Paris Hilton's Netflix Cooking Show Proves She Can Cook But Does She Have Expensive Taste?? | Cosmo

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so hard to cut i don't know i'm not usually a cheese connoisseur hey everyone it's paris hilton and today i am playing expensive taste test with cosmo so i just heard from cosmo that i'm one of the most requested people that you guys are putting in the comments to play this game and i think you're right this is the perfect game for me to play paris are you ready to play do i say yes i'm ready to play my favorite why is this one all curly looking this this um this feels rubbery this one smells just more from a store that's nice i don't know i'm not usually a cheese connoisseur i don't know why but i feel like this is the more expensive one just because this one just looks like craft cheese i'm right yes [Music] next we have these oven mittens okay this feels itchy brutal this feels soft this i love the rainbows and how it's like all just nicely done and this is just boring i hate the color and i would never use this oven that's brutal so i think this one is the more expensive one yes i knew that was right [Music] all right let's see whisk this i feel the same this is a little more sturdy this is very lightweight this one stirs pretty good has more of the whatever these are called the long whiskers i hate those little white things that are in eggs so one of these is six dollars one of them is 41. they feel basically the same so one of them must be a brand name and the other one must be just like a random one from the market um i feel like this one is the one that's more expensive right again yes i may not have known what a whisk was but i learned it on my cooking show and now i know what's a nicer whisk yes [Music] so next we have lasagnas they're not my infamous living lasagna i can tell just by looking at them but this one is a lot thicker there's a lot more layers to it and it looks like veggie lasagna this one i think i'll have to try it to see let's see what we have here it's like so hard to cut smells tomatoey so that one tastes brutal let's see this one see the layers i need to give this person my sliving lasagna recipe they have to go watch a new show cooking with ferris on netflix and they'll learn this lasagna is brutal it's i don't know it's like here i feel like this one has more layers it has the spinach it has me it has a lot of things and then this one is like the skinniest lamest lasagna ever it's only one two three like two layers i think this is the more expensive one okay i was right it's 30 lasagna and this one is how much 650 650 i can tell [Music] so next we have two aprons feels very rough not comfortable this one feels even more uncomfortable itchy polka dots looking at the sewing lining whatever that part is okay this one has like a lot of details it's not the cutest apron at all but it has like these leather pieces and like the pockets and straps this one looks like a clown if they were a chef this one looks like a dude who's like trying to be cool i usually like polka dots but i don't know what it is about this one it just reminds me of like that game where there's like all the circles and you like put your hand on it i don't know what it's called twister this reminds me of twister clown chef so one of these aprons is 95 and the other one is 18. that's a ripoff for either of these but i'm assuming but if i had to choose which one is more expensive i think this one is what this is 90 dollars i would never wear this [Music] next up we have some sliv gloves one of my favorite accessories i love the red these are great for the holidays and let's see these ones smell so cheap the quality it's like not even real leather it feels brutal it's these are terrible these are very nice like i can tell this is a nice leather soft i like the details little holes just feels much nicer than this this feels like i don't even know what like plastic that's spells these are definitely the more expensive ones and i know i'm right yes i know my slug gloves [Music] so next we have two white tank tops let's check them out okay this one's like nice stretchy oh they both are stretchy my first impression is that they're very similar i thought i could tell by the fabric of like pulling it if it was nicer or not but it's hard to tell because they both do the same thing that's a nicer stitch they look almost exactly the same this one feels nicer but for some reason i feel like this is the more expensive one i told you guys i'd be good at this [Music] so next we have hair extensions i am looking the quality of these okay i can tell right away so just go look inside and see like the stitching on these placement how there's like so here i can just see the stitching and then they have like this part it's like a very dark color and usually on a nice extension they wouldn't do that and the quality of the hair feels like a doll hair or like my little pony's hair so it's not real this is definitely synthetic this is fake this yeah i can see with this it's like a lot nicer how they blended the colors in the hair is much softer this is definitely the more expensive one i know i'm right how do they even have enough hair to make extensions like i don't understand how they keep getting more so i feel like a lot of these companies are maybe making it up and it's like actual either plastic synthetic hair or horse hair or whoever they got this from hair was just so damaged that it feels like a doll hair [Music] two bras let's see them this one this one see this one is softer this one's very itchy and just looking at the lining and how they sewed it i can't tell they both look pretty cheap this one feels soft like the inside especially i love this part i love the color and then this one i think is sexier i like just the design of it but it's very itchy which i don't like i think this is the more expensive one no my lingerie i think i killed it today i thought i was going to get them all right i only missed a couple but it was my first time playing the game the lasagna was horrible it was literally the worst lasagna i've ever ate in my life the cheese was just gross to touch slimy thanks guys bye [Music]
Channel: Cosmopolitan
Views: 1,638,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paris hilton, paris hilton cooking, paris hilton cooking with paris, paris hilton expensive taste, paris hilton cosmopolitan, paris hilton cosmo, cosmo expensive taste test, paris hilton cheap vs expensive, paris hliton cooking with paris, cooking with paris, cooking with paris netflix, expensive taste test, cosmopolitan, cosmo
Id: CqvebAZMBW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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