FINISHING All My Craft Kits (Pt. 2)

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[Music] foreign [Music] hey it's me today is a part two of a video that I posted last week if you haven't seen part one that's a good place to start one comes before two basically I'm just gonna be picking up exactly where I left off here same art kits different day different color tank top if you weren't here for part one I have decided to hunker down and use all of these craft kits that I have neglected for simply years I finished three of them in part one today I'm back to pick up where I left off with this one and hopefully finish the rest of these so glitter bowls this is what I've done so far I painted a very crappy layer of glitter glue around this stupid little bowl mold I'm just gonna apply another layer and see how that goes gosh I'm even more pregnant than I was yesterday I attempted to save all my little glue glitter mixtures going in for layer number two basically we're just painting a glue glitter mixture around a mold building up the layers until it can be removed from the mold and you have a bowl created completely out of glue and glitter you're supposed to let each layer dry for two hours I'm just gonna be revisiting this one throughout the day adding layers one by one and trying to build them up hopefully by the end of the day today it'll be complete it is the end of the day I've spent all day building up layers of glue and it better be good but now it is a Moment of Truth to see if the bowl is real I'm gonna try to peel this off oh boy this is not working it's getting so stuck maybe it's not fully dry dang I'm gonna come back to it tomorrow and see if I can take it off then okay it's the next day I have to get into editing really soon but let's look at this little glue thing first it actually did work I trimmed it up and it's a bowl Smells Like Glue I feel like the outside is actually kind of pretty but the inside is a little bit ugly also the edges are really rough but the more I trimmed it the rougher they seem to get honestly not bad who's next the crayon melter crayon melter this kit is like centuries old this was actually a big kit I feel like I watched so many other people do it but now it's been so many years since I've seen those videos I don't really remember exactly what this is about so let's experience it now years after the rest of the world basically you put crayons in it they melt and then you can like paint with wax kind of thing do this oh it's so nostalgic oh shoot do we need batteries all right how does this thing work e oh well it's actually really simple these are the kind of kits that I like really simple Concepts endless amounts of creativity can be used what is this I don't get it is this just like a holder that's it okay so they do provide you with some naked crayons ready to go but you can also use this cutter to strip the paper off of your own crayons to make your own crayons naked which is great let's plug this baby in all you do is break the crayon into pieces and then just like shove it down in there wait 30 seconds for it to heat up foreign okay they give you some little practice sheets oh my gosh wow oh wait whoa oh gosh ew there might be a little bit of a learning curve here because that doesn't look that good we're looking real chunky kind of unappealing it works well for like lines and dots but I'm not really sure how you can fill in big shapes without it just getting really chunky interesting I feel like you just have to be okay with the fact that it's going to be a little lumpy and chunky I mean that's the vibe what kind of design can I do that will look good Lumpy let me draw something I went for an ice cream cone simple it might end I'm very familiar these colors are really not going to cut it today I will be destroying my fresh pack of crayons these are even the special edition happy birthday crayons that's fine I likely wouldn't have used them anyway let's get a waffle cone color oh nice cool I like it ew that is not the color I was expecting oh boy that is yucky yucky not a big fan of that color let's switch to this color it's changing there we go wow the colors look so much darker coming out of the melter oh boy this is bad oh no this is not good smoothing out the lumps does not work the more you add the lumpier it gets I wanted to do strawberry ice cream there's no like super light pink though so I'm really worried that this is gonna look really red I'm just gonna go for it this is the darker of the two pinks that I'm gonna use but it is super dark this was supposed to be a lighter pink but it still looks super dark it's a blood ice cream cone okay should have gone with mint chocolate chip there's nothing to be done what's next chocolate oh shoot forgot to clean out the thing between colors kind of hard not to waste an excessive amount of crayons when you're doing this why is it acting like it's empty there's a whole crayon in there maybe it's not hot enough I feel like 20 of the process is actually drawing and 80 of the process is changing colors cutting paper off crayons and waiting for this thing to heat up just saying it's got to be ready now here we go okay and this little piece is supposed to be a chocolate bar up here all right it's whipped cream time I'm trying to get the white crayon but this Brown is not going away uh-oh is white a possibility I don't know if the white crayon is ever going to show up completely White this could compromise my entire design it's getting closer to white but I also feel like I'm gonna run out of light completely if I keep trying to purify the white so I'm just gonna have to go for it oh shoot I have a cherry on here I definitely should have done the Cherry first I go ahead and do the cherry there we go okay I guess I'm gonna try to do some sprinkles on top adding some green sprinkles yellow sprinkles and the blue sprinkles I usually like to add the full rainbow I'm missing orange and purple but um I'm kind of running out of space also it's really annoying to change colors I'm thinking I'm Gonna Leave the sprinkle situation where it is and just finish off the background I have a bunch of Blues that are really similar to each other so I think I'm just gonna try to fill in the whole background with blue I finished my creation the background is so ugly you know the whole thing is a little bit too lumpy and chunky for me I enjoy neatness this is the opposite of that I'm glad I tried it but it's kind of one of those things where it's like cool this is different but I'm done now and never again it takes so long to create something so messy and chunky also the amount of crayons that you go through I went through like 10 crayons just for one piece of art thing whatever you want to call this also I definitely should have used canvas because the paper is like completely bent and now we are done with that hello and can I have your attention for one second I have a brand new plush design who is it who is it who is it it's QP the human cupcake that's right ladies and gentlemen the official QB plush has been born the character has a very interesting Journey Cupid started not as QB at all but as just a regular cupcake then this cupcake turned into this yeah it was a dark and scary time from there she developed into this the simultaneously cute and creepy hence the name Cupid character that we know and love and finally she is now in plush form ready to enter the homes of everyone from the angle of the frosting to the angle of the Cherry to the placement of each individual sprinkle this character was a lot of detail to recreate but I am so happy with how she looks if you want the Cutie plush she is of course available on my store which will be linked in the description she will come with her own custom printed drawstring bag as well as a custom tag now if you want QB quick order soon because we have a set quantity ready to go to ship out once those run out you will be waiting a little bit longer to see QP thank you and I'll be seeing you okay all right moving on eeny meenie miney tea set I'm assuming this is exactly what it looks like it's just a plain mini tea set that comes with probably some really bad paint excuse me okay this is what we have One Singular really crappy detail paintbrush I don't think I'm gonna limit myself to this just not in the mood to torture myself the classic tiny it's a fingernails worth of paint and these little paint pots paint's probably dried out that one's completely dried out this one looks completely dried out as well what the heck there's like no paint in that so paint and paint brush let's just forget about those here's what we have left we got a little teapot four tea cups sugar and cream oh my gosh how did you oh there's two sets of paint scared me what's better than one set of crappy paint two sets of crappy paint go join your friend this is a lot of pieces to paint I'm a little worried that I'm gonna run out of time I'm trying to finish the rest of the craft kits today I might just eliminate these two I feel like they're kind of unnecessary anyway fun fact I love fruit teapots I have a strawberry teapot and a peach teapot and so I'm thinking it would be cute to make a miniature fruit themed tea set I don't know it's kind of the first thing that's coming to my mind and I am really eager to get started oh instructions fascinating I think I want all the cups to be citrus fruits that'll be so cute so I want a nice off-white color and I'm just gonna paint that on the inside of the cups oh boy this is gonna need a few coats for sure paint doesn't seem to be sticking too well but maybe after a few coats it'll look better for the teapot I'm gonna do a little watermelon design I'm so shocked that they didn't make the tea set out of plaster or at least some sort of ceramic that is actually paintable I kept putting layer after layer after layer of paint on and even the third or fourth layer the ceramic surface was repelling the paint the teapot became a watermelon I did an orange cup and I did a pink cup that's like grapefruit and then I did a lime cup kind of cute all together it's really simple design I kind of wish I could have done more detail on these but these were difficult as it is to paint so this is where I left it considering all that I think this turned out pretty cute it's such a simple concept you'd think that this would be better another crappy craft kit so shocking all right great so I finished every last one of the kits there's none left it's over it's done um this is the last kit oh my gosh I can't believe I got through all of these and this is the one that I'm dreading the most this is by Klutz if there's any consistently good brand of craft kit it's Klutz and don't get me wrong the Little Creations on there are just freaking adorable however this kit is definitely more of a assembly type of Kit some people love to do stuff like that and it's just very relaxing for me I just get very bored with following instructions I like to create my own ideas I don't like to be stuck in a step-by-step process however if I don't do it now I'm probably never gonna do it let's do it look at this manual fully Illustrated I'm always so impressed by Klutz kits oh the monster's kind of cute and this is actually one that's a little bit more customizable you can make it like that you make it like that I think I've envisioned how I want to design this I cut the monster shape out and then I realized that one piece of felt does not have enough space to make the front and the back so I had to make the front and the back two different colors which is kind of whack I sewed the zipper in and I was so bored doing it it only took me like 15 minutes but it felt like three hours and then I whipped out my fabric hot glue I made a bow completely not how you're supposed to make the bow I made the eyes completely not how you're supposed to make the eyes just started gluing stuff on because it's so much faster than sewing and then I sewed the whole thing up here's my finished monster pouch I mean it is functional you can open it you can put stuff inside of it this was probably the most well put together kit but this was also my least favorite to do just because it's not my thing the last two days have been a long marathon of craft kit I feel like my best overall experience was actually the first one that I did that stained glass window thingy I feel very accomplished I feel like I did what I came here to do all of my craft kits have been used and look I've emptied a whole two cabinets worth of space in my art room to be filled up with more Adventures I hope you guys enjoyed I will see you next Friday bye [Music] thank you
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 2,410,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JrROgaGeqe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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