How to breed in palworld | The ULTIMATE BREEDING GUIDE!

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what is up Gamers welcome to another po World video today we're going to be talking about breeding I hope you got a little bit of time on your hands cuz I'm going to go into as much detail as I possibly can um I haven't watched any guide videos until I did before I started this video just to make sure I didn't miss nothing but the guide videos out there man are are like just turs of course I'm going to get a phone call while I'm trying to make a video anyway be sure to hit the like button and consider subscribing uh and check the time stamps down below if you want to skip to any specific part but without further Ado we've got 12 eggs here I'm going to leave those uh let them do their thing for a second uh because there's there's a lot of steps to this there a lot of things that need to happen uh in order to get to this stage the very first thing uh I believe you need to be level 19 to unlock the breeding Farm okay so once you unlock the breeding farm that doesn't mean you can start breeding cuz there's a lot of other things you got to do first before you can even get get to that point number one being the cakes you have to have cakes in order to breed I highly suggest once you get the material to start making cakes that you have at least three cooking pots uh that are just going like at all times here uh making at least because these cakes take like 20 minutes to make so and that's and that's with the the buffed R Soxs blowing on them and everything too so uh what we're going to want to do is your range right isn't that what this is called is the range I'm pretty sure uh you're going to need cows chickens and you're going to need this Bard however they pronounce it be we're going to call it B dude we got the cow dude the chicken dude and the B dude okay um so real quick the cows so you know where the you know where to find the chickens at obviously the chickens are the very first thing you see uh when you spawn into the game but the cows let's see here uh in the event that you need to find the cows this is where they spawn at you can also buy them from the black market the trader pal Trader uh or you can just find them in a random uh neutral egg so this is going to be the spot that you're going to want to find them at if you need to go farm them up or anything like that uh I suggest two it doesn't matter what they got just get two cows so you can get some milk going uh you're also going to want The Bard which this guy is an absolute demon they're super hard to tame um essentially because they hunt you down and blow up in your face so you got to be super careful when you're going to H hunt for these guys um I I might actually go over there real quick and show you uh where you can find them and and what they look like actually rather than showing you I'm just going to uh let you know that this spot right here Mount floppy Summit uh so let's see where's the initial starting spot so this is the initial starting spot uh north of there you'll see Eliza be uh boss dude right here and then you're going to see uh this Mount floppy Summit now this area down here is really populated with them uh they move in packs of three usually so be super careful uh but once you get all those guys you're going to be starting to make milk eggs and honey passively which is what you want um until you catch one of these guys you can go kill the cin moths that are actually in the exact same area but they only drop one honey this is a lot better obviously cuz uh uh we get to just like passively get honey eggs and milk so the other ingredients you're going to need is a Berry Farm and a wheat farm now currently I don't have any guys operating this stuff uh simply because I've got everybody on breeding Duty right now so I have only the pals out that are doing breeding and such so but you're going to need a good stash of Wheat and berries as well um another thing that I found to be somewhat essential is a refrigerator now now if you do get a refrigerator make sure you have a frozen pal that can that you can literally just like throw at it right uh wait where the heck did this guy come from okay just kind of pulled him out of nowhere um all right so it's not letting me pick him up right now but yeah you throw him at the fridge and he stays cool in the fridge which is going to make your stuff last a lot longer you can see here um I'm run a little low on eggs uh that's why I just pulled two chickens so I got two chickens two cows and then the bee and it seems like all five of them fit in there and get along just fine so we got the fridge we got the eggs the milk the honey and then we need the flour which is obviously made with the mill this guy's job right here is to sit on this uh flower Mill water dude he's just going to continue to make flour for us so that we don't run out and then once you get that like I said make three cooking pots uh get you some nice fire breathers and uh this will hopefully get you started with cakes cuz without cakes you can't do anything um now I will let you know there is a 20 minute timer when you pick the cake up but when you put them into your breeder box over here uh it gets rid of the cool down timer so you can see I've got 15 cakes in here right now so yeah we got you know they're they're constantly breeding so um I've spent about I don't even know dude like 20 hours trying to trying to hone down on getting uh the best arock that I could possibly get I've hatched quite a bit of them and we're going to hatch all 12 of those eggs on this video as well obviously fast forwarding through them but you can see I got quite a bit of them here now we'll go over some skills that some of them have and I honestly think I'm keeping this guy because I think the ones that have no passives um are going to be here let me turn my cam off for the rest of this uh so that we can see everything but I think the one with no passive might come in handy later I'm going to do some testing and let you guys know uh but here we have okay so we're looking at the passive skills bottom right of the screen uh we've got Brave which gives us 10% increased attack we've got uh cold blooded which is increase ice attack damage which is a completely useless trait if you ask me uh because we're fire we're not ice um and then we've got muscle head which is kind of a interesting passive right we get 30% increased attack and we but we also lose 50% work speed so it depends on what you want them to do I guess you can breed separate ones to work at your base and ones to fight with uh but essentially you know we're just looking for that one Perfect Dude to to throw in our bag this is my favorite pal that's why I'm doing it with him uh also we get ferocious right here which is 20% increased attack so if we combin if we find a guy with brave and we find a guy with ferocious you know that's going to give us additional 30% attack and that's not even the most we can get uh so if we're looking straight for attack then that's definitely what we want to do so we've also got hooligan here which gives us 15% more attack uh but 10% less work speed uh pyromaniac is increased fire attack damage uh I don't know about you but I feel like I would rather have just like flat attack percentage rather than just fire damage percent because it's going to do the same exact thing I would imagine uh mine Forman this is another one uh this is one that's kind of actually useless to be completely honest increase player mining efficiency I don't see any point in having that unless you have like a metal farming base or something and you've got like whales or Turtles like mining metal for you um let's see here Blood Of The Dragon is another one here dragon attack damage kind of useless cheery uh decrease to incoming dark damage yeah another wasted skill uh Brave gives us the 10% attack motivational leader is going to give us uh player speed which is very interesting uh because it's not Mount speed this is just player speed there's another one called Runner I believe right here that gives us Mount speed increase movement speed 20% flat uh so you can get that now from all the testing that I've done here you can see that we don't have doubled up passive skills they can't stack assuming they can't stack at least one in 50 chance they can't stack about how many uh R Soxs I've breeded here uh Artis here is another good one that gives us 50% more work speed it offsets the it offsets the uh negative effect of muscle head so if you really want that 30% increased attack and you want to keep them at your base as well you can have muscle head and Artis at the same time but you can also see that there's uh double Chevron uh downside their uh their SE drops 15% faster why the hell I don't know why I had such a hard time saying that word but so what we're doing here and what I've done at this point now that you kind of see some of the passive skills that they have um so this guy right here we can uh go ahead and pull him up go to his details this guy has muscle head which is 30% attack and and work speed this is one that I've read up to this point um attack 20% attack speed 20% work speed okay so essentially I've just kind of been taking the best of what I've got up to this point now when you breed okay this other one has got uh so we've got artison ferocious muscle head and we've got muscle head ferocious serus so if we can get the ferocious I think is the one that we need no we got musclehead and ferocious we need Artis if we can get Artis on this guy uh then that would give us you know four like gold tier passive skills and this gives us work speed which kind of offsets this 50% minus here and it would just be really nice to be able to get those combined so that's why we have so many eggs here AFK took the wife to work a little bit come back and holy crap I got freaking 13 eggs um good little tip too uh make a feed box right here uh beside your guys so that they don't go running all the way across the map to go eat because they eat quite frequently they like to take smash breaks in between uh so we'll go ahead and we'll take all these eggs here and we'll go hatch them all and we'll see what we get we we'll see if we get what we're after here uh here excuse me guy working here I'm working here all right so we got 13 scorched eggs uh we're going to put them in they only take 3 minutes a piece I'll pause the video in between and we'll see what we end up with so let's go ahead and do that all right right up here uh now you can put a fire beside them to make them go 50% faster you can put two fires uh or you can put a essentially a uh what's it called furnace thing but in order for the hot box little furnace thing to work uh it has to have a fire breather breathing on it at all times so uh you can just do that and it might may or may not increase it up to 100% but uh yeah I know I know three or four Fires at least works but I'm really not that concerned about it because it is only three minutes so go ahead and drop this in there and it might be different for you just it's the way that we have our our server set up right now so all right I'll see you guys in 3 minutes all right here we go first round ready let's go ahead and uh claim these now see I'm not a huge fan that's why I don't want to do this is because I'm not a huge fan of uh getting this guy all right yeah I'm just going to destroy this honestly I don't want him to get distracted from making cakes right all right so here we go uh let's go incubate this one hold incubated egg and it looks like we got serious ferocious work slave and masochist okay that work slave and masochist is two that I haven't seen yet we'll have to check and see what that is all right we got just ferocious which is kind of nice we also need to check if they're male or female cuz that is important and we got just Artisan okay now as you can tell when you breed these guys together there's a very slim chance that you actually get what you're after here uh so we've got one with Artis a female and a male so this is actually really good and I might I might essentially start my uh start my thing over cuz this is 20% attack speed and this is 50% work speed so I might just breed these two together uh to see if I can get one with just ferocious and Artis because I don't believe I've gotten that yet uh and kind of start from the beginning and maybe get rid of that uh what's that other one muscle head that we keep getting there uh we got another Artisan here as well that's a that's a male um and this is the one that we got off the bat here okay so work slave is 30% work speed but 30% less attack yeah that's gross we don't want that uh and then we've got 15% increased defense and 15% minus attack so yeah this guy is pretty much trash now now don't get too discouraged here because what we're going to do is uh and you know what I'm going to actually go ahead and switch out my male and female here um so let me go ahead and do that so what I do here so these are the two guys that we got and we've got the male and female right here so we're going to switch the male with the male and the female with the female now we're going to want to grab these guys up you're going to take them over and you're going to throw them into the pit just like this and once you f to throw them you'll see that we got one female would and pick that egg up now we got to go find our male now if you lose them because they wander around and go to other crap that you don't want them to do uh you can essentially tab over to like an empty screen here and we want to get our mail so we're going to put them right here and drop them right back in and it spawns them here so you can grab them uh another good little tip there that I've picked up so far but yeah we're going to breed these guys together uh probably won't see the results of them for in this video but if you want to kind of come hang out in the chat uh stream every night this game for sure at least until in shoud comes out on Wednesday I don't know what I'm going to do with all my time once we've got this game and in CR at the same time I don't know what I'm going to do but uh yeah these guys should be breeding by now I think and we're going to run through and throw some more eggs through and talk about the results and yeah we'll do that all right we got three more eggs in 3 minutes on the on the clock and uh let's see what we come up with from here actually now real quick uh while I got you still um what I was about to say earlier is don't get discouraged whenever you get all these guys that you know like aren't working like with the stats that you want because you can save them all up right so we're going to go ahead and go sort by pal deck number and you're going to see that we've got you know what is this 246 * 3 uh * 4 * 5 so 30 31 uh our socks that we're going to end up trashing now you can do a couple different things you can go sell them to traders to get gold to buy other Pals or if you get this giant soda can the pal condenser you can essentially put one guy in and it costs the first star cost four okay um now if I take this guy out let's see here let's put my one in I've already I've already leveled up once so this guy here uh obviously I'm not going to go with this guy because he's got some really funky like stats that are kind of useless as far as passives go but this is the one I've been playing with up to this point but this one takes 16 Pals uh to in in order to get to the next star so you're going to need a ton of Pals as you can see there uh but you get a pretty good damage increase defense increase you go up a star I'm not sure at what point if they're if their actual abilities go up like the kindling he's level two kindling by default I wonder if it gets to level three eventually I don't know I have not dumped the stuff into that but trust me once I get a good breed we're going to come dump all these guys into one into one uh R sock and get him as op as we possibly can so yeah there's that now back to the eggs all right here we go round two let's see what we come up with here here survey says all right we got uh just Artisan 3 and hooligan one now those actual Chev runs I keep saying three and one but uh you they don't they don't change right you can't like combine two Artisans and get like a four a four tier artist Artisans or whatever that one only had hooligan all right and we go on to the next bit here and that one has serious level two so interesting uh interesting outcome for some of these guys I'm hoping that if we get uh you know the two that we just put in there maybe we'll give us some more guaranteed uh output plus plus one additional good stat maybe uh I think the problem is here is that we're com we're breeding we were breeding two two dudes that uh have too many so like it was like which one was it here we were breeding two guys that had too many too many passives right so I think that H I think that plays a factor yeah cuz these it was these two right here so we had muscle head Serius ferocious serious muscle head Artisan right like those were the ones that we were breeding together which is probably why we got such weird eggs coming out here uh just because there's you know we're trying to take six skills and turn it into four so this guy has Sirius here and that's actually a male so I would assume that if we breed so we've got ferocious and we've got Artis which are two good ones so if we take serious this is actually I'm going to leave this egg here too because I know that that's a separate one from this from this breeding pair here so I would think if we if we you know maybe get one one burst that has two gold passives that we could maybe breed it along with that one that has the just the serious and maybe we'll get it transferred over um also another tip I don't have any gatherer set up to pick this stuff up because they take it to the they take it to the pet feeder and they feed it to to the pets so they'll eat all your stuff so maybe uh turn off your gather guy if you have one as well but all right we're going to wait a second here and check these next group of eggs just another minute here all right here we go round three of the uh first batch of eggs here see what we get all right we got ferocious and serious that's actually super good okay I wish it told us if it was male or female off the bat like this but it doesn't tell us all right we got for ious again good and we got Artisan an serus ooh I wonder if that's a male and a female here let's go ahead and load up another another set and I'm going to go check what their uh what their sex is down there real quick also got some cakes I need to throw in the Box holy oops before they end up expiring okay that's actually super good so we got a ferocious female and then we have a Artisan serious female ooh but then we have a ferocious serious male ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh okay so I wonder if we if we do this if we end up with uh artisan and Sirius this is interesting this is interesting I'm here for it okay so who do we got here so we got the female on the left uh let's go ahead and trade her out and we'll go pick her up and go throw her in the pin and then we'll do the same thing with the male here real quick while we're waiting on the other eggs to come out oh God they're really getting with it they got they got right with it quick boy let me tell you she all right our other person here um so we just traded out this one and now we need to trade out the Ferocious and Sirus uh so we got the Artisan Sirus ferocious it's is here and that is the male okay let's go ahead and swap those grab this guy up make sure he doesn't get away no running please we must make babies okay all right so this is the one that we got from the from the two individual things now um I'm going to go ahead let's see here let's go ahead and do this and then I'll pick up this last one and we'll know that these two so we'll say incubator 1 and two will be from the original breeding pair that we were doing when we started the video uh and this one will be from the the parents that only had the one stat a piece so we'll see if it's like a guaranteed combine there or if it still just gives us a random chance so we'll wait for these guys to be done I'll be back in a minute and we'll see what's up look at them all snoozing sorry Randomness all right here's our round four let's go ahead and see what we get out of this one okay we get ferocious level three nice okay and then we're going to get uh artisan and Sirius okay and artisan and ferocious we're getting some good rolls on these guys all right so the very last one this is is going to be from the one in one right I believe it was artisan and ferocious that we bred together to get that one so we'll leave those two and then these two here are from still from the original from the original set so we'll see what we get from that all right here we go the next set is up let's see what we get here the first two are from uh the original batch oh look at that our first freaking Banger maybe we'll have to check and see oh and then that one is completely crap what the heck what's the deal with that all right here we go this one is from the one gold stat and the one gold stat with no extra passives so let's just see if it gives us 1+ 1 equal 2 nope we got Botanical barrier and waterproof so Dam water resistance and Botanical barrier what the heck is that Botanical barrier decreased grass damage decreased water damage okay where where's this freaking stacked dude let's see okay so 30% increased attack 20% work speed 20% attack so we've got a total of 50% attack and the 50% work speed to offset the minus 50% there and the 20% here man the only thing that I'm not super stoked about is the muscle head because without muscle head we would have 50 60 70% more work speed com you know combination of artisan and Sirus and then we would have the 20% attack speed plus uh something else I think I think the white stat is actually best um where the heck is that at here I think it's Brave yeah Brave 10% increased attack because I don't think any of these other ones now Runner would be nice honestly uh we got ferocious we got all that other stuff I'm trying to think of what the best like what the best would be muscle head no that's the one we we don't want so we I really don't think we want muscle head although that 30% increased attack speed and be being able to offset it with the with the other one is kind of nice so that's very interesting uh so it doesn't seem it honestly doesn't seem like breeding this with that makes any difference really um I'm sure it has some sort of pull and maybe like oh I wish all these guys were level one actually that would that would be cooler um so here let me maybe sort by level and then go to the end uh let's take a look at their actual stats their attack defense all that good stuff so this guy's level 160 with with 160 attack now I wonder if that's calculated after we get the ferocious buff right surely it is it's got to be uh muscle head here this gives us the 30% increased attack damage so yeah I guess ultimately like this guy's work speed is cracked yeah okay so it does calculate it does calculate it into their actual stats up here uh so this is going up oh and it tells us okay hold on hold on then uh where's the guy with the four freaking abilities here here we go uh so we go view details so look at that so we get 50% increased from our passive from 108 to 162 and then we also get 20% increased work speed from 70 to 84 oh yeah it's percent based it's not specific okay um so with that being said the ones with the flat I wonder if this is what transfers over when you breed is the actual like flat attack damage sadly it doesn't show a blue arrow here but we know that ferocious gives uh ferocious and musclehead does give us attack uh but we can look at the base attack damage right so the base is 107 and we come and look at another one that one's 108 108 108 okay so it doesn't seem that that changes 108 108 there's either 108 or 107 okay so there's not a huge difference in the actual base attack damage okay all right well yeah interesting very interesting um all right so we' bred all of our eggs here let's see if we get one more um out of this last guy we'll see what this one H happens here so we got Artisan serus ferocious serus let's see what it comes up with all right here goes the very last one this is the Artis series combined with the Ferocious Series so let's see what the result is the result yo that's the best one dude what an IT hat Runner instead of the crappy stat that reduces our work speed oh Lord look at that dude that's the one right there serus Artisan ferocious Runner let's go dude let's go so we didn't get the full huge per like attack speed percent but this is really or attack percent so this is really good dude I like the way that this is 20% movement speed 50% work speed 20 attack and another 20% work speed so this guy here dude this guy here is going to be able to make cakes in like two seconds all right so here's what we're going to do okay uh here's what we're going to do we're going to take this guy we're going to put him here all right we're going to rename him uh so I never lose this freaking weirdo because he's he's uh man or that's a she okay so we're just going to call we're going to call her Max dude Max okay now here's what the last thing we're going to do is we are going to take every R Soxs that we've got up to this point and we are going to dump it hold on let me sort let me sort it all real quick we're going to dump them into this uh all right so by pal deck number okay okay and then on the next video I make we're probably going to try and see and do the same thing with birds and see if we can get a really good bird out of the deal here all right so here's our level One Max okay uh we're going to get a nice we're going to get we're going to get dude we've got like so many all right so let's just freaking send it it doesn't matter which one's which there we go Star number two okay so now we're two star or one star I guess and we're shooting for two star here and this is going to scale a lot with uh actual level up XP all right here we go on to the next page all right so now we'll actually get to see what it costs to do it uh more than more than twice all right here we go and then 32 holy smokes man holy smokes 32 and you can only condense them with uh like like kinded ones right I can't just like go picking random random Fire ones they have to be the same uh they have to be the same thing so I'm probably going to breed out a couple more in order to get get them to uh the third level and then uh and then I'll go level them up a little bit old Max man Jesus dude what a great way to D like just in the Stream or the the video but uh if you guys want to see this this uh Max in action tonight like I said man live on Twitch every night every night come on stop by link will be in the description and uh hopefully you can check out some of my other power world videos if you like them we've got the ignis blast here I wish we had a little bit more um skills that we could possibly throw in there but you know all these other ones are for for electric type and stuff like that but yeah I don't know I might might throw ignis blast on there but all right guys thanks for watching we'll see you on the next one hopefully you learn something scouch and uh yeah toodles
Channel: Seethrew
Views: 83,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld gameplay, palworld review, palworld first look, survival, crafter, crafting, builder, building, pokemon, openworld, episode 1, open world, palworld level up, palworld xp, palworld xp farm, palworld easy xp, palworld breeding, palworld how to breed, palworld best stats, breeding, breeding pals, best breeding, tips and tricks
Id: oggOY61tHSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 51sec (1731 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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