Parents, What Is the Worst Way Your Kids Have Ever Embarrassed You?

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parents have read it what is the worst way your kids have ever embarrassed you at a bakery near my house my sister asked my mom that man has big bum how does he fit on the toilet he heard and so did everyone else in the store my mom found a new bakery my boy when he was learning to talk he said dong instead of clock he was infatuated with them and would point and scream dongdong one day we were in target and went down the clock isle and the next thing i hear is him screaming there are dongs everywhere okay not really their fault but this is the story i'm cleaning out the garage and have a bunch of stuff in the driveway to pull out the lawnmower for the first mo of spring as i'm driving the mower i start to notice people driving by slowing down and looking mad at me it was weird but i didn't think too much about it then two different people flipped me off and a few others yelled but since i was driving the mower i couldn't hear what they were saying plus they were driving finally i can't stand it and have no clue why my mowing is pee everyone off so i shut the mower off and start to go inside then i'm walking by my driveway not visible from where i was mowing and see my children ages five and six climbed into my dog's old cage and somehow locked themselves in so it looked to everyone like i locked my kids in a cage while i mowed the lawn not cool when my son was in second grade they wrote a book about their mothers for mother's day it was cute because for a month he would ask random questions about my life and follow up with in case you are wondering why i asked there's no reason when he brought home the book i read it and was thrilled when i was done i set it down and only then noticed the cover they had drawn a 8.5 x 11 portrait-like photo of their mothers for the front it showed me with a huge smile messed up hair and a shirt that said let's get lit across the front it was in reference to a shirt i had bought their father for christmas with a lit up christmas tree not only had i never worn it he conveniently left the tree out of the portrait i was mortified and when i asked him why he did that his reply was you look good in green and it's the only green shirt i could remember but i'm sure his tits his obvious dislike for me was not a coincidence i would just casually show up to his class in the middle of february wearing your husband's shirt oh how dumb of me i must have grabbed the wrong shirt the christmas one that says let's get lit on it not my kid actually my aunts they were in a department store and he was wandering around aimlessly while she shopped suddenly she hears him yell mommy come here you have to see this she goes over to the children's department and finds him pointing at a little person he was an employee of the store look mom this is so cool he called pointing excitedly she didn't know what to say oh yes he works here he gets to come here every day that is cool you know mommy i mean it's cool because he is a muppet she apologized grabbed my cousin and ran away i don't have kids but i actually remember doing this to my dad i was in kindergarten and every day when the kids were picked up from school the parents had to do a sign out i remember standing at the teacher's desk with my dad while he signed me out and made idol chitchat with the teacher i remember her glancing at me and feeling like i needed to contribute something to the conversation so i just blurted out my daddy sleeps naked i think it was something i had only recently discovered and thought it was just a fun fact my dad was mortified my wife and i had her brother and his girlfriend over for dinner while we were chatting over coffee our young son walked up to the table and stood my wife's pink vibrator on a placemat and asked what's this daddy he burst out laughing wife died of embarrassment the girlfriend looked everywhere but the table and i just picked it up and said to my son that's mommy's shall we put it back it was soon forgotten when more wine was drunk when my son was about three we went to jamba juice it was packed of course as i was ordering he squirmed out of my hand and went about 20 feet away from me proceeded to walk back and forth throwing his arms around and yelled at the top of his little lungs frick frick fricke looked like a crazy homeless person i was completely mortified that sounds hilarious when i was four we went to olive garden i saw a black man at the table next to us and said michael jordan michael jordan luckily he just laughed about it i did this in an elevator when my family went on vacation except it was an asian guy and i asked him if he was jackie chan my parents were embarrassed but he thought it was hilarious my daughter saw a woman at a store who had very large breasts she yells out mama that lady has big boobies why you have little boobies i do the exact same thing to my girlfriend all the time don't have kids i did this to my parents at a mall i spent a lot of my childhood in india so i wasn't that familiar with how things went in the u.s i was walking with my parent in the mall when i saw a lady who had her kid on one of those leashes for kids so i yell out across the mall look they have a kid for a pet the lady looking really annoyed picked up a leashed kid and walked away i'm going to say this whenever i see someone with a child leash now hold your freaking kid's hand he's not a dog i don't remember where this took place or how old i was exactly but i was young enough to talk and was still in a stroller so i must have been about three apparently as we strolled past a woman who happened to be black i loudly said hi oprah i guess i had never seen a black woman besides oprah my mom was pretty embarrassed but this woman was apparently flattered and laughed so i guess it wasn't all that bad this happened to a friend who works at a daycare she was helping a kid take his coat and boats off when the kid decides to blurt out my mommy has a really hairy front butt my friend looks at the kid tells him not to talk about his mommy's front butt and continues like nothing happened she's pretty professional considering i would have laughed my butt off then made the kid repeat it for my own humor to others i started laughing so hard my roommate knocked on the door to comfort me and ask why i was crying my dad once told me about the time he took me to a grocery store to just do some basic grocery shopping and i ended up wandering off and started screaming help as loud as i could when he found me as i was a blonde fair-skinned kid and my dad was a tall greek italian with dark hair and tan skin security ended up restraining my dad since they couldn't believe we were related and my mum had to be called over to confirm that i was his daughter my mother's story because i asked her comma my brother was playing t-ball and i was about five years old at the time mom was talking to my brother's friend's mother and some other mothers this mother happened to be deaf but read lips and spoke i did not know what death was at this moment or didn't pick up that she was comma anyways my brother's friend takes a baseball to the face and his cheek is swelling someone yells you okay to which the friend replied i'm fine but had a very swollen mouthed accent to it com a five-year-old me decided to yell back no you're not you sound like your mother but my mother added we were all just glad she couldn't hear you say that and pretended it didn't happen my sister taught her five-year-old daughter the proper names for genicles one day when my sister was filling her car with petrol my niece pointed at a lady nearby yelling look mummy that lady has a big vagina everyone heard the lady had a camel toe when i was kid in second grade there was some sort of anti-drinking and driving campaign i didn't understand the concept of it so when the teacher said i hope none of your parents drink and drive i raised my hand proudly and said that my dad does my dad drank coca-cola i didn't know the difference between coke and beer all i knew was they were brown bubbly and i wasn't allowed to drink it come to think of it what is the point of a drinking and driving campaign in elementary school so that you go home and nag your parents i used to nag mine about all sorts of stupid crap i heard at school when i was a kid my mom and i went to the grocery store as we're checking out the cashier gives my mom the total and my mom starts writing out a check i look at her confused and say rather loudly bit mommy i thought you said you didn't have any money in the bank oh god thanks for dredging up a memory for me my mom was applying for a loan when i was eight i blurted out in front of the loan officer i thought daddy said you weren't allowed to do that he said you spend too much money that we don't have already yet mom didn't get the loan i'll get wee jpg i remember my mom telling this story basically when my brother was little he learned the phrasal crap but he would pronounce it aww she apparently he said it all the time when he dropped something so there my mom is sitting in the kingdom hall my grandma is a jehovah's witness and made us go to church every once in a while when my brother dropped the bible it was dead silent and all you hear is aww she haha my little sister love dress up one day my mother had a group of guys in her bathroom laying tiles my sister having the time of her life walked in wearing my mom's laziest and most revealing lingerie oops as my daughter is too young to embarrass me yet here is what i did to my mother the first time i saw a lady wearing a full bokeh i excitedly screamed look mum it's darth vader i'm not sure if the lady in the burka knew who vader was but she stopped and just stared at my mother who went beetroot and ushered me out of the shop up vote for beetroot not me but when my mom took my brother to the grocery store when he first learned how to talk sitting in the shopping cart he points at a black woman and says look mom it's bill cosby double quote i was a little crap as a kid and i can probably come up with way too many stories my favorite though was when i was about four or five years old i forget the details but for some reason i was naked bath time maybe and i had managed to run out of the house i ran as fast as i could down the street but my father was faster than i was and he caught me as soon as he picked me up i started yelling you're not my mother you're not my father help help call the police i think we just had some sort of anti-kidnapping speech at preschool now we live next door to a baseball field and there happened to be a group of kids doing baseball practice along with all their parents so imagine my father carrying his naked five-year-old daughter who's screaming her head off about being kidnapped my father just kept repeating no really she's my daughter in the face of all the angry glaring baseball parents your kids are going to punish you for that one and deservedly so my dad used to pinch my fat face when i was around five and i hated it one day we went to the park and he pinched my face and then walked off angrily i began searching for him to get my revenge i saw him talking to a group of people so i ran up to him and pantsed him i pulled his underwear off too when my son was about three years old he went to daycare at the ywca where i worked out he had just been potty trained and was excited to wear big boy underpants and usually told everyone at daycare what kind he was wearing that day so one morning the cute guy i'd been flirting with holds the door open for us and my son says i'm wearing my superman undies today cute right then he says my mom is just wearing big white ones tagged as big white undies don't have kids but i remember when i was younger five-ish maybe my brother was seven or so my mom was in a minor car accident while driving us downtown it was just a rear ending but both of the cars pulled over and waited for the police not sure why they came but they did the police officer asked my mom if there was anyone else in the van and she said yes so he asked her to open the door at this time my brother and i thought it would be hilarious to drape ourselves over the car seats and act dead when the police officer opened the door so yeah frazzled mom and police opened the door my brother and i are sprawled on the seats eyes closed and not moving she was mortified i do believe we started laughing after that so all was well we were driving down to the local village and had stopped to talk to a well-respected matry archetype having opened the window to engage in polite conversation my three-year-old daughter announced my dad has a willy awkward so if you'd be so kind to let me know if you see it i'd be so appreciative and then drive off i don't understand why more parents just don't back their kids in such situations i have two girls 10 and 9 i decided to gather up their cousins my niece and nephew and take them to go see johnny english the theater was moderately full and it was the daytime so children weren't minded too much that was until my nine-year-old decided to test everyone's noses and unleash a series of hellish farts that would make a grown man with a beefy bean burrito fetish cry she continued to fire with no regard to the people behind us really and i told her to let me know if she had to use the bathroom nope didn't work she kept quiet covering her fart with laughs up until the point i flat out asked little girl do you have to boo-boo i'll take you to the bathroom please stop of course she didn't silent but deadlies little poppers big homs and i seriously started to think she did it on purpose the people behind us moved and as soon as ending credits went we hightailed it out of there she didn't have to use the bathroom but i had a long discussion about her farting habits i don't know if it was that new healthy pack that amc has for kids wheat chips with apple juice if i remember that right but good lord that was the worst tl dr kid farts up movie theater people gagged and moved as a result at least you can keep that story for when she's older and brings her friends back to the house my 2.5 year old son is going through a bit of a train phase goes nuts when we pass by a train wants to watch thomas the train all day etc etc so it should come as no surprise that he has latched onto a toy train as his favorite toy the toy is the train named percy from thomas the train show everywhere we go he has to be holding percy problem is that he is also quite clumsy still the moment he drops percy it's a mad dash to hurry up and get the train back to him you see the problem is that he can't quite enunciate the word percy instead he says p or rather he is sobbing out the word p at the top of his lungs over and over not a parent did my little sister who is nine years younger than me when she was three she my mom and i went to the store we were standing online to check out and an obese guy with crutches was standing in front of us but my little sister opens her mouth and starts to say pretty loud why is that guy my mom thought she was going to say why is that guy on crutches but instead she said why is that guy so fat i never knew the shade of red my mom turned was possible when my daughter was four and five years old i was still in contact with my mom and she would spend the night on saturdays with her due to my work schedule on sundays she would go to church with her about five months after this schedule started my mom came home to tell me that my daughter had apparently told everyone in church that i was dead they never questioned her since they had never met me and she had only gone to church with my mom i guess it came up in sunday school when they were making mother's day cards and she didn't want to make one for me so she told them i was dead her reasoning was that she was smart enough even at four to no i thought church was a joke and so didn't want to participate in making me church crafts i could not stop laughing the only thing that tops this is when she got up and had an argument with the preacher over easter because he was just not understanding that jesus was a zombie when i was about nine my little sister said she had to show me something in my parents closet so when the coast was clear we go in there and she climbs up on the high shelf and pulls down the dildo this dildo was designed to look like a real dong which is how me and my sister knew what it was so naturally when my dad comes home from work i say hey dad why do you have a fake dog a doodle do in your closet i can't even imagine how embarrassed he must have been i quickly learned not to talk about donga doodle do's in my house first post to make me literally laugh out loud i will use the term donga doodle do with my kids i don't have kids but i remember doing this to my parents we had an assignment in class that asked what we were most afraid of the assumed answers were stuff like bears and snakes not long before this my mother trying to be authoritative stated that my brothers and i should be more afraid to do anything bad because the consequences would never be the same she would get really angry anyway i wrote on my paper that i was afraid of both my parents didn't want to leave my dad out either my teacher never got to see it before the end of the day so i brought it home my parents flipped my mother was freaking out asking me why i would write something like that probably with the best seven-year-old troll face ever i told her you said i should be afraid of you they erased my answer and took me out for pizza afterward sorta in the same vein my three-year-old called a black lady at target chocolate her reaction was the worst possible one she laughed and for a freaking month he called every black person we saw chocolate when i was little my mom used to give me small tabs on the butt to tell me i'm doing something i'm not supposed to do so one day i was at disneyland and a complete stranger offers me candy my mother immediately whisks me away and takes me to the bathroom to explain to me why i must never accept candy from strangers or talk to strangers in general being the three-year-old me and having no clue what was going on i just screamed don't hit me don't hit me i'm sorry i wonder what my mom felt like as we exited the crowded bathroom not my kid but something i did that my mom will not let me forget to this day when i was really little i was probably three when this happened my parents who are white lived in a predominantly black area of oakland one afternoon my mom was doing some work at home and i was watching a nature show about apes on discovery after she finished her work we went to the grocery store after our shopping on our way out the door my mom was pushing me in the cart as we passed a group of large african-american gentlemen recalling the show i'd been watching that afternoon i screamed at the top of my lungs mommy mommy look at the gorillas as she tells it she couldn't even get out the words to apologize just avoided eye contact with every human being around and left as quickly as possible my dad said he was both embarrassed and proud when we were at the supermarket one time and i saw a dump rack me being one and one stroke two at the time pointed at it and started yelling dumb [ __ ] dumb [ __ ] dumb [ __ ] he tried to correct me but i just kept shouting out dumb [ __ ] dump truck asked my mom for this one and it's kind of funny anyways when i was a youngster my parents sent me to a daycare run by nuns i was really social but had a tendency to be a little bad sometimes so one time as my mom is picking me up the nun told her that i had sat on a girl and told her let's make babies my mom was horrified funny maybe yes but she said i got spanked afterwards no recollection of this at all when i was about six i went grocery shopping with my dad as we are walking through an aisle we see a man shopping who only has one arm so being the six-year-old i was i stuck both my arms and my sleeve so only my elbows were sticking out and flapped them around my dad said he has never been more embarrassed in his life that may have been the last time he took me shopping dang if only i had known about this get out of jail free card sooner i was working in a kindergarten kids were eating lunch in complete silence when one kid suddenly blurted out my mom has a beard on her pee pee all the employees cracked up when my son was about eight and coincidentally shortly before we discovered his red green collar blind i let him pick his own outfit before going with me to run some errands on a saturday he wore a plaid shirt different plaid shorts red cowboy boots and a rainbow striped beanie hat with a propeller on top it was okay though my mere existence embarrassed the heck out of him when he was in his early teens i suppose we're even now that he's in his twenties i died when i got to the propeller hat i remember when i was really young maybe four or five years old mum and dad took me grocery shopping with them at the local eiger i told them i had to pee but they told me i had to hold it eventually i couldn't hold it any longer so i went to the magazine section grabbed a magazine and sat on the floor and peed then i got up put the magazine back and found my parents not realizing that my parents immediately knew from the smell and from the fact that my pants were soaked what i'd just done they were so embarrassed but when you gotta go there's got to be a thread somewhere in the bowels of ridic that includes the story of the iger employee who found the magazine soaked in pee on the rack when i was about two three i called frogs fuckies i was trying to say froggies so one day while at the grocery store i see some frog picture and started screaming look at the fuckies looks at the fuckies mommy at 23 fuckies with something quite different this is something i did as a kid i was probably eight or nine and i'd gone roller skating with some friends and the minister at my church two of the girls in the group were his daughters my friends and i were standing around bragging about how grown up we were in the badass things our parents let us do because we were so mature i didn't understand at the time what an x-rated movie was i just knew it was worse than an r rating so i figured it just meant a super grown up kind of movie hoping to impress my friends i said something like my mom and dad let me watch x-rated movies with them all the time our minister was standing just a few feet away and definitely heard me my parents weren't even there but even years later when i told them they were mortified even though our minister moved away like 20 years ago it still makes me feel like a huge jackass to be fair you didn't know if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 15,244
Rating: 4.9524941 out of 5
Keywords: parents, parents stories, parenting, embarrassing daughter, embarrassing moments, embarrassing, parenting hacks, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Id: oFqUB6reO4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 21sec (1461 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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