Prophet Nathan Simmons Preaching At West Angeles COGIC (Entire Service)!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] that's the name of the Lord hallelu gucchi one is glory to fill this place did you come to pray I can't hear you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you oughta break [Music] down you oughta breathe [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah praise the Lord thank you thank you thank you thank God for Life Church of God in Christ praise singers and now we are ready for the inspirational message from one of the finest young men in our church know how to work with people to receive the Holy Ghost a preacher in his own right elder Charles Hughes we honor the Lord tonight we bless the name of the law tonight we thank God for salvation thank God for the Holy Ghost amen we thank God for this new year with all respect and honor to our Bishop we want to thank God for our Bishop our pastor and our friend praise God for the bishop put your hands together praise the Lord [Music] we certainly thank God for our sainted mother mother Lewis tonight praise God for her let's praise God for mother Lewis and I would just like to just take a moment and have the most beautiful lady in the whole world to stand my wife would you just stand sister Hughes praise God hey man god bless you someone who has walked with you for 36 years amen and given you five children and three grandchildren amen somebody ought to say Amen it's alright to honor them we thank God for all of these pastors and the superintendent's and all of you my father's children well you will have to pray for me on what is called a pinch you know amen but I believe the Lord has given me a word that it will require your participation on tonight I thank God for this new year this new millennium amen this new century and I just believe down in my spirit that if the Lord is telling us anything at all about this new year that it will be a year that will bring about change and it will be a year of positioning us for that change amen would you stand to your feet with me this might seem a little unusual thank you pastor Gibson for that scripture that confirmed it thank you praise team for those praises that confirmed it if there's someone that is seated next to you that is would you help them up I wonder what would happen if the whole house got together in what is called corporate praise I just wonder what would happen oh you're looking good and you came a long way to get here and you're here and since we're here I wonder what is it he wants us to be about would you open your Bibles with me to psalms 134 and we're gonna cause the devil to literally oh I don't want just to cause him to tremble we're gonna cause him to back up amen we're gonna cause him to go another way psalms 134 and would you repeat with me behold bless the Lord all you servants are workers of the Lord who by night stand in the house of the Lord lift up your hands in the sanctuary and do it and bless the Lord the Lord who made heaven and earth bless you from Zion not normally after the reading of the word is everyone standing you would take your seat but I don't want you to take your seat because the Bible self tells us in James not only to be hearers of the word but to be doers of the word and I thank God for the Ministry of the prayer room because one thing about the Ministry of the prayer room it's a result oriented ministry I mean you come back to receive receive what salvation you come that to receive receive what the infilling of the Holy Ghost amen thank God for the written word but I believe that God it's gonna turn a corner amen or cause us to turn the corner because how many know he doesn't change well he doesn't change behold he says I am the Lord and I changed not but the change is gonna be in us amen he's gonna change us and position us to get the blessing he's gonna bless us but it won't be one of those anyhow blessings it's gonna be on an on purpose blessing and to receive the blessing you will have to be in the right position Amen that you almost there's everybody's standing hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to God he about secondo love oho see Oh bless His name bless His name bless His name bless his name hallelujah some years ago I used to have a position where I was in a courthouse all the time this court that court this court that court and we would give an opening and we would say judge so-and-so is entering the room all persons stand that's in a man's natural court but look around you look whose court you're in now if I see condyloma who see hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah I want you just to lift your hands hallelujah you see what he's doing is he's positioning you for the blessing the theme says yes to the king and yes to the kingdom and there's something about lifting a hand that shows I'm no longer resisting but by lifting my hands all over the room on one Accord something happens when believers get on one of cause one purpose you know we're always looking for blessing but the Lord says I want you to bless me I want you to bless me oh I know your leg might be hurting that some of you now wonder why am i standing so long I'm in the position of a blessing hey boss sundial Abajo see I know this is not normal but he's changing you then this new millennium because he wants to bless you or I bless his name that just lift those hands I just wonder I know you left home hit it for church but I just wonder was it guaranteed you were gonna get here I just wonder can you think of anything you ought to give him some glory I just wonder can you think of anything the Lord has done for you oh you lookin good you sounding good I wonder kinda here oh so pretty I wonder can he hear us and glory oh I will bless the Lord hallelujah have icy cold the under little horse ooh let me rush on here but I want you to keep your hands now here's what we tell our folk in the prayer room if it gets too heavy this way then put it in a cup for and let your elbows rest on that extra weight on the side keep standing your healing is in your praise the praise team told us your deliverance is in your price I know it doesn't seem right to bless him but he said bless me and see what I will do see if I won't open the windows of heaven unto you what do you need from the Lord don't ask for the thing just bless the blesser bless the Lord I will bless the Lord at all times and the psalmist said it Psalms 34 remain standing you see why you keeping us standing because Court is still in session his praise shall continually be in my revelation said they overcame by the blood of the Lamb and by the words of that confession you gotta say it you wanna be able to tell God thank you you wanna tell him good alright I'll let it ring out from here now here's the key here's the key see he's just positioning us this is not just what we do while we're in here but look check this out his praise and Psalm 34 shall continually be in my mouth my soul that's your mind you know change needs to begin in the mind this year God's gonna get rid of what's called stinking thinking amen because that's a man thinketh so is he but God can I pick yo man hey hey change is on the way so the Bible says my soul shall make its boast in the Lord I'm not gonna boast because of how many members I have I'm not gonna boost because of this uh boost because of that but I'm gonna post in the Lord and then what's gonna happen the HuffPo shall hear of it and be glad that kind of sounds like what Jesus said if I be lifted up I'll try all men unto me here's what I like here's what I like and this is why we gotta get together on this I like to just give the devil a migraine just to terminate him oh if the devil's riding your back lift your hands and give God praise he can't ride us straight back he can't ride a straight back now watch this look at verse 3 o magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together I sought the Lord did anybody here seek him did anybody here seek him did he hear you he said you talk not to me I'll do what turn not to you I'm almost through now you got to understand this is just the beginning of this brother pastors I challenge you in your church to have a time that you call bless God time I tab you just radical in your praise just get crazy in your praise just go to remember what God has done for you go to giving God glory in the midst of situations don't with me to a couple of more scriptures my time is just running away here I want to go to Psalms 107 and if I don't get to all these scriptures you just write them down Psalms 107 verses 1 & 2 then we want to go to Psalms 100 persons one at five hey I see canola boho you just begin to recite that to go over these scriptures I begin to speak them in the name of the Lord Jesus Psalms 107 verses 1 & 2 the Bible says all give thanks to the Lord why do we have to thank him for anything because he is good for his mercy endures hello [Applause] hey boss she cooked up a whole verse to get ready now I don't want nobody acting up at the redeemed if you not be Dean he doesn't see this well if you not redeem you know what you can still praise it because the Bible says that everything I'll have breath praising the Roosters can freeze and the rats can presume the stones were praise him well verse 2 let the work let the redeemed of the Lord do what say so why because he has redeemed us from the very hand of the inner man go quickly with me to psalms 100 persons 1 through 5 praise God we just bless in him we just position in ourselves for the blessing amen make a joyful shout to the Lord all you lands serve the Lord with gladness come before his presence with singing that's what we've done that's what we're doing know that the Lord he is who God it is he who has what made us you mean we didn't make ourselves you mean we are his people and the Sheep of his pasture did turn to his what gates with Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise be thankful to him and since name but the Lord is good and His truth endures to all generations hallelujah hallelujah well we nothing yet I'm just gonna sit down but we got through how many know it takes more than just a good start it's gonna be a continuation and what's going to happen is that you continue to bless him and praise Him your miracle is going to show up or the preacher said last night between the prophecy and the promise well this is the year of the manifestation and your manifestations in your price see because if you believe that God not only is going to do it but has done it then you will make your mouth say thank you you'll say thank you before it shows up you'll say thank you before it shows up and it's in you thank you it's in your price that you're deliver us is that the laws one more time my soul within me bless His Holy Name Oh bless the Lord that's the law bless the law is the law [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I will bless the Lord at all times his praise thank you Jesus we say they thanked the Lord for the inspirational message taking us in praise taking us into worship of the Lord from Ella Hughes thank you Lord for the incoming of our Bishop Shayla I honor him the administrative assistants and the superintendent's and all of the pastor's mother Lewis all of her staff and all of you the people of the Lord is just so good to be here in this workers meeting I've been blessed and I've been helped in this great meeting are you being blessed just lift your voice and say down bless a man super tender James Lewis is coming let everybody say praise the Lord I enjoyed elder Hughes simply acknowledging us to praise the Lord and the unique thing about it was he was admonishing us to praise the Lord together I observed the Holy Ghost didn't come when they all got on one Accord he came when they all God and with one Accord their strength in unity we're all of the anointing and the inspiration is in this place deliverance is in the room now you don't have to ask God to stop by he's already here and where the Spirit of the Lord is there's Liberty I've been asked to expedite the offering but there's an anointing on me now everybody in this room be kind enough just to reach over and lay your hands on that person next to you I've discovered in my almost 40 years of ministry that a lot of people are laughing on the outside but they're hurting on the inside God promised that if we would but petition him let your requests be known that he would move in the mighty way but answer do something else in this beginning of the new year forget about all of your desires and promises for yourself wants you to pray for a few moments for that person next to you you don't know what people are going through I've been very touched and moved here in the last month or so I thought I had really grown crying but I received a desperate letter from West Africa my brother over there that literally had nothing destitute doing mission work and he simply said that could you send me some old clothes old shoes anything he says as I go around in these different villages he says the people have nothing and I began to think about how blessed I am and before I know what I choked up and dropped my head and cried there on my desk and I went and presented it to my car drench my heart as my lips pardon your praise come over and help me sing it please precious Jesus how I love you how I lived hi my boys with your praise [Music] holy spirit I am worthy [Music] drench my heart as my lips part your friends oh I am persuaded Lord to love you ah [Music] have been changed to bless your name I am constrained by this great gospel forever to ship me come on sing it with me I am persuaded [Music] more to love you I have been changed to bless your name I am constrained by this great [Music] worship Me come on [Music] [Music] tweet the last CEO ah custard [Music] lift your hands and say forever to worship thee [Music] tell them forever I worship thee [Music] forever I'll worship me [Music] come on [Music] how about never crazy [Music] in each of our conventions we try to have a theme song for that convention and it seems that this has been the song that the Lord has given us for this wonderful wonderful week of joy and inspiration how many of you have been blessed in the workers leading this year [Applause] what is our theme for this week y2k yes to the kingdom that's what y2k is all about how many went out and bought flashlights for y2k don't be bashful raise your hand you went out and bought flashlights getting ready for y2k anybody buy water friend of mine had eight big barrels of water not buckets barrels anybody catch a flight at ten o'clock on New Year's Eve nobody was in the air billions of dollars of preparation for all of the glitches of y2k and you didn't know y2k actually meant yes to the kingdom [Applause] not just yes to the king but when you say yes to the kingdom yes to the king is implied in yes to the kingdom but when you say yes to the kingdom you're saying die kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven look at your neighbor and say neighbor I'm gonna do everything I can to establish the kingdom of God on this earth look at somebody else and tell them I am a kingdom ambassador I'm a diplomat and I've got diplomatic immunity what girls for other folk don't go for me other folk can love their enemy but I've got the Holy Ghost and I can love my enemy other folk ain't hungry and thirsting for the things of God but I'm hungry and I'm thirsty furthermore of God other folk are seeking for the material goods and the possessions and the things of this world but I'm seeking first the kingdom and all of these things shall be added unto me of the focal word about what the devil is doing it the way that devil is pushing them around but the devil ain't pushing me around he's under my feet look at your neighbor and say if you've got a message for the devil write it on the bottom of my shoe because the devil is under my feet jesus said I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all of the power of the enemy is anybody ready to get up and stop the devil [Applause] hallelujah oh that's what you're doing when you shout that's why we shall because we're stepping on the devil come on let's get it Bow Wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on and play them everybody look at your name and they'll get the victory [Music] victory [Music] oh yeah I'm in the world but I'm not off of the world and I'm not subject to the laws of the world world can do anything to me it wants to it can kill me but when it kills me it releases me to go into the presence of Almighty God to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord and I don't care what you going through the world may give you it's worse but one day the Trump of God is going to sound the dead in Christ are going to rise first and we that are alive and remain are going to be [Applause] [Music] hallelujah take your seats everybody [Music] [Applause] hallelujah take your seat take your seats everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world oh let the devil puff and Huff carry on his shenanigans but he's already defeated look toward your neighbor and say that devil is already defeated [Applause] well let's praise God for the arrival of evangelist Nathan Simmons that praise our sister Simmons little sister Simmons let's raise that for them let's praise God for evangelist twiki Clark musical genius songwriting progeny organ playing wonder anointed woman of God spectacular evangelist of the gospel of Jesus Christ we are overwhelmed that this wonderful young lady is here in the city of Los Angeles but we have the opportunity of being exposed to her excellent ministry gifts and to participate in the love that she has for the Lord as she sings praises to his name inseong the Church of God in Christ is so highly highly blessed to have such a wonderful young woman among its members and what a privilege it will be to see her presented in concert on Saturday night but she's gonna be around doing stuff in our services and in our sessions as we approach the concert thank God for the two days of musical infosys and stress that we'll have the privilege of participating in pastors get involved in the music of your church the music of your church is so closely intertwined and related to your preaching ministry and without close attention to your music the church can never reach its potential and to all of the musicians the pastor sets the tone for the worship and the direction and the life of the music of your church and if your pastor said don't sing that don't argue with him I'll become bitter upset with him he is trying to feed the people and take them to a new level it's not about the intricacy of the harmony of the melodic progression it's it's not about how wide arrange your voice has on how intricate the chord may be are how spectacular a song may seem to be the question is that the Lord want to use the song to bless the people of the Lord these songs have an integral function in the life of the worship and even in the salvation of people who would be saved than a service one Sunday morning and at the end of the service the lady came down accepted the Lord and I I don't know why I did it I never do that but I foolishly asked what did I say what was it that caused you to decide to come to Jesus today and she said oh nothing the choir said if you've tried everything and everything has failed try Jesus and I decided that I wanted to try Jesus I picked my face back up off the floor put it back on and was reminded that music is an evangelistic tool it's an instrument of worship to God and we must see ourselves standing before God and singing unto Him and I got the slightest suspicion that if God were actually present and Jesus was looking at us in our face some of the gimmicks that we pulled we wouldn't quite follow a man some curlicues that we put in there we wouldn't do it I mean we'd say it straight and with sincerity and with power as unto the Lord and so will we sing unto Him then we ought to realize that our songs are offered up unto Him and then when we sing in trying to win folk we don't want to do anything in the song that would distract them the goal and the objective that we have in singing to them and that means music got to be at a certain level so you can hear what the singers are saying and they've got to say it in such a way that you can recognize the words all of that they go teach tomorrow they're gonna teach that tomorrow and Saturday and so pastors you've got to be here a man time and time again I've met with my music staff and said now this is what we're trying to make happen in the worship service this is the way we want to do it these are the kind of songs we want to sing and so move in that direction and be present pastors on tomorrow it'll be a blessing to you thank you Pastor Ron Gibson Life Church for your leadership of worship of praise how wonderful how wonderful it came out in force Thank You State Choir sister Judy McAlister all of the musicians god bless you thank you Robert Josue's for that spectacular message on tonight mister holy-o's we enjoyed him so much missions department you were such a blessing to us as you carried forth e wonderful missions emphasis program millions of people are dying on the African continent from the disease of AIDS in Africa for every 5 men who have AIDS six women have AIDS and thousands and thousands are dying every day problem number one on the continent of Africa is the epidemic of AIDS that is sweeping across that nation and AIDS is a heterosexual disease and thousands and thousands even in our own nation are being afflicted and they need our help not only in that area but in a host of other areas and just the other day when Angela said all $5,000 to combat some of the terrible blight disease and hunger that exists on the continent of Africa thank you Pastor Luis for your deep concern and involvement in situations that are there and it is through our missions Department that we will have the effective ministry to those who are afar and those who are in the foreign field thank you super-tender Leonor for being IMC tonight let's praise God for you and brother Luis for assisting us in the offering time today and let me also say that if you missed our state supervisor today you missed a tremendous blessing she was awesome and then got down there and started calling out sicknesses and diseases and the power of the Lord was upon her to heal and and to set free and oh how we enjoyed state supervisor on today god bless you I will not make further observations I think you're ready to hear the man of God tonight are you ready to receive from the Spirit of the Lord how many of you want to know what God has to say to you on tonight God has a word for you and it will come to you through the servant of the Lord is there any special using before oh there is special music Oh wonderful I was hoping there was special music before the man of God comes to share the word of the Lord I beloved Sister Sister Twinkie clock is gonna minister to us after she has finished the man of God our beloved guest and brother become to share the word with us when he stands let us stand and receive him with rousing applause I bless you certainly we honor the Lord for being evening counted a privilege to be able to come and be a part of this great focus meeting I'm so thankful for the invitation and to Bishop Blake in to all of the other officials and to sister Miguel Exton I'm just honored to be here and I look forward in taking part with the music department we just look at a neighbor and say no matter how bad it may seem it's working for your good if you can just accept what God our lives accept what God you better [Music] anyway [Music] face face the fact [Music] and you will never stray [Music] turn your favor [Music] he'll bring you out and he'll give you oh so no matter what are you going through don't don't question God just accept except what God [Music] we all [Music] we all go through life asking the question why anybody ever ask why why all these birder and why when loved one died you don't have to worry you don't you don't have to cry Wow sighs with this God has been good to me he's been so good to me [Music] then what [Music] my tears away anybody ever cried in the midnight hour [Music] my darknessand today do you know what it means to praise you know what it means to pry them in the midst of your test race I'm in the midst of your stove [Music] yeah I'll be outside Wow the trial your trial is just a stepping stone come on help me say it quoi if you believe it what's your pit bull it's gonna take it to something greater say it will leave you Oh [Applause] - you tonight if you'd be so kind if you find yourself in position with me and prayer for just a few moments if you possibly will I don't want to pee ritualistic or to appear to just do something just to be doing it but I saw this in the spirit and tonight throughout this workers time of meeting I'm going to ask the people of God did you be so kind as to intercede for the person who's maybe standing beside you all on the other side I ask this in the spirit for I saw it will you kneel in prayer and intercede and pray for the feet of the person while they had their hands lifted before the presence of Almighty God and then we shall switch began interceding for that person tonight the laborers in the vineyard the person that the Holy Ghost man depakote Asiata bother a busy Ettore Madiba done very busy at ababa V&C pecados p the medieval garb associate ah there's a place in God there are people that go just intercede for me just a deceitful see God take him where he must take him in the spirit [Music] [Music] [Music] massive and area mandala because spy that's it interceding the hooligans intercede for that man come on indicee for that woman now come on that's it now won't you switch reverse the role switch now switch now come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] the variance of the Koshien come on just intercede with them Malcolm all [Music] come on that's it that's it the spirited like we're in to see [Music] yes [Music] yes yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now with that person's hand elevated in the spirit now with that person's hand elevated in the Holy Ghost tonight I'm gonna be civil Chris yeah [Music] [Applause] Bashar bhai and we lift up holy hands [Applause] [Music] that's it yet to see with them even down in Queens [Music] más para because Ferrara Bozzio concern [Music] [Applause] now again at the spirit I feel thee [Music] come on come on come on come on [Applause] come on there's another level here [Applause] come on come on [Applause] [Applause] come on I said before we are funded by the actor religious people some other new nice [Applause] with the cropping of our hands we say thank you [Applause] come on I hear the picture clap [Applause] come on [Applause] Oh Kesava member youngt about the emotion come on - ball Oh [Applause] ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba bullshitting little bit very assertive as pushy Tobias get a decimal the hole that goes tonight what should lift your voices because there's a sound that we're hearing we haven't heard yet but then the Holy Ghost tonight is the night for her mistake tonight is the night of release [Music] but their plate who's coming in the spirit realm so with everything you've got with everything you have within you once you wrap back and just give him the kind of glory that releases his hand [Applause] come on [Applause] she was above the Krishna so master we say thank you tonight be so literal glorify you for your goodness and for your mercy we thank you because you're God because you're alpha and because you're Omega you're the beginning and you're simply the end I appreciate your masterful this that you're doing and that you do that you're doing in the now so you're bringing things into permission that our eyes have never behold you're causing things in the spirit to take cause and send form and faith and we say thank you for it and we saw miss you tonight Oh God and we glory in that presence and then that presence alone Holy Spirit have your way tonight I beseech you by the mercies of God to sit nathan simmons down and stand up Holy Ghost of God and have your way unmeet you Jesus I asked you master to a notice give us clarity of speech and precision of thought understanding of your world and take us into the will of your knowledge and parent was the wisdom that's necessary only you can speak to the vastness of the needs of this nine people these are your people God speak Lord speak speak Syd Nathan Simmons Dow and stop God Almighty and speak you were tonight only request o master is that you would be kind and favor us with your anointing for this cause we've come aside we stand humble before you in your presence Master we've given our lives for this night and for this purpose please Lord don't let a man woman boy or girl leave this auditorium the same way that coming master tonight he'll deliver and set free master tonight he'll deliver and set free pasaba Kadesh be our master tonight he'll deliver and set free the name of Jesus oh my god tonight annoyed Miller heart unknown me Jesus annoying me or else unknown me or else anoint me or kill me unknown to me or kill me I don't want to live without your anointing I don't want to live without your anointing Lord I'll give you my word for the rest of my life I'll give you glory I'll give you glory hour did you close our did you glow and give it globally I'll give you glory I'll give you the honor I'll give you the priests because you're God this house this time in this place [Music] we bless you for every leader we bless you for every leader for every man of God my speaker tosya for every Shepherd that has been given the responsibility of watching from us we pray for our leaders we pray for our shepherds God if your pastors anywhere in proximity in this house would you point your hand in this direction and just ask God Almighty to bless and keep calls fish' to come into being come on into seat for your leader come on I don't know why the Lord said to do it tonight while we're leading and while we're praying we're praying for our Bishop we're praying for Bishop Blake come on some get them and undergird him in the Holy Ghost tonight come on undergird him and the Holy Ghost tonight every superintendent favorite ministry or a big district superintendent for every leader that makes up this august body this state we're praying that Abbas PR must be honorable come on I can't hear you we're praying for our church come on come on the Church of God in Christ come on praying for our sainted mother brother Luis come on in to see we're praying for every district missionary every pastor's wife must be on another order because she be alive we praying for every general board member come on come on come on come on praying with praying with praying silently she orange is going under the operating table on tomorrow the Kansas moving throughout his body I see a lotta mokoosh behind I'm praying for God to touch him come on come on come on touch him touch touch some other mancilla by touch touchdown a cigar go over to Jersey on the other part of the continent on the other side of the America touchdown I heart show them on the asaba touch it touch it now guide the doctors hand they never seem not only possible as they're cutting and clipping taking a mercy brother Berko xie na's piano boo you do the work Lord if a God that can do anything and we look into you here Apsara beyond the Bokashi alibi your God that's able and a masculine of a crispy on the gird the family must be Jesus name and we're so thankful to you now thankful to you now thankful to you now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Saba democracy bhagavata we clap our hands and say thank you lord [Applause] Hey [Music] a suburban I love the Lord Jesus tonight for his goodness and force mercy unto waters God is God God is God God is God confess to your neighbor God is God no no no this time don't say it real nice and smooth I want you to say it like you know he's got all power come on read back and say God is God [Applause] [Music] [Applause] say it like a noise in charge tell them God is gone [Laughter] just lean on some other time oh yeah she is [Music] bless him because he is God out of him because he's God all by himself I reverence the Lord tonight for our bishop won't you put your hands together for presiding bishop [Applause] and while we're appreciating the Lord can we appreciate God for these tremendous minute God that stand along with him administrators and superiors [Music] to all of our pastors and especially to our Satan's Saints supervisor our own mother Lewis once you cut dignity we love her so very dearly so very much [Applause] again tonight I'm somewhat because I studied and prepared something totally different and as I sat here in the sanctuary the Holy Spirit just said not tonight something totally different so how many just want to hear from God confessor to you later I just got to hear from God the word of the Lord is found in the book of second chronicles a familiar portion of out of the Lord for my wife and for all of the beautiful people of God that have gathered here tonight and we'll begin just reading this 20th chapter and it's one that most of us have heard before we've read it with knowledgeable of it but for some reason the Holy Spirit said to share this tonight and we bless him for it and he begin of the reading of God's Word it came to pass after this also that the children of Moab and the children of Ammon were with them on the other side beside the ammonites came against Jehoshaphat to battle then there came some that told Joseph that saying they cometh a great multitude against thee from beyond the sea on this side of Syria and behold there be in Hasan Tamar which is in Judy and Jehoshaphat feared and said himself to seek the Lord and proclaim the fast on all of Judea then verse number 12 says o our God will vow not to judge them for we have no might against this great company that cometh against us neither know we what to do but our eyes are upon thee verse number 14 then a puncture his alva son of Zacharias and a benaiah the son of jr. the sitter mattaniah a leader of the sons of a NASA King the Spirit of the Lord in the midst of the congregation and he said of working you all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem and now King Jehoshaphat thus saith the Lord unto you be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude for the battle is not yours but gods such a neighbor say God's got this one tomorrow we'll go ye down against them and behold come about the cliff of cysts and he shall find them at the end of the book before the wilderness of Jerry L you shall not need fight in this battle set yourselves and Stanley steal and see the salvation of the Lord with you Oh Judah and Jerusalem Vietnam no be dismayed to mark or against them for the Lord will be with you verse number 22 and when they began to cry the blues and when they begin to feel sorry for themselves and when they got so upset that they forgot to lift their hands and praise the Lord and when they began to sing and to praise the Lord said in bushman's against the children of Ammon Moab and Mount Seir which will come against Judah and they were smite and for the children of Ammon and Moab stood up against the inhabitants of Mount Seir early to slay and destroy them and when they had made an into the inhabitants of Mount Seir everyone helped to destroy another and when Judah came to what the watchtower in the wilderness they looked unto the multitude and behold they were dead bodies fallen to the earth and none escaped and when Jehoshaphat and his people came to take away the small of them they found among them in abundance both riches with dead bodies and precious Jews look at some I say look at God which they stripped off of themselves more than they could carry away they were three days and the gathering of the spoil it was so much of the fourth day they assembled themselves in the valley of Baraka and there they blessed the Lord therefore the name of the same place was called the valley Barak unto this day then they returned every man of Judah and Jerusalem and Jehoshaphat and the forefront of them to go again to Jerusalem with joy for the Lord had made them to rejoice over their enemies and they came to him with psalteries and with hearts and with trumpets in the house of the Lord and the fear of God was on all the kingdoms of those countries when they heard that the Lord fought against the enemies of Israel so the realm of Jehoshaphat was quiet for his God gave him rest round about him that may not seem like enough to be anything tonight but I'm going to ask you to do me a favor and forgive me if it doesn't seem very exhausted in its for cleverly but do me a favor and look at somebody and just tell your neighbor these words look at him dead in the face eyeball to eyeball and say neighbor God said don't worry I got this one [Applause] touch your neighbor on the other side and say to them oh don't worry about this God said I got this one look at somebody we cross the room and say hey tell them God said don't worry I've got this one [Applause] [Music] again simple in its form and its fashion I am convinced that the people of God have come to a place in this last hour where we must understand and recognize who God simply is in this last hour lay hands on yourself if you will AHA as if you got to pull yourself away from the battle away from the struggle away from the intent of it away from the conscience of the situation there are its so engrossed you but I hear God saying lay hands on yourself and say these words say whatever you do now don't worry about it the odds there I got this one clap your hands and tell God thank you this is the hour that God Almighty is moving circumspectly amongst the people of God like never before this is the hour that God Almighty has brought the children of God to a place where we are focused where we are destroying now we're finding ourselves and the exploits of the things of God God now is comprehensively bringing the people have got to a place where by which our understanding is is this that it's all about God now I'm convinced that this is the hour that we found us of going through the subliminal changes we've gone through all of the external concepts we've gone through all of those things that would funnel and channel our ways and concept in place but now God is goddess right where he wants us where we now recognize that our dependency is totally upon him but that it's in him we live we move we breathe and simply have our being I am convinced believer that this is the hour that God circumspectly has got individuals in a place where we recognize that nothing happens in the life of believers except God wills it so so that ultimately there's got to be a reason why I'm experiencing what I'm experiencing in the Naha I am convinced that God Almighty has gotten many of us backed up into a corner and we can't do nothing now but look to the heels from which come in our helper and know that I'll help now cometh from the Lord I am convinced believer that God now is causing the saints of God to put their priorities in the right place we're recognizing that as God is who he says he is that he's going to do exceedingly and abundantly above that that we even asked for faith I am convinced now that God is no longer going to play second fiddle he's no longer going to be second place he's going to be Alstom bit or he's going to be nothing and for that cause tonight I am convinced that God Almighty wants the people of God to know that whatsoever that's Rio the chest of tribulation the circumstance the temptation the sickness or even the Prix de Privacy a pass that he is the true and living God and with him all things are possible and nothing can be impossible when you understand that tonight you recognize the strategies by which God now develops the life of believers in this last day but now in order for us to grasp the full meaning I ask tonight to leave this place that you now surge on with me in the spirit that you move now back into a time that we leave this atmosphere huh this image fear now that's conducive then we go beyond Saturn and Mars and Jupiter beyond now that's well gates of the city so that we can walk down the streets that have been paved with gold into the inner chamber of the sanctuary of the Most High God so that we can now sit down in heavenly places at the feet of the Messiah and hear what the Spirit says unto the Church of the Living God we're walking back in time to the Year 896 years before the birth of the Lord and Savior Jesus cries it's an awesome awesome awesome time now because Israel and Judea have now merged in concept when you look at this now you'll understand that your Xhosa that has now joined affinity here the Bible says with a hammer when this thing happens you'll understand that for combustion now comes into being God now sits high and looks low and wonders what in the world is going on when's your host that does this the Bible says now anything that they have experiences now must be channeled and experienced by Jehoshaphat the Bible says he actually lost everything now of his own personality and cloud that had been given unto him but he now says my people shall be as your people and your people now shall be his mind and so here now Jehoshaphat and a harbor have so joined in the Finiti huh but when this thing happens the Bible says now Jehoshaphat goes now into territories and ways by which he's never been called Israel is used to fighting they're used to warring yeah they're used to being challenged and threatened because from generations past their stiff neck hard-headed and rebellious but Judah on the other hand is not used to fighting and using artilleries that Israel is Youssou huh they're used to dealing in the realm of the spirit because when you look at them the questions asking you really huh how can they win the battles that they win yeah and who shall we sin first reply comes now since you'd not because they've been obtained in artillery or in weaponry but because they'll use the simplicity of lifting their hands they'll open their mouths and they'll give God glory huh when they pray something happens when they pray something moves when they praise deliverance is wrong I'm so here now we understand God now merges these and because of that now the enemies of Israel now become the enemies of Judea huh Bible says it now comes to pass with more air and Ammon will come and launch their attack against firstly Jehoshaphat and they Judy Bible the Bible declares that win this thing takes place we wonder within the loins of our mind why would anybody want to attack Jehoshaphat he's a man that walks upright before God he's one of the last of the righteous Kings they're all that have walked it the obedience of God in pleasing in his ways this man understands the integrity their love of his spirit why would anybody attack him but and it was finding I understood it was because of what you're hosted that represents you see your whole step that represented individuality and it's something about when you're an individual you have somehow never your own mind your own fault your own pre your own belief at and people tend to not like individuals who are different and individual in their concept look at some I say don't mind me I'm just an individual yes there's nothing wrong with me being an individual huh it's nothing wrong now with me just having the thoughts they're all of my own but we have a tendency not to like individuals who are different who are different in their concept who are different in their belief factor and because of that the Bible the Bible the Bible says their attack now comes up against your also that but what I like about your host of that is his name for his name now and the Hebrew means this he who has been judged by God it's something about when you know that you've been judged by God you are not moving in the formula of insecurity huh your faith now become secure in the fact that you know in whom you believe and that you're persuaded that he's able to do anything but fail oh we do know who you are you're not moved by what everybody says why would anybody dumb you're not moved about what anybody has you recognize the same God that took time and bless them he can certainly blur and so here now we see the attack coming up against Jehoshaphat I wondered why would they attack him and it was thin the God began to share with me that the attacks always come to the head first notice whatever you experienced it affects the body and your hand whatever you do now it affects your head if you hit your hand your head will be affected by it if you stop your toe your head will be affected by it whatever you experience it will affect your head and because of that believer huh we must not understand and appreciate why God has given us pastors and leaders and set them in authority on the headship now of the church when you understand that you'll have a bit of respect for your pastor you won't stay home from Sunday service and just think well he won't miss me he don't mind no whatever you go through affects your pastor it affects your head I can't hear nobody when you're sick it affects your head when you're going through spiritually it affects your pastor I can hear nobody and so the launch now of the attack was nothing necessarily just to you but what happens it is affecting your head when you recognize that I wondered why it was that this people would attack Judy huh and it was thing that God said Nathan Nathan Nathan don't you know that the enemy likes to attack anybody that knows how to use the weapon our praise don't mess with folks that are not raises he mess with people that'll shout when they don't have a dime in their pocket he'll mess with individuals and a shout when the doctor told you you got cancer huh you shout all in the doctor's office that with the worst things of situations take place in spite of everything their testimony isn't everything here thanks but this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning me so the enemy attacks praise and Moab with the descendants they offer and found themselves being most pious and most rich individuals they were people that usually inhabited mountainous areas but yet they were found in Valley behind the places I wondered why it was that they were counted their place God said that he would that we would go from mountaintop to mountaintop experience from glory even unto glory huh but yet we find ourselves in the valley of indecision yeah in the valley of depression not in the valley of of the shadows of death Phil I wondered what it was about the Moabites and the ammonites he said Nathan their wealth was known throughout all of the kingdom and throughout all of the land everyone knew that they were the wealthy individuals they are that stand but these people had split personalities when I looked I said Lord I wondered what kind of personality they would have he they were warlike in their nature because they would war against the children there Arthur of Israel and in Judea but then they could be very kind like in their nature because Ruth was a Moabite how wondered wondered wondered what it was and how and then I compared them to the Saints believe it we're dealing with saints that have split now personalities sometimes you see them they're happy and then sometimes you see them they're saying now then sometimes they get mad because you didn't know they were glad not one minute we're shouting and speaking in tongues and swinging off the chandelier huh and the next week we wonder if God is within who he says he is split now personalities when you look now at their genealogy you'll understand that the inside of a man is what is it demonstration in their manifestations with appearances what I mean by that is simply this it's what's in a man that pouncer that will come forth on the outside whatever is in you is going to come out sooner or later you can hide it you can tuck it in nice and neat but if you're not see if you're mean it won't be long before that attitude will stop projecting itself if you're arrogant if your snooty huh you can try to walk humble all you want but it won't be long before that pride will deceive you I can't hear nobody and so the Bible the Bible the Bible says it comes to pass now in history that more air was Lots youngest daughter son and a man was lots your oldest daughter son and that was marvelous in the big and that made of course lot who was their father and a sinister hover their father and even their grandfather but now incest was committed in other words the father lot now went to bed with his daughters and now they can see that brought forth children now now can you understand while this people were so mixed up within the loins of their mind they didn't know whether to call their father father or grandfather or uncle ha it was all mixed up in the mind and when people are mixed up in their mind they'll try to mix you up in your mind I can't hear nobody they'll be envious and jealous of you huh but don't worry about jealousy when you see the spirit of jealousy huh you want to feel sorry for the person no because jealousy is only the outward manifestation of a struggle that's happening on the inside it's only the result of insecurity so that whenever there's insecurity there will be an outward manifestation of jealousy now the reason why person is insecure it's because they don't know who they are when you don't know who you are you're trying to be everybody else but you don't know who you know who you know you know who you are you recognize it the Sun shines upon the just as well as the young Jessa that's the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away blessed be the name of the Lord that all things come about what you I'm gonna ask you where you got it from tell your neighbor that devil is a liar and so the Bible the Bible say they launch their attack now I'm almost finished I know you can't believe in the Bible the Bible the Bible says it now comes the past children of God when the children of Moab and the children of Ammon now launch their attack against the children up to D ha but they didn't know who they were messing with because when you you with you with you I in God's hand you recognize it God before you he's more than the whole world against you you like a nice touch not my anointed huh and do not promise no harm I heard him say I'm not gonna worry about it huh Jehoshaphat the Bible said found himself fearing huh now when he does this the Bible said he feared but I looked at the root word of the word fear that's why I love studying the Greek and Hebrew lexicon because for one English word there's 1000 Greek or Hebrew the word here now was not fear of sleeping in the dog it was not a fear I'm wondering what was going to happen he already knew that the Bible says fear not that's the thing you fear should come upon you huh he already understood that God is not giving us the spirit of fear [Music] he understood I've got nothing to fear but fear itself and so the Bible said it now comes the past when he set himself to fear but the root word he is reverential fear in other words an honorable fear that's why the scripture says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of a wisdom The Fool has said in his heart there is no God you fear God Bishop referenced and bow down his head said Who am I you would look upon me and help me eat at your table huh so he was in reference to God he submitted this way and said god I don't know what to do and here the Bible says he declared a fast I don't know how it happened huh but the men and the women the boys and the girls I believe the dogs and the cats [Music] and the fish went on the fast - nobody in the city I found them selling shrieking or anything being merry huh and the Bible says that while they were fasting they being just stay there hungry huh but they started talking to God now there's something about talking to God you can talk to your momma huh but it's not like talking to God you can talk to your daddy but it's not like talking with God you can talk to me huh but it's not like talking to God huh the songwriter said have a little talk with Jesus tell all about your problem the five of the clans that witness started talking to God he said o our God we are not able we are not able we'll down not judge them this great company that cometh against us we are not able to stand up against them neither no we want to do when I like about it is he was honest with God I'm convinced believer if you're gonna get anything from God you got to be honest the Bible says confess your sins be as scarlet snow the Bible say huh then when they got to talking you say wait a minute God I don't know what to do things get so out of control you don't know what to do [Music] haha god I feel like preaching almost finish the Bible said come from the long heard Paul say looking on the Jesus who is the author and the finisher of my faith tell your neighbor I'm not worried about my enemy I'm not worried about which way to go ha I don't look to God [Music] there was anybody [Music] wants to use you he said Oh King Jehoshaphat oh King Jehoshaphat huh he said I've got something to say huh I know you don't know me I'm a nobody in the kingdom huh I haven't been a long time but my name is Hester and I've got a word from the Lord and the word is king you don't have to fight in this battle this battle is not your God is my situation is he said you don't have to run he said all right now but you do have to do this you have to take heed to the instructions I know we don't believe it huh but the Bible says obedience is better than sacrifice I can't hear no baby huh and the Bible declares that he told him ha ha ha normally you would fight in the back normally you would need God's you need swole huh you need Co huh you need helmet huh but you don't need do it stand still and while you're standing cause this now the cliff call sis if the Hebrew is called the place a projection where I can be heard loud and clear not the brook kochira yeah everybody said urea it's called the place that God shows up or God found I don't know about you but if there's any way I wanna be it's where God shows me to be huh when he wants me to be there the world the world the Bible said when they got there in the place called the trace of Syria he said I'll tell you what I need now he said you know what you need he said when I need saw huh he said you need some singer you need some singers what kind of singers do you need you need some Sopranos Sopranos you need some items now this time you gotta be careful cuz you need some tennis there see we don't need no sinners the Cinque Terre the sing soprano huh nobody [Applause] he got himself a singer and when he told him to say the Bible said I tell you what I'm gonna do I want you to do me a favor when you stand by the clip cause this stand right by the cliff and open up your mouth and say praise ye the Lord don't worry about how your sound Joe what about honey hold it don't do it long you been singing ha don't worry about who hears your voice I don't worry about who sees your ding ha don't worry about how you look open up your mouth stand by the cliff stand by the cliff now Wow while they were standing nor can I interest rate a little bit come on say priest Nathan preach while they were standing and singing God raised up an army oh I can't hear nobody you got him some young man that knew how to fight come on one two three four six [Music] get your SWAT in your hand you've been trained in artillery you know how to fight [Music] you ready Vinick out of the mobitz and Emin eyes let me see let me see who look like a mobike [Applause] my brother here my brother here my brother man my brother here he said nah levy buh-bye come on bite you got ammo bite yeah okay thanks is Mumbai ammonite buh-bye em'ly like chewing gum come on [Applause] [Music] so so here go two more bites and memorize that easy some tough dude they were tough come they were tough thank you brother a happy six or seven months who shakes you now here they're ready to fight they don't have no knife against all these men [Music] so here to go he said I'll tell you what put down this one put down you see now why you all start singing now this time because y'all won't give in fine say his mercy and do it forever [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Wow while they were singing and praising the Lord the Bible said the MU bytes in the air might sound came against them the battle huh come on get ready to stop fighting aha come on get ready to fight huh but now y'all don't fight just stand still huh just stay right there come on fight the boys they got to fight those boys you got the tribe that whooped those boys they got they're trying to beat them up I can't come on try to fight fight fight but they don't fight the battle huh they started singing huh they started praising them huh they started giving God glory huh instead of fighting they lifted up their hands they open up their mouth and they started praising God I know you don't understand it I know you don't understand it huh but it's something about holding your peace they told me years ago [Music] step back let God do it get out the way got about to move the law [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] praise the Lord the Lord fought that battle huh and the Bible said that Judah ha went to the watchtower huh and look down on the multitude ah and they were dead bodies the Great Escape they were all dead why they praise God what'd you say the Bible say huh they got the praise of them sold ha and then before you know it the Bible said then which of those mean and started gathering so much they got gold ha they got silver huh they got diamonds up they got Ruby they got away in the gathering it was [Music] [Music] [Music] because we ship our heart will you praise me to me the flow but you praise me giving me glory when you praise me huh you're saying god you're hot when you praise me huh you say God with your praise if you can't do it all [Music] [Music] don't worry [Music] [Music] [Music] crazy huh and while you're praising me pop I fight your battle huh why are you praising me huh I'll deliver you out why you're praising me I'll heal you back why you're raising me the way Savior son [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you know because I heard him say don't worry you said don't worry he said no well do me a favor gotta preach this thing significant head on the priests ball come on said all the priests side now listen this is he said to tell you these words he said help me preach this get somebody by the hand look at the face and say if I never preach again God see God see the preacher dictate God said don't worry got it I got it now I got your healing up I got you the new got it I can't tell you know life I feel like running I said I feel not shouting I said I feel like all over this building does some of y'all just like me got some situations you got all you can and you can't do no more but tell your neighbor and this convention in this workers meeting I'm gonna cry another teeth tell them like this dry the tears from your eyes [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] tell you so if God got it what I'm not worried about the official position that I should have now if God got it intact if God got it under control if God got everything in his hand then tell your neighbor huh why am I worried about [Music] I want you to look at somebody and tell them I ain't worried about nothing [Music] disadvantage now God said don't worry now I got one question asked if God got it then what are you worrying about and if you're not worried show me how you act with your no God got it all under control [Music] [Applause] [Music] now listen hold on hold up [Applause] hold up now can I tell you what touch your neighbor and say if we gonna praise him we gotta give him crazy praise so you can't get nothing just stand up [Applause] [Music] from the Christ and pulpits in the back or everything in here at the count of three if you don't know how to shout one wait a minute skip follow me praise the black you're going crazy one two three [Music] [Applause] [Music] listen get somebody by the hand get about it [Applause] [Music] and coming up you ain't gonna worry and I'm not gonna worry I want you to help me praise a help me [Music] [Music] all over the building [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all over the building all over the moon [Applause] gets one person by the hand turn around and I want you to look at him like [Applause] and say to them I heard the Lord I heard it when he spoke I'm not gonna worry [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] tonight they'll be able to shut about animals [Applause] for some reason I don't feel that of the Lord Tooley hands I kind of think the Lord is already did it [Applause] - avocados but just testified to the person and tell them Godse [Applause] [Music] got this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this battle don't belong to you it doesn't belong to me this battle belongs to them and that just heard the Holy Ghost said these words he said tell him I'm already fighting for him I'm already working it out for oh thank you Jesus he said tell them it's already [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we we're gonna stop but I want you to touch eight people and say God said done hold on hold on hold on hold up hold up hold up please don't just no no no no no because every person you get rid of touch you don't know what kind of battles with them [Applause] you don't know what kind of situations I Kiribati so when you speak the word god you're shaking the dip you uproot the enemies you might just be snatching them up now go ahead Oh duck [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] listen I know we gotta stop well [Music] don't just look at her the only one that got it done I can't hear about it - somebody this cop did it for her you know I did it for me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hold on hold on hold on everybody just stay right where you are [Applause] listen to me listen to me OSHA's man the doors please man the doors just man the doors uh she's everybody in the building I heard the Lord say this and I have to obey Him as you were coming tonight I am here this week because God said there's another level and this next level is unlimited in its favor in its prosperity and in his blessings now listen to me every person under the sound of my voice in this auditorium tonight the Lord said I don't just want listen and offering I want to sacrifice to touch your neighbor and say to them with the authority of God these words say God say he don't just want an offering he wants a sacrifice and I'm not insensitive pastor Gibson I'm not insensitive my brother you know you know me in my spirit sister Judy you know I'm not a person that just does things by the Williams you know but God Almighty said tonight tonight I know this is the workers meeting I serve in our church administered in a great deal of meetings just like this here recently we've been just going to workers meetings and going to state convocations and and revivals are just that's what I'm still so looking forward to coming and being with pastors because it's almost like since Memphis the Lord took me from revival meetings to one night conventions and and it's different because in a meeting that's just one night you don't have a chance to tap in and really see God take people to the levels in God that's why if you notice in the last two years three years I was here for a whole week for the convocation and now it's for a whole week for the workers meeting California this something getting ready to happen that's about to blow the minds of the saints God's about to elevate our leader I'll shut my double crochet and heard God say you're going up with it I thought I won't see a toaster and I want you to get ready in the spirit cuz things are happening in the Holy Ghost that the devil said would never take place but I heard God said I want you to do this and obey God I'm not a liar I'm not a hypocrite I'm not a phony I try to walk with the integrity of God so that so that any way I have ever been I could go back and that was before Memphis I can hear nobody because there's got to be a before come on somebody like the Lord said this to me in the spirit and I heard him say it he said Nathan I want my people to make a sacrifice that will usher them into places in me where they never been everybody in this building I asked you to do this and hear God go into your wallets go into your pocketbooks go into your checkbook God said sacrifice and give me all of it give me all of it and watch me since I have it trust me with your life trust me with your finances trust me with everything that concerns you and watch me make this night the difference in your very being listen to me I'm asking you tonight in the Holy Ghost to hear God and obey Him what do you have to lose but everything to gain all over this auditorium whenever you have on your position in your chicken account in your being give it to the Lord tonight and watch God I believe I'll be back in about two weeks in Riverside then the Lord said in Bishop's not here right now but the Lord said I've got to come back to West Angeles and spend some time shedding in and fasting and praying with you and I normally don't leave a church on a Sunday but he said on a Sunday and through that week I saw it in the spirit we've been talking about it for the last three or four years coming in spent some time but it hasn't been the right timing but God said this is the year and I'm going to obey Him and do what he said to do I have no tricks no lies no schemes I have nothing to tell you but what God said I put my whole life and ministry on the line if God doesn't give it back to you if God doesn't make the difference if this night doesn't make the difference come from wherever you are and don't wait on nothing and wait on nobody you you may have nothing but coins you may have every diet every dollar obey the Holy Ghost give him every cent every dime every dollar you may have 545 dollars in your pocket but give it to God you may have two thousand dollars in your checking account but I challenge you to write that check go for broke go for broke go for broke God give it to you please don't play with it empty it out to the very penny to the very pin each of the very painting to the very penny to the very beginning there's sponge I saw uncle Xia give him everything give him everything give him everything please make this sacrifice some of you you're going to see and reap the benefits thereof you're gonna remember this night you're gonna write me you're gonna email me and you're gonna say to me brother Nathan Simmons I was there on that Thursday night sir I heard the Lord speak it I was there and it was because of them that God made the difference in the now please obey the Lord please will be the Lord please obey the Lord please obey God please obey the Holy Ghost you won't regret you'll only live to thank God you'll only live to appreciate the Holy Ghost you'll only live to rejoice in the spirit because of this night it's the Lord's doing it's the Lord's doing you have to know that only the Lord would lead me to do this older the Lord would speak like this I know that it it's a sacrifice in it hurts but I challenge it all it goes I'll be the glory of God this Madame labonne ceccato Xie obey the holy ghost okay about bail of payable bambam obey Him obey Him appeal Basia you know they live to thank God now with those hands lifted to receive from God to receive from God in the sanctuary the Mossad or Abbas a debauchee Casilla I heard the Lord say this take one of those hands and prophesy into the life of that person speak into their lives tonight right now just begin speaking into that person
Channel: Jonathan DesVerney Gospel Channel
Views: 35,868
Rating: 4.6955605 out of 5
Keywords: COGIC, Nathan Simmons, Bishop C.E. Blake, Dr. Judith McAllister, Bishop Ron Gibson, Twinkie Clark, Ron Hill, Mother Barbara McCoo Lewis, Praise Break, Dance, Gospel, Gospel Preaching, Gospel Music
Id: iSlw-WYDO0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 55sec (9655 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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