"Wild Woman" by Sarah Jakes Roberts

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[Music] got it demons shaken here trembling whoa that's out in the atmosphere [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Tahlia make me too much nervous when y'all act like that is anybody glad to be in the building if anybody glad to be at the first ever woman evolved conference make some noise if you came to snatch your blessing make some noise if you have decided to never be the same where are my hungry women in this place where are my changing world changing women [Music] [Applause] [Applause] I'm gonna try to hold it together but I don't think you understand that this moment [Music] it wasn't supposed to happen for me that you would be here and when I tell you we are going to evolve until the wheels fall off when I tell you I'm not gonna give up on me and I'm not gonna let you give up on you I started this thing for you and you showed up and I know God is gonna be in the midst can you look to the woman beside you and say curl I'm just so glad you here I'm so glad you survived now can't we give it up for the one who didn't let any weapon prosper can we give it up for the one who so passed are crazy and dance our wretched and decided to touch us anyway can we give it up for the King of Kings I call on Jesus I call a wonderful counsellor I called him a way out of no way I call him a miracle worker I came to make hell nervous I came to tell the enemy he didn't win I came to tell him it's a few thousand women coming behind me who won't take no for an answer I came to serve notice on the enemy that his time is up devil you can't have my mind double you can't have my dream see alright y'all get it together I love y'all I love y'all and I've been studying I've been praying I believe God has a word for us if I started naming names we'd be here all day but can you help me acknowledge my incredible team that put the entire conference together and my husband who is supporting me my family my father who created an incredible legacy my mother who's my role model my my daughters are on the worship team my sons are working in the store this is like a thing okay Chan Chan get your Bible did y'all bring y'all Bible we got an app for that that's all right can I tell you this is my Bible I wanted in a spelling bee in 1996 I thought I lost it for a long time cuz you know I wasn't exactly reading my word and and then I found it in a box in my parents house and so this Bible is special to me that's why I don't have no ad I'm gonna be in Revelation 12 y'all scared did y'all know that revelation doesn't have an S at the end Wow shocker I've been calling it Revelations all these years but God want he do it revelation 12 I'm in verse 1 and it says now a great sign appeared in heaven a woman clothed with the Sun with the moon under her feet and on her head a garland of twelve stars then being with child she cried out and labor and in pain to give birth and another sign appeared in heaven behold a great fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns and seven diadem's on his head his tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth and the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth to devour her child as soon as it was born she bore a male child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron and her child was caught up to God and his throne then the woman fled into the wilderness where she has a place prepared by God that they should feed her there 1260 days Spirit of the Living God without you I am nothing I can do nothing and I can say absolutely nothing to change a life but with you God if you were to breathe into this room I'm crazy enough to believe that you would give these women the strength that they need to change their worlds I believe that if you would breathe in this room if you would use my voice as your vessel that generational curses would be broken that depression would have to live that suicide couldn't have any power anymore that's the kind of God I serve and that's the kind of anointing that exists in this room this is not random it is not coincidence the enemy has waged war on me since I was a little girl because of the women standing in this room so I make a decree in front of heaven that you must have your way in Denver Colorado nobody came this far to stay the same God if you don't do it it cannot be done nothing is off-limits to you reach down in the depths of our souls and pull out anything that isn't from you and instead leave nothing but your power your spirit your love your grace your restoration so let there be no nerves no anxiety no fear only you standing tall in me in Jesus name Amen amen for those of you who like to take notes my subject is wild woman wild woman y'all wow what was that about tchau tchau tchau yes wild woman in the early 2000s there was this television show that came on NBC and the television show was called Fear Factor I tried to watch Fear Factor the whole point of the show was that they would get people to do crazy things to to confront their fears for like $50,000 and it didn't take very long for me to realize that I would have been disqualified from the show I mean first of all I already don't have $50,000 so me eating a spider to get it I don't know if that's my thing you know the thing is that they would have them do stuff like lay in a bed and let my scroll all over them for $50,000 and first of all you already know how Uncle Sam works it ain't really fifty thousand dollars in the first place so what you telling me is I'm supposed to forget that chick-fil-a is open outside and sit here and eat these spiders and fill them cart that just wasn't for me it was no surprise to me that the show didn't you end up staying going for very long because at a certain point like enough is enough fear factor I don't think that I could ever be in a position where I would ever look at a cricket and say you look like a delectable snack come jump in my belly and I realized that part of the reason why that's not for me is because I'm not desperate enough for it I have options and as long as I have options I'm probably not going to be eating a spider as long as I have options I don't plan on eating crickets I don't plan on making any friends with Mickey Mouse Trix are for kids I don't do mice and so I realized that I wouldn't have made it on the show but what I do know is that if I were ever in a position where I didn't have any options I can't say what I wouldn't do for instance if I was Pamela Sal and Pamela cellent was hiking with her boyfriend in Oregon she fell off of the hiking trail and she was trapped in wilderness for three days and when she was trapped in the wilderness she only had a few options and that was to go on and roll over and die or to live and when Pamela made the decision to live she started eating the spiders and surviving off of slugs and eating the berries that were there for her in the wilderness and then it dawned on me that perhaps instead of dreaming that we live in in houses with mansions instead of desiring to have Bentley Singh and Mercedes that may be our ultimate goal as women should be to live in the wilderness don't worry I'm not going to pack your bags and send you into the Colorado mountains but I am going to challenge you to find your own wilderness doesn't look like it because we had the lights brought in and the letters placed on the stage but this this is a wilderness this is this is my wilderness and I have invited you to see my wilderness so that when you go home you can discover your own a wilderness is an uncultivated uninhabited and inhospitable region where God has set up a place for you to thrive and I say that again because I know that most of us would want to be in a hospitable environment where everyone likes us and we don't have any issues in any struggles but what I'm telling you is that you are at your best when you are at the wilderness where God has created a place for you to thrive a wilderness is an uncultivated uninhabited and inhospitable it's corporate America it's marriage when you've never seen it displayed for you before it's entrepreneurship it's an uncultivated uninhabited no one else has done the way that you're gonna do it and that's why it's a wilderness no one in the room looks like me and that's how I know I'm in the wilderness no one in my family thinks like me but that's how I know I'm in the wilderness it isn't uncultivated uninhabited an inhospitable region that God set up for me to thrive because before Jesus defeated Satan on the cross he defeated him first in the wilderness and because he defeated him in the wilderness the enemy already knew that when he got on the cross all bets were off who you become in the wilderness determines how effective the enemy will be able to be in your life I know it's only a few church girls in here so let me say it like this who you are in the wilderness determines whether or not depression is gonna have to loose its hold after you I think there's some wilderness survivors in this room I thought y'all just was dressed up and look cute I didn't realize that you had to shake some dirt off of you before you got in the room I didn't realize that there were some wild women coming to Denver Colorado I know how to thrive in the wilderness I'm in DES I'm in the wilderness I'm in the wilderness it's inhospitable I can't make any friends I can't keep any friends I'm starting this business and I'm in the wilderness I'm in the wilderness God you brought me to this wilderness how could it be that you would choose someone like me to do something like this unless it was a wilderness I've never seen anybody slay and preach quite like this before but I do think it's the wilderness I've never seen anybody do it for the culture in the kingdom at the same time but I think I must be in the wilderness I think I think when you gave me the book idea that it was a wilderness and I just want you to know that you might be listening to Sara Jake's Roberts but what she really that is a wild woman and I came here to have a meeting with other wild women in this text before the woman makes her way to the wilderness though there's a few things that she has to overcome I love this in my text they explain to us that the woman is clothed with the Sun that means that when she goes to the wilderness she won't be cold because God has already equipped her to provide our own warmth then it says the moon is at her feet which means at night she won't have to wonder which way she's going because he's already equipped her with the light in the wilderness and so I think it stands to reason that this woman was born to be wild even though she had not discovered her wilderness because God doesn't place you where you belong he places you where you can grow so there are women in this room who were born creative who were born innovative who were born with ingenuity and ideas I was born to be well I just haven't found my wilderness and so I'm signing up for any opportunity possible that will allow me to find my wilderness and so this woman her gracious generosity she's going to show us how to find our way to the wilderness as I mentioned she's clothed with the Sun with the moon under her feet and on the on her head there's a garland of twelve stars and then it lets us know that she's pregnant but she's not just pregnant she's in labor and she's not just in labor she's in pain those are three different things three different stages that we must address because you can be pregnant but not in labor and you can be in labor but you don't necessarily have to be in pain which means that there are dreams in this room that have already been conceived by God they're down on the inside of you and I just haven't started breathing the contractions having a hit yet but I came here because I'm hoping something will trigger my labor I'm tired of talking about it I'm ready to be about it I'm I'm pregnant but I'm not in labor I'm pregnant but I know it's something down on the inside of me that must come out this woman is pregnant and she's in labor and there's this point when you're in labor where it doesn't hurt that bad yet I have to tell you and in January when this idea began I was in labor I had the idea I was pregnant with the idea and it was finally time for me to start birthing this idea but it didn't hurt like it was going to hurt two weeks ago when the pain kicked in I realized that part of the reason why I'm in pain in labor isn't just because I'm carrying my seed but because I'm carrying someone else's see to this woman she would have never been in pain had she not been carrying another woman's curse back in Genesis when Eve ate from the forbidden fruit and God cursed the serpent and he cursed the woman he told the woman that you're going to be in pain when you give birth and your longing will be for your husband did you know that Eve started this whole woman evil thing yeah in Genesis 3 in 15 when God has given out this curse when he is giving this woman the curse that another woman would carry in a prophecy in Revelations the beginning in the end it's all connected I just need you to know that you didn't get to where you are by yourself that some women in this room are carrying another woman's curse and that's okay because when he gave the curse to Eve he also gave her a promise and the promise was that even though the serpent is going to brew your heel that her heel is going to crush your head and I just wanted you to know that you may not have gotten it from your mother that you may not have ever seen another woman do exactly what God has called you to do but I came to tell you that you are a curse breaker that you are a head crushing demon trembling Hale gets nervous when you wake up in the morning because I may be carrying another woman's purse but God also gave me another woman's breakthrough so I'm getting in position I may be pregnant because of her pain but when I birth it I'm gonna break it up for her and me and my daughters for generations to come I can't just move on from that point until every woman in this room understands that just because you have another woman's curse doesn't mean that you don't have the power to break it for her and for everything coming after you I got another woman's curse this woman is carrying Eve's curse but she's also carrying Eve's promise there are women in this room who have been failed by other women which makes it hard to even be in environments like this and to be vulnerable and to open up because at the end of the day I'm a little bit afraid that you're going to disappoint me like some of the other women who came before you and the distrust that exists oftentimes between us as women for me part of the reason why woman Evolv had to come to be is because it is a sisterhood and I want it to prove to you that just because another woman hurt you doesn't mean that another woman can't love you and so when this woman this wild woman trying to find her wilderness it gets pregnant she's not in her wilderness but she's fighting to give birth she's fighting because she recognizes that there is a dragon waiting to devour everything that comes out of her maybe it's not a dragon for you maybe it's fear maybe it's insecurity the idea that I may fail the idea that the moment I release it it may never become what I thought it could be and so I'm having to bear another woman's curse with fear looking at me and sometimes it's easier to never get pregnant at all then to have to get pregnant with someone else's pain and your purpose with fear watching on the outside but when you get in birthing position and when you decide that at the end of the day I got to crush this thing I have to crush the head of the enemy because my mother couldn't do it and I don't want my daughter to fight it because my grandmother struggled with it and no one else not another molestation not another rape not another abortion not another broken heart not another divorce I had to go through it so that the people coming behind me don't have to go through it I'm in birthing position I'm trying to get ready for something to come out of me and I know everybody's watching and I know I'm carrying her curse but I gotta push this thing out anyway I gotta push this thing out until Hale gets nervous I gotta start the business I gotta create the book I gotta let go of this depression I gotta learn to forgive I'm in labor and I'm in pain which means the time is coming and if I wasn't sure the time was coming to Dragon arriving wasn't for sure sign because the dragon is a sign that the earth is nervous that what our release is gonna push back darkness the warfare I know it took everything you had to get here the dragon was trying to see if you would give up the dragon was trying to see if you would log on to the live stream but somebody said you can delay my flight you can cancel it you can book up every hotel if you want to but I'm gonna push this baby out my kids can act crazy my friends can abandon me I'll come by myself if I have to cuz I gotta push this baby out I gotta start the business I gotta give my heart together I gotta push this baby out and the dragon the dragon didn't realize that a woman doesn't just push a baby out that there's always someone there to catch the baby even if she has to do it with her own hands and I hear God's saying that if you push he'll pull let me show you my girl gets in the birthing position and when she gets ready to give birth she bears the male child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron and her child was caught up to God my girl is in the birthing position and there's a dragon in front of her and if she's honest and if you're honest I want to push but I don't know who's gonna pull it up I want to create it but I don't know if anyone will support it I want to forgive but I don't want to be taken advantage of I want to love again but I don't want to be a fool again I want to push but who's gonna catch what I push out just like God did it for the woman I'm telling you if you vow with me for the next two days to push that God's gonna pull that he's gonna catch it up to a realm where no man can infect it that he's going to catch it up to a realm where demons and fear and insecurities can't touch it that God's gonna put it in an environment where it can flourish he's just waiting for some women who will in the birthing position he's waiting for some women who don't mind pushing who don't mind giving birth in a way that they've never seen anyone give birth again I'm trying to talk to the labor that's taking place down on the inside of you I hear God saying that it's time for you to push so that he can pull so that I can show you what I really think of you playing the conference build the website and I promise you if you push I'm gonna pull I'm gonna pull every woman who is connected to your anointing to Denver Colorado if you push I'm gonna pull if you push out the book somebody's life is gonna be changed if you push out the anointing hell we'll get nervous if you push I'll pull create the music if you push I'll pull start writing the script if you push I'll pull start the nonprofit start the ministry if you push I'll pull I hear heaven saying it's not me I can't pull it my hands aren't strong enough my hands aren't big enough to help you wrap your arms around what God has given you but I'm telling you if you push he's gonna pull it how do I know because you're standing into evidence that if a woman starts pushing that a crazy limitless God will pull like never before this is the wilderness of a woman who decided to push so that God could pull and my woman and the text couldn't make it to the wilderness until she pushed most of us want to be in the wilderness where God has created a place for us but we don't want to push and we don't want to face the dragon because if we face the dragon the dragon may reveal how scared we really are if I face the dragon the dragon may see me cry if I face the dragon I'm a figure out that I don't really have the skills and the technique and so most of us never make it to the wilderness where God has created a place for us because we're afraid to push I need you to push so that he can show you he'll pool and when you get in relationship with God and you begin to realize that when I push he pulls that when I push myself outside of my comfort zone that he pulls that when I pushed myself and I forgive and I walk away from toxic relationships an addiction can't hold me when I push and I start going to therapy to work out these issues that God pulls some kind of way I got a new job I wasn't even qualified for all because I started pushing on the other side did you know that your push is connected to every blessing that is attached to your life that you can't make it to the wilderness until you push in the desert that you cannot make it to where God has called you to be unless you're willing to push first so that you can see that once you make you to the wilderness that you won't be there by yourself this culture would have us to believe that being a wild woman comes down to what we can show and how crazy we can be and I wanted to demystify this notion that us women who have been wowed the other way can't be wild for God and I came to demystify the notion that there's some kind of age limit on being a wild woman because there are women in their 60s in this room who believe that maybe their time is over but I came here to tell you that as long as you're still breathing in this air that there's still a wilderness somewhere with your name on it and when you get desperate to find your wilderness that God is gonna begin to open up doors that no man can shut and he's gonna closed doors that no man can open all because you have made a commitment to be a wild woman that means I'm never going to be comfortable I'm constantly going to be pushing and trying to find that I'm inhabited uncultivated area where God has designated for me to thrive and as you go into these sessions and as you go into this conference it has to be more than I just want to shout and I just want to feel good I want to find the place that God has for me where no one else could thrive but me I want to find the place in my heart where I don't have bitterness any longer I want to find the place that God has designated for my dream to become a reality I'm ready to be a wild woman I realized that up until this point when the woman is giving birth that she's been brave but she hasn't been wild and I wanted us to really recognize the difference between surviving and picking up the pieces and standing up to life versus the vulnerability that comes with being wild because strength is not about how you stand up to something but rather how you surrender to what God has for you I feel the presence of God in this room I feel like there's another level of surrender that we have to tap into for us to thrive in the wilderness that God has created for us when this woman she gives birth and she flees until the wilderness where God has prepared a place for her she has to be willing to one not worry about who's looking at what she's birthed you God give me strength she's got to be willing to walk away from what would have been clout and ego and pride because remember it got caught up God helped me break it down the woman gave birth to something that would rule over all the world in over all the nations and yet she had to be willing to be detached from it so that it could really become what it was supposed to be and so that she could become who she was supposed to be which means that you're gonna have to be detached away enough from your success to know that God's got it and humble enough to know that I still got room to grow I wondered when I was reading the text why didn't God snatch up the woman when he snatched up the child why didn't he take care of her the way that he took care of the child because he was still taking care of her in the midst of the Dragon which means that him taking care of her had more to do with the dragon than it even had to do with her I snatched up her seed I feel that for somebody you think that you missed your window you think that your gifts and your talents have gone out the door but I hear God saying I snatched up your gifts and talents so that fear and rejection and abandonment issues couldn't touch it but I kept you in front of the dragon because I wanted the dragon to know that I could move her out of the house but I wanted to say there anyway so she never reproduces what she saw again I kept her in the face of the dragon because I wanted the dragon to know that at the end of the day this is my daughter and no weapon formed against her would prosper I could have saved her but I needed to send the signs a hail that you cannot have her any longer and I don't have to remove her I just have to bless her with you watching so dragon sit back and take a seat you had your eyes on the wrong thing you thought it was about the child and it was really about the woman that wild woman that crazy woman she was born to be wowed and I won't move her until she finds her wilderness turn me up in the microphone I need Hale to hear me turn me up in the microphone I need them to hear me all out in the parking lot turn me up in the microphone turn me up in the microphone turn me up in the microphone I need a dragon somewhere to understand that he has not left me North was taking me he is putting on his best show with this wild woman [Music] that's the cute praise that's a cue praise but I need you to start praising in front of your dragon I need you to start worshipping in front of your dragon I need you to start praising God I packed your business I need you to start thinking God I bought your merits woman Eve oh wow woman unleash your hand [Music] I want to hear I want to hear the wilderness I want to hear the wilderness making some noise I want to hear a wild woman letting the dragon know you shot your best shot you shot your best shot but I didn't mess around and figure it out but I was born to be wild and because I'm born to be wowed I'm born for this I'm made for this the dragon tried to make me think I was going to die but God protected me he preserved me he made a way out of no way he is a miracle worker he is the great I am look at me I'm still here I'm a wild woman I'm a wild woman and I had to face some dragons and I had to find joy with the dragon staring me down this is your coordination this is your coordination I thought this was going to be like a moment for me like oh my gosh I'm hosting my first conference but I hear guys saying this is your moment this is your coronation this is when you find out that the crown that God has for you it doesn't look like diamonds and cold and platinum it looks like coming out on the other side of struggle it looks like living in the wilderness but still thriving no one else in my community no one else in my field no one else in my family has been able to do it but I I think I messed around and figured out I'm standing and I'm standing in the wild no one else has been able to make it happen but I messed around and found out that I'm standing getting a while I'm around I'm a wild woman but I'm not wowed cuz I've been so good I'm not wild cuz I had it all together I'm wild cuz the dragon couldn't kill me and God protected my seat and then led me to a place where the dragon couldn't touch me the woman got to recover and a place that would have killed anyone else I hear God's saying that it's time for you to step into your place of recovery that is time for you to step into your place of restoration and that he's gonna show it to you in the wilderness and don't let what you see convince you about who you can be recognize that the fact that you were still surviving in a wilderness it's not a sign that the wilderness is going to kill you but it is proof that the wilderness grew you and just like Pamela Sandlin started eating spiders and eating slugs that you found a way to thrive in the wilderness because God went ahead of you and he made your cooking path straight and he made all things work together for your good and he made a way for you to be in this room and he made a way to put another dream down on the inside of you and I came here to tell you you may have to face the dragon again but this time you're gonna face it with the knowledge that there's a wilderness on the other side of you and if I can dare push you can't touch me somebody turn to your neighbor and say you can't touch this you can't touch this you can't touch this that's what you got to tell your mind when it search playing games on you depression you can't touch this you can't touch this I'm gonna push and he's don't pull you can't touch it you can't touch it God put something down on the inside of me that man can't take you can't touch this did you hear that labor pain my girl was screaming cuz she's pushing you got a little a little dirt under your fingertips I know it hasn't been easy for you you had to bury a few things I know I know it costs you to be in this room I know it hasn't always been easy but there was no way you could figure out you are a wild woman unless you got into a place that looked inhospitable it looked inhospitable but it wasn't inhospitable because I'm got hospitality in the midst of the wilderness which must be why they say I don't live my life by what I see I don't walk by faith I don't walk by sight I walk by faith because if I look around me I'll see you wilderness if I look around me I'll be outnumbered if I look around statistics will try to let play me if I look around I won't have a role model if I look around I don't have a mentor if I look around no one's gone ahead of me I'm in the wilderness it's inhospitable but yet I'm still thriving I'm still being promoted I still got the keys to the building I still got the book ideas so maybe just maybe I'm in the wilderness cuz this is where I thrive I'm in the wilderness because God sent his son to go ahead of me to show me how to live in the wilderness and so I have to cast down imaginations that make me believe that this wilderness is gonna kill me you have been ordained and anointed to thrive you have been ordained and anointed you up there in the balcony with your hands up you have been ordained and anointed to be a wild woman you in the back of the building you've been ordained you in the front you've been ordained and anointed to be a wild woman you right here in the middle everyone under the sound of my voice you didn't just come to a conference you came so that you could recognize that you were made to thrive in the wilderness and the moment that you get that in your head when you go into a session you'll be asking the session I need more tools cuz I'm going back in the wilderness when I leave didn't for Colorado I gotta go back into that marriage I gotta go back into that workplace but I'm not going by myself I'm going with women who know what it's like to survive in the wilderness I want to pray with you for those of you who know without a shadow of a doubt that there is a wilderness waiting for you but you've been too afraid to push so you haven't even made it past the dragon I want you to flood this altar I know it may be a little unorthodox for a conference that some of you you say I'm in the wilderness I just need tools it's other women who say I haven't made it to the wilderness yet because I'm too afraid of the dragon I'm too afraid of the fears I'm too afraid of the insecurities I want to find my lane I want to find my gifts I want to find my purpose I need to know what my identity is but right now I can't push in front of the Dragon I'm too afraid that God won't pull what I push so I've been living in fear but you said something that sent me into labor you said something that started making contractions come I need to go to counseling guy I need to break an addiction but I'm too afraid of who I'm gonna be without the drugs I'm too afraid of who I'm gonna be without the alcohol I want to walk away from the relation ship but I'm too afraid of who I'll be without it I got a dragon in front of me but I got a destiny inside of me and I feel like I feel like it's time for me to push I want you to push away the way the woman pushed out her seat I know the altars are fool I know the owls are fool but I want you to push your way out of your seat out of your comfort zone out of the place that is made you comfortable I want you to push your way out because every time you push I think the dragon gets nervous every time you don't mind moving out of your seat I think the dragon starts shaking I think the dragon starts wondering if you picked the wrong woman I think he starts to see that you're gonna survive lift your hands to heaven yeah it's a sign of surrender it's a sign that I can't push this thing out by myself God don't just pull up my seat pull up me God just don't pull up my talents pull up me I need to push but I can't do it unless I'm under your grace and under your anointing and your own away in your own language I tell you to start worshiping I tell you to start pushing into the presence of God in the face of your fears because you didn't just drag your faith here you drags your fears too and when I pray I'm going to serve an eviction notice on every fear that pact is back so I'm and evolve when I pray I'm gonna pack an eviction notice for every insecurity that thought it was coming a woman involved hell you have no place here registration is at capacity there is only room in this place for wild women there is only room in this building for women who have decided that no weapon is going to prosper not even the weapons I have in my own hand not even the weapons I have in my own mind I serve an exceedingly abundantly above all that I may ask for imagine kind of Savior and my mind is gonna come into alignment with who God says I am [Music] this person I don't mean it's part is on you I'm all out of notes all I can do is pray but you gotta come up with me you gotta come up on your own behalf you gotta prophesy over your own future what is woman evolve gonna do for you who were you gonna be when you go back home I can't do this part for you I don't know what you're up against like you're breaking another woman's curse like you decided that your daughter's not gonna struggle like you have decided that your sister is gonna be free like you have decided that your mother is gonna have restoration like you have decided my friends who couldn't be here are gonna get it anyway cuz I'm gonna break it out for all of us like you have decided that I am a world changer and everything in my world is gonna learn to live in the wild God bring my husband into the wilderness God bring my boss into the wilderness I'm not going by myself I'm dragging everything connected to me give me my baby give me my child give me by business give me the loan give me the breakthrough give me the job give me the degree I am a wild woman and I demand demands [Music] that everything connected to me come to the wilderness with me I'm ready to start walking my face [Music] god these are your women and you have created a wilderness and a place for her to become for her to be cultivated where no one else could be cultivated but her and God I hear her saying she's finally ready if I may ask God that you would hear the cries of my sisters because we just pushed them into labor and God their baby is coming i prophesy before you even leave this conference that's your baby I see your baby crowning I see the hair coming out and I prophesy that if you would dare push before you make it home that God's gonna pull if I can say God is gonna smash it before the enemy can devour it because you are in an atmosphere for someone to catch what God is pulling out of you god we sent him into labor and I'm asking that you would get in position that you would step in front of their Dragon that you would step in front of their fear that you would step in front of their addiction that you would stand in front of the toxic relationship that you would stand in front of the strongholds that you would sit in front of the generational curses so that when my sister's pushed God that the generational curses wouldn't even touch it that the fiel couldn't even have it because you snatched at the moment they pushed it god I hear my sisters pushing and because I know you are faithful to deliver and they are ready to push I thank you God that you've already gone ahead of them got our rebuke negative thoughts and depression and dragons that they have been facing for decades I rebuke you Satan you have no power I came to serve notice on the enemy because my bread brother Jesus went ahead of me and defeated you in the wilderness I'm bringing a few thousand sisters with me and we are going to defeat you in the wilderness to hell you better try again because we have mess around and discovered that the same power that gave Jesus strength in the wilderness it's still here with us today and it is that same power that will break strongholds and chains and struggles God we received that power we received the anointing we receive our clothing with the Sun in the moon at our feet we received the fact that we were born to be wowed and that no dragon can stand in our way we receive your power your spirit your mind your identity God's brain anything that's not of you and only leave that which can change this world for the better I want to be a kingdom child I want to be someone who wakes up every morning and makes this world a better place god help me to do something in this world that no one else can do but me and because you have a track record of delivering we claim it we lay hold of it and we thank you God that it's already done open our minds to receive every tool tools of financial freedom tools to starting the business tools the healing regret let us make the best of these two days so that we can skip right past that dragon when we go back to our homes and Jesus name I pray amen [Music]
Channel: Sarah Jakes Roberts
Views: 2,013,916
Rating: 4.8968954 out of 5
Keywords: pastor sarah, pastor sarah jakes, woman evolve, woman evolve 2018, sarah jakes roberts, sarah jakes, sarah jakes roberts 2018, woman evolve conference, wild woman, sarah jakes roberts sermons, sarah jakes roberts 2019
Id: 4rGxBxyKHf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 18sec (3258 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 23 2018
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