The Temple Grand Opening Celebration

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hello good evening good evening everyone we are live at new life this is day three of the ribbon cutting ceremony the lobby is filling up with people as you can see i am so excited to be with you tonight i mean you shining from top to bottom what is that you got online by the way this is joel tupman bishop tupman he told me just to call him joel and you can just call me angela i'm angela martin it is so so just a great time to be with you tonight i mean the weather everything is weather it's beautiful the church oh my gosh i mean if you look around right now yes this is a state-of-the-art facility yes it is pastor hannah and his team the entire new life family has done an astounding job what i want you to do whatever device you're on right now i want you to find some clapping hands those emojis and put them together there you go let's bless god for what the lord has done through the man of god and all the people of god right here in chicago illinois absolutely i'm so happy to be with you tonight my name is angela martin if you want to know a little bit more about me just go to i have a prayer ministry for women called wonderful prayer i also have papa prayer it's an online ministry as well if you want to know all about me just go to and this man right here i don't have a wish he's a bishop i don't have a website i don't have a i don't have any of that so my name is joel tubman look i am uh one of the associate pastors at the father's house and my pastor's here tonight yes bishop t.d jakes is in the house and i cannot wait to hear from my pastor tonight so do you say the get ready thing like he does nobody can see it nobody but if i would have tried it'll be get ready get ready get ready that's a good one that's really good that's it joel that's it so we're so happy to be here you have time to get here come on over to new life tonight i mean for the entire week well tuesday we started yes uh tuesday was uh mike thompson mike todd and then last night was bishop iv yes iv hilliard and tonight it's the one and only bishop td jakes our facility is huge there's a seat for you there what was amazing to me angela was when we pulled up to yes to get ready to do the sound check and make sure everything was great people were already lined up oh yes those of you that are online wondering what is it like people have been lined up waiting to receive a word of god since 4 30. it says 4 30. since 4 30. but there is still a seat for you because there are so many seats in our beautiful beautiful church you need to just come by and see it you know what um uh pastor hannah said this week this blessed me so much he said you are sitting in the belly of a promise jesus christ glory to god he said you are in the belly of a promise so we want you to come on by tonight so you can also experience being in the belly of a promise let me tell you something tonight is not my first time in the building okay but it is my first time in the service for the week uh had a situation happen in our family we weren't able to fly in like we wanted to however my entire family has watched online so i've been an online member for the past two nights and i want to applaud all of the technicians who've done a phenomenal job making sure that those of us that have been in the virtual space have been able to feel the presence of god but i'm in here tonight yeah okay i flew in here tonight because i expect god to do above and beyond what i experienced online so you need to get here tonight absolutely need to get here tonight there's going to be a word from god oh absolutely we got judy mcallister in here tonight nobody can say hallelujah like judith mcallister she goes nobody can do it mcallister literally has a phd in worship and praise i can't wait she was such i mean she was so ahead of her time don't you think yes she was so ahead of her time and she is in the building tonight and i am so excited to experience her worship let me tell you something the atmosphere is charged here at new life last night on tuesday night just charged because people come in this building with such a spirit of expectation to all of you all over the world we are on the world wide web yes which means that all over the world you can experience this wherever you are in whatever country you're in make sure that you uh shout us out on our social media platforms let us know where you are you say we're all over the world yeah you've got what you like to do i want to know where you're from right now okay i want you to type on this line i'm right here on facebook live right now so if you're on facebook i want you to tell us what city you are from so we can recognize you absolutely and say thank you for logging in so please what country or what country take some time and do that for us real quick we want to celebrate you even though you can't be here physically you took out the time to log on and to be with us virtually so do that for us and let us let us see you and let us celebrate you we got people from south australia i tell you all over the world all over the world that are on here tonight come on tell us where you're from type it in the screen and let us know absolutely i'm gonna keep this right here tonight to be here with pastor john f hanna and also with our associate pastor pastor glenn is here as well and we're so happy that um they are here with us tonight and we are so happy that god has graced us and giving up given us these gifts to the body of christ pastor hannah is a gift isn't he absolutely against pastor jamon glenn is a gift to us incredible packages oh my gosh let's talk about sahana for a second okay okay uh you worked with him i did i did he is my brother he's your brother i have one question for you that i want to ask you how did you learn how to draw the line between co-worker and pastor because many people can't do that yeah yeah yeah well you know i'm going to tell you something um when someone really walks in their anointing and then they're calling and you you feel the authenticity of it it's not really hard when you see them in other areas and other arenas because you know it does not take away from the other one wow it doesn't take anything away from that so um i could see him in a vulnerable state i can see him when he's laughing and when we're clowning but oh when he shifts he can shift like nobody in a minute i've never seen it he can shift in a split second he got a moan when he goes from laughter to prayer that will just shatter the room yes and both both arenas are very off authentic you know absolutely so it's not hard to do he's my brother he's my friend he was my co-worker now he's my pastor he makes the shift he brings in dr jamon glenn yes who is one of the most creative creative pastors in the world nobody could do that but god i know that nobody could do that but god that pairing is definitely anointed by god it is ordained by god and we are so happy he made me get dreadlocks because when i met him i went to preach for him and he was just started growing his dreads they looked like little rocks you know and i was preaching for him and i said man i'm going to get me some of those you got them i got them tonight they look good too thank you thank you thank you they look good so we're so happy for our pastors tonight and their wives of course as well uh pastor erica glenn and also my dear sister lady anna hannah so we are so grateful for this yes we absolutely took seven years to get this seven years seven years to get this off the ground the number seven is the number of complaints completion and we know that we will stand absolutely yeah perfection yes it is standing in the belly of a promise don't please don't say it again we're standing in the belly of a problem we're standing in the belly of a promise that took seven years to build some people run away yeah when when when when it takes that long for somebody to dig in you got to dig in i mean to have that that that that tenacity to really to really dig in and make sure that you are faithful that entire time joel that is not easy you know i met him in 2018 that's when our friendship actually started oh okay our brotherhood started of course i've always known about it right right but in 2018 i was preaching at the potter's house north dallas i was doing watch night okay he was coming the next day to start revival okay so i stayed and we connected and there's not been a week if not a day that has gone by since 2018 and we don't talk it's like you've known him all the time all this time because you know what you did you knew him already wow you already knew him you just had to connect in the earth but you already knew him he's an amazing brother yes he's an amazing brother and then let me say this about pastor glenn pastor glenn has been a mentor to me yes before i met pastor hamilton oh you knew pastor i knew pastor glenn first to see the two of them come together collectively and to see both anointings together both skills together so beautiful it's the beautiful thing it's beautiful to watch you don't hardly ever see this anywhere in the world with two strong men right with the teaching ability absolutely the anointing that they have absolutely to exist on one stage absolutely you know how that happens you have to respect each other wow that's what happens yes ma'am and they respect each other uh in the areas that they're in and the lanes that they're in they respect each other and it just works absolutely because god did it and we're so grateful you know we want to encourage those of you that are out there right now you're working on your vision you're trying to build something you're trying to create something she just said it stick to it stick to it don't give up be faithful be consistent stick to it you're going to hit some walls you're going to hit some financial issues you're going to hit some people issues you're going to hit some personal issues but stick to it i mean don't let that thing drive you away to keep you from creating exactly what you saw in your spirit we want to encourage you again those of you that are still watching us and your country yes and your country sandy springs georgia north charlotte north carolina there you go there we go you're going to worship with us tonight i want to hear you yes lord let us know where you're from i'm going through here trying to see some more chicago yes i see you in the house i don't know how to say this last one oswego it's a suburb oh is that right yeah it sounds like another country yeah well you know you know i swagger yeah you know you want to yeah you're in a certain tax bracket and i'll swing up oh is this everything you have to say like that a swagger well i don't know i bought i need to be in a swagger praise the lord bishop jake's is gonna be in the building listen oh my god i'm so excited about that i don't know what to do i'm so excited about it i want you to get ready how long have you been a member of the potter's house joel i moved there in july of last year so you relocated first i relocated from oklahoma to be with him yeah absolutely wow that's the biggest decision of my life that speaks volumes of my life but he's one of the best right absolutely i've learned so much from him he's a well of wisdom he's a mogul he's a preacher he's a father he's a leader yes and i moved there to learn how to become exactly that i met bishop jakes in the 90s i met bishop jakes before he had the big potter's house where you're in and um a very dear friend of mine a lot of you will know her name when i say her name kim stratton wonderful singer she went there to sing for him and she took me with her i will never forget the experience it was phenomenal and one thing that i remember was he would bring the homeless in and they had literally a salon they had a beauty salon they had a barber shop and they would bring the homeless in they had clothing they would dress them shave them up so when they came into the service they wouldn't feel ostracized it was amazing to see and then after that we they called it like the king's court we went up and had dinner with him wow and um the thing that i loved the most about bishop jake's and i also had the pleasure to interview him several times but the thing that i loved most about him was his humility absolutely oh my god being around him right now just to even underscore what you just said his megacare ministry that he has it is helping people around the world we just got through feeding 250 families in india blessing the people in new orleans and new york coming through the floods he's always on the cutting edge he's always always has his ear trying to find out what's going on so that he can be a help to somebody with that philanthropic hand yes but he also still depends on god with a man that has acquired as many resources that he has the people that he has accumulated into his life he still goes to god first wow well that is kind of uncommon now that once we've got uh you know hit a certain tax bracket or right a certain group of people we can call them first or do it ourselves he still talks to god yes and it is very evident in the moves that he's making in the earth so tonight i know for a fact that he's already talked to god about what he's going to preach so you better get ready get ready get ready it's going to be amazing another thing that i love about bishop jakes i saw this today i didn't know about this but about his new book don't drop down don't drop the mic is that amazing and he's talking about you know to um for us as lord jesus i can't believe i'm saying this but to get to the next generation to show them and teach them what our forefathers taught us that we should not drop those principles those principles of prayer and the word and holiness and sanctification we have to make sure that we pass that and not drop the mic and i love that not only that he's trying to teach you how to discover your audience to learn how to communicate to the group that you're talking to wow that you can't go in the board you can't go in the board room talking about try jesus right you got to go in the boardroom knowing statistics right you got to know the numbers you got to know the demographics what did paul say to all men i'll i'll be your people come on you got the not me you got the hold the scripture right all right bishop judith mcallister is going to lead us into worship tonight oh my gosh let me tell you something i remember um the first time i saw judith i was in the service that she came to chicago i had never seen anyone strategically shift the atmosphere like that wow when i tell you it was a very light church i forgot what we were but she literally it was like she explained it first we all got it we got the principal and she just shifted the atmosphere she's a she's a dynamic she's dynamic she has a song and i may be wrong but i think it's they're saying rain or something like that in the song it is an amazing song i love the vamp of the song i keep it on repeat all the time so i hope she just dabbles in that a little bit tonight yeah but i'm looking forward to her to her anointing because jesse has the phd she's so she's so scholarly but she's anointed yeah and she's from the church of god in christ yes lord i'm from the church of god in christ are you yeah are you coaching no no i'm from the baptist church missionary baptist primitive baptist church in robbins illinois is that the first baptist or second no it's the only one he's the only baptist well praise god tonight that's where i'm from i've been at new life for 13 years but i was born and raised in a baptist church i got filled with the holy ghost in the baptist church with the evidence of speaking in tongues jesus in the baptist church well you know when my mom and dad are separated yes i went to the baptist church on the first and third okay okay and i went to my daddy's colgate church on the second and fourth so you got it all it was two different experiences you know it was trying jesus on the second floor yes yes and it was i love the lord joel it all works it all works yes but i i came to new life i've been here for 13 years now what yes but i have been in my church for for all of my life and so i've only had two churches that is remarkable i've only had two churches and that's what i love about your generation yes yes it's the longevity of the community stick to it and we have to teach the next generation you gotta stick to it stay committed just because something doesn't go your way one day you still gotta stick to it you gotta stick to it well it looks like we're filling up the um lobby and everybody's coming on through here yeah it does we're so excited we're ready to have this ribbon cutting you guys i know that you guys have seen it all week on tuesday night you saw pastor mike todd and on last night you saw bishop ivy hilliard and tonight oh my god bishop jakes is going to cut this ribbon and he's going to pray the prayer of faith pastor mike yes when he got to dealing with that imagination oh my god you got to think it first you got to see it first you got to be more kitty yeah you know you better believe you you got to believe like fairy tales again you gotta believe in in santa claus and i think you know pastor hannah and i talked directly after that service yeah and that was one of the things that we begin to talk about child is imagining yes and taking it to a whole nother level in our mind and you know dr glenn that's him he lives in the imagine land yes he does so to see what's going to be birthed from that deposit on tuesday night new life world get ready because i believe we're going to see some wild imagination oh my god from our two leaders after being poured into one thing that i love that uh uh pastor mike todd said he said you can't just come in here and celebrate what happened in this organization because god wants to do something to you as the organism they said something the man of god preached the gospel yes it's for you so everybody even those of you that are on your way here just remember that that this experience that we're having it's a major corporate experience but what god wants to do for you personally make sure you grab that and take it from it and when he he when he laid that word in our laps yes yes then pastor our our apostle yes came in tomorrow night last night to show you how to activate that yes that you just can't do it and watch it you got to activate it you got to you got to be the catalyst for it yes you do that you got to be involved in that miracle yourself absolutely so i was completely blessed when you take both of those sermons package them together you have already a recipe for greatness yes you do but that was a message that uh pastor sarah jakes preached sunday at the church okay and she said that uh greatness it doesn't go on sale it doesn't go on sale you're gonna pay for it and she said it costs yes it does it costs and she said it costs so much that you got to make payments yes and so listening to last night and then listening to the night before you got to make payments you do you you ought to love what god is doing in your life so much that you start making payments on it by the way you believe by the way you give by the way you love people absolutely don't forget about the seed you gotta sow the seeds gotta sow the seeds if you didn't get a chance and i'm gonna say this now because i know that if you didn't get a chance to sow last night and you you still want to do it you can always do it you can do it right now go right to the west right now you can go to the website you can go to the app and you can sow your seed from last night's revelation and be in on what the man of god deposited into our lives last night because when you saw your seed joel that's how you withdraw you gotta make a withdrawal listen i i know people love miracle money yes yes but you can't have miracle money without making miracle moves you got it you still gotta you still gotta stick your hand in the mirror barrel to get that well you gotta make the cake first absolutely you gotta give up the two fish the bread to get to get everybody to be fed you've gotta make the move first you do you gotta sell you gotta sew you gotta stop i wanna look on here and see who we got okay anybody else y'all tell us i don't know why facebook like they don't want to talk to us tonight we may need to switch devices let me see what we got tonight they're out there with us joe they're there it's going to tell us where you're from tonight let me see tampa florida there you go what's up tampa what's up tampa florida i need to see some more cities on here tonight so more states or more countries i see a lot of people saying they're from the church of god at christ well praise the lord i love it i love it i love it cogent colgate coaging i want to see some of these cities you're from let us know encourage other people and countries and countries yes we want to know we want to know where you're from we want to know where you're from praise the lord we're getting close we're getting close tonight tonight this church is known for marching in the streets praying coming up here at four o'clock in the morning four am praying for when i first saw that i think it was on periscope yeah that made me feel old you know because periscope came and went didn't it but uh i got on periscoping antiquated now just antiquated i got on periscope and i saw him going in yes yes and then when they panned the crowd 4am the people were going in 4am i'm going to tell you something about our 4am prayer before i joined new life 13 years ago i always came to 4am prayer because pastor hannah and i were working together so we would come to 4am prayer and then we go to work wow yeah but i'm going to tell you something joel it started in one of our little facilities on our campus here just a few people that thing grew leaps and bounds let me tell you something people are running so i want you running at 4 a.m tell me this you said it started years ago how many years ago do you um maybe about 15 oh yeah we've been doing it that long that long it's been that long and how many people do you think were showing up 15 years ago um it was small like when we first first started i would say 100 100 people showing up for prayers yeah and now you've got thousands of people thousands i can mention online everywhere yes i mean you have to you it's i'm telling you something to watch people running running to get in the building at 4 00 a.m it's just phenomenal there he they stopped playing the music when we started jamming head on you guys good we're excited about tonight jake's um just filled up we're about to cut this ribbon yeah listen guys everyone that's watching can we get you to share share share share share on facebook share everywhere you can um somebody i was scared to come in the building because you thought it was gonna be two-pack they didn't say that when they went down to that listening party for um kanye they showed up but nevertheless you have to have the same determination to get to god all right we're excited about tonight and it's gonna be amazing so please stay tuned all right i'm gonna let y'all finish as we get the bishop to come in through the door so excited we're so excited we are excited we are excited so you still have time to get here come on you guys you still have time to get here it's going to be an amazing event tonight i think our church holds like 3 000 maybe or 3 500 i think it's 3 500. so there is a seat in here for you you can sit in the balcony uh there's a seat in here for you so make sure you come and as pastor hannah said you go to what you want to go to where you are [Music] it's spacious down but come on in and give them it's enough space up there for you you can have even more social distancing if if that is what you desire but we want you to be comfortable tonight even if they come yes all secretness oh absolutely no doubt no doubt i'm going to tell you something joel and and you know all glory to god all glory to god but whenever we're together we feel the presence of god oh my god joel and i'm telling you something uh pastor anne and i talk about that all the time uh even within the younger generation to let them know it's not all it's not always like this all the time at all churches that's right so you got to really know what god has blessed us with and how he graces us with his presence every time we come together and to god be all of the glory it's not a braggadocious statement i'm not being boastful but god graces us with his presence every single time the the wonderful thing i like about this church which we were kind of playing a little bit but we had some seriousness in it it's about how pastor hannah can switch on a dime oh if you come here tonight yes something's gonna turn on the dime for you oh absolutely i believe i believe somewhere in this service yes lord with the men of god and women of god that are assembled in this room tonight something's going to turn on a dime for you tonight i want you to get yourself up get to this building if you don't do that i want you to sit up and really participate in the virtual service don't just lay down sit up and get prepared for what god wants to do tonight because i believe god's getting ready to do something miraculous in this it's been bubbling for the last two nights i'm telling you i'm ready for it i'm ready for it there is a great expectation you even feel it in the lobby i'm telling you when i pulled up you can feel it in line when you see the people in line everybody is wait waiting for the presence of god as we have a corporate anointing tonight god is going to do some great things he's going to do something great i'm so excited the technology team yes the screams yes what they're doing yeah we're getting ready right now yes yes to see the beauty of this ribbon cutting today absolutely god bless you all [Music] we gotta count down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's happening everybody what's happening everybody we are excited for the final night of the ribbon-cutting ceremony for those that are in the auditorium can you make some noise for those that are in the lobby can you make some noise for those that are on social media can you give us an emoji we are excited about what god is going to do and our final night our final night it is only right for us to have the bishop of the world with us it is only right he is the bishop of the world and we knew that he had to come through here and bless this house for everyone that is here we have asked bishop to bless this ribbon-cutting ceremony and then we're going to cut the ribbon for everyone that is in the building i want you to understand that when you leave out my prayer team is going to take this ribbon in the back cut it up in small pieces and each of you will walk out with a piece of this prayer cloth and we're believing that the same oil that is on bishop's life is going to be on our life so you can come on now bishop and just bless the house first of all i'm glad to be here i thank you for the opportunity to be a part of this prestigious momentous occasion i salute you and i bring you greetings from dallas texas the massive accomplishments that you have made in the city of chicago this is paramount it is profound it is indicative of the vision that you have and that your people have had to have an impact on the city so as we as we prepare to go before god i invite you to join me as we seek the face of the father eternal and all-wise god as i bow my head before you for this ribbon-cutting ceremony it is this magnanimous church with huge vision with omnipotent power and presence behind it but then again it is more than that this is the launch of a movement this is the birthing of a vision that affects a community this is the arms of christ being stretched out living arms to a dying world to meet people where they are i pray o god that souls would be saved their lives would be changed that businesses would be birthed that entrepreneurs would come out of this vision that life-changing moves of the holy spirit would occur in such dimension such as this city has never seen this is the birthing place this is the labor room this is the place where visions come to pass this is a place where hell is defeated and hope is escalated as i pray today in the name of jesus this is just proof positive that what we see in our head we will eventually manifest before our eyes let the spirit of this house rest upon the people of this house and not just the people of this house but the city of chicago may it have a massive awakening that all things are possible irrespective of what neighborhood you live in that god does not check zip codes before he performs his mighty work i believe you oh god to have your way in this place as only you can do and it is in the spirit of humility and it is in the spirit of solomon's temple that we bow our heads before you and as we cut this ribbon let it all begin and reverberate around the world this prayer we submit in the invincible name of jesus christ our king our lord and our master thank you for making the invisible visible the intangible tangible the untouchable touchable thank you for causing the abstract to become concrete even in the midst of a pandemic let it be contagious let it move more rapidly than the virus until all of your people are infected with possibilities and buildings emerge and visions emerge and revelations emerge and entrepreneurship emerges and corporate endeavors emerge until the saints of god are sprinkled all over the earth because we are the salt of the earth in christ's name amen amen go ahead and clap your hands right there and release the praise at this time we're going to have the ribbon-cutting ceremony and we're going to cut the ribbon i'm excited to have bishop jakes with us and also i'm excited to have our alderman in this community an alderman of the city of chicago we're grateful to have our aldermen to stand here you can't do anything in a war without your aldermen so i'm grateful that god has allowed us to find favor with her and the city of chicago so at this time we'll cut you beat me too that's right [Music] [Applause] at this time bishop we want to present to you your own scissors that have the date and your name on it to let you know that you were part of this with us and we celebrate you all right everyone in the auditorium can you stand to your feet as we receive the bishop of the world bishop td jakes let's go [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] up [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's been seven years right seven years in the making of this beautiful temple [Applause] it's some crazy faith in the building tonight everybody needs to know what you've been thinking what you've been dreaming god says you come to church to understand who you really are you come to church to understand the rights and privilege that you have because in your situation you make the difference and when we know this we will approach life totally different you'll approach the situation that you're in totally different once you understand that you make the difference [Applause] [Music] we know this song we praise the name of jesus this is the name of our names come on [Music] come on somebody left him hey [Music] come on let's see your church come on let's say say we come on call your name [Music] come on [Music] something has to change [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] it's something we cannot explain come on that happens [Applause] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] something to can we sing it change one more time [Applause] [Music] there is power in the name of jesus power [Music] there is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] when come on somebody when i call [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] something [Music] [Music] [Applause] yay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] lord of lords [Music] [Music] hey we weren't shocked and we praise you and we lift you up and we glory upon your sheep [Music] oh [Applause] [Applause] jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] do we [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i i know [Music] is [Applause] when i call your name sing about what happens when you call on the name of jesus [Music] come on take it up when i call you [Music] something has to happen when i'm [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus in the room jesus he received us call his name thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah church we owe him our praise is that right hallelujah thank you jesus come on pluck your hands all over the room jesus let me see you clap your hands like this [Applause] [Music] song says i owe him all the praise [Applause] forever and always i choose to bless this name i'll bless his name [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] always i choose [Music] [Music] thank you loud church [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh says [Music] every day of my life you don't have to look [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] jesus one foreign [Music] and always [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'll bless his name [Applause] [Music] forever [Music] church listing is him praise the name of jesus [Music] christ praise the name of jesus who is it call him come on who is he he's my deliverer [Music] come on we know this song let's sing this one and i will come seek church on my soul [Music] bless his holy name can we live tell her one more time let's sing it to the church say i will oh my soul [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] come on stay blessed [Music] would you lift your hands searching forever forever hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] down your glory [Music] hallelujah find the glory let's sing church type your hesitant god praise tonight [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] can we build upon not philosophy nor the wisdom of man all over is sinking sand [Music] upon this rock you build your church and the gates of hell when i prevail when we bind and lose we proclaim your truth and in jesus name we will not fail never fail [Music] [Applause] is [Music] they didn't confidently let captivity captured it is [Music] oh he gave us the king his authority and now we are joining us to the praise of his glory glory upon this rock you build your church and in jesus name we will not fail [Music] we'll never fail no we will never fail we will [Applause] we will never so build your church build your church build it from the ground up into your church build your church build your church build it from the ground build up church build your church [Music] build your church [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] build your church [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] feel [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hello [Applause] i've got confidence [Music] [Applause] [Music] cause it's bigger than that oh yes it is [Music] [Music] how beautiful are they [Music] are they that carry the gospel how beautiful are they oh they that carry [Music] keep walking keep walking keep reaching keep teaching keep walking and keep building keep preaching keep teaching on the gates of hell will not prevail all the gates of heaven [Music] cause this is bigger than us this is bigger than us keep saying that part right there this is bigger than that keep saying that part right there everybody lift your hands and say come on you say this is [Music] cause this thing is bigger than love this thing is a big this thing is bigger than chicago [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's bigger [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on those of you that know that you didn't choose him but he chose you and you just glad to be a part of his church can you release a praise right here please can you decrease and allow him to increase come on you all your praise is needed the gates of hell shall not prevail against the shame and the gates of hell shall not prevail against his church is bigger than my idea it's bigger than me it's bigger than what i want is bigger than what you want those of you that want the lord's will to be done can you lift your hands and open your mouth and be excited that you are part of the body of christ come on you are yes yes just a few minutes lord of music i need to hear the church lord the music i need to hear the church lord the music i need to hear the church lord the music i need to hear the church i need to hear from those that have been washed in the blood of the lamb i need to hear from those that are brought out of darkness into the marvelous light and know that it was a god that delivered you out of the hand of the enemy i need to hear from the church [Applause] if you're not opening your mouth to me he didn't do it for you if you're not opening that mouth that means that you're on your own but if it is his breath in your lungs and you're giving him praise i need you to represent for five seconds right here please [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] we overtake every spectator we come above every negative person and we release a praise because we believe that revival is coming to the church those of you that are ready for revival five more seconds five more seconds five more seconds five more seconds you can build it on my praise you can build it on my testimony you can build it on my trial please i need to hear from the church i need to hear from the church i need to hear from the church i need to hear from those that are not ashamed of the gospel of jesus christ i need to hear from the church cut all music [Applause] some of y'all should get your praise back because your praise is needed for such a time as this i need to hear from the church [Applause] there it is there it is there it is i don't care how pretty a building is but if god isn't in it it is reckless come on i need to hear from the church i need the church to lock your praise in the four walls of this building [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] i need to hear from the church babies i need to hear from those of you that were born and raised in the house of god i need you to represent at a time like this come on those of you that got a background in the house of god i need you not to be ashamed yay [Applause] yeah that is yeah this is your welcome yeah you're welcome this is your welcome your praise is welcome your shout is welcome your testimony is welcome your story is welcome your past your present and your future this is welcome [Applause] you can be seated in my [Applause] mmm [Applause] you're welcome come on break this building in come on come on don't you let your eyelash shut you down take it off i want bishop to rip this building in half tonight we putting a demand on the anointing that is on his life come on come on chicago we need another release in this city and i believe if we praise god in advance it's gonna release angels in this atmosphere i just need you to release a praise for what's gonna happen i need you to release a praise like bodies are going to be healed i'll stop i'll stop but i just need one radical praise right here one two three go [Applause] we breathe the atmosphere we bind every devil every which we rebuke you every negative spirit be bound what the spirit of the lord is have a seat pay attention to the strength [Music] part of the executive board youth pastor and most recent position was pastor of pastoral care hi my name is john hill i'm an associate pastor in new life and i'm the senior director of operations my initial thought after pastor hannah said after all these years we finally got to the tabernacle and now we have to move again to another location was i can't believe what i'm hearing we had just settled down we had looked forward to this moment in time to be able to the same was walk in the building and flip a switch everything was set up everything was fine we were good to go and then he said nope it's time to move again at the end of the day it was more about continuing the journey than settling down in that one spot so after i got over the shot of having to do this all again they called us the road the rock and roll church because every service was like a concert so uh we just went back into that mode the vision um that helped us in working the process was the purpose of the temple that it was going to be our permanent location and that it was going to service this community where there was darkness that the temple was going to be a light that was going to provide jobs it was going to provide a number of other various activities for this community and i think that that was the that was the thing that kept a lot of us going forward there was a lot of people along the way that were able to contribute in major significant ways a lot of people will only see the beauty of the facility um and forget what it took um to lead us to get here um the sundays are like it's going to be ready this november and then right absolutely that's true let's push out out further and further so seeing the weight lifted off of him i can only imagine what god is speaking and showing him now they never hit me like that until people start coming from all around the world and all around the city in the country in all not just of this building but in all the places that we've been the anointing was always there you guys and that was i guess that made it not so burdensome on me i always thought pastor hannah had the most burden had the most weight because he had to hear from god every time he touched the mic yeah it was important it is important but it's always been about just supporting the vision to me let me say thank you to every pastor every board member former and present to every servant in this ministry for every leader for every member former and present we could have made it this far without you one person could never do this so i want to say thank you to everyone um for your servitude for your seeds and i'm grateful tonight i wanted um a gatekeeper of our city a gatekeeper of our city um bishop dr horace smith and we were both building at the same time and he would call him and his wife and check on me and just speak life and just speak life so i had to um submit to his words and tonight we submit to your prayers we submit to your prayers can everyone right now receive bishop can you censor your feet for one minute and let's submit to the prayers of a gatekeeper of our city bishop dr horace smith wow [Music] such a sacred spirit build your church build it from the ground up sing you see i can't sing but i'm from judah i belong to the trial when i came in here i felt the spirit of god and sensed in all of you an expectation but the bible says you have not because [Applause] you must ask the lord you must invoke in faith what's in your spirit and i guarantee you if you ask in faith he will reverberate in your spirit and cause a holy ghost explosion in your life build your church the pandemic is not on stage injustice is not really on stage god is on stage you the church you're on stage and so tonight we see the evolution of faith from pastor and sister hannah who had the courage and the faith to step out to the assistant pastors the glands and all of you not one person but the collective body of christ so tonight i ask you to join with me to invoke the presence of the lord oh god our god how excellent is thy name in all the earth this building lord is magnificent every construction piece has been carefully chosen every brick every piece of wood all the artwork all the accoutrements lord god we have been careful to pick them and touch them and put them in place but the lord tonight we need your presence we need your spirit we need your anointing we need your favor and in the name of jesus who has risen with power and authority saturate this place fill this temple take over in this house in the name of jesus lord lord by your presence engage us tonight born by your word educate our minds and lord by your spirit empower every one of us that you will come in and take over let there never be a service that you're not in charge let there never be a song sung for our glory but for your praise get the glory get the honor get the praise take over and build your church in jesus name it is done it is so it is round in the name of jesus come on release the praise right there lord can you do me a favor can you turn around and just lay hands on the seat that you're sitting in and that's got to anoint that seat for his glory for his glory if there's an empty seat go lay hands on it because every sunday every service someone gets saved and it has been that way for the last 17 years i want you to pray like your family member gonna sit in that seat come on here i want you to pray like your unsaved loved one is gonna sit in that seat and that god would arrest the drug addict that god would heal the sick and raise the dead even in jesus name release a praise right there am i on video what's going what's next okay you can be seated you can be seated i want to move real quickly and i want to say to you um we checked our calendars and which is amazing to us is that we broke ground seven years ago and didn't own all the land but we we broke ground by faith and at that time our mayor was rahm emanuel we even invited him to the groundbreaking ceremony and made him stand on the land that the city owned and we broke come on i'm gonna know about crazy faith crazy faith and to god be the glory we now sit on i think it's 10 acres of land there were houses there were vacant lots there were factories there were churches and god as i was coming to 4 8 in prayer and i need you to hear this said to me begin to buy every home every vacant lot on this side of the street and i didn't understand it but then the spirit said the earth will yield what belongs to you i need you to open your mouth for those of you that are waiting on god to give you a house those of you pastors that are waiting on god to give you property god will make the earth give up what he's commanded you to receive can you open your mouth and say the earth will yield what belongs to that's for your business that's for your personal life and that is for your ministry and god literally listen to this gave us the cash to pay for every piece of lot every piece of land that we literally paid cash for 44 pieces of property and god did it god did it god did it in the seven years of course it was a test i called bishop jakes many times i called bishop horace smith many times i talked to bishop hilliard many times because you got to get around someone who's been down this street before you don't have to go through by yourself and they were the ones that would laugh at me and say yeah you're going to be all right this is normal this is normal and i'm grateful that now seven years later and we checked the calendar it was seven years ago in this same week that we broke ground seven years in the same week we didn't plan this but god did so for everyone that is here that is holding on to a promise or dream this is to let you know that you are sitting in the belly of a promise come on here and there's an echo in the belly and god could hear your praise knowing that you holding on and believing for what he promised you come on here you promise carriers i need you to release just a praise right there like he's gonna bring your dream to pass so tonight i ask you to sow into the belly to sow into the belly for some of you all can give 25 some can give 50. whatever you feel led to give i want you to sow a seed tonight if you want to text and give you text the words nlcse to 77977 for those that are watching us on our app those are on our website you can give on the website um if you write a check you make it out to nlcse but the easiest way to give is technology-wise if you want to go to our website just go to and you can sow a seed on tonight and i'm telling you this is good ground this is good soil and whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap and if i didn't learn on on tuesday night that mike todd taught us your your faith is being unlocked bishop iv here you came in here and took faith to a whole nother level some of you all need an envelope you still pass 50 and still writing checks raise your hand raise your hand i'm with you i still write checks too i'm grown come on here this new generation they only only walking around with cards i got card cash and check all three come on here be grown tonight come on again if you're going to text and give text the words nlcse to 77977 come on you can sow something i don't give us a dollar those online if you're watching us and there are thousands of you that are watching online can you sew tonight when you sow so into your business so into your ministry but you can sow something once you've gotten that seat in your hand can you lift it up to the lord for me come on if it's a phone lift it up if it's an iphone lift it all the way up if it's an android don't hold it up that high god is not into our androids you will never find that in the bible oh you can find i i am the way the truth and the life come on hold your iphones up with the anointing on it lift your seat up to the lord and repeat after me i'm a tithe and a giver and i am blessed beyond measure i have more than enough i'm living in my overflow i am living in ephesians 3 20. how long you gonna live it for the rest of my life and that is your declaration if you literally wrote a check over a cache to your right if you could pass it down turn the lights all the way up turn the lights up we don't raise offering in darkness come on here pass it to your right and then we're gonna have our our servants to pick it up but watch your seed until it gets to the end and if anybody steal i pray your eyes cross and that you see triple not double until you pay god back come on watch your seat watch your seat listen i'm moving quickly because we want to release this this beast in worship this woman of god herself in a few more minutes we're going to release judith mcallister and how many all know that god sent bishop jakes to chicago [Applause] all right come on if if if your envelope hasn't been picked up please raise your hand and someone will come and get it do not put it back in your purse rebuke the devil come on ushers can you look for hands can you look for hands can you look for hands can you look first can you do me a favor i want to do something can we acknowledge all the pastors that are here if you a pastor can you stand can you stand all pastors come on come on all pastors come on bishop jakes so many of them flew in just for you tonight come on women pastors male pastors come on just stand we celebrate you and as you stand here i say to you the same god that did this is able to do it for you this is your walk of faith god bless you you can be seated do me a favor can you pay attention to the screen one more video and we're moving quickly my name is jermon glenn i am the executive pastor here at new life hi i'm erica glenn i am one of the associate pastors here at new life and i am his wife yes she is i remember my husband was preaching back at circle rev and i closed my eyes in prayer and the lord showed me this auditorium and i knew it wasn't where we were and it kind of scared me because i was just like what is this and why do i have to move and then when came to the one conference and we were here at the temple and there was nothing but the stage it was nothing but dirt and i remember standing on that stage and having a quote i guess like a deja vu but really the law reminding me of what he showed me so many years ago and that it was we were kind of like at ground zero and then pastor hannah came over to me and he said to me this stage is big enough for everybody yeah it's all a string of sacred moments right god is always revealing and giving you revelation bible says we know in part we prophesy apart so it doesn't always show us the totality of the thing but you know when he is creating or revealing something he was saying affirmation the ask to move was really an affirmation of a greater assignment pastor hannah and i have been brothers been friends for uh over a decade and so we already did ministry together in a sense just from a distance we were each other's uh confidants we were each other's uh encouragers right when he first came to preach uh in michigan uh he said like john the baptist before jesus god sent him to us sent him to me to show me a preview was possible he picked me up and he said you know what's on my life is on your life from my heart to your heart and dropped me on the ground of course i was i was there broken in the presence of god but he said i came to show you your future to show you what was possible as i always say openly privately i'm honored to be your co-pilot right rocking with you and doing ministry together you're selfless you are one of the most generous people i know right you are giving you are loving you are caring in your weariness and your weakness you didn't flinch right you was like god i know you didn't bring me this far i know you didn't show us all this for nothing and so god in a pandemic can continue to to show prosperity and brought your vision to life walking with you through this journey from the paper from the picture on the wall from standing on the stage when it's concrete writing our scriptures down from the dirt in the audience before chairs were there to see what you saw and to sit in what you saw it's just a testament of god's faithfulness and how he will bring vision to life you're sitting in a miracle and may you experience many many miracles pastor hannah love you bro god bless you man and i salute and celebrate honor oil [Applause] wow and i'm grateful for the glenns and for their family thank you for trusting god thank you for obeying god thank you for shifting thank you for moving and thank you for taking everything that goes along with it y'all do me a favor can you just clap your hands one more time for them all right so now we're going to bring out dr judith mcallister and i'm a firm believer that she was ahead of her time and we finally caught up she is the trailblazer of worship some people still were marching in with choirs singing we are climbing but she was out front doing worship and putting a demand on the audience to get involved in it and not just sit there so tonight our samonic worship is none other than dr judith mcallister can we receive her right now [Music] come on put your hands together let's give jesus praise let's go hallelujah [Applause] together [Music] [Applause] come on let's sing that again hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] listen it's such an honor to be in the house of the lord tonight i celebrate god for the pastor of this wonderful edifice this wonderful church this wonderful movement pastor john hannah can you help me celebrate him on tonight glory to god thank you for leading the way man of god is showing us what great and crazy faith can do to bishop jakes we honor god for you man of god congratulations on 45 years of ministry we celebrate god for you and listen my husband is in the room the elder darren mcallister i love you man of god my children are watching michael christina and destiny thank you for allowing mommy to do what she does i have some friends that have come from all over the world to be with me tonight some members of the international music department of the church of god in christ come on let's celebrate god and i heard that mother vernon oliver price is in this room over 90 years old she came tonight just to be a part of this and now that all of that's out the way come on everybody call your name in the atmosphere call your name all right your name was called now we can we give god some praise in this house come on let's sing it i lift my hand sing it i praise you i pray [Music] and i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] put your hands together and praise him [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] come on put those ten string instruments together [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on bless him [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you for watching hallelujah [Music] [Applause] now i need to hear a sound from you tonight come on lift your voice and give god praise you may have a mask on your face but you're not muzzled come on lift up a sound of worship lift up your voice like a trumpet and give him glory hallelujah [Music] oh yes come on we're gonna give him praise in this house today oh give thanks unto the lord for he is good you know this one come on come on come on let's take it together come on okay thanks unto the lord for he is good [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks unto the lord for he is good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is our collective testimony you've been good to me you mean good to me come on let me hear you lift it up say you've been good to me that's it come on [Music] real real good come on [Music] [Music] worthy for he is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hello [Music] come on everybody let's give god the highest [Music] [Music] that's it come on [Applause] [Music] come on [Applause] hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] we lift up my hands come on [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] not [Applause] [Music] come on put a praise in this house that declares there's nobody like hong kong hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on everybody lift up your heads [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] oh oh him [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh now shout somebody if you know there's nobody like him shout shout unto the lord with the voice of triumph hallelujah bless your name jesus and so father like to do in the morning rest on our hearts tonight saturate us with your presence saturate us with your glory [Music] [Music] we need you to rest yes [Music] [Music] say yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] come on let me hear you [Music] come on lift it up lift it up make that your prayer tonight come on light up [Music] come on one more time lift up your hand to heaven and say like the dude like the two come on gently rest upon my heart [Music] like the two good morning gently rest upon put your hand on your heart my heart yes [Music] this is one of my favorite songs that the lord has given me to pen and it is simply a reflection of what david said one thing have i desired of the lord and that will i seek after that i may dwell in the house of the lord if you know it come on sing it with me one thing if i desired of the lord one thing have i desired that i will seek after that i may dwell in the house of the lord to behold your beauty and to inquire in the temple in the secret of your presence you shall hide me come on sing it with david said one thing one thing if i decide that i will seek after come on lift your hands that [Music] [Music] of your presence you shall find me so now i'll praise you for the awesome privilege to see you all i see you up there come on lift your hands in the house of the lord and now i march with everything with everything within me just to behold your beauty inquire in your temple in the secret of your presence you shall hide me so now i praise you come on for the awesome privilege to see your glory in the house of the lord and now i'm working [Music] with everything [Music] you shall you got it come on one more time so now i praise you for the awesome river to see your audience [Music] to inquire in your temple in the [Music] sing this with me thank you for hiding me you say he that dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow the protection of the almighty soul thank you for keeping me you say thank you for keeping me i am kept by the blood of jesus i am kept by his love come on thank you for holding me you say thank you for holding me when i'm all alone and there's no one there he wraps his arms of love around me come on say thank you for hiding me you said thank you for hiding me oh bless your name jesus [Music] you shall hide me [Music] so now i'll praise you for this awesome privilege just to see your glory in this house [Music] in this house can you give god praise for what he's done in this house of the lord so now i'll praise you with everything within me just to behold your beauty [Music] and to inquire in your temple in the secret of your presence in the secret [Music] of your presence he's calling us closer and closer there's some secrets he wants to give to us in the secret of his presence in the secret of your presence you will hide me [Music] [Applause] and now my soul doth bless the lord and my spirit rejoices in the god of my salvation come on everybody let's celebrate one more time bless the lord o my soul bless the lord o my soul [Music] bless the lord o my soul bless the lord [Music] bless his holy name holy night i will bless the the lord i will bless the lord [Music] [Music] [Music] and everything within me [Music] he's [Music] come on put your hands together keep [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] early in the morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's oh [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] oh hi [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] say hi hey pastor john hannah this song is for you the promises of god are yes and amen come on put your hands together hey [Music] listen the promises of god are yes and amen the promises of god yes and amen and if he said it he will do it promises of god the promises of god the promises of god yes and amen come on this simple day the promises of god are yesterday oh yes they are the promises of god yes and amen so [Music] crazy [Music] [Music] oh [Music] now how many of you have a promise that the lord has not allowed to come to pass yet i want you to lift up your hand and we're going to sing this one more time and i want you to believe as we're standing in a house that is a fulfillment of a promise that if god did it for pastor john hannah and the new life selfies god can do it for us you ready you oh [Applause] [Music] come on stand to your feet notice everyone on your right in your left say it's time to eat come on all the appetizers have been served it's time for some meat now come on here come on nuts somebody tell them it's time to eat so i want to say this to you um i when i was younger would watch bishop jakes on television and i saw him do all of his conferences and i would just look at him and be amazed by him as i was serving um the late bishop willie james campbell [Music] [Applause] [Music] and as i was serving can everybody just say serving as i was serving pastor cannibal he invited bishop campbell to come and speak at one of his conference and i was on stage and when elder campbell got in his high gear y'all don't hear me and when he would get so i would go and i would have to grab this bible and this stuff and bring it back as i'm standing at the back of the stage bishop james walks up and stand next to me and i'm like all while i'm serving [Music] cause what you serve now [Applause] [Music] and i'll never forget it i'll never forget it that he moved like the president of the united states he told everybody go in the back and my people will tell you what's going to happen and we got in the car and we get to a restaurant and cars are waiting and men are there and they're escorting us to a private dinner location and we go into a private room and they close the room and i'm sitting there like i'm at the table [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'm at the table with bishop jake all while i'm sorry pay attention please listen and the whole time of the dinner i never opened my mouth because i wasn't there to speak i was there to serve and to listen and then as years went on i get a phone call to invite me to come and pray at his conference [Music] so i served and i prayed i served and i prayed and never forced myself never put my name out there never pushed myself and then a connection came that when i was in texas he took me to breakfast and i'm sitting at the table like i'm at the table with bishop james and he says we're connected now we're connected now [Music] [Applause] and i say to you in front of the multitude that it is an honor and a privilege to bring you here [Applause] and i've always called you the bishop of the world because you're too big for the united states to claim you and i say to you bishop i honor you i respect you and i even cover you in prayer [Music] and i tell god all the time don't let nothing happen to our bishop jakes so tonight tonight i just want to tell you thank you and i celebrate you and i thank you for cuffing me when i needed you and i'mma say to you i'm an obedient one everything that you've told me privately to do with my ministry i did it i did it from the board to the finances to the budget to everything you told me i obeyed your voice because your results cannot be argued so tonight i turn the house over to you and tonight this is potter's house chicago so feed us like you feed your people come on you all pay attention to the screen and the next voice you were here with we our bishop bishop td jax with a proclivity to disrupt the status quo bishop td jakes is one of the world's most coveted faith-based influencers in business education film and entertainment in order to help lead people to their destiny you have to meet people where they are in life it is with this earnest approach that bishop jakes has been able to reach millions of people from all socioeconomic backgrounds races nationalities and creeds leveraging his pioneering vision and instinct to serve others in areas extending beyond the church bishop td jakes is one of the world's most revered masterminds new life get ready get ready get ready to hear from bishop td jakes for the next 30 seconds fill this room with praise until the rapture shake i mean till the rapture shake just fill the room with to no spirit no darkness no cloud no depression no witch no wicked can stand in this place open your mouth and holler if you have to fill it up wow glory to god my god my god my god my god my god my god my god you may be seated in the presence of god if this doesn't inspire you there's something wrong with you it is amazing to me pastor hannah reached out and uh as he had completed everything he kept trying to facetime me and uh he kept trying to facetime me my wife had just come through surgery and we never could get lined up where i could really see it and when i pulled up i was so glad i hadn't seen it through a little bitty screen because you can't see a massive vision through a little bitty screen not in its fullness and appreciate the ambience and the technology and all the effort and the design that has gone into this building and i want you before you get used to it before you get accustomed to it before you start taking it for granted because that's what we often do i want you to just one more time give god a big plunder and supply for the tremendous work of an amazing vessel come on you can do better than that [Applause] it is it is indeed an honor and in it is in the spirit of total humility that i want to say to pastor john and anna hannah i am so proud of you i'm just so proud of you it's hard to even think about preaching because this is such a sermon all by itself sometimes i would rather see a message than hear one anytime can you say man you you might not realize the the darts and the arrows and the struggles and the tests and the trials and the tribulations and the moments you have to crawl through and pray through and the little voices that stand on your shoulder that says you crazy this will never happen you can't do this that wasn't god you got beyond yourself this can't happen and you have to go through all of that and keep on pressing and pressing and pressing and pressing and pressing and people see you when you get there but there's more to learn from the journey than there is from the destination talk to me somebody [Applause] i say that because for many of you you're next it may not be a church it may not be a sanctuary it may be a real estate it may be an accounting firm it may be a beauty parlor it may be a mall it may be a shopping center it may be a grocery store but whatever god put in your spirit i don't care that you don't have the money and you don't have the support and you don't have the friends if god be for you he's more than the world against you get ready get ready get ready get ready i tried to tell you get ready get ready god is doing something amazing i feel like i'm talking to somebody already are there any visionaries in this place no i mean some wild visionaries they've got some visions you can't pay for it you don't know how it's going to happen but god keeps speaking to you about it i want every visionary in this house to open your mouth and just holler because that's what this is all about without a vision the people perish that's what this is all about to make the intangible tangible to make the abstract concrete to make the invisible visible to make the blueprint become a facility somebody's got something in your head and it's a blueprint it's an outline it's something you see you don't know when you don't know how you don't know anything other than you keep seeing it you're tired of seeing it you told god you didn't even want to see it but god keeps speaking it to you over and over again you feel inadequate and incapable incompetent don't have the resources didn't get a degree in that don't know anything about it but god keeps saying you're the one you're the one you're the one and you're supposed to be in here tonight there's some folk that wanted to be in here tonight that didn't get into here tonight but the people that are in this building are supposed to be here tonight to be an eyewitness and with god nothing shall be impossible and you ought to take the roof off just because you're in the building you've been invited to the table my god if you're online you ought to make some noise you ought to shout if you can see it if you can catch a glimpse if you can catch a glimpse if you can catch a glimpse a glance at it god is speaking to you i'm so so grateful to god for this temple and the grand opening of it it's absolutely amazing i just want to take a moment out of respect and honor so many all of the pastors that are here some i know and some i don't know i honor you i appreciate you i was coming in the door and i ran into dr james meeks and uh gave him a big hug in the doorway i met him about 35 years ago he's the only person i know that looks the same 35 years later i don't know what he put on his face or in his hair or what's going on my longtime friend bishop dr horace smith i'm so grateful to god for he has never changed he is still the same man he was years ago when i was running over there and preaching at his church and preaching at his facility i've been coming to chicago a long time and if y'all just warm up on these winters a little bit i might move just bring it down about 10 degrees or bring it up 10 degrees and uh and i will be there i want to say congratulations to pastor reginald sharp are you in the building on your new apartment would you stand congratulations to you i've heard so much about you congratulations to you dr judith mcallister just tore this place up that's ridiculous that's ridiculous she worshipped till i forgot my message glory to god some folks can sing to you think you can sing [Applause] say man somebody somebody told me but speaking of people who can sing miranda curtis is in the house make some noise for miranda at least too long to name but i have to honor many of my sons andy thompson is in the house would you stand real quick derek faison pastor james t pastor don johnson uh pastor james nelson bishop james nelson marquis boone david venable joel tudman they're all in our church administrator frank dyer is up here i don't know why my church administrator is up here y'all got him up here i thought he was home working i looked over there i said well lord look at here everybody likes you i'm paying him and he grinning at you we're gonna have to have a talk about that after service there's some there's something wrong with that say man somebody it is uh a humbling experience to stand here and to be blessed to be an eyewitness in my lifetime of a vision realized uh in such a grandiose magnificent uh way it speaks not so much to the leadership alone or the faithfulness of the people or the greatness of the staff all of that is true but when we do something for the lord we do it according to his excellent greatness and this will outlive and outlast us and these are the stones that we will show our children and grandchildren that say the lord was with us when we pass through the pandemic we didn't all faint we didn't all die we didn't all perish we didn't all collapse but some of us god brought us up or brought us out or brought us over or healed our bodies or resurrected us or brought us out of grief or brought us out of pain so that we could find our life and keep moving forward and mask on or whatever we are here as a testimony to the goodness of god you may not recognize me you can't see me i look like batman but god knows my name he knows i'm here and i'm glad to be in the presence of the lord one more time i'm glad i'm not on a respirator i'm glad i'm not sucking oxygen out of a tube i'm glad i brushed my own teeth i'm glad i put my clothes on i'm glad nobody had to tell me my name and if you heard anybody glad in this house you ought to just thank him for just that just that just that just that just [Applause] i wanted i do want to acknowledge that i do know how to be appropriate and i and i wanted to preach about the magnificence of solomon's temple or maybe how the queen of sheba was breathless when she came to see the excellence by which he portrayed the greatness of his god then i thought about paul when he said that he was a master builder and what it takes to be a master builder and in my mind digressed and thought except the lord build the house they that labor labor but in vain that build it but then the spirit of prophecy fell on me and god gave me a prophetic word not so much about the house but about the people that would be here tonight because it does us no good to build buildings if we don't build people [Applause] the lord said you can't bring your old people into this new place that there is a renovation that's going to be required because this is not that most and generally when you get a new facility people start craving the whole facility and talking about the anointing that was in the old church this is not for those who are having cravings to go backwards [Applause] this is for the transformative rejuvenated mind of an individual that dares to go forward even if you don't know where exactly where you're going or how you're going to get there you just believe god am i talking pretty good already and the lord said to me he said if you will come and just stop trying to do what's appropriate and do what i tell you to do he said this will be an answer to somebody's prayer it will be a prophetic utterance that will speak to you along the lines of what is about to happen and the circumstances around it that will lend itself to its occurrence will not be conducive will look like a deterrent will seem impossible go to the book of exodus for me for just a moment exodus 12 1-7 and let's stand on your feet because he said it's the father's house of chicago so if that's real stand on your feet for the reading of the word of god exodus 12 1-7 and the lord spake unto moses and aaron in the land of egypt saying this month be unto you the beginning of months it should be the first month of the year to you i don't care what's going on on nobody else's calendar god says this will be the first month of the year to you i'm changing the calendar the eternal god of the universe who exists outside and inside of who is not bothered by time because he lives in eternity and yet affects time exercises his authority as the creator of time to change the calendar for an elect group of people to all those people who the enemy told you it's too late you miss your time and you miss your turn and if you just started 10 years ago or 20 years ago or 30 years god wants me to remind you that he controls what time it is and when god says it's a new beginning it is a new beginning if he has to restore the cartilage in your knees if he has to give you new kidneys if he has to increase your strength if he has to give you energy if he has to give you unprecedented favor this is the beginning this is not the end this is the beginning of once unto you hallelujah and other people are going to go on about their business with their calendar but god's getting ready to shift you into it oh y'all don't hear what i'm saying [Applause] speaking unto all the congregation of israel saying in the tenth day of the month they shall take of them every man a lamb according to the house of their fathers a lamb for a house and if the household be too little for the lamb let him and his neighbor next unto his house take it according to the number of the souls every man according to his eating shall make your count for the lamb your lamb shall be without blemish a male of the first year ye shall take it out from the sheep or from the goats and he shall keep it up until the 14th day of the same month and the whole assembly of the congregation of israel shall kill it in the evening somebody's somebody's gonna kill it in the evening you didn't kill it in the morning but that's all right you gonna kill it your latter day is gonna be greater than your former day look at somebody say i'm gonna kill it in the evening yeah yeah yeah you you thought it wasn't gonna happen cause i didn't do it in the morning but i'm gonna kill it in the evening i i had to suffer and tall in the morning but god said before this day is over i'm going to kill it in the evening and they shall take on the blood and strike it on the two side post and on the upper doorpost of the houses wherein they shall eat it can you say amen remain standing i want to pray with you i just want to talk about a seismic shift a seismic shift a seismic shift is a magnanimous shift it is not a gradual turn it is a cataclysmic shift it is a paradigm shift somebody is in line for a seismic [Applause] holy spirit we approach thy throne humbly and gracefully as we know how we embark upon the mission of ministering to your people tonight in all humility without you we are impotent powerless speechless incompetent incapable and irrelevant but if you would be so kindness to graciously endow us with your anointing and power then anything could happen the dead could be raised the sick could be healed the bound could be loosed hope could be restored to the hopeless scythe could be given to the blind vision could be given to the sighted you can do anything tonight we take the breaks off we don't want to have church as usual we don't want to have a regular sermon and a regular message and stop by and get something to eat and go back to the house we want to have the kind of service that has us speaking in tongues in the car that has us walking out the door crying that has a stump and trying to find our car keys spear it up the living god falls fresh on us tonight i thank you in advance for what you're going to do i believe you to do it i don't even have to see you do it i'll praise you now you can do it later your credit is good with me i'll go ahead and praise you like it's already done and then wait on you to do it and you can do it however you want to do it because you are god and besides you there is no other now have your way in this place i thank you for a seismic shift tonight in the name of jesus we pray somebody say man you may be seated in the presence of god [Music] lady mcallister a minute mentioned that this is my 45th year of preaching the gospel this month [Applause] i was 19 years old in the hills of west virginia unknown and unheard of no resources working for union carbide when i started preaching the gospel of jesus christ i started preaching at 19 i started pastoring at 22. i got married at 24 and by 30 i was on national television at 38 at 38 i moved to dallas texas a place where i knew hardly anybody to open up a church called the potter's house and from 38 to 64 i have been the senior pastor of the palmetto house [Applause] i have eight grandchildren five children and i am the husband of one wife [Applause] for 39 years now she and i have walked together i was pastoring when i married her uh pastor and a couple of my old girlfriends at the time [Laughter] yeah it took a little while to get in the flow because i went outside of our congregation and away from my background to a little city in west virginia called beckley and married a country girl from a little suburb called alpokey drawbridge you had to walk across to get to her house and i'm scared of heights i knew i was going to marry her when i walked across that bridge over that river and the whole bridge was rocking back and forth and i kept on walking i was i saw her in front of me i said though he slayed me yet she'll i trust him anyway fast forward she was a young girl i was a young man and fast forward we grew together and worked together and the company i worked for shut down and we went down and we lost our car and we lost our utilities and our lights were off and our water was off and i used to have to walk up the street to miss anna roy's house to use the phone trying to get a job and i was still preaching the gospel and then i was going through some tough times and they were good for me because god had to prove me because of the magnitude of what he was going to give me he had to prove me that i would do it broke and that i would do it with holes in my shoes and that i would do it with my lining cut out of my jacket and my my wife used to have to wash my suits until the lining came out and i kept my jacket button so nobody could see that the lining had come out of the suit and they called me one suit jigs but i kept on preaching and i learned it doesn't matter where you start it might as well you finish anyway after i had suffered a while he established me and and brought me into a place where he could glorify me with glory that i had with him before the foundations of the world because those of us who are chosen are not chosen after we get here we are born chosen we were chosen while we were still being formed in our mother's belly he had already ordained us to do certain things if you're not doing the thing that you were born to do stop doing it because you must have this feeling because time is too short not to be doing the thing you were created to do the thing that gives you energy when you do it the thing that sparks ideas and creativity when you do it the thing that makes you get up and go do it even when you're tired you want to do that thing that gets in your spirit it gets in your heart and you just happen to get paid for it but the joy that you get from doing i don't care if it's cooking chicken the joy you get from doing it it means so much to you you want to do that sort of thing and i told my wife this was my line i'll let some of you young boys have it now because i'm too old to use it anymore but i said uh i said girl i said if you uh stick with me i'll take you places you've never been and i'll show you sights you've never seen that will blow your mind and then they cut the lights off [Applause] but she stuck with me she stuck with me and uh we were we were growing older and uh we were vacationing uh on the coasts in mexico left the doors open to enjoy the breeze and to hear the sound of the waves dashing against the rocks no music was needed because nature was singing to us in the night and the ceiling fan was going and the air was perfect and we had fallen asleep and as we laid there in the bed enraptured in the opulence of god's grace and opportunities i noticed during my rest that i kept being aggravated and annoyed because it felt like the bed was wet and uh i turned over and all the sheets were wet and i looked at my wife and she was sweating profusely and i said oh my god she's having a heart attack in mexico i don't know no doctor in mexico we're in trouble and i was trying and she was talking about how hot it was and it wasn't hot in there at all and i didn't know anything about it but she was going through my my grandmother would call it the change now they don't tell you nothing about the change in the wedding vows they say for better for worse or richer for poor and all that kind of stuff they don't tell you that the woman is going to go through the change and become somebody you don't even recognize and have mood swings and hot flashes and and develop a personality of which you have no ability to respond to and i know you can't say that because you're sitting beside us so just look real confused like you don't understand what i'm talking about the proper term with menopause and i i had to look at it because because she was changing she was changing little did i realize that women have menopause but men have andropause we also go through changes hormonally that's what brings about the change is when our hormones change and the hormones are conveyed through the blood and when the blood has not enough hormones to send them through the body it brings about changes in the body and the woman's changes are often very apparent but when you see some of these old guys with partially dyed hair uh in in red corvettes at 70. um don't be mad at them it's it's it's it's it's uh it's it's not that they're crazy uh it's just sitting there going through andropause and it takes a while to get through that and the one of the great struggles of life of marriage is to stay together through the changes staying together on the straightaway is quite easy but staying together through the changes is quite difficult because sometimes one or the other or both of you change in ways that you did not predict and the the order of the day today is anytime i don't like the change i see i quit but you never get to be married 40 in 50 years or you never get to build great cathedrals or you never get to build great businesses or you never get to do great things if you quit just because you're uncomfortable you have to fan through the change you have to talk through the change you have to work through the change because the change is a part of the process there has to be a certain amount of change or you won't be able to grow growth is change when you ask god to let you grow you're asking god to let you change in fact i say to you my brothers and sisters the only thing certain about life is that it will change by the time we got good at making baby bottles and putting in the car seed and still getting the church on time with a change of clothes in case we had an accident and an extra set of diapers and a onesie we didn't need them anymore suddenly the person who used to be strapped into the back seat of the car was asking me for the car keys and i was not prepared for the change and the changes keep coming some good and some bad some pleasant and some sad some positive and some negative and you don't get to choose which ones you want you have to take the bitter and the sweet and the ups and the downs and the trials and the tribulations before you can be called faithful you have to be fought you can't be faithful and you haven't been fought and you haven't been tried and you haven't had obstacles and you haven't had challenges and you haven't had opposition and you haven't had turmoil oh you don't hear what i'm saying to you you you in the middle of the pandemic god said something to me i'm stumble upon something in a minute but the lord said something to me he said when you pray for change this might even be worth writing down he says when you pray for change i answer with disruption [Applause] and that's why my answers don't look like your prayers because you envisioned change and i responded with disruption and then he went on to say to me but don't let the disruption become a distraction he says most people fail to get the breakthrough that they meant to get in their lives because they allow the disruption to become a distraction so intently that they think if they resolve the disruption that is the victory but satan has sent the disruption to be a distraction anytime god says that i respond with disruption you have to have the discipline not to become distracted by the disruption because in every disruption i will send an opportunity [Applause] there is no way to plant an oak tree and not disrupt the ground there's no way to plant a garden and not disrupt the soil anytime there's going to be growth there's going to be disruption in fact disruption announces growth when you are on the verge of the impetus of growth all hell breaks loose people who you thought would never leave you leave you people who you thought would never betray you betray you people you thought would never hurt you hurt you people who you thought you could confide in tell your business in the street when you are on the verge of growth disruption is always an indication the job goes down the house goes down the foreclosures come you have to downsize your best friend becomes your biggest enemy they started out at your feet and now they're at your throat and now you're living a life of disruption and the enemy is saying where is god i have the answer for him he's right here he's in the midst of the disruption he's in the midst of the disruption in the book of genesis when we see god move he's moving in disruption he's moving in chaos he's moving in confusion do not think for one moment that god runs away from disruption god is at his best in the midst of disruption he says my strength is made perfect in your weakness when all hell is breaking loose and everybody's leaving you a thousand may fall at thy right side ten thousand at thy left side but it shall not come nigh unto me that's how you know you're chosen when men forsake you i will pick you up i don't want them to get the credit for what i'm getting ready to do in your life so i shut them down so you can see me more clearly so that when the breakthrough finally comes you don't have to pay nobody off you don't have to praise nobody you don't have to honor nobody but me because you know if it had not been for the lord that was on your side you would have been swallowed can i get a witness somebody in here knows what i'm talking about somebody in here understand that all kind of people walked out all kind of problems happen and god was faithful in your life and that's why you can't sit down and that's why you shout too much and that's why you holler too loud and that's why you go to church on a thursday night and that's why you get on people's nerves and you don't even care what they think about you or what they say about you or what they tweet about you because you already learned you can't trust him no way if there's anybody in here like that make some noise if you're online type something write something holla at your boy i can't hear you somebody say change change shame change change we are constantly in an environment of change we are in an environment of change we are an environment of change i have to change i have to change and we blame people and we blame demons and we blame witches and we blame the spirit of darkness and we blame witchcraft and we blame our flesh but we were designed to flourish in an atmosphere of change and the only people who have trouble with that are people who resist change now there are some people in the room that you would rather be safe than successful your problem is the only way for you to grow is to go through change and you have fallen in love with normal and if you fall in love with normal you'll never become the vessel that god created you to be because god has a way of calling you out on a shaky bridge and bringing you right into the place of your greatest fear and say come on walk down before me and be thou perfect and you keep wanting to go back to what's solid and what's stable and what's true but if you stay where it's solid you're gonna miss the hope of your calling you gotta go where you're scared you gotta go where you're up at night you got to go where you're walking the floor and saying i don't know how to do this and why would you ask me to do this and i have never done this before say that i have never done this before say it again i have never done this before say it again that's exactly what god is getting ready to do in your life something that you have never done before something that takes you out of your comfort zone something that makes you uncomfortable something that makes you restless and everything inside of you is going to say stay where it's safe you don't have to be bothered with this you don't have to deal with this kind of problem you don't have to deal with this but god is bringing changes in your life and it's not only going to be a change it is going to be a seismic shift it is going to be massive it is going to be total it is going to be blindsiding it's going to be life-changing and it is going to be uncomfortable can i go deeper now a seismic shift is different from a normal change a seismic shift normally was used by meteorologists to explain the course of earthquakes that something happens in the heavenlies that results in a change on the earth and when it happens up there where you can't even see it all of a sudden the billows begin to roll and the sea begins to become turbulent and all of a sudden hurricanes and tornadoes begin to develop and anytime something changes up high it affects everything down low and things are changing in the heavenlies right now and we have global warming and all of a sudden we have hurricanes in strange places it starts up here and then it affects down there you hear what i'm saying a seismic shift is the response to something that happened in the heavenlies if it gets loosed in heaven it's gonna get loosed on earth if it gets pounded in heaven it's gonna get bound on earth and you don't get to see it get loosed in heaven you just feel the effects of it on the earth see what we are looking at tonight is god uses people that he spoke to in private and we were not even there and we're not we're privileged to hear the conversation and that's why you got to thank god for a real man of god because you need a real man of god who's got a real word of god so that when they say go you got the faith to stretch out on their word because they've been proven they've been through a fire they've been through a test they've been through a trial you can't use this johnny come lately just woke up had a dream saw mosquito say go preach and started preaching and you fought you got to find somebody who's been faithful in the storm and in the rain and in the flood and in the test and in the fire and you got to see him win but you also got to see him suffer you got to see him cry you got to see him crawl you got to see him go through storms and tests and try for you to be able to put your stock in them and the word that god gave them it was a size makeshift meteorologists say that the weather that we're having right now is how they measured seismic shifts something moves up here and it affects down here and all of a sudden it all begins to change when god orders change it starts out in the heavenlies and then it happens in the earth realm and all of a sudden we see change like we've never seen it before what we see in the text where moses has come back to egypt did not start in egypt that's why the text begins by saying that god spoke to moses in egypt because the last time god spoke to moses he was on the mountain in the wilderness and god was speaking to him through a burning bush telling him take off your shoes for the ground you stand on is holy ground and i am going to send you back to egypt to pharaoh to tell pharaoh to let my people go the only problem with that story is they didn't get to read it so they are seeing the consequences of something that happened up here that now is moving down here and moses is sending disruption to egypt disruption all of you polite people you will never be who god wants you to be because you're more concerned about other people's feelings than you are doing the will of god every now and then you got to have enough faith to be a disruptor to be talked about to have people not like you to get on people's nerves you are not a politician you don't have to vote for you you can't be worried about what they say about you you've got to have the power the tenacity to go forward come hell or hot water who am i talking to you've been held back for years because you've been running a kindergarten nursing babies worried about what they think when god says do something you gotta do it whether they like it or not whether they believe it or not whether they understand it or not because god sent me here to tell you you're running out of time you're running out of excuses you're running out of games if you don't soon obey what he's given you to do he's gonna take it and give it to somebody else you've got to hurry and move into your place because there's about to be a shift and when there's a shift things begin to change the doors begin to open and i don't know who i'm talking to but whoever it is holla at me a minute and let me know i'm preaching the right message it is it is a seismic ship until somebody says the size makeshift change comes change comes to everybody whether you're called or not it comes to everybody change comes in relationships change comes in marriages change comes on jobs change comes with people changes come in all shapes and forms i wrote down a few things about change some changes come because the season has changed you're trying to keep it you're trying to keep it one season and it's going into another season and some changes come because the season has changed you didn't do anything wrong the season has changed they were supposed to be there in spring but you don't expect to grow lilies in the fall because this season y'all don't hear what i'm saying the season has changed look at somebody say the season has changed stop weeping over old seasons stop crying over old season stop worrying about old season just comfort yourself pat yourself on the back and say the season has changed say it again the season has changed i'm in a new season i'm in the news i'm not acting funny i'm in a new season i'm not stuck up i'm in a new season i don't think too highly of myself i'm just in a new season i used to think that was funny but it's not funny anymore i used to think he was crazy a lot of fun but it doesn't strike me like that anymore i'm not saying you should stop being you but you got to allow me to grow because i'm coming into another season some of you have held back so people would like you you've dumped down so people would like you you stooped down so people would like you you crawled so people would like you but god says stand up stand up stand up stand up stand up your seat has changed it's just turned it's just changed some changes come beyond our control a death a job change a business partnership resolve the economy fluctuates we can't control it we have to endure some changes come beyond our control some changes come from the unbridled passion to evolve some changes come because we refuse to stay where we are and we fight our way up and we drag our way up and we pull our way up and we may get the door slammed in our face the loan might be turned down we might get rejected over and over again but we refuse to go back to normal we are going to force a change you're going to make it happen i'm going to make it happen i'm going to make it out and i will not take no for an answer i'm too old to take no for an answer i'm in too deep to take no for an answer whatever it takes for me to get a breakthrough i'm gonna get a breakthrough because i got passion for this thing i will fight for it i will work for it i will crawl for it but i will not stay where i am not another year i don't need another year i stayed where i was last year i need to see some progress i see some growth i got to see some doors open i got to see something i can't go to a church that just jumps and shouts and don't do nothing and don't change nothing and don't make nothing happen it doesn't cut your community i'm tired of dancing i'm not seeing change i want to see change somebody holler change or change some changes are a direct result of exposure some changes are a direct result of exposure you were fine till god exposed you he brought you in the room where it happens you got to be exposed to another level of excellence and once you are exposed to another level of excellence you can't go back to your own level of excellence and fool yourself into calling something excellent that is not excellent because god has exposed you i want to announce to everybody online and everybody in this room there are some rooms that god has exposed you to just to wet your appetite just to expose you to what's possible it may be the room we're in right now maybe god just brought you here to see what you could do if you would focus if you would stop making excuses if you would stop playing if you would really go to war with the devil change comes to exposure throw your hands up and say expose me lord expose me lord don't let me live my whole life and stay on the same block talking to the same people eating the same food wearing the same clothes listening at the same ideas expose me to something that makes me restless that makes me uncomfortable that makes me discontent that stirs me up disrupt my spirit get on my nerve stir me up but don't leave me behind lord if you're gonna do anything in the earth don't do it without me whatever it takes to include me include me correct me but include me spank me but include me chastise me but include me bring me to the altar but include me i didn't come this far just to warm up a seat in a church i want to get the faith i need on sunday so that when i walk out there monday i can walk in the power of the holy ghost i don't know who i'm talking to but i feel like i'm getting somebody ready to do some exploits i need some radical saints i don't need the cute shapes i don't need the traditional saints i don't need the fancy dancing saints i need some radical saints who are ready to take my force every promise that god has for you out there about a hundred of them in this place tonight i want them to make some noise and say i'm radical i'm radical i'm radical say it again i'm radical look at your neighbor say i'm radical you might better move because i'm radical you said by the wrong person because i'm radical i'm allowed to jump up and you can't see i'm allowed to step on your pocketbook i'm allowed to get on your nerves cause i'm radical i'm radical i'm in the balcony but i'm radical i'm watching online but i'm radical i'm broke but i'm radical i'm in school but i'm radical i just got started but i'm radical they don't understand me in my neighborhood but i'm radical i'm radical i'm radical telling your neighbor to the left to the right i'm radical so they can move get out of the way i might dance i might leave by my cry i might fall i might holla i might jump i might yell i might scream because i'm radical tell every devil to turn me loose because i'm ridicul tell every witch to get off me again cause i'm radical i'm radical i'll fight you back i'll bite your ankles i'll kick you in your knees i'm radical i'll do something ruthless i'll throw this desk at you i'll pick up a chair i'm radical are there any radical people left in the church i need a few apostle peters that are radical [Applause] some changes come through the hard work of therapy and getting counseling and working through issues so you can be better some changes come from the effectual fervent prayer of the saints i had to put that on there because this is one praying man he be praying all the time praying at three o'clock in the morning i think kate god here at eight he called me talk about we had three o'clock prayer i think god is sleepy but he kept on praying and he kept on praying and called folks out at four o'clock in the morning praying and praying and praying and you're standing in what prayer can do give god a praise you've got to pray give god a praise give god to pray give god a praise give god to pray give god a praise give god to pray give god a praise give god to pray give god a praise give god to pray give god to pray give god a praise give god to pray give god a praise give him praise and pray of praise [Applause] now moses life is marked with changed from the inception of his birth being hidden in the tent to being hidden in the bull rushes to being raised in the house of the pharaoh his life is full of change by the time he got used to being in pharaoh's house he's now sent out into the desert his life is full of change by the time he became comfortable with being a shepherd boy working for jethro god appears disrupts all of his normal and says i want you to go down there and tell pharaoh to let my people go his life is full of change joseph's life was full of change he's got a coat of many colors one minute and the next moment he's naked in a pit they sold and said he was dead they sold him into slavery he goes into potiphar's house they lie on him he goes into the prison he's been through changing if there anybody in here that's been through changes no no no no no no i want to talk to some people who can't tell your whole testimony cause the church couldn't handle your real testimony i want to talk to some people that's been through some changes so bad that you have to censor your testimony you have to give part of your testimony in tongues i want to talk to some people that have been through hell and high water and church folk don't even understand how much it costs you to be in this building right now i want to talk to some people that have been through so many changes in your life that you should have been dead you should have had a nervous breakdown you should have gone crazy you should have lost your mind you should have collapsed you should have fainted you should have blew your brains out you should have slit your wrist but every time you got ready to give up god comes in hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on help is on the way those are the people i want to hear praise god the survivors the survivors i need about a thousand survivors to take the roof off of this place and give god some glory because you still here the devil don't like it but you're still here hell is nervous but you're still here satan is upset but you're still here i can't hear you make some noise in this place make some noise in this place i'm still here i'm still here let the devil know you made it let the devil know you survive let the devil know you're still in the room let the devil know you still got your praise i want to hear the sacrifice of prey [Applause] [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm talking to you i'm talking to you it's you that god is talking to saying this shall be the beginning of months to you i know it's the fall but god said happy new year i know you're in the middle of everything but god said i'm going to give you a new beginning i'm going to give you a fresh start i'm going to do it all over in your life this shall be the beginning the former things have passed away yesterday is god god is when you walk out of this door you're gonna walk into a newness and a freshness and a fire and a seal and a commitment and a focus and an anointing like you never had before hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah move in this place take a step in this place take a move in this place let the devil know i'm getting ready to move i'm getting ready to launch out i'm getting ready to start my business i'm getting ready to write my book i'm getting ready to start my ministry i will not stand still any longer i believe i'll make a move shout in this house [Applause] somebody [Music] [Applause] this shall be the beginning of months to you is what our hebrew brothers call rosh hashanah means we got a different calendar look at your neighbor and say i got a different calendar i know you say it's the middle of the year but god just gave me a different calendar god said this shall be the beginning of months unto me y'all don't hear what i'm saying to you rosh hashanah happens in september [Applause] and the lord said that the people that were in here tonight in this month at this time you thought you were going in the fall but god said he's about to give you a new year and if there's anybody in here that's ready to have a russia son i dare you to shout till hell gets nervous [Applause] yeah yeah [Applause] yeah yeah in the ninth month you're gonna have a new year in september you're gonna have january look at somebody and say he just changed the calendar you had to dedicate this month this month couldn't be over god said i'm getting ready to do a new thing in you and whoever i'm preaching to go to praise the god for what he's about to do in your life [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise him for a new son and praise him for a new marriage praise him for a new anointing praise him for a new story [Music] open up your mouth and give god this shall be the beginning of months unto you slap somebody exam just get started you thought i was finished but i'm just getting started you thought it was over but i'm just getting started you thought i was at the end but i'm just getting started and the lord told me to tell you stop asking others for what they think about it because they're still operating off an old calendar god's given you a new calendar god's given you a new opportunity and it starts right now hallelujah you're just getting started you're an agent of change you're a change maker give somebody a fist bump and say i'm a change maker i'm a change-maker that's why hell don't like me that's why my family got sick that's why the enemy tried to shut me down because i'm a change-maker but the devil is alive i'm going to step over the enemy and step into my destiny somebody holler yes [Applause] holler yes [Applause] yes in my belly yes and my kidneys yes in my lungs yes in my heart yes in my spirit yes in my mind yes and my money yes [Applause] [Applause] i need about a thousand people that god is talking to tonight and god has just changed your calendar he's just changed your directive he's just changed your vision that god is gonna do a new thing when you thought you were in an old place but god said i'm going to do a new thing in your life if that's you jump out in the aisle give me some sanctified music and i want you to give him a victory dance just for five minutes of victory [Music] [Applause] god told me to tell you this ain't nothing but a witness he's been telling you for months it was gonna be a shift and he sent this word to confirm it everything in your life is getting ready to shift i want you to shift seats shift shares tell your neighbor move i got to have your seat let them have your own seat god said you're going to shift your business is going to shift your finances are going to shift your authority is about to shift your energy is about to shift you cannot stay where you are god said it's a sadness cataclysmic supernatural the holy ghost ship [Applause] [Music] shift shift shift shift shift shift let the weak person say i'm strong let the poor person say i'm rich you ain't lying you shifting if you speak it gotta shift it if you declare it god will perform it if you open your mouth and release it god will do it declare it right now [Applause] yes shall be the beginning of months unto you and it was september only god can come into september and make it january only god can catch you on thursday and say it ain't thirsty it's monday god is about to do a creative work in your life who am i talking to [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is not for everybody this is for somebody when moses said that it wasn't for everybody he said it should be the beginning of months unto you not them [Applause] he said i'm gonna do a new thing in you not them i am going to put your calendar against their calendar they're going to say it's over you're going to say i'm just getting started [Applause] happy new year god said i'm going to give you a happy new year right now you gotta understand this let me show you something real quick i'm almost done i'm almost uh god knew that in order for it to be new there had to be blood i told you blood carries the hormones [Applause] and anytime there's going to be a change there's got to be bloods because the blood changes the hormones so god said i'll tell you what we're gonna do he said i want every man to get a lamb for his house watch this don't all of y'all get the same size lamb he said according to your eating get a lamb so if you ain't hungry [Applause] don't get no big lamb if you ain't hungry god said i am going to bless you according to your appetite and he told me to come to chicago and ask you are you hungry [Applause] god says the size of your lamb will be in direct proportion to the size of your appetite if you don't want much you won't get much but if there's some hungry people in this house god said get a lamb the size of your appetite nudge three people and tell them i'm hungry i'm hungry to see god use me i'm hungry to seek hard work i'm hungry to see god deliver i'm hungry to see god's glory i'm hungry to have my own house i'm hungry to change out of my neighborhood somebody i'm hungry [Music] [Applause] and he says [Applause] pick the lamb according to your appetite and he says pastor he says to put blood on the doorposts [Applause] now when i was down in katrina i was part of the team that was pulling dead bodies praying over the people that were pulling dead bodies out of the houses in katrina there were several teams going out katrina was horrible there was one place where a young man was pushed the dresser and pushed him back up against the wall and he had a little baby and he was holding it up in the air trying to keep the baby out the water and when they found him he was dead the baby was too and the dresser was laying on top of it and it was horrible but the way we did it so that we wouldn't keep searching the same houses is that we would take spray paint and spread on the house which meant that we had already been there [Applause] so you don't have to stop by this house because we've already searched the house so moses says the death angel is going to pass by tonight and he's going to kill every firstborn son in egypt he said but if you will put blood on the house see when you put blood on the house that's not god being merciful the blood is a sign that death has already been there and the death angel was passing by but wherever he saw blood on the doorpost he said i don't have to stop by that house because death has already been there but what the death angel didn't know is that it wasn't the blood of a child it was the blood of a lamb [Applause] [Music] it was the blood of the lamb and he said when i see the blood i will pass over you when i see the blood i will know death has already hit the house so they put the blood on the doorpost and they get the family hide up under the blood and the death angel which was a plague would pass by but when he saw the blood he would pass over you and the lord said you built in a pandemic [Applause] and people are dying everywhere but if you bring your family up under the blood when i see the blood yeah yeah will not i might i will pass over you somebody get something waving in there just waving in there the blood is over your house the blood is only your children the blood is over your dreams the blood is over your finances and if you believe there's power in the blood thank god for the blood right now [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so pastor has trouble we were riding in jeeps and we were riding in motorboats and anytime we passed by a house that had a red x on it we never even searched the house because we knew that this blood on the outside the paint on the outside was a sign that somebody already been there you need to let hell know [Applause] that somebody's already been there in exodus it was a lamb [Music] but in matthew market luke and john it was jesus jesus is your lamb your efficacious lamb your soul cleansing lamb your redeeming lamb and in the middle of this pandemic we gotta go old school i like all the new stuff but we gotta go old school i like the new music but we need to go old school i like all the technology but we to go old school we got to go back to pleading the blood i wish i had a thousand people that would clap their hands and please the blood [Applause] please the blood please the blood please the blood please the blood please the blood feed the blood over your job please the blood over your house please the blood over your children please the blood over your streets bleed the blood over the gangs breathe the blood over the killings breathe the blood oh i wish i had somebody [Music] [Applause] so i'm going to close this there's at least two anointings on my life one of them is to preach the gospel it's the most important one the second one is to do business and i have done both of them simultaneously for years i produced 500 million dollars worth of film at the box office i toured the nation with plays i developed my own record label years ago i wrote 42 books 12 of them have been new york times best sellers one of them was a new york times bestseller for 18 weeks [Applause] and now i'm doing real estate [Applause] i'm not talking about a house or two i'm talking about all over the country large swatches of land we're looking at almost 100 acres of land in atlanta right beside tyler perry studios [Applause] we're looking at 86 acres of land right beside our church that we're going to build affordable and mixed income housing with some retail because i want to leave a legacy [Applause] that i left something back for the people that gave something to me and in order to do that i got to do it in several cities to make an impact that we can have nice stuff that we can have a nice house that we can have nice restaurants that we shouldn't have to drive into somebody else's neighborhood to go to the grocery store that we can have daycare facilities and we can have nice things in urgent care and we can have it right in our neighborhood at a price we can reach make some noise in here if i'm talking good and there are several cities that we've already begun to negotiate in and i want to tell you something tonight and i'm just going gonna put it out there for you to hear it the reason the economy is still going is because every time we run out of money they print some more [Applause] so it is a false sense of prosperity because we really don't have more money they're just printing more paper come on hear me y'all i'm talking to my people [Applause] they can print more money but they can't print more land [Applause] so god says i have given you the land to possess it y'all don't hear me [Applause] how many people are believing god for some land [Applause] when you hold your hand up say it's mine i have given you the land to possess it means it's yours but you got to take it you say i can't get it because i don't have a down payment but there are grants for down payments that if you do your investigation there are grants that will subsidize your income to make the down payment for first-time homeowners throw your hands up and say it's mine how many people want to open up a business or you're in business or you believe in god for business throw your hands up and say it's mine the bible in the king james version says occupy till i come in the niv it says do business till i come do business till i come he said when i come and get you i want you to be doing business when jesus came to get peter he was doing business when jesus found andrew he was doing business jesus called every disciple that was doing some kind of business if he prospered them up under a roman regime and jews were considered second-class citizens and they were doing business when he called them why not you [Applause] i want to release an anointing there is an anointing to do business they say you ain't got no bible for that yes i do the book of corinthians calls it the gift of administration the gift of administration is the anointing to do business the anointing to negotiate the anointing to manage the anointing to build a team did you hear pastor hannah say who all he called to talk to he didn't call he didn't call anybody who didn't have what he was building you can't be trying to get inspiration from people who aren't doing what you doing you gotta get around people who do [Applause] there is going to be a seismic shift the wealth of the unjust [Applause] is being laid up for the just i'm talking to ceos all over the country who made brass statements when george floyd was killed they committed a certain amount of millions and millions of dollars to flow back into our community and now they're running out of time the shift has got to come [Applause] because they have already said they're going to pour money into our community and many of them haven't done it yet and they're looking for a place that is credible to poor money throw your hands upside over here [Applause] i don't lie i don't cheat i don't steal you looking for a good place to invest in throw your hands up and say over here now you got to possess it god is giving it to you now owning a business making millions of dollars or movies or books or properties or whatever doesn't mean that life don't happen don't mean that you can't get sick don't mean you can't go through a divorce doesn't mean that you can't get your heart broke don't mean that he's gonna definitely marry you it doesn't mean that you won't cry but crying is better when you can afford a handkerchief [Applause] come on y'all can't be john hanna's people not be real people make some noise in this place you can't believe look around in this building look around at it you cannot believe that thank you jesus and hallelujah built this building did not [Applause] this building but god spoke a word and the money came through the word and god opened doors and gave favors and gave grants and gave tiffs and opened up doors and you have to be smart this is what i'm trying to go on but this is what i'm i'm trying to tell you it's your time and i'm trying to tell you it's your turn [Applause] and i'm trying to tell you that god blessed israel in a pandemic [Applause] quick thing and then i'm gonna pray for somebody when the slaves borrowed the jewels and the gold from the egyptians they broke the gross national product of egypt favor wasn't chasing them to get the slaves back [Applause] why would pharaoh get 600 chariots to chase down some slaves the problem was there'd been a shift and the wealth that was in egypt had gone to the hebrews and it was such a seismic shift that the only hope favorable had was to try to chase him and get it back you remember in exodus when moses raised an offering the people gave so much gold that he had to stop him from giving where did slaves get that kind of money they got it from the egyptians every believer stand on your feet it's not about being greedy it's not about being rich it's not about having a plan it's not about all this other stuff some of y'all can't afford to get old some of y'all can't afford to retire some of you can't afford to send your kids to the kind of school that is competitive for the world to come don't let nobody put you on a guilt trip about being rich when you're still trying to believe god to retire or own a house or get two cars so your wife can come late or early or early or early or early father let the words sink deep i know everybody won't hear me but i pray lord that at least a thousand people dreamers believers business owners preachers pastors maybe maybe 2 000 maybe somebody online maybe somebody in another country would believe you for a seismic shift let somebody that's been sitting up under the word hear more than the preaching style of the message but here the tongue of the holy spirit to say i'm about to make a seismic shift and if you're ready the wealth of the unjust really laid up for the just i'm not talking to unsaved people i'm trying to save people say people this shall be the beginning of months for you [Applause] unsaved people the wealth you need is to know jesus but we can't just keep preaching to people who know jesus to know jesus because they already know jesus now you need to know what jesus came to give you [Applause] in your life [Applause] i came in this place and it might be i don't know i didn't ask him it might already be paid for i don't know that's not the point i felt such faith in this place that it's not just about a building it's what the building represents that a pretty ordinary guy with an extraordinary faith can do pretty amazing things he he's not a rockefeller he's not a hunt he's donald trump he's not born into some family of billions of dollars and yet god sent a transfer i'm gonna sow you're online i'm inviting you to so you're in the building i'm inviting you to sow i'm going to sew i'm going to sow a hundred thousand dollars [Applause] into a church i have never been to before and all i want you to do is at least match it you can give a hundred thousand dollars per year but if 100 people gave a thousand if you match it if you imagine if 100 people gave a thousand if 200 people gave 500 if 400 people gave 250. [Applause] i had a guy tell me one time he said one one of my members came up and gave me a check for 20 million dollars i said that's amazing i'm so happy for you i said i never had one of my members walk up and give me 20 million dollars i probably would pass out and hit my head on concrete he started laughing i said but you know what i had a million give me 20. [Applause] i want a hundred people that hear what god is saying a hundred people online in the building i don't care to come and stand with a thousand dollars and match my giving i don't want people i gotta beg and go into a trance and go into a coma i want a hundred radical people who are dreaming about a seismic shift to come and stand come out of the balcony come out of the back come out of the corner pass by people pass around people this should be the beginning of months for you it might not be for them it is for you somebody says for me now just remain standing for a minute i've been standing up all this time you can stand a few minutes as fat as i am if i can stand here i don't feel sorry for you thank you i stood through the worship i stood through the preaching and standing here you come stand you come stand you're doing good you're doing good you're doing good you know there's some people standing there you got a thousand dollars but you're not accustomed to giving it i get it i'm not accustomed to giving a hundred thousand so i feel your pain but the angel said when i see the blood when i see the sacrifice i will pass over you come tonight come now come fast come now come pass you're online the information is on the screen you can text it you can pay pallet you can put it in the legs of a pigeon but if the holy ghost says do something radical don't do nothing normal come stand tighten up tighten up there's more people coming there's more people coming there's 30 people right on the edge are coming don't worry about what people think obey the lord i'm gonna give you 30 seconds obey the lord i'm gonna move on i'm not gonna take a lot of time 30 seconds if you're one of those 30 people come right now sometimes god asks you for something to see if you would move the way you asked him for something to see if he would move you come on here they come y'all on the clap here they come here here they come bear with me now i don't come to chicago often i was here about three weeks ago as a substitute at bill winston's because jesse duplantis couldn't come at the last minute and he knew he could get me and i just happened to be free and i ran up here and preached y'all didn't even know it snuck back but this date has been on my calendar and this moment has been in my spirit and i believe god sent me here i believe god sent me here if you're not in a thousand crew that ain't bad being the 500 crew being the 250 crew if you can do 250 don't act like you can't because if you act like you can't then you're going to get how you act if you can give 250. if you can only give ten dollars in a kfc coupon the book said a lamb for a house there shouldn't be a house that doesn't have a sacrifice representing it not online not in the balcony not in the back it may not be the same size land according to your hunger but on whatever level you're on whatever level you're on i want your house your business your dream your vision to be represented somebody throw your hands up say send it over here lord i'm ready for it i see many of you holding your phones up you're texting to you thank you lord thank you thank you i see it i see it everybody who texts to give hold your phone up let me see it let me see look like the lights at a football game lord this church is being lord jesus all up in the balcony i can't even see y'all all i see is the lights i'm not i'm not saying we dark or nothing don't be offended but i want every house to be represented every house online every house in this room every business every dream a lamb for a house and this is what i want you to think about tonight how to pack your bags [Applause] park [Applause] because we get ready to shift [Applause] i want to get you a strategy i want you to break into a circle of people who are doing what you dream about doing even if you got to wait on them even if you got to bring them coffee and donuts i want you to be in the room where you are exposed to something beyond your normal am i talking good to you our church administrator just had almost had a fit when i said a hundred thousand dollars he ain't looked up since he texted people i started i saw him start praying in tongues but you know what i know and i i hate to offend any haters he might have i don't live up here i don't know nothing about it but no man can do these things except god be with him you just you just can't do it it's too hard god has to be with you every person stand rep
Channel: Pastor John F. Hannah
Views: 38,896
Rating: 4.9557447 out of 5
Id: yCH0GGjNuug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 242min 26sec (14546 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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