Call Her Daddy Founder Alex Cooper Exposes Her CHEAP Taste | Expensive Taste Test | Cosmopolitan

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oh i don't like that after drinking this and then going to this this tasted awful maybe i should have drank hello i'm alex cooper and today i am playing expensive taste test with cosmo the game is super simple they're gonna put two things in front of me and i have to decide which is the expensive one and which is the cheaper one ever since this was scheduled on my calendar i was losing sleep a little bit because i think i'm gonna be really bad at this only because i'm the youngest child in my family i was given all the hand-me-downs and the sibling above me is my brother so a lot of basketball shorts a lot of baggy you know t-shirts also i'm very messy so i would prefer to spill spaghetti sauce on a fruit of the loom vibe rather than like a cashmere sweater [Music] okay self tanner something that is so near and dear to my heart something i probably could honestly use today because i have a little blotching on my hands so which is more expensive i'm gonna probably be more attracted to the cheaper versions of everything so whatever i like i'm gonna choose the opposite as the expensive one so let's try this out oh let's like shake the density feels the same okay let's see oh guys i love self tanner oh wait this is like such different textures see i can see which one looks kind of like mine guys do you want some okay i'm gonna say that wait was it this one i think this one is more expensive wait i guess it would be the cheaper one look at my hands guys we need to know and we need to get the bottom of it so i'm going to be really engaging today i would say this one has like a more purple like foamy undertone and this one is more consistent in its texture so i would say this is more expensive okay guys first one is right i feel great and my hand looks even worse than it came not too cute [Music] sweatpants this is all i wear i put on leather pants today but i was forced to wear these it wasn't by choice okay let's see oh these are cute and like they seem cheap to me but i would love to wear these i want these in my wardrobe i would love to spill something on these i feel like they would shrink in a minute in the laundry show i would never wash them like i would just wear them all the time okay let's see these the band of this is way more thick and the pockets are more like straight and centered which i think is like kind of weird this is way thinner material and the thing is with these is like i think i would prefer these so i think these are the less expensive ones i think these are the more expensive ones i did it okay yeah these are way thicker but these cheap ones are my go-to can i take these home [Music] so if anyone didn't know soccer balls i played division one soccer but it was a long time ago you know i've been retired but something i remember playing soccer is like you really never want the ball to be super squeaky because if you're kicking it with your cleat like your cleat would quite literally stick on the ball oh god i feel like this one is kind of cheap okay so this one is a bit squeakier but i also know i used to see these balls in college but these are the ones they would give us if we would kick them far into the field and we were doing like punts but i've never seen this one this is also way too lightweight this feels like something i would see not on a soccer field but more of like a trick ball you're just like juggling i can't really juggle in these leather pants but yeah i think this is the cheaper one i love how i'm going for the cheap i'm like this is the cheaper one no guys i think this is the more expensive i was so nervous about the soccer one because i'm like i gotta get it right like i can't get the soccer ball wrong okay thank you so i have two necklaces here i will be honest i have no idea what i'm looking at because i have never bought myself expensive jewelry the only expensive jewelry i have is from previous or current boyfriends to which i've lost most of it that's why i don't ever buy any expensive jewelry because i'll just lose it so here we have a beautiful gold chain that to me looks exactly the same almost as this this is a bit daintier so cute and this is a bit like thicker this is the thing this is cheaper i feel like because it's weight i was gonna say this is cheaper because it feels a little thinner but then is sometimes cheap jewelry like fat and thick i would like this one because it's like lighter i don't want to like have something really heavy on my neck but i have a feeling that this is the more expensive one who is she i was losing sleep over this look at me i'm crushing [Music] so my entire life all i used because my mom and my dad used it was lubriderm i've never tried like a lot of different moisturizers you know when you're raised with something and you just stick to it i'm a lubriderm gal sponsor me okay so we have two different lotions here one has a more like yellow texture one is a white more like creamy texture is it weird that i want to smell them okay okay oh this kind of smells like lubriderm i'm gonna put it on my body but first i'm just starting with the smells okay this is a very strong scent let's put it on my dry hands honestly i needed lotion anyways today oh guys this is thick like i can feel my cracked skin just getting lubed right up that feels very nice okay let's try my right hand now i feel like this is gonna be less expensive ooh this is way lighter less like clogging of my pores i feel like i'm a hand model i'm like oh this one is tricking me because it could be so much cheaper or this could be some like elevated rich like lemare that am i allowed to curse nope i'm gonna say this is more expensive all right my first one wrong i'm okay with that for lotions that feels right i'm not big on the lotion game it should be my grandmother told me to always lotion up [Music] water who knew why can't all just be the same price water is water right apparently not okay so immediately i'm seeing there's a lot of speckles i don't think that would be the word concentration nope do you guys see what i'm there's little dots there's fuzz fizz this is very clear clear let's just call them speckles i'm gonna get roasted in the comments like did you go to school something like that all right i'm gonna try this one first because it looks a little less nasty yup tastes like water okay but that tastes like the kind of water i drink every day you know let's see if this tastes also like water you know it tastes like water it just sounded different going into my mouth because it has a little like fizz happening i don't know if the fizz means it's more expensive or it's some cheap that i'm going to vomit after this interview is this old water or is this some like really rich maybe this is the more expensive one so the fizz was the rich let's go you know i usually only wear hoodies even if it's 90 degrees outside so you'll never see these shoulders but let's pretend oh see this is risky because this is a ribbed item that i feel like i would probably cut in half and make like a cute crop top but that could also be like the hanes vibe you know this is a little slinky dinky vibe it's not the cutest shirt i don't think i would wear this this does look like something my brother would have handed me down but the quality is like soft they both kind of seem cheap can you tell me the pricing on both one of them is 240 and the other one is eight one of these shirts is two hundred dollars this is the moral of the story you really should go for the cheaper because i'm standing here and like neither is blowing me away i'm gonna say this is the more expensive one but don't buy this for 200 whatever brand this is yeah no not worth it not worth it [Music] i have never owned a lighter in my life so i'm a little out of my league here usually if i'm gonna spark anything i'm doing with like the long household hand held do you know what i'm talking about those long guys yeah you always see these in the movies where they're like let's try it oh my hands are so sticky from the moisturizer still okay okay beautiful these look exactly the same to me like they quite literally have the same exact inside makeup if you zoom in on that like not too close i don't know how my makeup looks but you know i mean like zoom in a little bit like these have the same inside i would say these are the exact same thing actually are these the same thing are you guys tricking me no they have the same holes they have the same turn things let's let the fans decide what do you guys think come on i have no idea i have no idea i'm gonna say this one what oh my god guys can i tell you why the last minute decision i made that is because this has more like round edge and this is more of a square structure and what does that mean about expensive taste i have no idea i just went with the rounder rather than the straight edge okay next [Music] my initial observations is okay wait hold on okay let me really inspect interesting okay so this is more of the crayon situation happening where you can like shave it down with the like fake wood look and then this one is more of a plastic harder situation happening i am not a beauty influencer i'm just here trying to do my thing see sometimes the ones with like the wood are more expensive or you can find this in walmart because i've looked okay i feel like this is what i use more in the college vibe and i've tried to elevate sometimes more with this i'm gonna say this one is more expensive i was gonna say this one is more expensive no okay okay it's okay guys it's fine like that's what i said i thought i used this one in college but maybe i was getting it in college who knew [Music] okay bring on the shots [Music] let me be so clear i will drink any kind of tequila i'm not someone that's like i only drink 1942. well you know when you go to college and you drink natty ice for a while bare minimum does it for me as long as i'm having a good time and getting a little buzz so my initial observation is they look the exact same color so that's good okay i'm smelling now oh this is a little bit more um perfumey this to me smells better i think the only way to tell is to take the shots i don't know what i had to do after this but i'll be calling myself a cab okay this is the first one okay not bad at all i usually drink cosmicos reposado so i'm basing off of that okay now let's try this trying to keep the flavor in my mouth from the first shot okay oh i don't like that but i bet that's more expensive but i don't like that what's the taste difference one bottle is 45 the other bottle is 13. i think this is the 13 one that is the more expensive and that is casamigo's reposado no it's not yes it is no it's not yeah after drinking this and then going to this this tasted awful maybe i should have drank [Music] oh okay i can tell you immediately that these are not flaming hot cheetos because that's what i consume if you open me up a doctor splits me down the middle it's just gonna pour out flaming hot cheetos i want my mouth to burn when i'm eating food all right so my initial observation is these are way lighter and these are darker you know what i'm going to do i'm going to go like this i have no idea i knew i wasn't going to be good at this game because both taste great to me i don't know the last time i've had a regular cheeto once i found flaming hot i never went back this tastes like a normal cheeto this tastes like some like you go to whole foods and you find that like knockoff brand that's like a little healthier or this is like the gas station one that's like way cheaper and just like a knockoff of this i don't know i guess these are more expensive because they're the real brand oh yes this is from trader joe's do i know my cheetos yes also though this looks weird with my outfit i got eight out of the 11 right which i will say i'm so proud of myself i didn't think i was gonna get one right although i did better i think i'm still gonna always go with the cheaper version because you never know what's gonna happen okay thank you so much for having me cosmo make sure to check out call her daddy my show only on spotify can i have these though i got a souvenir i'm going to be taking these home thank you thank you goodbye oh wait can i have that tequila
Channel: Cosmopolitan
Views: 418,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alex cooper, call her daddy, call her daddy podcast, call her daddy youtube, alex cooper boys, alex cooper funny, alex cooper interview, alex cooper barstool, alex cooper podcast, alex cooper soccer, call her daddy alex, alex cooper call her daddy, alex cooper expensive taste test, expensive taste test, expensive taste test cosmopolitan, expensive taste test cosmo, cosmo expensive taste test, cosmo, cosmopolitan, alex cooper cosmo interview, alex cooper cosmopolitan, interview
Id: 8YMAbez59-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 10 2022
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