Pastor Hannah Saturday Night DEVOTION: Your NOW is on YOU!

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what's going on everyone can I get as many of you all to share me as you can if you're on Facebook can you share me periscope can you share me wherever you are it is our Saturday night devotion come on in I apologize for being late um gotta fix some things but come on in come on in those of y'all that know how to share me can I get you to share me all right let's go it is our Saturday night devotion and we are ready to move quickly come on in show me show me show me show me show me make it happen as quickly as you can I let's go all right preferably as many of you all have already signed up and gotten registered for the first the first having our first online prayer conference is scheduled to take place on June the 12th it is a Friday from 12 noon to 12 midnight now we need as many of you all to register how do you register you just have to go to 12 our prayer comm one to our prayer comm that is it one to our prayer comm and you can read it it is not just a prayer service is so much more can I get as many of y'all they believe in it it's part of it I also would need you all to begin to share it on your page get the flyer and share it on your page all right come on quickly let me get as many of you all to share it as you possibly can all right let's go we about to get into this Bible all right let's go we getting as many of you all to what are we doing you're not sharing me you're sharing the word and we're moving quickly all right let's go um I put a post up earlier the news did something in regards to Kovac 19 and how it is affecting more Hispanics are affected but more blacks are dying and it comes to this whole cover thing more Hispanics are testing positive but more blacks are dying and then everyone went into an uproar on yesterday when President Trump came out and made his announcement telling governor's to open up churches this weekend without checking to making sure to make sure that everything is in place and then after he made his announcement he took no questions and he just walked off the stage and left it's almost like you throw a bomb in a room and then you just walk out and you um and you leave and everybody is like what and then of course now when I'm watching on social medias that believers are now attacking one another because that those that say we're not ready then we're asking where's your faith and those that say that they are ready they were asked was saying to them how foolish you are um guys please um if anything I would say is based upon who you Pastor and where you live follow the numbers look at it it's no lie if you look at the front page of the New York Times they have close to a hundred thousand names of people who have died due to cold it my team and then we have to be careful please believers please be careful because these say weed you ain't got no faith we believe in the blood of Jesus there are many believers Christians bishops mothers pastors who have died of kovat 19 please Saints don't be insensitive to people we know that a building does not dictate our worship but we want to make sure that everything is in place do you not know that the White House has it set up that everyone that works for them has to get tested every day every day you cannot come in that building and not be tested every day why because they are protecting but then you just come and tell us open up what's in place what's in place have you checked out the numbers in your community do you even know the numbers in your church so I said on my post watch and pray watch and pray we have to watch and pray in any one Shepherds we have to pray I beg you seek the Lord while he may be found and those of y'all that say that I'm ready then please have compassion on those that are not ready the last thing that we need to do is to begin to attack one another and then he says that he's gonna override governor's and so forth know your love no history what he says that he could do he can't do and I just want to be careful that we're not being caught up in a political campaign but putting our lives in jeopardy that's all I say be careful that we're not being baited in a political campaign move cuz any believes you open abortion clinics and you open liquor cellars and you say that's essential and then you gonna say that the house of God is that he sent you just be careful you know pray for discernment pray for discernment alright that's all I'll say new life I ask that you pray for me that God give me wisdom clarity and direction but as for tomorrow we will be online as for tomorrow we will be on line 7:39 7t 11:30 and 1:30 showing his church 11:30 teen church again at 1:30 all right let's get our Bibles let's get our Bibles this is what I believe we were praying early rebuking a hundred thousand there would not be we'd accreted and we Clary and we were saying they became said the numbers of decreases we take back those numbers are not gonna be that high and then man got involved and say forgive this come out now and bodies are falling like flies bodies are falling like flies watch and pray that's all I say all right get your Bibles get your bucks um all right so let's go tomorrow passage ammonia and I will be preaching from the Gospel according to mark the fifth chapter and when we say my next is now my next is now if I were to ask many of you are how many of you are what a move of God how many of us are praying for revival how many of us want to see God move in a great way not just corporately but in your personal life in your personal life um how do how do you know when there's a move of God allow me to show you as we speak of a woman than many of us we've heard this sermon on numerous occasions the woman with the issue of blood how long has she been bleeding a total of 12 years 12 years non-stop bleeding the Bible says that she has spent all that she had going from Doctor to doctor then the Bible says nothing got better but rather grew works she is at a place of frustration but there's a part of her that believes that it doesn't have to end like this if I were to ask many of you other question what is your point of frustration what has gotten you to the point that you I totally frustrated what is the thing that is frustrated you is it being locked in the house is it something going on in your family is this something going on in your body is this something or only your finances is this something going on in the religious community um what is it um I believe that God allows frustration to come to build a seat I'll say that again God allows frustration to come to build a seek seek him while he may be found he that hunger and thirst after righteousness shall be filled this woman was at the point of frustration the question is and tonight I want to speak from the subject your now is on you your now is on you I need you to take ownership that you are going to be the intricate part of turning your situation all right you are going to be the intricate part of terming your situation be careful and I'm saying this respectfully of those of us that are in seats of authority that we don't make you think that you need us for God to deliver you I believe in the corporate setting I believe in that so wholeheartedly um I believe in pastorship I believe in all of that but I need you to hear me you my brothers and my sisters play an intricate part in how your life will turn oh my god I'll say that again you my brothers and my sisters um if you don't take ownership then you'll always blame others when your life doesn't work out all right if you don't take ownership you will always blame others that your life didn't take didn't turn out right even take ownership when you did wrong even take all when you move prematurely even take ownership when you did when you didn't act right even take ownership when you fail even take ownership when you didn't do right I need God is blessing mature people come on here God is blessing but sure people you ready so let's go back so this woman has an issue of blood and it's for 12 years now we don't know how um-um her occupation we don't know her name we don't know um what the doctors have said but what we do know is that she has run from doctor the doctor what we do know is that she has run out of money and again I repeat God allows us to reach a level of frustration to build up a seat all right so let me show you how her life begins to turn let me show you what she did and I this thing ministered to me so cuz I'm so busy waiting on people to get on board but I hear the Lord say everybody take ownership for those of you are there ready for your occupation to change you take ownership for those who are there ready for your spiritual life to change you take ownership but y'all don't want to see your family change you take ownership are you ready let's go they have three words I want you to three three phrases I want you to write down um what I hear come over here what I see and what I do write that down my turn my next is based on what I hear my next is based on what I see my next is based on what I do come on take ownership let's say that again my next is based on what I hear my next is based on what I see my next is based on what I do that is powerful to me I take ownership from my own seek my god you ready the Bible says in mark 5 5 and justice sake verse 27 that's where we're gonna stay first seven and when she what heard I take ownership for what I hear when she heard about Jesus he is she came up behind him she aligned herself she saw him I take ownership on what I focused in on and who I focus in on I take ownership on what I hear I take ownership on what I see and then the Bible says she came up behind him in the crowd he's a lion and did what and touched his cloak I take ownership on what I do come on here I take ownership on what I hear I take ownership on what I see and I take ownership on what I did this is wrapped it up her life changes base off not with somebody else here's what she hears not what somebody else sees what she sees not what somebody knows does what she decides to do all right let me give you just grew quickly three examples that this next move is based on what you hear what you see and what you do let's go back home um Mount Sinai children Israel sang around the mountain watch me a move of God what do they hear they hear thunder they hear lightning what did they see they see the smoke the glory of God come on here do what come on the mountain what do they do they run what does Moses do he goes up oh come over here let's go by me everybody hears it everybody sees it but everybody don't do the same thing come on let's go Bible you ready what's it's pretty ready Mount Sinai with it what do what what do we hear we hear thunder please we hear lightning what do we see we see the smoke descend on the crowd what do we do children of Israel become fearful run watch me what does Moses do grab Joshua it go up you better hear me some people are afraid of the move of God everybody's not gonna be eager to go up some are going to run backwards but I'm saying for some of y'all based on what you hear based on what you see and based on what you do determines what you get alright let's go back home ready let's go back um that's what I'm on caramel let's go to Mount Carmel what do they hear what did you what did you elijah elijah say he said um i hear the sound of what i hear move of God the sound it hasn't rained in three years but I hear the sound come on here ah he he that hath an ear let him hear some of y'all the Holy Ghost is begin to speak loud and clear to you in your spirit you are hearing that your your next is now your next is now your next is now how many are hearing me your next is now your next is now based on what I hear now watch me what do I see he hears a sound first of all they see nothing come on here I need you to still maintain your faith when you don't see anything yet the Bible says he ran back a couple of times say I see nothing then finally what do you see I see change here's the line I need you to get it what I'm looking at doesn't compare to what I heard but it's not what I originally saw I see change pay attention to the small changes because what you see determines what you're gonna do next I hear the sound of an abundance of rain but at first I saw nothing but now I see the cloud the signs of a man hand now what you do next gird yourselves up let's get down cause it's about to go down prepare for the abundance and the Bible says he grabs his cloak he tucks it and he to run off the mountain knowing that the clouds are going to begin to gather come over here what did he stood there saying well I guess that ain't gonna happen don't forget he told he told a.m. except at my word except which means that I realized that I have the power to speak that's why that's why it's important to be careful that what you hear because what you hear determines what you go see in what you see determines what you're gonna do now what you're going to do next and then they get the sound ready let's go further let's go into the New Testament the Upper Room ready they're locked in the room they locked in a room and they hear a mighty rushing wind and there appeared unto them cloven tongues what I hear what I see what I do and they received the Holy Ghost they were open everybody I need you to pay attention you're next is on you you're next is on you based on what you hear some of you are the Lord is saying I'm going to need you to guard your ear gates you cannot afford please listen to me to be around too much negativity because if you hear too much negativity it's gonna begin to affect how you see things even if God gave you something if you hear the wrong thing you better hear me you better hear me it begins to affect how you see things cuz let's back it up on a natural point um some of y'all never met a person but then you've heard about them because based on what you heard basically determines how you gonna feel when you see them come my next is on me my next is on me what I hear what I see is what I focus in on hear me clearly and the Bible says she came up behind him in other words she is focused on him please hear me people of God this is natural and spiritual for some of you are in the natural ramp he's calling you you've heard it but you're not focused you're not focused and Donna saying I need you to align yourself with what you've been hearing do you hear me talking to you what you hear what you see now the term is what you what did she do and then she reaches for what she knows is going to change her life can i you gotta reach now let's look now I need something I'll do really pay attention um let's talk about we in a move of God um in church many times there could be a move of God based on what I hear watch me based even on what I see I see people going after God question what do you do do you sit there and wait on something to hit you in the top of your head um you waiting to catch something or do you reach for what is in the building you better hear me talking to you even tonight as I speak you are listening to me you are seeing me but what are you gonna do in your own private homes when we're done you better cuz I you could hear me you can see me but if you don't reach if you don't take authority and begin to reach and begin to come on go after the things that you know can change your situation based on what I hear based on what I see and based on what I do can we go Bible let's go back go to the 29th verse based on what you hear based on what you see and based on what you do then the Bible says immediately come on here Eve meet my next is now my next is now my next is now when I hear God when I see a move I'm reaching I'm going for it I'm going for it we are in our homes and some of you are you are hearing you are seeing it but you're not doing oh let's go bye-bye let's go you sit watch me you hear it people you're hearing the preach word you're hearing the worship you even sitting up watching it on TV but you're not reaching come over here you're not reaching you are not reached watch me but if you were in the building come over here you will be all the altar like this you'll be laid out on the floor help watch me so so you mean to tell me the only time you could reach is it a builder the only time that you can reach is if you around people cuz she had no support group she was in a crowd but she was on her own she was in the crowd but she was on her own some of y'all you've been hearing about what God wants you to do you've been seeing everything just lining up but you haven't done your part your next is on you your next is on you you better hear me your next is on you and the Bible says immediately immediately what happens her the thing that frustrated her stopped her bleeding stopped hey god I hear you today even I mean if you hear it if you see it and if you do it immediately certain things that frustrate you I'm going to stop my god Who am I talking to Who am I talking to Who am I talking to come on here somebody I've been chilling you've heard it you've seen it but you mean you're not doing anything he says when she reached for him and touched him immediately stop what if she had heard what if she has seen but never reached what does she had heard but she has seen but never reached we are dealing in a day in time that people are hearing more word than they have ever heard in their life y'all are internet surfing y'all are seeing more than you ever seen but what are you doing you cannot have any mediate until you reach II watch me things won't change until you reach for what you know is going help you change immediately the bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was free from her suffering and she without going to a doctor without going to get another physical exam without needing anybody's opinion it's all based on what she heard question who's been talking to you lately who's been in your ear who you've been listening to what you've been watching what have you been watching last question what you've been doing what have you been doing cuz if you want your situation to change your next is on you let's wrap it up she reached what does he waiting on you to do the woman with the alabaster box she not just her not just the box she gave up herself she got completely out of character she's crying she's kissing the woman with the alabaster box basically has a I don't care attitude I don't care what nobody think I don't come on nobody say I'm here oh my oh I'm going broke what you doing the ten lepers what they do they have it together what they do they got his attention what did they do he said now go show yourselves it watch me as they went what do they do they kept it moving some of you ought to stop moving some of you ought to stop moving you did run well who did hinder you the key thing right here for me is that what you do cuz you're next is on you you're next is on you you're next is on you Jesus says now we'll show you something too high praise the bounces and adds they went they were healed another when they begin to walk together they begin to look at each other was it me and then one turned around what'd he do what'd he do what'd he do I walked with you but now based upon what I'm looking at for me I turn around I go back and I worship God y'all got Hill but I was made whole based on what what you do what you do the blind man whose friends brought him to Jesus and he took him what'd he do he let Jesus have him what'd he do he let Jesus spit him what'd he do he let Jesus asked him do you see what'd he do he was honest what'd he say I see ministries what'd he do he stood there he stayed in the presence of God until he touched him again what'd he do he was stored fool Jarius what'd he do he went after Jesus what'd he do prayed and asked him to come to his house what'd he do broke Jesus led him to the house what'd he do waited on the woman at issue it should blood to get her thing what'd he do got the bad news what'd he do Jesus never said don't doubt just believe what'd he do Chuck believed him what'd he do keep it moving what'd he do take him in his house what'd he do let him put everybody out there don't belong here some of y'all he keep trying to put people out they don't belong there but you keep bringing her back in what'd he do what'd he do what'd he do he only brought a few in the room that could make sure that the miracle took place question what have you been doing based on what you hear based on what you see based on what you do determines if you'll get an immediately Wow based on what you hear based on what you see last one to me is the most important because it takes ownership based on what you do if you don't do nothing you need not expect not just cause you hear it just cuz you see it don't mean you don't get it Wow so this is what I want to do but even with the 12 hour is all about hearing it's all about see but it's all about getting you to do what needs to be done even if you can't be in the building can you pray even if you can't be in the building can you lock in your house and lay prostrate on the floor even if you can't get in the building can you still lift your hands I can you where she God what should we do this is good somebody just typed the question what should we do you ready this is really good thank you for answering like asking that question and I got the answer he says those that are mine know my voice those that are mine know my voice based on what you're here I say to you as Mary said to the waiters at the wedding when they ran out of wine when they ran out of wine I say to you as Mary said to the servants listen to me what's so ever he tells you to do doggone it you better do it and everybody hear me most of the times what he tells you to do don't make sense most other times would he listen listen listen listen see we can't go spiritual we can go natural this is let's let's go natural first let's go natural something I've been praying asking God God I need a house I want a house okay what have you heard what have you seen have you began to monitor and begin to look at houses what have you done have you begin to save have you begin to stack anything have you began to clear your creditor have you begat me let's just talk cuz it's on you you're next is on you you're next is on you I want a new job really okay let's talk I hate my job I hate my job ready forgot this a really okay let's all that's all okay what have you heard what have you been listening to if you've only been listening to the news that say millions of people are out of work that might not be what you need to be listening to because what you hear is gonna affect how you see things it's gonna affect how you see things okay so then after you see it then what do you do based upon you what you heard miss what what you saw tell me I'll just set an example um ain't no need to me a plan right now cuz obviously ain't nobody hire stop do you hear me based on what you hear based upon what you see now what are you gonna do they're like some people who are in my marriage is my marriage is work really well what you what have you been listening to who have you been listening to clearly realistic what have you been paying attention to and the last thing what a you're gonna do about it what are you gonna do about it for those of you all I need you to hear me can I replace what some of y'all have heard can I replace what you some of y'all have been saying can you pay attention to me real quick um I know that you've heard and if this is gonna be hard times for everybody and people are losing their jobs and things are going down I need you to hear me we are not participating we are not participating I'm not losing anything I'm not going down I will remain to be the head and not the tail I will remain to be the lender and not the borrower I'm not participating but let's just say what based upon what you hear they say based upon what you see now what are you gonna do and sometimes sometimes guys sometimes is your doing is standing still and believing God like what are you going to do about it that's right that's it you ready guys hear me clearly I believe the strongest thing the strongest the hardest thing is what you do the hardest thing it's what you do can I be honest and y'all not think that I'm rebuking you or that I'm being evil can I be honest with you can I be okay Fermi up for me up for me up let me be honest um I have never this is a this is a time that we have heard more then our previous generations have ever heard you have so much access to hear and to see some amazing things you have access you can literally get a done degree sitting in your house yep you can get a degree city is your house based on what you hear and based on what you see we are around people who hear more see more internet has given looking to me up some of y'all are in other states you are in other countries and God is give you the ability to hear me that give you the ability to see me but when this goes off what you're gonna do but you're gonna reach fun but you're gonna try to do cuz your necks is on you your mix is on you somebody say information overload you've done nothing guys please don't think I'm going off on you please um let's stop there are two people that go to my church that I have done business with in real estate darling and Jerome darling and Jerome Jerome Cooke if you talk to both of them they will both tell you that I called them what you do what you do I called them based upon what I heard and based upon what I saw I called them and said to them I'm ready I'm ready let's do this let's do this the house that my wife and I live in right now I heard God go over here go over here check this out now is that I hear I heard stack I heard save I heard prepare I heard prepare because some of y'all your blessing can come to you but if you're not prepared cuz you didn't do what needed to be done and when I made those phone calls they will both tell you that I was able to do what needed to be done to get what I know that God told me I can have do you hear me talking to you and for some of you are I believe that this is the the timeline that God is saying I need you to monitor what you're hearing I need you to monitor what you're seeing but I really need you to monitor what you are doing cuz I love you oh I love you I love you but some of you are you're not doing anything you're not girona zone what later on say a mayor drone is on here Jurong could tell you yeah yeah I'm not gonna go am I gonna go deep in detail but I was about to waste some money I was gonna waste some money and I was going to do some stupid I was going to go buy a boat oh yes yo guys why am I always so open honest and transparent I was gonna buy a boat cuz I just thought the way that it would look black man from the hood pulling up in his boat huh that's flesh that's flesh and as I was in my flesh I heard the Holy Spirit say do your homework do homework I was at a boat show I went to the boat show at the McCormick that's how serious I was went to the boat show start pricing boats and hull so do your homework he that hath an ear let him hear I did my homework I was like okay so how much does it cost to store this in the winter months how much does it cost to park it in Chicago in the summer months what is the upkeep of a boat year what's the tags they go alone with this vote and I just when I finally edit everything up I just saw a never-ending deal and the Lord began to say to me this this isn't good based upon what you hear based upon what you see final thing what you do this isn't good guess what so I'm back in prayer and I begin to seek the Lord okay what then what do you have for me because you've been having me to save for something and every Sunday night after the church I would come home and I've hit the Internet and I was just searching for properties for properties for properties an investment something is gonna make you money something nesco for four properties four properties what you do what you don't tell me what you've heard don't tell me what you saw tell me what you're doing because your next is on you and tonight I believe that God has sent me to push some of you are cuz your next is now but you better reach for it you better reach reach for change look at me reach for change reach for change for some ago even now he's saying be at either you haven't been who would start tithing now people of faith tell me all right now this is the perfect time to sit down and begin to do the outline of your book this is perfect time right now to do homework or what did it take for you to get your degree this is a perfect time to sit down write out your business plan this is the perfect time to do what you do but you cannot do nothing I have a lot telling me to tell some someone enough time has been wasted now reach my topic enough time has been wasted now reach reach but you hear what you see what you do I have to get ready to go but I want you guys to tell me out of those three what do you know needs to change what you're hearing what you're seeing of what you're doing out of those three which do you say needs to change is it what you're hearing to see an immediately to be freed from what had you and to feel that thing down in your soul out of the three what do you think needs to be changed is it what you hear what you see or what you do and I could promise you mostly I can say what I do but what do you say I want I want to read your comments and we get ready to go alright I want to read your comments um give me some good come on let me hear let me give you what are you saying reach come on doing doing come on doing what else when I do come on yeah do something different what I do come on periscope I see you when I do Facebook I see you come on when I'm doing what I'm doing what I'm doing what I'm doing if you keep doing what you've always been doing which is nothing then you'll keep getting what you've always been getting what I do what I do what I did what I do what I do what I do what I do what I do it but what I'm doing what I'm doing I know it all right so I'm gonna pray that God will send the east wind in your direction to push you and for some of you all I need you to prepare cause change is coming if you didn't hear Thursday nights Bible study it was amazing hearing and doing something I have the wrong people in your ear some of y'all have the wrong people in your ear but you need anybody that's talking crazy and negative unplug now watch me some people can't correct you but you cannot be around negativity now what I did what I do what I do whatever wow wow wow wow well my Nexus now but it's only it's on me it's on me all right so I want you to take ownership um I need at least pay attention because I need something out to do it if I know what I feel what I feel um I feel something miraculous is going to happen at that 12 hour prayer conference I feel I literally feel that something miraculous is going to happen how many at least 400 of you tonight to do it do what I need you to go straight go like go straight to 12 our prayer calm and register and register someone say well I can't go then I need you to sew into somebody else go in there's a sponsorship page things have to change and I need I need you I need you to hear me things have to change they to change alright and you about to do some amazing things can I just speak left for a minute you are about to do some amazing things you are about to rock it you are about to shock yourself you are going to do you about to walk on water you are about to go higher than you've ever gone in your life you are about to save like you have never saved you're about to be 100% debt-free you're about to pay off credit cards you're not going to repeat this you're about to start a new chapter in your life you you you my brothers and my sisters allow me to speak lie for one minute you are about to get a fresh opportunity and when that opportunity comes my brothers and my sisters you will be prepared for everything that God has for you you are about to meet some amazing people you my brothers and my sisters I about to meet your divine connection you my brothers and my sisters about to see who's with you who's not with you you my brothers and my sisters he's about to enlarge your territory you my brothers and my sisters your name is about to be brought up your phone is about to ring your inbox is about to be hit and it's not gonna be hit with any kind of food as use whatsoever it's gonna be hit with something that's about to change your life and we decree and we declare the things that you have gone through for years I'm going to cease immediately come over here some things that you have had to wrestle with and deal with for years because of what you heard because of what you see and because of what you are doing it is going to happen for you immediately and some things that had you bound God is about to literally set you free my god allow me to speak like to you I decree and I declare that you're about to wake up early you're not about to sit around the house you're about to get up and do what it do and make it do what it do you about to get around other Eagles and stop hanging out with some pigeons you about to soar you are about to break through generational curses and bloodline curses you are about to move come over here you are about to change your address you you my brothers and my sisters you are about to be approved oh my god you are about to be approved you are about to get your degree you are about to write your book you are about to audition for something that's going to be amazing and you are going to be approved you my brothers and my sisters are about to get out of your comfort zone and you my brothers and my sisters are about to walk on water you my brothers and my sisters are about to go higher you my brothers and my sisters are about to be launched but show next is on you Wow whoo Wow listen I want at least a hundred of you to sew into the word on tonight if you're going to cash app can someone put my cash up up it is the money sign it is capital H holy J John and then the number two you can so tonight let me get a hundred of you you can get five ten twenty what's up Chris I want you to so and when you when you saw what the word that you're going to sew in is I'm doing it that's your word I'm doing it I'm sewing into I'm doing it I'm doing it that's it the money sign and it's holy John - let me get at least a hundred of you you can so five ten twenty whatever you feel led to do so you it's all you whatever you feel later if you don't feel it then don't so but I know for a fact the increase comes sewing there's a young lady that basically cash Epps me everyday and she's kept up with the number of days that she's been sewing I think she's like on day 45 and what I've noticed is there's my paypal on holy Jenna her sewing is increasing Wow I just look whenever she can shop me I just sit at her - hands up like you kill in the game if it's $2 sheis illative his father and then hurt her sewing has increased comes your next is own my paypal is holy john can somebody put my paper on facebook let's make it happen you do what you do you do what you do all right meet us tomorrow 7:30 9:30 11:30 and 1:30 great fuss tomorrow let's go take this and a whole nother turn on tomorrow take it in a hold of the turn at least 400 of you all every day I know it that's what I said I stay out of her business I stay out of her business but I will say to you this I see increase that's all I say that's all I'm saying I see increase and I stay out of her business all right all right I love you guys pray for me go to 12 our prayer calm and make sure you sign up those of you that have already signed up I need you to post it I need you to tell she killed in the game okay she killed in the game she killed the game but hey that's uh I said a business all I see is increase oh my god Amy and I think it might have been like today yes sir I like really pray like God I need you to do something supernatural for this young lady Natasha Robin said I love you I need you to do something supernatural for this young lady for real I need you to count up her scenes and blow her mind all right I love you guys more than I could ever Express pray for me pray for Anna Hanna Dean Johnson don't come up in this church late I love you guys I gotta go y'all keep hope alive holla deuces
Channel: Pastor John F. Hannah
Views: 3,208
Rating: 4.9340658 out of 5
Keywords: #johnhannah, #pastorhannah, #bible, #devotion, #prayer
Id: fq9kqbUp-ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 58sec (3358 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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