EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW About Monster Taming in 2024!

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hey what's going on guys and happy New Year to celebrate the arrival of 2024 I figured that there's no better way than to discuss all of the major releases and developments that are planned for this year for the monster taming genre if you're new to the channel or randomly found this video monster taming is a genre or more accurately a category of game that incorporates the idea of either raising collecting or battling monsters and are typically made of some sort of combination of the three this can include games like Pokémon Dragon Quest Monsters Digimon monster Rancher Etc so if you're a fan of these types of games consider subscribing after you're done with the video other than that we do have a wide array of titles that are planned for this year many of which admittedly don't have exact release dates though we do have windows for a lot of them we also do have a couple really noteworthy events or announcements taking place this year as well that Focus around a particular monster taming IP and we also have a little bit of speculation at the end for good measure as the year progresses this list will likely get even larger as more announcements make their way into the Forefront but for now make sure to sit back relax and let's dive in all right so like we do on New Year's Day every year when I do one of these videos we will go in order of release date or window then head into the games with no specific window other than 2024 and then towards the end we'll talk about games that were either supposed to release in 2023 and haven't or games that just based on past Trends should have something happen this year we'll get into that later okay starting off with January we have two major games releasing the first being familiars IO which is available for free on web browser and I'm not really sure if the steam version will come with its own unique aspects or not but nevertheless it is releasing on the 13th it is essentially a monster taming MMO where you are dropped into a world with very little context and are just free to explore battle and capture as you see fit it's also got a super cool retro aesthetic like super retro which I also think is pretty neat we also have power world dropping at some point in January this is a game that has been a major point of discussion both in and out of the genre it's one of the most wishlisted games on all of steam and it's the most followed monster Tamer game on the entire platform I think there's going to be a ton of hype around this game both positive and negative since there has been some criticism Levy towards it due to a lot of the designs looking really similar to Pokémon that being said I'm really looking forward to diving into this game and I think that having what essentially is Pokémon meets Ark with a lot of Guns is something that'll turn the genre on its head that being said we don't really know the specific date of launch as of the time I'm putting this together just that it's coming sometime in January they're supposed to be dropping a trailer at the beginning of January so really any day now we should get some information which is another reason to subscribe cuz I'll keep you guys up to date on that in February we currently only have one confirmed release that being the thge which interestingly enough is the second most followed monster taming game on Steam and is an isometric story driven RPG with some very mature tones and really nice cut scenes this game isn't a monster tamer in the same vein as something like Pokémon where collection's a major aspect instead there's a handful of different boss monsters throughout the game that you can utilize in battle alongside your player character after defeating them but nevertheless it's going to be a really interesting monster taming experience through and through we played the demo a little bit on the channel already if you want to check that out I had a lot of fun with it and I've got to say again the visuals are very impressive the game slated for launch on February 20th for March we have the Digimon con which will be taking place on either March 5th or 6th depending on your time zone we don't have an exact time of the event but I'm going to say these two dates for now since the Japan date is March 6th and depending on what time it might bleed into March 5th for those Western viewers Digimon con is essentially a celebration of the Digimon franchise that showcases various aspects of it this could include video games anime toys and basically anything that falls under that umbrella that being said I will say the last few Digimon cons haven't been exactly great great for those of us looking for new video games but here's hoping we get some interesting news nonetheless now there are a couple games that are coming out in either January February or March at least according to their steam Pages as they're set for q1 which means the first quarter of the Year these games are Eternal Exodus a shin Mami tensei inspired monster taming RPG which has you venturing through hell going up against the state and Critter crops a handdrawn monster raising farming Sim which has some pretty Chill Vibes to contrast the previous game again these are set for the first quarter so they can come out anytime before the end of March April's going to be a really interesting month for the monster taming genre especially because we are expecting some new information about the upcoming level five title that's currently being codenamed ghostcraft by the community many are speculating that this is some type of spiritual successor to yo-kai watch or maybe yo-kai watch 5 we don't really have much information as of yet but we know that this game is supposed to be launching in 2025 and it's definitely going to be an interesting thing to look forward to we're also supposed to be seeing the full release of Evo Creo 2 which has been delayed at least four times at this point so I would take that with a grain of salt this is a turn-based Pokémon es RPG in a similar vein to something like coralon and is a mobile title as well which I know a lot of you guys have been asking me about that being said like I said it's been delayed multiple times it was supposed to come out in 2021 and it's just been delay after delay after delay so again pinch of salt other than April we don't have anything else confirmed for May or June but we do have some games coming out in the second quarter of the year which could be April May or June and these include the Moonstone Island switch release which admittedly is just slated for quote unquote spring so there's a chance it could potentially come out in March and we've also got two games that we haven't really covered on the channel much the first being Spirit City Loi sessions which is sort of an idol game where you collect various Spirits by listening to some Loi music and Bloom toown a different story which is a jrpg social Sim hybrid taking place in a 1960s esque Americana type World later in the year in August to be exact we will be having the third annual monster taming direct provided everything goes as planned and there is enough developer submissions and support the monster taming direct if you don't already know is essentially a Nintendo Direct esent where we showcase a bunch of new trailers gameplay teasers reveals Etc and all of this stuff has never before seen and it's all specifically centered around monster taming it's hosted every year on this channel and has been picking up steam if I do say so myself and later this month I'm going to start with the preparations and stuff so I'll keep you guys updated next if we go all the way to the end of the year and December we have mired Soul releasing on December 12th which is a soul hackers inspired RPG with some witty characters in a strange world to explore beyond the mirror realm and we've also got Lumen tale memories of Trey which is a Pokémon inspired turn-based RPG being developed by the creators of Pokémon Xenoverse this one just says slated for December but I will give you guys some more information as it becomes available so that's what we got for games with specific windows or release dates in 2024 however there are even more games that just have 2024 as as a window itself and it makes a lot of sense because the second half of the year has a much larger Gap than the first half and that's because a lot of the games coming out towards the end of the year probably don't have their official release dates in order yet so just because it does seem that the second half of the Year doesn't really have any games coming out at least until December it's very likely that most of the games I'm about to mention will be coming out towards the middle or second half of the year but again only time will tell I'm going to just start banging these off in no particular order giving a very short summary of each so the roster of 2024 games include the following creature keeper a pixel art action adventure title where you can have your monsters fight alongside you Dragon Spirits 2 the sequel to the active time monster battling RPG where you wake up in a world of your own creation and of course tame dragons and combat Sky climbers Early Access which is an open World sandbox title inspired by Pokemon Minecraft and breath of the wild kidoman Early Access which is an auto battling Rog likee with some really cute designs ovam Maga a blob taming social and farming Sim where you can raise battle and crossbreed a wide variety of creatures beasty ball a really unique sports themed Monster Tamer where you train up your team of monsters to win these sort of volleyball matches in a turn-based format Bugaboo pocket a tamagachi inspired monster Razer where you get to raise and play mini games with your very own bug Tales of tenorio a Pokemon inspired Roblox monster tainment game that actually used to be a Pokemon fan game and finally Spirit Tales a 2.5d monster taming RPG with three on three battles now not quite done yet because there are a few more games of note that I wanted to mention that have some interesting circumstances surrounding them so one of these games is nanin if I'm not mistaken it was going to be coming out in 2023 but is now to be determined this is a really cool 2.5d monster taming and platforming collectathon with grid based combat where you can sort of like build your monsters from Parts kind of like metabots I'm not sure if this is uh still planned to be coming out this year but definitely a noteworthy title nonetheless mithin a monster taming social sim inspired by Monster Rancher but with realtime sort of ninja stormes combat was supposed to come out in 2024 according to their Kickstarter however they had an alpha slated for 2022 which never happened a beta slated for 2023 which never happened and I'm just going to say I'm highly doubtful the release is coming this year this was a Kickstarter project and there's definitely been some concerns here and there about what's going on with it it seems like every piece of information we get is about how hard net code is which I think is a big part of what's holding development back in that they're focusing way too much on the PVP when the vast majority of players who are PVE focused are going to have to wait longer for the game also their physical rewards never went out from Kickstarter as well so I'm not exactly sure how far down the pipeline this game is likewise laxad days was supposed to come out in 2022 it's been delayed due to an entire engine change however it's been almost 2 years since we've seen any footage of the game like we haven't seen anything since the switch likewise the plushies and other physical rewards from their Kickstarter hasn't been sent out as well and just communication regarding this game has been really bad apparently they were supposed to show us something this year it wasn't ready they said they only want to show us something if it looks amazing so I'm really hoping that that is the case and we do see something crazy this year uh Kindred Fates was also delayed but not to 2025 at least as far as their steam page is concerned it just says coming soon I think this is probably for the best because if they put 2025 and then it gets delayed again uh it's just going to cause a lot of drama that being said they have sent out their physical rewards and have been updating things are still happening there unlike necromancer's gift which was supposed to come out in 202 the developers literally dropped off the face of the Earth so anybody's heard from Leo definitely let us know so we can make sure he's okay and alive and finally cubers was supposed to come out in 2023 but in Early Access there is no window for this just yet but I'm assuming 2024 is probably going to be the year that it comes out do note that this game and nanin never had Kickstarter campaigns unlike the other games I just mentioned so they're pretty much free to do whatever they want with their games they could cancel them they could disappear they could do whatever they want because they haven't taken any money but yeah guys that's pretty much what we got going on in in 2024 there's also some games that aren't releasing necessarily that could release or at least could showcase new stuff like nexomon 3 I have a feeling we're going to be seeing a lot from that game even if it doesn't release we're also more likely than not going to be getting a Pokémon game in 2024 just based on Trends I think it's very likely we'll see a lot of Aether mancer info this year the game already looks really polished I wouldn't even be surprised if it ended up releasing sometime this year the Digimon franchise dropped a video game in 2022 with Digimon survive then 2023 with next order I'll be that was a port so we could end up seeing some sort of Port game this year as well even if it's not the Digimon story title that they've been working on perhaps we'll get another Digimon Port which I really want them to release Digimon Adventure PSP in the west I think that'd be awesome and it would fit really well on switch but that's just me and we also got tons of fan games as well we got a few Digimon fan games we got Pokémon fan games and I think we're going to see a lot of fun stuff from the fan game Community this year as well other than that guys I look forward to another solid year in the monster taming genre and I hope you guys are looking forward to that too like I said at the beginning of this video if you want to stay up to date on all things monster taming this is definitely the place to be I put out videos every single day I'm super dedicated to the genre it's basically my life at this point so come join the community sell your soul to me and uh we'll just have a great time you could also check out my Twitter Discord patreon and channel memberships if you want to get some extra perks along with your monster taming content and I just wanted to say special thanks to our supporters especially Jim Hamilton Dro ghost candy morun and Toft and I'll see you next time peace [Music] by
Channel: Gym Leader Ed
Views: 45,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monster taming, best indie games, coromon, nexomon, new pokemon like game, top pokemon likeg games, andoird, ios, nintendo switch, new pokemon game, games like pokmeon, pokemon like games, best pokemon like games, new coromon, palworld, evocreo 2, pokemon gun, dokev, pokemon like games 2024, monster taming games 2024, digimon game 2024, monster taming 2024, nexomon 3, new digimon game, pearl abyss, palworld 2024, palworld release date, the thaumaturge, yokai watch ghost graft
Id: TErq3yCTHxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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