Surviving the Hottest Place in the World

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Does anyone know where I can buy the yellow shorts that Ammar is wearing?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Dilman416 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2020 đź—«︎ replies
[Music] warning this experience was carried out with careful monitoring for health and our location at all times please do not try this there's a handful of places that claim to have the hottest recorded temperature in the world the lut desert in iran the turpin depression of china or elazizia in libya and then there's a place only four hours away from where we live that this week claims to have reached what could be the highest temperature ever recorded on earth 137 degrees fahrenheit or 58 degrees celsius and the place is appropriately called death valley death valley's burners creek hit 130 degrees 130 degrees 130 degrees could be one of the hottest days ever recorded on earth located in the northern mojave desert the valley received its english name in 1849 after 13 pioneers from the gold rush era all perished in an early expedition so why would we possibly want to go there well to be honest that's a great question i think there's just some places or moments in history that you hear about and simply can't ignore exposing ourselves to the hottest climate on the planet seemed like an almost otherworldly and once in a lifetime experience and one that would completely contrast with our trip on the other end of the spectrum with wim hof we have decided to drive out to death valley with our adventurous friend connor and our rescue team and see how long we can possibly last in the heat and potentially even camp out at night this is so [ __ ] much dude well i have a whole i have the whole tent uh the thing we're sleeping in did someone say adventure hell yeah everyone burst out laughing in my face when i told her going to death valley he was like genuinely on town you do not go did you say the hottest place on the planet i fan you guys ready or what [Music] have you looked at the hourly temperature at 2 a.m is when it drops under 100 from like 2 a.m to 6 a.m it'll be what it'll be 90 degrees are you just finding out well i didn't look much into it maybe that's why he's been so confident all right it's already 111 degrees outside and we are rethinking this whole thing okay so here is our actual challenge we're going to the lowest part in all of north america and the hottest part of death valley bad water basin ammar alone as team egypt then connor and i together as team pale boys will be dropped off miles away from each other our goal will be to try to find each other to test whether our directional skills and brain functions will work under these extreme conditions holy oh my god if you've ever been to asana that feeling that you get when you walk in that's what it feels like right now [Music] so you're gonna go towards that mountain we're gonna drop them somewhere else in this basin and you're gonna have to find them before nightfall that's yeah you go towards the mountain and they'll be somewhere else this is my first time out wow this is this is the hottest i've ever experienced in my life growing up seeing my dad go work in the desert when he was fasting dreaming ramadan and i always just wondered how he does it i hope this experience just helps me connect with that and connect with him this is scary but i feel good about it all jokes aside i love you i love you baby bye see you guys good so we voluntarily blindfolded ourselves so we can uh make this an adventure because otherwise it might be too easy what's the temperature oh [ __ ] you think i'm in a bit of trouble because the radios are not working as well as we hopefully what i think we lost range yeah we got a loss right we might be the car we lost range possibly so we won't be able to talk to him that's the only way we can we can find him how the [ __ ] am i gonna find thomas and connor all right this is your spot wow that all looks the same i think this is about to be the most difficult thing i've ever done look we have to go out here and find amar wow this is really heavy the car just turned off did the battery just run out holy [ __ ] where's the oh [ __ ] okay jesus christ time to walk out i am in the middle of nowhere in death valley wow this is absolutely the hardest i've ever experienced now i'm from egypt i know what hot is i'm definitely the first out of my entire lineage to ever experience heat like this me too me too off-putting is how hot the wind is like the wind actually makes this worse like it doesn't cool you it makes you hotter all right i'm about a half hour in anything that is made out of metal on my in my gear this part of the tripod touching it is is oh my god shade does not look like it's inside at all everything i just soaked wet is entirely dry also it's like putting me on edge that only like broken radio signals are coming in like nothing that we can understand they promised me it wouldn't be rocky or there would be no bushes for snakes or scorpions look at this all i see is rocks and bushes i don't think they knew what the terrain really was they're meant to be the rescue team they're meant to have done research do you have any shoes go fish how are you doing are you walking off dude we're 30 minutes in and i feel like i'm [ __ ] tripping holy [ __ ] let's find more as soon as possible can anyone hear me can anyone hear me hey mark can you hear us wow it's getting hotter isn't it it is getting hotter like by the minute i feel like it's going all the equipment is overheating the gopros are overheating the batteries i don't know if i'm going to be able to do it i just checked the thermometer the thermometer maxes out at 125 fahrenheit and it's and it's already up to the max so i assume it's a little more than that and it's not even the key yet you're looking red yeah i'm not feeling great just experiencing like tightness in my chest that i haven't really experienced before hey omar can you hear us we're walking north just making sure you're walking south over start walking south now what i was headed towards the mountain dude we were supposed to walk north and south not towards the mountains how close to the mountain are you are over oh i have no gauge for how close this is roger that we're going to walk a little bit more to the middle we got this how are you feeling i saw a rock here a second ago and then it just appeared what do you mean you saw a rocket it disappeared like in my mind i thought there was a rock with shade and then i blinked and it was gone he's losing his mind [Music] it's currently 133 degrees outside this could go badly you doing okay i'm gonna take a break yeah dude we got this see anything i don't everything looks insane so goddamn hot out here it's been two and a half hours since we started this is by far the toughest thing i've ever had to do yesterday and it's only been two and a half hours bear in mind that we climbed the frozen mountain with wim hof and pull in the middle of winter this is absolutely harder [Music] wow whoa oh you know what i just remember oh god we do have shade [Music] oh my god that feels so good i was like getting close to needing to like give up this shade just gave me like another boost whip that thing out oh are you crying right now a little bit i've never liked an umbrella so much yeah it's currently 3 p.m this should be the peak temperature of the day mark can you describe things you see around you to see if we can try to spot each other a little bit i have no idea he sounds pretty he sounds kind of nervous he sounds nervous yeah all right now i'm on a bit of an incline down towards salt so that like that sounds exactly like everything we've seen so far the whole time yeah seriously need to [ __ ] find him soon if we don't find him soon it's gonna get more and more confusing to figure out when you look at it are you left or right it's on my left it's on our left it's in our left too it's on our left too he's in the exact same position we're in okay i'll make him i'll make it straight in that direction sounds good we might have a lead he finally sees the road i genuinely thought we'd be able to see each other a mile or two away yeah but we might be closer than that and we still can't spot each other oh [ __ ] oh thomas i see you i assume the only two blue umbrellas i've never been more excited to see hey i see him for the first time he's right [Music] there come on oh my god dude i'll climb poland any day i'll do the wim hof thing 10 times a day this is just it's good to see you good to see you i was worried oh my god it's a lot better together sucks yeah all right dream team [Music] this is the most okay thing i've ever done it's the greatest feeling i've ever felt with this ice water thank god for the best for the best rescue team on the planet oh you're goddamn right yes sir we just finished the first part of the challenge we found each other in the hottest place on earth and now we're switching scenery to go explore a different part of death valley also just as hot [Music] here we go got a little more energy backing us let's make it till sunset rescue team we love you there's so many ups and downs to get [Music] [Applause] [Music] there if you ever get stuck in the blazing heat of death valley try and find the canyons don't go to that basin of death where we were earlier basically yeah it left up to its name yeah i can see why it got called out [Music] [Music] wow well that hike and climb just made the entire suffering up until this point worth it i know that was i'm seriously one of the best views i've ever had in nature and now we just got to make it through the night right the rescue team came through and we're on to the third and final part of today's challenge of surviving the hottest place on the planet camping i've been nervous about this bit all day all the creepy crawlies come out at night [Music] it's gonna be brutal it's still like 118 degrees or something we're gonna go set up the tent somewhere where we legally figured out that we're allowed to water's farting dude we can't do this in the tent that's right get it get it all at it right now bye guys good luck [Music] it's about to be the sweatiest night of sleep of our lives you know what i don't have because you told me it'd be stupid to bring it is the fan you said i'm not going to carry a stupid fan around my neck in the desert it doesn't really do much it just puts hot air on my face it's like it makes it hotter the tent is hottest i didn't think this is connor's pillow it's two two apples rolled into a sweaty t-shirt what time is it do you know i don't even know what time is it probably like 11 p.m dude it's 9 30 9 30. we're gonna be here for so long voted out of the tent all right we'll see you in the morning at 5am where the rescue team is gonna do our final pickup how are you feeling ladies great i'm so happy that we we stuck through and we did it yeah it feels good that looks good the end of something hard like this 106.00 in an honestly surprising outcome we endured one of the hottest days on the planet we had initially given ourselves a 20 chance that the three of us would make it through all three steps and there were several moments where we all got incredibly close to dropping out but with careful monitoring of our health our rescue team never too far away and at this point a good amount of experience pushing our bodies through extreme conditions we did it even though i initially thought this was just going to be some pointless experiment i genuinely feel like i gained a newfound respect for my mental and physical capacity to push myself to my limits and i think it's safe to say that we all felt so grateful to have experienced such a surprisingly beautiful part of the world in such unique circumstances do not try to replicate this on your own however it truly is dangerous to go out there in these temperatures and we consulted with several experts before setting out on this mission thank you for coming along on this adventure and we'll see you next week i love that oh hi there my name is matt dawg here you must be here again for matt's audio book club great to have you back you know if you're like me and you enjoy sunbathing on a hot summer day well then you know there's no better way to spice it up than a great audiobook which brings me to today's sponsor audible audible is the leading provider of spoken word entertainment and audiobooks and has a huge selection of audiobooks that you can listen to anywhere and if you're interested in finding peace zen and harmony then there is genuinely no better book in the world than the untethered soul by michael singer so if you go to yes theory or text yes theory to 500-500 you can start listening with an exclusive 30-day free trial plus while we're all at home audible is letting its members download all of the audible original monthly selection plus unlimited access to guided wellness programs including sleep programs audible has also launched where anyone anywhere can stream hundreds of titles completely free there are no ads and you don't even need to be an audible member now if you'll 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Channel: Yes Theory
Views: 2,200,068
Rating: 4.9308281 out of 5
Keywords: yestheory, seek discomfort, death valley, death valley challenge, hottest day in the world, hottest temperature in the world, hottest place in the world, american roadtrip, yes theory challenge, yes theory wim hof, yes theory superhuman, superhuman challenge, crazy hot temperature, how to survive heat, heat challenge, yes theory stranger, 130 fahrenheit, coldest place, farenheit to celcius, yes theory roadtrip, yes theory america, american challenges, hottest place america
Id: qYiA2YpsF8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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