Ashnikko Tries $$$ vs. $ Whisky and HATES Both | Expensive Taste Test | Cosmopolitan

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this is my child this is my daughter Wednesday she's having a little cry because she needs constant attention all the time hi I'm ashnik and I'm playing expensive taste test with Cosmo I think that yes I do have expensive taste I think when it comes to like sweets beauty products I think I know what I'm talking about maybe I sound a little bit cocky now and so I'm going to do bad [Music] probably so we've got some we here in my shade I really would like to think that I know wigs because I have worn so many wigs throughout my career I've worn bad ones and good ones so hopefully I know the difference between the two okay this is feeling super soft and Lush I'm getting real hair oh I needle both at the same time oh oh no yeah no no no no I I yeah no it's it's it's what I thought okay I mean but this one does have a a fringe bangs I've been spending too much time in the UK this one feels more synthetic the part it's a little too perfect and too spaced out it sounds a little crunchier than natural hair it is soft but it's a little crunchy there we go there's lace all the way around this one and it is a really fine lace this is more expensive wig I told you I know wigs I was a little too confident actually so I would like to scale my confidence back I did get that right but I would like to scale it back a [Music] little if there's one thing about me is I love a hat case in point okay crocheted hats let's give it a feel this one is a sturdy hat the yarn itself is made of more natural fibers than this one feels like a pure cotton I love to crochet so I know my yarn I did say I was going to scale back my confidence but I do know my Yarn yeah I'd say the yarn maybe has some polyester in there it is cuter I do like this one more but I'm going to say this one when I was a kid I used to crochet Little Ant animals and now I just crochet everything I want to wear I just like to keep myself busy I like to do little DIYs little [Music] crafts I really do not with artificial plants but we're here I'm I'm feeling the bowl first because oh it's plastic pretending to be Stone this was doing a lot this is doing a little too much it's not Stone it's plastic there's a lot of like sound involved in me choosing between the two okay this is like concrete there was a bit more thought in choosing the color palette of this one someone was looking at this with the tapestry of it all in mind and this one was kind of just like just throw it in let's go I mean it's the sound test I'm going to go with with this one like I said I don't love artificial plants so that's [Music] fine necklaces I'm just going to come straight out the gate and say I do not like these this one is giving lady at the Crystal shop who has some really good stories to tell we'll get on like a house on fire but I don't like her necklace so that's that on that this one is it's giving something let me have a feel that is rose quartz and there is some shell in there and some pearls okay let me have a feel on this one I'm seeing a lot of plastic beads here actually the clasp is a big giveaway is that silver they're worn by the same person this one has more intricate bead work maybe this one because it has rose [Music] quartz see my personal jewelry tastes are like just a bunch of like teeth and bones and silver and like old car parts just wrapped around my neck with with bits of cloth so it's more of like a DIY [Music] Thing do I get to eat them yeah I get to have a little taste decoration alone this one's doing a thing someone obviously has technique here there's a a smattering of sprinkles they look more like little jelly balls as opposed to the classic cheap sprinkle visually there something that this has that this one just doesn't this one I'd say they didn't try super hard on the decoration I'm going to taste them first no that doesn't tast super expensive but I've been wrong before it's heavy it's got density it's thick because like a really good gluten-free cupcake cake has a thickness to it wait let's just do the frosting first yeah no that's thick I can taste the love that someone put into that no wait cuz the cupcake on this one is better but that one's drier but the frosting is better I wish I could put the frosting on this one it's this one yeah but this one's better you're paying for weight here not for Taste [Music] sorry oh my God I hate Scotch they look exactly the same they look identical to me I'm more of like a glass of red wine green juice type of so oh wait this one smells way smoother than this one this one hurts the nose I'm going to have the good one first it's smooth it didn't it didn't hurt me let me do this one oh I don't like that at all that [Music] one I really just don't like spear is I'm just like a I'm not that type of guy no [Music] next okay this one has cheap sols when you get a really cheap pair of boots you can smell them you can smell the chemicals these aren't super smelly the inside is a bit smelly oh they've got the same zippers the leather itself feels very flimsy this little metal embellishment is hanging on by a thread the soles are a bit sturdier the tread is cheap though zipper test smooth smooth zip ooh o these are plastic not metal this one vinyl bodysuits okay o materials sticking together not a good sign and it's falling apart already these are horrendous okay solid zip that is smelling of chemicals this one not so much we've got some very cheap clasps here you're okay this is my child this is my daughter Wednesday she's having a little cry because she needs constant attention all the time oh no no no Madam she's want to be off her leash she pretended that she wanted a hug and then she faked me out so hard um okay the lines aren't straight down here in the crotch points off but this one's already falling apart so these both feel cheap y'all giving me two cheap things to choose from it's this [Music] one I should have known it's a vintage piece is it a vintage piece damn it bought this new and it's already [Music] ripped I been so confident about beauty products but now I'm not feeling super confident actually in my abilities we're flipping up a whole spectrum of color we got a little Sparkle situation the packaging has a big old mirror points for the mirror this one feels a bit lighter and flimsier no mirror there's way more colors let me do my swatches feel like Kylie Jenner it's not super super pigmented it's kind of powdery let's let's try the Sparkles ooh ooh flaky real flaky okay once you build it it's giving a little oil spill let's do a dark blue oh I did just mix all the colors together but I still I don't know I don't know about that one fresh brush I'm about to do some damage let's go for this purple okay it's doing something there's a shimmer there's a shine let's do green okay no no I don't like that at all let's try again let's try a pink oh God no the powder itself is a bit finer that one was a bit bit more crumbly I guess I'm just going to go with Packaging I came on this pretty cocky and I would like to resend that but I did get that right so I feel humbled for sure feel humbled the important ones I got right the other ones who am I to judge thank you for watching me play expensive taste test with Cosmo I'm Ash nio and my album weed killer is out now
Channel: Cosmopolitan
Views: 171,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cosmopolitan, expensive taste test cosmopolitan, expensive taste test,, cosmo expensive taste test, expensive taste test cosmo, cosmo, cosmopolitan expensive taste test ashnikko, ashnikko, ashnikkomusic, ashnikkoofficial, ashnikko tiktok, ashnikko expensive taste test, expensive taste test ashnikko, ashniko, ashnikko halloweenie, ashnikko halloweenie 2, ashnikko expensive taste test cosmo
Id: LV7tZKAI4kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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