Pastor John F. Hannah leads us in Prayer with Pastor T. Renea Glenn

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I just hearing her sound when I heard her sound on social media I knew that I had to meet her and then I found out somebody invites me I posted her and everybody was going crazy and I posted you if you like who is that I was like I don't know and then somebody say that spastically and then somebody responded she was at your 12 our prayer I was like are you kidding me and a young man who came with you he began to say that you were there and I was like I need a number she has to come and pray at the next 12 our prayer and every since then we've been connected how are you I'm working or pastor how are you doing I'm good and excited that we are doing this together our connection how would you define this this is crazy right I guess it is God that's the only way I can put it I remember the day you call my phone and I was I think I couldn't talk for a minute however I do recall and I think I shared this with you that it was probably long years ago when you were all Steve Harvey and I was watching you and I said that man and the Lord said to me that I would be connected to that man was when you were on Steve Harvey and I had no idea and thought no more about you honestly from that point but I prayed God for our connection I do know that it is God divinely ordered that it is and I'm grateful to the Lord that he has trusted each of us with each other and promise you that I will not I will not become familiar in this connection at the Bible says Jesus could not do many things because they only consider him to cover the Sun and certainly we want to fulfill God's purpose in this connection so I vow to remain honoring you and of God I just love you like do your finding you are so funny I didn't know you were that funny but you are hilarious but and I love to laughs Oh God but I'm grateful for the connection I do I love you pastor I love I love Anna Hannah - praise the Lord and I'm grateful that you've come here you've met my wife you've been introduced to my circle and everybody loves you and I'm grateful that your church is not selfish that's Turkey willing to share you with the world I said to you that now my assignment is to make sure that your voice is even more so hurt that that we those that God has raised up in this season in prayer what amazes me is that how many people in the body of Christ don't pray how did your prayer life start I've had a hunger for God grew up in the Baptist Church most people don't believe that Oh me you want me to talk a free man praise the Lord but I I i I've had a hunger for God I have had a desire to know God and the only way I knew to do that was to talk to him so people called it prayer I called it talking to God because I just wanted to get to know him and so I would talk to him like I was talking to you or to someone else and as I began to read the Bible the Spirit of God began to teach me about prayer and coming into connection I just wanted to talk to God I just wanted to know him I wanted to know who he was I I wanted to seek Him and and that's how I just I just love him I'm sorry okay that and you know it's amazing how those of us that spend time in prayer as we begin to discuss him our hearts begin to melt as we begin to discuss him our spirits become more broken and we weep and because we it's because of that when you think about his touch his love his compassion and Bible says when you draw nigh to God he promised that was a scripture that I would read from a young person and and it believed it I believed it so so because I wanted to get close to him I would come after him with everything in me you know I didn't know how to pray I didn't know what to say I just said what I knew to say I just went after him I didn't mean in the rough pastimes no no no we're good so even in this season that we're in in kovat 19 it has even pushed our prayer lives to a whole nother level and I remember when the Lord said to me okay I need you to brace yourself because you are about to pray live every Tuesday every Friday and you are going to begin to point people to me one of our to point people to us yes them to God yes sir yes sir absolutely and that is what prayer is and I get prayers so much I get it but one of the things that prayer does is that it puts us at his feet it does it places us at his feet it places us in his for I explained to people one time I said listen let me tell you something I said what you've got to understand is sometimes meet prayer is me not saying a word it's just me being at his feet and quiet I have nothing to say I'm just impressed at his feet I'm sitting there and if he choose to talk I'll listen but sometimes our prayer is as Lord I'm here and from there it's just medium and one of the things that for those of you that have anxiety attacks it almost makes you I'm hate to sit in silence because you fear of us about to hit you and that is a trick of the enemy that wants to stop you as you say from sitting at his feet and to just be in his presence his presence is more important than a present so has me doing something I wanted her to come on here because she's going to be one of the key people in our first prayer conference pastor Renee the thing that I've had to fight in this season I'm in doing it different and I say to people when you can't do something the way that you normally do it as people of Prayer we have to seek God then what's next then what is next because I'm so used to doing like two of our prayer our prayer let's go to go to Tillie part just keep on rotating 12 hours oh no you can't do that so now what is God saying so then for those that God had me to invite he says I'm gonna put a bigger demand on them because people want to know like you they wanted they had questions they would have for you so you're gonna pray once in the morning you're gonna pray once in the evening but then there's an hour called the one-on-one mentorship but you'll sit like this and your people will be with you and those on Facebook whatever will begin to ask you questions like that they want to know about you how long you been saved who taught you to pray I mean how do you handle this being a single woman how do you deal being a female pastor do you find that people don't dismantle you because you're a woman all of those things what would you say to a woman in leadership these are the things that you were poor in that one-on-one so you got the prayer room you got the one-on-one room and then practically we got the worship room but worship leaders from everywhere will be coming in and it would never cease for 11 hours just a sound of worship and it sounded worship so you got this town a prayer one room you got the sound of worship in another room you got the pouring in another room and then you got the teaching in another room well we get one person gonna teach you how to build up your personal prayer life one person will teach you how to be an intercessor another person that's gonna teach you how to build a pretty that is a lot like I don't want I don't want to stop the sound so there's no hallelujah there will be no offering we act o people so I see $50 get in the room let's go for broke for 12 hours we'll close out any limit clock with Todd Delaney doing a full concert somebody said how dare you charge for prayer I'm not charging for prayer I'm not charging for prayer you get a conference that you gonna be poured into that could change your life what would you say the people that you feel in the spirit realm of what God is about to do for us under 12 it's about making int glory hey thank you Lord God how much under my seat he must shut up listen to me do shut out of my sight then it is about making it listen to what I'm about to tell you it is in this season about making investment into that which is going to last cause the rest of the stuff is gonna come on the rest of this stuff is gonna burn up this we must build up our most holy week we've got to build up this spirit emotion I'm I see Ephesians 5 says he's coming back for a church without spot or without wrinkle and babies we need to place ourselves in in spaces and places that will reach and touch that part of our lives and build us up glow to God so that when we stand before God our Father we will hear him say well done thou good and faithful servant and listen you've got to know what's important to invest in go to God I believe this still moment if it's done many things but this still moment should have shown many of us how we have made investments into things that has nothing to do with our eternal life guard hallelujah it has nothing to do with our eternal life and one thing I gonna Messiah for my sheet on of my seat one thing I'm Shanda about prayer is that prayer brings us into the holiness God and when you get in the holiness of God for real my god almighty you realize how unholy you are like Isaiah when he said woe is me and the year king uzziah died and he saw the Lord he said woe is me or I'm undone and babies listen it is worth I'm sorry what happened just there playing though it is it is important that you understand I need y'all to hear the heart of the father tonight you've got to know how important it is to really start investing listen the stock market is low and and and listen to the stock market listen III invest in the stock market listen I get it it's a good time to invest you know when it's low but at the end of the other day when Jesus come all that governor every bit of but we've got to start making investments in our spirit man into those things that's gonna build us up those things that are gonna sustain us those things that are gonna mashiki on them I see that is gonna fortify us in this last and evil day that's that's that's yeah I love it I love it and that's what the Lord said to me basically if those some people can't afford it we'll look for sponsorship but I don't want to stop the flow someone call me diva like why don't you just raise his offer cuz the sound should not be interrupted the sound one is not to be stopped can you imagine a sound being release non-stop for 12 hours oh my god some of y'all are going through in your homes all you got to do is just turn your computer on your phone on and release that's way of ours people going through in their bodies release that sound for 12 hours stop non-stop the only time it will stop is to give you a word in the worship room they'll have nuggets every hour all worship what is it I did not come up with this I did not come this is a god thing and I give Him glory for for he stopped the way that we were going to do it say now seek me on how to do it next seek me on how to do it next and I got five people five different states are gonna create that atmosphere to release that sound what's what's what state are you in what city are you in I'm in South Carolina sorry Matt Oh God I'm in I'm in the Greenville Spartanburg area of South Carolina the Upstate of South Carolina is where I where I will be so that sound will be released in South Carolina we got William Murphy he's in Atlanta we got um William McDowell he's in Florida we got Latrice Ryan she's in Memphis we got pastor Tamar Bennett she's in California I'm in Chicago worship leaders from different parts of the world guys it's a cry in the spirit room yes sir it is pastor cry in the spirit room and tonight we're gonna release their cry for a few minutes we don't pray how do you register somebody could put it on the screen you go to 12 hour prayer dot-com is 1/2 the word hour the word prayer com every innocence of every prayer warrior get your prayer teams get your prayer bands young people young adults I'm bigging that you get the mantle of Prayer Amen yes faster what would you say to young adults that are on here the the mantle of Prayer the strength of prayer and the power of prayer because we've got to learn how to pray through we've got to learn how to be sustained in prayer glory to God but I agree that the power of prayer the strength of prayer glory to God I think about the generation this the younger generation and I sell you all I love you with the love the Lord because I'm excited and I understand who God has made you to be in this season in this hour glory to God and for those of you that would would really grab hold to this mantle of Prayer glory to God all you got to do is have a desire you you don't have to do much to even get you to you just got to get a desire to want to talk to God just and and you know what pastor can I say this plan I've learned is is that in my longing for him and trying to get to him he trusted me with the intercessors anointing home he trusted he trusted me he trusted you with the intercessors anointing and and your people I'm telling you this is not a fan this is not a moment this this is a space in place and and this is an eternal move from an eternal open door that God has given not to the opportunists but for those who desire him give his children glory to God please hear me please hear my heart hallelujah please hear the heart of the Lord it is it is it is it is a privilege to pray every time I come into God's presence I'm coming as I know how and I'm saying to you babies really have a desire and you know you asked me that question pastor but then I got to a space in place where I knew this prayer thing was more than what I understood so lord teach me how to pray teach me what to pray for and baby baptized me in the Holy goes right I'm actually sitting in the church and I was born arranged in the Baptist Church that's what I feel right now and right over there in that corner over there in that corner I was getting up off the piano glory to God outs I just played the last song and I was up off the piano to step up we go out there doing the Holy Ghost here me huh my Savior I got the only goes in the Baptist Church I wasn't carrying with nobody over me glory to God I was in this corner over here trying to get off this piano to go out the door and the power of God hid me in this Baptist Church and they laughed at me cuz you know that'll teach that that back then a they teach about the baptism of the Holy Ghost but it was my hunger for God and when God gave me the Holy Ghost it took me to a whole nother dimension of prayer I don't have time to go you get me to a whole nother dimension of prayer after I got the Holy Ghost but I didn't know I didn't know I needed the Holy Ghost but when I asked God to teach me how to pray he baptized me in the Holy Ghost who did now gets in between me and God again to give me information he put a desire and a hunger in me to go after the Word of God and to begin to really read about prayer and and understand I remember the day when I understood the Lord's Prayer what the Lord's Prayer was the prayer he taught the disciples on him Lord's Prayer was in John 17 that day when I come so then I went to John 17 to study how Jesus prayed come on he talked to the Father and and the content of his conversation and the context of his conversation and what his conversations sounded like when he was talking to his father and then I began to mimic Jesus in John 17 how he was talking to the Father and this is what God is doing I am 56 I got saved at 17 and I believe that God is using us to basically release this mantle of Prayer for those of y'all that what we're going through right now you're not gonna make it with our prayer this is making people lose their mind it really is that's the truth now this is making people not believe in God the only thing that's gonna hold us to get is a constant communication with Louie inaudible hey come to the ocean you gotta be around people who have that communication with God this is not me wanna do this every Tuesday and Friday for me to be seen of her this is God saying the veil has been rent now tell them to come boldly before me and get whatever they need you are not going to make it your marriage ain't gonna make it your mind ain't gonna make it your ministry not gonna make it your business not gonna make your children not gonna make it unless they hear you call on God if you didn't pray this thing with a got on you come on here but God he told Hezekiah I have seen your tears and I have heard your prayers and therefore I've just added to your life we're gonna pray for the next 30 minutes those of you that that believe in the power of prayer you know what we do it I need you to add on the put your words of adoration on the screen I'm only gonna go into adoration that I'm gonna let pastor Rene take us into the petition part of prayer ever the Holy Ghost tell her to pray about we gonna go there tonight Messiah the honor you we glorify you are great you are my you are strong in all your way we are the everlasting God you're the king of here the Lord of lords the Prince of Peace oh yeah to our everything you are our God you are the Good Shepherd we are the Sheep of your pasture you are with tradition and we open our mouths wherever we are and we will be on tonight glory be unto the lamb it taketh away the sins of the world Holly come on you [Music] [Music] [Applause] totally alleluiah virus president you are not alone he shall bow and every tongue shall confess that you are God you are God we give you glory we Holy Ghost you called us together tonight God in the name of Jesus before the foundation of the world you brought us to this place God by your mighty hand you joined us in the meeting room I Masha Allah my açaí Amaya and God you are Emmanuel in the midst of us tonight and we give your name praise we give you the glory and the honor tonight o God we bow our eyes before you lawyer god we ask your mercy upon us God before we go any further the lord if it be your will search our hearts o God Abbas economía search our hearts tonight God an aim of cheese on anything on the inside of world ask you to take it out right now because God we know you have a it's all God I'm o son of are you we don't come before you arrogant and we don't think for you in pride but God we ask you to watch this now one more time my son I'm a seal in that blood that blood that blood that blood that still got power who's now got over heart so minded over our soul in the name of Jesus we ask you to watch this o card that you took the blood of your son on the mercy seat yeah when we approach the throne of grace you see the blood so God we ask now first application of your blowing misciagna sia god a messiah in the name of jesus be forgiven uh wash white as snow God we may approach you a ghost may pray accordingly huh we may experience a move of you tonight you in the earth Rama in the name of Jesus our God we want to thank you now you were thank you for your goodness and your mercy oh my god you said to David have my times are in your hands tonight we are confident even in the mystical mirror mr. Traylor even in the midst of circumstances we are confident that we are in your hand in the name of Jesus Oh God tonight I feel led to pray for the intercessor sacrifice it's the spirit of weariness God are the intercessors on the wall and you said tonight mamacita he said tomorrow now Maya who Thomas Italia he said Cara Maya you said tonight God Amasya that you were moving the intercessors or God would do placing RAM in you all tonight God you said that you were gonna release another mantle mantle on the intercessor you said that you were gonna pour out to oppression or no only intercessors huh Lussier spirit of weirder to give up the crown of Messiah we cannot get tired to hear her we are on the verge of breakthrough in a prayer book praying in the spirit of us so God tonight in the name of Jesus our God I lift up every intercessor huh oh you're mighty here tonight she's uh I pray O God that they will feel your power huh the power of the Holy Ghost huh the power appear to culture then it was set down now gone Oh sir in the world in the name of Jesus and O God in the name of Jesus God we pray for the spirit of agreement there must be huh the spirit of agreement among the intercessors huh in China sim Bob well whether they're in New Zealand huh whether they're in Ethiopia they're in Cambodia huh whether they're in Vietnam wherever they peepee you said there must be upon the intercessors in the name of Jesus I pray now Holy Ghost huh that you will lose the spirit of agreement name of Jesus huh that we will not pray our emotions huh I pray our feelings huh that we will not pray popular opinion huh pray you will help us to pray only on only your perfect will huh huh yeah I'll be Donna sattaiah that you will get me intercessors stret now hold on to the horns of the altar of God yes a ton of a hood I'm a higher yeah thanks Trent now God - the horns of the altar because God the real intercessor he don't ever buy my bus serious weight in this ayah all God in the name of Jesus huh that you will teach them the difference learning of the law for the people Oh God know the difference of the burning of the people huh the burning of you for the people not in the name of Jesus Oh God that you will set up on every intercessor Oh burning of you for the people of pray your wheel yeah we may pray your way huh in Jesus I and O God we understand uh that that is only by the Holy Ghost huh yes tonight God while I pray I ask you in Jesus name if it be your will that you would baptize us all again how much we don't want to talk but we won't draw yes God we don't want to talk but we ask you to a baptizes in the Holy Gorga what you did on the day of Pentecost even this time let it be ha ha but what you intended come or not it's been made in the name of Jesus ties us huh with your power in the name of Jesus huh help us understand every an intercessor huh but it is the same spirit in the beginning of in Genesis that who become in the dark color on the face of darkness and then you spoke it is the same spirit of the Red Sea hey hoses and dogs we're headed across some get to the promised land spirit that raised Jesus from the dead argan oil we want to be baptized in your power tonight come that the intercessors huh we'll be strong again assessors huh will be discerning in the name of Jesus huh Oh God kind of a higher we ask it of a higher to send your glory in Chronicles huh when Solomon was praying huh the word said that's a glory came or knocked everybody down huh that the priests could not stand home minister yeah I feel power to hear let your glory fall of Oregon Day card on every intercessor in the name of Jesus our Australia huh let your powerful Australia namaha here am i there's coming a unique move in Australia there's coming a unique move ah I can see it I'm a higher in Australia hee hee hee Mohandas hora kiraku cetera Jana la la vie Aeneas aya start a new move of God hi that our eyes have not seen in Australia boy he must sign I'm a higher in Australia there's a move of God on myself there's a rain I'm a sea tire that Australia have never seen it is a rain in the spirit there's coming due season for the Lord even in the midst of crisis our pandemic two seasons are happening all over my my my shut up you shut up a ha two seasons are happening do seeds of the happening I'll go back to it in Australia in Australia ha we shall begin to hear signs and wonders that will begin to take off in Australia thank you Lord Jesus now let your spirit fall every single the same spirit that fell on the day of Pentecost the power God that we may be rip our Father come on maybe this morning I hear it I hear it I hear it I hear I hear it tonight I hear it I hear it the Lord says the Lord said discernment come now intercessors huh design Makena Tina Tina Tina Tina Tina didn't come for intercessors if you join me now my son on out of a higher you shall no no no no no no you should know and you should have an option from the Holy One the Holy One and you shall know no but my spirit yet yet my spirit says the Lord shall reveal again the deep things initiate the father yay-yay the deep things the defense my spirit are baptized here God says I prepare the container come on prepare the container I stand in you interpreter he said even now I'm giving you a new container they may hold this new fresh enormous area you a minister for a shelving ha ha ha yes yes my heart is turned toward you God Almighty yes Lord ha ha ha yes Lord yes yes yes I'm see the intercessors yes Lola did intercessors hear me hear me hear me hear me hear intercessors and I say to you this night on Omaha Baku citta I give you a newfound wisdom I've never known wisdom you have never seen but I stated interfaces and race become this wisdom I've held in reserve until now we're higher wisdom comes receive it tonight receive wisdom my my sons and daughters my intercession i come to fortify you tonight i come to pray for you tonight come to pray for you tonight that your faith fail then your faith fails that your faith fail not that your favorite fails not that you're afraid that your faith fail not yet the lord that your faith fail not your faith faith faith I do not crown you inaudible Honda Yamaha here level of a coastal I'm a Honda Basia yes yes I come to ground my inner sisters I come to turn you there's a turn in there's a turn in the road you got the strength you need come on now let us make the turn together the spirit of agreement on Amasya there's a truck right here in this season of Prayer place of Prayer hear me intercessor huh here is it yes good there's a turn turn with me come on come on come on children there's a turn there's a turn I'm turning us yell about subtle of a casaya and I say to you that I am really more to you for more knowledge shall come to you that you may see but I am raising you up and I am putting the words of Prayer in your mouth hyah hallelujah the words of Prayer all of us are in your I'm giving you the words a la la la la basura Bala la mesilla yeah yeah la la mesilla my son John hear me my son I called my son a lot of Asiya I did call when I commanded everything out of you yes yeah yeah I know I know I know I know my precious son but I say to you tonight I need you to open your mouth and take this meaning that I'm blowing into your mouth see praise for the chief in the gap for Carla Maya for you are my lord you belong to me columnist a lullaby and I say to you this day I honor the deep prayer of your heart Ezra and II hacia for I'm dealing now for Amanda [Applause] I'm taking up yamanori yasu nanananana Maia SIA yes yes yes yes yes yeah I've called you a side of consecrating you for you are holy man of God a Basquiat Nia SIA hair marciana you are holy man of God he Masha Allah Allah and I call you to come Khalsa ha Maya ha for your assignment is great in the earth stay with me Yamashita stay in the spirit says the Lord play with me on a little Korean alana bahia stay with me hibakusya or rama higher for i have trusted you to be a trusted voice in this fancy an hour hear my voice my son my son when this is over ha ha when this pandemic is over get your feet ready i'm a son de la boqueria baqia la la bas an alibi I've set it all up an alibi hacia I put all things in motion and in place a lullaby for theirs of colobus on Allah Bakura man Allah Allah Allah Aman do SIA there is a car there's a car [Applause] we call everything in maybe you all always ask me how did you learn to pray how did you and I need you to hear me and they always hear me refer to a lady in college by the name of mother Davis and I say to you pastor renee has a very familiar spirit to mother Davis to many people y'all look at her and you think oh she's weird based upon heights you become wing it in the natural but God expose you to these type of people take you to where he wants you to go the only way they elisha could get double doesn't here to get with elijah and from any of you all i need you to hear me these are divine moments that god is exposing you to your next level in him this is an exposure that god is literally exposing you to where he wants to take you what he wants to do in you who has a prayer conference most people are having prophetic conferences or different leadership conferences who has a prayer conference and this is what God is calling the individuals that God is now ready to expose you to exposure means you get to see it and then he puts a desire in you in him to go there in him and so we thank God for the exposure come on for the exposure many of you all I need you to hear me God is literally the deep calleth unto the deep your shallow days are over things are spiritual times these are spiritual days that God is ready to shift you so be in tuned we are thirty days outside of this prayer conference and you and I want many of you all to begin whatever you got to do I'm gonna need you to register to spend twelve hours with us in prayer twelve hours in worship twelve hours in one-on-one mentorship twelve I wasn't being taught how to pray we honored you woman of God everyone take a minute right now and if I can get you to stretch your hands towards your screen as we begin to cover pastor Renee so that we cover the woman of God we ask God that you would dig me specifically speak clear God give her clarity on the area that she's supposed to intercede for us on in this 12-hour conference that speak loud and clear that and she pray she knows the direction that she is supposed to be coming in we come against any assignment of the enemy we bind the devil on every hand and we tell the devil that he can have no part of her whatsoever we pray for strength in her wicks that you cover her family cover her family God cover her circle God with the right people around her to protect the anointing that is on her life but tonight God the world prays for pastor Rene Glynn the world call you a name out right now those of you that are typing on the screen can I get you to type her name pastor Renee Lynn your name is bombarding heaven right now and we say that you are valuable to the kingdom of God we say we thank God for your sacrificial lifestyle we thank God for everything that you turn now I think for the yes that you gave God we give God glory for you submitting to being different for you submitting to being misunderstood for you submitting to being with some cold weird we thank God for your unusual journey affect those things that concern is you we pray that you prepare yourself for your travail to be heard across the world we come against shyness and we spray that God will continue to make you bold in him we pray that you will begin to hold your head up and continue to walk in the confidence that God has put on your life you are valuable to the kingdom of God you are valuable you are valuable to the kingdom of God and only eternity would tell but you have done on this earth and we give God glory for your next round of ministry hi Alleluia hallelujah the earth praise for Rene Glynn we all call her name even if you can't type it wherever you are in the earth name of Jesus fill her up more prepare her for what she has to do take a higher here and out of Messiah take a higher in the little be an example guy look like and for that we give you glory God for many people that are watching her you need to understand this is the mark this is the mark this is the mark you make that she will become that you will begin to travail that you will live this sacrificial life now that you will be set apart for God and for them who give you glory we give you glory if I don't we give you glory and for that we give you glory hallelujah hallelujah come on there you go we are listening hurting we are bombarding heaven we uh thing that is connected to you we new local course we pray that your travail be even louder in the spirit Ram we pray that you be comfortable which shows old sound later on that I must see key on the Bible say higher and for that we give God glory and for that we give God glory let me give God glory and for that we give God glory of the uniqueness we give that glory for your uniqueness we give that glory for your uniqueness you are not outdated and not out of time you are right in sync you are on time for what God is ready to do he's about to do a new thing hey Thomas I about God yes god yes yes god yes God and our Simon is complete tonight at least 500 of you tonight should be registering this is where we're going this is what we're about to tap into this is what about the so into intercessors arise prayer warriors arise many of you all have been asking God God what have you called me to do you've been like Samuel you can't sleep God keeps waking you up because he's calling you to the life of a prayer warrior I'm a prayer warrior of a prayer warrior go to 1 to 12 our prayer calm commit to June the 12th everybody hear me I need you to commit to it I need you to commit to it I need you to commit that we have a date with God on June the 12 that he's gonna he's gonna take us up for 12 hours straight in the name of Jesus I love you we're going to just cut this off we're going to let everybody leave go to 12 our prayer calm make it happen in every intercessor every prayer warrior she covered us tonight she covered us she-she-she pray for your strength because many of us have been getting attacked yes the wolf man he is crazy and the warfare is intensified like this you on the brink of something great that's about to happen and the enemy wants to stop you from reaching it so mark the calendars register for at least 500 of you should be and she said it best so into your eternity yes yes yes your eternity I love you I appreciate you and I honor you and I thank you for for your uniqueness don't you change on me yes I love you I love you more a lot of women that are on here you got to get up under this you got to get around this some brothers we have you got to get around this I got mine from somebody just like this and we thank God for you we're covered in Jesus name God bless you that you pray father that you would please the night and that your heart your people to thank God because they must be you and you only we must be Jesus
Channel: Pastor John F. Hannah
Views: 11,022
Rating: 4.927711 out of 5
Keywords: #covid19, #prayer, #johnhannah, #pastorhannah, #bible, #word, #covering, #God
Id: KqiYzl5WwOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 42sec (3342 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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