72 Hours With Strangers Who Have Seen Aliens

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i'm here to discuss the so-called flying saucers the flying saucer mystery makes headlines flying discs has been found and is now in the possession of the army our government has lied about ufo information we've also heard from scientists who say life elsewhere in the universe is virtually a certainty area 51 that mysterious corner of the nevada test site what's going on up there could be the most important event in history u.s navy has finally acknowledged that video is appearing to show ufos flying through the air are real it's not a helicopter there's no propulsion there's no wings it rapidly accelerates and disappears like this is technology that doesn't even exist ufos any ufos certainly asked about it and i can't tell you sorry if you're like me then you're going to have a tough time believing what you're about to watch you may even be inclined to dismiss the people who share their stories but remember as humans we often tend to judge anything that threatens the constructs of our reality it all started with a casual netflix recommendation last night my friend skye messaged me she said watch this one episode of a new show on netflix called it's old mysteries skye is the one who came to me with the wim hof documentary idea so i trust that when she tells me to watch something that it will be actually good she said episode five all right let's see what this is about and this brilliant bright aura came around it was immense and it was tall it lifted [Music] i don't care how you feel i don't care what you think i was there i was there whoa this is what the episode was about more than 50 years ago dozens of residents in the berkshires in massachusetts claimed to have had experiences with a ufo numerous people from across the county who had never met reported similar details about encounters ranging from seeing a hovering craft to actually being abducted the most compelling part however about all these reports is that they all occurred on the same night september 1st 1969 after watching the episode i felt like i believed the people sharing their stories more than i believed the stories themselves but accepting these accounts as truth would mean challenging my understanding of our place in the universe and that resistance made me even more curious i thought that the only way to get answers for myself is to be the one asking the questions two weeks later i convinced my most skeptical friend thomas deaher to fly to massachusetts with me and lucky for us our friend and fellow creator sky had just filmed the video investigating ufos and was ready to join us for the mission i also knew it would be fun to add our friend eric to the mix so i texted him this moments before we took off from la watch season 1 episode 5 of unsolved mysteries on netflix we'll talk to you when i land what the team assembled in great barrington massachusetts to meet with tom reed one of the main subjects of the netflix episode who i had the most questions for over the course of the next three days tom would give us unprecedented access to a story that goes much deeper than we ever [Music] anticipated the man himself hey how are you man how are you that's a nice welcome good to see you man thomas how are you doing good good good to see you again thanks guys nice to meet you and we already met yeah man we were left out so much yeah we're not believing well we're hoping to tell we're hoping to tell the leftovers all right you want to take a limo let's do it oh this work wow you got done yourself the day is off to an amazing start i like this a lot to kick off day one of our investigation tom wanted us to meet some key witnesses to gradually paint the picture of what had happened that night so kevin titus we're at his house now he sealed the governor's citations and the historical society's letters and inducted this incident into massachusetts state history going through the 30th district court and have them sealed by judge titus they could never be rescinded so our case will forever be the first case in united states history to be deemed historically true there he is mr limousine step away from the car sir okay let me get my he's a bit of a cowboy this is the property where where it happened what i saw yeah i was about 11 years old i was over that house at the james dean house and we were hanging out and his father asked us to go up uh to get the rest of the cows they were like i don't like 20 of them there were two missing we went through there we crossed through here you see the water is it's very high now it's usually very low you can walk across when we went up first thing i saw was a cow one of the cows which was lying on its uh right side and the whole stomach had been like you know we call it imploded exploded i only remembered that there was no blood it was like pinkish pinkish fatty material that's the closest i can think of so i was so upset with the whole pattern i just ran down and said jimmy you know i'm getting out of here and he's like why why what do you think well i was going before he could finish his sentence and i ran down this hills because i couldn't as we came down and running down the wall we looked up but as we're coming down jimmy and i both saw it was something very oval and had a really weird light to it and i thought well the hell it could be a motor a helicopter and as i get into the house we talked to george and jimmy's you know mom and dad and we're telling them what we had just seen they're of course saying what are you kids talking about you kids out of your minds you're making this stuff up and i go well why don't you go look and as well i went in he looked up george looked up his mother looked up the brothers looked up and they saw it oh wow they saw and whether you believe it or not that's you that's up to you i'm only telling you the facts is i know them over 250 probably more but i know at least 250 people nobody a lot of people didn't know anybody so nobody could have made that up and the same description same time area what do you say yeah what do you think i mean that's why we're here we're we watching i mean it's something a lot of us wanted to keep quiet but up here people think oh they're just country folk they know what they're talking about hey look man i've been all over the world i've been in the military i was in i was in special services yeah i've been a police officer i've been a i'm a judge i'm a judge oh yeah you didn't know i was a judge i i missed that part i'm a district justice visa state of connecticut hey wow i believe as my grandfather used to say um you don't try to explain something you can't it you saw it therefore it was there do you know what it was who knows but i know what i saw from here i can show you exactly where it is there's the path here's the plateau yeah that's it the original documents front and back from the state and the governor which he sealed when i signed him and sealed them i put my name to that stuff i did the research i know what's happening i know the tommy family so yeah and of course part of it happened right over there [Music] [Music] this is not just like a normal guy from the town this is someone who served in the army who was a police officer this is someone legit who has got a lot of credibility after learning that over 250 people had witnessed the event we were curious about what could have happened with the police records from that night so we made an appointment with the sheffield police to see if we can get to the bottom of it we're at the sheffield uh police department we're going to ask the the head of police here about why he thinks there was no record of the phone calls or what happened back in 69 hello how's it going how are you trying to call him a number that you guys gave me the sheep's gonna be tied up to the other chef okay he said tomorrow works you guys are gonna be around huh as we were about to call it a day tom suggested that we talk to a witness who's had the most recent sighting of ufos just a few months earlier so it was may 29th of this year i could see a light like a flash but it was much quicker than like a normal airplane flash is this your first encounter of that sort yes i'm also really interested in astronomy so i look up all the time i know what things look like i know what satellites look like i know what venus looks like we actually go out and watch the space station when it comes past the house i'll pass the phone to tom and we'll drive to you right now all right perfect okay so we're going there now yep of course of course thank you for having us such a short notice yeah definitely i'll bring you where we were yes please so we were sitting right here with this little fire pit that's over here i saw the flash over here right above the fence it was like a flash like a camera flash kind of but smaller and then the last time it flashed i had like walked over here because we were looking for it because you couldn't see it in between so i was looking straight up right here and there's this crazy flash again and that's when i fell in like how close are we seeing are you seeing it like as you see planes flying in the sky or is it oh way closer maybe like five barns high like if that barn was stuck like five times and they just were moving and they made like a circle right here um kind of came together um they were all doing different things it was kind of hard to tell what was going on and then that's when i looked this way and i saw right above the barn here three of them uniformly come together until they were about this close in the sky but they never touched and then they went back apart and i watched the one from like the top or the corner go over this way over the ridge like not over the ridge but in that direction and then we lost them all but thank you so much for talking with us thank you for sharing yes appreciate it thank you guys thank you thank you [Music] when i first watched the netflix show the person i empathize with the most was melanie her experience wasn't just limited to seeing something she actually went missing for a whole night and in the morning found herself laid back down by this lake so this is the lake melanie was driving down this with her family on september 1st 1969. and this is so this is this is the road that it happened on yeah hi i'm amar i'm melanie nice to meet you hi what's going [Music] your side of the story we lived just a couple of streets over and we wanted to go to penny rock and smoke cigarettes instead but my parents they weren't having it they wanted us to go and have ice cream so we went to the ice cream shop and got ice cream and then we came up here my dad backed up into the parking lot and we were eating our ice cream and over there that's where it came from [Music] first you could see the glow and my father was like holy [ __ ] and then it was huge it covered the whole thing and he's like i gotta chase this and i'm like no no no don't dad don't dad but he took off down the road to chase it and then the only thing i can remember after that was being levitated over on the street and you can't move when that happens all you can do is move your eyes after that i can remember being on a table in a room and the room was metallic like glass and it had a red orange aura i don't remember who was there or if anybody was there i don't know what happened what they did to me and after that i remember being in another room with a lot of children there were a lot of children and then they would just disappear one by one by one and then i woke up here on the beach and i had horrible horrible stomach pains and my family was gone my mom and my sister to this day they cannot remember how they got home how they drove home so i don't i don't know but they saw it your parents were they my parents saw it when they saw it like that just oh my mom was scared to death i mean my mom and my dad was fascinated by it but then after that they didn't talk about it at all we were told not to talk about it because people would think you were nuts i was actually locked in the basement by my parents at one point because they didn't want to hear it anymore i still turn off lights i blow up computers i can't go near in my husband's office he won't let me go in the office i don't know what the hell they did to me i really don't but it's bad i mean the girl that works for me she's witnessed it before my sinuses are messed up i still have this buzzing that happens in my ears all the time my eyes have never been the same since then my i've always had stomach issues who wants to shut computers down and who wants to have issues going through customs i like to travel so my health has never been the same why do you choose to like speak out about it now and talk about it i didn't want to do i didn't want to talk about it before my husband and my sister thought that it would be a good thing for me to do because i had kept it bottled up so talking about it you feel better because you realize you're not the only person that this has happened to you feel like you're not crazy so don't ever treat people and think they're they're wacko because you need to investigate because it's cruel to not listen so believe in yourself that's what i would say yeah we really appreciate you coming here like just hearing your story i had my hair just stand so many times you know this is a big step for me to have me here because i haven't been at lake mansfield i can't tell you since i haven't stood on the spot since it happened to be honest with you i want to hug you so bad i like just i got tested yesterday if that's a concern i just oh thank you ah [Music] thank you thank you for getting me to come here because this wasn't easy you know netflix couldn't get me to come here but you got me to come here what you said about not discounting people's stories is so ah so big because i feel personally i've i've probably heard something like that before and been like right just considering that my framework of truth is is the only one that exists which is which is obviously wrong because now you know we're being proven wrong i believe you i you know even watching you on the show that's why we're coming all the way from la because i just felt like whatever it is that i saw and how you communicated what you went through was definitely not just like a made-up story or because as you said in the show there's also no need to live with something for all these years that it is going to cost so much why would somebody want to make something like that up i mean don't you have anything better to do in life i've got kids grandchildren i've got a life i've got a very busy life this is the craziest thing i've ever [ __ ] experienced in my life because it goes so beyond everything that i ever like believed or thought was true i need to hear it i don't want my reality to be disturbed it feels like we're doing a walk through through like a movie yeah show and we get to interact with the characters but this is [ __ ] real life yeah like you can feel the amount of pain that you had to go through just keeping keeping it for all these years so buried down and affecting her subconscious affecting her physiology affecting every part of her life i didn't realize she had issues like she turns off like electricity [ __ ] after melanie's interview we went back to the sheffield police at the time we agreed on but we're immediately stopped what's going on hey you got the same way to reach them as i do unfortunately this chief blew us off they said he's going to be here from 8 30 to 4 and he completely uh i think he's in think there yesterday we went to the police department and asked where the chief was and said he'd be back here tomorrow between 8 30 and 4 30. and we come back today and he's not here all of a sudden he's not here till thursday and coincidentally we leave tomorrow on wednesday and no one can contact their own chief of police for some reason he rolled up like both cops were just there to talk to us the moment we got there this chief police suddenly has like the whole week to himself yeah he's gone we spent the next few hours trying to find answers at the local radio station which had received dozens of calls on the night of the event like what do you think happened to the to the radio recordings okay if it's something of that significance that well i really don't know because i wasn't here in 1969 i was growing up in new york city i've heard of this when i was growing up in new york city actually myself wow although when i was growing up down there i never set foot in sheffield massachusetts but now that i'm part of this community i kind of like to know more about it myself yeah but no luck finally tom decided to share his full account with us in a way he never had before one thing we noticed actually tristan noticed is that you know the recounting of the event is they don't happen at night right yeah they're filming with you guys during the day we want to go we want to do that path you want to be at the diner leave the diner take the route that you're oh let's do that and then like do it at night and just get to you guys are good yeah yeah you guys smoke on salvation yeah all right netflix i don't know if you guys mentioned i've been in the front seat with him as he's been taking us around all day and you guys have been in the back so i've all these stories he's told i've learned within the first hour of the day wow um i also learned about how his mom had a great relationship with all the kids in this neighborhood because pretty much every kid saw what tom and everyone else we met today have seen and none of their parents supported them tom's mom was the only person who supported them and they would come here as and look at her as a mother figure and she would serve them give them free quarters for the jukebox and stuff so she was really like a mother and a leader to this entire town and he he's not gonna mention that to you on camera but i figured i'd wanna pay tribute to her oh well done yeah that's great you nervous to go to huh you're nervous to go to yeah i'm kind of [ __ ] scared dude especially because i'm like so in the zone of the camera i haven't been able to like and all i can hear is his voice and like i see his eyes because this is so close up my uh my mother was driving home with my grandmother in the passenger seat i was sitting behind my mother on the driver's side of course and my younger brother matthew was to the right so we would have made this turn right here and even to this day this is a very bumpy road and as we came up to the bridge one of the first things my grandmother noticed was that there was an excess of light which didn't seem to make sense with the headlights of the vehicle that there was a light coming through the floorboards [Applause] uh i just want to say first off [ __ ] you [ __ ] you for bringing me here god damn it you gave me so as my family drove through this bridge one of the first things that my grandmother had mentioned was that there was some odd bleed of light which i don't know if she knew at the time where the excess light was coming from but it did not seem to make sense with just the headlights from the car and so as we came through here i'm i was in the back seat giving my brother a candy and my grandmother had turned around in the passenger seat to remind me he was too young for a fireball and he could choke and when she did she looked over this way because she was in the passenger seat so she spun this way and that she was the first one to spot this white orb or spear it was solid like a slightly illuminated cue ball from a pool table and it was about four times the size of a volkswagen beetle 80 yards from where we are it was right there and so we kept going and as we started to move it moved also but behind these lines of trees now they're much bigger now than they used to be but it started going in the direction of us and so we're kind of fixated on it right we're like right because we're only going 15 miles an hour on this we're going very slowly and that's going very slowly maybe another 20 or 30 feet is about when my brother saw the second sphere he was the one to notice it because it was on the passenger side of the car and it was off to the right which looked like a sphere that was you know like orange it looked like the sun it looked like something was moving in it like an unsolved mysteries i mentioned there was like an ocean wave to it there was a swirl to it the orange sphere to our right then you had the white sphere that originally would have been more like seven o'clock but was now almost nine o'clock we stopped right up here at a telephone pole yep there that's right there this is where it gets weird for me so our car was right right here this is where we stopped and at the time we were still trying to see where this round ball of light was and if you look off to the left if you can see the field that is pretty much where it was and it looked like a giant turtle shell and if you go from the tree to the right to the tree to the left was about how big it was oh wow so it was like a football field this whole thing yeah like from tree to tree if not larger than that and it was a higher than the tops of those trees the shell itself or the skin of it was putting off odd colors like an amber and it just hovered right there not a sound nothing next thing we know the car just engulfs in light nothing blinding like a flashlight just all of a sudden you could see everything but no nothing to make you squint that stopped and everything kind of went back to normal and then there was this eruption of canadians and crickets and frogs and then that's the last thing we remember from the car so after that i remember a being in like a hangar of some kind like reminded me of an airplane hanger i was actually on a cart and i had slid off this cart onto the floor or wherever i was there was um what looked like a fluorescent tube that you know was between the ceiling and the wall and then a space and a tube and a space and a tube and it was very faint but it gave me enough light that i could see that wherever i was was empty and then i remember just being like grabbed like this on my left arm and i was walked maybe 10 yards 15 yards to a an opening where i was taken down this hallway it was tall walls it was all white and i was taken to the left and then immediately into a room to the right or this uh wall that boat in like a round like a crescent like a coffee can maybe you know how bozen work and there was a pocket off to the left an opening and opening to the right i was placed on this uh like a table it reminded me of an autopsy table because i had one pole in the middle of it and there was this apparatus in the ceiling something hanging from the ceiling then i heard some voices i heard my mother calling and my mom's like yeah i was screaming for you guys i don't know where i was and she was frightened and i'm like yeah i heard voices i don't know for sure that was my mother right but i remember a woman screaming and my brother remembers what happened to him but i do have the marks on my arms my brother had two puncture wounds over his thymus gland and behind his ear you know it's hard to say what i was hearing and then i was grabbed again and brought back into this room and i was placed on this table this thing lowered over my body it was a cage that separated in two parts the bottom cage came fairly close to me but not close enough to hold me in place and then this second piece came over it and there were these holes that lined it up on the sides with each other and there were these packets put on my body to look like raisins big freaking raisins and i remember like a whitewashing like shadows behind this whitewash and i remember being in pain and screaming that i remember you know not talking about that much either but it was like bubbling hot boiling water going through my back and i'm sitting here you know and then i felt some bumps to my head and then i remember being back in the car from my grandmother's perspective when she had gotten back in the vehicle or been the first to awaken in the vehicle our car was off so she would have been sitting here in almost pure dark waking up in the driver's seat and then drove the car all the way back through the bridge to get help at silks because it was the only spot open at night that is the eeriest thing i've ever heard i try to make sense of it you know but i can't because one side of me saying hey man you got to be you know you got to you know that doesn't make sense and the other side of me is going yeah man he's part of something extraordinary just accept it and i'm like struggling with that my whole life because all i know is that i [ __ ] happened right and i was part of something freaking bizarre and it it changed my life thank you so much man yeah man you appreciate it yeah thanks for your interest how's that level of detail yeah was not something i was expecting to hear my reality is just was [ __ ] completely violated you know it's like i could see i could just feel my own mind inside through what i was hearing and like i almost just wanna like just do this oh my god okay this is to know no no no no it's a different story when you're standing next to this human being and you're seeing how his eyes are touring up when he talks about certain things and like how vulnerable he truly is and how honest he he's trying to be about his experience and about again opening up the floor for anyone who's had an experience like this to just feel safe to talk about it holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] what does he gain from this nothing other than [ __ ] trauma how do you go back to living your life and having no one believe you and having people get mad at you for saying what would happen to you i mean i can see why like these people are traumatized for our final day in sheffield we decided to visit tom's ufo park on the back of here are or is a list of all the people who have donated to the park his mission was to create a space for people who had encountered ufos to share their stories without the fear of being judged so yeah like as someone who lives here do you have you have you ever seen anything have you ever experienced anything unusual i have actually um and basically i um i moved here 10 years ago and on a few occasions at night time i saw a light and i could not figure out what it was and it was a light moving in a weird pattern down probably a good half mile down towards boardman road which is that road at the end of this dirt lane here it's hard to explain because it's it's not uh you know it's just like a round light like a headlight or something but one single light and it just moves in an odd pattern and it was continuing for a few minutes i mean i stuck my window in my bedroom and i just watched it trying to figure out what it was something's going on down here i imagine yeah it looks like it but anyway so thank you who knows by the by the way he he literally was just walking through this is not like a setup interview or anything he's just walking my dogs can i pick him up yeah he'll let you he's good you have these sweetest dogs as our time in sheffield was coming to an end we decided to invite everybody back for one final interview with jennifer huberto a local journalist who's been researching these cases for years a few conversations in we were starting to realize that there might be a link of why this place specifically is very active the launch pad to go into space can we set i wanna i wanna set this up this is this is insane this is one of the it just keeps getting wait what did i miss oh my god it took us quite a bit to set up for this interview but as we were setting up we're basically realizing that this this is a conversation happening for the first time and there are dots being connected in real time as we're filming this it's both exciting and terrifying because of the stories that you guys are about to hear it seems like there's another thing at play here and thank you for giving us your time and agreeing to share i've been doing research on the berkshires involvement with the space program and the moon launches and the apollo friendship seven orbiting the earth which john glenn was in and a lot of parts and the guidance system for that specific capsule was made here in the berkshires at general electric and then the moon landing both ge and uh sprague electric which was headquartered in north adams uh were involved in the apollo projects but specifically sprague was asked to make a silicon disc that is sitting now on the moon it was left by the astronauts when they landed and it carried messages from 74 heads of state from around the world and that's an exciting little piece of history especially if you're from the berkshires to know that something that was made here is on the moon so the sprague family was contacted by nasa's office in cambridge and they asked them to help them develop a silicone disc that would carry messages from heads of state welcoming alien life forms and then giving them information about the earth to put on the moon that disc was basically a calling card with contacts in it right and that was left july 16th which was just about what six weeks before the 1969 incident right here in the backyard of where it was made correct so that to me is certainly of interest is there a copy of what the actual this said yes they actually have um the prototype and the first printing in north adams at the north adams museum of history and science there's a copy in nasa i try to find multiple sources and sometimes something seems really unbelievable especially here in the berkshires but 99 of the time i can verify it and one way that i did verify that this happened was i actually found um it's called the sprague log and this is the actual a copy of the log from their july august edition 1969 where john c sprague writes the story of how he got the call how they put it together how the messages are one two hundredths of the normal size how the disc is just slightly bigger than i'm a half dollar where would you were the dots where's those main components where would you how would you organize that i think when you have a lot of government sponsored activity in an area specifically that deals with like space and this is where everything was being manufactured made and developed that if there is a higher life form that is watching looking for what we're doing they're going to watch here you make me feel better about this it makes me feel better that you've done a lot of this research because i've always questioned this for the longest time i've questioned it and you've done the footwork i mean i want to cry because it makes me feel like somebody cared you really cared how does our life change from from here so i think that we all have this type of story wherever we come from we all kind of look at it skeptically and we look at the people who tell the story and we don't know whether or not to believe that you can apply that to anywhere in our country in our world your own hometown and just start to have a more open mind and look at the people around you a little differently not look at them through skeptic size but open up and say well could this have happened could they be telling me the truth and i think the more that we become accepting and open to people's experiences we might not have had that experience or believe in that experience but we might believe them as an individual we were told not to talk about it because people would think you were nuts my mother actually you know used to take pillows and have me just punch the pillows at her because i had to learn to fight i believe as my grandfather used to say don't try to explain something you can't it you saw it therefore it was there do you know what it was who knows but i know what i saw my mother she had the tough people to follow her home and on in trucks it got really hard to break her heart this is the first time we shared with anything i didn't report it anywhere tom got after me he's like you need to put it up report it you know i think for me the most frustrating part is that this stuff happens like if it wasn't for tom in the ufo park and everything that's here i wouldn't be talking to you guys i wouldn't even be wanting to talk about it because it's a crazy thing when it happens what are you hoping people get out of the story i think that we as people need to re-examine ourselves and this is a kind of a an examination of who we are like can we be better does the universe ignore us because we're not at their level yet and we haven't reached that height of awareness in the society as a [Music] people [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Yes Theory
Views: 6,752,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yestheory, seek discomfort, yes theory strangers, yes theory travel, yes theory subscribers, getting out of your comfort zone, Aliens, UFO sightings, Joe Rogan aliens, Joe rogan Jacques vallee, Alien sightings, Alien abductions, Massachusetts 1969 aliens, Strange aliens stories, Bob lazar, Bob lazar joe rogan, Do aliens exist, Spotted aliens, Monolith Utah, Amazon FBA, FBA, FBA for Beginners, Netflix Unsolved, Joe Rogan, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE, Space Force
Id: lPIeD2MFs8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 4sec (2284 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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