$8000 Junkyard V8 vs $30,000 Crate V8 Engine Swap

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I know Donuts stuff is pretty hit or miss here, but Hi-Low is one of my favorite series and this episode really upped the quality from the previous ones.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 317 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/Roost_N_Boost ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Jul 08 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

I just watched this. It's a decent case for going the junkyard swap route

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 43 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/gsells937 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Jul 08 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

Hi-Low singlehandedly makes Donut good

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 172 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/nerdpox ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Jul 08 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

Wish they would've swapped heads in low car too as an inexpensive mod, but otherwise very impressive!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 70 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/PorTroyal_Smith ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Jul 08 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

This was a great episode. Really surprised that lo-car with all the Frankenstein mods seems to have come out better than hi with it's already built up engine and native transmission. My only issue with lo is that they got a truck motor instead of finding a Camaro or Vette motor that would be ready to go. Even despite that it seems to have worked out. I'd also would have liked to see what they used to wire up the stock instrument panel to the new engines.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 62 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/GeoffKingOfBiscuits ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Jul 08 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

Gonna have to watch this just to find out how they spent 8k on a junkyard LS

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 34 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/killshelter ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Jul 08 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

Proof that a junkyard swap is very viable still, despite what a lot of people will gatekeep about. But that Tremec transmission is goddamn gorgeous.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 43 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/_KoingWolf_ ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Jul 08 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

That ls to CD009 trans kit seems good.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 9 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/SecondaryLawnWreckin ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Jul 09 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

I might have missed something but was this episode a one-off thing? Or are there gonna be more where they compare like tires and stuff? From what I recall from the previous season they already covered pretty much everything.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/ichyilla ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Jul 08 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies
- Dude, this car's gonna be dangerous. Come on you (beep). - Oh God, we've built a weapon that we're not necessarily capable of handling. - $8,000 junkyard V8 engine swap - Versus $30,000 crate V8 engine swap. - Does more expensive, mean more better. - Let's find out. We're baaaaaaack. (upbeat rock music) - Three years ago, we bought two nearly identical Nissan 350Zs. - Then we modified them to be fun daily drivers that you could take to the track. - Things went well. - Until they didn't. - Jesus, dude (beep). - One Z got expensive parts. - And the other Z got cheap parts. - Then we tested to see which components are worth spending your hard-earned money on. - After 16 Videos of comparing almost everything, from tires to turbos, we brought both fully modified Zs to the track for an epic final showdown. - And they both exploded. - Oh, oh. - So we're gonna do what every smart person does. We're gonna put V8's in them. - And the goal is by the end of this project, both cars will have more power and be more reliable. At least that's what we hope. - Just let me die. - Hi Car will be getting a brand new 6.2 liter Chevy LS3525. Plus we've got about $10,000 of additional parts and accessories sitting in boxes back there, but we'll talk about that stuff later. This engine is the cat's pajams. - Low Team, on the other hand, is getting a used 6.0 liter Chevy LQ9 pulled out of a truck from a scrapyard. - I think this is us. - This one? - Yeah, that's us. - Oh, all right. - Contrary to Hi Team's aluminum block, this is an iron block, it's heavier, it's got smaller pistons, less compression. - Makes less power. - But the modifications that we have planned, we should be good for around 400 horsepower. - It's pathetic. - We also have about $5,000 worth of parts to make this Chevy engine work in a Nissan. - We're gonna get these V8s installed, dyno them and take them to the track to see who makes a mobile, baby. Well, before we put these guys in, we gotta take our broken motors out. - I forgot that we had to do that. (both laughing) - This car's sick. It's been over a year since we've driven these things. I forgot all the cool stuff that we put on them, and I'm really, really excited to drive this thing eventually. - [Nolan] We got right to work, but before the old engines could come out, we had to get rid of all the stuff around them, battery, AC pump, radiator, wiring. We had to drain the oil out of them. It was a lot to get through, but before we knew it, our engine was coming out and we were pulling ahead of Hi Team. Yes! Turns out their fancy turbos are causing some major issues. - I was not gonna let Nolan outdo us, so I told Zach to step on it and he got our engine out pretty quick, too. Respectfully, Nolan, you suck. (playful music) (engine revving) - [James] I got a brand new motor, a bunch of brand new cool parts to bolt onto it. Everything's clean. Even though our engine was fully assembled, there were still a few things we had to swap out to make it fit in a Nissan, such as our oil pan. Always use the smallest ratchet possible. That's real mechanic stuff. - [Zach] Oil pan officially on. - Ooh. - Meanwhile. - Before we go on bolting accessories, we have to give this thing a little bit of a tear down, give it a once over and make sure that everything's good because after all this thing did come off of a truck. Ooh, we got a crack on one of our coils here. - [Aaron] The coil itself? - [Nolan] Yep. - Oh (beep) dude, that is really bad. - So we're gonna have to replace that, otherwise we're just asking to get screwed. - Ready to go. - Already out. - Nice. - Now let's see what this thing looks like. You guys are ready? - Looks like a clapped out LS. - [Nolan] It smells like a bad fish restaurant. - Now do an LS noise. - [Zach] We're going V8 baby. Gotta have some headers, and those are nice. - Yeah, those are really nice, to be honest. - [Zach] Dude, this thing's sick. - I know. Look at it for a sec. Stand in gaze upon its glory. It looks like a grill that middle aged dads buy. We've got our sick Billet engine mounts. They put the engine as far back and down as possible for the best weight distribution and center of gravity. So that means that the engine mounts themselves are pretty far forward on the engine, and that is, unfortunately, a huge problem for our air conditioning. The compressor just runs right into the engine mount and by a lot, I can't just shave some off the engine mount. I can't just shave some off the compressor. It just does not fit. So unless there's a smaller compressor or a different setup altogether that we can buy, it's gonna be a hot summer. - Now that Aaron has done a lot of work, clean this thing up, giving it a once over. We know that it's good, and now we can tackle our big performance upgrade. We're gonna put a new cam in there. With this camshaft, it's gonna increase the power, but also, hopefully make it sound a lot cooler too. - Our junkyard LS came with a pretty clapped out and high mileage valve train. In order to take advantage of our new cam and the power that's gonna be delivered, we would also like to upgrade our springs and retainers to be able to handle the sustained RPM during drifting. (whirring of drill) Just like that, all installed. Now the heads can go back on the motor. - I'm glad I don't have to do any of that. - So the Ellis heads, there's a very specific sequence that you have to hit while torquing the head bolts, not with pounds, but with degrees of motion, which will break out a torque angle meter to do that with. Feels like it's gonna fall off at any time. - [Aaron] Yeah. - That is tense. - Careful SpongeBob, careful SpongeBob, careful SpongeBob. - [Narrator] Meanwhile. - Okay, we've got most of our fancy new parts bolted to our fancy new engine, and now it's time to unbox one of our biggest fancy new parts. - Yeah, so Low Team is reusing the CD009, which came stock in the 350Z, but that's like kind of boring. - And poor. - And poor, more importantly. So we got a brand spanking new Tremec T-56 Magnum, 6-speed transmission that's gonna fit perfectly on our crate LS3. - It's just a little guy. - He's really little. It's way smaller than the 350Z trans. - [Zach] It might be small, but it's dangerous. - Yeah. Those are good noises. - That's a nice noise. - Now we're gonna look at this little twin disc setup we got here. A twin disc clutch is basically what it sounds like, there's two discs. A normal clutch, you may know, has one disc, one friction disc. For any one disc and clamp load with a clutch, you can hold a certain amount of power, a certain amount of torque. The higher you go, generally speaking, the clutch has to get stiffer, but when you add a second disc, you kind of divide that whole load of the two discs. You can hold a bunch of power, but it still drives pretty nice. (cheerful music) - Oil pan officially on OPO. - Thanks, James. - Oh. (playful music) Headers are on the engine, that's very exciting. We're nearing the end of our engine build here and I'm getting real ansy. I think our headers are gonna sound really sick. - I think our headers are gonna sound. - I think our headers are good. - Really, sick. Better than Hi Car's, certainly. I think Hi Car's gonna just fall apart like a big pile of (beep). (can spraying) Looks all right. They're about the same shade, they're almost the same shade. There's some texture, okay. - I'm hoping that the heat from the engine maybe melts the paint a little bit. Despite us lagging behind Hi Team, things were going pretty well, which means there's time for things to not be going pretty well. All right here, we got our knockoff sort of throttle body, as you'll see clear is the adapter quite nicely, but now is getting hung up and hits the intake itself. So we're gonna have to spend more money and get the parts that actually work instead of hoping that this universal throttle body would. Very frustrating, but also kind of embarrassing. We're gonna have to reevaluate our game plan and come back with a fresh mind and fresh parts. - Now I wanna make fun of Nolan, I do. It's like my favorite thing, but we weren't having the easiest time either. - Okay, we got the transmission stuck to the engine and it was super easy. (suspenseful music) Oh, okay. Oh, God Almighty. Hi James, reverse, hopeless. But we got it done, and now this is almost ready to go in the car. After taking some real rudimentary tape measure type of measurements, I'm a little bit concerned about how well this thing's gonna fit. Now, like we've said, it's really cool that the sicky engine mounts move the engine and transmission far back for good weight distribution, but I think it's gonna probably run into some things. Let's be very careful with our wiring harness. Okay, keep going. That's all she's got. It looks like this whole hump just needs to be smashed in. So we'll get the old sledgehammer out. (hammer clanking) - We use only the finest instrumentation for precise finish. - It's very tight. - Bash. You got a bash more. - [Narrator] Meanwhile Low Team was still stuck doing Low Team things. - We did encounter one big problem here. This is an exhaust bolt that has been broken off in the cylinder head. It came like this, someone wrenched too hard and broke the head off. So now we have to extract it and I'm not looking forward to it. (whirring of drill) Okay, it's going in. - Oh. - Broke the tool. - Dude, that was like barely anything. - Yeah, that was not your fault. - That was not even much... That was like nothing. That was not... - It's day 100 of putting the LS engines in the Zs. Trying to get the motor fitted today or tomorrow at the latest because on Friday, the car goes out to get its custom exhaust fitted and the engine has to be in it. Also, if we don't get this motor in, my wife's gonna leave me. - Hey, I'm gonna bump it down, try to line 'em up. Down here, everything's looking pretty good. We've got clearance at the top of the tunnel. There's just one spot here on the left side where we're making contact. - We're planning on having the engine completely assembled and maybe the trans mounted up to it by the end of the day. Jerry and Justin are gonna work on the back while I finish up stuff at the front. Welcome to Low Team boys. - Yeah. - Good to be here. - Woo. - Woo. - That was great, very synchronous. Oil starts dumping out that thing, I was never here, man. Then keep it moving. Okay, header installed. This is where you gotta be buff. Gotta be buff and hot. - What a workout. Oops, throw this thing back in. - Okay, so we have headers on. Next step I think is to work on clutch side. - Yep. - Let's get lubed. โ™ช Let's get lubed โ™ช - I'll be the lube boy. All right, let's not. We're putting on this new flywheel here. It's specific to LS. Nice reflexes. Specific to LS to CD009 transmission applications. Hey Jerry. - Am I in the way? - Probably gonna wanna put this on first, the adapter plate. - Oh (beep), it doesn't slide on it. - No. - [Justin] Jesus, really? - [Jeremiah] Jesus Christ. We almost had a day where we didn't have to take off anything. That's a good day. - [Nolan] Got it. - Okay. - [Nolan] That was mildly stressful. - [Jeremiah] Okay, now which way does this plate go? - Jerry, the website for this kit says quote, "With this kit, there's no need to modify your transmission." However, Jerry, it does require a small modification to the LS block for starter clearance. - Ah, beautiful. - Yes. - Okay, so this little tab right here, we gotta chunk off. (grinder screeching) - Spark on my belly. - Coming down. Transmission mount going on. With that, the engine and transmission are bolted to this 350Z. - That's really exciting to me. - It is. - Especially when I look over at... - Yeah. - That's a huge step, but it doesn't mean we're done. We still have a lot of little things left to do to get this thing running, but we'll get 'em done. - Our engines in our car. - [Zach] Haven't they suffered enough, James? - [James] Never. I'll burn their crops and salt the soil. (all laughing) - Okay, it's been a bit of a trying day over here at Low Team. We've got shifter issues, clutch issues, transmission issues. - Not supposed to do that. - Yes. - Just a little (beep) right here. This bearing was going in a little bit hard even when it's lubed up. So we're gonna use a little trick. We're gonna put this in dry ice to cool this part down. When it cools, the metal actually shrinks. You can hear it screaming. Hear that? That's the metal shrinking. That's the sound I make when I shrink. And then we'll heat the block side. That is going to make it a little bit bigger, so this should be able to just slide back in, and then once the temperature is normalized, they'll make a nice fitting. There you go, flush as a mush. When you use a little bit of science, intuition, persistence, we can get anything done with persistence and dedication. - That's the whole theme of the show. - There's nothing we can't do. - I know. - We go to the moon moon. - I've done it three times. - You've been to the moon three times. - No, I've done this show three times. Clutch and flywheel are torqued on. In theory, the stock transmission should bolt up perfectly to this Chevrolet LS. In theory, we'll have a great time, but let's see how that hypothesis works out. (bell dinging) I now bless this engine. (James speaks foreign language) - [Nolan] Jimmy, gimme a little pop. - [Jimmy] Stay on target. - [Jeremiah] Stay on target. - Stay on target. - [Nolan] Oh, come on you (beep). So close, man. Now we're out, we're out. - [Jeremiah] Let's just see what it's hitting on. - [Nolan] Got to clear this hump with the grinding disc. It's a little riskier this time because there is an indent on the other side and I don't know how thick it is. So everybody cover your eyes. (grinder screeching) - [Jeremiah] 1, 2, 3, put it under there, right there. All right, push her in. Oh, there we go, yep. - All right, transmission's mated to the engine, finally, after days of turmoil and self doubt. - Good morning. - Good morning. What do you want. - Today, we're looking to button up a bunch of little stuff. - Trying to put the oil filter somewhere easy to access, but that isn't gonna get bashed if we wreck this thing. - Right, yeah. The oil filter that we've chosen is a beautiful piece by K&N, official performance filter of NASCAR. That's not bad, good place to put it out of the way. We shouldn't hit it for the most part and check this out, super easy for oil changes. - I don't think we have ever had this car running for long enough to change the oil. - Unfortunately, that's true. - We're making some extra room under the car by removing the exhaust and the drive shaft. - [Jeremiah] Hell, yeah. - It's a boy. - First test fitting of the process, very exciting. - [Jeremiah] Go ahead, push her forward. - [Nolan] All right, hold on, hold on, hold on. Let's go up a little more. - There's oil pouring out that thing. - [James] That's goof city. - [Jeremiah] Did you guys not drain , or is that just...? - No, no, we did not. - No sign of that stopping. - We did not do that. - If oil starts jumping out that thing, I was never here, man. - Okay, what if we went even higher up at a steeper angle, and then went whoop. - [James] It's too high. It's too steep. - [Nolan] We gotta go steeper. - Angles. - Geometry was actually the only math that I was decent at. Everything else, as you probably seen through the course of this show, I was terrible at. - [Jeremiah] No one was really good at these classes. geometry, recess. - Shaping metal is my passion. I speak to the metal. The metal is like my child. The beauty is hiding in the metal and it wants to be set free. - [Jeremiah] Nice, that looks beautiful. - [James] Thank you. - Jesus, that looks so dangerous. If you left that in your pocket and went through a TSA checkpoint, they would pull you into a separate room. - What are you talking about? This is OE quality. It only took me like an hour and a half. - [Jeremiah] Dude, James, these glasses are dirty as (beep), and I can see the shards from here. No one beat the firewall a little bit to give us some space for the pull backs. The motor sits perfect on there. We're clearing the oil pan. We're clearing the hard lines for the power steering. So far, so good. Real mechanic stuff right here. There's no way this goes in with that, right? So tight dude. Hi Team is having the same problem we're having, to try to fit the driver's side header. - Oh. - Nah, that doesn't want go. - You need to twist it. - It may be the firewall. - For (beep) sake. - You know what I'm gonna say? - I know what you're gonna say. - Pull the motor out. That's right, we had to pull the motor back out. (suspenseful music) It's been a very long day over here at Low Team. Got the drive train and headers all in the car. Compared to Hi Team, I think it's a tie game right now. (both laughing) Just roll with it, Jerry. - In theory, in theory. - Over here on Hi Team, we're getting a full custom exhaust. The car's getting picked up today, getting towed over to a shop, and having a cool exhaust made for it. (upbeat music) - Hi Car's out getting their custom fancy exhaust, so we figured we would take their old exhaust. This old Tomei kit made of titanium. It's super light. It's kind of insane how light it is. This thing's gonna sound amazing with a V8 engine. Or sound like trash. - We'll see. - [Nolan] We have the oil filter relocation kit we need to install. We need to reinstall the power steering. We need to put the plug wires in, the wiring harness, bunch of other (beep) that I'm probably forgetting. Lots of sensors. From what I can see, this is a high quality harness here. Everything's labeled, this is really great. It's just a matter of finding the correct connections, and plugging them in, really. For something so cheap. It installed very well like a Bionicle. - [Jimmy] Yeah. - It went together like a first wave Bionicle, you know, Tahu, Kopaka. - Yeah, if you like the Bionicle movie, like and subscribe. - We have with us today, our shop foreman, Mr. Adam Knapik, fresh from FD Orlando. You might have seen his car. (motor revving, tires screeching) So we're planning on our intake. Hi Team has a very nice air intake that they know will fit in their engine. They also have a lot of clearance because they have a low-mounted alternator and their accessories are very low profile. We're using a truck motor, so our alternator's high up and our accessories are in the way everywhere we go. It's gonna be a big pain in the butt to get this to work. - Yeah, we're definitely gonna have to make some sacrifices, but we cut some costs, so- - Gonna be unique too, so that is one benefit. That's probably the only benefit. Our intake system consists of this elbow coupler, this mass airflow sensor, and this K&N air filter right here, and it's gonna all go together in a way that lets this car breathe. Adam's gotta do some chopping on the couplers to shrink everything down to make sure it fits in the compact space that we have in our engine bay. But in theory, once Adam gets this intake together, our car should be able to run. - There's that word again? - [Nolan] Huge thanks to K&N for sponsoring today's video. Not only is K&N giving us unlimited performance with this engine swap, they're also giving you $50 off all premium air intakes from June 15th to July 26th, from cars, trucks, to SUVs, K&N gets you running cleaner, going faster, and driving further. With an air intake like this, you're gonna get elevated performance, a guaranteed horsepower increase, and improved engine sound. K&N is the best when it comes to automotive filtration. And if you're seeking performance unlimited for your vehicle, get $50 on intakes from June 15th to July 26th, by going to knfilters.com/donut, or just click the link below. - What is your thoughts on changing the intake design instead of out to the side over here? Dealing with all these issues, and just straight up just doesn't seem right. Or we could just run a straight pipe, 90 degree down into there, right? - Yeah. - It would just be chugging. - Yeah. - [Nolan] Yeah, I mean this opening right here, that should be a bunch of air for the filter, right? - [Adam] Yeah. - I kind of like it. - Yeah. - [Nolan] Oh my God, dude. - [Adam] Hell yeah. - [Nolan] I think we just need to embrace some bad knacks of it now. After putting the hood on, we realized that the two pieces don't play well together. So we're gonna have to modify the hood to clear the new intake that we built. I think it's gonna look really dope. It's also gonna look stupid. (grinder screeching) - The carbon splinters are extremely sharp and will stick in your skin as well as your lungs, so always gear up when you cut this stuff, you don't wanna mess around, it's serious. (grinder screeching) - All right, I hope this clears. Hey, we have a ways to go still. (grinder screeching) - You're getting hung up on the alternator. - Yes, we are. Should we just clear a little rectangle for it or what? No, you want it to be clean? - You want it to be clean. - Chip Foose versus Monster Garage. - [James] Yeah. (grinder screeching) - [Nolan] And please work. - There it is, the hood goes down, sort of, but you know what, that's gonna be a job for another day. (upbeat music) - Hi Cars officially back from the exhaust shop and we got a cool exhaust. Now we gotta get the engine running so we can put that thing to use. - It's gonna be loud. - [Zach] We got a few things left to do, fuel, some wiring stuff, but we're getting close. We lost four days work time, and in that time, Low Team did some catching up. I'd say we're definitely behind them now in the race of it. But my back feels great. - I'm barely awake right now. (somber music) - I don't even know of the engine swap. God dammit. This drills too big. This space is tiny. This sucks. I just can't get the angle right for the throttle cable. You hear it, right? It just feels really bad. Nissan. - [Justin] Are you okay, Nolan? - Yeah, I'm fine. I was definitely not okay. As I'd feared, our wiring harness was not as plug and play as we'd hoped. I'd hit a wall. I couldn't figure it out. But luckily, like an angel from the clouds, Adam reappeared to lend a helping hand. - So now we got everything wired up. We should be able to turn it over and see if we get this thing started. My hopes are high. The team, not so much. I'll prove them wrong. - Adam just said we'd be firing this thing in 15 minutes, so it's been weeks since we tore the engine out. So I really, really hope that we did everything correctly because that was a lot of work. I don't want to do it again. - [Adam] Not at all. (ignition, engine fires, and turns over) - Yes, yes, yes. - Okay. Yeah, sure. Nolan got his car started before us, big deal. It's basically been three on one, 'cause I don't really do anything around here except make jokes. - Now that we've got the motor fired and we're on the home stretch here, it just kind of made me reflect on the challenge of this, but also the fact that I was able to do it with a lot of support, obviously. Like many other projects on this car, it's my first time doing this. And every time we complete a huge task on the car, just makes me that much more confident, and if I can do it, you certainly can too. It just takes persistence. It's like, "Okay, we didn't get it right the first time, let's take it back off, make some adjustments. But back on and maybe it'll work this time and maybe they'll take four or five times, but then you'll get it. - Yeah, you can only mess it up so bad. - Yeah, before you have to get a new part, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Moment of truth. Time to fire this thing up for the first time. - After all of us put in all this work, go for it. - It's gonna fire right up. - Time to shut down the channel. (group laughing) - [Zach] Does my car suck. - Yes, she's voodoo, you don't even know what's happening there. - [Nolan] Yeah. - [James] Everybody ready? Lovely. - [Adam] All right. - [Zach] Plenty of oil pressure. Engine runs, it's got oil pressure. - And then we're gonna go to the dyno. I make big power baby power. - Big power. - And then we're gonna go to the drag strip and beat Nolan at his childhood hobby. - I can't wait to kick Hi Car's ass. (engine revving) Both engines were in, but still needed to be tuned, so we hopped on the freeway and headed a breezy 92 miles to the only dyno that we could find last minute. - [James] All right, we just got the Zs here to Killer Tune up at Willow Springs and we're ready to get 'em dynoed. - [Nolan] After all that work, we were really excited to see what kind of power we were putting down. This was really the first time we'd heard these things at full throttle. They sounded good. Low Car put down an impressive 392 horsepower. - [James] And Hi Car pulled a whopping 430 horsepower, which is less than we expected, but more than Low Car, which at the end of the day is all that matters. - [Nolan] But dyno stats are just numbers. We had to find out what these things were actually like to drive. With both cars tuned and ready to go, we headed to the track. (upbeat music) - [James] I feel kind of bad because Nolan is one of my good friends, and I want all of my good friends to have a good day. You know, we're at the track, it's gonna be fun, but he's about to get his ass handed to him. - This thing's gonna be a monster. Yeah, Hi Team makes more horsepower, that's pretty undeniable, but they also spent $22,000 more than we did, so who's the (beep) now. - Hey, this is the first time out in the new and improved Hi Car. But I already did... (metal scraping) Might need to make a little more clearance. - Here it comes, here it comes, here it comes. (engine revving) - It sounds like... - A muscle car. - Yeah, it sounds awesome. - [Nolan] There we go. (engine revving, tires screeching) (metal clanking) - That's a problem. Oh Jesus, power steering's gone. - And temps are climbing, 236. - Sometimes you blow a hole in a power steering line, but fortunately your buddy has an entire box of random lines in his trunk. You know what you call that, real mechanic stuff. Really excited about these shirts, I love the design. They're now available at donutmedia.com. Get one if you wanna look cool. Don't worry, dude, I got you. Real mechanic stuff. (engine revving) - All right, so the car feels a little bit better now, Jerry. (engine revving) - Low Car sounds absolutely awesome, and it's 100% because we gave them our old exhaust. - Yeah, shifting feels good. It still feels like the same transmission, and this is a great transmission. I was expecting a lot more vibration from the motor, and it's really not that bad, especially for a race car. You expect it to be this level. - Right? - That intake's sticking out the hood looks bad. (both laughing) Like a rhinoceros. - Or a (indistinct). - I love this, man. This like rules. This was a great decision. - Now that we've shaken our own cars down a little bit. We're gonna switch, hop in each other's cars, and compare, contrast for the first time ever. Can't believe I'm saying it. I might be a little bit excited to experience Low Car. (engine revving) - [Zach] Put it down and slide it around. (engine revving and tires screeching) - [Nolan] Oh my God, it sounds amazing. - [James] It just feels awesome. - [Joe] And it's like I'm not fighting the car. It's like we're working together. With Hi Car it feels like I'm fighting it. Like I'm trying to make it do something it doesn't want to do. (engine revving and tires screeching) - Dirt ride. - Come on, Joe. - [Joe] I missed the clutch, by the way. Sorry, Nolan. So we've all driven both cars on track and we're still gonna drag race them to see which one's faster because that's what's most important. But Zach. - Yeah. - Nolan. - Yeah. - Does more expensive mean more better? - Yeah, I'm really not so sure. - I don't can think so guys. - [Zach] Low Car feels great. It's got loads of torque everywhere you need it. Slides around awesomely. For somebody who just wants to go out on the weekends and do some sliding and rip around, what a setup. - [Nolan] But being in Hi Car, it does feel like a more refined engine, I think. - [Zach] Yeah. - [Nolan] You can definitely feel the money in it. - Yeah. - It feels smooth. The power delivery is very smooth. - [Zach] Transmission, nuts. - Yeah. - It doesn't feel like Hi Car wants to bring the rear end out like it should. I mean, if Low Car can do it, then this guy should be able to do it. - Performance aside, I still think Hi Car looks better. - [Nolan] Oh, no question, no question. - Hands down, boys. - Your intake manifold clearance issue with your hood. The fact that you have to have the big elephant nose coming out, that's kind of a joke. - Yeah, I mean, it's a cool joke. - I still think that I would have to go with an $8,000 swap than a $30,000 swap. - Yeah. - [James] I mean, this thing is about as fun as you can get. This is all just fine and dandy, but we live our lives one quarter mile at a time. We don't have a quarter mile, we don't have an eighth mile. We have the front straight of a go-kart track. So let's go see which one of these things goes zero to 60, fastest. Zero to 60, fastest time wins, 3, 2, 1. (motor engine reving) What was it? - [Nolan] Okay, our onboard equipment said we hit zero to 60 in 5.19 seconds. For reference, that's a half a second faster than a stock 350Z. It's decent, but frankly I wanted more. - [Zach] It looks like it's moving pretty quick. Hopefully, we can beat it, otherwise, car goes in the trash. You did 3/100 better 5.16, zero to 60, hell yeah. - He gave it the beans. (engine revving) - Looked fast, sounds good. - [Jeremiah] 5.12 seconds. Not as fast as I thought it was gonna be, but I think that comes down to driver error, kind of feather in the clutch and all that, but still pretty quick. Pulled over a G there, 1.06 max G force, that's pretty sick too. - All right, Joe, thousands of dollars are on the line here. Can a 525 horsepower V8 beat a scrapyard LQ9. - [Zach] Can't wait, I'm shaking in my boots. - [Nolan] All right Joe, whenever you're ready. - I mean he's cool, that's for sure. - It did look very cool, so... - Okay, I got a 5,29 with a pretty bad start. - [James] If he gets a launch with minimal tire smoke, I think he can easily beat Low Car, yeah. - That looked pretty good. - Yeah. - You know what that was? Tidy. - Yeah, it was very tidy. - It was 5.33. - Nolan dude, dude. - Yeah, man. Yeah, Team Low. - Okay, this is it. This is the final run of the day. Joe's gotta beat 5.1 seconds or else this car sucks. All right, Joe, let her rip. (engine revving) - No way, you hate to see it. Sounds good. - All right, I could tell from that, that this car sucks. - All right, Nolan. - Yes. - I have the time. - Yes. - 5.33. - Yes, we beat Hi Team with a lot less money. That's awesome. Joe, I'm sorry. - Yeah, whatever. - It sucks, dude. - Thank you so much for watching this video and everything else on Donut. Hit that subscribe button, hit the bell so you don't miss anything. Make sure to check in next week same time 'cause we are putting angle kits on these things and we're gonna see if we can beat Low Car in some skids. All right, go hang out with your friends.
Channel: Donut Media
Views: 6,833,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: v8 swap, v8, ls swap, nissan 350z, 350z, hilow, donut, donut media
Id: -7bIDbaU_zQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 44sec (2324 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2022
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