Parents Reveal The Biggest Loser Their Child Has Dated (r/AskReddit)

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who's the biggest loser your son / daughter has dated my brother is currently dating and engaged to one of the worst people I've ever met she is manipulative in controlling she likes to do shitty mean things and when confronted will act completely innocent and play the victim and she has on several occasions made up stories and lied for the sole purpose of causing chaos she almost destroyed my other brother's marriage his wife is her best friend and has all but ruined my brother's relationship with our mom and other sister I really think she is entertained by the misery she causes the best part of all of it they are getting married in 11 days not my daughter but my niece when she was 14 she met a dude on the internet who was 22 and from across the country we were not happy he came to visit and he was the weirdest dude I ever met I was only four years older and tried to have conversations with him but he was just monosyllabic exactly the kind of dude who you would expect to hit on 14 year olds in and in forums on the Internet of course we watched them like a hawk and they were never left alone together I still admire my sister she firmly put down the roles no being alone together no sleeping in the same room etcetera but never said anything against the relationship the whole thing ended pretty much right after his visit if my sister had forbidden it I'm sure it would have gone on much longer the full story my father had a massive brain aneurysm they had taken him to a hospital five hours away I had just arrived there when my ex-husband called me and said my daughter was on the way to the hospital and told me what had happened it was definitely reg for someone who mentioned was it really or did she just say that when the children saw them there was no question due to the trauma he stands six feet four inches my daughter is four minutes and 11 seconds and weighs 100 pounds the kicker was that we found out he had a bit of a history of being a predator as he was one of those cops that would solicit favors when he stopped women ie they could get out of a ticket if the department he worked for got wind of this and they reached some agreement whereas he would quietly retire and nothing would be on his record I can't remember exactly how my daughter found this out but I know it was shortly before the trial and someone came to her about it so yes he did time he is now out there is a restraining order in effect for seven years and most likely that will easily be renewed he has taken her to court I don't know how many times in the last couple of years trying to get the restraining order lifted because he states it is keeping him from gaining employment since it's attached to a rape s mhm he represents himself every time he comes to court it's almost comical he's narcissistic and psychotic I call him a dollar sign dollar sign maggot the kids were all in therapy they're great kids very well-adjusted she's an amazing gal she's three months from her master's works full time and has never missed one of the kids activities they dealt with it and moved on to quote Shakespeare though she be but little she is fierce my sister is dating a guy who is our [ __ ] to everyone he meets but cries when you give it right back to him he is also an enabler to her depression and anxiety instead of trying to encourage her to fix herself he tells her that she doesn't need to and he will do it for her obligatory not a son or daughter scenario but mild a brother dated a girl who pretended that she broke all of her bones in a car wreck she put both of her arms and slings put braces on her legs and a travel pillow around her neck I remember asking her about her back if all of her bones were broken anyway and she started to cry lo they didn't last long my sister dated this [ __ ] that would make her cry about once every two months he posted something to face a book that had a picture of a notebook and something like if you come home and expect your husband to work around the house you're going to have a bad marriage inside the book she broke up with him just a month ago son dated a girl who said she had a friend who needed a ride to the prom I agreed day of the prom she says oh he's in this town in the next state I left work at 10 a.m. drove three hours picked up this kid brought him home he has no prom clothes not even a suit luckily we are close enough in size that I can lend him one Holland him suit shirt tie buy him dress shoes pay for haircut we are late so the pre-prom dinner Michael had planned is out the window pictures not possible because we don't have time we get one decent snack guess who's in the center yep but a state dude girlfriend ended up spending the entire prom with this dude apparently he was an ex they go to an after-party my son is left behind he gets his own ride home but doesn't stop by to drop off my suit and tie later we find out girlfriend and out-of-state dude had bappy making session at some point during that night Bobby was formed who is the father according to girlfriend my son ease complication they never had sex according to him she would have gotten away with it to some degree but had the bad judgment to tell friends that it was actually out of state dude fortunately my son found out and broke it off with her to be honest I could have written all that off as youthful idiocy but a few months into the pregnancy she has the balls to come to our house and tell me that her parents were kicking her out and would it be okay if she moved into my finished basement apartment so her Bobby wouldn't be homeless like WTF the end of the story is that out of state dude heard that he was the baby daddy and came back to bring her home with him and as far as I know they are still living in his parents trailer my sister dated a guy let's call him Tom who worked under my doubt of the business he owns and runs now I'm not saying tom was a loser because worked for our family my sister and I both work in similar positions and stats how they met there were a number of instances that just shouted hey what's up I'm song and I'm a loser for example Tom seemed to never have any money usually blaming things like his rent being too high or his car needing to be worked on due to this my sister ended up having to pay for the majority of the dates and dinners that they went on in reality he had spent most of his money on unnecessary toys like dirt bikes guns and modifications for his 1999 Honda Civic his spending habits got so bad that his landlord threatened him with eviction this tore my sister up not because he was getting evicted but because she knew that he was making enough money to never be in that type of situation anyway Tom got the bright idea to ask her and my father for the rent money six hundred and fifty dollars while they were out to dinner my dad ended up helping him out so he wouldn't go homeless but what he didn't know was that Tom had asked him for more money than what his rent was so he could go out and spend it on other things other than my sister so yeah he was a loser and I didn't like him much my little sister dated a guy who kept trying to convince her to drop out of a rock school and move into his mom's garage with him up to and including threatening suicide if she didn't it took way too much effort on my dad in my part to get her to put the kibosh on that relationship mostly because the guy's mom thought my sister was good for him and tried to fight us on it I'm driving my daughter home and she says oh I forgot to tell Benjamin what house number we are I'm a mite confused by this I've heard about Benjamin before but there was never any indication he was going to come over or anything me why does Benjamin need to know our house number a daughter so he can sleep over we are going to get married at that point I nearly drove off the road but luckily we were almost home and I drove into the driveway service this Benjamin was engaged to my daughter and I haven't even met him yet hadn't even heard she was dating what absolute absurd nonsense so definitely this Benjamin guy my daughter's 4 by the way I almost drove off the road because I was laughing so hard while nothing compared to some of the stories here it doesn't feel great to see my daughter move in with a high-school dropout and take a break from college I'm expecting any day now to hear that her savings that was supposed to be for college will be going to pay off his debt my sister dated them all my favorite was a guy who convinced her to have joint bank accounts and stole six months worth of pay from her we didn't know until after the relationship the dude was a major conman salesman type that had like four different get-rich-quick schemes while they dated as nice as my brother-in-law rez he is pretty terrible in terms of job / goals / life ambitions he hasn't worked a steady job for almost 10 years or so and is now pushing like 40 he had been erupts driver and either lost that job or was laid off or something and since then he has just done odd bull things to kind of keep money in but nothing has flourished or lasted long he was going to be a singing coach he was going to do lawn maintenance and currently his next big venture is dog walk / sitting consequently my sister works three jobs to keep their family comfortable and to support my niece it wouldn't be so terrible if he did more stuff around the house but after this past visit to their home I don't think he does much of anything other than sit around and watch TV and maybe make dinner every once in a while my dad has tried subtly talking to her about the situation but she says she's happy with her life but sometimes her tone says something else I dated a lot of stupid just plain dumb guys in high school one of the worst mistakes was my boyfriend sophomore year told me he had lung cancer because he's been smoking cigarettes since he was eight he wrote me like this weird journal slash letter about it I didn't believe him for a second but continued dating him for another month or so he's married with a kid now so I'm pretty sure the cancer thing wasn't true Mayo if my parents used reddit they would probably mention my ex-boyfriend who I dated long distance online from 19 to 22 he lived with his parents didn't want to get a job smoked weed all day and did mushrooms for clarity forced me to avoid talking to others or even go out with my family to do things because he would blow up my phone saying I was cheating due to his lousy ex relationship he was cheated on during he had a kid at 18 during a drunken one-night stand and had to babysit her every week while complaining about her grandmother who was taking care of her because the mother didn't want her he didn't pay child support so he had to guiltily take care of the kid at every beck and call of the grandmother lashed out at me constantly and would starve himself for days to make me feel bad about literally anything that mildly bothered him generally needed a lot of [ __ ] help that he refused to get I was at a really low point in my life and thought I was worthless and that he was the only one that could love me I know my parents wouldn't get into my love affairs but they were absolutely thrilled when I finally grew self-worth and got out of it I had always pieced together information about him to them because I knew they wouldn't approve and every time I said more they held back but were obviously thinking he was trash I cringe extremely hard when I remember all of it Blake we took him into our home for a few months so he could save up some money our internet bill went through the roof I think he played video games then one day independence day he dumped her all while his clan from Texas was camping in our yard on the way to a music festival I guess I should have peed in when he mentioned he had moved multiple times brother's girlfriend hid my English Bulldog with a shovel because he was barking and it scared her as she showed up unexpectedly at my parents house around 1:00 a.m. he is still with her because she slowly and has no friends or family maybe because she's a psychotic [ __ ] [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 304,433
Rating: 4.8558044 out of 5
Keywords: biggest loser, dated, parents, biggest loser dated, biggest loser your son has dated, child, son, daughter, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, TZ Reddit, loser
Id: Sl56DZ0GmsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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