God's Course For Your Destiny - Pastor Tamara Bennett

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we think of our Bishop and in fact my mother mother said to our national model mother celebrated harassment I want to give an order from Brady passing the menu my face my sister's my friend my children and the gospel of Jesus quite rapidly hallelujah he's already here easy thank you Jesus and I hope you're able to move with the Holy Ghost today we don't know what all he goes do but I was the Lord to have his way in this place hallelujah I don't know about you but I'm safe God for the message or last night tried it enter in at the strait game driving it is again at the gate that God has set before us Striders an instrument to no other game there is no alternative there is no other way there is no other route there's no other choice you don't have a choice except to enter in at his straight game it was about three years ago in the Lord and talk to us about some things about me and what he was dealing with me and what he wanted me to do and he was just serenading my little spirit and what I called you for and I are delivered you my spirit so serenaded and how I love you and how I want to use you and I'm just crying yes morning he's I have all these things and I want to do with you and I'm just beautiful thank you Jesus catching up in the spirit he's in now you can choose to do those things or go to hell Dean was looking at me like he only said it to me if he didn't said he was coming for in other words so rough that I've chosen the course that I've chosen for you like they're great they're precious promises because I cannot lie I've got it it's set up it's ordained for you not if you don't want that go to hell because there's no other choice yes say it again we action so we have a we we are paste and our core that he said are thriving what God is so slow it's so careless it so half hardness it's so like it's optional like you got another place to go other than what he said that's why we're not mindful to time that's why we're not mindful to our obligation that's where we're not mindful to our calling because the devil make us think you got a choice so therefore it's alright if I don't come up a hundred percent in it because ninety nine is all right but it's not he called this is some 30 some 60 some 100 folks if you are 30 you want a hell for being 27 if you are 60 you go to the lake of fire for being 48 whatever it is a goddess Havasu deset you strive to ensure in check come up to the bar and only the Markov calls you to doctor going to give the Lord some praise and wakes up cyan't help me to pieces today holy go come on he gives me over my one dollar Omaha give them some praise now even from the message one last night if I am saying stuff I'm not not incident to that gauges know where we'll be local today there's no way I'll be half-hearted today because right now ready to change isn't that why we can't let me help you understand something I did not get on the plane I did not pack my bag I did not say if all night long to come and look at you I came to get something from God I don't know when he's gonna pour it out I don't know when he's coming but I'm not gonna shake tell ya slow come on - Tom yes slow now you can continue submitting or you can continue to dwell or you can continue to act like a big charity said low faces and so God has made a mistake on your life that's just air the soul you can continue to act like God made a mistake and high why would God do some things to me for you that he wouldn't do it to these are you messed up some I Wilson God blesses over the London we were goo some people and the thing of their church the thing of their charges that you know how you do they say blessed and highly favored that's the answer they all still going through he made everybody from hydro less highly favored I'm looking at you see you on pure fast so you ain't going through nothing I'm looking at notice you full of left looking at me now I'm looking at Nick Haley's baby I heard him one too many times had to bounce it off of my brother laws that was basically I've been killing them and I said to my brother do you know what highly favored me I said Jesus is highly favored he went to the cross him down I said Mary Makati favorite she suffer reproach and shame Paul was highly favored he was stolen out of the city I said Peter was highly favored he was hung upside down David was highly favored and the fibers of a possible hot ether they had their hand chopped up to go and higher favorite in someone to get the lowest appraised recognized and I have accepted the core that God has or my personal life now Donna sis what's me which convocation which started dying which shot would such would take you with power I say this all the time I can go get some wake-up call that you stopped thinking it strange considering a firetrap with only his trying you applied to see my endeavor I'm making a stance to see you man it's time you murmur each time you complain each time you don't from the church if I'm you get mad at leadership it's on you roll your eyes each time you blaming somebody else I see you still a major grain court talk about a course with the Lord deal with it now understand that I have a course for your life thank you Jesus have your way holy folks understand I have a course for your life and understand that it takes a core to get to your destiny it's normal way that we're going to get it no safe we're not going to come to the church no space we're not going to get touched no say we're not going here holler say yes your hands shake your head wobble and then leave here you don't go through something it ain't gonna happen No so let me help you with this today I pray that God got a few that's gonna catch this today I pray I know everybody don't have the ability but I pray somebody testers and get ready to transform themselves I pray somebody put on this ring reflect widows and nice issues in the spirit put on their jaw Air Jordans get ready to fly and the Holy Ghost I pray somebody who kept it up today come on and give the Lord for praise and give me more boy come on now come on now come on now come on man what is the course let's talk about a core courses that the difference between courts and destiny course is a progression against God use what aspects that's not only to confirm with God but learning with us about coming give me just a little more going because I'm really kind of hard it is the progression course it is your March course it is your speed course course we all have one whether it's you of course are progressing to hell or whether it is your course or progressing to heaven sakes if only two places we're trying to live in either heaven or hell that's it no you're not just going to exist on earth no you're not going to leave this well when you get ready noses nothing to purified on your schedule go up pass a course and it is his time and he saw two things right now is the last day he's preparing his children he's given the more wisdom more knowledge more understanding he given the power to cast out demons he's given them power to overcome the works of the flesh in their flesh he says if the children of darkness I'm letting them exist because they already damned and doomed now if I'm in the child and I know I'm not in the street this is a civil advice to let myself know try to reach area now come into this course pick up your speed pick up your pain then just God and this is a no reflection on anybody please listen to me real carefully this was just it was just because he was dealing with me about it from last night was dealing me about it before I got here talk to me about it for months so when I got here this today escalated it so for the musician to be late mother sec truly speak the caucus was ready to slice sir cuz I'm going to page 9 I'm on a speech everything is right now if you're my musician and Stuart Roosa know this is not about Harkins he wasn't drafted so I know Teresa because she's with me on a roll etc but whatever her company is it's nothing by the way in about three but did it quick so whoever company is so you gotta watch your company because of your Huntress bones will hanging with people that sorry you're out of your core come on and give the Lord some praying you're too small for me you don't have a requirement my hand I am on another poor that's a recognizes so your speed is sorry but honey I'm sorry God called me he's trying to me for the Olympics mm hallelujah that is the core the speed what is your momentum what is your progression this time last year where have you progressed this time last year what can you say that you conquered from this time last year what can you say I know for myself I've been chained in this area from this time last year what is it each time that the law bring us together we're talking about something today it's time the law bring us back together in fellowship the purpose of an instant see that face-to-face glory to glory let me see what you've come through what did you do how did you accomplish your core help me tell me how can I make it over of course it is your progression your speed without this court course is your sequin mm-hmm what do we say I will serve the God of Abraham the sequence the god of Isaac the sequence the God of Jacob why these were three sequences that never lost the sea never lost destiny come on y'all and it was passed on from sea to sea all the weapons of Joseph to inherit them lame the rollover found Joseph had to go through his school yes when we talk about Joseph when we love to make those likes he was so special Joseph will spoil right he was his father he didn't say Dean let Joseph play they let Joseph Hayne was arrested by Joseph was for you he gonna make Joseph a coal of many colors he automatically made his brothers hated why can they all have many colors why couldn't it act like weapon here may each one of them a green a yellow this act like even if God so he could say well I'm just go take the scrapping from all y'all cold and I just made Joseph one of many cousin Joseph was spoiled right but Joseph had destiny and the destiny was that he had to be a ruler so God saw fit to solve half his brothers paid him and actually though he's dead he gets a school in the side up yes Joseph you to pamper your hands away shoes up you're going in slavery cuz if you're going to be a king if you want to be a ruler I say have nothing in you that's go ahead endure or that's going to be too slow or to pepper or to wait to lead my people we want great ministry we want great khali but we don't want the food then so take the killers let me give you a wonderful wake up oh you are most certainly not want to get a hankie any shock for the nation you don't have a boy get it off your mind yeah you not will get it out and become a wonderful prayer warrior and you hate to pray it's not so happen because we haven't accepted the course of death that when you was awesome I asked you to be on time you wasn't so do you think I would trust you with a gift to intercede for so but I can't even structure to be here to us to people then everybody say you're on the court today [Music] [Applause] hey man wake up I want to wake you up and let you know you ain't here to see me and me see you we here because we're on the court so put your Forks out with your knives out put your plate out that we can eat and get some power now come on and give the Lord some praise but what is actually definitely is my faith hallelujah thank you Jesus destiny is my fate destiny is my outcome destiny is inevitable it's going to happen destiny it cannot be altered destiny destiny is spree or day predestined destiny and it will take of course for me to get you there it's going to happen it is go Stefan you can cry all you want you can slow the pace down you won but if I said you're mine I'm gonna get the devil out of you I'm gonna bring you through your court a mistake to fire you hallelujah the sword on your deathbed I give you coming in to attack to me hallelujah come on and give him surprise is rejection and it cannot be now what is this o'clock have calls up to what is is that God have Savannah here what is this a God have sacramental here have Detroit here have Chicago here have since Albania here have the various parts of the earth and keep bringing up together what entries are positive nothing but fellowship mm-hmm see the willness hey we happy in this his I call you - nothing but tell us now understand it for nothing but doesn't mean it's less it means it's the only thing that I've called you to and there's a fellas if I called you - that is not your idea there's a fella sub up called you - that is not your plan stop let's take off of the bishop they got for Bishop [Music] [Applause] but it's a fellowship of of course that I've ordained just for you go quickly to the scriptures go to first Corinthians write these scriptures down 1st corinthians 1 in 4 through the 18th verse now imma tell me i'm shrining me very hard to be conscious of time but since i want us to get this so please eat with us i want us to get this and pray for us 1st Corinthians 1 and fourth there's 18 verse Philippians 2 and 1 through the eighth verse first John one and four through the seventh verbs your fusions 5 and 1 through 15 verse and Ephesians 3 and 7 there's a 21st verse and probably we may not get to them all nevertheless I want to eat I want to be excited I want to eat don't excite me don't thrill me and we leave here and didn't get it I want to eat I want to know I'm getting something in my spirit I want to work that when I leave here it follows me on the plane hallelujah that when I get home it already met me there thank you Jesus I want to wear that I can chew on that I don't need a taste because it's turning over in my bed hallelujah thank you Jesus yet so don't go to that don't go don't go to the easy route and I'll get the tape I'll get the video make your spirit eat making sure you know you tell me a restaurant that you go to and you eat the food then you get a video of it go home eat it again it ain't even pop well hear about all this cyberspace everything else it ain't even possible but if I asked the restaurant to eat I will take this hamburger I'm a tasteless fever and I'm gonna remember it and savor the moment until I can eat it again oh yeah uh-huh we gonna eat today what do you think 1st Corinthians 1 in fool yes first corinthians 104 through the 18th verse come on let he say yes give her a mic I think I got always on your behalf for the grace of God which is given you by Jesus Christ now now understand we a fellowship we are a group of people that have come from various walks of life but God have used the same spirit and mostly the same back soul to come and get us it is a fellowship he said now I am mindful this is my face God What did he say that in everything you are rich by him yet read that verse for me one more time that in everything I go to the verse above then I thank my job and I thank my god always on your behalf weight on your behalf well the grace of God which is given you the grace of God which is given you right Jesus Christ by Jesus Christ because I did not have to give it to you I thank God for the grace that came and God I thank God for the break that kept you from losing your mind I thank God for the grace that took you out of drugs I say sorry for the break that took a lot out of your heart hangs off of this great because bars did not have to do it for you if there's no the spirit gotta ask for secure is this demon think we're special yes it's classic Roman will stay curious message do nothing but go to hail what's gonna happen you got a husband it's going to happen you got to pick up a strong pizza but I say coughing that grace and What did he say then in everything and in everything he are enriched by him every part of your life all that I'm concerned about is that the grace of God will continue to be enriched in your life all I'm concerned about is that you become more full of his spirit all that I'm concerned about hallelujah is that you become more full of his power more full of his love interest in everything yet come on within all honor in in awe lettering and it all knowledge all knowledge no I can't have you send me I can't have you foolish I can't have you drift enough to win I can't happen with this look on your face like you don't know what time of day it here he said but I'm asking God that he continue to enrich you with his knowledge on him for yourself that you understand what he's requiring of you that he's understanding what he's asking you not got to put his plug in Anderson or disrespect just just just you know I'll have nothing to lose and you know his mother say she the record mechanic so when you turn the mic over amen so no disrespect all right I got to have the knowledge if God has anointed my voice to sing then I've got to have that knowledge that any time they ask me to say it's my job to take you into the spirit I got to have that knowledge that is not have caused me to be a proud warrior then it is my job if you have enough I'm not looking around what do you want me to do when it's my job get in the spirit and play Paul it all yeah that's why pointing to no disrespect when you looked at me and said hello do you want me to go out then until you get in the spirit you don't ask me it's your gift got to give you a gift to see social catch you all star and so time say anybody ask you to say in is your jump take us up in the praise and worship make a public so noisy right there yo on the people come on and tell them yes floor press those pants or tell them yes he's here come on and tell them yes cool no no herein lies the reason fourth time herein lies the bark pit or shot here in line so perfect for Haiti or town till you have knowledge of what I'm asking you to do can you do it at any time at all time can you perform it it is my desire that's the grace of God has given us you you becoming rich and bold in it What did he say come on even as the testimony of cria was confirmed in you wait a minute oh no wait a minute you mean this up to to me too even as the testimony of crime has been confirmed what this God does what he's going to do he doesn't make a mistake and we have become lazy and we have become spoiled to let God do everything like we got to do nothing listen I've done my job I have absolutely come for my testimony in all right well Jasper would you do before you got there stealing trucks doing all kind of things in the world are you doing that I'm saying I'm such a cruller Norman beer you're the loss of friends keep affirming but just have you ball back to your drop know what happened so far my testimony mr. sec what to do before you got saying this is dead guys in there they're preaching the word my testimony nothing I've done my part I haven't performed it in What did he say come on so then he turns around and okay wait a minute I've done my part and I've done this that you don't come behind and no give the grace of God I put on your life here we have this vessel here we have this employ anointed mother Stella Boeing who continues to sacrifice latina grande always all about what mother doing all we talk about is what God will do for money she said yes to the place where's the test one else affirms in your life where's the bonus I suppose accomplices where's the enrichment of knowledge that you're supposed to have on Jesus crying come on what'd he say waited for the coming of our Lord she's waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ we shall also confirm you yeah our to the end yeah then you babies mainland yeah in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ Thank You precious saints of God the end of the world is already at hand it's already here as one pastor said the end of the world doesn't have to necessarily be the rapture because the day you die is your end that is into the world for you so now he's saying I'm doing this I'm sacrificing as my body is inflamed as we describe mother I'm doing this because there's a portion call fellowship that you must get that's gonna push you all the way to me and make you blameless not this not this they said but that your spirit becomes blameless let you stand as warriors as daughters warriors asked us who is that preacher boy is that you later he said I'm doing this that you might be blameless What did he say God is faithful out of space by whom you recorder to the fellowship yeah of it son Jesus Christ our Lord yeah now I beseech she's not gonna let me die what are you saying bar that's not home God is faithful God don't let me die no guardians faithful oh no God forgot about me God is face I don't know why God seeing me going through a lot of Hell face phone I don't know why God act like I'm not going through something God is faithful how could God do this to me he's an unfaithful he said everything in the fastening he's I miss it to happen but what you doing he says of course you gonna throw your speed down cuz the owner Ted you gonna stop praying cuz you mad at me he did succour you were going to murmur the complaining cuz your little try where's your success sir how come you're not actually as bold as your mother your father in the gospel I know come on now y'all don't want me to go all the way home do you if I've used two vessels alright confirm the testimony how many of y'all here is a direct link or indirect from dr. Donald Carla center test them on how many y'all are here is the direct and indirect link of motherboard Sagna testimony he's a mouse we've watched their life you can have you seen me alright Bishop stack mother's death everybody gonna be standing up now if you came in any other way you should be sit around I got I got to find out that she said now you are a direct he said the same love the same power the same anointing he said that came is actually the pain the speeds anointed a power that you fell he said you all are successful it is your core to carry the same anointing you'll have a choice if you decide to do anything else it's not going to work that's like to try to make these messages will what's popular today you get all twisted up it won't even come out right because that wasn't your success sir if you try to preach at conferences a popular conference message it ain't gonna go over and you're offering make it cut because you are not other success sir you're not oh you're poor I didn't force you in that if you were barred from that ministry because that's what it is what if I have transformed a person with this this is what it's about us about powers about delivers it's about being wise man it's the course What did he say now I beseech you brethren to brother another name of our Lord Jesus Christ yeah then you all speak the same thing is that I'm begging you I'm begging you Detroit help me to teach this Jesus I'm begging you Savannah I'm begging you Sacramento I'm back in the Pharisees I'm begging you Harrisburg make the same thing yes What did he say and every knows is among wait a minute so why we're almost missing the real manifestation of what God is desirey for us to get in fellowship it's because we come only to me only to get my portion and then I'm going back but I ignore the fact that I start to be hooked up to you for eternity it's fellowship I think I can just have my own ministry and come in and get my portion go start my ministry go do and I have to do and not be hooked up to you it's not possible not when we all came in from the same success sir what they got to be this daughter I think I can have my own prevail and not be held up some other snacks and get her tasty it's not possible holy quarter it's the same successor I'm on the same book I can't cut it you're my sister you're my brother nothing can separate that oh yeah Lamoni tell him yes Lord come on you tell them yes come o come o come o come o come o come o my brother you're my filter it's inhabitable we're gonna do about Shawn over its inevitable will be pretty avec of the year it was our best it is [Music] preordained in I should have gotten anybody after told than anyone but it is a mystery to fellows it's a bansuri probably take up together now we can say the same thing we're from countries and cities all over but we're speaking the same thing it's a mandatory he said but it is our core so no I can't be a member of Shalom temple hey I'm just coming through here and not be yourself to my bishop it's my porn I cannot start my own ministry and not be hooked up it's the same course that's why you're trying and it won't work and you hook up with another successful it's obvious because you can't fit you look awkward who what did he say come on help me today holy go then and that's every no divisions among you but that ye be perfectly joined together a dumb way to mimic no flaw perfectly join wait a minute without fault there's nothing wrong in this lease on the low Baja who there's no contention there's nothing that's separating disbelief he said ah I'm taking God that he has chosen you to become enriched in this knowledge that should be perfectly hooked up together What did he say come on in a sane mind in the same money the same judgment he said I need you to judge the same sees the same I need you to believe the same judgment is powerful because judgment says I'm giving you your sentence judgment says this is how I see your cave that's a crawlin helped me so much in teaching me how to love God's people the love of God that he had for God's people his judgment was always there's a way of escape that's why he didn't let people go that's why I don't care how fast you message that's why people thought he was crazy cuz they say he takes the stragglers and say guinea by him/her but I'm looking at the judgment of God look at beyond your fault I still need in your spirit it is the same judge man What did he say boy it has been declared have been declared to me of you my brother yes by being which are of the household of Cru yes that there are conditions among some issues here yet now this is my space as I said every one of you say it I am a pro high stack and I am a thermal above sister Carolyn and I am see I'm a mother boy and I have cry and I'm a mother stat is Christ divided he said if he divided was Paul crucified for you some of y'all has been here a while can't even get it while I'm talking the dose has no ready to be transformed and want to do this thing right [Applause] I'm asked to something personally from God I'll have a time to fill my spirit with nothing but what's right I had the time I talked about I'll have the disk space yeah my heart will hold it I got a Norton AntiVirus that I kick it out if you go to talk and bitterness but I ain't even going there I can't hold contention because the work is too great the harvest is too right just ones Mac night I was checking in at the hotel in the young man behind the desk and you know he just kept asking Tyler you know we go to church and what we doing so I'm great go he said can I talk to you l said yes yes because to the curling if you sold out to me you don't have a choice you have options on your life if a soul is in me it is your job they have these geezers that needs to pass through Samaria whatever your job is you're available at all time to do what I want you to do you don't ever put your gifts time you'll ever put your calling die can't can't talk to you tomorrow because it's on break and he said you know Africa could just sold out to me it's enough are we have all these different churches yes the plane successful have come in God the same spirit dog God y'all come on can we see this for what it is and yet be divided that's mental they don't even make sense that's the same love that came in gosh you came and got you if you'll need to make sense that's the same anointing that broke the your father your life God used to break it off at your life it don't even make sense at the same Haiti that delivered you delivered you and then we be dividing let's just so big common sense beacuase another will add up it's a nas twice surviving What did he say or were you baptized in the name of prone yes I think carbon are baptized none of you think I had nothing to do with your baptism yes Crispus and Gaius yes listen if you say that I had baptized in my nose I'll let you get more progressive let you get more possessed with that no think of our best past items I got paid to them I got 4,000 he said you've got to see who happens to cry What did he say come on and I packed I saw from a household of stephanas yes besides I know not one lakh baptized any of uh-huh we're quite 50 not the best for me to baptize but to preach the gospel let me to preach the gospel not with winds in the world I would live them along the cross of Christ should be made of none offense yeah what a briefing on the Cross is to them that perish foolishness but unto us what you're saying again I read that verse again Oh God for the printing of the cross the breaking of the Cross is to them that perish you'll give that para mula shman foolishness but unto us because if all you were caught up in hearing another message here not somebody suffered see here are the process of suffering the cross is the place of death pain it's foolish to only go and reap about love and suffering or for pass the crown is closed I've got to go here to go man I've got to go here pastor crawl and finish his poor God said it's over come home very nothing go to particular mode but you'll still continue to question for you to continue to down well used to continue to knit and great he said that he was your God I know you mad at me now that he does it's a hidden high he's up glad I didn't baptize because it would be worse he's a bit of your own speech that's the love of God God used me to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ come and get to deliver you catch the devil out of you make you pass me make you preach to the Sabbath so search and then I'm finished now your own then is no fool hold it oh yeah pull it oh yeah come on and tell them yes flow let's go here to tell them yes then don't answer don't yes now Paul you too before I follow you to be stuff I'm calling you to be proud work get all your pool hallelujah there's nothing in the spirit it's called positive it's called power it's called an average expect to meet you there because I'm already there I said to see you I'm waiting on you I know the labor ID I know the tears that I shed I know what I put in you I'm confident that that safe readers will be with you and you will finish your God why do you show your spare time yes what now you don't know whether you want to come to the Fellowship services what not the fellowship don't mean all that to you gosh help me today why not it's just so seen to be to say no you go give math today so Jeff where you got the key why now you left your support to the bishop why now it don't matter how much you pray why now somebody got to pick you up tearing you they said you don't want to be my successor I didn't do it why are you doing this I was your God never did you get the fullness of what I try to give you did you get it did you get the fullness you have been delivered the devil is off of you and the Divas didn't come back that's so incredible that's also marvelous that's also magnificent he finished his core he's about what you doing losing oh dude we'll sit at home being mean he said or you gonna pick up this crawl he's gonna pick up these children he thought you can continue to run with felish come on vine come on vine come on sighs what'd he say come on but in select which are say that's what what you're saying it's the power of God it is the power of God go to the next scripture to us that is say to us that God is right too often appreciate the grace of God in our life we recognize its power for me to finish my course I recognize everything God wanted me to have I got I recognize every touch that I needed every word that was given to me every month I don't have to look over the classics because they already living in me and the classic is that God so effect to take my husband home and leave me here and God I say thank you hallelujah damn no look at [Applause] [Music] oh babe what because this is what the what the what the watch band louder and louder fan out it did not get me same look it's the will of God so starting who he said because this is the will of God concerning ho ho who's left behind if you better start thanking me cuz this is the will of God concerning who oh he done made it in I told somebody he probably the mayor of joy City on the Bible and he said what you hear you still got to go to a court that's what you better say to me cuz this is the way it's my where that I feel because if I would left for me and lower y'all know what you might have done you will never been pushed to the place you push to now you never have to speak if you have nine most of all I never showed you that you didn't really love me most of all i'ma show you've been dedicated to a man and not to me he's Amish oh you I didn't mean to go here the dad did not promise right then he's gonna show you that you thought it was his grave he said it was mine that came in back he was just the venison I'm talking about my old husband so you can't hit such so mad he said sister crawling daddy the Lord talking he says mr. Carlin you're so glad you're so black and I say this so humble before the Lord I am a blessed one that's the only type of man I know is loving kind a gentle man man that sure loss is why Christ loved the church and gave himself he was the savior of my body he could reboot me chasing me he could see the devil afar before me and be able to stop him from getting to me he protected me he loved me I am so blessed that's the only kind of husband I know do you think I'll set up anything less I'm talking about the will of God concerning me he said you better thank NASA God I thank you I thank you Jesus thank you I thank you left me I'm Koka back I don't know what abusive husband is I don't know what that easy I don't know what a man not supply my needs I don't know what that is I was blessed he said I said god I think I told the church awfully I know y'all ain't getting it but I'm learning that the law faced him the freer I become the more space and the more I see vision the water the water run this course before I think I'm getting closer to my destiny because it was the will of God it was his will that he left me at 35 was the will of God concerning whoa whoa whoa what a god man wrap it and he gives you when he did brought you as far as he could and invested in your life father jewels in your ministry saw that she was in the will of God and there's a goal answer that was the will of God concerning home oh okay what I got make sure you had to charge up on a Baptist Church Idol doesn't matter and then leave you to finish this course it was a little god concerning home PO will of God he said I did of the will of God half-hour to come and get you put your hair blonde Papa commit suicide system they had need to go system a hallelujah Paul yuan among hundreds catch the devil out of your feet when the Holy Ghost one use the when I'm sorry go ahead oh if it was my way to do it concerning you wanna be in this Bible coming here called Ephesians five and one coming in season five and one yes low yes low we have a court he said what is your pain what is your rhythm you're starting with them is your progress rhythm what is your pace what is your core how are you continuing how are you progressing yes what are you succeeding in are you succeeding in anything are you succeeding in your prayers or prayer increase are you succeeding in preaching do you have a greater message how are you succeeding are you succeeding in love or you still got issues with people help me to teach this nine he is a father one what he say be ye therefore followers of God we follow the pastor Carl be followers of that these powers of God yes X here chill cats here children and walk in love and walk in love in love in love now I've got to go here now with all the weird ministry that sort out spirits where ministries that dig we're measured at each on demons all of that is good but you know he helping me because when the disciple not with surely aren't as ceases G and we truly aren't bringing the parables that Jesus will bring to his disciples that was just blowing they man he was saying oh yeah foolish I can't get this peak who I tell you what here come to the sighs would you like that was you got so many Commandments we can't do nothing he said which is the grave Jesus oh I tell you what love the Lord thy God all that might hear something study harder he did come to go get NASA source or Webster he did tell so go get a strong he said love the Lord thy God all by might all die she turns all the heart pieces in love who do y'all know the scripture love him as yourself he says in upon these to hang all the rest of the command now do you know why he had to said that because he knows the devil can't love and as long as you have issues loving your brother your sister the devil is in you you don't need a Webster to tell you that Webster couldn't tell you that all the tea in China he said as long he said that what y'all were about loving one another cuz you gotta matically kill the devil in you because the devil can't love what did he do Judas twelve disciples was with Jesus he gave him all power to cast out devils he told them all parables he let them all heal the sick they saw Jesus raised all 12 the entire time until it was time for Jesus to go to the crop and he said Judith what you do do a quick because I got to give something now because it was Jesus job to go get to 12 and give them the portions they need to turn the world upside down only 12 only 12 we're called only eleven was chosen he turned the world upside down so what did he do he waited till Judith black they said I give you a new command - you know one another if Judas was there when he gave a command to the devil will be able to along anyway does the devil got out of his company that's what God is saying all these isms and skip and Dave isn't sunny and they got friend disrespect is it you came home you'll have my spirit Iza I told what somebody did to you what did you do to some by I'm fine I'm out of that class I'm out of the class of what people have done to me I'm all of it I'm out I don't even care what you do to me I don't even care what you say about me I'm still be young that you're that you're only of course we are so possible if you want knowledge you need to come on of course I try to reach my desk hallelujah hallelujah now god yes no come on tell them yes come on come on yes I have a sexy and you're not in flesh and blood is not my destiny on Omaha well rapidity on the lofty on Omaha I wrecked that thing down oh I haven't seen if Heaven horse did have an incident to the heart of man that's what I'm asking not you I don't care what you say or do to me you're not that important I won't give you that much credit if I don't have anything to think about I would not think about you I'm after some calls the whole ego I'm after some fault rebelling and you're my knuckle one from you and that was a nice rental basket for gonna see minute he'll throw my pain God is calling me to fellowship what is my job that in every city that we go in as the cities come together it is my job to love everyone on every city it is my job then when we come together so trying time I had an issue with you mess up I what happened hug you know I can love you know that's the power of it What did he say come on and walk it out walking my crap off so head laughter yes and had given himself borough gave himself for an offering and a sacrifice figure he did it an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling say yes come on whisper fornication but fornicate and all and clean up it will pair it up no you ain't go Shack to be a part of a fellowship it's our job to pair it up the Lord told us in chocolate he said this was a girl let me tell you something there's a lot of difference he's alright now if you got to hold these sons churches you know the vanities everyone's he said the real advertising the mother boy it's not a flyer banner in a to her radio and TV spot we can preach that God help me to not give on nothing to lose we can preach that we can finish if does that ain't advertising mother boy he's because you're doing and bring the spirits to your charts and they will be disappointed because your church don't have love or power or delivering he's about the real advertisement of the fellowship is that we possess the same power in our churches hallelujah then we possess the same anointing that we possess the same love in our churches so that when it's time for what if people want to know who is this woman critical business love when talk into power when you all get this great facility is enough that's real advertisement he's going to wish you that don't advertise because the people don't come and be disappointed and now her name will look crazy push it do you know you got things right at your charge do you know when you get a praise be to the might say praise and God in the fullness of the anointing that has been invested in their life hallelujah the prayers are fresh hoji have your way why the devil our Lord come on come yet flow if it's in your daughters get that sound all to do it keep it to themselves or reopening scriptures of making you fall off your Caesar from all things scripture he said that is real advertisement of motherboy What did he say come on or premises men or covetous lay what when I have you're not getting in you all understand you can cover the person's of ninety you don't have the ability God is not unjust it's not crazy hasn't forgotten you that person that he's given you he gives you according to your ability and we want things that we covered of amenity you'll have that ability yes God set my life up marry me to a pastor I was born to a pastor or the pastor's daughter Lorna prophets dawn casts alerts the ears for a light way y'all come on now yes you have to put me on the motherboard for 14 months buster devil outta me get the whole sinners out of me get the jazzy mess out of me isn't so cool headed for destiny I'm giving my sestra you better fan your don't look at me do you have one I just love to hear her story what's yours oh right he said you better know your core and what are they hit before anything I give you ticket in his destiny I miss it to half it What did he say come on he let one be named among wait a minute sister Sonia wait a minute not one time not one is it don't let me hear you coven I appreciate this there's a couple of the brothers in the church a brother Jasper God's a Newton would love his brother sex was there he was in a revival rules in our first church nobody building a brother Jasper came with him ponytail down to here earrings in both ears I don't know if he was packing that night him and his wife we had her little leopard dress bought up to here would tie rod way their hands how long that's his wife but they came sitting in the back she'll and all upon him in the service he all backed like this mother lay hands I'm some of the same successor mother sent us she found out she's type of Oh Jasper didn't and the power got slipped him backwards out of the change bug flap I just love Tabasco go back there casting demons out that boy [Applause] [Music] Makassar demons are no pepper on Cassidy without him Jess will kept comic F don't see he has done some things in the world he had to do some time forward it was part of his core he humbled himself he did his time and came back into the high school or married his mom in this girl who's now his wife they got two beautiful children left with job [Applause] he's not uttering in the chart you can restless he will come different Sun God was telling one son you go preach another son it's gross as what you know anything you want I said okay just just keep praying he looked like I'm sick of praying how come all these I'm still just the notion course of God training of God but he us should reprise starched shirts and it's a truth always have a good crew cuts on time then when God shifted our lie talking about a course but I pulled you in four deaths to me well God shifted our line we were away and we came back the Lord said he said everything got a change 9 he said you need to be protected on the road he said tell Jasper to be armor bare watch back see about you he's a trainer he succeeds he's scared of nobody no way my ball because I suppose ability he used you and annoys according to your ability he said you're here to see he got that soft lip but you don't know if he pack it or not that's the one you want to be your armor brand daddy that's my armor bear traveling all over country he said I have destiny I have a course but we complain about the course that's why definitely is taking so long that's why you don't see you can't get the vision yet it's called fellowship and love What did he say come on we coming in and becoming same as becometh Saints yes neither filthiness neither filthiness nor foolish talk your food talk I don't have carnal pastor I don't have puffy preacher I don't have silly turn so they don't sit around a crack Joel they don't sit around and alter their too busy getting a word from God I understand my core my responsibility is Jesus is only coming back to rapture the church here these breaches fast y'all want to be preachers faster Jesus is not coming back again except to rapture his church so he said I'm going to give you shivers i'ma give you if you will elect lady he said that would lead you into eternity gonna be after my own heart now if your sole responsibility is to see that I'm making it I don't want to see you in my face you better be somewhere praying God have chosen you the fear about these children no I don't want to hear you cracking a joke I'm having trouble can you help me I'm sick can you hear everything coming bud can you deliver me I've lost my job whether the will of God am I gonna get a new one I'm broke can you catch the prison waffle feel not being bro he said understand the will of God what I'm calling you to What did he say nor check your jesting which are not convenient it ain't convenience in here it ain't even convenient ain't even convenient yeah you said it at the wrong time I'm in trouble what you're saying is not funny I'm depressed can you give this not convenient your joke right now the true story passed across on this church and they call people there's a you see what you need you need some joy come in call mama bears down our bears came down stand in front of the person the person they started making faces to make the person laugh to give them joy and when you go home get you a Three Stooges tape get you some joy true story true story to give them joy that's why they fit the theme today now it's popular and this isn't a fraud right now but I'm just trying to help y'all systems it's popular for leaders to sit down on the peaceful level see in the Bible the priest at high because they were so lifted from the people they were so excellent in their character that the people looked upon them as their example the people looked upon them as the way that they should be but the pastor's want to sit on the level with the people now because I want to be like you I don't want to be that consecrated but I want your offering I want your tie and I want thousands of members but don't think I'm supposed to deliver you you just don't want to be delivered no you don't have the ability to do with what he say but rather give it a thing giving a thing there it is again yes for this she knows if she knows that no whoremonger no hormones no unclean person nor unclean person nor covetous man nor covetous man who is an ironic turn have any inheritance in the kingdom we find the typical making one side knowledge because you want so much puppets this is not satisfied it's going to make you go into idolatry the Lord told us on the by our conference when we first did our first all design conference in July at Sacramento and we first our planning we had all these ideas you only told us min suggested he said now he said don't you plan something don't you plan a part of it that I didn't tell you to do and then overtaxed a peaceful and make them support what I didn't tell you to do Peter but if I give you to do it he said I must supply the need for it to be met and every year we've done it we've never gone in the whole mother have always blessed we're always going to take care of speaker come on we've always been never take care of our expense why us [Music] [Applause] he said what if you got a spread of emulation trying to over do somebody who won't go on a home he's because I never told you to do in a YouTube competence to be content with what I've given you What did he say come on in the kingdom of cry in the kingdom of crying of God and of God yet let no man deceive you with vain were let no man deceive of any word well because of these things cometh the wrath of God yeah a promising on your hand up people blow your head off you better watch it he told me he said don't be stupid sister curling kids you're on the same line on the same courses mother boy and mothers dad he said if they can take her trust I'm an i they hate you too don't be stupid I ain't impressed that's because it's go when you touch it look because if you can't take her on the same success and if you can't take mother boy I know you just do to stop it but you ain't blow me up before time as the kids say tick tick boom [Applause] he's gonna let us blow you up no vain words men of God your message was so powerful it was dry as a pata hai and you to bring no deliverance you left me miserable I goal a to go back and get something from God though I come and that's why we get back in a fetish - because the thing is popular bill boost you up you come over here and let me tell you ain't got nothing now you bad but you were freaking to your pan but when you got to come among us that was the true problems vine was at our church she said listen she did two days he said this she told the church it was thirteen other people that she said listen I preach to people all over the country she said but to preach to y'all was harder than preaching the 35c y'all don't want no marijuana y'all are crack babies you won't crackin y'all share to need all the on senses he said Oh give me no same words also tell me about my prosperity cuz I'm not broke I'm content so give me another message don't blow me I'm making it excellent habits not help me today we don't be do our parts of my photos will take a little while but we got to eat come on weakness come on weakness don't give me no vain words What did he say be baggy therefore partakers with them don't either damn Weston why do you keep on all these paw prints bang why you find all these tags help me today because I thought that fellowship not for your successor don't be stupid you know good well that pre controlling the opposite of what you [Music] [Applause] cuz I normally get stoned with golf of these Mary's conference we deal with these other menaces are being taught total contrary what you've been taught and what came and stopped yo evil lustful me hateful self from the street you didn't have nothing you are the doors nothing nobody knows you nobody likes you the dogs cross the street when you gave their way you will go to another ministry I have a nurse to bring the back of things we need to change why don't we take you back to the station with in and let them delivery let us reverse this thing take you back to the low-down dirty dog no good didn't have nothing couldn't dress didn't look like nothing family broke up couldn't keep a job didn't have an education you studied when your talk but nobody can yourself and let them go get you does you want us to change he said island pull you on that night I put on a line called fellas and it's about deliverance power and no he said I would that you prosper my brother and even as your soul this thing is balance that's the reason why God's not gonna let us be unbalanced not not gonna give you hundreds of thousands when I see you can't even praise because you're broke I'm gonna do it he said you can't give me a praise or did I mean out of a sincere heart cuz you broke mine giving you a dance which will be a hypocrite so yes you will continue to struggle so you learn to thank me and all things thank me when you're broke thank you when you go have a time like me we can't see your way Thank You Gina Thank You Gina ready nothing it will take me a long time to do nothing I could turn anything overnight if I want to be on a cord then I'm taking you to a destiny called love and power called love and real fellowship called love one from another a perfect link together What did he say where you were sometimes dark any what I'm saying but now your life in the world nothing else or no he said it you know sometimes darkness yes but now you're like in the world your light in the world won't get children of an ass like it represented look like you hold your head up like it when I come to your church singing like it when you take this mic preach mic it when you testify glory to God like you these are your children of life now What did he say well the fruit of the Spirit is in all good isn't all good and righteous and everything that's right and true and everything that's true everything that's good everything that's right and everything that's true the fruit of that is and everything that's good everything that's right and everything that's the truth everything that's good so anything is to do that's not good it's not the fruit of God yes help me to pieces today Holy Ghost I'm sorry to disappoint you but you cannot go B yah we say hear it all the time if your home ain't right you don't have a ministry the first two differences first power is in your home so we great daughters and want to be prayer warriors keep your daughters from being little and have fun then I believe into your prayer keep your tongues from being a little mad then I believe in your prayer let me see you loving your wife then I believe your message I know you mad but I have nothing to lose my flight lead London and I bought my own ticket he said now he said I'm good when I see you as a saint I see you as a mother's I be a good mother be a righteous mother Zion be truthful to me don't smile in my face when you're talking about me behind my back don't do it be a good pastor be a righteous passive exemplify holiness before me and tell me the truth be a good daughter's mind when I come to you see me in pain don't tear me down lift me up help me you see I'm already hurting you see I'm already bruised why you thinking my heart you see it up I'm already in pain bill book wife shut up just shut up you talk too much stop telling him what he's not stopped tell me what you thought he was gonna be he's not that was your fantasy he was what he was all the time that was your fantasy he was what he was and he's what he is be a good wine be a righteous one let him see God in your life and then be truthful be honest what did he say Ruby what is acceptable unto the Lord you got to do approve what's acceptable yes and have no fellowship with the unfruitful worm that's why didn't I tell you didn't I tell you he said don't even deal with me he said you know it's not a fruitful stop trying to make it work and go get pieces up and try to bring it back over here dividend dad if we have the gift of God the gift of governments to get the business there's not a ministry out there God will tell me how to design my whole ministry thank you if it can tell me how to catch the devil he can tell me how to set up his house accept the Lord to what the neighbor do what he says so why you coveting what they have why are you coming into these other ministries god help me to - truly God help me it's a while you come and see these other ministries and not thanking me for what I've done for you why are you coveting there crowd why are you company what they have and not thank you me for what you have Nord a nobody fought it's yours you're the great leader and pastor get on your knees and ask before vision God helps me today help me Jesus help me Lord What did he say but rather reprove them we prove them where did the shame even to speak of those feet yes which are none of them and yet come on read it but all things that I reprove our main benefit I'm a man of satellite yeah well whatsoever just to make manifest is life yeah wherefore he saying saying without it mean white novice little eyes from the day watch on the dance right you can't belie yeah see because you want circumspect haha not at school yeah so you have 2:15 first okay go ahead but that's why but as wise go to last cookie pizzas three and seven he did a walk at full walk circumspectly walk I got invested in your life walk like I've made an investment work like I've made you accountable for something look like a horsy to something what like I delivered you from something walk circumspectly look like if it don't happen it's your fault act like it look like if the people don't see love it's your fault cause you didn't show it walk like if a person was in trouble and they didn't get helping jump off the dress for me to do it and didn't do it walk like it walk like you look like you saw a backside you caused them to see how they were doing with walk right there was a soul on your honor you witness to them walk circumspectly and not as fools you don't know what time of day it is waiting for somebody else to do something what you doing so god you got to help me even we were complaining about things a play about nobody see me complain nobody push me complain nobody back me there's a whole world out here that needs help what you doing there's people in your neighborhood you could witness soon and I think about pastor Marvin Catherine Martin preaching all the time as a younger he was he was our youth leader in appreciative all the time but he taught at high school up so much so that pastor Marvin had a no credit theology clan but gifted witnessing and speaking and preach and God in his high school yodels are all y'all know it's the truth he said he walked circumspectly he act like he had a calling to be a minister and wasn't waiting on a turn but he preached in the high school he preached to his family he preached too long to God not us like I can bless him with a ministry now cuz he already proved it amen What did he say wherever I was made a minute now here we are we're coming in so messages is aware I made a minister according to the gift of the grace of God what is it God is making out of you do you even know what it is where I am made a minister where I made an elective where I'm a a daughter's night where am i made come on pull up your kids pull it up I made a prayer warrior I am made to be saying I made to stop left I have this made you better know what it is where am I been made to stop champion during far enough to do nothing else you too full of covetous and disobedience where am i amazed and living the truth yes come on according to the gift of the grace of God according to the gift of the grace of god given unto me by the effectual working of his power that I prove it by the power of God in my life we want to be something we want to possess but we want to say we mother/son up but when I get up I will see more sexual power of it I don't see the working of it that you walk it in it daily yet come on write to me on to me one less than the least of all the pain less than the least of all the thing is the grace given a grace is given yet that I should preach among the Gentiles oppressor messages are enforceable richness of cry the unsearchable riches of Christ yet and to make all men see yet what is the Fellowship of the mystery look at this Dawson I've chosen you every one of you to be a success sir to be on a course to show the world what is the mystery of fellowship it is the best resource assemble for us to be from various walks of life but come together in one love it's a mystery it is the best serene that I've never would have know you had it not been for crying there bring us together it makes us closer than my old natural family baby it's a mystery Oh hallelujah it is a mystery to bring about another nationality and let us together in love it is a mystery he said not cause you to show the world yes come on which prompted again another world from the beginning of the world I've been hidden God it was your destiny from the beginning of the world with hidden calm who created all see by Jesus Christ who the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly please come on known by the church the manifold wisdom of God right now with the church right now he cannot uphold every one of you I called you pastor I've called you all to set up lighthouses to do nothing but represent true love power and fellowship that's all if you want to do something else you're off your course if you're trying to do anything else you're off your horse I've caused you to set up terms where there's those orders of dying sons of thunder where gifts are flourishing in the church it's the prophecy lay hand signs wonders a miracle is it I hold you to it then I bring you together in a place fellowship because we all doing the same thing in all of our places make that two wonderful and that's a wonderful this is that just of all come on y'all got the ribs just rest come on rip rip rip that's really good [Music] [Applause] [Music] remember to the claw walkie that's why I came and duck was anything away to the eternal purpose according to your destiny according to your eternal purpose yes which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord yes whom we have boldness today UFOs is an extra confidence by the faith of him yeah wherefore desire that he st. night want you not to face this channel this hookup of fellowship that I brought to issue what so that you'll have an access to me at anytime you need I'm hearing you the mystery I want to keep yourself please try to keep this up with a lot but it may be porcini laughter you oh yeah tells audience I'm giving you the ball is a toy yes come on with it not have articulation yeah are you which is your glory might be that's our soul with all the verse before they read it over wherefore desire very faint gnosis Bardo same don't face don't get up if you fainted your damn that burst of your strength is small if you're not so faint yes come on at my tribulations for you know fade at me dying don't faint if I need being inflamed it's not tribulation for you don't feign yes come on which is your glory did your glory was it back behind me yes as to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ of whom the family an artist named yes then he would grant you according to the riches of his glory and I want to threat to the riches of his glory yet he strengthened with his mind he'll be strengthened with is my private spirit in the inner me by his spirit in the inner man I'm active something in you and this is of course take your mind off of people they're not your destiny they're only your core take your mind what they think of us what do you care now only your core your courses they either help me or buying your cause with me mother Wilson is either gonna help me or buy your possibly Chantal is either go healthy or buy now that's what my course is I know my own course is to keep a progression my own course is to succeed so if you're trying to buy me I will find you back and go oh Xena if you're trying to help me off a hookup what you'll say come on let's tear on it pull it all yeah yes come on with it that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith he makes one of your hearts pop say that you being rooted and grounded in love I want you run it and growl the in division in love again in love your handshake in love and Hank you sometime in love he's not want you running and Rosen in love yes come on radiator for conferring in yeah with All Saints what is the breadth see that's why you can't do it if you too for the hate that's why you can't get along now this only this will help you to comprehend the man last night all we asked to me was what edges do you take coming from sighs to get to the hotel now you're driving from wood yes we just come inside wouldn't a feeling and I felt myself getting at you better tolerate him come almost y'all always do it just that's all right that's all right just oh that's a big breath we're coming south as in that way you know where the Vinick is in did he do it then he just sucks it well see there's a Bennigan's and then there's a Hilton this is the way I'm not Jesse and I just said well there's let's just scratch the Hilton part all together but if I'm coming from Northwestern high sweat party he said where you coming in and Russia natural Israel you take laughs sir thank you sir I appreciate he's of adult you know God does look just forget him so dumb sell paint get up okay I had to bear it daddy dad from way never been to Detroit God is better since he was walking away definitely never had to stand in his hand join Isis let me just like me but when he saw it and leash he just missed it's like I can't believe he said can you comprehend you got enough love you got another nod to bear him with his dub so you know you know fullness no mental he saw are you gonna comfort him till he get it out he came around to the right answer you see I'm trying to show you he finally did that stuff that's yeah yeah let's take it if you go comfort you go bear with me so you see they got to come around to it it ain't gonna just happen overnight for your sake I'm gonna let it happen he said but I'm gonna make sure you would it in love he said father let it sink and sink mother boy put it best if I send you perfect people I don't need you God setting up little auxiliaries in the church and telling people how do I got this one whippersnapper can do it all I can bring home the bacon that that I fry it up and up in his heart she getting her little staff sang told me I'm just gonna do it all I'm just gonna you know I just I think it's better for me to do I say you ain't gonna do nothing but train the person you have but there's a girl in society son your tears God is calling you to be a leader this ain't your destiny this one person this is your core but you're gonna be over an entire audiovisual Department and you may have 50 just like now you can either choose the pastor now hear that 50 bombard two in one God good karma with you enough ain't no half way y'all know we had love on break when I'm rested I ain't well today actually I even got a chance to run a little bit so what you need help he's alright he's on my way to you tired been up two days and had no rest your vex your bills are paid I'm have those most goofy important areas not to be one understands the simplest thing of how to exit mashing come on make sure nothing but love springs up in you at all times not when you feel like a he thinness of course you're gonna for your pay stop did we change the courts oughta get that's alright see that means you stops of course see you stop see when you do that that's alright I'll just get somebody else you laugh you just blew it dr. Cole and what is you saying he said he's when I give you he said knowing coming to you perfect Cincinnati on my appraisal even add me to be here Maddie first cannot charge they told her gifts he's some sort of Hawkins and all this couldn't she must have gone back up they said no she leads us that I heard another so this is when it was just seven of them the pop god came on us went to natty puppets at he said I put a sound of your voice that's gonna revive the church like half the curling doesn't preaching oh and I mean I was just just all owners telling the proper sense she would do like this till I'm looking because I know you roll it because I'm about to burn and she was going to get she's not up to your failed and I'm just father's knows the next service we ready to be ready Maddie toughen my sorry what a mighty God we serve ice cream God with that veal see mother section was telling me about that selling is Venus mr. Joel I didn't say it I'm gonna head to visit this is what a mighty God but anytime you can't move seven and three of them were her kids I said God but you see her now see you won't say right she gonna keep leaving and keep leaving it she's just like her daddy say yeah he says you won't bury me because I'm gonna get you rooted in love it ain't her cabeza for overnight and he did it didn't come to me can't see mother of course but still I got to tell because that's a service the whole go to my brothers Carol we'll just really having a hard time and real praying so civil came and got making food sisters how about of course you doing good daughter keep on who daughter you growing lost actually examine the console there's the tennis roster girl so she can get a little Powell I hear no sound voice yes that's it he'll go so Carol would you know this they came god help Carol healthcare so I'm praying for yes God so she's coming down but yes sirs working mm-hmm you know yes God come okay okay so she couples on Mustang what is person Hey can't believe you out of I'll go in there something a couple of more and she would we like your success the hallelujah gonna put you're not yet oh yeah if you want to cost and your feet now the world of core laughter that's the me word essence they just structure with death we great children we're deficit shoulders great fellowship with love and power that's why you're here what did he say come on what is the bread he said now remembers begins the top started over may be able to come for use and I'm doing this that you may be able to comprehend with all thing with all thing what is the bread what is the bread and then I want to see how far you could go what is your life what is your ability to extend yourself yeah and then and what how this can you go you go drop a soul he said you won't give them your breath when they're running out or you will blow and give them up just forget it that's the wrong grand kids over you will take a breath stressing me Jesus one bow time what is the breath would have been laid what is the depth yet and right and what is the height how far are you willing to go haha are you willing to go for one another what'd he say come on and to know the love of Christ to know the love of crime which pacted knowledge which passes knowledge he might be filled with all the fullness of God he said this is why we're here this is the purpose of a shot this is the purpose of a heckuva top I got to put this plugin the Bible says Paul wrong special miracle we've become so common with the hickeys and the time that we think we should always just get one it was for special we've got so common and so you saw it that you think every time you come you should get one he said it's special if I bring it your way it's for a special gift it's more special delivers and for special transformation this is not normal but because we've gotten so common we don't have right some like that so you get it and can't find you you get it now you use this on your clothes because you didn't take it special let me say how special pass acrylic took his hankie pass the curl we discovered it and the Lord allowed us to use this on his body his last days passed the curling had a literal quilt made of his hankies in time but even with the pieces he hadn't lived how special it was to him and we laid all talking about destiny today pastors last day he became so angelic he became soul divine now want to say since crawling the same is because of her companion but I got so many witnesses that was with him in his last days he wouldn't talk about nobody to the point if he was watching TV in and say all you know that ain't got enough to he was saying sure is a nice suit before he went the way he said it you could feel the slice in the spirit he said well let's turn that off he wouldn't talk about nobody talking about destiny talking about a corn the last moment when he passed I held him in my arms when I held in my arms I was weeping and crying and wheezing crying and then his spirit said to me you know good and well you have ministry and something timeout spirit as far as I could see I fought this path it was like dust it's like in the evening then a path full of buildings people ministry it's very pushing me and said you know good and well you have ministry turn my spirit and that's all I saw when I saw it I said okay I stopped crying I said okay okay if I'm gonna do this I said I don't you laugh when I mess up because he would talk about me in the church y'all pray for since the curl in Lord had me I get ready to sing he tell Teresa starting key a God was showing me he said he finished his course now you do yours look at destiny run forward run to it that's why God have us here at this time since I've been here he said your destiny is fellowship if there is nothing else what do you ask you what are you trying to get what do you want this is it song say you're my brother you're my sister yeah walk-in side-by-side together we don't say because we have the same success sir finish this and What did he say now after him that is angels announce him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly certainly when you exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or see wait a minute we're talking about a group of fellowship with your hands before the Lord we're talk about a group of people who have the same testimony and is confirmed in our heart what God has done what God has brought us from what God has delivered us from it is confirm don't you ever let a devil inhale take it from you let me tell you something your weight your state if you don't have a hallelujah just think about where he brought you from and you'll know let's say we don't think is a technical just think about the supreme we brought you Prime hallelujah he's a nothing that is able yet to do exceedingly imma do exceedingly abundantly abundance above all that we ask or speak above all that you can ask for things according to the power that worketh in a ways work aware read it up unto Him yes big warrior mature yes by Christ Jesus read that verse over now I see him now on to him that is a trap if able cause I have the ability to do this to do it speeding up front if I will do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask above all that you ask or even see according to the problem at work adhesion and I'm going to tell you how i'ma do it i'ma do it by the power invested in you oh now you need to spring up a well now [Applause] I'm a dufus father here partakers as it's hard as I give you it's an angle to a ball what you think I'm able to do hallelujah [Music] tsubame said a hip race of knowledge instead he's an increase of money increase of knowledge it should be money as a decent and knowledge as a decent but the excellent seat of knowledge is that it gives life to them they have it that that tells me brother grant that I can be flat broke I can feel skid row I could not have it done well because I thought no it's not to be a billionaire games come on in telling us to come on the air sounds audience tells audience is not mad or fathers yeah come on with it I'm too happy boring it doesn't be glory and it's a charm our crises but why speaker at all eh yeah well without well without yet amen amen he said none of your hands before the Lord a week if we don't need this fellowship services convocation with nothing else I'm leaving here knowing I'm cooked up two fellas I want of course and that course is called love I'm on a course to love my enemy I'm on a course to do go to the mess especially miss you I'm on of course I had a service one time I priest in the service raise an orphan didn't give me a yeah I felt so good because I had a testimony in my own I didn't have to tell somebody else's there's a world is the Lord said if you tell a soul you will lose the brain he said if you murmur if you complain because you gonna lose the credit don't say a world he says a matter of fact so it to the Minish tell them that's alright man is harder the Lord that somebody put fifty five hundred dollars in my hand three weeks later after that core oh come on y'all come on y'all it's an exceedingly abundantly hallelujah what they ever could have left me with keep it exceedingly abundantly above what I'll do goddesses are parked in our fake it's wrong if you better come to me ain't about people if y'all know I'll care about no investments and everything money being tired of is ain't nothing for me to do it your other pool yes no he's been I'm trying your way you gonna feel crazy gonna feel sticky you will sell hallelujah why you're broke what you gonna do the toast hands before the Lord we're going before the Lord now we're asking God give me that perfect love yes Lord I know this message isn't for everybody everyone will have the ability you ain't even call to it you really a thief and a robber and you're you're my core to teach me how to get divine love that's why you talk about me behind my back that's why you smile in my faces the song say all the time you want to take my plane you're a nothing but a back Stanford you're my course and I know you are then there's children of God that offend God I want this scene why no I'm not coming to another fellowship and lead the same hallelujah yes Lord I'm tired of this sin I'm weary with sin Thomas I've gotten off my course let me confess this to you Prabhat I've complained I've talked about things I didn't understand I'm getting off of my course father help me help me Lord help me Lord to see my destiny tell me what to love my sister on Omaha tell me [Music] [Music] yeah I can't be over Omaha Omaha Omaha Brigadier Omaha Omaha Ramayana State Ramayana this name pretty our suspect creamy holidays thanks premium free meow can you ever get REME help you really all season Mafia yeah [Music] [Music] the come on Angela yes hallelujah hurry up let's go yeah yeah come on Phillip yeah come on tell them yes hallelujah women hallelujah Fortier hallelujah organs on net here latina for some another Omaha come on shut up yet come on tell them yet let's go yeah yeah watch here oh yes oh yes oh you got a double yesterday yeah oh dear oh dear oh dear oh hallelujah let's go for dinner thank you we want to Jesus we got a heaven or a close here later death is just long get into details give in college until all your thought is love Jesus is not either more in my soul I [Music] every rep I read graduate of your friend me everywhere I go [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] dear Jim let's erase your present every breath [Music] your friend let your pleasure oh just ladle she's here it's raining he's ready to do it come on can we just ask you can we ask you Oh [Music] whatever [Music] [Music] Oh wherever they go [Music] come on let's wait on whoever army told you I'll be all right as long as your toys Kiki where are they oh shoot hallelujah I can take it as long as door noise to lure your friends [Music]
Channel: Harold Harris
Views: 69,301
Rating: 4.8447652 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 39sec (6639 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2017
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