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in this video I tried beating one of the best metroidvanias and also one of the hardest Platformers of all time Hollow Knight [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you in case you don't know Hollow Knight is a metroidvania that is considered a masterpiece by many including me a metroidvania by the way is pretty much a game that doesn't follow a linear pattern meaning you have to explore the world and find items and powers to unlock more of the world and Hall Knight seems to always be at the top of the leaderboard when discussing metroidvanias which is why this game has been on my mind since it came out because I haven't heard a single bad thing about this game in the last six years that it's been out the only things I've heard about it is that the World building is absolutely beautiful and that this game is quite hard now full disclosure I have played Hall Knight before kind of since every time the same thing happens I play for about an hour then get lost so I put the game down and forget about it then I have to restart all over because I forgot what I was doing and I just kept repeating the cycle for the last couple of years but now it's silk song The Long awaited sequel to Hall Knight being so close to releasing I hope I believe now would be the best time for me to start playing this game since everyone is super hyped up I also now had stream chat to help me so that I wouldn't get lost in terms of goals I didn't really have any specific goals other than getting the true ending because I really didn't want to do anything that might hinder my diamet of the game before we start the video though let me also get the begging out of the way real quick I spent a really long time making this video and I am super close to hitting 100K so please subscribe if you enjoyed the video please please pretty please with military on top please so yeah as you might have noticed this video is long so grab a couple of snacks and maybe some drinks and let's get right into it the game starts off with a cool cut scene showing this thing being locked up in sort of an egg then it cuts to the Knight the main character walking and facing a city and then falling down a hole I instantly walked the wrong direction and discovered something that will be important later on oh what the hell already found a secret nice then I faced my first obstacle a platforming section oh I'm so bad bro after finishing the platforming I was told some controls basically by using the soul thing in the left corner I could heal suspicious looking ball do we hit it yes we do what is that the weird blue ball gave me extra life but I didn't even realize that oh no then after some lore drops oh I gotta break it I was able to break the door and enter hello Nest the world of hollow Knight [Music] I first found a small town called dirtmouth and in there an old man so this is the well and if you go over here I don't think you can enter this place you need a key I went down the well and entered the Forgotten Crossroads going left I encountered this decrepit old caterpillar who was crying for a reason unbeknownst to me at this point but he'll be important later on why is he crying like that then I went down this weird broken elevator floating platforms and I found this grassy area oh I can go here however that was being blocked by an armadillo insect oh what the hell is that oh [ __ ] I can't go here Oh I thought that was a NPC I also saw this caterpillar trapped in a jar oh is that why he was crying he lost his children ah I can't reach him though I think maybe later I get something all right what does this guy do he jumps but I can jump higher all right what does this guy do oh he charges interesting weak as hell though bro I am shredding through the game guys hopefully nothing bad happens then I found this sort of Temple place where I saw the egg from the intro and also this dude called Quirrell who made the chat go crazy for some reason I mean I now know that this guy's a goat but at that point I didn't know is the final boss gonna be here then I found this chain that said ascent and I realized that I had gone full circle oh this oh I'm back oh no wait I came back what I had just ended up back in Dartmouth so this time I went to the right and instantly ran into a mini boss all right there's gotta be a boss over here oh there is okay oh [ __ ] oh God whoa and using my sick moves I was easily able to take it down without getting hit all right that was easy and I saved the caterpillar yay [Music] I like I like that sound but that was funny then I found this weird mine who's this little fellow bro he's singing oh what the hell that's depressing all right he's creepy I'm leaving him where I found this shaky floor that looked like it was gonna break so obviously that was a setup for a future ability since this is a metroidvania at this point I was seriously lost on where to go until I went back to the bottom of the elevator thing I hear him bro the chill guy there he is bro this is my boy and that's where I met my goat carnifer who sold me a map so now with this I could finally figure out where to go I then realized that I could Pogo on enemies Pogo on that pillar all right let me try that out oh [ __ ] that worked there we go baby's first Pogo bro shut up what the hell I was reading Chad I just yeah so I had annoyingly broken a wall and I realized that cracked walls could be broken then after some sick platforming I found a boss if you can even call it that Gru's mother oh damn oh my God I mean to be fair the first part of the fight was iffy since I didn't expect it to go crazy but once I realized what this attack was it was easy is that it there's no way that's it yeah I knew that wasn't it then exiting the room I found a small house and in that I found a bug that was tweaking however I was able to barely stop him from hitting the Rump Shaker and it turned out to be a merchant then I was able to find this trained looking thing and I could tell that this was going to be some sort of method for fast travel because it's a trained looking thing then after some more smooth exploring okay I found this cave where I had to go Pogo off the spikes to get to a caterpillar and I definitely got that first try oh he's got a shield I bounce on him or that's easy then after finding another mini boss oh come on two damage I ended up kind of teasing it and but he's easily able to take it down then next to that room I found I suspiciously empty room and as you can guess it was suspicious for a reason I'm gonna tell Chad gbg to speak to me in fortnite terms does that work false night God damn it bro I'm stuck I'm stuck what do I do I knew it I knew that was gonna happen God damn he's fat as [ __ ] is that him oh what the hell oh what the hell why did he scream like that I can't I can't get souls from him or I beat his ass come on come on come on come on come on oh he's still alive God damn it oh oh no oh no still alive where'd he go cubby fell through the floor bro [Music] for that your blog don't ever comment on my video Lil did I know at this point that this guy will come back as one of the hardest bosses then next to the boss I found these torches that led to this house but I didn't go there because I'm a dumbass instead I headed back to Dartmouth to talk to the merchants when I got there I found carnivor's wife who sold some nice map related stuff I got a wayfinder compass to see my location on the map which is the best charm in the game and also a quill which automatically updates the map once you explore the area and rest at a bench I also got some pins that Mark NPCs and benches and stuff on the map then I went and talked to the guy I saved and bought a charm from him that reduces knockback I was able to equip both of the charms at the bench then using my new map I was able to navigate a lot better I went and talked to the cat or dad who was a lot happier now and gave me some money oh God damn bro stupid I then went back to the door I found earlier and there I found the snail Shaman who said that he was gonna give me a spell I didn't even mean to touch it okay that's cool and he gave me a new attack called vengeful Spirit however he also locked me up damn so I had to do some quick platforming to figure a way out after finishing that I talked to the shaman and it turned out that he had fallen asleep so he opened the door for me and with my newfound power I left the room and headed back to the one armadillo dude we encountered earlier for round two once I took it out I unlocked a new area oh yeah me and that acid did not get along nicely all right what is this place it looks sick though bro the world is amazing I will say Green Path that's a kind of confident anything more unique Green Path was full of these Forest themed enemies and this place was just gorgeous and one of my favorite areas in the game because I was in love with this environment oh oh what then while exploring oh there's a bench let's go we touch grass and sit down bro productive I ran into red skirt as foretold by my chat who was going bonkers right now yeah so my chat had kept warning me about someone called red skirt telling me how hard she was going to be so I could tell that I was gonna have to fight her at some point that's red skirt isn't her name like Hornet or something I think oh okay I can crush him if I time this right I was able to find Carnivor after not too long and smoothly progress across Green Path I also ended up finding this creature the music changed boss fight over here oh yep are you a hunter like me what what Hunter's Journal it just allowed me to see Laura about the enemies I had fought shade wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait when did I fight this isn't that just oh that's the thing inside of me okay that that's the thing inside of the hollow Knight what oh what the hell was that while exploring I found this weird house that was super dark oh okay bro and despite my best efforts I was not able to figure out how to progress all the way at the beginning show I gave up I think I have to Pogo over it Pogo this ah I'm not risking it I'm not risking it where did I come from oh [ __ ] [Music] oh get over here scared the [ __ ] out of me what is that thing God I was loser oh no I see her waiting for me does she want me to follow her what the hell's happened I kept following Hornet and I was able to reach the next section of Green Path and I could tell that I was reaching the end all right what do you mean bad at Hall night bro I haven't died yet okay you know what that's all your fault I was reading your comment this is all your fault failure at least until I realized I had gone full circle and back to the entrance and then I came from over here oh God damn it bro I gotta no way I'm gonna have to go all the way across while on my way back I ended up finding this new area called fog Canyon Okay I made it hey wzw bro fog Canyon which I was not meant to explore at this point oh map guy let's go bro [Music] friendly UAV inbound what hit me what is this thing oh [ __ ] [Music] oh God damn it bro I died [Music] oh is that the soul yes when you die you release your shade which carries all your money and also locks your soul so that means that you can only carry a smaller amount of Soul now and in order to get those things back you need to find your shade and after eventually making my way down to where I died I found my shade and I was able to take it down and get my stuff back then I tried getting back to Green Path I ended up getting lost again and found this Banker lady who could hold my Geo then I also found this place called Queen station and there we found quarrel who was a fan favorite by this point no then I also found this tall machine and when I activated it I got this Bell which upon ringing summoned a stag beetle and I realized that this guy allowed me to fast travel to other places where I had opened up that whole machine I used it to get all the way to Dartmouth and there I visited cat or dad to Rob him of some Dole and also to visit the shopkeeper to buy this thing called a mask Shard which was a part of a bigger mask that once completed gave me extra Health then after a really long time trying to get back to where I was I ended up finding this new guard enemy with a shield that was really hard to deal with oh oh my God okay so I gotta wait for him to attack and then jump on his head I think and I was able to exit Green Path and there I found this guy [Music] that was easy zote the mighty and Knight of great Renault okay run run run run run eventually I was able to finally reach this point the music stopped it's some no no no no no no no no no I do not have enough Health after healing I headed back and there I ran into Hornet again what oh [ __ ] I gotta keep my distance from her [Music] why is she screaming like that her patterns were pretty easy to learn which is why I was doing pretty good I gotta heal while she's down and I was able to take her down first try damn that was easy ma twin cloak use a oh let's go then after some lore which made no sense to me would it seek to break the seals they cannot be on they must be undone let it sleeps a little Shadow return to her Darkness allow us our peace what the hell what what just happened I realized I could now dash and that had me beaming because dashes and video games are one of my favorite mechanics oh my God bro I love dashes and games I can't Dash upwards though okay come on along with wall jumps which we will also find soon then I found this place called the lake of un which I couldn't explore yet now since I had a dash I decided to head back to Dartmouth since I remembered a couple of places that I couldn't reach before that I hopefully could now on my way back to Dartmouth I found this place guarded by two Elder Boulders yeah that's their name oh whoops and after taking them out I was able to get a charm called balder's shell which basically grants me a shield when charging Soul so if I got hit while healing I get protected however I also lose my chance to heal and this was my favorite charm for a while until I discovered its drawback then I found this place where I had to do a lot of precise movements what is that oh what to get another charm which helps me while healing Thorns of Agony then when I went to a bench to change my charms I got mesmerized by the scenery and completely forgot to change my terms then once I reached the crossroads I started exploring again and I was able to find another stag station there which I used to get to Dartmouth where I decided to buy a simple key from Sly however I needed two more Geo come on I equipped my Boulder shell and headed back to the crossroads oh what is that I can't I can't reach it I was able to find a hot spring which not only heals you but also fills your soul up doesn't look like I've been down here oh new place okay and also a new area called fungal wastes this place is kind of cool oh [ __ ] that was funny I like that I like this enemy do I take damage from this yes I do in the waist I was able to find this guy called leg eater okay what is that Who Sold fragile charms which are overpowered charms with a drawbacks since if you die while having one equipped you lose it forever nah maybe for later oh that's a boss what the hell help me help me help me help me [Music] charm Notch holy [ __ ] I can add this one oh what what is this thing oh you those mushrooms they look cute this mushroom that was cute this small mushroom is that what you're talking about this is cute yeah I I tend to have a lot of Psychopathic tendencies in this playthrough then I found this enemy that shot these homing projectiles that explode oh my God oh my what okay I got my money back in the wastes I also found these cool bouncing mushrooms that were super fun to play with there he is let's go bro finally once I had the map I headed right to dirtmouth to buy the key oh what is this guy I'll beat his ass bro I used the key to open the door at the edge of Dartmouth and there I found this person called Confessor Gigi who basically allowed me to call my shade to me if I ever needed to which to be honest I never did so that was a waste of money what is this hello Nest seal what is that yeah so you can find these little items scattered throughout hallownest that you can sell for money later on I got a sniped bro it's gonna come for me okay it didn't come for me how do I get through this then I somehow ended up back in greenpath and there I found a cool grass boss oh it's a boss that was close that was really close was not expecting that which was super easy once I got over the initial learning the patterns hiccup [Music] foreign then I had to do some sick Pogo platforming to reach a grub and these grubs are important because the grub Daddy doesn't just give money but also some other goodies later on then once I reach the fungal wastes again oh my God he exploded I can't go there what did I miss I ran into the leg eater again hey what's up boo and I bought a fragile strength from him which imma be honest I don't think I used it even once now at this point I was insanely lost since I had been wandering around for like 20 minutes just trying to figure out where to go so or I find you can you can backseat to this once go down then right oh my God no way I missed it no way I missed this no way and there I found cloth my least favorite character oh it's a boss oh no it's not a boss I mean at this point I didn't hate her but eventually you'll see why then after a while of exploring oh not her again her again no I'm not gonna fight her I encountered these new mantis-like creatures who were insanely hard to fight ominous message then I kept following the Mantis trail and I eventually found myself at mantis Village which as you can guess was full of mantises and I didn't like that however while I was navigating the maze-like structure I ended up finding a wall jump ability mantis claw I can wall jump bro I love this game I love this game I love this game and I was so happy I love wall jumps while exploring around the village okay it hit me on the top I cannot stand these madnesses bro okay I I can't see it I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I gotta run away run away run away run away I literally can't see what the hell it like with these dumbasses come from [Music] then I ended up reaching the end of the Mantis Village and found a boss fight don't tell me there's gonna be a boss fight no no I'm not gonna challenge I accidentally challenged them mantis Lords come on I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead all right I already got here once as you can guess with one HP I didn't last too long but what it threw it from the bottom while I was making my way back to the Mantis Lords I found quill again who basically told me that I should probably upgrade my equipment before I fight the Lords and also said that in hello nest's Capital resided a nail Smith who could upgrade it for me but I'm too stubborn to upgrade my equipment while fighting bosses I don't care imma fight them with the broken nil this is a team that will appear multiple times in this video alright rematch time the Mantis Lords fight is fairly simple at first since it's only one of them repeatedly doing the same three attacks pretty easy so far well that is until I got it down low enough where it retreated and the other two came out okay two of them now okay interesting however I was still doing really good and to be honest I was actually really enjoying this and eventually I was able to take another mantis Lord out which just left a single one and at this point it was super easy to take that one out all right that was easy is that it I get nothing yeah this fight was one of my favorites in the game because not only did I love the design and the attacks but I also just really enjoyed it also I found out after finishing the game that these guys actually have a harder variant called The Sisters of battle and they're fought in the pantheon the pantheon is a place added by the godmaster DLC which I wasn't able to find in this playthrough and there you can find a lot of new bosses and also harder versions of all the bosses and apparently it's got its own special ending that I really want to get so I'm gonna be streaming me trying it out on my second Channel if you want to see that go subscribe to my second Channel where I'll be posting a lot more or join my Discord so you can get notified heading to the left of that room I found a new area called The Deep Nest which was a really dark and claustrophobic place that I hated [Music] then someone from my chat told me that the Mantis Lords do give a reward oh the the there was a reward back there wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I gotta go get that first a reward there's no reward over here bro you liar oh my God what the hell where am I oh God damn it I gotta get out of this maze I don't want to die I died then after dying I was back in the fungal waste and there I realized that the mantises were no longer hostile to me since I had beaten their Lords this guy should I kill him no I'm not I'm too merciful for that type of behavior Mark of Pride greatly increases the range of the Bear's nail lunged okay this is pretty good oh that's a lot bigger in the Deep Nest I found some new enemies that I respectfully hated okay come on annoying ass no I brought oh what is this yeah I don't think I should go here for now this thing again Pogo one two three four five I I can't I just oh okay that was close that was really close one two three four thirteen fourteen fifteen whoa oh let's go oh what's that I thought it was a mask Shard it's not it's not a mess shark that's a vessel fragment which unlike the mask Shard increases my soul rather than health I explored the deepness a lot more whoop and was eventually able to find a spider nest which creeped me the hell out oh [ __ ] and I wanted to leave it as fast as I could I hate these spiders oh my God I hate them shut up oh can I use this to get to him yeah I knew I knew it I knew it I knew it oh they're still coming they're still coming [Music] I ended up finding cloth again who was now broken inside because the creatures had spooked her a lot and next to her oh what is this I found these really scary enemies that I load oh it shoots okay they jump I hated these creatures I hate them oh my God it hit me it hit me is it laughing at me oh my God I hate insects what the hell is wrong with them no no no no no no no no no eventually I found a broken tram and in that a tram pass which will be really important once I figure out how to escape from this situation help help oh all right they're laughing at me no no [Music] oh now with my [ __ ] pass I was able to access and use the trams found all across hello nest and using that I found a place called ancient Basin or Bassin whatever it is dead I gotta run I gotta run I gotta I got I gotta heal once I took out all the enemies that should not have hit me die I once again ran into cloth who was hiding from all the enemies like the pathetic loser that she is but she apparently gained energy after watching me fight let me tell you right now she didn't then down in the base investment I found a pill King statue what the hell which asked me to donate money and I don't wanna I have 1600. oh bro no no give me my money back no yeah you can get those back but you do get a reward if you put enough money in the Statue I didn't know that at this point I don't even have enough money carnivore please bro spare me some GEOS bro please please I'm broke I also found this very suspicious door with an eerily discouraged certain thing presence that I was able to open guys can we please get a hearty hundred dollar donation just because I lost all that money guys please I'm kidding if you actually donate a hundred dollars bro I'll kill you oh [ __ ] help well that was interesting I went back to the train and once again went to the right and I found yet another area oh my God what is this place but I didn't feel like exploring it so I went back to the tram and headed back to the ancient Basin to open up a bench that was unique as hell but I'm mad because that's it is that it oh my God that's it and then explore the ancient Bassin a bit more I ran into these new enemies who were my mortal enemies no no they fly oh anti-char okay okay this is hard I take I take it back one more one more okay maybe more than one okay that was a straight up boss fight bro oh oh time for my get back bro I was eventually able to reach this broken elevator and after scaling it I reached a new area called the city of Tears whoa this is sick where the enemies we ran into earlier called land sentries existed in bulk and also these big Soldier enemies called great husk Sentry who dealt two hearts worth of damage after killing the first one I found a second one and you already know I wasn't gonna back down and then I found a third one and well you you kind of got the point I really like this area of hallownest since the city of Tears has some insane lore and also shows the class system of hello Nest which to be honest really brings more depth into the world and I also just love how the entire place is structured then I found the king station and there I found another stag station and above that I entered a place called the pleasure house which was full of the noble insects then eventually at the top I fell into a trap and I missed all three of them okay this okay oh no no no no I don't even hit them oh my God he's still he stepped back oh don't touch me do not touch me don't touch me you fat ass all right guys I didn't mean any of that I have nothing against fat people as a matter of fact I love fat people bro I I I didn't mean that was just um that was me that was a certain Outburst I wasn't expecting that was just projection I'm just I'm just putting on a Persona to be funny guys that that was those weren't my actual feelings even though look at look at this guy bro bring love and you know I'm I'm feeling so generous even though he just hit me and that's just how much I stand with fat people I don't I don't I I go so far as to like killing all the skinny people while I was desperately reaching at straws trying not to get myself canceled I had reached a crucial place in the game and I didn't even realize it wow it's a lake and it's blue guys then I ended up back in the crossroads and I found a new NPC Who Sold charms oh my God it's another fat person bro I love I just want you to know that I love you and also tell I'm not just which increased my Charm slots the charms I ended up equipping were Wayward Compass to see where I was Boulder shell for protection Teddy body so I don't get knocked back from hitting enemies and finally long nail for the reach and I kept these same ones on for a while I then headed back to fungal wastes to try and enter the city of Tears through that oh my God cereal is kind of a soup okay also because apparently I missed something after beating the Mantis Lords oh is this what I missed oh my God that's a lot of money 600 coins when I reached the city I used the city Crest I got from beating the false night and the door opened the great greats None Shall leave None Shall enter ever okay ow and there I found Coral again then in the city I also triggered a cutscene oh boss time boss time let's go boss boss [Music] oh it's her do I gotta fight her again you'd still attempt to roll in helper you see the Raven Ash oh wait I'm not the hollow Knight reality just shut down I was then snooping around the city outskirts and I saw a lot of nails lying around so I followed them and I reached the nail Smith I was able to upgrade my sword once by just using Dio everything's gonna oh whoa damn and then once again by using a pale ore and also Geo for the next upgrade I needed two pale ores so that's something to keep in mind all right thank you with these new upgrades I was able to do a lot more damage and the enemies now weren't that much of a problem I was then able to find this Tower which I started scaling all map map map and eventually I reached this place called The Soul sanctum oh my God what the hell is that in the sanctum I found a door which I couldn't access yet and also magical toads and dead toads and ninja toads oh it's like a ninja oh my God that was easy since by this point I had realized that all of the enemies in the sanctum had sort of a magical toad theme based on the previous bosses I had a feeling what this boss was gonna be like at the top of the sanctum I exited to the roof and there the doors behind me closed and I could tell that something was coming okay the old Master it looks goofy as hell oh my God oh my God oh my God [Music] that's hard this is hard this is hard oh oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what's happening [Music] is that it it's not I was about to say that was way too easy [Music] oh [Music] is it over bro that was Wade come on the the guy in the house was easier the soulmaster gave me a new ability called Soul dive which not only looked cool but I could also use this to break fragile floors under me over that loser dead as hell over there after that I decided to go to the ancient Basin again but I kept getting lost all right let's see I gotta go down here yeah bro and then so I headed back to Dartmouth and there I bought a mask Shard from sly I also realized he sold a lantern that allowed me to see in Dark Places so one of my goals for now was to get that then I headed to the Crystal Cave we found all the way at the beginning of the game since now I Could Break The Floor there breaking the floor allowed me to access a new area called the crystal Peak which was such a gorgeous place this place also has some of my favorite world building in the game since throughout the area there was so much random lore scattered across from the enemies to the backgrounds to these random corpses scattered across the place I can't see what's here hit the spikes with your nails that didn't work the crystal Peaks was a very mechanical place for the lack of a better word you know since this place is supposed to be a mine let's go I'm just goaded like that what can I say yeah oh Cornelius my goat I I don't I don't even have enough money but then while I was looking for a bench I ended up finding a boss huh uh oh oh no oh whoops he's who was fairly easy to be honest and since now I was rolling in riches all that was easy I was able to buy a map from Conifer I also found a shopkeepers key which will be important later this kind of reminds me of Eldon ring for some reason the caves not for a small stature I can just do that wow that's convenient then I stumbled across this place where I had to do some quick wedded platforming [Music] are we to eventually reach this thing Crystal Heart oh I got a power I thought that was gonna be a boss whoa wait what ah the Crystal Heart gave me a super Dash that is so sick hey what's up bro oh that's a breaking wall what did I just see her what is that what is that what is that what is this what is this what is this what is this what is this that's the caterpillar what happened yeah so that was a mimic which are pretty much evil decoy grubs oh well um I don't know where I'm going but it's gonna be somewhere where am I by using the super Dash I had accidentally ended up back where we started the game and there I headed to the place I found during the absolute beginning of my playthrough and I ended up finding the howling Cliffs howling Cliffs that was so smooth how did I just end up from there to What if I where am I going now oh okay to the entrance after going to slice to buy another mask Shard he took the shopkeeper's key and started selling some new items let's just buy another Merit mask Shard while I'm at it then I went back to the howling Cliffs which is an area that exists outside of helloneist and there I found something important oh I wonder what's in here it's uh it's nail Master what yes let's go boss fight [Music] no boss fight Cyclone slash the nail Master taught me a new attack called the Cyclone slash and this was amazing he's down here there he is there you there's my boy for now there wasn't much I could explore so I ended up going to greenpath because I wanted to see if I could cross the lake of un by using the super Dash I'm gonna take this straight across the lake of an ah [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I couldn't then using the super Dash I was able to access this new place where I had to use my new Dash to complete this challenge no no one two three four five six seven eight nine ten I made it oh my God I made it oh my God I made it and at the end of The Challenge I found another nail master who taught me the great slash which was another charge slash then I did another parkour challenge and this time at the end I found a soul Shard or whatever you call it and it increased my soul meter a bit and allowed me to hold enough extra soul to heal myself once I then decided to go to the fog Canyon because I needed to go to the queen station [Music] I died oh I gotta go all the way back why from there I headed to the city of Tears so I could reach the ancient basin I hate this guys I I cannot stand these guys this like [ __ ] I get I gave it 1500 last time nothing nothing I just lost in the Basin I was able to cross this long spiked area using my super Dash yeah do I go down oh I do go down here what the hell is this thing and there I found this mini boss that just would not stop shooting or oh [ __ ] oh oh God it's fine we got it we got it no we don't a cat there we go one more one more one more of course I got hit there and then after following the enemy path I ended up finding another type of guy like me another vessel all right I thought this was gonna be the boss it is gonna be the boss okay except this one was overtaken by the infection which is a really important thing in Hollow Knight that we will learn about soon is that what I am I'm a vessel that isn't broken yet oh and then when I die I break oh that's cool get away from me ah while I was fighting The Vessel my friend lofi was in the chat and he said this in case you don't know steel soul is a whole night difficulty which makes it so you only have one life and if you die that's it you need to start the game all over anyways I ended up beating the broken vessel so if you're interested in steel Soul go check him out because you know damn well I'm not gonna be doing that by the way I was talking to him earlier and he apparently confused this guy for a harder version of this boss which we will fight later I might be [ __ ] at the game but I still haven't died to a boss that that I'm just saying that that's gotta that's gotta be some sort of redeeming point then I ended up finding this new ability oh what was that Monarch wings why I got a double jump I got a double tap this is actually my dream game if they just add like a rope like a rope mechanic where you can like attach to like things and then sail there that it'll be amazing beyond perfect game is it a mimic or no I'm scared and I'm scared of all the grubs after dropping even more money into the stupid King statue only to get nothing in return I used the double jump to reach this area called The Palace grounds where I found a broken Knight that damn night will be so important later that chaos that Knight brought upon me will not be forgotten anytime soon I also found a hidden station where I could open up a stag station but I was too broke for that then I decided to take the tram to the Kingdom's Edge where I ended up finding this entrance to yet another area called The Royal waterways where are we going which is where all the excrements of the bugs in hello Nest go there I also met this character who was really interesting to me since she was laughing over the fact that hellnest had fallen and all the upper echelon of the bugs had met their demise and to be honest to me this made the world feel so much more real then I headed back to the waterways to explore it for a while since that seemed to be the next area of progression and there I found this place what the hell full of [ __ ] and in that [ __ ] I found the poop man dog Defender is that is he shooting [ __ ] at me oh my God is he oh what the hell that's nasty is he diving the Poo Pen was actually kind of hard and his main way of attacking was to enter super duper [ __ ] mode to roll around and [ __ ] and then dive out at me and also ball up pieces of dookie to throw at me no I don't want to touch those things [Music] oh he's going he's going he's going super duper [ __ ] mode oh good this is hard bro why is a dunk Man actually hard ah dude I don't wanna I don't I don't even want this thing okay yeah this fight was really interesting the poop man ended up dropping me a charm which this was one of the charms of the game I was then able to activate this thing to allow the water to flow or whatever that thing is and I still don't know what that did no [ __ ] man you guys are sad about it you guys are sad then I found the absolute worst enemy in the game called a fluke one another one because you see when you kill this guy it turns into a flying bug leaving its lower half on the ground and well while you're occupied trying to take out the flying one the one on the ground grows legs and also starts attacking you and this was so disgusting uh yeah oh [ __ ] oh no oh oh Lord [Music] while I was making my way back to the water race I ended up finding carnifer and also explored Kingdom's Edge a bit so I could afford to buy a map and there I found these bouncing enemies called Hoppers who were so tanky for some reason then once I had enough money I bought a map and using that I ended up finding this place called isma's Grove eastmas grow oh God and there I found an ability that allowed me to swim in acid water without taking any damage then I went to recover my shade oh yeah I forgot no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no leave me alone no oh God damn it and while I was running away from those insects okay one heart one heart one heart I ended up finding this boss called the fluke marm who pretty much just kept shooting out these fluke Flies who would not let me heal let me heal let me heal please oh get good get good come on come on come on okay I got I gotta be careful oh no that was way too zest help me help somebody oh no no no no no no how about this torture this is torture yeah once I actually started getting hits in that boss was pretty easy to take down but before that it was a nightmare second easiest boss really that's the hardest boss I faced so far I then ended up back in the poop Arena and there I met oh Grim which was his actual name and we talked a bit and it was pretty chill basically this guy used to be a knight under the king and so did isma who was now dead and a tree so he was sad I think you know that and some other stuff I shouldn't be somewhere else you've invigorated me tests truly a delight to meet one whose strength and match my own wouldn't even match my own I beat his ass hoop man lived guys Rejoice then I ended up back in the city of Tears wait a minute look at that mask guys wrote something if you look at it's got two eyes on it and then that and then two eyes I'm guessing this one has one eye and that one has like six eyes or I mean four eyes and six eyes and then that guy isn't that a forgotten Crossroads like in the in the chamber with like the egg well that's sick I like lower lower school where I once again started scaling the pleasure house and there I ended up finding these water nights who were these beetle-like creatures that were being slowly brought back to life one after another Watcher night oh all right so now it's bouncing oh there's two of them and having to take on these characters at the same time was really hard I don't like my charms I don't like my charms or I might be dead I might just die here I'm really close to death I'll get I tried switching my terms to see if that would help and a viewer also told me that I could drop a chandelier on one of the knights to take them out of the fight permanently but even with that I didn't really last too long [Music] last one oh I got so lucky there at the end I ended up reaching the top of the tower and there I found this dude just taking a nap but I couldn't really do anything to it so I had no choice but to head home I didn't realize at the time that the EP sleepy guy was one of the enemies I needed to take out to fight the final boss then I went back to dirt mouth to buy a lantern from Sly so I could see in Dark Places I also decided to visit grub Daddy but when I went to the crossroads they were all orange all of the enemies there were infected kind of like the broken vessel and they were also super strong now then from the grub Daddy I got a lot of money a mask Shard which was the last Shard I needed to get an extra heart and then also a charm called grub song which was one of the best charms in the game since it gives you a really good amount of Soul every time you get hit on my way to the ancient Basin I crossed the Temple of the black egg which was now glowing orange almost as if the infection was leaking out of there which is because it was but at least the old lines that a gorilla carries himself he has no need for such movies shut up you loser I could also now cross the spike section so I did and there I ended up Landing in a trap which once I finished popped the infection bubbles what is that glowing womb that's I don't know I don't know how to feel about that I went to the place where I fought the false night and there I heard crying I hear somebody and when I broke the wall I found oh it's this guy oh whoops damn I feel kind of bad now honestly I felt really bad about doing this and I felt even worse when I learned about their backstory since these creatures are some of the weakest creatures in Hellenist and the false Knight had acquired a piece of armor which allowed it to get some strength and I had taken that away from him and then also killed his friends well anyways what happened happened what do you mean the subrogue not so fun stuff you're so annoying I'm playing the game I'm experiencing the game not being a hater okay no never mind I take back what I said I'm sorry you were right this is painful to watch I then took a tram trying to get to the ancient Basin and I ended up finding this place with the Blue Lake again oh what's up shut up loser that's a loser I left the lake and bought another charm Notch from the NPC here at this point my chat kept blowing up telling me I was missing something important and they were right after about 20 minutes of looking I finally went to the right oh what's this ah the dreams numerously sleeping Monument the teacher in her Arc is surrounded by fog and mist on dreamers locations added to the map that's the people I gotta kill well enough for their little Shadow but the seal break they cannot be undone but the vessel weakens guys again what ability am I gonna get what ability am I gonna get fade away a little Shadow fade away and let us sleep in peace God damn they're they're just haters aren't they was that Radiance what the hell following the moth I ended up getting this thing called The Dream nail foreign [Music] nail you're supposed to get this web ability after the madness claw you went such a unique path what the hell when I woke up I found the Seer who told me that since I now had the dream nail I could access dream places and stuff like that and I don't know but for now it was weak and in order to power it up I needed Essences which are these orbs that you can get from fighting special enemies which you will see in a second and also by finding these trees and hitting them with the dream nail [Music] when you collect all the orbs from the trees the tree grows and by hitting it with the nail you get some lore I had to exit the resting rounds by going through this dark place where I found entombed husks wow another one oh guys look at me I'm so quirky oh what is that Soul Eater oh that's the name of an anime then in the wrestling rounds I also found this ghost and since my stupid ass chose to I'm telling him I had to fight him with one HP all right gotta focus focus locking we logged in baby got locked in baby oh no there's four there's four shooting two at a time now however because I'm just that guy I was able to beat him and after beating him I got a hundred Essences so I went back to this year hey babe and she just gave me a hell and a seal for now and told me to come back when I had like 500 or something then back in The Crossroads somebody told me to go back to the false night to see something interesting oh [ __ ] oh oh god oh [Music] foreign what what is this where am I oh it's the false Knight gonna spawn here yes sir babe what they didn't tell me was that this boss is an end game Boss because not only did he do two hearts of damage but it also had this one attack where it would jump across the arena which was insanely hard for me to dodge and it always hit me well I think I get it I just gotta stay close to him and uh watch out for his attacks when he's gonna do that thing he jumps back okay I'm getting it all right never mind bro I'm staying yeah yeah this fight was really hurting me mentally then on one attempt I was able to knock it down but in order to be the boss I had to do that like three more times oh my God that was this fake I forgot it's got phases damn it I cannot stop this guy ha ha ha ha I just need to believe I don't even need to believe I can do this I can do this sober is sober life is over life is a dream oh my God ah you're just a hater watch this jump up okay I I I dashed in the right direction and then right sir he has to hit the boss 111 times if my math correct okay you know what that's that's it actually it makes me happy that's a lot less than I thought it would have have to be one two fifteen sixteen I was healing then I had no choice but to end stream on a loss which made me really sad however the next day I was a lot more refreshed and doing better kind of I'm dead my chat kept telling me to quit but by persevering through the challenge and by using hard work I eventually was able to beat the false champion is what you thought I would say and you'd be right okay now I'm consistently getting it down to a second phase foreign how the hell did I survive that I should not have survived that oh my God oh my God Second Knock Down second knock down baby oh oh my God oh my God [Music] oh oh my God oh my God a hobby knocked out I thought there were three no I thought there were three oh my God baby I think I did it is it over I did it bro yo no way no way no way what is this listen I just wanted everyone then damn that was D baby oh [ __ ] Bro oh my God I did it I did it I did it I did it now after around 100 attempts I had finally beaten the failed Champion I was so relieved you guys just don't understand it felt like I had finally stopped imagining myself as SSI first being stuck in a constant cycle well that was the hardest dream boss what can I ever I've just got it like that what can I say bro what's your body's mad somebody's mad I don't know who's mad but somebody in the chat is mad oh oh all the haters they can't believe their eyes oh I'm just that guy then I took the tram to the resting grounds to talk to the Seer since I had gotten a lot of Essences from The Tubby and while there The Seer opened a door which I completely forgot about since the Seer also gave me a pale ore then I went to the city of tears to fight a watcher but I got lost because I forgot that I had ran into it for and I just decided to go to Kingdom's Edge and I realized that there was an easier way to get there which I definitely figured out myself and up from my viewers comment well anyways in Kingdom's Edge I saw bodies falling from the sky which I realized was because there was a Coliseum at the top of it and I really wanted to go there later then while exploring Kingdom's Edge I eventually found Hornets oh not her again and following her I ended up in another boss battle with her bro who does she think she is and this time as you might have guessed okay never mind she might she might be someone she might she sees someone she was a lot stronger I'm just not focusing on trying to learn her attacks right now get away from me stay away from me not only that but she also had this attack where she left these spikes across the arena which you had to hit to get rid of and if left untacked they would quickly cover the arena is so high oh God I gotta and that one was a lot better since now I kind of had a grasp on her attacks and knew what to expect I was eventually able to take her down and she told me that I need to proceed onward and burn a mark on my shelf and claim myself as king proceeding onward I found a huge warm carcass and inside of that I found this thing called The King's brand the Kingdom's Gates will open oh yeah there are some gears I can access what's happening oh then after exploring Kingdom's ads for a while what oh damn that's a big boy I ended up finding the last nail master 800 800 is It's gotta be worth it who taught me the dash slash exiting from the nail Master place I also accidentally broke a wall and there I had to use desolate dive again and again and again and again and again to finally find this egg-like thing that dropped me a lot of Geo I also found this place where I found a charm called quick slash which was insane since the quick slash was really quick I also realized that if you keep trying to fit the charm into the knot then you can over charm which allows you to fit extra charms however it also makes you take double damage then I went to the ancient Basin and gave the King statue Geo for a total of around 3 000 Geo and I ended up getting a vessel fragment that's it then I also went to this one door I found earlier which with the king's brand I could now open open the nor open the door guys I'm so funny there I found this really eerie place which upon descending I realized was called the abyss and it was full of masks similar to mine scattered around going to the right I found these weird tentacle creatures which seems like it was the best attacking me ah oh my God I also found these new shade enemies who looked eerily similar to the Knight shade himself well you see that sort of reason [Music] I also found a lighthouse which I started climbing bro there's so many of them and at the top I found this light that I turned on [Music] and that ended up taming the abyss so I was able to cross the shade River that's what I'm calling it then I found the statue holding a bowl full of Abyss water thing am I dead oh [ __ ] what just happened absorbed the shade cloak and the shade cloak allowed me to turn temporarily Invincible while dashing and it is quite crucial for this playthrough then I found some lore and realized those shades are called siblings then I decided it was time to head back so I climbed up to the top where I ran into hornet hey who told me that this was tonight's birthplace and that although she was not born from there they did share the same strength Source I have kind of a theory on this basically since the knife was born from there and those guys are called siblings that means that the Knight is related to them crazy I know a corpse in white armor I also tried hitting the corpse with a dream nail but it seemed to have a barrier protecting it so I guess I need to come back when I upgrade my dream nail then I realized I hadn't opened the stack station and needed more money to open it so I went farming for money in the abyss but that was taking too long so I headed to where I fought the broken vessel because the enemies there drop more money but when I got there I discovered something interesting what's this oh God please not this again all right yeah God damn man I can't heal with the stick I can't heal with those things oh my God ah bro these ghosts I literally I can't see them I can't see them I mean to be honest most of the reason I was struggling with this boss wasn't because of the Lost kin itself but rather the ghosts it spawned because I don't know if it's a problem with my monitor or if I'm just blind you know what I think I'm just blind but I could not see those ghosts which meant that I kept getting hit where why would he jump over there why wouldn't he jump on me why [Music] wow [Music] and eventually once I figure out how to set my Dodge them I was able to beat the loss okay oh my God that was so hard holy [ __ ] that was hard oh my God I am really lucky to have gotten the shade cloak because without that this would have been another fail Champion scenario and by the way this was the same stream in which I beat the champion which is why I was super cranky at this point beating the kin also gave me 400 Essences which will be really important in a second then after collecting the money I opened the Stag station and used that to reach the resting rounds where I went and talked to the Seer who gave me a charm and also a vessel fragment and told me to come back when I had 900 Essences then I headed to the city of Tears where I started climbing a tower to reach one of the three dreamers however I thought that the dreamer was locked behind this door that I couldn't enter and my stupid ass didn't realize that I was in the wrong Tower I genuinely don't know what I was on anyways I then decided to go to fog Canyon since I could now maybe cross the barrier that was blocking me before God what the hell turns out I could and after Crossing that I found carnifer and after buying a map I realized that there was a teacher's archive blow me and that's where one of the dreamers was located am I blind how do I get past it oh my God I'm so good whoa oh my God I'm so good oh my God I'm so good then I ended up dying to this bubble mine on the ground I'm dead I died I died I died I died I died however I didn't even realize that there was a landmine there until I ended up finding this place which was full of them what the hitting oh I see oh I don't see I am blind I can do this right and then oh my God that should not have hit me I dashed through it okay okay careful careful after crossing the landmine Heaven I ended up finding a charm Notch oh nice oh you spells why did I not think of that bro that's why I didn't think of that because because apparently my chromosomes are missing then I reached the archives and outside of that I found Pearl and in the archives I could finally see why people liked him so much all right we're gonna enter we're gonna enter his time it's time we're under teachers archives it's boss time baby the archives were full of jellyfishes and as you can guess the boss in there was also a huge jellyfish what the hell is that umu oh [ __ ] oh what oh God who I couldn't hit how do I hit it how do I hit it oh my God I can't I can't I can't even hit it until [Applause] oh bro he is the goat yeah so I had to constantly Dodge umu's attacks and wait for curl to deflate it at which point I could start attacking and after repeating the cycle a couple of times I took it down that was easy definitely didn't almost died 30 times going further down the archives I found these weird capsules with weird texts that I couldn't understand and then I found this tube however I couldn't do anything with it so I left and started exploring the archives for a solid 15 minutes before I ended up back with the capsule oh inspect something glows within the tank oh [ __ ] he came out that scared me yeah so curl was apparently associated with monomon the teacher the protection oh my God whoa and allowed me to enter her dreams oh [ __ ] let's go let's go baby let's go it's time it's time and then take her out okay now I feel kind of bad taking her out removed one of the three seals on the black egg okay I also realized that Coral was an old man who had overworked himself in that fight with umu and that will definitely be important later then I ended up finding this place in Fall Canyon which I could not cross since I could swim in the acid water what's down here and there I found the Queen's garden and in the garden I found the evolved versions of the green pad enemies and also cloth whose bum ass was just standing outside of the gardens and he told me that she was gonna challenge a traitorous tribe who were waiting ahead and that definitely worked out I then explored the gardens a bit more and there I understood a bit about the tribe since like the green fat enemies these were stronger versions of the mantises we had encountered earlier focus focus while there I also found a dream tree and also a love key which can be used to fight a boss later on no no and after getting a grub I got an achievement telling me that I had rescued half of the grubs in the game now then I found and crossed this barrier and I was able to find this Temple where I got jumped and cloth came to help me I said help like that because she didn't help let's go baby it's still if it's so oh prayed our Lord [Music] give me give me give me back up yeah so this is why I hate her she shows up acting Almighty then doesn't do anything against a boss she just makes loud ass noises and jumps around the arena distracting me I would rather do this fight alone than have to deal with her useless ass oh my God I'm gonna die again I'm gonna die again I'm gonna die again I die again why is it only going after me she's right there so for some lore the trader Lord actually used to be a mantis Lord and it betrayed them hence the name Trader Lord then it and its subjects came to the Queen's Gardens and got infected by the infection or something like that I don't know man the lore in this game is super deep and confusing for a pee brain like me I keep dashing in the wrong direction Trader Lord was basically a Shadow Dash tutorial since it only had four attacks a range attack where it shoots spinny things at you a melee attack in which you had to perfectly time your dash through it and then another melee attacker would attack you from the top and you would have to perfectly time your dash through it and then an attack where it sends these slashes towards the player that you have to dash across to make this fight even harder the large attacks dealt two damage ah my charge wasn't charged up boom run away run away run away wait for it to do that heal and then boom okay that was stupid I got no please please [Music] [Music] then eventually this happened oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh oh oh my God I did it I did it baby that was easy it killed the loser too God thank God Road killed him oh my God I'm so happy so useless bro I feel bad but at the same time so he was so useless while my chat was wallowing in grief I was ecstatic then I found this house and in that I found the white lady oh whoa that's so cool it was actually one of the strongest characters in Hollow Knight since she is one of the higher beings in the world and she gave me this thing called the white fragment which is a really important item needed to get the true ending of hollow Knight is that all I got no power up no like nothing I don't know which one also cloth was a ghost now and I did not want to listen to her yap on any longer so it's an exoskeleton bro or whatever you call a skeleton I mean I guess technically it is it is is it considered an exoskeleton Bay come on [ __ ] oh or something up there I didn't hear me because I was stuck that was such a Looney Tune cartoon oh what did I find hey hey then I went below the Queen's garden and there I found a spider's nest what did I just hear oh oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God spiders I hate spiders I hate spiders and also a mask maker who drops some deep bars on me is a mask or face upon the creature and hallowness the difficult thing that can be to decipher a wonderful thing not a thing which we are all blessed for this Kingdom's faceless I shall provide exploring the spider's Nest was insane since I'm kind of scared of spiders so this entire Place had me constantly on edge oh what is that thing I also then found this sick ass Temple what is this place where am I where am I boss fight time I'm assuming something about this is sketchy in which I found a charm and a rancid egg that said honestly that was kind of disappointing for a place as sick as this well anyways I died I died I died now I have to go all the way back down then after making my way to the bottom and getting my shade I died again die die die die die die die die die please guys stop back seating I'm I'm just trying to play the game how I want to don't tell me what to do unless I ask what to tell me do not tell me what to do okay because because like I said I'm a lone wolf I don't like being told artists I'm the alpha around here God damn I gotta shut up I can't believe I just said that then finally I was able to find this place called the distant Village and there I fell off and found this creature called the Midwife God it's the guy from uh Spirited Away who was creepy as hell then I never saw it again in the first house I just found bodies and in the second occult oh this is a cult reverse sit in Rust I feel like I'm about to get kidnapped if I sit down right now I might as well they look friendly they weren't they were they're not friendly they're they're they're not friendly they're not friendly [Music] I woke up in a place called The Beast Den which I started climbing and there I found the dreamer I just hit him wow that's so easy guys I wonder what's gonna happen here I wonder if I have to fight a boss whoa whoa this is definitely not suspicious oh he's just gonna stand there and take it huh hubby Patty and this was kind of disappointing since this was the only dreamer I could take out without finding a boss now that I had taken out Hera the Beast I only had one dreamer left yes the one my stupid ass found earlier when I woke up I found Hornet next to me and I realized that the dreamer was my mom Hornet's mom not mine you dumb piece of [ __ ] oh that was her mommy man if I had known that was a woman I wouldn't have killed her because you know you know what they say Milady tips fedora no no then after a while I found my way back to the village and next to that I found a stag station which I used to go to dirtmouth and there I wanted to visit Sly but when I entered his shop he was gone and there was a hole in the hole I found Sly looking all ominous what the hell so it turns out the slide was the great nail sage and he gave me a charm called the Nail Masters Glory which made all my nail arts charge up a lot quicker and also only used one charm slot so you already know I had to equip this I also bought an elegant key from him and a vessel fragment which was the last one I needed to increase my soul then I headed to greenpath to investigate the temple I found in the beginning of the game that was super dark since I now had a lantern I was able to actually see and there I found another Warrior Soul called no eyes pretty unique name there who only attacked by creating these little souls go across the arena that I had to evade while no eyes teleported across the arena [Music] once I got used to the Arena's layout this fight was over [Music] in the temple I found a mask shard and I decided to visit grub daddy oh my gosh so much money who gave me a thousand Geo I visited the Temple of the black act to give myself some motivation then also bought the last time not slow brush hold while I was making my way to the resting rounds to talk to the Seer I crossed the Blue Lake and there I found Coral just chilling when I interacted with him he talked about how happy he was to have experienced the beauties of hello Nest spent a final MO is he dead why did I get the achievement why did I get a final moment achievement I Loki gotta agree with him on that this game has one of the most Charming worlds of any game I've ever played am I supposed to put him out of his misery when I left and entered the room again he was gone with his nails stuck in the place where he was sitting and that was looting to the fact that he was dead now so I'm gonna you know what I'm saying [Music] when I talked to this year she upgraded my nail and gave me a new ability called dreamgate which allowed me to set a gate that I could teleport to and this was insanely convenient I also finally went to the door that the Seer had opened a while ago and there I found this spirit [Music] attempt 2 I realized that the spirit was actually guarding these other spirits [Music] and I made it my life goal to take them out it was taking me an insanely long time to take them out since once you attack them the first Soul starts attacking you so I had to slowly take them out one by one while trying to dodge this guy oh God damn it I didn't time it oh my God I'm so bad at this foreign I was eventually able to do it and then finally take out the warrior Spirit damn I took out all of them now I feel kind of bad not really I'm evil I also found a dream Tree in there then I realized that even with my upgraded nail I couldn't wake this guy up and needed to upgrade it even more why can't I fight this guy after that I went to the Kingdom's Edge to try and go to the Colosseum are these bodies falling down oh I get it they're falling from the Colosseum oh my God that's so cool however I couldn't find a way up there so I headed to the city of Tears where I found this Tower I couldn't access so I headed toward the last water was last Watcher baby oh it's right here I can just literally right there literally who I do and took it out now I can beat the final boss technically but I'm not going to because I want to do some upgrades now that I had taken the water out I was now able to fight the final boss if I wanted to however I didn't want to since I wanted to upgrade my gear and explore some other places a bit more I first decided to go to the Royal waterways and on my way there I found this door that said that the person will be out by the fountain so I headed there and I found Lem turns out that this is the guy that I can sell my artifacts to so now I didn't have to worry about money I also opened the gate to the Royal waterways where I found this Panda bug who had one of my favorite designs in the series then I spent a while there to see if I missed ending a porn [Music] I was able to find a mask Shard wasn't even expecting that and also carnifer's letter so that meant that I could buy the map from his shop after selling some relics I found another tree and also went to this door which I couldn't open earlier but now I could by using the elegant key oh [ __ ] oh baby I'm good oh baby oh look at this movement right here oh easy easy okay now what I got cocky there and there I found this thing chained to a device which upon inspecting oh upgraded my soul blicky oh what was that consumed the shade soul and now made it black now the shade Soul would hit twice and do more damage God damn do I hate this guy I hate these flying ones they're lit I hate their voices I'd hate them I then went to Sly to buy a mask Shard and a vessel fragment I also went to talk to carnivor's wife where I found out that I couldn't afford the waterways map and also corn for a feeling EP sweepy who the hell is this guy I do not care oh I have 1200 things now I can um I can I can so I headed to the theater who gave me an Arcane egg and told me to return When I had 1500 Essences I then went to the crystal Peaks again since I still hadn't completely explored it and there I found this guy who as you might have guessed was just a stronger Crystal Guardian and this is easy all right never mind as soon as I say that I got hit after beating the guardian I was able to find the last mask Shard needed to upgrade my house oh another life too oh my God and also these enemies that shot lasers at me kind of like the guardian then after finding another tree okay I got it I kept going up [Music] until I reached this place called the hello Nest crown and there I found the statue who as some of you might have guessed was a statue of the final boss and next to that I found a pill or with that I had enough pale ores to upgrade my nail so I went to talk to the nail Smith two thousand Geo I gotta go sell some stuff after selling some artifacts I talked to the nail Smith again and upgraded my nail oh let's go now there was only one upgrade left and the nail Smith required three pale ores to do it then in the Forgotten Crossroads I started exploring for a boss since my chat kept telling me that I missed a boss there I spent a really long time looking for it I spent so long that I was able to find another vessel fragment turns out I had to break the store that was literally right near the entrance to the crossroads oh what the hell is this place and there I found their brooding Malik foreign [Music] and I was able to easily take this guy down which makes sense since this is supposed to be fought at the beginning of the game beating the Malik gave me a mask shard [Music] I then went to the howling Cliffs again since I hadn't really explored it too much and there I found a dream boss which was very easy well that was easy and in the caves there I ended up finding this absolutely gorgeous place [Music] this place is beautiful and also a shitty charm I mean I mean I didn't use it but it just it just sounds awful then I found another cave in which I found this weird corpse and when I hit it with my dream nail this happened can I do something with this I left the room and this light had appeared with coal on the floor and when I hit the coal oh [ __ ] uh it lit the torch what the hell and oh well nothing happened that was disappointing I also found a dream tree and it took me way too long to find all its orbs there it is there's finally Wasteland spark reduce okay I then spend about 20 minutes just looking around to see if I missed anything [Music] and once I thought I had discovered everything I went back to Dartmouth we head back oh [ __ ] what the hell happened here where a circus had apparently arrived in the first tent I found this caterpillar-like insect who told me that she smelled the lingering scent of something good on me what's she talking about she said smelly so I guess she's into this fragile oh when I came back with the fragile strength she ate it God did he eat this and told me that in order to get it back I needed 15 000 Geo and I had actually heard about this before since when I first got the fragile strength a viewer had told me that I could take the fragile part off of the charm later on in the game so I was assuming that this was it however to be honest I didn't really care that much about it and I just went on to the second Nest where I met this guy who told me that the master was waiting for me and going further in this happened boss fight time baby I'm down I'm down I'm ready I'm ready I met this guy called troop Master Grimm who told me that I had called them there by lighting the fire and he gave me a charm called the Grim child and told me to go and collect these Flames from his kin to make his child stronger whatever that meant equipping the charm spawned this little baby wavy version of grim and when I opened the map I started seeing these flames on my map that I knew I had to collect I first went to Crystal Peaks oh God damn this is hard to hit it to beat this little guy who was teleporting around and collect his flame while I was there I also decided to finish exploring all of Crystal Peaks and there I found this place where I had to do a lot of platforming to reach the end where awaited me a grub and also this Frozen creature what is this [Music] ability time baby which when I broke upgraded my desolate dive into the descending dark the descending dark now made the dive deal more damage and also do an after impact so it hit twice then I found the grimkin in greenpath [Music] after taking the fire from that one I headed to the city of tears to find the last one God he's laughing at me it's making me mad all right that was all of them that's all of them baby we're done baby don't hurt me before heading to Grim I went to the grub Daddy to count them out of grubs I've saved so far so one two three four five six 15 16 on the front one two three eight in the back with 14 on the front eight in the backs shut up shotgun Scout one two three four twenty four twenty five twenty six twenty seven twenty eight Twenty Eight so far God damn well shut up so loud since apparently after saving a certain amount you get good items after that I headed to talk to Grim he's back who upgraded my Grim child and told me to collect three more Flames I first went to the resting rounds where I found a stronger grimkin and there there's harder now and after taking it out die I headed to the Kingdom's Edge to take out the second one [Music] oh he saved me from there I started making my way to the Coliseum since I had discovered a way to reach it when I reached this warm carcass I found these insects hung up and this guy stopped me and told me that I gotta pay to access the Colosseum and then placed my mark on the trial to access it I entered the Coliseum of fools ooze time it's time and it was time to fool around boom easy why am I so stupid watch station boom again damn shat on him in the Coliseum the landscape was constantly changing so did the constant waves of different enemies God this is so sick this is so sick again oh God that's so cool that was boss time [Music] easy [Applause] oh my god oh it's still going I thought that was it I thought that was gonna oh Goose mothers don't they like Bounce Around yep yep yep one down two down baby easy [Applause] [Music] oh oh my God it's this guy it's out yeah he's in the first year of the Colosseum I got a charm Notch and instantly went to the second tier however I forgot to place my mark hey it's this guy this loser this pathetic piece of [ __ ] on these few can challenge being brought by the [ __ ] on him and it took me about 10 minutes to realize that how do I go I can break that oh I can splash water on him then I started the second tier oh I gotta do this it's time yeah the second tier as you might have guessed was harder but it was also a lot quicker than the first one come Abby oh God oh God oh God oh God [Music] we got this yeah yeah the child is oh let's go a mimic it is onion are they laughing at that God this is sick I'm so happy I came here oh big boys you already know how I feel about them I love them how is it still live I'm gonna die okay that was so close God [Music] and this time I also got a pale ore for beating the challenge then it was time for the third one last one baby I'm a champion I'm gonna be the champion and humbling me they're humbling me they're humbling me God help me help anybody help their spawn times are a lot more now there's so many of them there's so many of them oh God oh my God I can't even I can't I can't damage them I I thought I'd ask ooh Dash into him got this got this i got this [Music] okay this is this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad what the hell is oh that's the guy we beat yesterday [Music] there we go there we go max out oh God oh God okay uh [ __ ] if I if I die to that thing I'm dead I'm dead no no I messed up I messed up at the end yeah so I ended up dying and well I died again okay oh God oh God oh God and again okay and again Oh What It curved a curved and again what where did that come from where where and this time I gave up for now since each attempt was like 10 minutes I decided to come back later and honestly I had been streaming for a while so I was tired but I completely forgot to return but that's fine since by winning the last one you just got some money then while I was exiting Kingdom's Edge I reached this place called the Tower of love and there I was able to open the door using the key of love we had found earlier in the tower I found these creatures all trapped in jars kind of like the grubs and following the jar Trail it's just a grub guy I found the collector the dude responsible for trapping all the little grubs The Collector attacked by just jumping around and then throwing a jar or two spawning an enemy and it wasn't even a challenge that that that was actually creepy as hell proceeding further into the tower I found three grubs and also a collector's map which showed me where all the remaining grubs were on the map then I went to the resting grounds to fight the last grimkin so now that I had taken out the next three I headed back to Grim who took my child from me and started a ritual or something I don't really know the only thing I cared about was this damn boss being so hard God he's beating me ass bro the the supporters are glazing this guy so hard I mean honestly the boss wasn't too hard it's just this one attack that always always hits me give me a break oh my God I got it I got it I got it I'm getting it I'm getting it finally boom boom okay never mind okay never mind I oh my God I I suck at dodging that attack I'm dead however after taking a break for about 20 minutes I came back and I actually ended up beating it on my first attempt if you don't count this one or this one or this one [Music] [Music] oh my God I almost dashed into it see it was because I was hungry now that I had beaten Grim the Grim child had gotten stronger what and I also got a top notch I got another charm I'm so happy I got another charm Notch let's go after that I went to Grub daddy who gave me a pale ore so I just need one more pale ore for the final nail upgrade then I went exploring again to finish getting all the grubs I also realized that on my map even more Flames had appeared I got a grub from the basin then bought the waterways map since there were some grubs in there that I needed to get and while making my way to the waterways I found an even stronger grimkin called a grimkin nightmare ah the spikes oh what is that [Music] I also started hearing buzzing and I realized I could break the wall which led to this insane place called the Hive which was actually such a stunning place but what was not so stunning were the enemies which consisted of big beasts that turned into drills how these disgusting creatures that upon killing spawned a lot of small bees and also these big chunky bees that had the aim of God in the hive I also found a grimkin nightmare oh oh [ __ ] two damage I killed him I killed him oh my God that was close then once I reached this area I was met with this Arena where B started attacking me and shortly after I was met with the hive Knight who like other bosses at the stage of the game dealt two damage please I died attempt to I actually survived long enough to analyze its attack patterns kind of oh [ __ ] why did I okay there we go there we go he shot him and woke him up I was doing really bad at the beginning but later on into the fight I started focusing on chip damage and keeping my health up and with that I was able to take him out barely I then found this charm called Hive blood which makes it so you heal Over time however it also takes a lot of slots which is why I didn't use it yet but it will be important soon then I saw a mask Shard next to a cracked wall which I couldn't break how do I get here so I had to use a chunky B to break it it worked oh let me let me let me in I then spent half an hour exploring the rest of the hive so I could find a grub that was supposedly here I kept exploring and exploring and exploring until I eventually gave up then after getting this other grub nearby I started wondering if the grub was maybe found through Kingdom's Edge while looking for an entrance I ended up finding this guy whoa what is this damn he's an angry little fella this guy talked some smack I'm expecting him to be kind of hard that was easy I was playing like [ __ ] but I still beat him now that I had taken him out I had 1200 dream Essences so I went to talk to the Seer expecting her to upgrade my dream now but she just gave me a mask Shard and told me to come back when I had 1500 for the upgrade oh no no no no and and that kind of hurt I then headed to greenpath to get the last couple of grubs while there I also realized that I could now cross the lake of on oh baby I haven't been here [Music] oh [ __ ] boss Gerber Life is accepting and there I found this huge slug who throughout this time called shape of an which I know I keep saying this but it was amazing since it allowed you to move while healing by turning you into a warm by the way I just looked this up because I was curious but that slug was actually on who was a higher being like the white lady and The Pale King and also the creator of all the inhabitants of greenpath then I got a grub from Crystal Peaks and also went to the distant Village to collect the last flame from my Grim child and there I found this guy who gave me his flame and told me to return to the master then I found this place which I had found much earlier in the game and completely forgot about where I got another mask Shard which gave me another Health piece hello what's what Mr mushroom that's his name so yeah so I just found out from my friend that apparently there's a secret Mr mushroom ending that you can also get by finding this guy all around hello Nest I also explored the Queen's Garden for a grub and there I found this Warrior dream marmo who just kept trying to crush me and that said well I can heal now look at this I can heal I can easily heal hello [Music] then in Queen station I found another stag station and this one was the last stag station to find which is why I was able to now access a new location called stagnest where all the Stags used to reside and there I found a vessel fragment oh this is howling cliff and also these stag corpses damn that's sad then I finally went to the Deep Nest again since I had been ignoring that place because I was scaled because there were some grubs down there that I needed and there I spent so damn long I spent so long looking for these grubs that I could not find I found this mask Shard that I could not figure out how to reach and to make it even worse I found this place where I had to do this insane platforming jump where I had to Pogo off the spikes to reach the top there we go baby made it oh my god there was literally no point in me doing that there was zero point in me doing that because you can just and that definitely didn't take me like 20 minutes then I kept exploring and exploring and exploring should I get a snack and then come back or um all right then I'm gonna go grab a snack real quick my yogurt I was actually losing my damn sanity looking for these caterpillars where am I where have I what have I done why is everything going wrong where do I go little are we going through the five stages of grief right now and while my mind was already on the verge of shattering I found this guy I kept following the mimic where'd it go but it kept disappearing he's gonna get what I spat all over my controller God damn and it led me to this place oh it's blocking me in who dot be it I broke its neck that's when I thought that this game couldn't get any creepier ouch I'm a little caterpillar don't don't don't hurt me baby don't hurt me don't hurt me no more what is love ah baby oh [ __ ] God damn that's creepy easy peasy lemon squeezy why am I getting ahead yeah please get something cool what is this pill or oh oh oh oh baby I can upgrade I could upgrade my sword oh yeah my nail set up nerd it's called a sword then literally right after I fought nosc I found another Warrior dream I do not have any chance to heal there's three of them that was easy after taking out the warrior dream I now had enough Essences to upgrade my dream Nails 1800 was what I needed I got 1992. but before I did that I still had to find the damn grub bro what charge do I have the real question is what charms do I not have um oh [ __ ] but I still had to figure out where to get the mask Shard from God where am I where do I go I'm losing my Saturday where was the mask where was The Mask and that's what the mask is that's what the point of the Mask I then tried looking in the fungal wastes to see if there was another entrance and yeah there was one oh baby let's go mask shard finally so now after more than an hour down there I was finally able to leave that damn place first thing I did after leaving was go to the nail Smith so I could get the final upgrade on my nail oh my God now I had the pure nail look at it pure nil the nail Smith asked me to follow him outside he told me he had achieved his life's work and wanted to experience it for himself why did he fall like that was I not supposed to kill him he asked me to kill him he asked me so apparently if I hadn't killed the nail Smith he would have actually gone to the nail Masters Hut and live out the rest of his life happily carving wooden figurines so um he asked me to do it so I don't feel bad anyways now I was finally able to upgrade my dream nail a walker dream nail which I thought I could use on the night found in the palace grounds and I could it teleported me to a place called The White Castle which was the pale King's Castle and this is where my Insanity once again began the White Castle at first was just full of pretty basic platforming sections and some enemies every now and then watch this until I found this switch which opened a gate that allowed me to access the elevator then I also found these King cult fellas who just bowed down to me and I'm assuming it's because I had the king's brand I think well anyways that's not important what's important is when I went to the left and found these saw blades these saw blades man even as I'm editing this I'm getting PTSD from how much I suffered against these this Palace really tested my platforming skills but more importantly my patience at first the platforming wasn't really that bad it was just a huge skill issue or a time to activate my platforming skills I've been holding back this whole time I've been like saving it up for this moment right here oh baby skills what all right three two all right [Music] wow and then one last Dash when it's um there oh my God I made it I made it I made it memories were all good oh okay there we go there we go ah [ __ ] so while exploring the palace I died a lot two three oh please don't tell me I'm gonna die if you don't tell me I'm gonna die but then a viewer told me to use the hive blood charm since it allows me to Auto heal and that charm allowed me to keep my sanity because my God then eventually this happened you see I have a tendency to just go around slapping random walls in this playthrough and while doing that I ended up breaking a secret wall wait what did I just did I just break something what did I find I was reading chat and there I found this place called the path of pain and honestly the name makes sense because this was just painful wow so basically the path of pain is this incredibly hard platforming section that requires you to be constantly on the move without being able to take any breaks and this was insanely hard baby come on yeah yeah and I ended up finishing it in about 20 minutes however that's not the end as a matter of fact that's not even 10 of the whole thing since it was just constant deaths I think I know the Strat you go here you dash you Pogo boom baby and to make things worse I couldn't even head back to heal so I had to wait for the hive blood to heal me before each attempt but that paired with the grub song well okay there we go did help me slowly regenerate life as you can see I mean if you can see I don't know what was happening at this point I mean the path of pain was just super unforgiving since it required pinpoint accuracy while I was making my way through the path of pain I was slowly realizing that the long nail I had equipped was not good since the knockback propelled me up a bit too much and I kept hitting the ceiling and I couldn't even head back to a bench to take it off since I didn't want to restart no foreign [Music] oh oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God then eventually after about 20-ish minutes I reached this place well you see so far the path of pain had been quite hard but honestly I was kind of getting used to the movement and stuff you know what I'm saying it was hard but not extremely hard well that all changed when I got to this level which is the last part of the path of pain I spent a whole hour here just dying over and over again I spent so long here imma be honest I don't feel I'm gonna be honest I don't even feel like editing this I'll yeah yeah you get the point I spent an hour here holy [ __ ] this was killing me just sitting in my hot ass sweaty moist room repeating a cycle of dying over and over again it really hurt my mental state after an hour I was finally finally able to finish the damn challenge oh my God I did it I did it I did it oh oh oh no please please please please I'm gonna have to start I'm gonna have to restart I'm good I died I sat there for about 10 minutes the staring at the screen I didn't even have the energy to scream or cry I just had to sit there and take in the fact that I had to now start over all the way from the beginning well not really since first of all I now had the experience and I was actually able to get through the first two levels a lot easier and I also realized that a door was now open so I was able to skip some levels and get to around the end however I still had to do this damn last level again and it took about 30 minutes again for me to get it because once again I kind of forgot to unequip my long nail then I was able to reach the end and oh my God I did it I did it I did it I did it I did it I did it oh my god oh I did oh what the hell is that is that me no that's the king that's a that's a different shell that's the king with his son what they disappeared did they die yeah so that's it I mean I did get a journal entry but nothing else so that really wasn't worth it honestly even as I'm editing this I'm kind of just getting hurt by the fact that that's all I got so I'm just gonna skip the rest of the White Castle since it was just more platforming that wasn't really too hard eventually I was able to reach the end of the castle and there I found the Pale King or specifically his corpse he's dead I thought he was alive no cost too great no cost too great to get at all that stupid ass sauce in the and also this lore tablet that all right this is the last time I'm saying this but that didn't make sense to me then I went back and hit the pill King's corpse and that dropped me an item [Music] oh the second piece collected the king's Soul you see that item was the second piece of the white fragment you know that thing I got from the white lady a really long time ago well this was the second part and they combined and turned into a charm and the charm cook five slots and according to my chat it was complete and utter garbage but it did say something interesting opens the way to a birthplace now I might be honest by this point I had kind of watched the mossback lore video just a bit not really since even though I only wanted to watch it for like 10 minutes so it would be added to my history but it was so good that I kept watching it for like 50 minutes I mean to be fair I was only half paying attention so I kind of had an idea of what to do at this point I headed to the abyss since that's what the birthplace was and there I decided to go left since there was a place over there where I couldn't really do anything before and on my way there I saw this what's that it was a very claustrophobic Place full of broken masks and filled with siblings roaming all around and this this place gave me a severe case of the epgps and at the bottom of the cavern I found an egg is this where I came from which upon hitting with the dream nail did this oh my God [Music] what the hell is happening is that me no [Music] oh I have to press something so I was in this weird place where I had to climb out of the Abyss while bodies fell from the sky and these messages kept popping up no mind to think no will to break no voice to cry suffering born of God and void then eventually at the end I met the king and this guy again is that like brother or something was that the past and things finally clicked for me I mean kind of you are the vessel you are the hollow Knight was that the hollow Knight the one that went outside collected the void heart so like we're not the hollow Knight that guy's the hollow Knight and then that was like his previous form or something the king's Soul also got turned into the void heart which allowed the Knight to fully manifest the abyss part of him and kinda turned into the void King I think that was your brother that was the hollow Knight oh I see uh from the video I watched I do know the white lady and The Pale King had um a child or like a children or something so are we those children's those are the children and we're vessels but Radiance is the bad guy I know that Pale King white lady aren't bad and then we're their children but how the hell did this guy though guy that we were playing end up outside of Hellenist hard beings these words are for you alone our Pure vessel has ascended Beyond lies only the refuse and regret of its creation we shall enter that place no longer the person who made it to the top was the pure vessel was gonna be the pure vessel and that whoever made it to the top first was a winner and then they would love they locked the rest of it oh that makes sense oh [ __ ] bro this game has so much lore I was in fact not cooking but I was serving an appetizer if you get what I'm saying oh oh I kind of I kind of guy have a revelation if you go to a dirt mouth right I think we're the Bad Guy imma be honest with you I think we're the bad guy because think about this I know about the infection the the orange thing is an infection right and it's leaking out of the Temple of the black egg what if I have a theory it's leaking out of here oh [ __ ] a hornet it broke I don't want to go in yet but like as I was saying so that's where the infection came out from right and that's where the hollow Knight is sealed and the dreamer sealed him in because he was leaking infection right and he's a vessel what's he a vessel for the infection oh my God I'm so smart he like absorbs the infection he goes in there and the dreamers lock him in and then like he the whole night is the good guy and then we open it and we kill him to a release the infection bro where the bad guy that's my theory then I headed back to Grub Daddy to collect my goods and decided to not finish getting all the grubs in the hive I still couldn't figure out where the damn grub was until I asked chat and it turned out that I was in the ceiling um oh Grim there's no time then I got one in the waterways oh my God that's all of them and that was all of them until it wasn't is that not did I not get all of them since there was another one in Queen's Garden which I swiftly got Rescue all of the imprisoned grubs I got an achievement then for the last reward I got a charm which allowed me to shoot these waves every time I attacked however it only worked at full health I also went back to the grub Daddy because Chad kept telling me to and um oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God save them guys don't worry apparently this is how caterpillars are turned into butterflies or something like that I don't know but my chat kept assuring me that this was a good thing before I fought the final boss I also headed to the Grim troop to see if I missed anything since I had collected three more flames and there I found this guy again what what wait wait I thought oh my God wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what the hell is happening nightmare King it does two damage oh my God yeah so nightmare King Grim is apparently even harder than the final boss and since I didn't want to suffer more after the path of pain I gave up for the first time I think I don't remember did I give before this I don't know well anyways now I was ready to fight the final boss it's time it's time it's time I headed to the Temple of the black egg and there I inspected this thing which allowed me to know my completion percentage and I had achieved a 91 completion which honestly I was satisfied with then I proceeded further and there I found the hollow Knight chained up it's changed it's the hollow Knight he's looking at me baby oh oh three it's time one two three it's time baby it's time it's time it's time the hollow Knight [Music] he dashing I'm I'm pretty [ __ ] there we go oh oh my God shooting God action [Music] okay knock down he's knocked down he's knocked down then eventually what's he doing oh my god did he stab himself oh God I thought it was over oh [ __ ] oh why is that music so oh God that's yucky [Applause] yeah oh I got a dream nail him oh there I met this time the true final boss this time this time it's time it's time baby it's time they're oh that's so cool that has got to be the coolest boss introduction I've ever seen oh oh oh oh oh my God I haven't gotten hit yet baby oh oh platforming God I was actually doing great at this boss until I got hit once and started fumbling oh oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God please please do this no no no no no no no no no no no no no I died then next attempt I realized that I had to fight the whole night all over again to enter the radiance Arena which was kind of easy and I definitely didn't die to it a couple of times I tried suiting some charms and I ended up using the soul charm which allows me to get more soul from hits [Music] all right all right oh oh no oh can I knock these back no I can't I can't knock those back please please give me a chance please give me a chance to heal oh oh my God oh my God oh my god oh oh this is so hard no oh please give me a job no no no no no I didn't I double jumped then eventually I was starting to get good and was consistently able to get to Radiance without ease wait what with ease [Music] and I was able to get Radiance down into her second phase oh my God second phase or status [Music] okay second phase I guess and at this point the fight became even cooler it would be like that why would they do me like that why did this he'll heal Max HP please oh it's fine it's fine oh my God please heal [Applause] oh [Music] oh more platforms on others oh [ __ ] that's the what what is happening I'm so lost oh my God oh my God [Music] what do I do oh I just got a nail attacker what the hell is oh that's the hollow Knight oh [Music] whoa [Music] oh damn [Music] dragging her into the abyss [Music] [Music] [Music] oh did I die I died [Music] when all the spirits returned to the abyss damn and they're all gone that's so sad I died [Music] and yeah that's it after the credits I didn't lock steel soul yo Soul no shade no shade which like I said I definitely will never ever touch so that's it that's the video I don't really have much to say since like I said in the intro I really really enjoyed this game and had a lot of fun playing it which is why now I'm on the silk song hype train well anyways don't forget to either subscribe to my second Channel where I'll be posting more consistently or join my Discord if you don't want to miss me taking on the pantheon and that's it thank you so much for watching have a nice day thank you foreign
Channel: Bijou
Views: 404,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Edit, Meme, Funny, Gaming, Game, Minecraft, Music, Fun, Interesting, Playthrough, Gameplay, Terraria Calamity Mod, Expert, Revengeance, Boss, Fight, Memes, 100 Days In Calamity Mod, Plants Vs Zombies, Entertainment, Entertaining, Dead Cells, Celeste, Days, 100, Eternity, PAINFUL, Infernum, undertale, delatrune, Hollow Knight, Painful, Hard, MetroidVania, Metroid, Hollow, Knight
Id: cHsQiW1ksbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 8sec (8108 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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