4:00 Am Prayer that God be your STRENGTH and REFUGE

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah good morning everyone and it is time for prayer we're excited about going before the throne of God and we pray that you are ready to go before the throne of God we are so excited that this is a week that we are fasting for those of you that are watching us on any form of social media can we get you to share share this early in the morning what are we doing with sharing prayer we are fasting this week Monday through Thursday liquids only up until 3 p.m. why are we faster because on Friday is the prayer conference the prayer conference for those of you that are watching we need you to go ahead and register don't forget we are registering for prayer why because you're gonna make sure that we don't interrupt the sound it's not just prayer there four different rooms that you will be able to go to on the website number one is the prayer room you do understand that we have pasta finagling pastor Tamar Bennett Bishop William Murphy pastor William McDowell and evangelist Latrice Ryan they will be praying in that room there was also the mentorship room those five people there certain hour will be in a room that you can talk to them and question them and ask them questions how do they build up their prayer life how are they handling the pressure right now that's the mentorship room then there's the classroom with apostle garnered minister Terrell and Angela Martin that is the teacher being wrong where they will be teaching on prayer and then there's the worship room for 12 hours straight that worship room will be going on and then at 11 o'clock don't forget we have a concert with who Todd Delaney all of that all you have to do is go to one to twelve our prayer calm and you can register the cost of it is $50 similar so you're charging for prayer knowing it's a conference there's a lot more going on than just prayer what do we need you to do does it mean there will be no offering raise the sound will not be interrupted which means that once we go in at 12 there will be a consistent sound from around the why because people have registered from all around the world to God be the glory we are presently it I think close to 3500 people who have registered where does that go that 5,000 people meet us in prayer are you one of those that God is calling to pray are you one of those that God is calling to pray please make it your business to go to one to twelve our prayer calm and you can register today if you want to sponsor someone you could sponsor someone listen to me if you can't afford it go to the page we already have people that are there who have already paid should I say sponsored you to get in all right so make it happen it will be up for a total of 48 hours so if you can't do it on that Friday you can listen on that Saturday we're gonna leave the site up until Sunday and then Sunday we'll take it down what what are we saying this is a time that we need to be strengthened that we need to be poured into that we need to be taught amen how to do what God is calling us to do today if you have your Bibles I want you to write the scripture down Psalms 46 and one Psalms 46 in 1 and the Bible says this God he is let's just stop right there that's how it starts out God is in that amazing God is what God is our number one refuge we're gonna stop right there we're gonna pray about God being your refuge and then what and strength stop right there we're gonna pray that God be your trance how many y'all know you need strength today so he's gonna be number one your refuge if you want me to define the word refuge I looked it up listen carefully a condition of being safe and sheltered from pursuit danger or trouble so imagine God saying I would be your safe place I would be your shelter from whatever is chasing you whatever danger that's coming to you or whatever trouble you in how many I know unique got to be your refuge he says God is our refuge God is our what I strength here's the next one the last one that we gonna pray about and a very present help when in trouble so God is our refuge God is our strength and God is our help I present him those are the three things that we gonna cover today in prayer in this time and I know that all of us need that to happen in our lives you all know how we start out with prayer we start out with adoration for those of you that are watching we need you to begin to type your words of adoration on the screen why adoration adoration builds up your vocabulary adoration is how you bring God in your direction why don't we do that because the Bible says he inhabits he sits in the midst of our praise revelation teaches us that as he sits on the throne the four angels I saw the four beasts fly back and forth in the 2421 elders look what do they do that constantly adoring him I want each of you to begin to adore God you ready let's go hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we magnify you God we glorify you you are great you are God you are mighty you are excellent and there is no one like you you are our God you are our God and for that we give you glory we give you glory for sitting on the throne we give you glory God for being alert and aware you are the God that is into us and we got up this morning to give you glory we got up this morning to magnify your name we got up this morning to tell you that we love you on this morning we are in love with you God we are in love with you God we can't live without you we can't breathe without you we can't make it without you you are our everything and for that we say thank you God thank you for being our God thank you for being our deliverer regarder you are the God to deliver us out of the hand of the enemy and for that we say thank you you are the God to deliver us out of the traps of the devil and for that we say thank you you are the god letters delivered us God out of generational curses and bloodline curses and for that we say thank you God you are our keeper God you keep us hallelujah your word says that no one will be able to pluck us out of your hand and for that we say thank you thank you for having a good grip on us God thank you for being the sure foundation hallelujah thank you for being the sure foundation god we stand on you god we are confident in you god you are our everything and for that we give you glory on this morning we got up to give you glory God in the mists of trials in the midst of tribulations in the mists of turmoil god the earth is not at rest right now god but we rest in you and for that we say thank you God we say thank you God we say thank you that your blood still prevails we say thank you God that your blood still prevails we thank you God that your blood has been applied to our lives to our family lives to everything that concerns us God and for that we say thank you we say thank you for being our God Holly Lou hallelujah come on put something on the screen hallelujah we adore you on this morning we glorify you on this morning we exalt you God in the midst of everything that is going on God we give you praise God with the fruit of our lips God we open our mouths and we adore you we open our mouths and we exalt you god you're bigger than a burden you're bigger than a problem you're bigger than a situation god we stand on top of everything that we are dealing with and we still give you glory we bless the Lord at all times and and your praises shall continually be in our mouths our mouths are a whale of life God and for that we give you glory God we say we honor your name God your name is above every name thank you for the name of Jesus thank you for the ultimate sacrifice you gave your only begotten Son who sits on the right hand and for that we say thank you thank you for being the ultimate sacrifice thank you for not mumbling a word thank you for giving your all thank you for sacrificing your life for us God and for that we say thank you thank you that the veil has been rent thank you that we can come boldly to the throne of grace and get what we need and for that god we give you glory for that god we give you glory thank you for salvation God thank you that you found us polluted in our own blood and God you didn't condemn us ganda but you told us to live and for then we give you praise God we give you praise God for being a loving God hallelujah we give you praise for being a loving God we give you praise for being a forgiving God we give you praise for being a patient Oh God we give you glory you are our you are our everything you are our everything god we can't live without you we can't move without you we can't breathe without you that we can't make it through a second without you so thank you God thank you for being consistent hallelujah come on thank you for being consistent thank you for being consistent thank you for always being there God and for that we give you glory God in the midst of everything God you have been faithful great is your faithfulness great is your faithfulness God you got you you you you you you you you you you have been faithful Oh God and we give you glory hallelujah you are our alpha and our Omega our beginning and I in you thumper and the finisher of our faith you are the God that is predestined us you're the God that is marked us Ghana you're the God that shows us we did not choose you and for that we give you glory on this morning we give you glory on this morning God because you saw in us where we did not see in ourselves and for that we give you glory Ghana you have God picked us handpicked us and for that we say thank you we could never thank you enough god we could never thank you enough Ghana so God release the spirit of gratitude on us God God give us the ability to always give you glory Holi we see you in the storm god we see you in the famine god we see you in every area of our lives God in spite of what is going on God even in the fiery furnace God we give you glory why because we see you you said that you would never leave us you said that you would never forsake us you said lo I am with you always and for that we say thank you God thank you for being consistent thank you for your word thank you that you cannot relent on your word and for that we say thank you God thank you God thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you come on y'all thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you for everything thank you that we're still in the land of the Living God for many of going on but godly you have covered us and for them we say thank you thank you for covering our family god we are still in the land of the Living God you left us here to be light in the midst of darkness so can't we say thank you God that you could trust us to shine in such dark areas and for then we give you glory but then we give you glory but then we give you glory thank you for being our mind regulator thank you for being a piece god hallelujah hallelujah but not many are losing at god but God we give you glory that you have given us peace in the mists of the storm God not you did not remove us out of the storm but God you gave us peace in the mists of the storm and for that we give you glory come on but that we give you glory we give you glory God that we have not lost our mind we give you glory God that our faith is still strong hallelujah forgot many are walking away many are turning away but God here we stand this morning here we got up this morning God to give you praise and say we're still here hallelujah we're still believing we're still trusting with waning we're still praising we're still praying we still trust you God with everything that we have and we give you praise on this morning God hallelujah a hundred Amish a hallelujah glory to God glory glory to God glory glory to God glory glory to God glory hiya Matt and Allah will say K Rosso Torian that I'm a higher glory to God glory glory to God glory we glorify your God we blow you up God in the mists of Everage 12 in the mists of every trouble forgot there's somebody that is sick in their body but that we still give you glory there's somebody that has a need God but we still give you glory come on I need to hear you all in the building right come on give me your mics we give you glory God for everything God but everything God we give you glory that we can release the sound the sound God we lift up our voices a like a trumpet in Zion ha ha ha ba higher we lift up our voices like a trumpet in Zion Hey Tanqueray and our about higher we open our mouths and we sound the alarm that you are good higher that you are great higher that you are mighty higher that you are wonderful that you are excellent we give you praise this morning we lift up our voices and we say our God is alive and will we give you praise God we lift up our voices a and we give you praise God why because how God is alive and will we take confidence in that that you are with us every step of the way we open our mouths that we shout to the god of our salvation hallelujah Holly Oh God as we give you glory demons are trembling as we give you glory the devil is releasing is hope hey have a higher hope God we magnify your name for there is nobody like you you are the only true and living God you are the only true and living God you are the only true and living God you are the only true and living God you look oz that fight for us using all that defend us you're the dog that calls an ambush in the camp of the enemy higher matanda reasonable shaking you are God you are God you're the only God if it's knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess God that you are God you are God you are our helper you're the dog that fight for us you're the god that defend us and we give you glory you're the dog that blocked down is shoot down every trap of the enemy every dunk and every sword that is coming in our direction God you dis meant to the enemy and for then we give you praise hallelujah you are healer and for that we give you praise you are healer our minds are healed our bodies are healed our emotions are healed our spirit man is healed and for that we give you praise for being a healer hi mi ta'rea baja my Amanda do it you did it God you are our healer you are our provider you take the cameras Ghana and for that we give you glory we give you praise God in the midst of a famine God millions are out of work daughter but I've never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed big so for those of you that know that darkness with your provider I need you to begin to open him up wherever you want begin to bless him we give you praise gone for be a provider we give you praise gone for being a provider bills are paid lights our own gas has on Carlo paid tuition paid day care bill Zepeda every of you need is taking care of and we give you praise on this morning honor for being our provider hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah steel in the house but everything is still taking care of every business owner daughter you have been their provider and we give you glory on this morning and we give you glory on this morning you've been a healer you've been a provider you've been a way make a higher Futaba ha you've been away maker Donna you still make it ways God you still go before us and for that we give you glory you steel leveling mountains and for that we give you glory you still break it through bars and gates and for that we give you glory you're still revealing hidden treasures and for that we give you glory Ghana you are the calm that go before us you're the darkness shut down the enemy you're the God that shut down the enemy you're the gauntlet shut down the enemy you give us you give us protection gada and for that we say thank you you give us protection daughter and for that we say thank you God for the devil desires the sicknesses Reap daughter but you do not let the devil have what he desire and for that we say thank you but I beat you give us the desires of our heart if and then we say thank you God you keep taking care of us and we open our mouths early in the morning we shout to our God that you have been a provider hallelujah that you have been a provider hallelujah that you have been a provider you take care of everything and for then we give you glory and you keep taking care of everything God you didn't leave your doing it now and you gonna keep doing it and for then we give you glory God you are our provider you take care of the signal you take care of the mérida you take care of the seniors you take care of the widow god hallelujah you are a very present help we didn't look to the heels from coming our help hallelujah and for that we give you glory we give you glory that you have never you have never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never let us down you have never gone back on your word you have kept every promise God and for that we say thank you now that God we give you glory on this morning we magnify your name God God let there be strength in our bodies to give you glory on this morning let there be shrimp in our bodies to give you glory on this one and let there be shrimp in our body to give you glory on this morning garden it could have been our scada but you did not let it be so and for that we say thank you it could have been us God in the hospital but God you did not let it be so and for that we say thank you it could have been us God in the hospital would covet but for some of us you didn't let it be so and for those that did get it God you let them be healed it could have been them God they were dead in their bodies god but you didn't let it be so it could have been us God that was in an accident but you didn't let it be so God you protected us from dangers seen and unseen and for that we say thank you we say thank you for what you did allow us to see but that we give you praise or for what you didn't allow us to see and for that we give you glory God hallelujah come over here hallelujah come over here hallelujah come over here put a praise in my belly put a praise or my lips God give me the ability to bless you at all times God in spite of what is going on God put a praise in the mouth of your people God put a praise in the spirit of your people gotta put a hallelujah in the belly of your people God give us the ability to bless you at all times we give you glory for every season-high about Todd Dada bhai we give you glory for every season Dada we give you glory for the season that you called us out of and we give you glory for the season that you're calling us into got whatever we're going through whatever we're between we still giving you glory we gonna magnify your name God you can trust us with a hallelujah you can trust us with a thank you Jesus you can trust us with a wonderful Savior you can trust us with a praise gotta put a praise on your people gotta give us the ability to look past everything and still open our mouths and give you glory God can we be like Joba can you trust us with whatever tests we're going through can you trust us with a bit of a trial we're going through can we never let you down can we always give you praise God but we can't do it without your help God so God we ask God that you would give us the ability this morning God to press in prayer to press in adoration giving you praise for what you've already done you've done enough already to give glory you've done enough already to be praised er you've done enough already to get a hallelujah you've done enough already to get a wonderful Savior you've done enough already to let us know that you are God and for that we give you glory come on y'all I say for that we give you glory come on y'all those of you that are in your home I need you to push in prayer wonderful Saviour wonderful Saviour mighty gana great is our God excellent one holy God holy God holy God we find no fault in you we find no phone in you we find no fault in you we find no fault in you you're perfect in all your ways you're perfect in all your ways you're perfect in all your ways are just sovereign you sit on the throne you reign hiya Bob aha you rang hi I'm Italian da da ba ha you rain hiya matanda na da ba the earth is the lower sir the earth is the laws the earth don't belong to the president the earth don't belong to the king the earth don't belong to the Queen the earth is the law as a drunk don't run this you run this the man don't run this you run this and we give you glory we give you glory we give you glory we give you glory we give you glory in the mists of a pandemic we open our mouths and we give you glory in the mists of rioting uh we still give you glory in the mists of marching we still give you glory in the mists of unjustice we still give you glory we magnify your name we magnify your name great is our God come on here green is our God come over here great is our God come over here great is our God now I pray that you would breathe gada around the world daughter it release appraise on the earth Dada let there be a sound ha ha ha let there be a sound baby hey a sound of glory a sound of appreciation a sound of thank you a sound of giving you prese open our mouths and we give you glory we open our mouths and we give you glory we open our mouths and we give you glory great is our God great is our God greenies I gotta great is our God great is our God come over here Green is Haggadah great is our God we give you glory hey Tom I'm a higher but under even a little shaky bro show turabian that of a higher high ever pounded in the middle of Oceana Baja I feel pressure being released if you open your mouth wherever you are some things will begin to lift up all for you come on y'all I'll pushing you let's go we give you glory ghana while the base of the enemy is being broken up we give you glory gone while the choke is being released we give you glory Ghana that you're letting us breathe again we give you glory Ghana that you're backing every demon out of my house we give you glory gone that every demonic spirit uh that come to attack your family y-you give God glory demons are leaving Padre may shake hey bro so pulled out my hire hot handed him inimitable shake a now unto him that is able now I tell him that is able now I'll tell him that is able now I say him that is able now I'll tell him that is able now unto him that is able now unto him that is able we if you glory you are able to do everything you are able to do anything you got strengthened you got power you got power we come to the calm that is powerful we come to the God that is stronger we come to the doll that is mighty we come to the God that is justice we come to the table that is able and we praise you in advance we praise you in advance we give you glory hey hey hey we give you glory hey hey we give you glory we give you glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory hey you release appraise wherever you are go make a row so today here on our Messiah but handy and a recite a row so turabian da da ba hiya hey Rhonda inevitable shia you taking the weapons out of the hand of the enemy as i give you glory you're taking that whooping out of the hand of the enemy as i give you glory you're shedding pound every demon as i give you glory you've given me a way of victory as i give you glory hot arab a higher but time that is inevitable shake a row so today hey he counted in the number higher the devil desired to muzzle you I need you to let the enemy know I'll open my mouth hey hey hey I open my mouth hey hey hey I open my mouth hey hey hey and I'll keep glory hi help me God help me help me help me help me help me give you glory help me praise you help me magnify your name come away ever UI release appraised wherever you are please obey me hear me clearly the devil thought he had muscle to you but I need you to let the devil know that she still got a praise wherever you are release of praise right there hyah man da da ba shake a row so turabian da da ma higher magnanimous I am anonymous a K rool so today be under the liveable Selya hiya Martha carnies hey let me help me help me god help me help me help me help me glory hey young a messiah [Applause] baby honda Basha Oh God [Music] oh god help me godly be coming back my soul God he anonymous ah yeah here you're not number Sonya yeah anonymous aria yes shyam asunder somebody is relay announcer see tears and the Lord told me to tell you I've heard your prayer and I've seen your tears and because of that is about to add he's about to add we give you glory yonder Basha Rosso turabian animus i Amanda magnanimous ek anonymous e kkae risotto ready under a baja come on lemme get outta here ya anonymous aiya matanda shake a risotto ray be anonymous he caught a me on the hay que yo reveille he conned anima hyah hey shake a risotto baby come on now now see he under the bar higher I come into the camp of the enemy I come into the camp of the enemy I come into the camp of the enemy I come into the camp of the enemy I come into the camp of the enemy I've come into the camp of the enemy I've come into the camp of the enemy loose yo ho hey hey hey Lucho hold release release release back up get your Hazelwood Bellona God yo mama mama mama hi Emmett and abhava hey Cairo so today me and Adama he called Amy and Adam inaudible shaky here a very lovable she under inaudible Tata Rotellini under inaudible saya I come into the camp of the enemy I come into the dark area I come into the dark area and I tell the devil he's a liar I come into the area that you feel powder and I say he whom the Sun sets free is free indeed hey dr. Thomas I am at under de Beaulieu Henan and the Messiah matanda he see yonder ruined see Oh God hiya massa you ready yonder lo sé que anonymous a whoa [Music] we come into the camp of the enemy we come into the camp of the enemy we come into the dark area he anonymous higher bitanga in the CC k he's rotary me anonymous ayah he anonymous a Cairo so turabian de hiya Matt anonymous a Cairo so to have come into the camp of the enemy have come into Luna Bar he turned an innumerable tire how come the lorry bar have come into the dark area and I come to get you I'll say the Lord I come to get you out say the Lord I come to get you out said the Lord I've come to take you to a hidden place I come to take you to a hidden place I've come to take you to a hidden place I've come to get you out forever ha ha ha duryodhana bhai hey shakey Rousso to creamy Nanda Baba hayama tandy Lucia could read a random Abba America model in CT Lucia Karimi anda matanda na ma say hey shake a local rainy grand aha he shake a rose Oh - aha oh yeah random AHA he's shaky he and a llama hiya I am a great God and an endurable SIA and I am able para horrible SIA I am able I am Ava I am able I am able now unto him that is able I am able now unto him that is able I am able now unto him that is able I am able let's go let's go I gotta come out come on come on okay okay okay boom aah hyah hyah hyah Matt and animals I with operate sounds 46 a month mmm nah mushy mushy masa masa Oh God nyah-nyah manga manga manga Luffy Manila Fifi hyah hyah hyah hyah hyah hyah ha ma ma ma ma se ma ma ma ma ma ma si okay okay Oh Oh Masha Psalms 46:10 one gardius Hey oh yeah oh my dog is come on he's about to be your refuge hey Masha he's about to be your refuge hyah now that I brought you out ha ha ha bah bah ha Kiki Russo to baby grand Abba Messiah hyah matanda na massa I'm about to be your hand legs I'm about to be your shelter here anonymous I preached a real Haiti my father the name of Jesus we thank you this morning that you are our refuge we thank you this morning that you are our strength we think you this morning that you are very present help in the time of trouble so we call on you this morning the God who is our refuge we thank you God - slumber oh come on keep Israel this morning on what we are going through knowing you are omniscient and what we're going through you understand where we are you are well according with how we feel oh come on I'm not a high priest who is not gonna feel my affirmative but point she was tempted like we were but you did not see enough so we call on the God with I refuse this morning and we ask you God to shield us in the name of Jesus of your word declares God that he's a dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow we thank you God that you are more than able to keep so we call on the daughter that when the enemy comes in like a flood you gotta so we thank you Gary but the standard is raised up who you are protected you are keeping us up you are watching over Jesus please thank you got that you are all-powerful now nothing too hard for you up that's what we call oh you God reward is a goddess who is our refuge everything but you are protecting us thank you God that you are keeping us up we you God but you are watching over us we know God that if you watch a bird I'm surely God if you watching Lord God animals up surely God again you take care this morning so we call o you God refuges we declare this morning closed Oh [Applause] [Music] but you are refuge' you are refuge' you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh God hayashi anafi Eden Roc honorable saya hi everybody begin to say I am covered I am covered I am come on [Applause] [Music] from the pursuit of the enemy I am covered from the pursuit of the enemy I am covered from the pursuit of the enemy I am covered from the pursuit of the enemy I am covered from the pursuit of the enemy my house is covered and the pursuit of the enemy my mind is covered from the pursuit of the enemy my heart is covered from the pursuit of the enemy my family is covered from the pursuit of the enemy my emotions are covered come on a few more minutes I need you to begin to worship now for being your refuge under my shaky room dad I'm a sneaky he Carroll cetera Messiah mundo no se que he can de Lobos a he can no weapon formed against she will be able to prosper no weapon from thinking she will be able to prosper no mob actually will happen in your life no mob actually will happen in your life clan is dismantling the mob God is calling okay and ambush in the camp of the enemy God is causing an ambush in the camp of the enemy he is your refuge rest in the Lord rest in the Lord rest in the Lord rest in the Lord rest in the Lord rest in the Lord wisten the Lord it won't happen it won't happen it won't happen you can rest you can rest he got me he got me he got me he got me he got me he got me he got me he got me he got me he got me he got me he got me he got me he got me he got me he got me he got me Katya he came like he came he is Messiah he came like he came LA he came like God is Messiah I refuse come on here come on in come on in come on in come on wait I got you I got you I got you I got you I got you I got you you win you win you win you win it didn't work it didn't work it didn't work it didn't work it didn't work it didn't work it didn't work it didn't work it didn't work it won't work it won't work it won't work it won't work it won't work it won't work it won't work I got you I got you I got you carnies ha ha he called me another baja even looking for man to Kobe you give in looking for people to cover you God he is ha ha ha he'd understand that I'm ASEAN the deliverable saya but tandem invariably CC under Baja he called her Amy and Adam Adam inaudible Sookie he caught him and I will perfect those things that concern with you and I will perfect those things that concern with you and I will perfect those things that concern of you God is a messiah but under him inimitable saya Hanabusa who messiah kimochi will be really pretty sure yonder masa hey Khandala Messiah masa gardius ok he said he is our refuge he is our refuge and your stress hold my shine but you ran in you a tiger but he's about to revive you come on Jerome pray hallelujah for the joy of the Lord is our strength God give us the strength of an hour trip the strength to pursue to seek you God to fight the stretch to stay focused on the assignment the strength to speak life the strenght to walk this thing give us the stress the name of Jesus to continue to move the cross drift guard in the name of Jesus to continue to raise our families the name of Jesus to do ministry give us the strength God grant you continue to seeker hallelujah your face for your word says in the name of Jesus in Jeremiah 29 and 13 and all we look for you we will find you I'm gonna go give us the strength God has granted us face God give us the strength God are you in the midst of our pain give us the strength God just straight look for you in the midst of adversity huh give us strength God to look for you in the midst of sickness a strict guard that's true look to you and when all the question marks are going on in my head for the truth of God in the name of Jesus father I thank you Lord for giving us the strength that can you God to put our foot to the power continue God just stay focused on the assignment hallelujah give us the strength to continue father God to fight fight for our faith name of Jesus give us Rick Perry garner the burden that you gave give a street guy about to complain strip God to not put down to come on the strip god that's really not to worry I give a strip God to not lean on understand him give a street guy to lead on you gotta holla new you to make you a ham I lose the greatest part of our life reverse strip God to remove our depression give us God through buying a fence to buy fear to speak [Music] God we thank you God for the strength the shrewdest God that goes down our so we can say focus give us the stricken to you do what you want us to do and to work salvation give us with God to divide the WETA give us give us yes Alleluia to know to understand and to accept the truth when it's revealed to even though the truth may hurt even though the truth God Emily allow some daggers to be seen give us the shredder jaundice Anna and you accept of that God that you caught us I knew you for such a time as the to be the light to shine guardians guardians guardians guardians God is our refuge and and come on you everybody beginning said guardians guardians guardians guardians God is my refuge and and in my strength and my strength and my strength and my strength in the areas that I am weak and God is my strength in the areas that I've given up me and God is my strength hit for that I give you glory that God is our refuge and I strength and and and in a very very very very very very very present very present very present very present very present I am there I am there I am death I am very very present I will not abandon you I would not leave you I would not forsake you I am very present help hey Darnell or say he did another Siana so now God we pray that she would help us in the areas that we need help in Oh God you said that she would be a very present help in the time of trouble so God the areas that are troubling us whatever area God that causes trouble whatever area in our lives God that is troubling us we ask God that you would be the help in that area if there's trouble in our finances god we need you to be the very present help for those that are in need right now God we need you to be the very present help got you our hours your hova gyrate you are our provider and God we need you to make a way God in the name of Jesus a very present help in whatever area that is troubling us God put on there's someone right now God they have personal things that are going on in their lives God and we need you to be a very present help in the name of Jesus God forgive us for running to man forgive us for running to people but that we come to you and we act we need you now gone to be a very present help very present help God let us see your hand let us feel your breathing on us let us hear your voice god but god we need you to be a very present help God that somebody that's listening right now and God you know exactly where they are because it works as I know what you have need of before you even acts so don't you know the areas that we need help in so I pray God that you would be a very present help God teach us to stand still and to see the salvation of the Lord give us the ability to know that this battle is not ours but it is the Lord's got it is spiritual to stand still and to open our eyes and see what you are up to but God I need you to come through for your people in the name of Jesus God but there are many people that need help right now and God whatever area that they are in that they need help God you said that you would be present in that area so god whatever area for every parent that need help I ask God that you would help them for every single person that need help I ask God that you would help them God for every married couple that need help I ask God that you would help them for every spiritual leader that need help whatever area that they need help in God I ask that you be a very present help god they do not have to wait until next year but god I need you to come through now in the name of Jesus for your word says that you would be a very present help his the line God in the time of trouble so that you know what have your people up at night you know but giving them anxiety attacks you know the areas that are depressing them you know the areas that are worrying them so I pray God that you would be exactly who you saying that you would a very present help a very a very a very present help in the time of trouble so God give us the ability not to be troubled but give us the ability to see how you are working all things out for our good and for then we give you glory that you are a very present help got those that on lockdown in their homes are a very present help those that have been laid off God a very present help got those that are being troubled in their mind a very present help got those that have children and the kids have me a very present help so that we give you glory that you are our refuge we give you glory that you are our shrimp and we give you glory that you are a very present help his the line in the time of trouble so whatever is troubling us is no longer our trouble hallelujah and we give you glory that this prayer heard about higher but pantherama higher that the trouble is CC toribash a hate under ever higher that the trouble is over maybe a higher hate or don't say I take to the storm peace be still hopefully they say higher baton of a higher they shake him Eli be torn down heavy must be shut hopefully be higher because God is your refuge your shrimp in a very present help help us Shia in the time of trouble and for that we give you glory yay hyah my soul make a boast in the Lord why because he is my refuge my and a Barry I'm gonna calm down to go home my gosh Corona buff my god oh my god hi a messiah hey uh no law say we gotta go home oh yeah yeah you're never Messiah hey God is God is this is a company statement gardius hi about Tata Baba hiya God is my refuse my shrimp and an ant ant ant ant ant ant hey very present help sending it about when you need me in the time of trouble whatever's troubling me he gonna handle that hey that I know that Messiah but under into the boats a cake that's release appraised right there on the way you it but I need you to release the loudest praise you have why would you bring it out cuz he's your refuse he shall shrimp and he's a very present help I ain't got no problems ain't got no trouble why cuz God is here and about hundred count of three let's release appraised one two three yeah oh my god I don't move on safari bro listening oh my god oh my god what's gonna happen this week we're gonna do fuss oh my god those are the fasting us with fasting Monday through Thursday look who's only here young man hey shaky oh my god oh my god fast with us and then on Friday we got to 12 hours it's love our prayer conference if you haven't registered listen I need a hundred no let's take it up bunny 200 of you are can I see what we are we're close to 3500 people that have registered for the 12-hour prayer conference the goal is 5000 we'll keep saying that so I pray that God will give you the ability to call somebody and tell them we need to be locked in this for 12 hours if you haven't registered I need you to go to 12 hour 1/2 our prayer comm from 12:00 noon to midnight we're gonna have it up for 48 hours so if you don't get it on that Friday you can get it on that Saturday but we need you to make sure you do it can I can you go ahead and close this gap can you go ahead and call somebody that's me if they say they can't afford it then you sponsor them you sew into them and make it happen but I love you guys we will be back tonight at 7 o'clock because God is yes God is God is my refuge my shred and a very present help in the time of trouble we love you God bless you and I'll be back tonight at 7 o'clock I love you god bless you good night good night good morning I'm going I'm spirit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Pastor John F. Hannah
Views: 6,951
Rating: 4.9283156 out of 5
Keywords: #prayer, #johnhannah, #pastorhannah, #bible
Id: do211JiBATI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 55sec (3955 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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