The Mystery of the Yellow Rope - Teaser Trailer!

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well hey everybody welcome back okay it is monday september 20th and i'm going to be taking the next two weeks to work on an episode that is going to be the highlight of the 2021 summer exploring season so in the meantime i invite all of you to head on over to mr m's channel abandoned and forgotten footage i'm gonna put a link down in the description area because he has part three of fool's gold folly all cued up and ready for you over there so please head on over to abandoned and forgotten footage like i said the link is down in the description area below and check it out it's a lot of fun and guys if you would please subscribe to mr m's channel he's worked so hard with me over the last year following me around in these crazy places going up and down mountains and here pretty soon mr m is going to start doing a few of his own things independently and i really want you guys to see that because it's going to be pretty darn cool so if you would head on over and don't forget to hit that subscribe button so what am i working on well i don't want to give too much of it away but there's going to be a trailer at the end of this short little clip here for you all to see let's just call it a teaser okay now this is for my new subscribers guys there's two different types of mind exploring channels on youtube okay you've got documentary style which is basically where you turn the camera on you walk right into a mine and you start documenting it okay there's no intro there's no outro there's no credits it's very simple and straightforward there's many youtubers out there that are already doing a fine job of documentary style filmmaking when it comes to abandoned minds my channel is more orientated around adventure style okay my style or at least what i'm trying to accomplish here is i want to treat you like you're my best friend like i'm putting my arm around your shoulder and taking you with me on these adventures and that means that you're going to see how how we get there um the mine itself so basically it's going to have an intro the body and an outro it's an all-encompassing experience if that makes sense now this winter i'm going to revert to only doing an episode once every two weeks and the reason for that is is i really want to polish up my episodes incredibly well and that requires a lot more time in post-production here recently what i have been doing is i would typically explore a location on a saturday sunday dump all my cards on monday spend the rest of the week um editing and finally uploading on friday so you guys can have an episode on saturday mornings well going into the future or this winter i really want to put even more into my episodes and that's going to require a bit more time so at some point in time in the future i am going to only start producing episodes once every two weeks and i think that's going to be good for you guys because it's it's really going to amp up the production value as i continue to try harder and harder to get my channel looking more like something you would see on say the discovery channel or the history channel okay and one more thing before we go now we're coming up on october 1st and if you guys can remember a few months ago i put forth the challenge if we could reach 140 000 subscribers by october 1st i will go back to the uh what we're calling the museum mine and we'll finish exploring that winds because i do believe that if we do there's going to be a lot more artifacts deep down in the bottom of that mine so please help out the channel hit the subscribe button let's bring it up to 140 000 by the end of this month and i will go back and finish exploring that mine guys you know i don't often ask for subscribers you all know how the game is played you know what to do but you know what subscribers ultimately does help the channel it uh it helps with youtube's algorithm and that in turn promotes the channel by putting it in more people's uh feeds that are interested in things like mine exploring all right well without further ado i'm gonna leave you guys with a little bitty teaser of the episode that's gonna come out saturday october 2nd i hope you enjoy it previously on abandoned and forgotten places the brownie mountain complex has been the highlight of the 2021 summer exploring season horizontal haulage added vertical shafts and massive waste rock piles can be seen all throughout the area offering clues as to just how large the workings are deep inside in episode 112 i explored the vertical shaft you see here hoping to find a connection to deeper workings further to the south despite my efforts collapsed drifts and an unexplained ghostly encounter had me exiting this very dangerous mind [Music] then in episode 107 and 108 we discovered small passages leading to a multitude of drifts and finally a connection to a vertical shaft built in 1918 shortly after that in episode 109 we explore the winds which allowed us to go even deeper finding a mysterious yellow rope left behind by previous explorers dikes branchiated limestone outcroppings and highly mineralized gaussians lie all throughout the area offering clues to gold rich contact zones buried deep in the mountain below [Music] today on abandoned and forgotten places i take you back deep into the brownie mountain complex where we will once again rope into a previously explored winds to try to solve the mystery of the yellow rope who would dare attempt to skinny through such a small hole decades ago what were they after and will this passage lead to a treasure trove of artifacts or the remains of an unfortunate explorer will we get lucky and find the drift leading back to the collapse before i had my first ghostly encounter with any luck these questions and many more will be answered on abandoned and forgotten places you
Channel: Abandoned and Forgotten Places
Views: 16,643
Rating: 4.9191718 out of 5
Keywords: A&FP, Abandoned, Forgotten, Places, Mine, Mines, Tunnel, Exploring, Adventure, Hiking, Artifacts, Antiques, Geology, Prospecting, Gold, Silver, Quartz, Dynamite, Blasting, Adit, Gly, Bobbie, Quackers, Gly Coolness, Old Bob, Old Mine, Old Building, Gold Mine, Ghost Town, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Place, Abandoned Places, Forgotten Place, Forgotten Places, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mine Exploring, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned and Forgotten Places, Abandoned & Forgotten Places
Id: 1ZWvmvaBywQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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