4:00 Am Prayer // Healing, Peace, & Strength // Pastor John F. Hannah

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already praise him hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah amen to god be the lord for those of you all that are up early and the scripture says early will like seek thee amen we get up for prayer and one of the things that we're going to do is we're going to have this wall here and for the rest of the year the various things that god give us to pray about we're going to put them on the wall and there are three areas that we're going to pray about today and it's going to be one for healing don't forget what we spoke what the lord gave us that your last three will be greater or better than your previous 20. so we're going to press god in prayer let me give you a scripture for those of you that need healing in your body i need you to stand on this word can you get your pen out can you get your your paper out can you write this down this is the word that you will stand on when it comes to healing jeremiah 30 and 17 but i will restore you but i will restore you to health and heal your wounds declares the lord i must say that again but i will restore you but i will restore you to health come on here those in the building can you say restore me to health and heal your wounds declares the lord that is your scripture that is a promise from god that he will restore your health and heal your wounds i need you to stand on that if you feel any pain in your body i need you to stand on that if you're going to the doctor i need you to stand on that because we are now preaching this month on miracles and we are believing that god is going to do what restore you to health hallelujah hallelujah come on hallelujah come on hallelujah that god is going to restore you to health and heal your wounds amen there many times in this based on everything that's been going on since march there are a lot of people that are not at peace they are not at peace all right your scripture john 14 and 27 peace i leave you look what he says my peace i give unto you this is my line not as the world giveth give i unto you come on here the world will give you something and take it back but the lord says peace i leave you he is it is here on earth for you so we're going to pray about peace on today but we're praying about healing and peace what's our scripture again for peace um john 14 27 peace i leave you my peace i give unto you look at he says not as the world giveth giveth i unto you the peace of god can everybody say the peace of god the peace of god and we're going to pray that peace be in your mind peace be in your home and wherever you go peace be with you all right there are a lot of people that are feeling weak right now you're feeling a little weak the strength of god i must see the strength of god the strength of god what is your scripture first john 4 4 greater is he that is within me greater is he that is within me then he that is in the world and we're going to begin to pray for your strength let's stand those in the building let's get in our prayer positions we know that we always start out with adoration so before we leave we're going to add these three things on the wall healing peace and strength that is what we're zoning in on today don't forget that we believe in god for miracle signs and wonders and we decree and we declare that we will hear the testimony of somebody being healed hallelujah that we will hear the testimony of someone being healed hallelujah let's start off with adoration hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to god wonderful god great god mighty god wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful god you are great you are mighty you are wonderful you are excellent we find no fault in you great is our god and greatly to be praised great is our god you are great god you are greater than any problem greater than any burden greater than any situation you are great and we magnify you we lift you on today we blow you up on this morning we sound the alarm that our god raised hallelujah we sound the alarm god that you rain you rain you rain you rain you reign god you are the god they never sleep you're the god that never slumber you are alert you are aware you are all wise you are all knowing and we give you glory come on here we give you glory this morning you rain god you rain on the throne you never sleep you never take a break you are a very present help in the time of trouble you are with us all ways and what do we do we open our mouths this morning and we bless you for just being god thank you for just being god you are all powerful yay mashaya you are all powerful hallelujah no one is greater than you no one is stronger than you no one is mightier than you you are the all-powerful god you're the god that always win come on y'all i need to hear you you are the god that always win you always win there's no defeat in you you win every battle hallelujah you win every case god and we give you glory on this morning we give you glory that we are on the winning side hallelujah we have never defeated god right because all things work together for our good and we bless you on this morning we glorify you on this morning we are the people that trust you hallelujah our faith is in you our trust is in you we are dependent upon you and we stand on a solid foundation and we give you glory on this morning come on i need to hear you and we give you glory on this morning you are our foundation hallelujah you are our defender you defend your people god you will never abandon us you would never leave us you are a very present help hallelujah and again god we magnify your name we lift you up god we blow you up god we stand on top of everything that we're going through forgot the enemy desire to muzzle us we're walking around with masks on but god our praise is still loud and we give you glory on this morning we shout to the god of our salvation hallelujah come on i need to hear you we shout to the god of our salvation we shout to the god that saved us we shout to the god that delivered us we shout to the god that made a way we shout to the god that delivered us out of our egypt we shout to the god that shut down our pharaoh and we give you glory on this morning and we magnify your name great is the lord great is the lord great is the lord great is the lord and greatly to be praised we do our part god we bless your name we sound the alarm we open our mouths we give you back the breath that you gave us we use our lungs we use our vocal cords we cheer you on god because you always win we cheer you on god we are your people we're the sheep of your pasture and you are a good shepherd and we give you glory for being a good shepherd we give you glory that you go before us we give you glory that you make the way clear and straight we give you glory that you are exalted and your enemies are scattered come on here hallelujah for the devil desires to sit us as wheat but god you would not allow the enemy to have his way and for that we give you glory even when it look like we lost we we in god and for that we say thank you why because again we say all things work together thank you for being the god of revelation thank you for being the god that reveal everything and we open our mouths in a spirit of trust and faith and we give you glory god in the midst of even what we're going through right now god pressure on every end in the midst of a virus being loosed on the earth in the midst of the government being in turmoil in the midst of the body of christ being divided we still open our mouth and say you are magnifying you are glorified you are exalted we find no fault in you we find no fault in you you are holy in all your ways you are perfect in all your ways if there be any fault if there be any blame it is on us god but god you are holy come on here you are holy holy is our god you're the god that never make a mistake you're the god that never fumbled you're the god that never fall you're the god that never fell you are perfect in all your ways your ways are not our ways your thoughts are not our thoughts so we trust you god and we give you glory i need to hear those in the building i say we give you glory we sound the alarm we release the sound in the camp we let the enemy know that our god is in our mission we cause an ambush in the camp of the enemy we throw off every demon in hell because the enemy thought that he had taken our praise but god we still give you glory we still magnify your name we will bless the lord at all times we will bless the lord at all times we will bless the lord and all times we will bless the lord at all times and your praises shall continually be in our mouths we give you glory because out of our belly are flowing rivers of living water we give you glory that out of our bellies are flowing a thank you out of our belly is flowing a glory out of our belly is flowing a hallelujah out of our belly it's flowing appraiser and for that we give you glory that we have drank from the living water the fountain that never runs dry we give you glory that we are satisfied we give you glory that we are content in you hallelujah and for that we say thank you i say we say thank you thank you for just being god here we are god in the last quarter of the year haney under the messiah for the earth got hit in the first quarter but god we've made it to the last quarter you've been a shield hey you've been a high tower yeah under the behind you've been a secret place say hey come on here and we honor your name god for there are many that have not made it god there are many that are not in the land of the living god but here we stand here we are god we've made it to the last quarter of the year and god we came to say thank you thank you that your blood still protect thank you that we found a hiding place in you thank you that the devil goes to and fro seeking whom he may devour seeking whom he may devour seeking whom he may devour but he did not find us hallelujah and for that we give you glory that we're hidden in you because he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under hate tata behind and we give you glory that we're under your shadow god we give you glory that we're close enough to you to be under your shadow and we find peace under your shadow we found joy under your shadow we found a hiding place under your shadow we got our strength under your shadow god you've been there and for that we give you glory i need to hear those in the building i say for that we give you glory you have been our provider for the earth is going through people out without jobs don't have money don't have food but we quote your word we've never seen the righteous forsaken nor your seed beg for bread for you have been our jehovah gyra our provider every good and perfect gift came from you and for that we say thank you we thank you that we learned early in that our job is not our source but god you have been our provider for that we say thank you we say thank you that we got a roof over our head we say thank you that we got food on our table we say thank you that we got clothes on our back we say thank you that that we all of our needs have been met and for that we give you glory we give you glory for the mana days when you only give us enough to make it through one day but god you have taken care of us every step of the way we say thank you for the overflow we say thank you that for there are many that are living in overflow for god you had them to stack before we got here and for that we give you glory we give you glory that the earth is yielding what belonged to us hey honda mossiah and for that we give you glory we give you glory that you kept us come over here for god many have fallen by the wayside many have turned their backs on you and gone backwards but god we give you glory that you have kept us we did not keep ourselves we did not keep ourselves we did not keep ourselves but god you kept us you kept our body you kept our mind you kept our spirit you kept our joy you kept our family you kept everything in place god and for that we say thank you if we give you glory that we're not like the dog that returned unto his own vomit god but we give you glory that you have kept us even out of the things that we wanted to get in god and for that we give you glory for many have lost their mind but god here we stand giving you glory god that we are still in our right mind and for that we say thank you many are in a mental institution many have lost their mind god but we stand this morning giving you glory just for peace of mind hey because if the devil get the mind he got the body and god we thank you that we have a mind that is saying on you hallelujah we have a mind that has been transformed into you and for that we say thank you we have a mind that even when we're going through we don't see it like everybody else see it or we have a mind to shout out when everybody else is crying we have a mind of prayer when everybody's going to the psychic we have a mind that stands still where everybody's going through panic attacks and god we give you glory i say we give you glory there's a sound that has to be in the building everybody open your mouth and for that we give you glory in the midst god we give you glory that you brought us through martial we give you glory that you brought us through april we give you glory that you brought us to maine we give you glory that you brought us to june we give you glory that you brought us to july august september and here we are god again i repeat we are at the end of the last quarter and for that we say thank you hallelujah body bags have been filled hey but our name is not on it and for that we say thank you somebody got the virus but god you heal them somebody even had it and they don't even know they had it because you did not give them any symptoms and for that we say thank you the devil is defeated about you the devil is defeated and for that we give you glory we might not have been able to come into the building but god you have been present you have been present we thank you that we can feel your anointing in our house we thank you that your angels have been released and our resident because your word said you give your angels charge hey hey hey and god we give you glory that we have angels at the front door the back door the window we got angels at the automobile we give you glory that the devil set a trap but you cut the trap off we say thank you come on y'all i say we say thank you we say thank you that our kids are fine we say thank you that our marriages are fine we say thank you that our businesses are fine we say thank you that our souls are fine we say thank you that our minds are fine we say thank you that our joy is fine we say thank you for everything god because every good and perfect gift comes from you and the blessings of the lord make it rich hey and god we give you glory that we're rich in peace we give you glory that we're rich in joy for god everything is not tangible but there's some things that are not tangible but they're tangible in the spirit and for that we say thank you we say thank you that we sleep at night we say thank you that we don't have anxiety attacks we say thank you that we're not having nightmares we say thank you that the devil has not been having his way and god we give you glory hallelujah i need to hear you in the building i say we give you glory i say we give you glory i say we give you glory i say we give you glory we give you glory for joy hate tara mahaya because the joy of the lord is our strength we might not have everything we want but god we give you glory that we have joy we'll give you glory that we have joy joy made us get up joy made us pray joy made us keep pushing and it is the joy of the lord and for that we say thank you god we couldn't pay for it as a matter of fact you did pay for it you paid for it on the cross god and for that we say thank you i say for that we say thank you i feel the joy of the lord in the building i feel the joy of the lord in the building i feel the joy of the lord in the building i feel the joy of the lord in the building after the joy of the lord in the building i feel the joy of the lord in the building i feel joy coming through the camera i feel the joy coming in your room i feel the joy lifting your head up lift up your head oh ye gates and the king of glory shall come in high yeah my tongue say we give you glory come on y'all push we give you glory right now great is our god and greatly to be praised great is our god and greatly to be praised great is our god and greatly to be praised great every tongue shall confess that you are god but god we thank you that we knew you before the virus came we thank you that we were found in you before corona showed up and for that we give you glory we give you glory for relationship we give you glory for fellowship we give you glory that we get to know you in the fellowship of our suffering god even when we go through god we don't go through like everybody else and we say thank you come on y'all let me hear you i say we say thank you in the midst of a trial yeah you're the love messiah god we stand like job we do not complain we open our mouth and say the lord giveth the lord taketh away blessed be the name of the lord open your mouth wherever you are and release the praise right there go come on keep the sound in the building keep the sound in the building keep the sound in the building turn the faucet on let the living waters begin to flow here under the baha'i the devil thought he had taken our praise but god we open our mouths the enemy thought that he had taken a hallelujah the enemy thought that he had taken our praise god but we opened our mouths and we said to now unto him that is able you are able and we give you glory we give you glory we give you glory that the last three months are gonna be amazing we give you glory we are people of faith we walk by faith and not by sight we don't see it in here like everybody else he that hath an ear let them hear what the spirit is saying and the spirits say it's gonna be all right the spirit told us that our last three months god i gonna be better that is a big statement than our previous 20 years and god we give you glory for the last three months that are on this earth right now glory few more minutes everybody in the building has to release the sound the earth is hearing your sound the earth is hearing your sound you're in the building because you have a sound you are in the building because you have a sound you are in the building because you have a sound those of you that are in your home those of you whatever city you're in whatever part of the world you're in i need you to open your mouth and i'm okay if it's a whisper there has to be a sound there has to be a sound there has to be a sound there has to be a sound we give you praise we magnify your name in spite of everything god we give you glory fill the room fill the room fill the room fill the room fill the room fill the room validate validate validate fill the room fill the room in currents his currents fill the room we open our mouths and we give you glory god we bless your name we bless your name we bless your name we bless your name you did it before you gonna do it again you did it before you gonna do it again you did it before you gonna do it again you've done enough already for us to give you glory you've done enough already for us to give you glory you've done enough already for us to give you glory you've made it away before you paid a bill before you healed us before you gave us peace before you gave us joy before and the same god they did it then he's gonna do it now the same god that did it then he's gonna do it now the same god that did it then he's gonna do it now the same god did it then he's gonna do it now yeah i need to hear a praise in the building the same god who did it then he's going to do it now the same god that did it then this is going to do it now the same god that did it then he's going to do it now and he's going to do it again later hey hey hey the same god that did it did a praise in this building to the god that is able to the god that is able to the god that is able this is the god that is able you did it then you gonna do it now you're gonna do it later you did it then you're gonna do it now you're gonna do it later you did it then you're gonna do it now you're gonna do it later and we give you glory and we give you glory and we give you glory [Applause] to the lord god who was and is it is to come to the lord god who was and he is and is to come to the lord god who was and he is and it's to come you didn't then you're gonna do it now you're gonna do it later to the lord god who was in the incidence to come to the lord god who was who was you did it last year you did it a decade before you did it 20 years ago to the lord god who was to the lord god who is hey now until you're doing it now hey you're doing it now and it's to come we give you glory so much to you thankful for yeah yeah messiah you did it before you're gonna do it now and you're gonna do it later you did it before you're gonna do it now you're gonna do it later you did it before you're gonna do it now you're gonna do it later my god your track record is proven hop outside your track record has been proven that you are able to do anything your track record speak for itself hallelujah and i give you glory for what you've all ready done my god come on i need that to come out of your life to the lord god who was and is and is to come to the lord god who was yeah my shy you were my healer back then who is who is my healer right now and the lord god who is to come and you're going to be my healer lady yay if i don't know nothing else you are consistent in all your ways you are the lord god who changed not and i give you glory you don't change my praise don't change you don't pray you don't change my adoration don't change i will bless the lord at all times and i will bless the lord at all times and i will bless the lord head all times to the lord god who was to the lord god who is and to the lord god who is to come i need to back that up one more time to the lord god who was to the lord god who is let me go ahead to the lord god it is to come and i give you my god hey help us god help us god your ears are attentive your ears are open oh my my see my mosaic you would never abandon your children you didn't abandon them then you're not abandoning them now and you're not going to abandon them later why because you're the lord god who was in the lord god who is and the lord god who is to come and your ears are open and your ears are open and your ears [Music] and your ears and your ears and your ears open father father father father abba father abba abba father and we are your children and we are your children and we are your children and we are yours yay and we are yours hard-headed sometimes but we are yours oh yeah i must say impatient sometimes but we i am you need to say that i am yours i am yours i am yours and you said that you would perfect those things so here we are here we are here we are get a mic jerome here we are here we are here we are in the last three months and we gotta you got us preaching on miracles so we need a miracle we need a miracle we need somebody body to be healed we need somebody we need bodies healed [Music] we need bodies healed hey mashaya lattanda you said healing is the children's bread they let us feast from the loaf shaya roto rebeche whatever area there's a sickness in god we need a miracle of healing god we need a miracle of healing i don't care who died of cancer you are able to heal a cancer i don't care who died of diabetes you are able to heal of diabetes i don't care who died of the virus you are able to heal from the virus i don't care what their ending was it don't have to be ours we need a miracle [Music] healing is in the land healing is in the land come on jerome pray for healing healing is in the father land the name of jesus god we pray father that healing comes to the land in the name of jesus god we have sought your face not your hand god we have postured ourselves this morning as intercessors interceding god for those god that need healing in the name of jesus father we pray god for your word says that healing is the children's bread so today god we sit them at the table god and we pray father that they begin to eat hallelujah and partake of the healing that's been provided for them father we don't ask for healing we receive the healing you already died on the cross for our sins you were beat hallelujah and you said about the stripes that were bore upon your back god that we were already healed so father in the name of jesus we receive the healing that's been provided for us over 2 000 years ago father i pray god that you begin to break the back of the enemy i pray god that you lose every shackle of illness every chain of bondage hallelujah that the enemy tried to do over your people father we decree indeed we declare god that healing is their portion hallelujah and they will walk in health hallelujah and it shall be permanent god i mean pray god in the name of jesus that they will no longer have fear that the cancer will come back come the devil is a lie hallelujah you said that they will live hallelujah they will live more abundantly you told them they will live and not die and so father i pray in the name of jesus hallelujah that you begin god to allow miracles hallelujah to come into their life like never before when somebody's going to the bathroom god i pray that they will begin to dispose their illnesses hallelujah that would be into their body clean their blood coming in the name of jesus unclawed the artery as they are praising god i pray father god that the aneurysm is stopped as they're worshiping god i pray god that the cancer is disposed hallelujah i pray father in the name of jesus that whatever it has been trying to do to their body whatever attack whatever word curse whatever generational curse and blood curse i pray god in the name of jesus hallelujah that it stops today it stops right now we plead the blood of jesus in the name of jesus sickness we come against illness we come against mental illness in the name of jesus i pray god that health be their portion i pray father god that the people of ghana will rejoice hallelujah and behold i pray father god that they will press through the crowd through the crowd of arrogance through the crowd of ignorance through the crowd of fear through the crowd of doubt through the crowd of worry and they will touch god the hymn of your garment they will touch god hallelujah because they know and i will be made whole all we need to do god is press god so we can touch you hallelujah and i pray father in the name of jesus that your people god hallelujah will live life hallelujah and they will be whole hallelujah and they will live in miracles and signs and wonders god i pray father god that they will live a long time come on the anointed and prosperous life and i pray oh god that their children and their children's children will not inherit the curses of the enemy i pray father it stops right now in the name of jesus so father i pray god that you will touch their brain you will touch hallelujah and their brain god i pray god that their brain will be worked will begin to work god at full capacity i pray father god that their arteries i will be god hallelujah that their sight they will have 20 20 vision we pray god that they will have good hearing we pray god hallelujah that we come against the muscles and the closing of the future i pray father god that you will allow them hallelujah to sound hallelujah the alarm in the camp of the enemy i pray god that you'll allow them to sing songs like never before i pray god just like david hallelujah i pray god that he david will begin to sit down and begin to write a psalm before you hallelujah when david's up when david's down when david's sick when david's healthy i pray god that he will begin to write a song before you just like your people i pray lord god that they will have hallelujah behold and healed god from any muscle spasms any arthritis in the name of jesus we come against all the pills and all the medication hallelujah that's doing harm to their body i come against the side effects and the medication in the name of jesus come on who your father i pray god that you'll allow the doctors hallelujah the doctors and the nurses and the people that are caring for them download strategy download healing anointing download a word god come on give them vision god give them what they need to keep tonight in the name of jesus god i pray lord god that you'll begin to anoint hallelujah every doctor and you'll begin to anoint every cna hallelujah i begin to touch the bodies and heal the wounds i pray god that the power come out of your holy spirit to flow through their hands give them the healing power yes but they need god yes in the name of jesus and we give you glory god glory promise to give you glory hallelujah in the name of jesus christ everybody release the praise for healing being in the land and we decree and we declare that within these three months that we will hear testimonies of healing that by your stripes that we are healed there is no sickness that is bigger than you we quote your word again in jeremiah 30 and 17 but i will restore to you health and heal your wounds you declare that god you've spoken you cannot lie so we decree and we declare those of you that are watching us online whatever your sickness is i need you to begin to put it on the screen those that are watching on the screen i need you to begin to rebuke whatever the sickness is on the screen if it is high blood of his heart whatever it is we rebuke it in the name of jesus there is no illness that is bigger than you and we quote your word that by your strengths we are healed by your stripes we are healed there is no sickness that is bigger than you and we stand on your word in jeremiah 13 17 but i will god you said that you would restore us to hell you said that you would restore us to hell so we pray god that restoration begin to come in the body we pray that those that we begin to say that they are stronger we begin to say those that are tired begin to say that they have health and strength and we declare we declare complete healing in your entire body from the top of your head to the soul of your feet we speak healing and we thank you god for the testimonies that are going to come in we thank you god for the testimonies that are going to come in because someone is at stage four cancer but god you are even bigger than stage four we rebuke the four we come against fear we come against the enemy that has been lying god prove yourself to be strong prove yourself to be mighty shut the mouth of the naysayer forgot our children need to see healing in the land our children need to know god that you are a god that healed so god we decree and we declare that healing is being released on your children right now on the body of christ we declare god healing is coming forth we pray god that you put the gift of healing in someone's hand god you say let them call for the elders and if they lay hands on them i pray god that when they lay hands god you will be glorified you will be glorified we will not take your glory but god you will be glorified god i pray for a tingling effect hi hey tom daddy i pray god that you validate the hand god i pray that they feel a warmth in their hand god and when they lay hands god we quote your word immediately immediately god they shall see results and we repeat god you will be glorified we are not doing it for ourselves we're not doing it that we can be looked at but god we will point everyone to you it will all be for your glory it will all be for your glory and we thank you god for the testimonies that are coming in that we will hear god what you have already done even in this prayer forgot there's somebody that is watching right now and we decree we declare that you are healed and we tell you to take up your bed and walk we tell you to take up your bed and walk we tell you to walk in the joy of the lord we tell you to walk in the strength of the lord we tell you that you are healed we tell you to go show yourself to your pastor hey i'm not about you the same way that you told the ten lepers go showing themselves to the high priest we release them to go show themselves god and when they show themselves god they will see that they have been healed because by your strengths we are healed and we thank you god we thank you god for peace peace god and we quote your word your word says peace i leave you my peace i give unto you we come against a tormenting spirit god we come against conflict we come against every demonic spirit that come to interrupt our peace in the name of jesus forgot there's somebody that is in a storm right now and we come against the anxiety attacks got the enemies beginning to hit their body their hearts are beating fast and they are sweating but god you breathed on them and said receive peace god i pray that who's ever listening and who's ever watching right now that the peace of god be released on them right now i pray god that they not have any more anxiety attacks can i get everybody to begin to pray against an anxiety attack we call your body to fall in line we tell the devil he is a liar from the top of your head to the sole of your feet we pray the peace of god we come against worry hey shaya we come against you staying up all night worrying about things we pray that god will begin to give you peace that god would give you peace that god will give you peace we come against the different things that you've been taking or drinking just to get a break from your reality we come against the spirit of addiction we come against the spirit of marijuana and alcohol and we pray god that you would teach your people to lean into you and to trust you in regards to everything that they have we come against the lie of the enemy they want them to believe that they cannot live in peace the devil is a liar now god once you give us peace then give us the ability to protect our peace in the name of jesus so we bind any person that's coming to interrupt our peace i pray god that you will give parents the ability to spark the spirit of manipulation that their children are using on them to disturb their peace i come against conflict between husbands and wives for god even david had a wife to try to take his peace but david did not get off his square so god for anyone that is married to someone and they're interrupting their peace i pray that they will stay in their square and not get off their throne god but god i pray that you would give them the ability to speak in a peaceful manner hey shaya i come against profanity i come against cursing i come against screaming and reality i pray god that we will stand still and say what we mean and mean what we say and not allow ourselves to begin to get out of character i pray god that you would even get into our words that god when we speak peace come in the room come on i need y'all to pray i pray god that when we open our mouths that peace come in the room i pray god that you sharpen our feet that wherever we go that peace go with us in our community on our job i come against any warfare on your job that is disturbing your peace i'm buying your supervisor and your manager with a spirit of hatred towards you and i tell the devil to shut up and sit down ah god you said god whatsoever we buying on earth shall be bound in heaven whatever we loose and there shall be loose in heaven so god i dying the witch i bind the warlock i bind the hater and i release the spirit of peace in the name of jesus peace in the living room the dining room the bedroom the kitchen god i come against any kind of conflict i come against the spirit of confrontation a spirit of confrontation and arguing and big beckering back and forth the devil is a liar we would not have arguing in our home but god there will be a spirit of peace in our home god we bind the enemy of conflict and confrontation for god it is coming across in a higher level in the government in the pulpit in the apostles in the prophets god it has been seated in high places but god i pray that you begin to dismantle the spirit of disruption come on here y'all i come against any negative word that has been spoken in the spirit realm in a high place and god we begin to clear the atmosphere and god we decree that the earth will be at peace and the earth will be at peace we come against the racial division god the fighting in the against races in the spirit god it is thick on the earth but god we decree and we declare that we will be at peace we come against police brutality we come against citizens that don't like police we come against all that god the devil is a liar and we decree and declare that the police will be at peace and the citizen will be at peace we buying this this democratic and republic warfare that is going on and we even speak into the government realm huh yeah y'all lay praying like i want you to pray and the government shall be on the shoulders that is and i pray god i come against this fighting and this bickering and this disrespect that we have to sit up and watch on tv that's being spread in the airwaves god i pray that your anointing be thicker than the bickering and the hollering i pray god that peace hit this earth that peace hit this earth and peace hit this earth we cover the united states of america we have an election coming up and some of them have already said that if a candidate lose that there will be a silver war the devil is a liar ah praying in here the devil is a liar i cover your city local rey say i pray god for discernment i pray that the government begin to dismantle those that have begun to load up and begin to prepare for war the devil is a liar we dismantled the hand of the enemy our sons would not be shot at our daughters would not be shot at our homes would not be shot at we would not have this racial division the devil is a liar i pray that you shut the mouth of the devil i don't care what seat they sit in god you god your word says that the heart of the king is in the lord's hand i pray god that you begin to turn the heart and shut the mouth of those that sit in seats of authority and we decree and we declare that you left peace and we gonna live in peace sir that you left peace and we're going to live in peace we will have peace in our city we will have peace in our country we will have peace in our homes and we will have peace in our body we will have peace in our country we will have peace in our city we will have peace in our home and we will have peace in our body we will have peace in our country we will have peace in our city we will have peace in our home and we will have peace in our body open your mouth those in the building those that are watching online and begin to worship god for peace in your country for peace in your city for peace in your home and for peace in your body and receive the peace of god and receive the let the wheat say i am strong that the weak say i am strong let the wheat say i am strong let the weak say i am strong if the weak say i am strong inhale exhale let the weak say i am strong let the weak say i am strong let the weak say i am strong let the weak say i am strong we pray for strength right now god we have three minutes come on everybody stand we have three minutes god we have people that are tired we have people that are frustrated we have people that are weak we have people that feel like samson when his hair had been cut off and his eyes had been plucked out but god even when he brought him out for play he prayed so god what do we do now we pray god even at a weak moment that you would give us strength god simpson prayed with this one blow let me have vengeance for what the enemy has done god with this one prayer let victory come forth i pray for strength every parent i pray that you get the strength you need i know that you're tired of being in the house with your kids they're at school you will not you are not a teacher you are not a teacher and your frustration is getting the best of you and you are feeling depleted but i pray that god give you the oil temporarily to do what needs to be done come on here come on the strength of god the strength of god we come against a relenting spirit and we have been called to go forward under the messiah we will not stand still we will not go backwards but god you about to give us strength i pray god that you put a push in our spirit come on here i pray god that you put a push god send the east wind the same wind that you sent for the children of israel send it to us in the spirit realm not just to divide whatever's blocking us but to push us over for god we declare we're going to make it out of this year strong come on y'all i need to hear you yes the strength of god beyond you right now the strength of god beyond you right now the strength of god i come against i bind your words i'm tired i shut them words now and i put another word in place i'm strong come on here i am stronger than i've ever been and the strength of god is on me and the spirit of the lord came upon simpson and the spirit of the lord came upon samson and the spirit of the lord be upon us right now and the spirit of the lord be within us right now that we can do what the natural man could never do we call the supernatural we pray god that you will give us strength to do the supernatural i get the loss i'm about to give you supernatural in your job come on here i'm in somewhere i need you to come on come on come on come on come on come on pray with me god we pray for the supernatural we pray for the supernatural we pray that you add the super to the natural we pray god that your anointing be strong on us we need shrimp to preach we need shrimp to pasta we need strength to parrot we need strength to take care of business we need strength to live on this earth for god i come against the spirit of suicide for somebody to feel like they strong enough to take it greater is he that is within you everybody wherever you are lift your hands because the strength of god is about to come on you close your eyes [Music] [Music] strength god strength god i pray that he give you strength in your legs yeah i pray a caleb anointed on you come on let's go i pray a caleb anointing on you i pray that you'll be stronger now as you were then because he's the god who was and is and is to come i pray a caleb anointing on you that whatever opportunity come that you'll be strong enough to get what's yours yeah shia come on begin to say the strength of god the supernatural strength of god this ain't your vitamins this god this is not your workout this is god in my shy shrimp to raise your kids shrimp to be single stripped to be a prayer warrior come on lift your hands got anybody to get up this early you call them to pray so i pray god for the strength of the intercessor i come against the spirit of frustration that's trying to hit the intercessor i pray that the intercessor find peace in you i pray that the intercessor be healed so that they can pray i pray god that you begin to strengthen the intercessor let the intercessor wake up praying in tongues let the inner sister go to bed praying god when you wake the inner sense of up let them go into prayer i pray god that you begin to begin to get in the belly of the intercessor i pray for the strength of the intercessor i pray god for the lord to be the innocent for the house i come against anybody trying to weigh you out i pray for the innocence for the body of christ i pray that god give you supernatural strength when you can't do nothing else i pray that you hit your face i pray that you be not weary and well doing due season you gonna reap if you faint nine i pray god that you begin to raise up the intercessor i pray god that you begin to give the inner sense of strength god because as the innocent should get tired the earth is in trouble god i pray for the intercessor i pray for every innocence of right now i pray that god give you strength to stand up i pray that god gives you sin strength to resist i pray that god give you strength to cry out in the midnight hour i pray god deal with us in our dreams god show us what we need to pray about let us not waste time in any area and the strength of god be on you and the strength of god be on you and the strength of god be on you and we decree and we declare that we will give healings of testimony we have testimonies of healing and we have testability of peace and that we will have testimonies of strength and we decree and we declare in the last three months that people are being healed people are getting peace and people are getting stressed and it is so in jesus name open your mouth and worship god for 10 seconds let me hear you glory to god yeah my shire come on if you're watching on the line of unable to say i am healed i am healed come on say i am at peace and i have strength say for the last three months i will be healed for the last three months i will be at peace and for the last three months i will be stronger than i've ever been in my entire life oh my god yay i need you to release the praise wherever you are those in the building open your mouth and release the praise and our assignment is complete put the camera on this on this so every for the rest of the year we're going to get our things we're going to put them on the wall we're going to put them on the wall and we're going to stand on it and we're going to begin to get testimonies of these various areas that we're going to press in prayer for the next three months buckle up let's go god bless you stay strong send this prayer to someone that you know that needs it you go back and listen to it again um those of y'all that are getting frustrated with your kids at home i need you to really get the strength and the peace you need because i'm feeling a strong spirit of frustration god got you and he's gonna give you the super on your natural god bless you you
Channel: Pastor John F. Hannah
Views: 32,835
Rating: 4.9228296 out of 5
Keywords: pastor hannah, JFH, Let's go Bible, John Hannah, john hannah, pastor john hannah, john f hannah ministries
Id: XSLG_uIVevg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 18sec (3678 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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