Pastor Cora Jakes Coleman: WTAL Masterclass 2018 Pursuit of Power

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[Applause] [Applause] [Applause] get [Applause] [Applause] god [Applause] huh [Applause] uh [Laughter] [Applause] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] have you ever had a condition and you just had to continue [Applause] let's go to the word [Applause] you are worthy oh god [Music] [Applause] we give you glory oh god there's no one like you oh god [Music] [Applause] fill this room with your glory fill this room with your glory we've got to get to you oh god we need your healing oh god we've got to get to you we need to get to you we've got to get to you oh god oh god i've been broken oh god i've been weary oh god i've been bleeding oh god oh god i've gotta get to him i've gotta get to him i've been broken broken oh god i've been tired oh oh god i've been weary oh god i've gotta get to him i've gotta get to him have any of you been bleeding oh god any of you been tired oh my my my my god have you been weary oh god we've gotta get to him we've gotta get to him anybody need to get to him oh my oh [Music] this is him this is him this is him this is him oh this is him [Applause] let's go to luke 8 42 through 46. i give honor to my mother my father my husband give honor to this house [Applause] luke 8 42 through 46 and then we'll jump over to luke 10. 19. the bible says because his only daughter a girl of about 12 was dying as jesus was on his way the crowds almost crushed him and the woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for 12 years but no one could heal her she came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak and immediately her bleeding stopped who touched me jesus asked when they all denied it peter said master the people are crowding and pressing against you but jesus said someone touched me i know that power has gone out from me luke 10 19 says i have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy ah this is my favorite part nothing nothing nothing not cancer not a divorce not abuse not unemployment not this one and that one nothing will harm you for a moment i would like to speak to you on the subject topic the pursuit of power father god breathe in this place this morning they call it morning glory so show them why show them why you are able to bring a fresh glory in the morning show them why your glory can be present in every footstep that we take god have your way move by your power and by your might that the spirit of the lord might resurrect revive renew and restore in this place this morning god i can't and will not do this without you remove me that you may consume me cover me from the crown of my head to the soles of your feet i don't know what you want to do but i'm willing i'm open i'm ready use my mouth for your mouth use my hands for your hands use my spirit for your spirit move through me sweet god that you are we'll be forever careful to give your name all the glory and all the praise that it is due and we decree and declare that these things are so by the name that only has enough power to make demons scared in this place the name that is sovereign the name that cancels every curse every demon demon every demonic principality every generational curse we unleash your name that unlocks blessings supernatural blessings move oh god for it is so and so it is amen have a seat would you i am honored to be in this place this morning for a second time i feel like a little nervous only because it is a high responsibility when god calls you to any platform not just the potter's house but any platform and so because you are business women pastors prophets prophetess etc etc i find it a pleasure to be able to break down a few things for you as it pertains to prayer now i'm sure it's interesting to you that i would pick the woman with the issue of blood when we're going to talk about prayer that seems a little silly because why would you pick someone with a condition and with an issue to talk about prayer well i believe that the woman with the issue of blood shows us how we should pray how we should move the posture and which we should handle situations and so when we look in this text this woman has been subject to bleeding for 12 years over 4 000 days of bleeding constantly pouring out of herself having a subject a condition within her body that not many people know about not many people can see not many people know that she's been struggling she's been in a place of isolation for 12 years because she's considered unclean even though she has a condition that is not her fault have you ever been committed to isolation for something you didn't even do they've laid you aside they've pushed you away they've told you you weren't good enough you weren't worthy enough you weren't qualified enough and they placed you in an isolation for something that you had no control over this woman is in an isolated place but she hears about jesus now incidentally each gospel has a different perception of this story everybody has written about this story except for john matthew mark and luke account to what has happened with this woman with the issue of blood her situation is not considered a healing opportunity for god but it is a miracle so a lot of us would dictate that this is a healing situation but in fact it was a miracle situation where god was able to do something that no man has ever been able to do so i came to tell just maybe 10 of you that god is about to do something in your life that no man has ever been able to do no doctor has ever been able to fix no no man has ever been able to turn it around but god is about to do something in your life where everything that you've been bleeding about he's about to turn your bleeding into a blessing oh help me holy ghost when you consider your situation we're all plagued with a particular condition as it were there is a problem in this story that bothers me she is in the midst of a bunch of people all looking for something from jesus but yet looked at as a pariah looked at as unworthy all of y'all out here for the same thing but i'm looked at crazy i got the problem i got the issue everybody coming to get something from the lord but i'm the one that you don't like i'm the one that you don't want to touch i'm the one you don't want to pray for i'm the one you don't want to prophesy to all of y'all here for the same thing but you got your nose turned up at me so so what is the issue here what is the issue here the issue here is i've got more faith than you oh my oh my everybody's standing around pressing into god but nobody will reach for him everybody's got their judgments their dictations what should be done and how you should handle the situation and if it were me i would do this and if it were me i would say this and if it were me i would move this way but nobody's reaching for him isn't it funny how we can have a bleeding situation but have too much pride to press for jesus isn't it funny that we can be all dressed up but bleeding looking all nice and cute girl you look fly girl i mean from head to toe you're sharp [Applause] but you're bleeding i know about this subject because i have been the woman with the issue of blood having a condition that people tried to shame me with people try to ridicule me with people tried to embarrass me with i i know what it's like to be on the ground reaching for somebody who could help me i i know what it's like to be praying and asking god to do something that everybody else is supposed to be able to help me can't do i've been to the doctors went to the physicians heard all the diagnosis you got this you got that it's this no it's that it's this no it's that it's probable but it's not possible i've been with a condition you can get quiet you got one too it's all right i'm not alone you just don't have faith enough to step out and say me too you you don't have faith enough to say yeah i've had to reach for him too pastor you don't have faith enough to crawl on the ground looking for jesus is him i don't care what i touch i don't care where i go i've got to get to him maybe a few of you in here know what it's like to have to get to him i can't do nothing that i've got to get to him i i i can't move i can't talk to you i can't have no date i can't find no husband i can't do that with you i can't get no i got to get to him baby i don't know where you're trying to go i'm trying to get to him life is too short to spend the rest of it bleeding why why go through life bleeding when power is in your reach it's it's right there you just gotta move for it when i was gonna do this sermon i told them i wanna crawl on the floor and the ninjas was like horror not really feeling that i need to have a crowd of people around me it's going to be a big production i got to do it like daddy so they did it io and our fine arts team said we're gonna do it for you i wanted a visual of a modern day woman with the issue of blood because i'm aware that you have an issue and though you think you've done well in hiding it oh morning glory morning glory might just expose you mourning glory might just show that you're looking to reach as well she's going through the town she's fragile y'all she should be dead really medically she should be gone we only got a few pints of blood in our body she'd been bleeding for over 4 000 days she should be out of here y'all something is giving her life even though she's bleeding that's what you need to capture in prayer that even though i may be bleeding something on the inside is giving me life something on the inside of my spirit is causing me to move it's causing me to keep pushing i should be dead but something on the inside won't let me go it it won't let me give up it won't let me turn it won't let me forsake me something on the inside has given me a pursuit now she wasn't looking for power y'all she wasn't so so i want to be clear on that she wasn't looking for power she was looking for healing okay sometimes you'll be going to god to look for something but you'll get something else in prayer that's how that happens you will go to god expecting healing and you will walk away with power so so the issue is are you willing to go to god for one thing and walk away with the completely new thing in your hand he doesn't want to do what you expect he said i will do exceedingly and abundantly above anything you ever ask or think according to we miss this part says according to the power that worketh within you oh my there's a power that worketh in you that will cause god to exceed your expectations the ones that's been looking for god to exceed their expectations make some noise oh he's ready oh he's ready oh he's ready oh he's ready show me how you reach show me how you reach show me how you it's a reach it's a pursuit it's a pursuit i don't know what i'm going for i i don't know but i know that i'm ready for him to exceed my expectations i may not be worthy of it that's what they say they say i'm not worthy of the healing they say i need to stay in my house they say i don't have no business being out here they say i need to be alone i think our bishop said it's not good for a woman to be alone but they say they say you know that they say i i need to go home but i just got to get to him so so so she's walking and she's going through a situation now what i want you to see is we're not going to isolate her from this crowd i want you to see that it's very possible that she could have been crushed in the crowd [Applause] it's very possible that she could have died in the crowd but there's something on the inside that that won't let me die it's something on the inside that won't let me die there's something on the inside won't let me it won't let me die you're not meant to die in this i i know it feels like it i i know you feel like you're supposed to die in this i know you're weak i i know you feel broken i know you feel weary i know you are tired not supposed to die here this isn't your end so she shows us how to pray she first shows us posture the posture in which you should pray a humility about her approach happens when she comes from behind him now some would say she came from behind him because she was going to break the law because she was she was going to break the law y'all you got to be willing to break the law oh man you got to be willing to do whatever you got to do to get whatever it is that you're trying to get and sometimes it means you got to jump over some rules some regulations some thoughts of man you got to be able to say look i got to go she was breaking the law y'all but that's not why she came from behind him i believe that she came from behind him to show a humility when you pray there must be a posture of humility you've got power on the inside of you for sure and there is no mistaking that you are awesome i'm not taking that away from you but when you pray you've got to remind yourself that the power that you're praying to is more powerful than you and so your posture must be that of humility she comes from behind him when we consider oil and the anointing that flows from the head all the way down the hem of his garment would incidentally carry the most of the oil when when he is walking he is walking anointed he is walking in power he is walking in prosperity he is walking in his gift he is walking in his strength he's just walking y'all he's just walking the hymn is carrying the majority of his oil if i could just get to the him she she didn't want his cape she didn't want his shoulders she didn't want his elbow y'all she wasn't looking for his kneecap she was trying to get to his hem there is power in the hem the problem is sometimes we don't want to get low enough i'm gonna try to help you this morning ah sometimes we don't want to get low sometimes we don't want to sacrifice our nice clothes and our nice hair and our beat face and our red bottom shoes so that we can get to the most powerful part of jesus and maybe that is why you are not healed yet help me god are you reaching for the right part [Applause] we consider what you're reaching for are you reaching for popularity or are you reaching for financial favor or are you reaching for clothes and shoes and cars or are you reaching for healing true unadulterated healing for the condition that you've been labeled as they didn't give her a name y'all they named her by her condition [Applause] how many of y'all have been walking by your condition and not your name oh nobody over here okay uh how many of y'all have been walking by your condition and not your name they said i'm this they said i'm that they said i got this they said i have that so whenever you see me you see my condition oh we're breaking that today today we are breaking your condition we are breaking your disease we are breaking your pain we are breaking your sorrow they called you by your condition but the bible says that when she reached for jesus is him he turned around and he said who who who touched me now now what's what's powerful about this is he's surrounded by a bunch of people everybody was touching him but no one was reaching for him now now listen i gotta give y'all a nugget my sister gave me okay i told her i was gonna give her a shout out about this here okay when we consider the woman with the issue of blood we consider just a gentle touch on the hem of jesus's garment but the bible says that the touch meant she fastened to him oh y'all didn't get it come on come on she fastened to him she locked into him she connected to him she gripped the hem of his garment yeah you've been touching him but you haven't been fastening to him you haven't been connecting to him you haven't been grabbing him it's going to take more than a touch y'all you're going to have to fasten you're going to have to lock him in you're gonna have to grab a hold of him i don't care what you've got to go through i don't care who you have to lose i don't care who leaves you i don't care if you're sick i don't care if your legs broke i don't care if you broke you've got to fasten to jesus [Applause] who fastened to me who fastened to me who fastened to me who fastened to me who fastened to me who who who who who who fasted was it you did you fastened to him wait was it you did you did you fastened to him maybe it was you all over here did you did you fasten to him who fastened to me i felt power i felt power for her blood i gave her power for her blood i gave her power for her condition i gave her a crown of power for her issue i gave her exceeding power from me everything that they called you i call you daughter oh yeah that's what he did y'all he turned around and he said daughter oh there's some daughters in the place this morning there's some daughters in the place this morning looking to be unyoked looking to be set free looking to be chosen he said daughter your faith has made you whole didn't heal her oh no no no no y'all faith didn't heal her it made her whole she was already walking with her healing when she was going through the crowd that was faith that walked her through the through the crowd at people it was faith saying i just gotta get to him and it was faith saying i just gotta reach him it was faith saying that she already had faith the healing is in you oh man so what did she go for for the pursuit of power she went for the pursuit of power not even knowing it not even knowing what god was going to do she reached for him for one thing and for all of her bleeding 12 years y'all 12 long years of bleeding and it got her power i don't know why you may be bleeding i know that you are not hiding it well i know that you've been going through a tough time and situation i know that you have been looking for god to dry up your condition [Music] maybe it's been too hard to crawl been too hard to take your pain and go to jesus maybe they said you can't go maybe they say you shouldn't go maybe they'll say that for the rest of your life they'll say you're not worthy you shouldn't start the business you shouldn't write the book you shouldn't marry him you shouldn't walk that way [Music] maybe they'll say everything that you shouldn't do because they are too afraid to do it themselves this morning god has given you a unique opportunity to reach for him if you have been bleeding looking for god to heal you would you flood this stage with me this morning i'm tired of bleeding pastor i'm tired of going through the same old thing over and over and over and over again i've been going through the same cycle over and over and over and over again over and over again over and over again and i'm tired of hurting and i'm tired of crying and nobody will touch me nobody will help me and i'm tired of going through it over and over and over and over again i just want it to be over i just want it to be over i'm looking for power i'm looking for healing i'm looking for wholeness i just want to be free i just want to be delivered i just want to be changed i'm looking for god i'm looking for god pour it out to him pour it out to him all the years that you've been bleeding you've been bleeding all the years you've been bleeding you've been bleeding all these years you've been bleeding you've been bleeding and you cannot move forward you cannot move forward until you stop bleeding all over the place you cannot move forward into until you stop until you stop bleeding all over the place you've got a condition you've got an issue you've been struggling you've been fighting you've been praying your posture your reach your application why your yes why your yes that's what he wants he wants your yes your yes i will go your yes i will do your yes i want you your yes i will write the book yes i will start the business yes i will reach for you out of everything god wants your yes i prophesied to this room this morning that god is going to make you whole the spirit of the living god is going to fall in this place the glory of god is going to fall in this place i want you to lift up your hands and on the count of three i'm gonna pray that god loose set free and deliver you this morning one two three jesus touch touch touch touch touch touch [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in the name of jesus touch in the name of yours in the name of jesus in the name of jesus three three free free free free three three three i got free free free in the name of jesus we decree it we declare it a new thing a new thing newspaper doing those things do anything dry it up dry it up girl dry it up dry it up dry it up go dry it up in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we decree and declare freedom freedom freedom freedom greater greater greater greater greater in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus [Applause] blew deliver deliver deliver deliver deliver deliver deliver deliver deliver deliver deliver deliver deliver deliver deliver deliver deliver deliver deliver deliver deliver [Music] shot in this place shot in this flight shot in this place [Applause] [Applause] i'm [Applause] he breaks it gently breaks it up until he [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] power power power power power power power [Music] healing is happening healing is happening healing is happening restoration is happening the spirit of the living god he's here this is morning glory is morning glory this is morning morning weeping may enjoy tomorrow night [Applause] it comes in the [Applause] you morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] god bless your name god bless your name god the rivers are flowing in this place you would be a fool not to put a seed in the ground of your new power we're going to call this a power seed this morning i want you to get anything that you got go and put a seed on your new power do not walk out of this place until you have placed a seat in the ground for your new place your new position your new name daughter he calls your daughter oh yeah you are the daughters of the king of kings you are the daughter you are the daughter of the king of kings walk in it walk in it walk in it thank you god thank you god whatever you get it's a power seed so whatever you sow that in which you will reap if you sow on a low level of power you will reap a low level of power she gave all that she had she gave all that she had she gave all that she had she spent all that money on physicians all that money on doctors [Music] how about you give some seed to your real physician your real doctor the doctor that really did something for you that really changed your life [Music] sow a seed of power for your new power the pursuit the pursuit the pursuit she wasn't pursuing power but she left with power the pursuit of power grab your seed grab your seed some of you have already placed it on the altar some of you are already going back to your seats to claim it get your seed in your hand oh the spirit of the lord is in this place [Music] we thank you for your power lord [Music] we thank you for your power lord thank you for your power we thank you for your power lord thank you for oh your healing power your resurrecting power your refreshing power your soul saving power oh god we thank you for your power your power oh we thank you for your power lord thank you for your power we thank you for your power lord your power you didn't have to give it to us you didn't have to give it to us you didn't have to give it to us you didn't have to give us to us but god we thank you for your power lord our lord we thank you for your power lord your power lord that closes deals that renews houses that restores marriage your power your power your power has the ability to change me transform me restore me revive me your power lord [Music] didn't have to do it but you did you made a way you made a way you made a way you made a way you made a way you made a way for me oh lord i searched all over but you made a way for me for me some believe in horses some believe in chariots as for me and my house we thank you for your power lord your power lord your delivering power you set us free oh god they're still coming seeds of power in the ground according to the power that worketh within you god will do exceedingly and abundantly above anything you could ever ask or think according to the power that worketh within you you are laying your acorn you are laying your acorn on the altar supernatural harvest god we prophesy it into your households we prophesy it into your workplace supernatural supernatural favor in your house oh god we bless you and we honor you god we came in here with an issue but we're leaving with power we came in here with an issue but we're leaving with power we came in here with an issue oh would you look at your sister and say i'm leaving with power i'm leaving with power i'm leaving with power i'm leaving with power i came in here with an issue but i'm leaving here with power i'm no longer subject to my condition i'm no longer subject to my condition i'm leaving this place i'm leaving this place with power with power with power with power with power with power with power with power with power with power [Music] [Applause] y'all are still coming they're still coming they're still coming they're still coming who the sun sets free who the sun sets free so the sun sets free who the sun sets free who the sun sets free any free people this morning god as they are coming with their seed god i pray that you would show out show up and show out in their life like never before every condition will dry up at the seed planted in the potter's house every condition every issue every problem will be revived renewed and blessed in the potter's house we went from the temple of faith but we came out the platter's house the potter's house the potter's house and guess what your clay your clay your clay your clay your clay your clay your clay your clay your clay [Music] so god shift them into a new dimension the spirit of the lord says there's a woman in here whose marriage has been under tumultuous pain she's been praying and seeking god and it seems as if he has not answered god says i'm gonna turn it around before you get to your house the lord god says i'm going to turn it around before you get to your house do not look for what you were expecting oh my do not look for what you were expecting he's going to heal you he's going to set you free i thank you god i thank you god for blessing this place i thank you god for your hand on this place i give you glory i give you praise i give you honor even as your daughters still come we thank you and we honor you god because you are worthy you are sovereign you are marvelous you are pure you are worthy you are grace you are healing honest we are so grateful for your joy for your peace for your enduring love your fruitfulness towards us we thank you o god for all that you've done all that you're going to do all that you're going to do oh god we put a praise on it in advance all that you're going to do yeah yeah yeah all that you're going to do we praise you in advance for all that you're going to do for it is so it is so it is so and so it is
Channel: Cora Jakes Coleman
Views: 60,656
Rating: 4.9248385 out of 5
Id: EVuxhyd5Lxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 12sec (3492 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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