Pastor John Hannah/Dr. Matthew Stevenson [It's Called Honor]

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is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] there are five to eight of you in this building i came to get you because there's a sound in you there are five to eight of you in this building some of you don't know the lord some you're already saved but this is the house that god has called you to there are five to eight of you already in this building and there are about ten of you online if you know that i'm talking to you and you are in this building don't make me beg you to get better get out of your seat and walk towards me right now can you start walking towards me right now start walking towards me right now get out of your seat and start coming towards me there's one come on move move move [Music] move just stand right here i got you get out of your seat and come towards me right now come on come towards me right now there you go move move [Music] come on that's eight in the line [Music] see anyone else move move [Music] me a favor go back that way can you all turn around for me and you're gonna follow that gentleman right there we have a team in the back that's gonna minister to you can you all release a sound can you clap your hands and release a sound have a seat for me you have to hear me clearly the oil is on the house you cannot create this kind of atmosphere you cannot give him a seat you cannot release the glory carriers you cannot let his word come forth and you stay the same it doesn't work and i serve a god that he changes you it makes you whole listen to me he doesn't move you up spiritually here and then leave you naturally down here when he calls you to come up higher every part of your life goes to another level every part of your life is about to shift come on here somebody else should release a praise for that your your occupation is changing your salary range is changing your address is changing [Music] how do we get it we believe in tides and offering i don't know this is the wrong time to stop paying your tithes god has proven himself to be faithful for those online those in the building i want you to get a seat in your hand i want you to get your tithes ready if you say well i don't know what to give give 50 give 25 give a hundred he give a seed to the sower but i want everyone to get a seed in your hand i want everyone to get a seed in your hand if you're going to texting if you're going to text the words nlcse to 77977 if you want to mail it in online you can look at the bottom of the screen you'll see our address if you're in the building and you have an envelope and you wrote a check if you need an envelope you can raise your hand if you wrote a checker you're giving cash on your way out you'll see two or three safes in the in the lobby area where you can deposit your seed but everyone get a seed in your hand everyone get a seed let the glory of god be on your life let the glory of god be on your life when moses came from under the cloud the people couldn't even stand to look at him the bible said that he was shining too bright i serve a god that'll change your countenance your enemy won't even be able to look you in your face come on here why because you're a glory carrier come on lift your seat up to the lord lift it up to the lord come on lift it up to the lord online lift your seat up and repeat after me i'm tired and a giver and i am blessed beyond measure i have more than enough i'm living in my overflow come on say this i am living in ephesians 3 20 how long are you going to live it for the rest of my life of my life you can give your seed listen um we have somebody who's leaving our city and he's god is literally in largest territory he's worldwide he's just not statewide he's worldwide and we want to honor the oil that is on his life and i know he's going to be out of town for the week but he made it his business to come here for the 12 30 service can you do me a favor can we celebrate and appreciate apostle matthew stevens [Applause] can you give him a microphone can you give him a mic i want to publicly say to you that i believe in you i want to publicly say to you that the devil is defeated i want to publicly say to you that i ask god to blow everybody's mind everybody's mind no hatred no jealousy no envy coming from me i pray that he blow your mind matthew i want him you think you got it in here it's bigger than that i pray that some of the warfare you got in chicago you don't encounter in new york i pray that god shut down every naysayer i pray that you stay focused stay focused stay focused and go after everything that god showed you if anything i say to you my brother is that you are a water walker you do not remain in the boat with the 11 so i need you to be comfortable walking on water while others watch so i salute you i honor you and i believe in you and i stand here camera zone everybody saying look at john hanna celebrating dr apostle prophet matthew i need you to hear me and i believe in you so much everybody stand stand stand that it was literally on our agenda that you would pray the prophetic prayer over this house i would never ask somebody to pray the prophetic prayer if i didn't believe in them and dr jamon can tell you that he had not discussed so you're not going to be here but the lord sent you now to pray the prophetic prayer over this house so we are ready to hear what god's about to put in your spirit because this ain't because when you don't know what to pray for as you ought the spirit make his intercession and i want all your holy ghosts to be stirred up i want all your holy ghosts to be stirred up and i step back and i release you to speak to this house father in the strong name of jesus i lift the priest of this house to you his mandate his assignment his authority his influence his wealth his industries his enterprise his charities his organizations his story his destiny his legacy his future to you i lift his posterity to you all that that is born out and from and because of him father i stand in this beautiful sanctuary and i lift my voice concerning the place where the intercessors cry my god i lift my voice and ask for revivals of prayer and intercession wailing and mourning and lamenting from this place let thousands of intercessors be born from this place to the world put something in the carpets my god let it be in the wall in the soil the grass as it were that the glory of god be so strong in this building that the kingdom and strongmen of addiction is decapitated instantly in the mighty name of jesus we lift up our voices now and we're asking for a fountain of youth make this place true to its name that as men and women come in here they find a new life oh yeah we give you glory that he that had begun a good work in us is faithful to performing now god i ask you now to feel this room reveal yourself in ways that are unexplainable let it be so in this place that there's such an authority in the room such a power in the room such a strength in the room such grace in the room until there are unexplainable miracles god we've not asked you in a long time but will you defy science in here let it be so oh god that you stand on gravity and you turn laws and rules around and that you heal men in their inner man hill marriages oh yeah you covenant breaking spirit you truth breaking spirit we bind you let fresh covenants be born here fresh relationships and arrangements partnerships and alliances allegiances and connections brand new fellowships brand new mentorships brand new affiliations and allies oh god let it be so that in this place that took so much warfare to get done we declare and decree and promise is accomplished come on zion lift it up now it's a season of peace my god it's a season of peace it's a season of peace it's a season of shalom the peace of god that passes all understanding you declare itself finally finally father i ask you to send millionaires to this place [Applause] send millionaires to this place make it a refuge for those that have great resource a safe place to sow and to invest and to create we know that the building is done but the work has just begun and we know that we have work to do to the great head of the church this thing is yours we love you for it in jesus name so be it clap your hands and release the praise [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Lamuwiyl Matthews
Views: 9,119
Rating: 4.9066668 out of 5
Keywords: #InShot
Id: auwS23ImCa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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