Overnight on the Most Dangerous Bed in the World!!

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[Music] what's the scariest thing you've ever done standing on the edge of an airplane seconds away from telling the person of your dreams you love them for the first time we're getting ready to give a speech in front of a packed room a moment so visceral that everything around you disappears yet fear is completely relative when I feel completely at home in the ocean a mark can't stop worrying about drowning or the animals underneath him and where am r feels at peace that we're looking at the edge of a steep cliff looking down from the edge of the building even secured gives me paralyzing vertigo I can't stop fearing that I'll trip that the gear protecting me could malfunction or that something is small as a gush of wind could throw me off balance and to some extent those fears are very valid to have yet the reality is that fear is a mental muscle that needs regular attention and if you don't actively seek to safely challenge it it'll eventually take control over your life so today we're going to the mental Jim Ryan Robinson is currently one of the most badass highliners in the world simply put highlighting means strapping a line very high up in the air and walking the thin strap across to the other side he holds the record for the longest high line set up between two bridges co holds the title for the longest High Line in the US and attended American Ninja Warrior four times overall he's just a full-stack athlete got connected to him a few weeks ago and asked him if an idea that Amar's had for a while was possible could we set up some form of a hammock in between the edges of a steep and terrifying cliff and spend an entire night strapped above that drop we got our friend and world traveler max to agree to come with us and with a yes from Ryan we were ready to go [Music] I'm gonna Utah look at you just knock his weight to that venture yeah you like heist it's beginning like not better for me Thomas is just a very survival oriented man he's a man that makes rational decisions and doesn't take risks when he doesn't need to all these different instances all these different how many this is safe yeah I've never jumped in cold water why are we doing a cliff jump I'm just hiding we're going with one of the best highliners of the world he is scared of heights which is a very interesting perspective off to Utah we go don't be fooled by how excited Thomas is his excitement is gonna turn into severe fear very very soon [Music] nice to meet you how you doing I was talking about sino like oh my god the more bags you know like adventures are happening alright we're good to go [Music] she's gonna be interested I was gonna hold this above a free game for 500 foot drop you kidding you very feeling feel great it's like so excited this is like sturdy right yeah the more you think about all these things that were here in a sec yourself up you have the trust this starter that's both of people set these up on Eclipse rather than for more reasons we tell people you can't hang more than 48 inches off the ground we had people fall out of the hammock okay under the ground thanks a lot bill thanks bye-bye part of the equipment picked up how do you feel right I'll be fine guys so I got my grown-up job making great money but I wasn't happy I know one day I was sitting at my desk and I just freaked I had like an anxiety attack just ran to the bathroom I ran into the stall and just closed the door and I just sat there for like an hour crying I saw myself sitting at that desk 20 years from that date so that day I went into my boss's office and I quit so after that I started highlighting and I was living in a rental car that it couldn't pay for couldn't even heat opened up my laptop and I just wrote emails for like the next 12 hours all night I was ready emails and by 10 a.m. the next day I had put together like seven thousand dollars from the sponsors and three days later I was on an airplane of Hawaii I don't feel like I've worked a day since you know at all so we are ready for tomorrow I guess we'll see you bright and early oh thanks the top of the morning for uh top of the morning 2:00 in the morning for you looks like we'll be matching today dark sure their little white ankle sock that's right team see discomfort what are you team nothing team top of the morning drive from Moab about four and a half hours [Music] [Applause] are rolling into low right now and it's starting to look like were [Music] [Music] hi everyone just well you know that the new season foresee discomfort is currently live on seek discover calm it's a collaboration with an incredible artists name is writings from Frankel and it's a very unique collection link is in the description now back to the video we are out there our life is in your hands oh yeah rigged here like more time something I don't even think we mentioned this yet but I hit up a friend of ours Eli I told that we're coming out here he's a heli pilot and he didn't have his Hali so he hit up a friend and they both flew all the way down here he just arrived [Music] [Applause] welcome everyone to the fruit bowl my name is Ryan I'll be your host today and we're gonna have a little adventure if you're ever near the cliff no screw when you're around these cliffs all the time after like 20 minutes you guys are gonna get really used to it you'll be running around having a good time just you know make sure you keep something in the back of your head that says hey remember that's a 500-foot drop the concept is very simple but the tactics that we're gonna be doing is actually quite technical if you see something that you're concerned about ask us about it there is a chance for humans and we might make mistake it's probably not gonna happen cuz we're really good at this don't do anything unless someone has checked your gear we are in the middle of nowhere anxiety is starting to rise a little bit spending the night strapped on that thin little freaking yeah might blow you and it's gonna move see what happens and trust Ryan his man that we met yesterday with our lives oh my god pull the it is insane hold your stop down before you close to ledge guy all right it's gonna be the best bed we have ever slept on you don't get that close come come come here I'm not gonna go up there dude we're not we are about to sleep in the middle of the thing let's just stop being fun games for me to be honest I just got really serious it's a net it's a freakin mosquito net how we doing right right now we're trying to find the right anchor points each angle have to be the same or at least equalized enough to where each leg is the same tension pretty much what that translates to is we want you guys be super comfortable all night [Music] it is so hot right now I can't even get myself to walk near that edge I just need to lie down in the shade gather some energy encourage to freakin go sleep on that thing later I just felt kind of Numb right now getting near that edge just gives me vertigo and I'm just genuinely petrified nice and slow we are officially pulling and setting the bed out this is gonna be our bed for tonight I think flailing flopping in the wind [Music] [Music] the wind just started to pick up and they tried to set up the bed and they're gonna have to start over everything got entangled in the air [Music] that little cloth right there is what we're spending in the night on tonight okay are you seeing this it doesn't like that this was just like the rough that they're using just to get on the other side but this is the rope that's actually gonna hold us so the weather turned around a little bit all of a sudden just the clouds start forming and probably gonna lose light faster than we expected dude I don't feel prepared for this at all it's good okay anybody's getting on there get over here so one big piece of advice it's hard to get me out there it's a little weird you got to flip over the line and do this kind of stuff it's gonna stress you out it's gonna make it really nervous even I get nervous and shaky and it's very natural you're gonna be super safe and you got there sweet yeah super honest me know I mean I'm I'm obviously scared definitely get vertigo and I get in close to it well you just communicate with me okay cool so you got everything you need Isaak harnesses we've been around all day now it just got serious getting the last glimmer of lights as we clip onto the sting for the night your bud so this is rated 222 kilonewtons which one killin is 224 pounds I'm just so scared of like someone even just trippin cuz mistakes happen like I'm afraid of just a very simple oh and then never see that person again business like that good strong how you feelin get your crops really close to it boom and then see you later alright so you're ready to go man I gotta get your legs up you gotta get look you have to do it now yeah do it now before you get tired you gotta push really hard right now breathe come on come on stay there what's going on I'm coming bud come on mark nice under my legs yeah buddy yeah oh my god Wow yes Ryan how's that I figured it would happen at least to one person it's getting dark too it's like it took us all day to get here and put it up and we're kind of taking our time and now opinion yeah let's go down it's been a lot of anticipation you're gonna enjoy it Thomas just for a second enjoy the fear you have right now enjoy whoa yeah Thomas Thomas how you feeling over there y'all guys don't eat all the M&Ms before I get out there yeah these cables are gonna sleep like this do you feel safe do you feel comfortable pretty sure we're safe but it's hard to feel safe when you're like you know what's underneath you it's 10:30 p.m. we decide to call it a night we're gonna go to bed right now with our harnesses on clipped on with the carabiners - the safety ropes good night amar good night bud good night Thomas hey buddy [Music] starting to breaking rain right now we can't even hide from the rain I get in a sleeping bag and like the whole hammock is shaking from the wind coming from underneath us we have absolutely no way of getting off cuz Ryan is in a tent away dude this is getting really bad they're just really starting to porno shoot when just get it up I mean I like 35 degree angle this whole time there's any way we can just get laying on here I don't know I'm just like I don't know if I'm gonna be able to make it all night Ryan Ryan Bryce Logan we just need Ryan to come check the lines because we're slanted now so we've become pretty slanted I don't know if I'm gonna be able to make it all night I'm sorry guys I'm just like been trying like really hard to keep it together but I'm just very yeah just not feeling very well my palms have been like sweating and I'm just I feel very weak thanks bud thank you if you can just like look at the lines I'm not feeling very well okay I don't know if I can make it all night I'm just worried about waking up and actually seeing how deep it is after sitting through the whole night just like I push myself as far as I could but right now I'm just like anybody as soon as it starts to just the whole thing starts to shake it just my fight-or-flight turns on and I'm just like holding on to my thing yeah I'm just ready for anything yeah I'm not gonna be able to sleep here at all always have incredible mental journey but I know what you're going through yet you're one of the best in the world at what you do life is it all comes down to knowing yourself this is a community of supporting each other and understanding that we all have our own limitations don't you know don't go home feeling like this is some sort of Hell here at all so let's get you off it let's do it great you did great I just don't know how I'm gonna get all the way up there I I know you can do this yeah I guess man to be facing front forward the only thing to hold out there is one single pin line and if I sheer drop on the needle way more than so I thought it will be what I can't breathe I had a boy too bad atta boy yeah debugger highlight I have never been that scared hands down in my entire life now it's just max a nice for an alright let's go back to sleep you [Music] [Music] there you go amazing that's all I got we're all safe I'm at my best night while on that hammock I truly stopped and questioned what I'd done and why I'd put myself through so much anxiety but after a few days to reflect on the experience I realized more than ever before that if we let our fears choose the experiences we get to have most of the impactful and memorable moments of our lives will remain unlived we completely limit our perception of the world the amount of connections we get to make and just enough asking ourselves what if I had tried it's important to remember that what we did in this video was obviously monitored by professionals we highly encourage you to seek out what you fear and take steps to work on them but it's important to make sure you do it safely and I hope that you'll take a chance to chase one of your own fears no matter how big or small they might be we'll see you next week hello everyone thank you so much for watching unfortunately I could not make it to this episode but I'm stoked to see that Thomas amar Max and the guys had such an incredible time this video is sponsored by our good friends at audible recently we've been on the go so much and it's been very difficult to read which I love doing but thankfully audible has an unmatched collection of audiobooks audio original shows comedy and news and one of the books that I've been listening to that has changed my life is called happiness advantage by a guy named Shawn ager it's incredible I highly recommend it and luckily we get to offer you guys one free audiobook two free audio originals and a 30-day free trial so you can take advantage of this opportunity by clicking the link below audible.com slash yes theory or texting yes they reach you five hundred five hundred again thank you so much for watching we appreciate it so much and we will see you next Sunday [Music]
Channel: Yes Theory
Views: 7,004,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yestheory, seek discomfort, yes theory, yes theory documentary, high lining, how to overcome a fear, fear of heights, cliff jumping, dangerous cliff, grand canyon, moab utah, utah canyons, ryan robinson, yes theory heights, yes theory strangers, yes theory fear, how to overcome a fear of heights, adventure, crazy adventure, mountain climbing, bed on edge of a mountain, documentary, crazy high lining, how to high line, best highlining
Id: CWwAMfuOdZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 56sec (1256 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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