Staying strong in your faith | Prayer with Pastor John F. Hannah

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last name we call out the Jones last name we call out the Parrish last name I need everybody begin to say your last name out loud I've got every last name that is being missing around the world we're in right now we are going to be doing these prayer meetings because we believe in the power of prayer I did a post earlier today and I said to everyone please be careful what you allow to come out of your mouth Saints of the Living God I need you to be careful that you don't that you don't say it's only gonna get worse I need you not to say we're gonna be just like Italy I need you not to say it's gonna be worse than it was in China I need those words not to come out of the mouths of the believers why because the Bible said that the power of life and death is in the tongue even if you are around a conversation and they begin to talk like that I need you not to agree with them even if you hold your peace and begin to cast a words down in the spirit I need you not to add to that conversation because we are the ones that have power the power of life and death is in our confession so what do we do we pray and we speak life we speak life to all my innocences in other cities and other countries I need you to get your press carves why do we have our press carves this is our point of contact this is our point of contact many of you have X well how do I get the press carve you go to John F Hannah calm I say that again everybody put that on the screen somebody on periscope put it on screen somebody on Facebook turn on screen somebody on the new lock company website put it on screen it's John F Hannah calm and you can order your prayer scarves they'll be shipped to you they'll be mailed to you and you can get the point of contact all right but everyone else that if you have your press carves I need you to get your press cars and only thing I need you to just say on there is got it gotta gotta gotta gotta gotta gotta got it alright and we are going to pray alright um let me give you my scripture that we go stand on tonight alright isn't first John 5 and 14 first John 5 and 14 please everyone let's stand on description this is the confidence we have in approaching God that if we ask anything according to his will and he would that we would prosper and be in good health that is his will alright let's go he hears us and if we know that he hears us whatever we ask we know that we have what we ask of him we know that we have what we ask of him I must say that again we we know that we have something up at the wrong website down Lord help the people it's John it's for the whole name out F Hannah dot-com alright we know that we have it there's another word I need you to read to read in that it says confidence you got to be confident he they're coming to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that do what diligently seek Him diligently seek Him alright so we are going to pray this virus that has arrested the world the world it is in every state of the United States of America it has completely covered our map y'all better hear me we believe that God is sovereign and I have taught many of you all that some things happen only to boost your prayer life to run you back to God and I need the church to hear me clearly so they came up with an ordinance that now they have this thing that we don't lock down in Chicago that does not mean that you preachers cannot go to your church and stream your services you better hear me dance stations are open banks are open grocery stores are open open your church they might not be able to come in there but get in your building and stream your services I'll say that again and stream your services you got to hear me you have not been locked out of your church if you have to have a small production team somebody to hold a camera somebody to turn the mic on do that but do not lock the house of God you might not even have your congregation look at us I mean I mean last night we didn't have an audience what do we do we brought in a small group of people we make sure we got hand sanitizer we got hands anybody play no matter we're doing everything we're supposed to do we um spacing everybody out why cuz we need to get this gospel out here but hearing the world is scared and what if God allowed this thing to happen just to change people to here same thing that happened in 9/11 when those planes went into the to those towers churches were fool y'all better hit me seize this moment seize this moment and let's get people let's get on here let's preach this gospel and someone said look it's gonna be too many churches on listen to me people are streaming all over the world porn is being sent all over the world then send the gospel let's open this thing up let's call on Jesus and I believe that when we call on him gosh I when the saints let's go here I'll give you this we gonna go into prayer if you study the book of Judges this is carefully the children of Israel would end up in sin when they ended up as sin God would turn them over to slavery when God would turn them over to slavery they would begin to offer a supplication when it opened up supplication God would raise up watch me salvation when salvation came then they had a season of silence but it didn't come until supplication goes on front up whenever they cried unto God God would turn the situation y'all better hit me he won't turn until you pray come over here he won't turn until you pray what father ignores the cries of his children if any parent that is listening right now if you were in the house and your kid was outside screaming you would not stay in the house and say I'm not going out there you would drop everything and run out to go see about your children Saints can you imagine if the whole body of Christ begin to cry Jesus come over here heaven will stand heaven will open and answer us stand on this scripture alright let's begin the print everyone knows that when we pray we always start out with adoration why are the regeneration because that is what heaven is surrounded by we build up a vocabulary by Warren Guardian everyone on the screen without asking for anything yet you just add your words of adoration what are your words of adoration you ready if you don't know what to say type what you hear me say all right but you have to release a word of adoration adoration me to adore him without asking for anything we're just gonna adore God just for a few minutes hallelujah we honor you we magnify you we glorify you you are God you agree you are mighty you are excellent you have a God let's sit on the throne and we open our mouths and we release glory unto you on tonight you are God you are God you are the only true and living God you are alert you are aware you are sovereign you know all you see all and we open our mouths is your children and we give you glory we call you Abba Father we call you our Father we are your children we are the Sheep of your pasture we give you glory you are our healer you are deliverer you are our provider you are a substance you are our sustainer and we open our mouths and we give you glory on and we open our mouths and we give you glory let's spread prayer everybody share it on your page let's we gonna release prayer over the United States of America we give you glory in Chicago whatever state that you in I need you to begin to release whatever city you in whatever state you in and begin to call those out we give you glory in Indiana we give you glory in Georgia come over here we give you glory in North Carolina we call you magnificent in Atlanta but there is nobody like you you are God we are spread out all over the world and we shout to the god of our salvation that you are great that you are mighty that you are wonderful that you are excellent that you are holy you are the god that never make a mistake you have a god that see all know all aware of everything that is going on and we lift our hands and we say hallelujah to our God we bless the Lord at all times and in his praises shall continually be in our mouth we honor you from Jacksonville Como here we give you glory in New York come over here where the enemy think that he is winning in New York the Saints of the Most High standing up and saying glory be to our God great is the Lord and greatly to be praised great is the Lord and greatly to be praised we sound the alarm you are holy we sound the alarm that you are mighty we sound the alarm that you are great we sound the alarm that you add magnificent we sound the alarm that you are God The Fool has said in his heart there is no god but we God shout loud and clear that you are the risen one you're the one that hung on the cross you're the one that came to earth and died for us and it's now sitting on the right hand of the Father you are mediator you advocate you are our intercessor and we give you glory under a lot of a Shia we open our mouths and we say hallelujah to the great I am hallelujah to the great em you are God you see us you know us you even know what we have neither before we even ask you you know us by our name you know us by our tears you know us by our voices you don't even know the number of hairs on our head you're the God that is into us and what do we do we give you glory come on y'all we open our mouths and we can tweet we defy the enemy Rhonda a lot of a Shia we let every demon in Hell know that our God still has power our God still has authority our God is alert and aware our God is a tinted to us he is the Good Shepherd we are the Sheep of your pasture and we open our mouths and we give you glory we call your magnificent we call your excellent we call your sovereign we say you got all power in your hand hallelujah we give you glory we do not fear we do not faint we do not shut our mouths we open our mouths we are louder than the government we are louder than the mayor we are louder than the president we are louder than the doctor we are louder than the skeptics we say God is able we stand still to see the salvation of the Lord he will us hallelujah and we give you glory in advance y'all better open your mouths wherever you are come over here we give you glory in advance we give you glory in advance we give you glory in advance all over the world you are God you are God you are God you are God you are God you are God you're the God that is bigger than a sickness you're the God that is bigger than man you're the God that is bigger than a situation the earth is yours the earth is yours the earth is yours the earth belong to you you created us you created us in your likeness and in your image when Moses complained about the fact that he couldn't speak you said to Moses who do you think created man and who made the mouth you're the God that created the body you're the God that created the intestines you're the God that created everything about us and we open our mouths we open our lungs we open we give you our breath and we say holy we say we trust you we say that we depend upon you we say that we need you we say that we are dependent totally upon you you are our foundation through our foundation you are our foundation we stand on you we listen to you we trust you we depend on you we rely on you you are our sustainer you are our healer you are our nine-one-one and we give you glory come on y'all and we give you glory come on y'all and we give you glory so now god we are about to lift up our petition we are coming to you because your word told us to come to you you said whatsoever we ask in your name so we don't ask in anybody's name but we ask in the name Jesus er we believe in the name of Jesus we don't ask in our name we don't ask in our pastor name we don't act in our Bishop name we don't even ask in a prophet name we ask in the name of Jesus you said whatsoever we ask you said whatsoever we accent you say whether it be two or three gather together in my name I'll come in to miss you said whatever we touch and agree about God that you would receive it so God we are touching and agreeing around the world hallelujah and we about to give you our petition so God there has been a virus release and we know that nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing can happen without your permission hi my Sheikh hey Ruto today be I'm a higher even when the enemy want to get to job he had to get permission from you so I because you are sovereign and the earth is the Lord's so God we come to you because something has hit the earth it is a virus it is something god that is affecting the earth but your children cry unto you if my people that are called by my name and God you called us we didn't call you you called us you chose us you stepped over everybody to get to us you predestined us you saw in us when we didn't see in ourselves and those that you have chosen are calling on you so god we are believing that healing is in the land come on y'all we ask God that you release healing in the land we pray God that healing be released over the entire earth Ron Dada Messiah God we want to be specific in what we're asking you to heal we're asking you got to heal of the coronavirus we are literally targeting that that right there God we need that thing to be reversed in the name of Jesus we believe that you are able God we know that you heard enough negativity but we are the sheep of your pasture and we we we we we we we we we we are asking you to release healing your word says that by your stripes Camille come on let's go we are healed you came to earth to die they beat you they stripped your flesh in half but every time they hit you healing was released on the earth so we thank you God that healing is being released on the earth we ask for it and it's coming right now now dawn we begin to rebuke all the symptoms we pray for healing when it comes to fever we call fevers to come down right now God we pray God against headaches which is another symptom that this virus is in the body we break dawn that you begin to heal the headache right now the pounding in the head God we come against any any affections in the in the respiratory system we pray God that longs to be clear on that I'm a Shia God can I get the prayer over to pray we cover lungs right now in the name of Jesus we call our breathing to be intact we break down that we begin to breathe good we inhale we exhale and there is no blockage there is no watch me our hearts are not racing fans oh oh I just heard the Lord that we rebuke the bluffer mmm we rebuke the bluffer right now we rebuke the enemy that's been lying to some people right now telling them that they have the symptoms so that they can open their mouth and confess it but whose report that we believe we believe the report of the Lord that we are that we will live a long healthy anointed prosperous life that we will live a long healthy anointed prosperous life I need you to type it on the screen long healthy anointed prosperous life say that long healthy anointed prosperous life so anything that comes against my confession I rebuke it in the name of the Lord Jesus you said whatsoever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever we loose on earth will be loosed in heaven so that we buying all the symptoms we bind the lie of the enemy that won't the devil to tell us that we literally have the symptoms of the virus that devil is a liar we can't so come on y'all let's go here we can't so fear that it's come upon some of your children fear is an open door for the enemy to come in because your word says that you have not given us it is a spirit that you have not given us the spirit of fear so not really beauty every strange spirit every foul lying demon that will succumb against the body of Christ and a lot of us to tell us that we are sick the devil is a liar we will live a long healthy anointed prosperous life we will live a long healthy anointed prosperous life we shut the mouth of the enemy we open our mouths wherever we are right now and we say it loud and clear come on I can't hear but heaven hear you open him up and say I will live my house we'll live a long healthy anointed prosperous life I was released that report in the atmosphere I cleared the spirit realm and let every demonic spirit know that we and my house will live a long healthy anointed prosperous life we are literally targeting this virus we decree and we declare that the United States would not die in numbers like they have not in other countries we decree and we declare that we gonna live random variable XI and Arab aha he called baby under the bus at a row so too grounded in me I'm gonna be a lot about Shia we decree this word over the United States that we were not not not not not not not not not like everybody else's dying but we all live the world will be amazed whether United States did not die like everybody else but they gonna take credit but we all give you glory we gonna give you glory we go your glory I feel like ready we all give you glory we all give you glory why cuz we are living a long healthy anointed prosperous life take a break lift your hands over your mama give him glory right there wanna buy Shia Rosso turabian da da ba higher but and in the rain the reloadable Shia but hand or Ock Russo turabian da da ba higher we rebuke the virus we rebuke the virus rebuke the virus it will leave it will leave it will lift you will get the glory you will get the glory you will get the glory we are now about to target certain individuals so God now we cover the elderly God they have been to release reports that the elderly are the ones that are to be hit the hardest so now that we've cover our elderly we cover the mothers board we cover the father's boil we cover the Deacon board we cover everybody over and over 50 we cover that we cover the senior citizens come on begin to put the name of your grandparents on the screen every name that is listed on the screen we cover the elderly we cover these these senior living facilities we decree and we declare that healing is going through the hallways in the bedrooms in the apartments of senior living facilities and we decree and we declare that it is healthier than any of our houses thank you Jesus we covered doctors we cover nurses we covered those that are working in the medical field we plead the blood over every doctor every nurse every one that is working in hospitals we pray God that you release supernatural strength week release supernatural shrimp but those that a thing of 12 hours 14 hours 15 hours and working overnight we come for Supernatural shrimp to come in to them we pray for discernment to be in hospitals we pray God that you release a spirit of discernment to go to the hospitals that when they walk in the building let them be able to pick up immediately we pray God that they can be wise and what how they say what they say we come against a spirit of panic that no panic reports will be released by God we decree it we declare that you're releasing strength that you're releasing of wisdom that you're releasing discernment in the medical field in the name of Jesus and we give you glory for that right now so down after we've covered our elderly we covered the medical those in the medical field now God they release a report today they said that men are dying more than women so the enemy has began to attack the men so now god we cover men orto today they say Tay why would the enemy want to attack the man because that is the reproduction that is how the since that's the sea carrier so now God we cover the men right now I need everybody to mention the name of your husband missing the name of your pastor missing the name of your father missing the name of your son we covered men we cover the male seed right now in the name of Jesus and every man that is in our house every man that is in our community every man that is in our church every man that is in our circle we plead the blood over them right now and we speak to the male seed right now and we decree and we declare that you shall live and not die we cover Kevin come on y'all put their name up there we cover we cover we cover we cover pastor Glenn we cover every man right now we cover every shepherd we cover every father we cover every uncle we cover every nephew we cover every God brother we cover every husband we'll God we cover the man right now every man got now we need them to be covered right now in the name of Jesus now I need you to begin to cover your children when we prayed on last Susie the Lord said as an open door because baby they begin to look only for the elderly to get it but today they release a report that there's a preschool kid that now has the virus so now that we come in this door that has been neglected and now we begin to cover our children and we decree and we declare that we cut off the enemy right there and we plead the blood over every child we cover daycare of sinners we cover babysitter's we cover our children right now we cover our future we cover our babies we cover our kids right now now I need you to begin to release the name of your children as we begin to cover them right now in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus we cover every child those that we cover every baby we cover those God that have already have any illness that we cover he'll cover them right now and we speak healing over their bodies even now in the name of Jesus every name that is mentioned on here God we release those names in the atmosphere and your word says that you give your angels charge over us so we begin to pray God that every name that is mentioned that an angel be assigned under I'm not about Shia and for that we give you glory we give you glory we give you glory so now god we're about to cover every family yay cater also to God we cover every last name right now we call out the Hannah last name we call out the heel last name we call up the Glen last name we call out the Smith last name we call out the Jones last name we call out the parents last name I need everybody begin to say your last name out loud now God every last name that is being missing around the world we release that name in the spirit Ram and it is covered in the name of Jesus and we decree it we declare that this virus would not come near us and if it does they are already healed in the name of Jesus come on y'all come on put your Family's last name on the screen let me leave let me read some of these the branson the Brunson there it is come over here the Moore family has covered the Anderson family has covered the Glover family is covered come over here the Jasper family is covered the Bonner family is cover couple week of our names right now the giorno family is covered the Gibbs family is covered come over here come over here there you go come on yeah the Phillips family is covered the Pratt family is covered the Wright family is covered come on yeah we called it our names the Howard family is covered the Walker family is covered the joy family is covered Oh God you know I name you know us individually the hardy family is cover the aim of family is covered the Cox family is covered y'all ain't sayin Natalia's family is covered every family the Alston family is covered God you know every name that is remission and we mission every family in the name of Jesus let's stop every Lisa prays for every family right there and then we gonna shift go oh god we give you glory come on stay down stay down stay there come on stay there keep keep saying the names keep saying the name there you go keep saying the names there you go ha time ashay the way up family is officially come on hear the frost family is Richard the Franklin family is mentioned the Carter family is missing the tower family is mentioned the pop family is missing the Franklin family is mentioned the Tres family is Richard come over here there you go come over here say it say it you ready we're gonna shift you ready let's go let's see if we cover the healing there become of the symptoms we cover the elderly because of the mean we've covered um the family we covered our children come over here we covered the houses there we go let's go here you ready let's go let's go we cover the economy we cover every business now I need you to begin to put the names of businesses or the company that you worked for on the screen we cover the economy and we decree and we declare that we would not live or struggle in a drought we cover the economy we cover every business owner we pray God that you would release wisdom to every CEO we prefer God for those that are in top management that you would show them what they need to do we even praise God for those that have to work from home we pray God that they do not have a lackadaisical spirit we pray God that they even have more of an urgency to get their job done in the name of Jesus we cover the economy we cover the god week we cover those that are worried oh let's go there we come against the spirit of worry when it comes to our economy allow me to speak to some of you all he has brought it down for you to get on board so I need some of you ought to begin to pray for wisdom and what you need to do in this season of this economy we cover beam oh there you go come on here we cover ups there you go we cover the travel industry there you go there I'll go put it all in there put it in we cover every story there it is every story is covered we cover Fifth Third Bank we cover those that work in hospitality we cover the post office we cover every area of employment right now in the name of Jesus hallelujah but your word says I've never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread forgot even when there was a famine in the land and a widow was waiting to die with her son you sent the man of God to her house god we are ready for the someone to knock on the door we're ready to receive worker blessings we're ready for heaven to open that heaven would release God if you did this so that some people would know that their job is not their source God we are open to the blessings of the Lord overtaking us we cover every business we cover the small businesses we cover those those mom-and-pop stores in our community we pray God that you would even and wealth it doing this season god those that have been faithful in their tithing and in their giving God let them know God that they might be living in it but they won't get the backlash of it in the name of Jesus all of our needs shall be met and we'd release that the cream over the businesses and even over the finances of our homes and we decree and we declare that all of our needs shall be met all of our needs shall be met we monitor our confessions when it comes a man god when it comes to it where we work in our finances we literally monitor our confession and we decree and we declare that all of our knees shall be met so now that we about to shift we cover every church come on here now I need you to put the name of your church down we cover every church that is listed right now god we pray that they lack nothing we act stopped that you would release a spirit of creativity over every ministry I pray God that you give us the spirit of evangelism that she will show us how to go after the loss I pray God that a spirit of wisdom be released over every church because he that winneth Souls is wise I pray God that we begin to invite people over to our homes so they think of my church on our television and I pray God that people begin to be his saved bodies get healed in homes hi pretty revival break out in homes while they sitting up watching television and computers and telephones I ask God let a revival break out come over here I pray that our sons and our daughters get saved I pray that some get baptized in the Holy Ghost God let some even turn their baptism pool into the place where people are getting baptized God let this be some strange stuff going on in the spirit realm God we cover we cover every church we pray for every shepherd we cancel every negative word that has been spoken to discourage every Shepherd I pray God that you were released wisdom on every posture to do what needs to be done to go after souls God I pray that we begin to go after the loss can I pray that the body of Christ be secured can I ask out that you let them grow up and know that they are already saved can we use this as an opportunity on to go after those that don't know you so god I pray that a spirit of evangelism hid the body of Christ all over the world God they are sitting down churches but God I believe that when they open them back up right totally they say I ask God that souls come from everywhere come on here but the devil meant for evil God we want you to be glorified out of it god I'd run every spirit of discouragement to come out of every Church I want them to God be creative I want them to be motivated God put the right people around every Shepherd so that they could do what needs to be done I pray for the team that is close to the shepherd that they be encouraged that may be blessed that they be enlightened got let those that are close get the revelation got those that are in the crowd let them stay there but God I need those that are close that I'm making it work I need them to be stripping I need them to be blessed I need them to be anointed I need them to be gifted with discernment I need them to be um be blessed in ways that ablow they mind and for that we give you glory and for that we give you glory that the house of God is taken care of that's a shepherd of second care of that those that around him is taken care of that evangelism is coming and their souls are coming from everywhere that people are getting saved people are getting delivered people are getting baptized in tubs in their homes babies are getting baptized in the Holy Ghost and their revival is starting and that where churches are opened back up the crowds will be everywhere it will be a line to get in and probably will be in every building get the glory get the glory god I pray for the intercessors I pray God that you would raise up the intercessors I pray God that you will let a prayer veil a prayer of a prayer belly begin the flow God let us wake up praying in tongues I pray the desert maybe release on every intercessor I pray God that we begin to call on you like we've never called on you before I pray for every prayer meeting that I hold I pray God that you send those that are ready for prayer in the name of Jesus and you will be glorified this is not about me this is all about you and that you will be glorified and that you will be glorified and that you will be glorified and that you will be glorified and that she will be glorified and that you will be glorified and that you will be glorified and that you would be glorified we covered the house of God we covered the men of God we covered the circle around the man and the woman of God we call on the inner senses arise we pray God that you begin to lift the body of Christ begin to travail hate on de lobos saya my midi unbearable saya God let the body of Christ travail let the body of Christ begin to cry out put a cry in the belly of the believer God you cannot ignore the cry of your children put a prevail in every church put a travail God let the next move be through prayer and get the glory out of it come on y'all open your mouths and begin to release a praise right there hallelujah yes god yes god yes god yes god yes god yes god yes god yes god yes god yes god yes god yes god yes God keep us keep us keep us keep us keep us keep us God keep us keep us God keep us lifted keep us encouraged keep us focused God Haribo see under our Messiah keep us healthy keep us strong Gaetano see Angela run durable rubber pasarĂ­a Manav Abbasi we're under a messiah got let's go higher call us higher call us higher call us higher call us higher give those that have to stay at home the grace to stay at home bring families back together drive demons out of houses bring families back together restore relationships let's children begin to talk to their parents got opened the doors of communication help us god help us help us God yes God have you weigh heavier way and we trust you can we trust you come on everybody and we trust you and we trust you there's no fear here there's no fear here there's no fear here there's no fear here there's no fear here there's no fear here keep me here keep me here keep me here he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow keep me where there's no fear keep me where there's no fear keep me where there's no fear and get the glory and get the glory and get the glory glory glory glory glory hallelujah yah yah yah yah yah yah yes good yes go just go just go yes good yes good yes go yes good yes go yes good yes go yes good you see a little fielder random ELC honorable say here indelible see on let's see ah ah ah yes yes go and you will be glorified and you will be glorified and you will be glorified and you will be glorified and you will be glorified and you will be glorified and you will be glorified and you will be glorified and you will be glorified and you will be glorified and you will be glorified there's no fear here there's no fear here there's nothing but trust there's nothing but trust everybody tap on the screen to say it out loud I trust you lord I trust you I trust you I trust you I trust you I trust you I trust you we trust you you got us you got us you get us you got us you got us you got us you got us you got us you got us you got us you got us you got us Oh hallelujah granddad ah Bo SIA you got us I trust you I trust you I trust you I trust you I trust you I trust you I trust you we we trust you we trust you we trust you my god we trust you my assignment is complete Shiki under my under aussi me indelible saya yes god yes God I'll see you Tuesday back in prayer only thing I ask is that as many of you all let's get our point of contact get your purse cars do not be fearful I'm begging you do not walk in fear and monitor your words we speak life we speak life the power of life and death is in our tongue and we call that this be used as a revival the souls will be saved and you will be glorified I love you guys more than I can express pray for me cover me cover me be glorified speak low if I hear our prayers and it's in Jesus name Amen I love you everybody everybody this is not about me this is about prayer put this prayer on your page City Day everybody you know so that we could wake up the spirit of prayer in the land and it's in Jesus name I love you and God bless you
Channel: Pastor John F. Hannah
Views: 15,108
Rating: 4.9237437 out of 5
Keywords: #faith, #prayer, #johnhannah, #pastorhannah, #friday, #covering
Id: MjCoSiEJddI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 39sec (2559 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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