"Drive and go forward!" // [ 8/16/20] II Pastor John F. Hannah

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hole in the united states now tops 100 the corona virus pandemic which clearly continues as the number of surging again to record levels more than 30 space community mourning the loss of their leaders are you a ministry leader or christian entrepreneur then you should register for the one conference today this event is designed for faith-based leaders just like you join john f hanna he doesn't send someone to abort your dreams he doesn't send someone to abort your promise but he'll send you with a caretaker somebody that will begin to speak what god has already put into you jamal ryan darius daniels charles johnson irisha hilliard jamon glenn and t.d jakes as we explore strategies to survive now and when big and what's next whether you're over an auxiliary of music department or a ministry or worship team appraised team i don't care what form of leadership whether you're running a corporation or an entrepreneur it's all about movement it's all about progress it's all about productivity visit pastorsoneconference.com for more info about this strategically designed online conference register today happy sunday and welcome to new life online we're so glad that you're joining us today wherever you're watching from it's week three of our forward series and today is communion sunday make sure you got your crackers and your juice ready to help us spread today's message by sharing this stream on social media service is about to begin but first let's talk about a few things coming up our marriage builders class is designed to encourage couples to strengthen and build up their marriage the way god intended grab your sweetie and join us online saturday august 22nd at 11 a.m for our next meetup parents small groups was designed to offer strategies encouragement and community to parents with children of any age join us online next saturday at 11am if you're engaged you're dating with the ultimate goal of becoming husband and wife it's not too late to register for our virtual pre-marital classes hosted by the one flesh marriage ministry this eight-week course starts august 22nd and is designed to prepare couples for their lives together the way god intended register on our app or website today and let god establish a firm foundation for your marriage fellas the next huddle is not to be missed join iron sharpens irons men's ministry online this wednesday night at 7pm for the virtual town hall discussing race and religion log on to newlifesoutheast.org or the new life app since the start of kova 19 hundreds of people from around the world have committed to calling new life fair church home if this is you sign up for the next session of growth track happening online august 22nd at 9am you'll learn about our church its history and how you can be more active simply text nlcse to 313131 our intercessory prayer is back online this wednesday at 7 p.m for part two of our prayer for the peace of god if you missed part one you definitely don't want to miss this week see you there starting to feel like you just got kicked out of class oh wait i forgot we're on quarantine starting to feel the quarantine blues join us an identity team ministry for a back to school kickback hold on i said it right a back to school kickback five to seven august 28th be there you don't want to miss out we are going to have wgci's very own dj lms virtual games including price that drip and a little bit of wild now freestyle again my name is talia you don't want to miss out of the raw music and the dope games see you there catch us on ig live and zoom peace out [Music] hey you we need you are you looking to make it impact your leadership if so then jg is looking for you just in case you were wondering what is jg jg is joshua gathering it's the ministry here at new life where we take time to cultivate god-centered community in the forms of commitment to christ commitment to the local church and commitment to those between the ages of 18 to 35. well here's your opportunity thanks jg leads to 31 3131 apply today because we're looking forward to connecting with you see you soon [Music] thanks again for worshipping with us today if you missed anything you can find these announcements and more by downloading the official new life southeast mobile app enjoy service and have an amazing week bye praise the lord everybody hallelujah come on we got my 25 people in the building can everybody open your mouth shout hallelujah those of you that are online can i get you to shout in your homes or wherever you are hallelujah we are praising god on this sunday morning we're grateful hey man we really feel good today anna hannah is at church glory to god the doors of the church are open and anna hannah walked in them don't be trying to hide you you ain't been to church anymore you ain't used to loud noise i'm not shy you don't know how to turn the mic on see you've been going too long i go to 9 30 services see how you feel in the house of god [Music] i'm familiar [Applause] familiar i go to church on sundays she she put it up pull it up on the big screen tv at youtube church you live boo in the building today good morning everybody good morning greet the people and open us up in prayer do you still have a prayer life of course he knows my he knows my voice [Applause] brandon girl greet the people and pray good morning everybody good morning new life um i love you and i miss you and it's not going to be like this always amen it won't be um beautiful times um yeah so let's go before god before his throne dear heavenly father we thank you thank you jesus god we praise you we thank you god that you've allowed us to gather once again god whether it be in person or whether it be on youtube god or periscope or the app we thank you god because you have not left us hallelujah you have not left us comfortless you have not left us without hope thank you and we thank you for that guys just thank you for being faithful yes god god even when we fall slack and when we fall off you are yet faithful thank you jesus you yet watch over us you yet provide for us and god even when we're not thinking about you you have us on your mind and god we just thank you thank you lord god we just thank you for everything we thank you for looking out over us we thank you for looking over our loved ones god who we haven't seen in a while god but god you watch over them and you cover them and you protect them and god i thank you god for being a healer thank you lord god for even the ones who fell ill god you yet healed hallelujah and you walked them through [Music] and we just thank you for that god we just thank you god even though some of us have lost our jobs god you have yet provided thank you jesus and you continue to provide for us god now god we just pray for the ones in the country god who who don't know what they're going to do next or whether where they're going to lay their heads or where they're going to get their next meal god but we just pray that you are yet a provider and yet that you prove yourself to them god even the ones that don't know you and the ones that don't want to know you god we just thank you for being faithful even to them now god i pray god that you will continue to watch over our pastors god that you will continue to just give them more revelation in your word for this day and time and god we just thank you for what you're going to do in our country in jesus name we pray amen amen don't go political in prayer listen we want you to get ready you gone you're just gonna leave me out here like this i'm sorry okay listen we want you guys wherever you are we want you to share we're about to go into worship for those of you that are in the middle and i need you to just come up we're going to tap into worship let's go up hallelujah glory to your name god thank you for your freedom [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] i am [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we thank you for your freedom [Applause] [Applause] hey [Music] broke every chain now i am free in jesus name you defeated the devil you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now i am in jesus name [Applause] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] is thank you for your freedom [Music] [Applause] is is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's the name [Music] is thank you for being everything that we [Music] need hallelujah in jesus name come on release the praise wherever you are in jesus name i want you to get your communion cups in your hand i want you to take the wafer out and i want you to lift it up to the lord wherever you are come on get yourself bread crackers your bread great rich cracker in jesus name jesus name come on everyone say in jesus name that name gives you access hallelujah come on he died so you could have access yes god the bible says he said what the disciples says he broke bread and said this is my body which is broken for you and as often as you eat yes don't forget about what i did for you lift that wafer and take it personally personal in jesus name hallelujah come on open your mouth and begin to thank him for what he did for you come on here he shed his blood for you to give you access so that you can go boldly before the throne of grace yes god and you could ask for what you want but whose name you gonna ask it for jesus in jesus name come on lift that cup he lifted up a couple and said this is my blood which is for you and as often as you drink yes don't forget about what i did for you take a drink in the name of the lord thank you lord bless your name and we thank you and we glorify you in jesus name going on in your life [Music] [Music] who is the kingdom of god [Music] wherever you are hallelujah wow wow wow i thank god for our the young people that were dancing today all of them are basically growing up in this church wow every last wonderful generation we saw them dance from grade school through high school yeah and um one is leaving for northern on tomorrow congrats so good she's going away to college that's good amen i pray for our young people and i always say to them we look for the finished products so always keep our keep your young people to keep our young people in your prayers and i'm every time i see our dancers and i see them i just start smiling because i saw them as babies and i'm seeing them now being at that next level amen you guys can be seated and we're grateful for those that are in the building small groups now every service yeah for those of you on thursday need to pay attention to the register because we can only allow a few people in the building on thursday but you can rsvp to get in this building to be a part of bible city that's right amen i've been released glory to god i've been released to go live on thursdays in the building and he went live live thursday you did man it was so good listen this thursday we will be live from the building also but we're streaming all over the world because the one conference is this week wow one conference one year anniversary of a moment that changed my life come over here walking down the street at the one conference in between sessions when you so casually just said to me hey man i got something you need to pray about what do i need to pray about you need to pray about moving to chicago and coming to help me lead and serve at this church and i was like what that was a year ago coming up this week so one conference is definitely life-changing that's how i got here august 20th 21st isn't it crazy listen you don't know what god it's time next year yeah it happened you don't know what's going to happen but this week if i was you if i was you god's going to stretch you for your next it happened to me i'm a living witness august 20th 21st register now 99 that's a discount uh uh is happening for some leader new life leaders but pastors1conference.com is where you need the lineup is incredible and i'm just saying to you if you're a leader in any way in any capacity here's the thing seven days seven days after put it back on me so they can see me seven days after seven days after this conference is taking place you will get to watch this on demand over and over and over again 30 minutes a time for each speaker and then there's going to be a pour from questions that will be asked but seven days after you get to register for the conference you say hey thursday and friday i have to work you get to watch it for seven days after that a full week how generous is that to be poured into over and over again so make sure that you do it life's changed at one conference trust me all right life groups are back life groups our back build community with others virtually starting this september visit newlife.org or go to the app listen life is better when you do it together nobody should do life alone in these times we want to connect virtually we're going to be living the word of god together so whatever message is preached on sunday in groups you'll build community so you'll break down dissect the ideas and be able to apply it to your life what good is the preaching if you cannot live it right so you want to live it together life groups are happening they're back in september college connection virtual meetup talking about personal finances and saving money listen college students don't fall for the credit card that they're gonna send you for free with the high interest rate and tell you that you can just spin it and don't pay it back all right student loans are high there's so much that's taking place you want to be savvy you want to be savvy about your personal finances and seven money uh something that should be taught in high school but unfortunately it's not so here at new life because we're about equipping every aspect of your life college connection virtual meetup next saturday august 22nd 1 o'clock go to the website and the app to log in bring a friend and let somebody know listen because we're also about after college through college during college after college making sure that you get a job and get coached through uh economies are tough you have to stand out there's an oil there's a grace on your life that helps you to stand out so we have job coaches and if you work in hr or want to help somebody see themselves uh through the lenses of an employer we need job coaches at new life uh you can you can email job coaches at nlcse help dot org is on the screen we need your help to help empower equip the next generation because we believe that god is doing something special and new listen if you register for the conference it's in my hand you ought to declare it type it decree it i am next i am next you may not know it now but you are next and your next is your now please register i'm telling you i am a living witness that this conference will change your life moments that happen you never see them coming leaders leaders leaders pastors leaders you own something you want to own something connect to the idea there's a great moment that's going to take place right here from chicago to the entire world i don't know about you but i never want to miss my season never and timing is everything and i just remember when the lord spoke to me and says i need you to cast your net towards pastor jamon um one year and you are going to have to make room move over and i don't know about you but i would rather be in his will than be out of his life yeah and if if in his will makes me uncomfortable for a season i would rather be uncomfortable pleasing him then be comfortable not pleasing that's right i need you to hear me so sometimes god is in the discomfort he is because he's pushing you and squeezing you for his will to be revealed and some of you are even in your finances you go we're going to preach in a few minutes about the um the wealthy one some of y'all you have the spirit of wealth on you come on you just haven't stepped into your wealth yes yeah but you look like you're look a wealthy place i need you to go ahead and open your mouth i am wealthy i am welcome come on here not just come on come on i am wealthy i need you to come and say this i represent well i represent amen and some of y'all you look like you possess more than you really do because your future is already resting on you that's why people treat you a certain way because you look like it how did you get what you've done is you've already begun to sow into your future he says when you give it's pressed down shaking again shaking together you're gonna eventually make it to your running overseas coming back but it can't stop being pressed until you release it come on here is there anybody you can feel a press in your finances and i am standing as a witness that now unto him that he is able amen to do exceedingly exceedingly and abundantly above all you can ask i want you to get your ties in your offering if it's ever been a season that you need to be faithful that season is now yeah like that season if it's ever been a time to release that season is now i did a prayer meeting on friday with some amazing young people then young people prayed yeah and when they finish the lord says now i need you to sow into them yeah like i need you to cash at those two young people and i need you to give in to them and i did exactly what the lord told me to do and within 24 hours i had already gotten back doubled yeah of what i had already sewn into them but it would not happen until i released the scene i want you to be faithful in your times and effort how many all know that he has been your provider hallelujah he has taken care of you yes the bible says i have never never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed beg he cannot forsake you because there's a pandemic the devil is a liar i need you to trust god in everything that you have get your seat ready if you're going to if you're going to text to give you're going to text the words nlcse to 77977 if you're going to write a check you make it out to nlcse if you have our app that is one of the best ways to give what are you trying to say we have made it possible for you to give however you want to give if you want to drop it off at the office you can drop it off if you want to mail it if you still got a book of stamps in your purse you can mail that to 5517 south michigan avenue 60637 come on get your seat ready i need you to release so that you can begin to step into your wealthy place i need you to release so that things can begin to get pressed down and shaken together so that you can get into your running over season get your seat ready lift it up to the lord and repeat after me i'm a time that i give up i'm a tithe i am blessed be on for the rest of my life i'll never be broke again we're gonna go into worship we want you to get your bibles once you go to second kings and the fourth chapter we're gonna stay right there but jessica's gonna lead us into worship come on get back in worship as you release your seat let's go [Music] knowing the battles [Music] still stand [Music] this [Music] we bless you lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] help me [Applause] [Music] the mountains [Music] [Music] i [Music] somebody when there was no way [Music] i believe wherever [Applause] [Music] we lived our worship to the until [Music] to the unfair [Music] [Music] god i believe [Applause] [Applause] [Music] to the [Applause] [Music] the [Music] [Music] tell me face [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'll see you what that needs to come out of your mouth [Music] come on i need you to confess that come on i need you everybody in the building online i need you to say i what that means that you're not dying anytime soon come on you're speaking into your tomorrow today what [Music] about more time declare our what [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] prophecy [Applause] he's going to work in your favor somebody says [Music] [Music] is [Music] wow come on i need you to declare i'll see you do it again for me yay and you shall recover all see and you shall recover oh and i'll see you do it again and again and again yay it's only added to my testimony come on we gonna stop let's go let's get in this bible [Applause] [Music] let's get in this bible late in the midnight out why you sleep god's gonna be turning it be not weary and well dude it's your new season come on we gonna move [Applause] hey [Applause] i'm gonna see it i'm gonna touch it i'm gonna experience it my turn yeah come on i need you to put it on the screen i need you to open your mouth and say i'm gonna see it i'm gonna touch it i'm gonna experience it again again come on we're going to get in this bible hey come on people say i'm going forward my blessing is in front of me my pain is behind me i better stop [Music] drive forward [Music] put your words in action let's go get your bible [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'm gonna see it i'm gonna touch it i'm gonna experience it [Applause] come on we're gonna move i want you to get your bibles um this this is such a prophetic time this is such a prophetic time but i hear the lord say according to the words that come out of your mouth so shall it be unto you according to the words that come out of your i need you to take the power back take it from people and put it back on you according to the words that come out of your mouth so shall it be unto you i need you to say my best days ahead of me forward try go for it we gonna move let's go i gotta i gotta put some word on this so i wanna be honest we are here today with this drive forward because on last week at the 9 30 service um pastor jamon had preached and he just began to hear the words drive forward drive forward and the price team just tapped in and they began to sing drive drive drive and listen to me we had already gotten our month series together we had already gotten discernment that we were going to preach the text and everything but then to be sensitive to the spirit means that you're willing to change your agenda for his will to be done so in conversation he says listen i feel the anointing real strong um he said um i really feel like that drive forward i said man when you were singing all i could hear was the word of god when the woman told the driver to drive forward he said bro i've never read i never paid attention to that in the scripture it's right he said i went home and i looked it up and it literally said drive forward he said let's change i said let's go for it let's go for it let's do it so in studying it we're going to give you what we came up with um i need you just to declare i'm driving forward um i need that to be your mentality i need that to be your energy i need that to be your strength i need because watch me if you have a drive everybody that comes around you they gonna your spirit gonna get on them i better calm down already i feel the anointing and um some of you are you you're beginning to lose it making it making you about to subject to those that don't want to go forward nobody you gonna drive as a matter of fact you're gonna tell people where to sit in your car listen i need you i'ma calm down let's go come on let's go um we want to speak to those of you that are facing something that appears to be um dead um when we say dead it feels hopeless and i know what it is in this season to feel hopeless hear me clearly it is a feeling feelings change that's why you can't submit to your feelings because feelings change but his word must remain come on let's talk in this season um it has taken the life out of many of us that you wake up drain because you're not moving at the pace pay attention that you are used to being at your life has been thrown off because you are a mover and a shaker but something has happened that you're not at this pace anymore so now you're at this pace this drains you because this is not your norm this is not your norm so when you wake up and time is going like this it's almost like you waiting on time when you used to push in time and certain things start happening that take you to this pace larry just hit the drum like this for me larry hit the drum like this for me larry larry hit the drum like this for me larry larry this place how did you get here how did you get here pictures when you were at this pace but now you're here you lost your job your marriage came under attack they looted and it affected your employment they got a flat screen tv but you lost your job they said but they got insurance but you don't your business is being impacted yo church you are not used to preaching with 25 people you ain't used to coming to church with a man song i can't holler like i wanna holler i'm used to touch your neighbor i can't even touch nobody we coronal bumping it's affecting us because i'm used to touch i'm used to hugging i'm used to talking i'm used to being close i'm used to my village my dreams are being impacted my joy is being affected i'm losing my mind i am on edge i'm going off i'm having road rage i'm giving people the bird on the road i'm out of character cause this ain't me i can't stand my kids i don't like my wife i'm in the dm in the midnight hour this ain't me where am i at where am i where's my joy how did i get lost in this this ain't my place this ain't my world i'm trying to stay alive but i'm not doing good and that's why we're here cause you're not gonna die in this season your problem won't kill your promise your problems today won't kill the promise you got years ago now unto him that is able hey my show you i need everybody to open your mouth i need you to type it on the screen i'm driving forward hey my shirt come on i need you to say i'm driving forward i need you to take the keys to your car i need you to take the keys to your purpose i need you to take the keys to your energy you're not gonna come around me and drain me of my energy i run this i need you to be in the seat of authority i am begging everyone that is listening to me right now if you are listening to me this is a divine appointment this is a divine time for me to get you back in the driver's seat he's about jesus take the wheel he's not taking the wheel he's gonna go according to your instructions and according to your will let's go open your mouth again it says i'm driving forward come on those are in the building with your mask on and it might sound muzzle but i need to come out of your mouth i'm driving forward can we talk today we're going to speak of a woman who looked at what appeared appeared appeared appeared appeared to be a dead hopeless situation she made a conscious decision although it appears to be dead i'm driving forward um we are introduced to a wealthy woman can i get everyone to open your mouth and say i am wealthy i am wealthy come on i need you to say i have i have a lot of resources come on come on i need you to begin to say that i need you to speak your future i am wealthy and i have a lot of resources i have plenty of seats to sew i have plenty of seats to sew i run out of nothing i live in overflow come on here uh come on ready so what she does with her resources everybody hear me god doesn't bless you the resources for you to boast about what you have if he blessed you with resources it's so that you could bless other people you are designed to be the answer to somebody else's prayer um watch me somebody else is praying that god will bless them he channels it through you so watch me he channels the blessing through you to make sure that they are comfortable come on here i am assigned to make you comfortable come over here i am assigned to bring you peace so she takes her resources watch what she does and she begins to sew first she gives him a meal after she gave him a meal the bomb said then every time he came she upped it and gave him meals she went from singular to plural and for some of y'all you are beyond your dollar sewing come on here i'm gonna need you to up your seed ain't nobody saying that to me then so then she went from a meal to meals and then she built him a room when she built her room she gave him a bed a table a lamp and a chair shut up you went from a meal from a meal to meals she went from meals to a room from a room to a bed from a bed to a lamp to a table and a chair she kept going she kept sewing she kept sewing finally her seed could not be ignored finally the prophet looks and say we have to hook her up and for some of y'all i came to tell you you are reaping for what you sowed previously in the pandemic he's you're living in your overflow i wish i could get somebody to know that god is now allowing you to live in your overflow i need you to open your mouth and decree and declare i am wealthy and i have a lot of resources you ready ready ready so after she blesses him watch me then the bible says he talks to his his assistant jehazar and says how can we hook her up watch me first they talked about giving her favorite with the governor and the commander of the amish she says don't worry about that i got that pay attention he's not going to bless you with what you already have what he's going to bless you with is which is no longer on your prayer list can i talk for a minute he's about to go into the area that you said i guess is not for me he's about to go into the area that you that you basically gave up on it the hazy said when i looked around the house he says two things number one i don't see any resemblance of a child and her husband is old basically what i'm saying to you appears to be impossible bring me in what he's about to do appears to be impossible but i seen him do it and he's about to do it again i need those of you that walk by faith and not by sight those of you that believe that he is able to do anything can i get you to lift your hands and worship god for what's about to come on you right there right there right there i need you to get in the position of preparing yourself you're about to receive something supernatural ready you ready call her in colorado he says um you ready i want everybody to get this if you go you look at this and before before before she receives it it is spoken in the 16th verse he says about this time next year you will hold a sun in your arms about this time next year everybody it is august the 16th i need you to mark that date down because i say by this time next year you're going to be holding what you've been waiting on for years i need you to hear me some of y'all watch me this this thing is going in this thing is going in this thing is going in so i prophesy in the midst of a pandemic but speak to your future i need you to say bye this time next year i'ma see it i'm gonna touch it i'm experiencing it ah this time next year and i'm gonna give you an opportunity to release the praise just over word nothing has been conceived yet you've only received the word we walk by faith not by sight once you get a word it is up to you to catch it and praise god for it everybody hear me by this time next year what you had given up on will be your reality on the count of three i need you to release the praise and oh watch me the moment that you praise god is when you will be conceived come on here i'm gonna give you an opportunity to set yourself up to catch that thing in your spirit on the count of by this time next year 2021 will not be your 2020 on the count of three it's on you one two three go [Music] and it shall come to pass it shall come to pass i'm good and it shall come to pass your name is being called your resume is being pooled your favor is lining up your credit is being cleared i'm good i'm good bye randy this time denise dennis sharon sarah crystal patty kenneth jasmine susan leslie rhonda brenda bye [Music] this time next year 20 21. you're gonna see it you're gonna touch it you're gonna experience it you're gonna see it you're gonna live in it you're gonna ride in it you're gonna travel to it you gonna sleep in it by this time next year your zip code gonna change your square footage gonna change salary gonna change your anointing is gonna increase your children will graduate you'll be 100 [Applause] this time big speak it it won't happen till you say it put it out there it's being caught in the spirit with a delivery date and angel just caught it and about to carry it into 2021 all you got to do is show up [Applause] [Music] so to prove that he doesn't lie you go to the 17th verse in the bible and the woman became pregnant [Music] after it was spoken then it happened watch me first you speak it it can't happen until you speak it and then when it happens now here's a line of what many of you are going to get some of y'all already you already saw it you already touched it you already experienced it it's just been attacked you've already seen it you've already touched it you've already experienced it's just under attack so where did the attack come he interfered with his daddy the promise is in the field with the father the promise gets sick and the father says to a servant take the promise back to the promised carrier take the promise back to the one that believed it take the promise back to the one that repeated it out of her mouth they took the promise back to the mother and the bible says in verse 20 and when he had taken them and brought him to his mother he set her on his knees to noon and then the promise stop breathing some of y'all you ain't breathing your marriage your business your joy your peace is not breathing because where there's breath there's life just cause you're alive don't mean you living just cause you married don't mean you mary it ain't breathing and who wants to stay in a room with the dead cause if the longer i sit with death it starts stinking rigor morris set in it starts running in front of me and some of y'all i came to get you before it rot hey my shia i need you to open your mouth and say i'm driving forward now watch me watch me right now you are either drained or you are driving drain me it is what it is you know drain me you know hey i give up some of y'all to start smoking and drinking and tipping and slipping and dipping cause you dream and when you drain you look for other things to give you strength can we talk every night now you gotta go you can't go to sleep unless you drink a glass of wine then you justify it because i mean even jesus drank wine but he didn't drink the whole bottle he didn't go to bed drunk y'all ain't saying nothing to me you're either drained or you're driven you're either drained or you're driven and some of y'all you have been drained but this service is about to get you into the driving seat it won't start until you say it everything is according to your confession everything is according to your confession because the power of life and death is in your tongue you sitting around waiting on somebody to prophesy to you and god say prophesy to yourself he said whatever you speak i'ma give it to you he told the children of israel i am going to give you exactly what i heard you say which means that you have the power to speak your tomorrow i need everybody in this building and online i need you to say i'm driving forward um forward forward now now that you've decided to go forward i wanna show you this ready go to verse 21. anybody say she went up she laid him on the bed of the man of god and she started her engine she shut the door behind upon him and she went out her engine started and some of y'all that's what you're beginning to feel in your spirit uh oh god i i pray that you get a function in your spirit that you feel uh [Music] [Laughter] i can't hear you but i need you to say uh come on here i need you i need you to get it ready i need you to get the rollers out your head cause you about to get called for a zoom interview i need you to get up and get dressed and beat your face and get ready for what god is about to do for you i need you to start making sure your business plan is all come on here i feel a charge i'm driving forward now watch me ready let's go let's move real quickly so when you're going to drive forward i need you i need you to give you uh i need to give you a road map you're going to come in contact with four different kind of people number one you're gonna have to come in contact with a releaser if you could just write these on the screen as i said if you could write these on on facebook instagram wherever you are write these out a release a driver a blocker and a resurrector you're going to come in contact with a releaser you're going to come in contact with a driver you are going to come in contact with a blocker and then you're going to come in contact with a resurrector the problem is this is four different type of people that you're going to come in contact with which means that you cannot put this whole thing on one person you got to get what you can out of the one that you with so that you can go to your next you got to get what you can out of the one that you with so that you can go to your next and they are going to release you because they watch me and some of y'all need to realize that you can't be everything for somebody you can only give them what you have i wish i had somebody i need you to free yourself to stop trying to please people free yourself trying to make everybody happy i can only give you what i have and then if you can't if that after that you need to move on ain't nobody saying nothing to me now because you're trying to hold on to them can we go for a friend so let's go let's go let's go let's go to the releaser can you bring this up i asked him to put a door a releaser a releaser is the one that will release you to go forward which means that watch me the bible says then she called to her husband and said please send me release me it released me one of the young men and released me a donkey that i might run to the man of god and i'll be right back release me watch me this door means that everything has to be done decently and in order this is the door of respect you need to make sure that you make sure that you cross your t's and that you dot your eyes and that you just don't run out here like a wild game you make sure to make sure that you get the permission to go for it and for some of you all god has assigned me to tell you look at me go for it you have been released to go for your joy release to go for your book release to go for your cd release to go for your dream release to do some stuff that you have never dreamed of doing this is your time in your season what a perfect time to do it while the earth is on hold god i wish i had some witnesses in here i need you to get ready to go go go and the count of three i need everybody in the building and those online i need you to begin the type goal with an exclamation point if you say it i need you to speak it with authority hear me clearly a door has been opened for you today to make sure that you get what what god has in store for you for somebody this is your word to release you to go for it on the count of three i need you to shout go as loud as you can and something is about to happen in the spirit realm some doors are about to open you about to get out of a tight spot you about to make sure watch me he's about to enlarge your territory he's about to open some doors for you he's about to bring your name up he's about to go ahead of you he's about to level every mountain he's about to bring up every valley he's about to cut through some gates and some bars just to make sure that you don't have any hindrances going where you going on the count of three i need everybody come on i need to release it i need there to be a green light in the spirit i need everybody to say go go go one two three [Applause] ready so now that you're released ready you have to come in contact with people who release you releasing you basically gives you the courage basically gives you the validation basically gives you um the energy to say you know what i can do this so what happens then once you get with a releaser now you need a driver now watch me now you need a driver please watch this i had this road here watch me the driver who's the driver the bible says watch me she says in verse 24 then she said she settled the donkey what is that watch me when she settles a donkey she basically gives her watch me i'm selling the donkey so that you can get my energy i'm saddling the dunk to show you i ain't playing i ain't playing watch me so when you walk up on me you see how serious i am watch me you are about to set the temperature you are going to set the temperature for the driver then what she says she said she said i'm going to say drive go forward do not do not sack in the pace for me unless i tell you watch me i got this road here if you look at this road watch me right then there were no seat belts which means it's gonna be difficult but you gonna make sure you go get somebody who can keep up with you oh my god when it gets a little rough on the road you're gonna get with somebody with you that's not gonna jump out the car and god's about to surround you with some people who are not gonna get scared but who will stay in the car to make sure that you get where you go make sure that you get to your destination they're gonna make sure that you be everything that god calls you to be you cannot be around people who gonna hate on you during your journey but you're gonna be around somebody said we're gonna make it exactly where we're trying to get to and some of y'all you need right people in your circle who are not afraid of road come over here we're gonna keep up with everything we're not getting out the car we're gonna make sure that we and i wish i wish i was around i wish i could feel your energy i wish i was around somebody right now that i could be on 10 that you could be on 10 like i'm on 10. and some of y'all you are around people who are draining you of your energy watch me every time it's the turn every time there's a turn they don't shop with you know i don't need to be in the car with fear i need to be in the cupboard excitement oh we got this we got this oh my god do you see this let's go let's go i wish you were in the building around somebody who was not scared because i ain't got no seat belt on i refuse to believe that he broke me this far to kill me in the middle of my journey i need you to throw your hands up like you at great america i need you to embrace the rollercoaster ride i need you not to be afraid of the depth but give in to the energy that is being released in this service lift your hands open your mouth and worship your driver your driver you're a driver you're a driver you're a driver don't slow down go hard don't slow down go hard ah those are in this building you're not here by the days of my accident but god sent you here to release the anointing over the airways and everybody in this building i'm going to encounter three and you're going to release a praise and the praise you release is gonna hit all around the world that it's gonna give somebody the drive to get what god is about to take them how you on the count of three drive one two three dry drive drive praising drive me and finish try women's ministry try children's ministry drive business people drive pastors drive profits drive apostles drive teachers drive evangelists [Music] [Applause] forward forward forward [Music] forward forward forward forward your energies get better your strength is getting better drive drive forward come on dominique july [Music] don't get stop get it don't stop go forward don't stop believe again start practicing again stop rehearsing again start writing again start planning again there's another chapter to this this is not the end you're gonna see it again you're gonna touch it again and you're going to experience wealth again favor again anointing again happiness again go ye travels get the word of the lord he comes to warfare here comes some warfare here comes some warfare here comes the warfare you can't be on a mission and not have warfare you cannot be on a mission and not have warfare but you got it you got it you got it you got it [Music] ready stop the road everybody say i made it i'm halfway there you ready she gets out you got to get this you ready she gets out and she literally runs to the man of god she grabs a hole to his feet but she grabbed hold of his feet basically i'm taking authority over your movement when she didn't grab his hands she grabbed his feet because she when she grabbed his feet basically i am about to order your steps you ready but whenever you close i need you please pay attention to the blockers she got his feet and here comes your hazel jehazar is the blocker wait amen earlier in the chapter he was the blesser right he was the one that told the prophet she don't have a child so god used the blocker earlier knowing that he would block later there's some people that bless you early but the season in their life is to block you just to try your faith stop getting mad at the blocker because they only doing what they've been said to do during this season the bible says pay attention that jehazi came near to push her out of the way and some of y'all are dealing with people that's trying to push you off your course trying to push you out of your comfort zone trying to push you on edge so you could snap and get all focused on what you're supposed to be doing which is going forward some of y'all are sleeping with somebody who's a blocker now they were your lover and your husband previously that was your wife previously but for this season they've been assigned to be your blocker block block block this is coming to see if you're gonna let go of the feet this is coming to see if you're gonna get up and push him back this is coming to see if you're gonna get out of character i've come too far to get off now i need some of y'all to look back over your life you have been through too much and he has favored you too much for you to go crazy now come on here everybody say yes lord yes lord ready ready so why jehazic blocking the resurrector speaks come on here can i speak to you for a minute come on can i talk to you for a minute the resurrector first of all is gonna see you the bible says he told you hazy leave her alone leave her alone and i hear the lord telling me to tell you that orders have been released for certain spirits to leave you alone your blockage is over god i wish i was in the building with some faith people i wish i was in the building i would have i wish i could pick you up online i can tell you you your blockers are about to move out of your way anybody can praise god when you get what you want but i just want to praise god that there's not about to be any more resistance it's the resistance that could weigh you out the bible says that elisha says leave her alone for she i can see that she is in deep distress and the lord has not revealed to me what is going on i could see it but i don't know what it is so your block is not only going to see you pay attention your block is going to listen to you see some people are in your presence but they really not paying you no attention and i need you to see the urgency don't talk to me and text at the same time don't be talking to me and checking your facebook status i need you to pay attention to the words that are coming out of my mouth is there anybody in the building that wants somebody who could pick you up in the spirit is it come on here those are in the building come on let's stand let's stand let's sin let's see let's stand so then after he sees her he hears her and then he follows her your blocker i'm sorry your resurrector is going to follow you your resurrector you're going to point them to the area that you need help in i'm a drink on that one you're going to point them pay attention to the area you need help if you don't need help in finances don't take me there if you struggle with depression point me point me where it is point me take me where you need a miracle take me where you need a miracle now pay attention to your resurrecting bring it up your resurrector is not in a hurry can you bring up my clock your resurrector's not in a hurry your resurrector is not a drive-by because your resurrector gonna work with you until what you've been waiting on it's up and running so your resurrector got patience so just because they not in your face don't mean that they not working on your behalf let's go just because they're not in your face don't mean that they're not working behind closed doors to get your favor i'm gonna give some of y'all a chance to release your name so your resurrector can catch it and take it behind closed doors and work some things out for you come on here and he's only going to go in the area where you need a miracle come on here he's only going to go in the area and do what you could never do come on here on the count of three i need you to release your name in the spirit one two three john hannah you ready so the resurrector goes in the room with what is dead the resurrector prays after the resurrector prays the resurrector lays on a dead body the resurrector lays on the dead watch me and the body gets warm warm don't mean alive so a resurrector can pick up if what you're waiting on is really complete just cause it warm is warm don't mean that it's yours yet so a resurrector is not going to deliver you something that's not fully functioning your next delivery is going to be full god i wish i was in the building with god can you please please surround me with faith people can you surround me with people that when the word is spoken we just go crazy can you surround me with people that when we hear the word we just believe that you are able to do exactly what you what we heard that you're going to do can we just can you surround with people that know that you're not a liar you are not man that you would lie but that you are god come on here those of you that believe that your next delivery is gonna be full your next job is gonna be full your next assignment is gonna be mind-blowing can i hear your worship for ten seconds ten come on worship it's warm but it's not alive it's warm but it's not alive it looked good but it's not ready yet pay attention pay attention he walked the floor he walked the floor and then he went back and got back on the bed and he stretched himself because your resurrector is willing to stretch themselves without you asking they're willing to go beyond the call of duty without you having to ask i need you to hear me the kind of resurrectors that god's about to put in your life during this season you're going to get what you want without requesting it you are going to get what you want without requesting it they are not going to deliver you something that's half cooked for example a person is cooking a cake you can look in the oven and it looks like it's done but a real cooker will pull it out the oven go and get a toothpick to make sure that they don't deliver you something that's running all over the place they'll poke it and test it and i need you to know that your resurrector is going to test some stuff before it's handed to you they're not going to give make a bad referral they're not going to deliver you or escort you to a job that's going to take advantage of you this they're going to sell you a house that have some defects that's going to cost you later they're not going to call you into a ministry that's going to abuse you later the devil is a liar the door is about to open and you're about to be handed what you've been driving to lift your hands in this building open your mouth and begin to worship in a forward manner go [Music] i need your worship to be it forward i need your worship to be in forward i need your worship to be in forward [Music] i need your worship to not be today but i need your worship to be tomorrow forward yay forward your environment is changing your city is changing your dream will be your reality you had to release something you've been around the driver you get past the blocker [Applause] now you went the resurrector you went the resurrector you went the resurrector you went the resurrector you and the power of his resurrection is go get ready to sing this song that we serve all of you about driving forward [Music] hey yay hey i feel an anointing for those that are in this building i need you to hear me you're not here by chance by accident for those of you that are online you're not watching me by chance by accident but god wanted to get do me a favor if you've been drained recently [Music] i need you to get up from your seat and go lay your hands on your tv lay your hands on your computer all that i might know him [Music] in the power of his resurrection [Music] let the same spirit that quickened christ's body quicken your mortal bodies he's about to resurrect what was dead i'm so glad you didn't let the blocker stop you everybody that's experienced any kind of warfare i need you to begin to lift your hands and begin to push past and drive forward go [Applause] come on push push i need your energy go go go far [Applause] [Music] musicians play like david play let the oil be on every instrument this is driving music this is driving music this is driving music this is driving music go no more dream [Applause] no you made it past the blockers this is driving music [Applause] [Music] [Applause] don't you give up on your children don't you give up on your marriage don't you give up on your dreams don't you give up on your passion don't you give up on you try [Applause] you're with the resurrector prophesy to these tribes [Applause] oh ye driver get the word of the lord you shall see it you shall touch it you shall experience it hear the word there you go play hey musicians you can play yourself into your deliverance you can play yourself into your favor you can play yourself into your new opportunity play don't just play innocent to yourself this is driving music [Music] hey siri are you i know you in your view but i hear the lord say you need to move your body move your body get your energy back [Music] forward forward i go forward [Applause] your relocating would not be in pain you're relocating would not be in vain it comes with a release it comes with a drop but it also comes with some blocker but you [Applause] gonna [Applause] [Applause] go y'all go get your notebook back out get your vision board back out start back to writing your book [Music] get your songs back out [Music] upgrade your facebook page advertise work on your brand god's about to make somebody look for you [Music] take down every raunchy picture and put up pictures of your future [Applause] we gotta go [Music] look at me there's someone that's watching you've been feeling dead but you're with the resurrector you cannot do this without god [Music] if you know you need god i need you to repeat after me lord jesus i need you i need you to be lord over my life i repent for trying to do it my way today i submit to you and i invite you to come into my life to be my lord and to be my savior if i believe that you came to earth you lived you died and you resurrect it and by faith i am saved if you pray that prayer i want you to text the words new life to 313131 listen to me if you are in a bad state and you need somebody to pray for you i need you to text new life to three one three one three one if you've been backslidden you're ready to rededicate i need you to text new life to 313131 if you need a pastor a shepherd a church i don't care what city what state what country you live in do you feel as if god has called us to pass to you takes a new life to 313-131 let's make it happen hear me clearly what was dead is about to be handed to you alive he opened the door he said here it is not warm it's not dead it's alive the next opening is going to hand you what you've been waiting on wow how did we even get here don't forget it started from sewing we only got here because of a c that is crazy to me we are only here because she released her resources had she not released we would have never been questioned how many of you all are holding up your blessing because you won't release your sin am i gonna keep begging you to be a tither keep begging you to be a giver that's like begging you to take your blessing if you came in late and you didn't time that you didn't give then you do it now for those that said well i feel led to give a special seat if you want to give a special seat you sow a seat of 57 how do you sell it just text you know csc to 7790 if you want to give a special scene say man this thing messed me up i feel like i need to sew a special seat but you sew it on that all of this started because of a scene has she never given we never would have been here the only reason we're here is because she's a giver that is amazing to me some of you are giving doesn't stop you from going through so giving comes with blockers but it's how you handle them can you just sing and drive forward as we prepare to leave everyone center your feet i need you guys to stay in forward motion on thursday i'm only going to deal with that driver [Music] god has already had me doing my homework on donkeys and what does it take from the animal to the person to the road from the person to the animal to the road what does it take and i want you to be prepared and get ready for what's about to happen don't forget the the pastor's conference is coming up if you logged in don't forget that we'll keep it up for seven days so if you can't watch it live on thursday and friday you can register and watch it within seven days god bless you those in the building lift your hands every week we're bringing in a different ministry but today the god says today is your day and for some of you already in this building i hear you hear me you were in drain not drive but god sent you in this building to get you back in the driver's seat i know what it is to feel drained but you can't give in to your feelings for those that are in the building i need you to take the next 30 seconds and we can go offline and i need you to begin to worship god and begin to inhale and exhale as god gives you your strength back come on get your strength back come on get your strength back come on get your strength back can you take me offline [Music] i want to minister to those in the [Music] building [Music] me you
Channel: Pastor John F. Hannah
Views: 11,608
Rating: 4.8757763 out of 5
Keywords: pastor john hannah, pastor hannah, john f hannah ministries, john hannah ministries
Id: iCE7pp6l_RI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 40sec (6160 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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