Most Ignorant Things to Say

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what is the most ignorant thing you've ever heard someone say some of the girls i lived with met a german girl and asked her if she loved hitler because all germans loved hitler when they told me the story and i asked them to clarify thinking they were making a weird joke they admitted that they basically thought all of germany still supported hitler and was still upset he didn't win the war i moved to germany when i was 12 and a lot of people have asked me if i went there to join the nazi party sort of like those runaway kids who go to the middle east to join isis i just no words i can't get in trouble for sexual harassment because i'm married then proceeded to ask a co-worker if her tea were real a friend was talking about adopting a child and i suggested that she look into adopting from china she said that she couldn't because the kid would speak chinese when she grew up i work in an ob gyn office at the front check-in window we have our fair share of crazy patients on a daily basis had one of our repeat offenders as we all then come in one day claiming she was 100 sure she was pregnant despite the fact that she had had a tubal ligation tubes tied her reasoning was that her stomach visibly moved on its own a fact that her three-year-old son could vouch for her exact words to me were when i'm sitting on the couch my son can see my stomach move he says mommy baby mommy baby he wouldn't lie about something like that he's telling me i'm pregnant and i know he's not lying he would never lie especially about something like that so i know i'm pregnant i had no words my old boss i don't believe in dinosaurs me why like religious reasons boss number it's impossible for animals to be bigger than a building they couldn't have existed i tried to point out wales she's also terrified of spaghetti though so kind of a lost cause nephew 10 years old i wish i had 20 stroke 20 vision is mom you're crazy it's not possible for anyone to have 20 stroke 20 vision i didn't even correct her i just told my nephew the truth in private another time i heard her say what's the point of getting braces when you're 30 you're basically almost dead she was dead serious i have 20 stroke 13 vision tell that mom to suck it finally a time where this quote can shine a guy i knew in high school once said i think that because abortion has nothing to do with women they just shouldn't be involved in politics i've read this 10 times and i'm no closer to figuring it out than the first time truly an enigma when discussing a 2001 riot oh yeah they used horses because cars weren't invented what she was born long before 2001 too which confused me i've decided to not believe this one to keep my sanity people are gay because water supplies are being tested with chemicals i was legitimately stunned at the thought someone could believe that you know before this glass of water i was pretty sure i liked girls but now i have a sudden urge for butt sex i asked a street merchant if i could buy her whole bag of oranges she said no because then she wouldn't have anything to sell maybe it was just a front for her drug business you never know man we were watching a pearl harbor documentary in history class and when the planes started to fly over the harbour the girl in front of me said god i hate the chinese for pearl harbor this was a comment to her post about targets degenerizing its toy sections you are condoning syria sick law in michigan but shia law says to just do it that banning old-school incandescent light bulbs was a conspiracy by obama to take over america i can't remember exactly what the connection was but it had to do with teaching americans to not question authority harder to see his lizard skin now i teach high school band so i'm not even sure why the student decided that my class would be the best to ask this grade 9 student raised his hand and asked me's new sick match was anne frank hitler's wife i stopped all conducting and it became impromptu world war ii history that day i stopped all conducting think i know why he decided your class would be best to ask this after i broke up with someone for cheating get over it every guy cheats so if you are going to break up with every guy who does you are going to be alone forever was ushering at a movie theater during american sniper a mother walks up with her four-year-old son as long as a minor is with their parent they are granted admission to r-rated movies without provocation she says i don't want to hear anything about me bringing him in he needs to see this i laugh a little bit and say i'm sure he'll be okay it's only a little scary she responds with it ain't scary unless you're freaking muslim i'm sure i've heard worse but this is the most recent on reddit i saw someone who was arguing that poor people should just move from poor neighborhoods and just couldn't understand why just moving wasn't an option for some people a friend of mine tried to justify his statement that all black people are good rats on welfare because if i were living in a neighborhood filled with gangs i would do something about it you don't see any of these people trying to change their lives no one is running these gangs out of town yeah okay i have finally accepted that some people are born gay but i do not believe in bisexualism that's just being a w o grandma if only you knew honestly well done for your grandmother she was able to work through what she was taught in her opinions and compare it to society not perfect but whatever female caller at work several years ago when i was getting basic info to send her assistance is you [ __ ] no madam i is not [ __ ] you is smart you is kind you is important an austin city council member reportedly told a phd environmental consultant who was addressing the council carbon dioxide can't warm the earth because heat comes from the sun why does the government put deer crossings on busy streets when there are back streets they can cross instead she thought that the deers crossed at certain spots because the deer crossing signs were put there in line for epcot center i heard about something like this where they put a bunch of people in a room and gas them it was in germany or something i think they called it the holocaust dang disney's new attractions are dark my parents once went to the dmv for changing drivers licenses after we had moved to illinois after asking them their country of birth they replied iran to which the lady at the counter said wait but iran doesn't exist anymore right we attacked them this was in 2005. like first of all that was iraq and second of all just cause your country attacked another country doesn't wipe it off the face of the earth she nearly refused to finish their form for the licenses not exactly something that was said but a super religious girl in my biology class refused to go to class for the entirety of the evolution unit it's not that she doesn't believe in evolution it's that she refuses to even entertain the idea of another way of thinking i once heard a guy earnestly say evolution claims we come from monkeys but there are still monkeys i mean i get if your religious beliefs contrast with the theory but at least make sure you understand it before shooting it down america needs a president without any political experience read that in a comment today it had 54 upvotes i almost joined isis welcome to nsa watch list obviously everything before 1960 was in black and white because all the photos were in color in the past this ionic bracelet will cure all my ailments my aunt deep down everybody is christian and believes in god anybody who says otherwise is just confused or does not have a good relationship with god i've heard something similar everyone needs to believe in something spanish is the only language that makes you less intelligent when you learn it my colossally racist x to me in my third year of spanish at the time again well after i was out of the closet to him i'm not homophobic but i wouldn't be opposed to having all the gay people put on their own little island to be fair a lot of them would probably like all being on one island of their own for starters people like kim wouldn't be around 2. i have won once at a heated soccer game between my husband's team southern boys and a team comprised of gentlemen native to southern asia after a game filled with small shoving matches things got tense with some standoffish hostility after the final whistle blew but finally one of the good old boys from our team shouted go back to mexico everyone paused in the silence was profound the teams dispersed quickly after that gem as a south asian this is too real i keep getting mistakenly seen as mexican latino why do we bury people in wooden coffins don't we need their bodies to become oil for the future keep in mind this girl is going to colombia on a sports scholarship keywords are our sports scholarship there's a non-major brand gas station in my town i overheard a classmates telling another classmate not to go there because they water down their gas i asked with what he said with water pretty innocent but i still couldn't believe it i don't believe in molecules and atoms i believe in god and what's in the bible and no she isn't a religious extremist but my gosh i cringe hard then don't bother washing your hands after you crap lady not all muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are muslims a girl in my eighth grade class said this allowed to the whole class to her credit she did get the first part right by definition she's right whenever there is any sort of attack if the attackers are non-muslim they are called attackers if they are muslim they are called terrorists hence obviously all terrorists are muslims because they are only called terrorists if they are muslim my granny once said there's a wonderful young man across the street that all of us old ladies simply adore but he's gay we all keep trying to find the right woman for him that's not how i.t works that's not how i.t works at all what country does sign language come from i said what do you mean she said like there must be a whole country that like speaks only sigh language this was a 16 year old girl being completely serious she looked so confused and when i explained to her how wrong she was and told her what was good she had this look of confusion and slight pain i could tell she was straining herself trying to understand a whole country of exhausted people just fed up with everything i don't believe in homosexuality because it's not natural no one is asking you to believe in it bro it is just a thing i don't believe in cars because they are not natural i teach university finance there's a concept called the efficient market hypothesis which deals with how new information is incorporated into stock prices i spoke about it for over an hour and said it a dozen times apparently i never wrote it on the board the next week two students come to my office hours and ask what do we need to know about this fish market hypothesis i just put my head on my desk twist try googling fish market hypothesis i wasn't thinking very well one day long ago and during a conversation with a supervisor she mentioned that she had gone to a funeral on the weekend i replied oh anybody you know this is actually kind of valid because sometimes you have to go to funerals for distant relatives or friends of family and you only met the person once when you were three i'll be buried but it is at least worth mentioning there are so many preservatives in food nowadays did you know autism didn't even exist until 25 years ago my girlfriend grabbed my arm and told me it wasn't worth it before i could even fully compute idk what to classify this one as but i was in a coffee shop yesterday and i heard a girl say i only date gay guys now because they know how to treat me like a real lady excuse me i turned to look at the source of this tomfoolery and this girl was so repulsive in her appearance that i suppose i'd believe it if some gay guy mistook her for a man until they hit the sack and find what appears to be the mouth of a yawning hippo where the flesh sword should be yawning hippo flesh sword i like you kid had a guy at work who legitimately believed that tsunami that hit japan a few years ago was caused by too many satellites grouping up in the same area and drawing the tides towards japan he thinks the us did it on purpose just to make sure japan doesn't start getting any funny ideas again an acquaintance asked me gay dude if you see a hot guy does your butthole get wet like a peters and followed it up by asking if i've ever prolapsed i believe he asked if i've ever had a pink sock in his words all of my what well i get swamp buzz on a hot day but i don't think that's what he meant jesus was just some guy selling bibles look there are plenty of criticisms of christianity that can sound plenty intelligent but that simply isn't one of them a few things one men can't get raped the definition of rape is a man forcing himself on a woman two we get a billy joe you're a rock star you've been to the moon and now you are taking steroids to be a pro cyclist such a trihad she combined billy joe armstrong green day neil armstrong moon and lance armstrong testicle three why are we learning about a movie in history class in regards to the titanic 4. when asked why she was failing a class she clearly had the knowledge to pass a girl i know answered with i refuse to learn from you the bible says women are not allowed to teach let or preach last night my girlfriend stated that we would not have anal sex because anal sex gives you aids why do you think all the gays have aids as someone with a couple of gay family members all of which are in better health than i am i released a ton of information on her about the origin of aids needless to say she learnt a lot last night and now i might have opened up the back door to a bit of plunder head you should have told her that only works with gay guys and that if a straight guy puts it in your butt it actually prevents aids when i was in high school i heard another kid justify his hatred of all non-whites by saying if you're not white you're black this was in reference to a foreign exchange student from mexico if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 26,870
Rating: 4.9496856 out of 5
Keywords: most ignorant person in the world, most ignorant thing to say, ignorant, ignorance, worst things to say, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Id: A586c7iVZ-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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