Painting With Wool #2

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[Music] foreign [Music] hey it's me hello my little friends no hello my people the ones who placed their eyeballs on me hi guys that's better today I am revisiting wool painting which is an art or craft kind of thing that I tried time ago year something more remember these I made these a long time ago I bought a whole bunch of supplies to do it I loved it I had so much fun you guys loved it um and then we never spoke of it again ever not that I intended on making this like a full out series or anything but I still have a lot of stuff left over from it and I kind of just want to do it again so I'm bringing it back if you've never heard of wool painting before I learned how to do it from Nira Byler it's basically needle felting except instead of creating a three-dimensional little tiny object you create a flat painting of wool I kind of don't remember exactly how to do this but I'm hoping once I pull all the supplies out it'll all just magically come flooding back let's see if that happens I don't want to end with that smile let's do a nice smile Okay bye so I have all of my supplies left over from my last wool painting experience it's been a while so just hold on a second give me a chance to get reunited with these Hi how are you poop are We Done Yet I don't think I read these the first time ah let's not break Tradition now we have the felting pad is that the wrong name for this no felting pad it's actually bringing back all the memories yes I feel them I remember exactly how to do this now I'm ready I brought in a piece of felt for my base layer and I'm doing this thing where I measure and Mark some things out because I'm making this to fit into a very specific frame oh spoilers anyway measuring things I hate doing it but sometimes it needs to be done just like uh taking a poop why is it always got to be poop trimming off the excess here and collecting my tools let's see there's a thing and a thing and oh I didn't even open this thing I think I got all I need here most most importantly I have my wool I gathered a couple different purples and I'm spreading them out thinly on the felt and kind of a gradient and then in with my multi-spike that's this one multi Spike I'm gonna start stabbing the wool just very pleasantly stabbing listen to them aren't they sweet so this is gonna push the wool down and through the felt and compress it into sort of a hand stabbed type of fabric thing I'm adding some more okay right now I'm just trying to create a base layer I know I said that the felt was the base layer but just trust me okay I'm clearly Advanced I'm trying to create a beautiful Purple Gradient with very ugly purples the purples individually are fine but they are just Dreadful together they are not in the same Hue family but I kind of had to just use whatever was left in my wool box from last time so we're gonna make it work oh my gosh that actually looks pretty freaking awful did I really leave it like that well it's just the background nobody cares what's in the background I'm covering most of it anyway next I'm going to start sketching my design using wispy little pieces of wool just lightly laying them down to figure out how I want things and as you can see an object is forming you may know it it's a flower ever heard of them except that you're wrong it's not a flower and as I bring in this pinky Peach salmon what color is this wool you can see that I am in fact creating a flop an original me creature that is a flower blob hybrid okay so it's a flop now you get it everyone understands yes no you still don't understand don't worry I'll explain later right now I need to focus on building up the color of this flop by just adding piece after piece after piece and then repetitively stabbing away it's a very relaxing form of mild violence did my hands get tired of this yeah but I'm a soldier I kept going once flaw body is looking nice it's a nice bod I added some little Greenery to just freshen things up a little bit and then started building the petals and this time as opposed to last time when I was young and naive I'm thinking about wool painting differently yes it's the flat form of needle felting but that doesn't mean that it actually has to be flat I want to kind of work with the sculptural capabilities in other words me wants thick petals I want the flower petals to be raised and almost poke out of the canvas poke you right in the eyeball I added some little yellow dots in there no I did not suddenly decide to turn the petals into fried eggs I was hoping to create a nice gentle blend of yellow in the center of the flower because that's what strawberry flowers look like at all now you know this flower is not just a flower it's a flop this flop is not just a flop it's a strawberry which means this flower is a strawberry flower okay everyone get it anyone need extra tutoring on this concept now to make these petals 3D it's just a matter of packing more and more wool on top plus I discovered the power of single Spike it's actually very helpful I completely ignored this and disregarded its usefulness my first experience with wool painting I just thought you know why use single Spike when I can use multi-spike but um single spike is actually really good to define the edges and help really like outline the 3D look oh I love it now I'm moving into the face I use some dark pink wool to add the rosy cheeks and then using some brown wool I made a little seed that looks like a tiny turd black seeds it is adding the seeds was honestly not that fun they're just so tiny and irritating I did survive the experience so it's fine it's interesting because with regular painting the detail work is my absolute favorite I'm just so excited to get to the details but with wool painting the details get a little irritating bringing in some big old eyes now those are blue a nice little smile some little strawberry seed freckles oh that's cute now to lighten up those black holes I'm adding a little shiny still looks a little demon-eyed but in a cute way whatever that means I added some eyelashes to try to convince you of her friendliness look she's not a demon and now she's ready so here's a fun step I get to peel the whole thing off of the pad with all that stabbing it gets really woven and stuck in there so it's a bit of a process it made it off in one piece now to frame her for my crimes no I have this Frame I'm going to remove the glass and place her behind but first I want to match this a little bit better let's go green paint I'm gonna paint the frame green after a couple coats it's ready pop her in Secure it in the back and whoa she's beautiful so now look here's my final work oh I love it this idea really came from the fact that I couldn't decide whether to do a character a flower or a strawberry and just ended up cramming all three ideas together that doesn't always work out we've seen in the past but in this case I think it's actually a cute combination I love the 3dness of it that's not a word and I think I've actually improved my wool painting skills okay I'm gonna do another laying down my pad and my base layer I guess it's my base for my base doing my stupid measurements my wonky trim and yay let's roll nope never saying that again so I thought I was gonna do blue for the background but then I saw this green I love you I need to use the screen switching out the bass base and laying on my green base base what the heck is she talking about once again I attempted a gradient background using very clashy shades of green honestly why even try with those exactly it's not good I thought if I just kept the layers super thin and wispy they might blend a little bit better it actually did kind of work but it's also just not great now I can get into the foreground where I lay down a nice blonde mustache nope secure that and on top another mustache and on top of that another mustache just stop it's a stack of donuts I went with vanilla chocolate and strawberry frosting now time to just go ham filling in and building up the wool this actually looks way more time consuming than it is you make progress pretty quickly especially when you're working at such a small size it only took me a couple hours to do this whole thing which in comparison to when I do actual painting it's pretty quick I mean I couldn't finish a squishy in that amount of time so this is not bad I decided to add some nice little drips of frosting to the donuts but then when I got down to the chocolate I tried this thing where I made it dripping and then turning into a puddle that's hideous no let's not okay remove that please next to clean up all the edges and give them a little pop I used the single Spike and just went all around the outlines final details I added the hole to the top of the donut and then the lovely little sprinkles which were just as fussy and annoying as those strawberry seeds but I knew that it would be worth it in the end [Music] and there I think it's finished peeling that off oh I found a broken Spike oh it's lovely and just like the other one I'm gonna paint the frame a custom color to match with the wool painting pop that in and there we go stack of donuts painted in Wool this one also came out so cute I'm so happy with it playful fun plus it's fuzzy these came out great I actually like them much better than the first ones that I did which I wasn't expecting because I'm kind of attached to those I hope you guys enjoyed watching and I will see you next Friday bye [Music] thank you
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 4,253,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ECcbSHBooHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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