Palworld How To Defeat Victor & Shadowbeak Guide (Final Boss Fight)

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so I've spent way too long trying to figure out how to fight the hardest boss in pal world and after a lot of experimentation I found the simple best way is first you're going to need to respect your points so you can create a hang on let me show you here you can actually create a medicine from the electric medicine workbench that lets you Respec your points from level 43 on onwards I think and when you do that you need to then go to one of these uh Islands down here collect 100 flowers and also about 40 horns I think and then you can Respec now you're going to need High HP and high attack I did about 50/50 on each I completely ignored work speed and weight just completely uh so that's really really important and you need to be maxed here everything you're going to need the highest tier weapons you're going to need the rocket launcher I got the AR as well tried it a bunch it's not quite good enough to be honest I got the rocket launcher as you can see 10,000 attack versus 320 it's just so much more powerful you're going to need the highest tier armor the highest tier shield and if you can a defense pendant which you can usually get in chests on uh the animal sanctu Islands as well now also on top of this you're going to want food for both yourself and your Pals now for your pals you're going to want uh defense food which is the herb roasted Lambo and then the E Loco Moco for yourself which gives you plus 20% attack so the goal is you then want to choose the five tankiest powers you can possibly get so we've got this one uh obviously they're all level 50 uh we got defense 520 4.2k uh Health there 4.4k uh for 3.7k there 4.6k and 4.7k there now if you do have dragons you definitely want to use dragons because this boss is a dark boss so I'm going to start this fight with the quen then the suzaku then the two Ice King crackers and the wo now I like to take these three ice types because they can freeze the boss which allows you to get a lot more damage off on it uh and I'm not going to use these pal abilities I'm not going to try and ride them I'm literally just going to try and Dodge all the ATT let these PS tank as much damage as I can as I simply just blow them to bits and it is extremely difficult so um just be warned about that but um yeah here we go we're going to go into it this should be the uh most basically efficient way so before we go in we will be munching on some goodies let's just make sure the right way around should be over here okay so we are going to eat this one for myself now these do do not stack so don't try and use both of them you can only get one effect at once so the attack for me and then the defense for these guys is going to really help look at cuz this defense is percent based the defense goes up to 468 my attack now is 189 and that on the rocket launcher is going to be really really great so here we go all of this stuff is basically absolutely necessary if you want to try and win this um and now you just got to dodge the attacks shoot rocket Dodge attack shoot a rocket Dodge attack you're going to need a lot of rockets but it's literally the only way to do it so we'll start with equiv like I said because you know it can help do a bit more Dragon damage but um but after that we'll go to another dragon type and then we got three ice types to just try and tank up as much damage and hopefully freeze them as well if we're lucky obviously this is the hardest boss in the game I'm going to do a video defeating all of the bosses soon as well although the other ones aren't as hard to be honest okay so let's send out uh equ here we go one rocket launcher shot let's see 3,500 damage reload this bad boy all we got to do is Dodge his attacks what we got to do all right reload there we go one more rocket okay there we go I'm not sure if you can get crit hits on these Rockets but basically because I don't have to focus on trying to shoot too often right oh you can right in the head there you go 3,000 damage cuz I don't have to focus on uh trying to shoot and reload too often what I got to do really is focus on attacks sorry Staying Alive focus on their attacks as long as I dodge their attacks we're going to be okay cuz the worst thing that can happen is we get Frozen from that thing there and then we're screwed right obviously we want to try and be quick with it but to be honest not too important most important thing is just hitting those shots oh there see that's what I mean right haven't even reloaded it yet my bad thought we did it is a slow loader never get too close to IA as well you know not worth it boys there we go 2,000 damage not the most but it will do it's a big orb chasing me watch out for that watch out for the ice blasts go could hit them in the head there you got a lot of information ahead of you to just know when and when not to attack to be honest so keep an eye out for that that's all I say keep an eye out that's 3,500 right in the body the equin is actually doing all right at the moment and I honestly because we're not messing with like trying to ride our our our pows and use their abilities ourselves all of the attention is just kind of split between me and them so it's either trying to fight me or it's trying to fight them and cuz I'm dodging all the time it's completely just we're chilling we're chilling so obviously we're almost halfway through now start around again a lot of ice balls they're going to shoot towards us there are different attacks um and you're going to have to learn them all it might take a few attempts it took me like 3 hours to learn how to do this so um just be aware it's all about dodging Staying Alive sometimes it's unfortunate and the power will um the enemy will Target all your powers first if you have that kind of run you you're screwed to be honest um I think the best way to do it is just just as soon as you start you need to get your pal out and then just keep uh doing what I'm doing dodging and then shooting and hopefully the attention will be drawn onto you cuz honestly it's fine if it's on you right keep dashing away cuz it's close to us we do not want to get hit by that ice blast it is a nightmare there we go now remember one of the reasons why this is working so well is the high damage from my uh respect right I respect my skills usually I had a lot of St Stam so we're about to lose our first pal here this is where things could get quite interesting um we just got to be ready for that right remember these will shoot towards us little bullets okay there we go so we just keep our distance we're pretty chill to be honest all right we go Okay C stab to get another one out I didn't really want to do lamb uh this boy but you know whatever see that there's the Frozen there's the Frozen see this is why I like ice Ice Pals they so useful and there really tanky if you want to know how to get all these Pals as well you need to watch my 100 egg video I went around the whole map finding where all the egg spawns are and it's just the easiest way to get these high level Pals and then all you got to do is Farm up the levels which is you know not too hard I suppose it is a bit timeconsuming but that's all the fun to be honest the fun part is when you get to go out and fight things and capture PS it's when you're stuck in your base where things a bit boring but as you can see as long as you choose tanky poers and always stay dodged away and just keep your distance and take your time like it does look like you have hardly any time but honestly oh this is this is where we could die here we could actually die oh that was lucky you never want to get hit by those ice attacks they will mess you up I'm want to keep moving okay we need to try and get that stun again come on one pooke honestly um there we go we got time here we got time I haven't got the bgm on that's why it sounds so weird I'm like why is it so quiet I don't have my hypers shield up or Giga Shield whatever it's called there we go one is almost dead get ready to switch out in a minute there we go honestly you won't be able to do this without this rock I have TR me I tied it with an assault rifle almost just got stunned okay cuz my one is lower I'm just going to send out a nice King Packer there I don't want to potentially die when my Ice King Packer dies reload this there we go that bar by the way in the middle of your screen is the reload bar so you want to try and time it so you don't strafe when um sorry roll when it's about to fill up waste a lot of time ice kek is dead all right that's fine we're coming to a nearly our end here where things get really interesting see as you see cuz there's that moment where my uh pal was not in the arena suddenly all of its focus was on me which is really difficult and I got no stamina here got be really careful of that one nice King Pekka there we go shoot in the back okay we're like you know 10 more hits 10 more hits about we go oh no I attacks again so many different ranges of attacks here we go what Dodge that oh you never if you see that coming towards you don't worry about your reload just run do not let the ice tacks hit you they are the worst all right we're getting close now there's another ice attack yeah that's rough come on break out of it there we go it's okay we still got three minutes here wa for my stamina to rerun now let's try and get this reload on now let's try and get this reload okay there we go they all positioning but we go as you see always just rotating around keeping my distance it's the way to do it we go almost almost five more shots guys full attention on me now in these moments don't mess up I got three minutes to hit two shots don't like you can die in a second if you just stop dodging so don't this one's really hard need to run okay that's fine it's fine we're far enough away that beam hits you you take a lot of damage I honestly ah nice the ice ah the ice damage is the worst everything else you can dodge it pretty effectively there we go one more hit and he is gone oh ice breath watch out for that okay last shot and we did it boys if we die now there we go uh there it is so um that's the guide on how to defeat Victor and Shadow beak now I'm going to say I will drop a guide on uh how to defeat all of them or not so much a guide but I'll make a video showing my progress and how it all was um but yeah it if you're like well how can I do it with less gear you just can't I've spent the time trying I've tried with the assault rifle I've tried with all sorts of different poers all sorts of different strategies this is the only one that works and when you do this one it's suddenly really easy so hopefully you found this useful if you did please consider subscribing I'll be doing more power content soon thanks for watching cheer y
Channel: The Survival Merchant
Views: 13,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld tips, palworld, palworld victor shadowbeak, palworld end boss, palworld final boss, palworld final boss fight, palworld victor and shadowbeak
Id: jWqwMtBmx9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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