Cutting Heavy Brush and Small Trees (Cheapest Brush Cutter I could Buy)

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[Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's up everybody welcome back to diesel creek my name is matt behind me i got my new to me takahuchi tl240 skid steer here today and the chinese um richie brothers auction brush cutter and we're gonna see if we can't uh either mangle some trees or mangle the brush cutter we'll see what happens maybe you can see behind me here the brush on the edge of this lawn getting pretty deep these days all this brush that's grown in here didn't used to be there this is a rental pavilion owned by the knights of columbus and i made them a sweetheart of a deal to come down here and mow all this back so that they can keep the place looking a little bit better the whole perimeter of their property is just being encroached by this thick brush so hopefully today the skid loader can make quick work of this a couple of these little bit bigger trees in here i'm not sure if we're going to be able to get with the brush cutter we do have to watch too they have a power wire coming from this phone pole and it it's knocked down off of whatever it used to be attached to and it's almost on the ground through here going up to the other phone pole down there so we're going to pay attention to that we're going to mow this whole side of the place all the way back and around the pavilion and then down here along this row of pine trees on the parking lot and we'll have to pay attention in there because there is a creek behind those pine trees and there's actually an old foot bridge right through that brush right there that you can't even see right now it's so grown over but we're gonna be doing a fair amount of work for these guys we're gonna do all this brush cutting in this video and then in another video we're gonna come down here freshen up their parking lot for them and then i think we're gonna end up bringing the excavator in here and ripping out all of these trees and said footbridge that's buried in the brush there so hopefully this is a good entertaining video for you i love running the brush cutter i'd love to have a better brush cutter i guess i should invest in one however i'm gonna use what i got for right now and see what we can't get done this is only the second time i've run this brush cutter on the new machine and it is the first time that you guys are gonna see it though and i'll tell you what this is a whole different animal on a bigger machine with uh better hydraulic flow the bobcat 185 would run it and it would work but it's unstoppable with this new machine and this is still just a cheap crappy brush cutter a real brush cutter on here would be a complete game changer but uh let's go see what we can't tear up with this thing [Music] [Music] so [Music] hmm so [Music] so [Applause] oh so the brush cutter is working great we already made a big dent here but this right here is so aggravating this is case in point why i would never rent anything to anyone people in the comments always say oh you have all this machinery and you're only one person why don't you rent it out well this pavilion this location is a rental place and people just toss their helium tanks from their balloons off in the weeds here and yeah i mean it's just just rude they might have put them in the dumpster and the dumpster people could have thrown them out too because they can't take these things i hate when people do stuff like this that's all very inconsiderate [Music] let's keep working our way towards the road here [Music] so so [Applause] [Applause] [Music] well at the beginning of the video i said let's see if we can't tear up some trees of the brush cutter when i said that i was mostly joking but uh yeah the brush cutter did not hold up making my caution label all the more accurate but that's the entire blade assembly there this is a pretty serious failure that's that's the inch and a half diameter shaft out of the gearbox that just snapped off probably flush with the bearing i'd assume i don't know i think it's probably junk i have another gearbox at home i don't know if i could adapt to make work on here easily it might bolt right up for all i know let's go check that out what happened was there's this pile of rocks in here i don't know if you guys can tell quite a few big rocks and i knew they were in there and i kind of just lifted the deck up over top of them to kind of clean them up a little bit so that i could come in here with a bucket and scoop them out of the way and uh i just barely touched one of the rocks and that's where the blade carrier landed i also got lucky over here in the brush i mean you can't you can't see this even if i'd have looked for this i would have never found this but there's a i have no idea it's active anymore either but there's a hose right here coming up out of the ground like a frost frost proof hose doesn't look like it's seen the light of day for many years but i didn't hit it luckily the thing was doing a really good job too it's a shame it only lasted 20 minutes [Music] well you folks uh see anything wrong here yeah that's not good that's not good so there's our stub shaft and we need to find a gear box that has that size of the shaft right there same size i have a gear box in here that's been hanging out in this garage for years i pulled this thing out of a scrap pile probably 10 plus years ago come on come to papa and the crazy thing is it looks strangely identical to the one on the brush cutter i think this riser looks a little taller maybe but but i have a caliper set to what the broken off stub shaft is and look at that it fits right on there i wouldn't have believed that if you told me but the shaft is the same size this is like an american gearbox off of like an old school brush cutter for a tractor a 540 pto brush cutter according to this little magical device this thing could work the bolt pattern's the same i mean it it might just bolt right up how crazy would that be so this shaft appears to be about the same diameter which is crazy enough but then we have this spline to contend with and i don't know what this flange is that holds the blade assembly on but from memory i mean this looks pretty close to what it was the input shaft on the gearbox here i know is the same that's just a standard 540 tractor uh input spline so let's go ahead and we'll have to grind the tack welds off of our nut here take the nut off and we'll whack that broken shaft out of there and see if by some miracle the stars and the planets all aligned just right to slide this blade assembly onto this gearbox and if it does i think we're in business [Music] i swear if this works i'm gonna go play the powerball tonight well i cannot believe it but it's looking more and more like this is going to work the spline count is the same from the broken stub here to the old gearbox i've got same number of splines it should work this is crazy [Laughter] i can't believe that works unbelievable my luck's usually pretty decent but that's crazy that's all that's left to do is uh go bolt this thing together huh [Music] all right i know i keep saying it but i cannot believe that just bolted on there like nothing i mean everything else about this cutter has been proprietary and parts you can't get but a gearbox just apparently if you're a poor sap like me and you own one of these things and you're misfortunate enough to snap the gearbox like i did the regular old bush hog gearbox will just right on there so that's pretty awesome got our blade carrier affixed back on there nice big new grade 8 lock nut put a bunch of loctite on that thing too and of course the custom coupling i made goes right onto the new old gearbox and yeah we are off to the races i'm going to top off the fluid in this old new gearbox and we should be ready to get back to cutting here's a good look at the broken gearbox now that it's off i mean there's my thumb for comparison that's that's a big hunk of steel to snap off even if it is chineseium grade [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right so this is actually the old footbridge that i mentioned at the beginning of the video they're wanting this thing ripped out it's no longer necessary to have a bridge because you can see they got a big pipe wedged in here now and this whole thing has been long since piped and filled over but when i was a kid that wasn't there this was an open creek and if you wanted to get across that's how you had to do it this knights of columbus pavilion is fairly close to home and that's where all of our family reunions and graduation parties and all those kind of things were held as a kid and when i was really little i used to love this bridge i get out on here and throw rocks down into the water that you can hardly see these days but you know for whatever reason kids have that fixation of throwing things in water and i was definitely one of those kids but uh yeah it's still pretty solid but there's just no need to have it it's a liability so they want it gone you can almost see it i promise it's in here i thought this hillside turned out pretty nice too i'm still kind of getting used to that machine and uh you know feeling out its limits and its boundaries i don't know if it shows up in the video but the upper part of the slope isn't very bad at all but this part right here is actually pretty darn steep that's a one-to-one slope at least so i had to watch getting close to that because i mean it wouldn't hurt me to come down it but i would uh definitely not be going back up it especially with all the grass on it makes it awful slippery but uh did the best i could in here and it cleaned up pretty nice all right well the old takayuchi's doing a darn good job here on this thing the new old gear box that we threw on the brush cutter is so far holding up pretty good knock on wood we're coming down the home stretch here as far as things the brush cut we got a ton more of this weed whatever this stuff is clear out to the road down there the thing i got to worry about now is the edge of the parking lot used to be back there where those pine trees are and i'm pretty sure that there's those concrete like uh bump stop things for you to pull up those concrete curbs back in here so i gotta try to trailblaze into this stuff it's over my chest yeah and see if i can see it i don't want to whack another one of those things and bust the new gearbox man this stuff is thick well i don't see anything and i think every tree was donated by a member i think is what that was or it was donated in someone's memory or something but the trees are all dying unfortunately they were planted probably when i was just a little teeny tike but there's been some sort of blight in our area wiping out pine trees and these things are definitely looking pretty rough they've asked me to take them out if i feel up to it so i'll probably bring the excavator back down here and remove those at a later date but right now we'll just brush cutter all around them and make what's here look a little better at least [Music] um um [Music] [Music] so all right well after some slashing in here i found that the concrete curbs are still here they're just buried whoever does their winter maintenance down here likes to push the gravel over top of the over top of the curbs so they are in here uh [Music] um so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] how about that that is a lovely transformation now the devil's in the details here with a job like this and you can see it's not like perfect this isn't how i would leave this job but uh i have a lot more work to do here in the other phases of the job so i'm not going to worry about those things just yet this was just phase getting one uh the bush hogging done and like this little cluster of trees here i'm still gonna take those out and i think there's a few more over here i'm gonna get when i get the excavator in here probably some ones up there around that machine too there's actually another light pole right there that you can't even see because the trees are completely covering it up and then of course these pine trees we talked about down this side i'll get the excavator and rip all those out and we'll probably have us a nice little uh marshmallow fire down here you know what i mean at the same time i yank all these pine trees out with the excavator i no doubt we'll be in here we'll yank the footbridge out for them some decent looking telephone poles that the bridge is built out of i might be able to save those use them for some fence posts out of the farm always trying to save on some telephone poles if i can find them back here behind the building you can see how much more room we got now i mean look that was all that was passable was this little sliver now we got all this extra room over here for activities same thing back behind here all this garbage it's not garbage i mean it's tree garbage bush garbage they told me that they had a little fire pit back here at one time for burning cardboard and limbs and that kind of stuff so they just told me push it over here get rid of it so that's exactly what i did also i know you guys can see that there's like little bits of garbage and stuff mixed in all over the place that's because over the years careless people let their garbage blow around and it gets trapped into all the brush on the edges of the property like this so i can't see it before i mow it so it gets torn up and everything but this was a freebie job i'm not charging these guys since this is a non-profit organization i figured i'd do this for nothing um so i'm not gonna waste my time picking up all this little garbage they said they have volunteers they will come pick it all up because obviously it looks bad for them too so they got some people they're going to get in here and get this all picked up i think this is a definite vast improvement though this really looks a lot better and in a couple weeks the vegetation we cut is all dead and dried up some of the new grass will start coming up through and taking hold and this will really be looking good come springtime next year [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] anyways guys that's it for phase one of this project as always if you like the video don't forget to give it a thumbs up it really helps the channel out and it doesn't cost you guys a thing be sure you're subscribed if you're not already so i can see you on phase two thanks for watching catch you later [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Diesel Creek
Views: 908,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: takeuchi, jct, wolverine, brush, cutter, hog, rotary, trees, skid, steer, loader, bobcat, john, deere, cat, caterpillar, case, ihi, manitou, pro, kubota, charity, community, service, transformation, cleanup, property, maintaince, quick attach, blue diamond, diamond, mower, ASMR
Id: 7mPYvf-dyDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 52sec (2632 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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