PART 3 IELTS SPEAKING about WAITING | A Time You Waited For Something Special To Happen

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hi welcome to you ielts dragon my name is julius and i get a bad night on my first attempt at taking the ielts speaking test today i'd like to share with you all the practice questions in a part three about waiting one of the recent iq cards that is shared by a lot of students online is about a time you waited for something special to happen in your life so basically part three questions are related to that or related to the topic of waiting so in this video i would like to answer part three questions about waiting i will share with you how i normally answer part 3 questions and i will apply the strategies that i used when i took the ielts speaking test that helped me get a band 9a so without further ado let's begin on what occasions do people usually need to weigh well there are many instances that make a people wait such as waiting for the right time to settle down waiting for the best weather before sailing waiting for the best time to quit one's job and so on i know waiting is really hard but that's just life there are things beyond control i can say that life is best lived if we learn some great lessons from waiting compared to the past are people less patient now why are we not definitely i've noticed that a lot of people these days have become impatient and turned into complainers they hate queuing they abhor average internet speed and want ultra fast internet connection they easily get irritated by traffic that sometimes results in road rage and things like that i think as the world advances people lose sight of the importance of being patient [Music] before we continue i'd like to congratulate my one-on-one students who recently passed the test bel fernando band a on her first attempt she only got 6.5 which is 0.5 short to get 7. luckily she found me online and bought one of my ebooks then she decided to study with me we had 10 coaching sessions i pointed out her weaknesses and addressed them strategically i'm very proud to say that we made it she got a band aid from 6.5 well it's more than the score that she needed for her u.s visa application jeremiah perez banned seven before she studied with me she already took the test twice and she got six point five and six until she contacted me asking for help since her employer told her that if she couldn't provide her idle scores they would cancel her job application for the us so we had 10 coaching sessions before she took the test and i'm very happy to say that we made it she got a band 7. congratulations to my students belle and jeremiah i'm very happy for your success anyway my ebooks or reviewers are currently on sale for this month if you are interested in buying my reviewers that helped many students pass their exams just send me an email [Music] who behaves better when waiting children or adults obviously adults they are more patient than children simply because they are understanding and rational they don't throw tantrums like children when they get bored waiting for something or someone besides adults have more life experiences that have taught them to appreciate the value of patients what are the positive and negative effects of waiting on people or on society well that's a very difficult question and it's something that i've never thought about but let me try well by waiting we get to understand the value of patience we also learn to understand the feeling of waiting and when something arrives which we have been waiting for long we get to appreciate the value of it because basically we spend so much time waiting for it to happen or to come however the downsides of waiting are we waste our time and the frustration or the disappointment that we feel if things turn out bad but personally i see those downsides as life lessons anyway we have a more successful test takers apira noir 7.5 shantiadov olya band seven congratulations everyone i'm very happy for your success thank you so much for watching my videos i'm so happy that my videos helped you and to you who is watching this video i hope you'll be the next person whom i can give a shout out good luck again if you need a reviewer for the ielts speaking test just send me an email and i can give you sample reviewers and decide for yourself if you need the full version of my reviewer just send me an email i'll be waiting well thank you so much for watching this video and if you're new here consider subscribing or if you find a value in this video just give me a like thank you so much for watching and don't forget to watch the videos that appear on your screen because they can definitely help you till next time have a lovely day bye [Music]
Channel: ieltsDragon
Views: 1,507
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Keywords: ielts speaking part 3 questions about waiting, cue card a time you waited for something special to happen in your life, ieltsdragon by julius, ielts speaking how to answer part 3 questions
Id: kCgTUHraWrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2021
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