I'm Coming Out of This - Bishop Jackie McCullough

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there isn't a reason strong enough for not praising the lord whenever the going is getting tough just keep praising the lord praise him [Applause] you know that you should for everything is working together for good there isn't a reason strong enough for not praising the lord if you believe that give him a standing ovation amen amen praise the lord [Music] before you take your seeds my my cheeks are hurting me because i'm grinning why am i grinning because i'm in the presence of two wonderful people and i have lived to see a vision come to pass and i am so excited oh you want to thank god for your visionary amen i am so excited amen i am genuinely excited this is not a fake excitement i remember i always talk about pastor jenkins and his wife because i remember when they were in the old location or at the old location he used to leave the main sanctuary and go to all the classrooms do you remember those days all the classrooms during the offering and he would greet every classroom even though you were in you were satellited into these classrooms he wanted you to feel special now you know you ought to rejoice that he doesn't have to do that anymore amen amen amen and to his lovely wife to his lovely wife to all of the ministers and all of you who are in leadership with him to help make this wonderful ministry what it is i salute you to all the visiting ministers pastors evangelists and of course to pastor chris miller from remnant fellowship worship center right up here in upper marlborough we had our anniversary and we started the rafa alliance and he's one of the churches that we're covering and i'm so glad to see him tonight god bless you amen amen you may be seated god it's good to be here everything is clean and pretty man it's clean and pretty i like clean and pretty well we brought a couple of uh products with us for a small donation you can really um take something home other than the the uh media you have here at the church and here is one that's entitled turning your troubles into triumphs it takes a special kind of christian to do that i'm not talking about whining christians and complaining christians i'm talking about christians who can take something that was designed to make them sick and give them joy and health and peace this will help you and here's another one whose dream is it anyway sometimes we have nightmares but if you have a god dream you can make it amen so this will help you to identify your dreams i also would like to thank pastor jenkins because you know right after uh 9 11 we were on our way to jamaica and we were really really troubled as to whether we should go to jamaica or not and this church donated and contributed to us and made it possible for us to go to jamaica and do it debt-free i just think you ought to thank the lord you just don't understand amen this church has been such a blessing and we talk about you continually and the people's lives that you have touched that you may never meet but truly when you get to heaven you will get a special star in your crown for your contribution amen and on that note we're going to liberia the lord is always pushing us out there you know we're one of those churches where we can't hide and get a little breather he's always pushing us out there we're going to liberia in march and we're going to build a school a campus there for the for the orphaned children you know liberia went through a 14-year war that devastated that country tore down buildings demolished schools and churches and that that country is now in a period of restoration and we are called by god to go and help them build so we have these little faith bracelets and if you give a donation you'll have these fake braces one of them says push pray until something happens and we will take the donation and we will use it to go and bring books and school supplies and the building and and celebrate their chance of restoration amen and if you can't help us just pray for us because we are determined to be a blessing globally amen well tonight i'm going to ask you to turn your bibles to saint luke the 22nd chapter saint luke chapter 22 and um i'm going to start at verse 31 and end at verse 34. saint luke chapter 22 beginning at verse 31 and end at verse 34. and you can look at these cross referenced scriptures in matthew 26 31 mark 14 27 and john 13. i'm using the lucan account tonight luke 22 verses 31 through 34. he begins the reading of god's word and the lord said simon simon behold satan hath desired to have you that he may sift you as wheat but i have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not and when thou art converted strengthen thy brethren and he said unto him lord i am ready to go with thee both into prison and to death and he said i tell thee peter the shall not crow this day before thou shalt thrice deny that thou knowest me and the text is taken from verse 32 but i have prayed for thee that thy faith failed not and when thou art converted strengthen thy brethren so far the texts and just the topic that's taken on the context of this when i come out of this i'm going to do damage to the kingdom of hell when i tell somebody i'm coming out of this i am coming out of this the church has a very very difficult time dealing with people's failures the church has a very difficult time accepting the fact that even people who are in leadership that that they have clay feet church people sometimes have a hard time believing that they make mistakes and when they do they are thoroughly devastated many people based on their theology have left the church when they discover that they're not perfect that they don't cross all their t's and they don't doubt all their eyes they are shocked to know that after being with the lord for some time and praising god and speaking in tongues that they're ears of their lives that they will fall or those areas will come up short i'm so glad that god doesn't feel that way i'm so glad that he has made preparation for my failure i'm so glad he has a solution for the days when i fall flat on my face that's why he says in first john if any man sin and we think of you know we always think of sinners fornication adultery sometimes just making the wrong choices sometimes it's being in the wrong place at the wrong time sometimes it's talking to the wrong person sometimes just being on the wrong job it could be anything you have an advocate not only that if you confess your sins he is faithful tell your neighbor faithful i mean faithful and he is just to forgive you of your sins and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness it is almost unbelievable to think that jesus would have chosen this motley crew a group of men with all kinds of glaring inconsistencies you have peter a cursing fisherman you have john who has a bad temper you have nathaniel who is a skeptic you have a man named thomas who doesn't believe a thing he's from missouri don't believe anything until you show me he chose this group intentionally specifically without regret how many of you know that you are chosen intentional specifically without regret and when he chose us he didn't choose us in ignorance he chose us because he knew us before we were born isn't that what he said to jeremiah before you were in your mother's womb i knew you the bible said that we were called before the foundation of the world that means that before there was a world he called us and many of us struggle we struggle that's why we're in and out and up and down and in and out and up and down we're in church for six months doing great and then we fall off the horse and we don't show up or we go and visit to another church and hide because we just can't believe that god can cleanse us and forgive us and give us another chance so we run from our failures we hide when we make mistakes we just don't know how to get back up again here's a classic example jesus is getting ready to go to the cross coming down to the end of his life and and he has spent almost two and a half years with these guys pouring into them teaching them preparing them as i see your motto discipling them that's that's a lost art today you know we get people and we get people but we don't disciple them and disciple means to just train them it means that these guys were walking around in jesus footsteps this is how you lay hands on the sick this is how you cast out demons this is what you teach this is how you endure this is how you ride through criticism this is how you endure persecution this is what you say when they lie on you this is what they say what you do when they want to kill you i mean he lived and taught by precepts and example and by the end now coming down to the end you would think that these guys would have gotten it instead of getting it they do what most people do in church when they see power and position who is going to be the greatest sitting at the last supper jesus getting ready to give up his life and they're worried about power struggle who is going to be in charge and jesus after all these years of teaching them what the essence of servanthood is the bible said he was the epitome of a servant the bible says he stepped out of glory and came and veiled himself off and put on this human flesh and he humbled himself even to the death the death of the cross didn't go around seeking any extra advantages or privileges didn't try to carry his weight around and make himself known for his he already had glory he didn't have to seek glory he was already god he didn't have to push himself around but he humbled himself because he had a purpose and being around him it should have rubbed off on him it's amazing that sometimes the closest people to you are the ones who seem not to get it the ones that you think you should trust or entrust certain privileges they can say well that person has been with me a long time and they should know how i want it and that person has been served with me a long time and they should know but sometimes the closest ones to us are the ones who are looking at the position and not the purpose that's why elisha said elijah said to elijah if you see me not the mantle if you see me not the possibility of power if you see me i'm the one who has the power to empower you if you see me when i go up then maybe you can take on the assignment so here jesus now and they they're grappling over you know flesh grappling over who's going to be the greatest and jesus has a very very powerful way of teaching he that will be the greatest now he didn't say they wouldn't be great he didn't say that greatness would not come to them tell your neighbor greatness coming to you greatness coming to you cool your heels you're going to be a wonder you're going to be a wonder you're going to be a star you're going to be a star don't worry you're going to be highlighted you're going to be a headliner yes he that will be the headliner in the church i'm not talking about on mtv and i'm not talking about your name in the newspaper i'm not talking about in becoming a star according to the world's system but he that will be the greatest in the church he must be the servant so tell your neighbor the more you serve the greater you become the more you serve is the more the spotlight will come on you oh i wish we could get it i wish we could get it the more you pick up the paper off the floor is the more the lord is going to use you the more you empty the garbage without asking for a pay is the more the lord is going to use you the more you go to the nursing home and bait somebody and make them feel good is the more the lord is going to elevate you the more you reach into your pocket and bless somebody unfortunate or in misfortune is the greatest thing in the world the church has lost its ability to be great because we don't have any servants we have people who want to be upstaged because they're so skillful and so talented and they come so equipped so they can't pick up the paper off the floor oh that's my that's not my job description we pay somebody to do that the day you lose your humility is the day that you have fallen the day that you go beyond reaching down and getting your hands dirty that's the day we can't trust you he that will be the greatest among you let him be the servant that's not that's not the way it is you know get a little name and our tones change we can't speak normal english anymore it's got to get a little strange you know we're important and we we we have to have somebody you know if they're carrying our bags we can't even say thank you if they open the door we feel like we're entitled but servants are always aware of humility god if it had not been for you if it had not been for your blessing if it had not been for you picking up a nobody and making them a somebody servants walk softly servants have their hands extended that's why they're great and within that context you would think now that peter would be more conscious of his own spirit it's always good to be conscious of what kind of spirit you have peter had a certain kind of spirit he had a spirit of being grand seeking special attention you know always speaking out of turn and always exerting himself and asserting himself always jumping in front you know what i'm saying always seeming as if he had a special place not knowing that that spirit would have set him up for a special kind of experience you see we look at his failure but god is looking at the process he has to go through to do some great things for god god has a way of taking a mess a messed up person a person with glaring inconsistencies and what you see today you better not close your eyes because that's not who you're going to see tomorrow many of us are sitting here and if god chose us based on our straight a average we wouldn't be in here tonight but god took the worst so that he can use that person for his best here is peter simon simon and you see when when you hear that repetitive kind of phrase jesus is getting ready to say something powerful whenever he repeats himself because he doesn't but when he repeats himself it's serious simon simon look something is about to happen that you're not discerning simon you're walking with your eyes closed simon you have too much confidence in yourself you're forgetting that you have issues that are not resolved simon your front is covered but your backside is exposed look simon check it out one of one of the real problems with the church is a spirit of discerning knowing that something is coming knowing even for yourself that something is not straight thank god for praying men and praying women that even if you're you're you're you're in your sleep god will wake you up or god will speak to you and let you know something isn't right a friend of mine just lost her mother but two weeks ago the lord spoke to her consecutively in a dream about her mother leaving here and even though she's grieving the lord prepared her for it the lord showed her three times your mother is leaving here so when she left even though she's grieving she's not hysterical because god has a way of showing you ahead of time and i want you to look tell your neighbor look look look look don't sleep on this trouble in the house don't sleep on it teenager acting funny don't sleep on it something going on with the cell phone no sleep on it something happening with the internet at night don't sleep on it every now and then you got to look my god that's why god gave you insight the holy ghost in you has the power to lock tell your neighbor don't sleep on this don't sleep on it look simon look look look satan examine this say simon satan chose you he hath desired the word beside there is a weak word in the english in the original it means satan demanded came up and ask for you with force something about you satan simon attracted the devil he wants to put his purpose on you he wants to include you in his agenda simon you're a target you're a target for the devil he knows that there's something about you know he doesn't know everything the the devil doesn't have the kind of knowledge that god has for those of you who are still in psychic connection they can only give you a little bit of information they don't know the whole picture for those of you who are still getting your palms read i'm sorry for you because they have to lie a little because after a certain point they get nothing they get nothing they're blank blank blank they have to get what you give them and that's why they ask you so many so many questions ah for those who keep dialing that same number to get a reading after a while the reading is the same thing as it was last week because the devil only has limited information but the devil knows that there are some of us who are going to do damage to his kingdom and when you got that look tell your neighbor i got that look there's something on me god has smeared me with his spirit and because i am i am smeared he wants to target me [Applause] some of us are just marked we can't get away can't get away god has us for this season for the furtherance of the gospel and the devil hates people who are going to take the gospel further now there's some people who ain't taking nothing they're going to sit in the church and they're going to rock and praise but there's some of us we've got a charge to keep there's there's a mandate on our lives and we got to take it further tell your neighbor i got to take it further i got to take it further now simon the devil wants you he wants you that he may sift you as wheat he wants to manipulate you that's what you do when you we know wheat it's a winnowing process you take the shaft the outer covering off and you put the kernel in a sieve and you shake it up and down to separate the useless from the useful so it's a process of agitation it's a process of instability it's a process of being pushed around it's a process of being up to date and down tomorrow it's a process of frustration just when you think you've gotten over something you're right back in it the devil asked for you he asked for you he intends to prove to you that you're not what you say you are he intends to show you that you have not gone any further than the day when you got saved he wants to convince you that you're not delivered he wants to put you back in the mess so he could discredit you he wants you to walk in christendom with your head hung down apologizing for who you are he wants to take your integrity and he wants to mess up your credibility and the devil asks for you oh come on you're that yeah that good you're that good he doesn't ask for junk you see he doesn't want any mickey d hamburger he wants filet mignon anymore he doesn't want anybody who is halfway backsliding all the time he doesn't want anybody who has no purpose he doesn't want anybody who is going to do damage to his kingdom ah he doesn't want anybody to sit down in church fold in their arms and sleep half the time he wants you you you you you you who has a vision in your breast you you you you you who wake up in the morning and see things that ordinary people can't see he wants you you you you you who have been kissed with his with the anointing of the lord come on and put your hands together i want you to praise him in here tonight [Music] [Applause] glory to god he demanded that i hand you over he's making his demands because he wants to confuse you you up put you in a position where you doubt yourself put you in a position where others will point their finger at you set you up so that you'll be covered with shame the only thing that the devil is always confused about is that when he asks for these special people he thinks that he can have them without god involved god never turns you over to circumstances without getting up in there with you isn't that what he did with job he said have you considered my servant job that means he was not just a servant he was not just any servant he is still mine i don't care what you do with him i'm in it i'm in it i'm in it even when he's grieving i'm in it even in his losses i'm in it and if i'm in it you can't have them but so long the devil asks for you but the devil has a short memory the devil is deceived he thinks he can have you without your covenant relationship he thinks that he can have you without your coverage tell somebody i'm covered i'm covered even when i'm in the deepest hole i'm covered even when the mess comes all the way over my head i'm covered even when i fall flat on my face i'm covered i'm covered because i'm chosen and i'm chosen not because i'm good but because he wants me i don't know why he wants me i don't know why he likes me i don't know why he loves me i'm the worst child that he has but the trouble is he loves me and he wants me and nobody can pluck me out of his hands come on chucks [Applause] help me tonight glory to god glory to god glory to god if it were so many of us would have been plucked long time ago but eat your heart out devil i was knocked down but you couldn't on you couldn't pluck me i even messed up but you couldn't pluck me i got in trouble but you couldn't pluck me because all that the father giveth me their mind and nothing and nobody can pluck them out of my head just somebody i'm in it now i'm in it i'm in it i'm in it [Music] listen if you ever if you ever know this you can't be the press for law [Applause] all you people who are taking these anti-depressant you just don't know who god is even on my worst day i know he got me he's got me he's got his gun even when i do things that are crazy and dumb and ridiculous out of my own ignorance and anxiety i jump the gun and say something and do something he still got me he got me he got me he got me how do i know he has me because he brought me out he brought me out he brought me out he didn't leave me in there come on and praise him for bringing you out oh you got to praise him right here glory [Applause] [Music] that's one of the explicables of being a christian we're not cocky we're just knowledgeable we're not arrogant we just know we're the apple of his eye oh my my my my we're not boastful we just know that because he loves us he'll never leave leave us we're not walking around with our head up in the air and thinking that we can do anything we want to do and get away with it no but we know that because we're in him we can't do it but so long we can't mess up but so much we can't run but so far where shall i go from his presence if i fly to the outermost parts of the earth he's right there if i go to the bottom of the sea he's right there come on and thank god for being in his hands hallelujah [Applause] [Music] the bible says he's doing this with you like a yo-yo your emotions your finances bad deal and you're paying the price bad relationship paying the price children out of control because you didn't discipline them you're paying the price hung out with the wrong people and they backstab you and you're paying the price i'm talking about things that we bring on ourselves because the lord said the devil asked for you and when he asks for you he set it up and you walk right in it so you're going up and down in and out but while you're being tossed to and fro before the devil even started his stuff jesus said but i have prayed for you no no no now this this this sentence structure is very weak in the in in the english it means that i've already prayed it this doesn't mean i prayed it means i prayed before i prayed before he asked i prayed before you fell i prayed before you were born i prayed before i hung the stars i prayed before i called forth for the sun ah i prayed before the moon was hung in its place at night i prayed before i separated the waters from heaven and earth in other words there's nothing that's going on in my life that jesus has not covered me with or you think he delivered you at that moment you've been delivered you were delivered before you got in it oh you all don't believe that y'all don't believe that see see when you believe that i prayed tonight and the lord delivered me tonight then you're confused that's why you're anxious but when you know your deliverance is already pre-packaged tell somebody my blessing is already pre-packaged my my way out is already prefixed he's not he doesn't react to my mess he already knew that i would get in this he already knew that i would stumble he already knew that i would fall and before the incident happened before i came out of my mother's womb all of my deliverances were already in place waiting for a time and a place to be brought out tell somebody i'm already delivered don't you look at me funny i might be going through my process of humiliation but i'm already exalted come on and praise him in the house already delivered listen you know why you know why you have to believe it this way because the devil will take you on journeys of depression journeys of anger journeys of of depreciation journeys of of self-mutilation beat yourself up beat yourself up already beaten and you're beating yourself up but when you know like david i'm just waiting for the day i'm waiting for the day when the baby dies when the baby lives one thing but if the baby dies and when the baby died he got up immediately he didn't go into a mourner's bench he didn't go sit in the back and put something over his head no that's church stuff ah he went and stepped up in the presence of god ah with all of his mess and he said create in me a clean heart and renew the right spirit in me i know i know good but just don't take your joy from me come on church i need somebody to help me up here put your hands together i want to hear your praises i just want to get past this tell your neighbor i just want to get past this i just want to get past this and then now that this that this that you're coming out of that you're getting past is a setup to expose character flaws if these kinds of situations do not occur we will be deceived to think that we're okay we would function under the delusion that we're doing god a favor look at the backdrop ground they thought they were big and bad enough to have a special seat they were grappling over power and right after that jesus is going to prove to peter you don't deserve power you ought to be glad that i'm in your life and many of us do not realize that we have these issues that we have put under the carpet because we are privileged to have positions we're privileged to be talented we're privileged to be blessed with skills and sometimes we feel that way in the church the church could not go on without us that we have privileged position and the pastor needs us and we have all kinds of administrative skills or ministerial skills and we are not convinced that underneath all those skills there's a little dirt a little bit of dirt a little bit of dirt a little bit of dirt a little bit of anger a little bit of frustration a little bit of jealousy a little bit of envy a little bit of backbiting a little bit of back stabbing a little bit of gossip so god has to put you in a situation to make you see your rotten self lord have mercy so you can see that there's something going on in here that god needs to deliver me from or you better thank god you better thank god for the setup you better thank god for the setup the devil thought he was setting you up to destroy you but he was really doing you a favor that's the delusion thing about the enemy he thinks that every mistake that comes my way is designed to destroy me but it's designed to make me strong every time i go down i'm coming back up every time i mess up i'm seeing something that i ought to see i didn't see it when i thought i was all right but i see it and because i see it i'm more dangerous now than when i couldn't see it somebody getting ready to come out of something tonight come on and let me hear you praise praising for coming up [Music] i said i'm coming out i'm coming up i'm coming out [Applause] the most trusting person or trustworthy person is a person who has been sifted you can't trust anybody if they have never been sifted [Applause] oh my my my can't trust you with power if you have never fallen on your face can't can't trust you to have compassion if you have never blown it and blown it badly can't trust you if you've never seen your clay feet and smelt your own funk can't trust you because you're deceived to think that your cologne is okay 24 7. underneath the cologne is some funk ladies and gentlemen and god is coming after the funk you better thank him for coming after the come on and praise him oh i feel a hollering right here somebody help me holler there you go [Applause] the most difficult person to deal with is a funkless person yes [Applause] [Music] a person who have never smelt themselves and hated it oh when you really smell yourself and you hate it you're on your way to victory [Applause] when you see your mess and it breaks you up on the inside god is getting ready to use you come on and praise him and your sub and say he goes somebody praise him right now somebody coming out i say you're coming out rubble hallelujah i'm going to tell you why in a minute i'm almost finished i'm not as long as i used to now listen to me i saw the fall before you were born i saw the traps before you even got saved i saw the snare that was set up just before you got elevated to become one of my apostles it's always just before just when you're about to bring home the victor's cup the enemy asks for you but don't be dismayed thank god that you didn't get it with the funk thank god that it happened before you got a little bit of power can you imagine going to high places funky hey y'all ain't gonna help me but i tell you there's a hollow up in here because the higher you go the funkier you smell [Applause] comes out you can't hide that stuff because the higher you go you feel like you're justified to be highly funky oh but when god puts you on your face and when the devil dethrones you and you come out of it and you realize i can live my life without thunk without shame without guilt without frustration what a glorious day and somebody has been on their face and tonight the lord said get up i have delivered you come on and put your hands together i just want to hear you praising i just want to hear your praises i just want to hear your praises all right what is happening to peter that jesus's intercession is covering the bible says he's our high priest our mediator our advocate as a matter of fact what he's doing in heaven is what he's done to peter right here he's interceding covering he's your defense attorney he's speaking on your behalf since you can't speak for yourself and and he's speaking on the behalf of somebody who is guilty he's not defending an innocent honorable upright just person he's in he's defending somebody who is smelling up the place why would he go to the extent to cover somebody who is that low down why would he go through all that trouble he went through because that's who he died for he didn't die for the upright and the perfect he died for the lowly the down lowly the low down the rotten person just like you and me all have sinned and come short of the glory of god ain't no good thing inside of me all of my righteousness is like a huge sanitary napkin that's what the hebrew says ain't nothing about me that's upright and that's who he died for hung high shed his blood gave up his life so that i can sit up in here tonight and have a right to the tree of life oh you better praise him right now oh yes oh yes oh yes [Music] peter [Music] i know what you're gonna do i know when you're gonna do it and i know what you're gonna do after you do it but i got you covered i got you covered can you imagine if god didn't have us covered many of us would have gone too far and couldn't come back many of us would have gotten deep in it and there would have been no return but look at your life you got to a certain point and some snapped your back my god we would have learned about you in the newspaper we would have heard about you in the gospel of the church but just when it was about to get too funky god grabbed him turned you around washed you up put your back in your right mind now you know you ought to praise him in here come on and praise along i said praise him glory to god tell somebody he prayed for me he prayed for me he praised him it ain't your grandmother that prays for you it ain't none of that praise for you it ain't your good aunt that prayed for you she might have been an instrument but she's not the intercessor here some mess that we got in nana couldn't help us out of auntie couldn't help us out of her you didn't want to tell mama so she don't even know how messy it is but the god who sits high and the god who looks low the god who says ain't nothing hid from me all things are naked before me the god who says i know you're rising up and you're sitting down i know your thoughts from afar off i got you covered in the pick of the mess in the thick of the sickness tied up in your issues going around in circles i got you covered and because i got you covered guess what you're coming out now what was satan after when he asked for peter i want you to understand what he's after because sometimes you think he's after your gift there are lots of people who are still using their gift and they're going to hell so he ain't after your gift after your gift some people think that he's after my reputation we ain't got no reputation in him we live in him we move in here we have our being because sometimes you do very well and you live perfect and people still lie on you so you got no reputation some of you think he's after my money he's after my home he's after my health no because he knows that god is jehovah rapha and he's jehovah jireh and he can bless you just like that he knows that you can get knocked down today and get a million dollars tomorrow because he understands how god operates but what is he after and if you know this little secret tonight you will be grateful for the prayer he's after your faith he's after your belief system he hates the fact that you love god and you trust god and you believe that jesus is lord he wants you to take that testimony back he wants you to deny him and denounce him he wants you to reject him and act like you never knew him he wants you to cuss and walk away and act as if jesus is not the lord of your life and the lord of the universe he's not after your money or your health or even your sexuality because if you believe in god you do what god says with your body what he's after is your faith do i believe that he is lord do i believe that he reigns forever do i believe that he's sovereign do i believe that he's in charge do i believe that he's the son of the living god and that there's no other god like him do i believe that he is a great i am the way do i believe that his blood washes whiter than snow do i believe that he's a demon chaser and that all power is given unto him in heaven and in earth do i believe he's a resurrected christ that he busts the great wide open and that he reigns and lives forever if i believe that that's what he's after and if you can stand the test you have wicked the devil come on and put your hands together come on church glory glory to god listen [Applause] peter didn't understand that because peter thought that he loved god enough not to deny him he thought he thought that his faith was strong enough to stand the test but the bible said jesus prophesied here's god's prophetic word over you the devil asks for you are you going to shake you up so put you in a pressure cooker and force you to deny your faith but you're coming out of it even though you may act stupid and say some things and reject me for a moment after you get your senses back you're gonna come out and when you come out of this the world will have to reckon with you something about going that low and coming up that high lord have mercy come on and praise him i said somebody went down in here somebody went down somebody went down somebody went down but somebody coming on up come on and put your hands together i want to hear your praises for coming on up glory to god a moment of weakness will cause you to deny whether it's quiet silent or open no no no listen what he did he says when you are converted strengthen the brethren let me see what did he do when the damsel said to him you're one of them you belong to him that's the biggest thing when we're in certain situations we don't want to be identified when we're hanging out with certain people we want to hear about jesus when we're fooling up with our flesh we don't want anybody to recognize the god and the call on our lives there's certain things that we're engaging we want to lay down the call for a minute and we don't want anybody to remind us that god has smeared us in his spirit but somehow everywhere you go everywhere you go even if you're in the worst alley lord have mercy with your pants drop down somebody gonna say ain't you the one that is called aren't you the one that loves the lord don't you know that jesus got his hands on you it could be a raunchy sinner but they got the ability to see that you can't get away and somebody has been running don't mention my call don't mention who i am in god table it for a while because i feel like i want to deny him now i came to tell you something this is not something that you're doing the lord allowed the devil to set you up set you up based on your own weakness he allowed the devil to take your issue and hang you what was peter's issue self preservation is all about protecting me the theology of self-absorption has eaten up the church [Music] what about me what about the way i feel what about what i need what about what happened to me years ago why can't i get what i want is it so bad that i want this you don't know how i feel that kind of theology has eaten up the church and you've tried to force responsible preachers to preach a theology that is a me theology so you can come and feel good and get a nice rub and massage but it has only driven you into damnation and further self-deprecation oh but thank god that jesus has covered some of you if he didn't cover some of you you wouldn't be in this church tonight lord have mercy you've lived the life of selfishness all your life and now the devil is using your flesh to choke you half to death to the point where you have conveniently denounced christ two and a half years of pouring into him to move him from discipleship to apostleship is getting ready to be given up and some of us will give it up for a moment of gratification just one moment a fleeting empty cheat moment a moment that leaves a nasty taste in your mouth a moment that traps you with an addictive taste that drives you to heightened moments but never gets satisfied until jesus steps in didn't you know him the bible said he denied once don't you know him and he denied twice aren't you one of them because he was afraid to go to the cross you see he was afraid he thought if they crucified jesus they'll crucify him and that's why we don't stand up we are afraid to die we're afraid that this flesh should die the flesh lives in the church flesh in the choir flesh in the music department flesh in the pulpit flesh ain't dying flesh is living that's why there's no glory in the church the glory comes when the flesh dies i am crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but the christ that liveth within me lord have mercy for me to live is christ and to die his cane ladies and gentlemen the church has lost his theology of flesh dying so the spirit could live and peter wanted to live don't crucify me and because he was doing this this is how we live protecting covering and protecting watching out for me listen i've got the god of the universe watching out for me did you hear what i said ain't nothing i have that he didn't give me and there's nothing i have that he can't take from me i i don't have to walk around and protect myself he said i'll go before you and make every crooked path straight i'm your rear guard on your battle axe and either when you lose something i got something better the saints have forgotten to trust him so they're too busy fighting for themselves and you're selling out for a piece of meat but the bible said it's okay i don't care if you act stupid at some moments peter you're acting dumb right now dum-dum-dum did not call you and make you a fisher of man didn't i spend nights with you pouring into you didn't i call you to a greater call and am i not getting ready to elevate you to be one of the greatest apostles of the first century boy you don't even know your future you don't even know i got it good for you you don't even know that people will walk in your shadow and get healed ah you don't even know that you'll tear down kingdoms and raise up my name forever you don't even know that you're immortal that people in the 21st century will still be reading about you you're too dumb to know your future but i'm too great to let you go lord have mercy you better come on and praise him in here does somebody he got me he got me as dumb as i am and he got me here as foolish as i am he got me as stupid as i am he got me as messy as i am he got me come on and praise him for holding you glory to god lord have mercy to all of you who are grieving over your stupidity lift up your head in here tonight for those of you who are beating up yourself for the nasty feeling and the ugly mess and the twisted contorted feelings and the kinds of stuff that you have done lift up your head tonight cause the bible said that ah when you come out of this when you are converted when you have changed your mind when i've done something to your thinking when i elevate your perception when i let you see the light when you come out of darkness when something happened to your mind when clarity comes when you can back away from the stuff and lose your desire for it when you stop protecting yourself when you see the greatness in me when you see me as your daddy when you see me as your way when you see me as your king and when you see me as your lord something's gonna happen to you you're gonna shake yourself you're gonna pull yourself up you're gonna back yourself up and you're gonna gain some strength oh we got to watch out for you now we used to look at you like you ain't nothing but now we got to watch out for you because you've been too far down are you coming too far up you've been too messy but you're getting ready to get loose you've been too crazy but you're getting ready to have some sense you're dangerous now we can't do nothing with you now cause you've been there you've been down to the bottom you saw a rock bottom you saw everything down in there but now you're coming up with information information to lose the next generation come on and let me hear you i need some help in here hold it somebody help me praise it somebody help me praise we've got some dangerous people in here come on and praise him with yourself every element listen when you are converted i dare somebody to turn when you are converted [Music] when you come out listen there is a theology out that you never ever get delivered from some things and i came to tell the devil you're a lie because jesus prayed nana didn't pray did you hear what i said it's a guarantee come on you you get a warranty in your car you believe in your warranty more than god's guarantee i said he prayed did you hear what i said i said he interceded for you before you were born he interceded for you before you got messed up he interceded for you before you were tempered when he interceded for you before you got abused he interceded for you before somebody messed up your mind and one day and a night like tonight all he's got to do is snap you one time now you're coming out and when you come out the devil is in trouble the same devil that trapped you is the same devil you going with when you come out of this and as i announce it tonight you are going to strengthen the body of christ [Applause] listen any preacher any singer any teacher with any anointing had to come out of something [Applause] you assume that this anointing comes because it can exege the passage or they've been to school to seminary or they're intelligent or they have charisma that doesn't intimidate the devil what intimidates the devil is he took you down but god brought you out [Applause] the issue is i have too much information when you go down there you see the devil's workings you learn about yourself you learn about his tricks but most importantly you listen if i want to know you know if if you want to know about the enemy you become a spy you you go into the land and you spy out the land and then some spies had to take on the identity they had to live in that country they had to speak the language they had to hang out and act as if they they were one of them that's how you got the information see that's why the devil is stupid you see he should have never tampered with you because you see you're coming out with some of his goods you understand and when you come out with some of his goods you can turn around and with him that's why some of you are dangerous in here tonight he should have never tampered with you ah but when you come out of this you can look your brother in the eye and you can give your brother explicit information you can talk to him because you've been there you can become graphic how can you be that clear because i was down there you can tell him about the twists and the turns you can tell them about the pitfalls and the doors you can tell them about the colors and the hues you can tell them about the the sensation and the emotion you can tell them about the feeling and what it does and how it works you can tell them about the words that were said and what the words will do to you oh come on you got information now and i'm calling for people in here tonight who have information don't you be shy don't you feel bad it's for the glory of god come on and praise him in the end yeah baby the problem is we come out but we don't strengthen the church is lacking the ones who came out to strengthen because we're embarrassed we don't want to tell the truth we have these fake testimonies we see our brother and sister going in the same direction and we turn our heads because we want to have a glorious past you ain't got no glorious past you had a rap sheet a rap shape yeah but when you're bold enough then nobody the devil didn't anticipate that peter was going to come out the bible said he wept and when jesus rose he got up and he told mary go tell peter there are 11 of them but i want my man peter they all are special to me but i want my man peter they all walked with me and i all ministered and i'm going to use all of them but go tell my man peter the one who failed miserably publicly go tell him to meet me in galilee and peter was still failing because he went back to fishing scared to death and embarrassed but the bible said that jesus took a little walk he was part of his itinerary he couldn't go back to heaven and sit down and assume his new position until you go by the space called galilee where you going jesus i'm going to find my man peter lord have mercy many of you would have forsaken him and ran him away many of you would have crossed him off the list but jesus got up in his resurrected body and he says i'm going to find my man peter ah my man peter is special to me he's been too far down to leave him down i'm getting ready to pick him up back now tell him to meet me in galilee the bible said that they were fishing and when peter knew it was jesus he came on the seesaw and jesus began to take fish and bread and said come and dine the master calling and all of them sat round mesmerized to see the risen lord and his glorious glorious body in the body that with death in the body that conquered the grave in the body that went back to heaven and offer up the evidence took time out ladies and gentlemen to some all forsaken forgotten fish a man a messed up fisherman a man that was caught up in his flesh and jesus said do you love me boy do you love me if you let me feed my sheep in the midst of failure he gave him a promotion in the midst of failure he gave him elevation what kind of god is this that will pick up a failing man and put him on top what kind of god is this that would promote a man that denied him come on peter do you love me boy then feed my lambs come on peter do you love me boy then feed my flock three times you denied me and three times i'm gonna promote you three times you'll reject me and three times i'm gonna elevate you that's why peter on the day of pentecost when he thought about how far down he went and how much god reached down and picked him up when he got drunk and inevitable the boy stood up i messed up one time but this is my next chance i ain't gonna mess up no more i denied him once and i'm not gonna do it again ye men and brethren we're not drunk as you suppose ah but we are filled with the holy ghost this is what was prophesied by the prophet joel i got a preaching moment and i'm going to use it uh kill me if you want get rid of me if you want but i've been that way me again i'm not going back i'm not gonna deny him i'm not gonna give up my opportunity brought me this far i'm gonna use my mouth i'm gonna speak for him i'm gonna hold on to my gift i'm gonna use my talent i'm not going down there anymore i am converted i'm calling i'm calling for the converted you can't be converted if you ain't never done nothing wrong so i'm not calling for you who are perfect you're so perfect we can't do nothing with you but i'm calling for those of you who have denied him at a moment when you wanted to hold on to yourself i'm calling for you who has been covered by his intercessory prayer that's why you're in here tonight now it's time for you to come out and strengthen undergird support and sucker feed the lambs peter [Music] feed the sheep yes you you can do it better than that holier than thou over there because you know what it is to hurt ish you know what it is to be ashamed you know what it is to fall so i can trust you with my little ones i'm looking for the converted tonight those of you that the lord is giving away out because he wants you to go back and pull someone else out i need you at the altar i need you at the altar i want you to come and come quickly [Applause] if you know you're coming out tell the devil i am not in this permanently this is not a permanent stop i'm coming out to touch someone else i'm coming out to strengthen the brethren i don't care what it is pick your face up off the floor dust yourself off i don't need to know what it is it could be a moment of denouncing his presence it could be a moment of rejecting his call on your life it could be a moment where you ran away from his chastisement and you rejected his discipline but you've been through so much you're ready to come out god told the devil you can have him but not forever you can have her but when i say release when i say let go i want their life to count for me i'm going to use that raggedy life right there that raggedy life right there for my glory when you have been converted turn around and reach for your sister and your brother not to lead them into sin but to tell them how to come out god made a way god pulled you out some things we got into it took god to pull us out and pull us out and not tell our business pull us out and not make the world know our secret mess pull us out and didn't put our dirty laundry out in public covered us now it's our turn when you come out strengthen strengthen strengthen heal touch reach out care for speak to someone challenge them walk them through pick them up carry them because that's why you went in it in the first place to strengthen the brethren raise those hands the up raised hand is a sign of surrender you know somebody here might be contemplating a divorce because of infidelity the lord said all you have to do is trust him to bring your marriage out not you out infidelity is not a perfect reason to break up a marriage those things happen so you could turn around and strengthen the young couples around you so you could speak life and healing to those who are getting ready to get married you ain't even by yourself you're connected to a body and your life affects the other person's life so you're coming out of it to strengthen the brethren somebody is angry because they've been abused and that anger has eaten you up so badly that you have really withheld your love from the lord and the enemy has used your mind messed up your mind the lord said if i hadn't prayed for you you would have lost your mind but now i'm bringing you out why because you're countless people who have been up to you there's somebody being abused right now some child being abused right now and you might be the candidate to free them from the horror of that damage oh come on i want you to raise your hand and begin to thank god for the conversion open your mouth and praise him don't you stand at this altar and keep your lips closed lift up your head and begin to praise the lord the lord is bringing us out i don't hear you i want you to raise your voices don't let the devil take your voice he doesn't want you to come out for when you come out you're going to do damage to segments of his kingdom come on raise your voices why are you worshiping because conversion is taking place my hands are being strengthened i'm getting ready to lay hard on what god said i'm getting ready to walk in my freedom and i'm taking somebody with me i'm getting ready to walk in power and i'm getting ready to release somebody from their bondage come on and raise your hands now come on and open your mouth and give them glory he has prayed for you that's why you couldn't commit suicide he has prayed for you that's why you couldn't leave the church he has covered you that's why you couldn't give up on yourself god brought you this far to release you now raise your voices loud even those who are standing i want to hear a loud praise in the house i want to hear a loud praise in the house i want you to praise him with all your heart ibaba bianda i want you to give him glory give him glory give them glory give them glory come on and honor the lord honor the lord come on in and and and pronounce his name declare his goodness let the very enemy who tried to trap you hear your praise you're not supposed to be standing at this altar you're not supposed to be praising the lord let the enemy see that you are converted let the enemy see that his tricks could not destroy your faith come on raise your faith and lift your praise hallelujah glory to god thank you lord thank you father thank you lord thank you lord thank you god thank you lord thank you father thank you lord thank you god praise the lord my faith has found a resting place not in the vice nor creed it is enough that jesus died and that he died for me what was he after your faith what was he after your belief that jesus is lord and you're standing here tonight as a testimony that he didn't take your faith oh come on i want you to praise god right now i said he didn't take your faith i said he didn't take your faith or somebody in the back he didn't take your name jesus is still lord i don't care how down you went you came up saying jesus come on and praise him [Music] hallelujah glory to god thank you father just turn around and hold somebody and tell them i still have my faith come on to somebody else i didn't leave him i didn't leave him i almost left him but i didn't leave him there were times that i wanted to leave him but i couldn't leave him i told somebody i didn't want to but i turned around and watered him the more my god come on and praise everybody glorious come on and praise him for your faith hallelujah standing coming out with a new testimony just go back to your your seats praising the lord amen i'm standing on the promises of god standing on the promises of christ my king through eternal ages that his praise is reign glory in the highest i will shout and sing i am standing on the promises of god what are you standing on i'm standing standing standing on the promises of christ my savior i'm standing let me see your stand tonight i'm standing standing on the promises of god this church is a great church because of people who have faith in jesus christ the moment you let go of your faith the enemy has free course grab your faith back pick it up out of the hand of the enemy and tell the enemy my faith lies in jesus christ i may not have been perfect but jesus is in me the hope of glory come on and tell your neighbor grab your faith back grab it grab it grab it i don't care what the enemy did just pick it up again tonight and come on and put your hands together and give him a loud praise standing glory glory glory glory come on raiso's [Applause] [Music] hands i'm standing on the promises [Music] i'm just standing it's a call to faith come on standing on the promises everybody you want to be stanley grab your faith and say sir [Applause] [Music] the verse standing on the prophets of christ upstairs is i'm standing my god don't look at my mess but look at what i'm standing i'm standing firm tonight i should not be standing declaring his word the devil bargain for you to give up your faith but you didn't give up your faith tonight and this church is a great church because of great faith in the person in the work in the accomplishment of jesus christ we're not standing on ourselves but we're standing on the name of the lord amen come on and shout hallelujah come on and shout hallelujah come on and shout hallelujah get out of your seat and tell somebody i'm out i'm out i'm out come on move out of your seat and tap somebody move from where you are and get out and tell somebody i'm out when you come out strengthen your brethren hug somebody hallelujah glory to god when you've been converted then strengthen the brethren amen amen glory to god glory to god amen before you move out of here quickly i want you to do something very very special this is a special anniversary this church was built on faith living and moving in a church because of your pastor's faith this is not the work of a man this is a work of god and somebody had faith to believe and i want you to come tonight with your faith intact and when you go home tonight the devil is going to tell you you're not out telling me you're a liar i am out on your way home he says ah you still in the same mansion no i'm not and to prove it i'm going to strengthen my brethren i'm going to go home and pray for somebody on the phone tonight i'm going to call somebody up and witness to them tomorrow i'm going to bring them to church tomorrow night what's wrong with you i'm out the lord has brought me out and i'm ready to do damage to the kingdom of hell i want you to come tonight and just just follow me please follow me i don't care what's going on in your finances take your faith beyond the recession take your faith in what god says i was young now i'm old never seen the righteous forsaken don't receive begging bread even if you're driving a hooptie it hasn't broken down yet you understand you may not be living in a mansion but you're not sitting out on the sidewalk sleeping under a bridge oh come on you need to thank god you need to thank god glory to god you may not have steak and some of us eat all day long so i can't even say that but you're not hungry in here tonight and if you're hungry it's because you refuse food amen so we're going to come and bring an offering of faith faith that in spite of all that's going on the lord will continually take care of us amen i'm going to give tonight to my brother to this anniversary 500 and i'm not going to hustle you or hassle you i'm not going to beg you or my mother would say bra beat you i'm just going to encourage you to bring an offering of faith this is my faith offering tonight there are too many things that i need that this 500 cannot buy so i would rather drop it here and look for the favor out there tell your neighbor favor favor you're looking for money i'm looking for favor i'm looking for the bill to be cancelled i'm looking for somebody to give it to me instead of buying it amen so i want you to come tonight with your offering of faith make your checks payable to first baptist church of glen arden amen amen and i'm sure there are other means of giving and i don't want you to hesitate i want you to come out of your seat quickly i'm giving five i don't know how many people can give 500. i want you to come down pastor or we're gonna pass the plate pastor said you're gonna pass the plate amen and you pass it to the to the middle aisle pass it to the middle aisle and they will collect it now sometimes when we pass the plate you don't put anything in it but that's not faith tonight amen i want you to pass the plate and drop it in the basket and i don't want you to look sad or pitiful amen this is not a stick-up offering this is a free-will offering amen i want you to give it with a smile on your face and if you don't have anything still smile amen and do it quickly so we're going to pass it to the aisle and then they're going to come and collect it like you always do and we're going to ask the musicians to give some music that will lighten your heart and release your faith amen [Music] hallelujah what a great word tonight come on and celebrate the lord for this praise everybody we sing praises to our king for he is the king of kings he sing praises to our king for he's the king of kings we sing praises to our king for he is the king of kings we sing praises to our king for he's the king of peace [Music] he's [Music] he's the king he is oh [Applause] jesus [Applause] yes come on come on come on come on [Applause] [Music] come on foreign forever here we go hallelujah [Applause] help me praise the lord for our music ministry here at first baptist church i've been on god bless you i want to celebrate and honor you combined choir for being present tonight amen i salute you [Music] i'm so proud and so grateful for the dedicated members that we have at our church and i love you all y'all really blessed our socks off today thank you so much and thank you members for coming out tonight and that jackie mccullough can preach [Applause] [Music] i mean straight up [Applause] flat-footed just she's just a straight out preacher and i loved every last i said she done already i want her to keep on going it was wonderful man i just appreciate her coming did y'all appreciate her ministering what she said [Applause] thank you all for staying to the end give yourselves a hand for staying to the end save your sanctified i appreciate that [Applause] [Music] so many pastors have come i'm grateful for i cannot let the night go by without acknowledging pastor mary tillman who has played a significant role in my life i appreciate her my friends pastor andre and maggie stewart where y'all where y'all live at what's it called aberdeen how far is that from here 38 miles it's further than that now you must have been asleep you weren't driving your wife must have been driving aberdeen is further than any 37 miles uh past the steward whatever i'm glad y'all came thank you all for coming i appreciate it
Channel: Bishop Jackie McCullough
Views: 119,389
Rating: 4.832109 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 25sec (5845 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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