Infinite Pal Spheres Glitch In Palworld | Servers Only | Patched

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today I'm going to show you how to absolutely destroy the core gameplay Loop of power world by reliably reproducing a glitch that gives you infinite po spheres let's get to it so to get this to work it's pretty simple to do but you do need a little bit of setup first you need a mount any old Mount would do the earliest one you can get is the bore which is obtainable at level six and this is super easy level to get to really quickly all you need to do is craft a bunch of blue spheres and tame a few Pals which I suggest taming the Vixie as they will generate blue spheres for you so that you never have to craft any again but you're going to need a bunch of them anyway cuz you're most likely going to waste a few they can be found at this location here the next thing you're going to need is a bow and a couple of arrows so that you can fire said bow once you have some spheres and your boar and your saddle for your boar as well as a bow and some arrows to reproduce this glitch it is super easy get on your llama or whatever Mount you are using hold down right click so that you can aim then draw the bow with left click and then hit Q to throw a ball then you release the mouse buttons and if you did everything properly you should still have a ball in your hand if not just rinse and repeat once you do have the ball in your hand do not hit Q again if you hit Q it ends this whole process and in order to throw a ball what you want to do is hit your left click button as if you were going to attack instead of attacking you will throw a ball however we have balls in our inventory and if you have balls in your inventory and you do this you will just throw them and use up the balls in your inventory so the next step is to go over to any container that you have and put your balls in the container now you should have zero spheres in your inventory but if you continue to left click the the mouse button you will throw the Spheres the fun thing about this is you throw whatever the last sphere you had equipped is once you perform this glitch so you can perform the glitch with a blue ball then swap to any other color and throw infinite of that color all you have to do is put that sphere into your inventory hit two or whatever key it is for you to swap to the different colored balls and then once you swap to the color that you want put that back into the chest and then you can throw infinite of that sphere now let me explain to you how incredibly broken this is if you go to a higher level area and you just run through that area on a mount most things won't generate in that area in the time that it takes you to run through said area so you can run through an area before any Pals generate however chests will be there you can open the chest and you can get a highle ball the other thing that you can do is just find highle spheres on the ground it's really easy to go to a slightly higher Island than the starting Island and find green spheres once you do this you perform the glitch swap to the green sphere drop that green sphere into a storage container and just go on a capturing spree of all of the lowlevel stuff on the starter Islands you don't even need to damage them because the sphere is high enough that you're going to have an extremely high capture rate and even if you fail to capture them on the first try it doesn't matter because you have infinite spheres to throw at them after you have completely filled your PO box full of a bunch of Pals you can do one of two things you can get rich or you can condense them condensing them makes them better at whatever they do so for example if you can ride them they will become faster and use less stamina or if they produce a material of some sort they'll produce more of that material if their active ability is a damage ability it will do more damage so condensing them is a very solid option the other thing that you can do is you can use this for an infinite gold Loop Pals sell for a decent amount even the low-level ones you can go to this location on the map and there is a pal Trader there and you can just sell all of the pals that you just captured or a majority of them and get a ton of money and then you can rinse and repeat the process to basically get infinite amounts of money with absolutely no effort because you don't don't have to craft the pal spheres you can then use that money at a Wandering Trader or the static Trader that is also at this area to buy resources that you would otherwise have to gather or produce and if you go about doing this a couple of times filling up your PO Box selling them all or condensing them all you're also going to level extremely quickly because catching Pals is one of the fastest ways to level you're also going to have a bunch of resources because when you capture a pal you gain the resources that that pal can drop any Pals that you have in your team are also going to level extremely quickly and that's pretty much it this is just another short sweet video to get this information out there hopefully you found it helpful if you did please consider hitting the Subscribe button and notification Bell so you can be notified when I upload other power world videos and if you're looking for some more power world content you can find a link to another one of my videos on the screen right now I want to give an absolute massive shout out and thank you to all of my channel supporters for helping to keep these videos sponsor free you all are absolutely amazing people if you you would like to become an official Channel supporter check out the links in the description below if you enjoyed this video please leave a comment down below let me know what you thought if you're shy you don't like to comment just hit that thumbs up button and share your support until next time thanks for watching
Channel: FireSpark81
Views: 35,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Firespark81, firespark, palworld, palworld guide, palworld gliders, palworld tips, palworld tips and tricks, palworld beginner guide, palworld beginners guide, palworld pal guide, palworld game, palworld glitch, palworld sphere glitch, palworld bugs
Id: oQODCsfVo-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 40sec (340 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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