Re-Doing My Old Squishies

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[Music] foreign [Music] hey it's me and today I am doing something kind of fun one of the most popular things that I do on my channel is paint squishies I've been doing it for years it was one of the first art related things that I did on my channel I've sold a lot of my original squishies that I created [Music] hurts me but um you know desperate times I'm still mourning but I'm getting over it I do still have a fair amount of my pretty old squishies and I at least have the ones that I really liked I thought it would be interesting to look through the Squishies that I still have and redo some of them see what they would look like if I took the same idea but made it now here's the bin hi guys it's been a while these were all probably like six years ago or so this was before I had done any kind of characters so these are all food related squishies lots of cakes Donuts ice cream and cupcakes oh oh my gosh this was like kind of the start of my pastel rainbow Obsession this has got to be one of the ones that I recreate there's nothing that I don't like about it but at the same time I probably wouldn't create something this simple now so I'm gonna try to take this idea and take it to the next level are there any more standouts in here oh interesting I dropped that this one it's kind of strange it kind of doesn't make sense because it's a cookie sandwich but it's in the shape of a donut I used to make scratch using molds you'll see a lot of the same shapes repeated because I only had so many molds this is kind of cute though I might actually try to do something with this as well oh this is kind of cool it's a rainbow Bundt Cake I tried to do like some shading on the Cake part of it it's interesting I feel like this one would be fun though okay I was actually decisive today so let's see if I can bring these designs up to date starting with the pastel rainbow cupcake oh look I used to make my own little tags with my own little logo oh I so clearly remember when I made this cupcake I loved it so much so let me not roast my past love I will say though it is slightly basic just a little bit so I want to make it more interesting after hunting through the horde I found this cupcake which has a similar shape yeah I mean they're both cupcakes clearly there are some major differences here okay we've all played a game of Spot the Difference okay it's not hard to see but I think I can work with it current version of me has a tendency to add cute little creatures and animals to just about everything so why don't we bring this up to date with a little creature on top no not that creature not that one then I thought what if I break up the cupcake in the frosting and put in between them a massive cat head you know what that's too typical I need something more unique how about a jellyfish that's different although without the tentacles this will just look like a blob perfect I love it in fact I love it so much I'm bringing in another one and you will live right on top there yes after a quick sanding see that face clearly been sanded I'm gonna start my assembly process step one separate cupcake and frosting next to the tentacle this jellyfish standard procedure oh and mini guy too ready to lose some tentacles oh come on now it's better this way you know that so now we can just put this here and then this on top and then aha beautiful I have created a cupcake character Tower and these boring jellyfish have been upgraded to blob status and yes that is an upgrade don't you ever question me again I don't like The Blob on top of the cake I think the blob needs to replace the cake so let's just remove all traces of that nasty little cake thing okay oh sorry skin tag there we go that's a better fit now to hollow out the frosting a little bit so it sits nicer on the big round Lobby head good finally I'm going to remove the cherry and trim up little Christopher I don't know where that came from but uh Christopher's here I removed one tier of frosting and then I'm adding the cherry on top so here's the final configuration now to glue and make it permanent I'm gluing all the layers in place and creating my blob cupcake totem pole thing and then that massive gouge in the blobs head you thought I didn't notice that come on sweetie have some Faith have I ever let you down don't answer that anyway to fix that I shoved in a nice little lump of extra foam it came from this ripped up cake I've been working off of it for months now then using some puffy paint I'm going to apply that final seal around the seam and apply a thick layer over that little patch that I made confession time I totally rushed that repair job I got a little overly excited to get into the painting so I'm just trying to kind of smush it in there and hope for the best finishing up here just going around and filling every Gap there is once that dried it's clearly going to need another coat that patch job is brutal hoping that coat number two fixes everything did it um of course not so coat number three is really my last hope but that's not great either I think I'm gonna call it that's fine it's good enough I'm gonna apply a white base coat on this before I get into painting my design and you can really see the beautiful lumpiness of that let's just keep that on the back of the design shall we now remember this girl I replicate hated the colors as closely as possible and I'm going to create that same pastel rainbow stripe thing as the original and Little Miss Big Blob is going to be the pink of the rainbow now after applying a nice two coats of that color on here I went over all of that and started blending the colors together now this is a deviation from the original the original has clean Stripes of color not blendy but I do remember that I use Stripes like this because I didn't think that I could do the blending properly I was scared okay I was scared if I could have made a blendy rainbow back in the day I would have so now I'm here to make the old me proud look at us we're blending the colors on a rainbow cupcake once I got it looking nice nice enough I painted the frosting I noticed that the original frosting had kind of an off-white color although yes us the original frosting is flat and drippy this frosting is full and not drippy it's the same cupcake though it's just at different temperatures this is the cupcake at room temperature and this is the cupcake on a very hot day for the face of Little Miss Big Blob I don't know why I insist on calling her that I went really sweet and simple added some nice Pink Cheeks some big bold eyes and a little smile and then to make her kind of special I added some pastel rainbow freckles and stars on her cheeks oh it looks so sweet but why do I hate it oh the eyebrows yeah it was the eyebrows finish that off with some little shinies and then it's time to address little Christopher how you doing buddy hanging in there I decided to paint him purple as soon as I did this I immediately recognized him oh my gosh it's you who am I it's it's a little naked blob from my Russian nesting blob set what how did you get here and who knew your name was Christopher okay so it's Christopher the naked blob though he is hidden in a pool of frosting we all still know he's naked Christopher I will acknowledge that many of my blob characters are unclothed however Christopher is the only one who is naked there's a difference I don't get it I added a little weird Cherry stem to the top looks like a worm Let's ignore that and boom Here's the final design I still love the original design but I was able to take everything I loved about the original except for those drips which are kind of gorgeous and I miss them just a little bit but make it into a refreshed version that's more similar to my current style and I think it's just a little bit more unique and interesting plus the surprise guest star Christopher oh the naked Christopher when will you learn to be less naked okay next I'm going to work on the rainbow Bundt cake or is it a cruel or donut I don't know we got another rainbow design but this one is a bright rainbow versus pastels so it's very different I think this is a really fun design but it's also very predictable even the way I painted the drips is like can't we have some variety come on girl it's very cool I couldn't find any squishies in my current collection that are exactly like this this is the closest that I've got it's a bundt cake with some fruit on it obviously they're very different but they both have the circular bun thing with drippy sauce now I could just paint this with rainbow sauce and call it a day but I want to take it up a notch so bring in the creature oh my gosh it's Wilfred I forgot he was originally footless or featless I found this little bunny squishy and I thought it was a good size for the top of this but it just didn't seem to make sense why is Wilfred on the top of a bundt cake what's happening then I found this little dude and oh I have an idea there's a story coming to prep this I just need to remove the little keychain which was really stuck in there what is all that next I just cut off the face gorgeous this little character is gonna sit right in the pile of berries so to make him fit a little bit better I had to remove the insides of the berries oh isn't that so much better look at him let me just glue him down and then with some puffy paint I'm gonna seal everything in and just make it look seamless there were a lot of rough spots to go over on this one once all of that was dry I went in with a nice base coat and poof I'm ready to paint I'm starting with the cake portion this is kind of the boring part so let's just get it over with while my blending attempts on the original are extremely superb I do want to try to improve on that a little bit so I'm trying to create a nice baked look by going back and forth between these two different tones of tan there we go I think it's at least a little bit neater moving on to the color I'm sticking to all the same colors and just going to take those from the original design so I'm throwing on the full rainbow of colors all the way around this was really fun I feel like I haven't worked with this bold of colors in a while I'm most often going for softer colors so I was enjoying you know the intensity of these colors after a few layers of that we're really starting to capture the vibe here they are soul sisters but once again I decided that blending the colors was gonna make this look so much better so I simply have to do it look at this blending job oh it's so scrumptious I just want to consume it so on to the even more exciting part can you believe it it gets more exciting than this now this dessert is topped with a few luscious strawberries but as you can see here our mischievous little friend let's call him Max he has taken hold of one of the strawberries so while I struggle to create his face let me tell you about him this is not a cute and innocent oh I'm cuddling with strawberries on a cake Max is trying to steal this strawberry this cake is not his he has no right to it but Max has decided that he is hungry and he is going to help himself this is not the first time he's done something like this they used to call him Max the monkey Bandit of strawberries just look at that face he's evil so after getting caught stealing strawberries on multiple occasions he's gotten a little clever here he noticed Wilfred sniffing around this cake earlier and of course everyone knows Wilfred would never do anything malicious he's just not capable so max decides to wear a will for a disguise he's wearing a cow print bunny suit so everyone thinks he's Wilfred apparently his attention to detail is not that great because wilfred's cow costume doesn't cover his yellow ears you know Max is a bandit not a costume designer just a few layers left of this design until finally it's finished clearly the inspiration from the original is there I do really like the story behind it he's given me Derek Vibes those two should never be introduced it would be chaos oh here's Wilfred come to visit hey buddy notice anything odd here hint hint you're being framed nope oh okay of course he doesn't get it I really do like this one but I do feel like if you didn't know the story you would be like why in the world are these things coexisting but I gotta love it the last squishy project I'm gonna do is the Cookie Sandwich donut thing oh this one doesn't have perfectly coordinated tag and here's the tag now if I could have made this out of cookies instead of a donut I would have so that's basically what I'm gonna do now I have this cookie squishy these cookies squishy this squishy of cookies what while this does include two cookies to separate them would mean to completely scalp the bottom one not gonna work so look at that I found another one this one's been quarantined to a plastic bag because it's been scribbled on with black marker which has a tendency to get all over the place so it's going to take all four of the cookies to make my sandwich plus this entire cake this was the only squishy that I could find that was the right size and shape to create a cream filling it's very cute but don't get too attached to it because destruction is near first I need to work on separating the cookie Stacks I'm just making use of the top cookie there we go then I need to remove all the toppings from the cake you are no longer a cake sir put them all together and that's a bit intense I mean I like cookie sandwiches but boy that's a little much it's like 10 000 calories right there let's not I decided to remove the top and bottom cake layers and just keep the two layers of cream in that middle cake layer which I will turn into a cookie it's a Triple Decker Cookie Sandwich still very intense still many calories so of course I need to glue these all together work on sealing up the seams and then applying the base coat yay we're ready let's get painting for this squishy I decided not to add a character to it so I'm not really changing the original idea much at all I'm hoping to improve the quality of the paint job by adding some nice little shading to the cookie making it look a little bit more realistic and appetizing also just the fact that it is a cookie should help a lot this was actually really easy to do and relaxing so much easier than trying to paint on tiny little evil faces after I had done one round of shading I wanted to emphasize it a little bit more so I added some areas of deeper shading as well and here is the final result this one was honestly so easy didn't take me that long at all but I do think it's a big Improvement this is basically what I was envisioning when I made the original but I just didn't exactly know at the time how to get it to look like this so I'm glad that I could redeem it this was a really fun way to reuse some old ideas and I think I ended up with three really nice squishies that I like a lot I hope you guys enjoyed thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next week bye [Music] thank you
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 6,827,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KhCROnvdAzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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