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hey how's it going everyone today we're going to check out the latest news for power world if you guys did not know or possibly you do know there has been some random disconnections as of late on the servers there might be a good reason for this and we're going to get into that exploit and on top of that we're going to talk about how there's going to be crossplay eventually for power world there's a lot more that we will be discussing in today's video if this is your second time or possibly third or fourth time and you've honestly just been stopping by the channel so much but you're not subscribed yet do that now turn those notifications on and let's go ahead and dive right into this let's start off by talking about the recent exploit in which you can actually literally shut down a server by lagging it out so much with a weapon yes if you guys did not know this is actually a legitimate technique or a way of actually removing someone or a bunch of people off of a server by just disconnecting it what I'm going to do first is actually read a response to these disconnections and then we'll get into the actual proof and show you what's going on now there has been several reports from different players talking about how they've joined a server or they have created a server and they're just randomly disconnecting from it and at the same time they're losing a lot of their items and worst case scenarios some actually had to restart completely all over again on their dedicated server for example this ready user by the name of MBT Hawk 522 had this to say disconnected from dedicated server and World got deleted using a dedicated server from survival servers and myself and everyone I was playing with all just got kicked from the server and when we got back the whole world was gone and we were in a character creation we had about 5 hours in it already it wasn't that Fresh So as you can tell right there there's been some disconnections I do want to go over one more post and then we'll get into the proof and I'll show you what's going on there was another ready user by the name of screwdriver volcano this user said this right here got disconnected from server game updated character deleted I got disconnected then the game updated and when I tried to rejoin the server it prompt me to make a new character now I'm level one and I walked back to my base which is still there unable to do anything anyone else have this and have advice if it's a server thing I'll probably just remake it as a single player but I am a bit miffed to say the least and as you can tell right there those are two examples and I'm sure there's more out there where players are just annoyed because of this bug but is it a bug no I absolutely do not think it's completely a bug there has been some reports of disconnection due to players before I show the visual proof I do want to give credit to squid thank you so much for sending this information to me and the visual proof with that out of the way let's take a look at this right here you can tell that there's a bu bunch of damage numbers and eventually it's going to cause a lot of lag you might be thinking is this because of a glitch an exploit technically no what it is is actually from a mod but some would say that the mod is technically an exploit because you can actually grab a crap ton of items and potentially lag a server like this as you can tell there is some issues and if you have experienced this exact thing in game where you're just kind of jolting all over or it's hard to move this is probably why CU this right here will disconnect you out of the server and you really have no choice and yeah it sucks but I guess some players are doing this I would like to say I do not think squid is doing this intentionally he just showed me this for visual proof I'm sure there's a lot of players out here that are intentionally doing this so that they can actually disconnect people out of servers and just kind of be a jerk so again squid is not doing anything attentional here just trying to show you all that this is actually happening in game what I would like to know is your ex exact opinions and thoughts on this matter right now so comment down below and let me know what you think we are now going to continue on and talk about crossplay if this is something that you've been looking forward to or wondering if they're going to do it well it has been confirmed by Bucky which is a community manager over on the official power Discord there was a player over on the official Discord who asked a question right here at Bucky is Xbox connection to Dedicated servers planned for sure or you you have to wait for MS to approve it I've been hunting everywhere for an answer and your name was mentioned Bucky responded with crossplay between Steam and Xbox is planned yes the team is working on it that's all we really have to say about it at the moment though and yeah as you can tell right there Bucky did confirm it they are working on it and Xbox I'm sure is definitely looking forward to doing this if you did not know there has been some reports about Xbox helping out power world or specifically the pocket paired developers if you have seen one of my previous videos where I talk about this information specifically then cool but what I would like to do is actually talk about this again for those that do not know if you take a look on the screen here this right here is an post that was made on January 31st 2024 now let's scroll down below and take a look at this right here which says quote on Xbox part we're working with pocket bear to help Provide support for Xbox versions of the game we're providing support to enable dedicated servers offering engineering resources to help with GPU and memory optimizations speeding up the process to make power world updates available for players and working with the team to optimize the title for our platform also Bucky was able to reply to another user about GeForce now if you're on Console this probably doesn't mean much to you but if you own both like a PC and a console you might care about this anyways what you're going to see is a response from Bucky that responded to a bunch of users who were spamming gfn for example right here Bucky says I understand you guys want gfn but I don't know what you intend to accomplish with a mass pinging it's not convincing anyone to move faster on this and as you can tell there has been a lot of users spamming this because they really want GeForce now and I'm pretty sure the community manager Bucky is just fed up with it as well as the developers you know just being spammed about it also I mean if you're doing this over on the Discord give them some time at least you know what I mean I'm sure these things take time they're trying to fix some bugs they're trying to probably most likely add some new technology as they've mentioned on the road map so there's a lot of things going into this if you're wanting GeForce now give it time I'm sure it's going to happen but I would like to let you guys know that this right here is Bucky's response to everything the user who wrote this article was Miho Yona Rona I'm probably pronounced it forgive me there uh yeah I'm just just terrible at pronouncing names but thank you for posting this over on rotors and what this user had actually included in this post is something really interesting by a Pokemon CEO the CEO's response can be found right here and it says quote we will take action against those who infringe on our company's intellectual property rights we will take the appropriate action for some of you that are unaware about this situation there has been some huge comparisons between power and Pokemon and some have been saying that you know power world stole from Pokemon assets and whatnot half of if not all the player base on power world is defending this by saying that no it's not possible they didn't do that this is just their creativity but some have argued that that's not the case and now it appears that the Pokemon CEO is looking into this as well and if you did not know Pokemon actually made a statement about a month ago talking about this exact issue for example right here it says inquiries regarding other companies games we have received many inquiries regarding another company's game released in January 2024 we have not granted any permission for the use of Pokemon intellectual property or Assets in that game we attend to investigate and take appropriate measures to address any acts that infringe on intellectual property rights related to the Pokémon we will continue to cherish and nurture each and every Pokemon and its world and work to bring the world together through Pokemon in the future the Pokémon company this right here was posted about a month ago and what you will notice is that there has been a lot of issues since then like for example the Pokemon CEO has clearly stated that he's going to look more into this and figure out what's going on I'm interested in what you think about the situation right now I'm clearly for power world I think it's great that they really did open up some creativity by adding guns to a Pokemon and also allowing all sorts of other things but really I would like to know if if you agree to this or you disagree do you think that you know Pokemon is taking the wrong step here by just trying to claim that this other game copied from them or are you on the other side and you're thinking yeah they definitely did steal from them with that being said whatever your opinion is let me know Down Below in the comment section by typing it out and just posting it and now last but not least we are going to take a look at steam DB and see exactly what's going on when it comes down to an update because it appears that another update is coming along here soon sure some of you might have already anticipated this or expected this to happen and it's definitely going to happen because it feels like almost every week we have received an update if you take a look on the screen here and you can see on the right side and the left side you can see that there's the depot and the time updated maincore development and mainor shipping has been updated 7 hours ago for the other Depot or the other branches I should say have yet to be updated what I'm looking forward to the most when it comes down to this patch is more technology to mess with for example more building pieces would be preferred because I would like to have I don't know a corner piece for the rooftop or a upside down half triangle so that I can use that for certain parts you know some things that are just missing I would love to see it in this game with everything being said in today's video I'm interested in what your thoughts are and specifically what technologies are you looking forward to I hope you guys have enjoyed the video if you have give this video a thumbs up tell me what you enjoyed tell me what you do not enjoy about power world and let's just have a great conversation down below thank you guys for the support if you have any comments ask away if it has to do with the previous video go ahead and do so but yeah definitely comment down below and I'll respond to those when I get the chance thank you guys again and I'll see you all in the next video
Channel: Glitch Unlimited
Views: 8,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld guide, palworld tools, palworld dungeon, palworld unlocks, palworld pokemon, palworld farming, palworld secrets, palworld mistakes, palworld gameplay, palworld base guide, palworld best tricks, palworld farming tips, palworld best secrets, palworld best settings, palworld world settings, palworld early game tips, palworld tips and tricks, palworld glitch, palworld money glitch, palworld duplication glitch, palworld best pals, Glitch Unlimited
Id: e3rDEW-Xxbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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