares that when hernessa found the self and a place the other daughter mordecai was not her uncle he was not a spiritual father he was not her brother he was her second or third cousin y'all ain't saying that to me and you know how the second and third cousins do yeah sometimes you don't really know about i can't hear nobody they're in the family but you only see them at funerals you only see the family unions they only call you when they need some money i can't hear them now the bible declares that her cousin i said her cousin begin to raise her and nurture her in the ways of god in the things of the spirit now this is the thing that shared with me in the new testament do you remember those two ladies that were present in the holy ghost they were cousins naturally but god did something on the inside the bible speaks about how elizabeth the cousin of mary was pregnant with john the baptist and when mary can see the prophecy that she was going to be the child the bible says she greeted her with salutation and the baby leap in her belly what you're trying to say i know you got cousins i know you got family members but i'll come to tell you that who your real kin is who your real cousin is in the spirit is when god presents you with a prophecy concerning your destiny it's at that time when god says it and you tell them about it something leaps on the inside something reckless on the inside we touching the grief and believe god i heard in the clan i said i heard in the clan when the thing took place that hedessa got turned into esther the bible declares that after all she went through she didn't look like much she went through sadness she went through pain she went through heartaches she went through rain she had some tumbles i can't hear nobody she went through stuff i said she went through stuff that nobody else wanted to go through come here precious when she went through it when she went through it i said when she went through it it was sad when she went through it she went sad too but let me tell you something when you go through it you got to be careful she's all right when she now i'm trying [Music] [Applause] jesus good god honor [Applause] come here sweetheart with the hell on yes come come listen to this listen to this helper now listen to this many times if you get delivered from your scars if you get delivered from the hurt and the pain and the affliction and go through your hardness like a good soldier don't you never say don't complain about nothing don't get upset about nothing thank god for everything because it's working out for my good now listen to this her name was hedessa that was what's on the outside but inside of her there had to be developed a name by the name of esther now when you see this woman on the outside you're looking at podesta touch your neighbor say that look like a desert to me [Applause] but it takes somebody that can look beyond my faults look beyond my mistakes to not see me in the flesh tell your neighbor i need you to be in the spirit on the outside i look like cadessa but there's a queen inside on the outside there's a lonely frustrated hot up woman but on the ends there's a queen that god is turning around from being odessa to be queen esther [Applause] come on queen [Applause] this is a queen now what i want you to understand is that she would have never been what god says and she had never mounted up into her prophetic destiny and all i've come to tell you is god said as of this day everything you went through everything you're doing every trial was to make you a queen god said because you've been to that place now that you're there understand that everything you went through it had the purpose of god it had the making of god on it and now that you're there you're going to be able to declare you're just like isaiah isaiah said they that way upon the lord shall renew this strength that's your mouth up i said mount up i said mount up with wings [Applause] stay right there and wait on the lord while you're waiting saying that wait for him i said god say be of good courage and he will he shall step in your heart while you're waiting don't get mad while you're waiting don't get sad tell your girl say girl i ain't mad at you i want you to be blessed i want you to have the house i want you to have the land i want you to get the call i want you to get married but what i want you to know is that don't worry about the trouble don't worry about but if i suffer if i suffer if i suffer if i suffer i'll reign tell your neighbor say neighbor i made up my mind i made up my mind i got to go through some things i got to go through trouble but the bible declares a man that is born of a woman is of a few days and those days will be full of trouble but tell your neighbor [Applause] [Applause] i said tell your neighbor and i'm gonna stop right now tell your neighbor tell them these words tell them have you ever found out have you ever heard about it weeping i said weeping i said weeping we we we we we've been made tell them we [Applause] joy joy joy joy [Applause] rest on your feet all over the building no longer are you going to be called [Applause] odessa but from this day forward you represent all sixty five thousand women in this room what's your name and say i'm not hadassah my name is esther i don't have no scars i got some stars now i'm a quick where's the crown put on your spiritual crowd say i'm a queen i may not look like you want me to look i may not act like you want me to act i may not doubt every i cross every team but touch your neighbor says i'm a queen i may need help getting up but i'm a queen when god makes your queen he don't take it back gone girl what's your bad self go on girl now listen my time is up but i want everybody to do this god is my secret church god said to me nathan simmons i want you to tell the women of god the men of god the people of god that have gathered in this room in the vastness of this auditorium he said tell them these words he said tell them your whole problem the reason why you're going through what you're going through is because you are in your pathetic destiny what are you here what are you on the second balcony one two what are y'all in on the first balcony what are y'all in all on the main floor what are you in everybody say watching
Channel: Phillip McCoy - Pettaway
Views: 130,100
Rating: 4.7591362 out of 5
Keywords: Phillip McCoy, Foursquare Gospel Cogic, 218 Webster Ave Syracuse Ny, W Steven Williams Administrative Assistant, Prophet Nathan Simmons
Id: ldkU_kymrMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 3sec (4803 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 06 2019
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