A Strangerโ€™s Last 3 Months to Live

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I will be honest its amazing what Yes Theory stands for. Spending time with the person who is having his final breath is hard but that's the reality of life.

If possible give me his contact left me as the citizen of the free world spend some quality time with him and his family.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 30 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Halceon441 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 09 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This hit home, seeking discomfort doesn't always have to be about 'happy memories' but memories who define us.

I sat around my grandfather's hospital bed with my family as the doctors pulled his life support. One of the hardest things I've ever had to be part of and is something that I will never forget. He wasn't conscious at the time but we were going to be with him until the end.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 18 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/mrchi2u ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 09 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I was in tears :(

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ryxnSx ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 09 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Man, Iโ€™m crying :(

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/mmtheg ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 09 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Best episode in the last few months by far that's the content ai was missing

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ASweedishGuy ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 10 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Holy shit, this was powerful as all hell. I was on/off in tears for the entirety of that video. RIP Xavier, and thank you Matt for giving him a friend and someone to talk to in his last few months. I can only imagine how much that meant to him.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Ackerack ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 10 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I mean, shit, that took 30 seconds out of Bill and Tom's lives, and look what it meant.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/superjaywars ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 11 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
when we're born were all diagnosed with the same condition death it's inevitable we all face it yet it's so difficult to talk about so we ignore it we hide it away in hospitals and retirement homes and refuse to be reminded of our fate yet those who are near their deaths often express one common wish to feel connected to feel loved they know better than anyone else the importance of relationships but in their last days too often they face a lot of lonely moments times by themselves in their room scared and it's in these moments that it can be hard to feel inspired to fight through the pain so we decided to reach out to our community to see if they knew anyone who was currently going through something like this and if there was anything we could do to help that's when we came across a message that stood out it was from a girl named Stephanie and the stories she told touched our hearts it was about her cousin Xavier who five years ago was diagnosed with an extremely rare form of liver cancer that's untreatable and terminal what's up b-squared fan when Xavier was diagnosed he was told that he had one year left to live but miraculously five years later he was still alive with the love and support from his friends and family Xavier was managing to survive but as Stephanie told us about another thing that gave him hope through his struggle the New England Patriots Xavier had been a fan for twenty years and his dream was to attend a game at the front row once we heard his story and heard about how much the Patriots meant to him we knew we had to make something happen so we got on to help because you mentioned something about kind of like [Music] oh man I want to make something happen right now okay super soon thank you dr. Sood all right after the call we immediately started thinking of ways to contact the Patriots the first try was Twitter and June Savior was given one we could live he's still alive and surviving Patriots and Tom Brady can you please get in touch with us we have an idea yes fan please retweet and tag I'm feeling people were just gonna go after a few days of different attempts with no success we learned that our friend Paul rebel founder of the premier lacrosse league was a longtime friend of the head coach of the Patriots Bill Belichick so we got on a FaceTime with Paul to see if he can make anything happen hello sir we found out through somebody in our community that their cousin has terminal cancer he has always wanted to see a Patriots game why we started like reaching out to people who who might know the Pats and stuff these dudes mentioned you might know the head boss so I was wondering if there's anything we could do to help Saviour to get him out there and have him even potentially if possible meet bill or Tom or anybody [ __ ] yeah dude and thank you so much for cheers bro let gender although the initial plan was to fly out savior to see the Patriots play a stephanie student told us that Dudek Sabres current condition it'd be too dangerous for him to fly but after a week Paul came back to us with some exciting news Paul screenshotted me this email from the one and only Bill Belichick bill banning is the number one NFL coach in history like this man isn't like in this sport is an absolute legend he said Paul thanks for the notes I can film a video for Xavier hopefully we can get Tom as in [ __ ] Tom Brady - that's huge you're just gonna go video scribing the Patriots and ideally Tom Brady we're just by baby any of these players saying Xavier's name and just like showing him some support I think would mean the world even if we can't take into the game I think it's still yeah video from either bill or animal heard tom brady's miss so with the video in hands we decided to fly out as Stephanie and her boyfriend Edgar from New Jersey to Los Angeles in order to surprise Xavier with us there's no idea that you're coming the way that we said our goodbyes was late so for us you have this opportunity again to see him man thank you guys for letting us be a part of this I have a surprise to show you and a bit but I'll wait one to the house welcome to my abode this is my apartment yeah we're here considering the fact that you weren't even supposed to see each other ever again thank you we heard about your story after Stephanie decided to fly them out yesterday that came in last night yeah Steph has definitely been a huge huge meeting in my life and it was a burn a lot of things like I wouldn't be here today you know she's a huge crowd baby so you know I always try to crack jokes where you know they're so strong and don't get me wrong I do have my moments where I just I can't anymore I I feel I feel like I can't fight I feel like giving up but um the deeper stronger voice inside of me tells me like no no dude like you can't stop you gotta keep fighting I've looked at the devil straight in the face so many times doctors have told me there's nothing else we'll be able to do for you like let yourself go and and it is what it is that way about my helmet first of all like I have my mother who's my number one whom I fight for if past what statistics say is the end of this disease that I'm fighting my birthday is coming up in November I'm gonna be you know 26 I told myself I was like and like I'm lucky if I even make it to 25 and I've passed that so it's all these goals that I set for myself and I'm like man I gotta do it I gotta keep fighting for it and thankfully I'm I'm accomplishing everything there's a lot of people that that once reaching a goal they feel comfortable and they tell themselves you know I'm good here but to me that's not an option so the moment that I feel comfortable you know it's the moment that I tell myself you know what I just I'm done here I don't want to reach for it from you and so once I reach my goal I told myself let's keep going for something bigger something better than the wedding coming up and so yeah and that's the other thing too it doesn't give me room to think of the negative to think of what I'm going through the one person is always try to give you surprises gave me gifts everything has been stuffing speaking of which we have a one more surprise Stephanie mentioned your big fan of the Patriots yeah okay we have a friend who reached out to the Patriots and asked if they could send you a quick message so you all said it to you so you have it forever as well so the Patriots are sitting they love and here you go I'll let you press play do you know that is yeah ends left that's Tom Brady and Bill Belichick that's right they say here with Tom just wanted to wish you the best keep fighting we're behind it keep fighting man we're chair before you good luck to you I'm gonna cry [Music] everyone's behind that's huge I would have never thought thank you from white horse man man I just I'm speechless like your story did the fact that you beat the odds you know that you've lasted and just like couldn't continued fighting you know I so admire herbal this is to show people watching you know it's like just don't give up just keep doin it no matter what people say that's what it is it's a constant fight 24/7 there's times where can't even sleep at night because as comfortable as you may be like your body she's not comfortable at all it is because of so much that's going on I kind of fell into a state of mind of like if this disease hasn't ended my life already then I'm gonna do that so okay we went through that stage I remember driving to some a Labuan one of the tallest mountains that I that I I knew how to get to whenever I go up there like there's never there's never any reception you know kind of going a little slow so I told myself the fight so anything I just I'm gonna just [ __ ] drive yeah I told myself that somehow a phone call ended up coming through to me and it was my brother at her he told me they do like like what the hell are you doing where are you what's going on it everybody's worried about you and once I told him what was going on he's like dude like you're you're smarter than this you're bigger than this this is an easy way out and you're forgetting the fact of you know like the people that you leave in the I won't care I'm done I'm sick and tired of just continuously getting bad news and being told that there's nothing that can be done my brother told me they'd let it out bro just kid just cry and I hear him start to cry as well he's a drive down the mountain like put all the windows down let the air hit you but everything else doesn't it when I kind of I guess snapped out of it when I tell my brother non-stop to saying thank you like you say is that you need everything to me you're the most strongest person that I have ever met I fought in Afghanistan in their country so much but it's not it's never in a million years but it beat what you're going through and I get what you're going through so to this day the bond that I have in this is it's an entire story when we we recently went to Australia we ran into this guy he was traffic controller his name was Luke well we didn't learn until like halfway through was that Luke has the craziest story he got into skateboarding accident and he hit his head and he ended up in a five-week coma he was given a three percent chance to live well like they thought they even if he did have a three percent chance to live that he would be a vegetable and you wouldn't be able to speak move he would be paralyzed for life and now Luke is like fully alive fully well the only thing is his hand is a little crooked but he's like the happiest man on planet I don't want to introduce you to him yeah him it's the Loosli bro hahaha dude here with the legend Xavier Lukey good fighting fighting stay posted I like like all bitterness not try to like [ __ ] just keep it like you know I'm not giving up so till my last breath I'm gonna continue going for this getting to know what your story was about - its motivating I'm not giving up anytime soon so I've been five years in I'm gonna give it another 10 years let's go ahead once the ten years ago imma give it another 20 so we're going is it cool if I give you saviors number and if he ever feels like calling you he just gives you a ring and he's coming into La in September - so you'll see him you'll get to meet each other in September when you come thanks for everything thank you I appreciate this was definitely huge huge and it made my day for sure made my day as well speechless for words yeah you're very very special dude thank you and we're gonna stay in touch for sure the last time we saw Savior was about two months ago we've been texting back and forth he seems to be getting more and more tired I wanted to make sure that I could see him again and hopefully get his energy up and I brought a special friend to come and join me to do that Hey about a month ago Luke decided fly all the way out here on a whim he saved up a month's worth of salary to come at La Here I am baby go baby let's go okay vamos good good god this makes me my two favorite humans together hi my gosh yes good Spanish you have a girlfriend yeah you go there you telling your sewing we've waffle yo soy boy motto what's really insane for us tonight what's a good um I wanna like debunk this is it true oh no no I know I'm sick of people saying on the barbecue we have often lived in Australia for 27 years I've never had a shrimp owner Bobby not once in my entire life [Laughter] so like what happened to me is I fell off a skateboard obviously in 2013 I was in hospital for six nine months so they said if I woke up from my coma I was gonna be in the world chair and completely banned it I hope families come back to say goodbye to me when I woke up like yes Todd what workout to the same dad that we're going to turn the last portal because I can't keep it off with wobbly start to learn how to walk again seven to yourself got out of hospital and I tried to start working again so don't ever think it's too hard because no matter what life throws at you you can beat it because you've already proven to everybody that you are still here all made being here tonight I can I can say that you've got far to me there's a lot of people give up with their and your shoes your honor they just give up I said no it's tough just too hard by where you don't like you got support right here that's what you're living for that is what's gonna keep you alive like you know like Richard family are the biggest things you know like that that's what's gonna keep you walking seriously after college but like for the first time we can did you feel like man I think this deserve my like I'll have that thought coming out of my head I wrote on like when I was in the hospital but then you know you get that tour and you think man what's the point in that you don't gonna get anywhere a loss if you give up you what are you gonna be nothing no May we're here for a reason without just one of the state good-looking lucky so your story there pretty much kind of turned on a light pole give me yeah just you know tell me thank you know where that site you can get up in this you can achieve and if tomorrow it's yeah I want to say something real quick I the craziest thing is that I'm your age and I just think about the stuff that I have to deal with on a daily basis and it's just so trivial compared to what you guys are going through you guys a freaking war years both of you like I'm so so so proud to call you guys my friends making friends like you guys and it's there's no words to describe like half the Rays not coming from you to oversee CLA but to meet you keep fighting keep pushing forward keep like persevering like your life and you you freaking you smash you you're smashing it don't stop never give up get stronger right you're gonna keep going I look at you now you're walking did you ever think you're gonna walk in and bang from exactly like give it coming down yet bow I thank you about just helping yeah man like helping taller brothers that are struggling so it is currently October 17th nearly two and a half months since I met Savior I've gone to see him quite a few times I'm gonna go again tonight and just say hi see how he's doing and I have a little surprise that I'm gonna fly him out to a Stephanie's wedding in November if his doctor allows it and I'll be coming with him to the wedding so let's go seek Savior all right guys I'm here with the one and only the legend miss Xavier what do you plan on doing trying to make it to my cousin's wedding which is on the 17th of November something that I know that she's gonna really appreciate him and love dearly if she were to see me there and your groomsmen off and I'm a kruseman of course and so it's a bit hard when it comes to her to a bit of the funds but I talked to the guys we're gonna get you the place no way yeah that'll everybody the place you go business cosby thank you thank you so so much oh man that's awesome dude that's great make it to that wedding together bro comes with you I can already see her cry yeah yeah it's gonna be so inspiring to see you get on that frickin plane and make it to that freakin wedding [Music] we just got word from Stephanie that Xavier is just not he's not doing well and that he won't be able to make it to the wedding the doctors don't think he is more than a week left and apparently it's just not safe for him to fly so I'm about to hop on a call with Stephanie and Edgar an update on how he's doing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I've never been a kruseman before so I know what that entails okay I'll be I'll be there and I'll make sure to go see Xavier just before I go just to get his blessing as well so thank you how do you feel happy I feel sad I feel nervous exciting I don't know it's everything you're literally the representation for my whole family from my dad's side because they're not gonna be the morning has come the weddings today we got the groomsmen rolling out time to go to the venue there you go FaceTime Xavier real quick oh my dude this is yeah I'm trying to represent you baby and you would have looked way sexier than I do I miss you I wish you were here with us and my mom up there I'm gonna be just thinking of you and trying to represent you the best I can man you get the gears of number one priority carbs and I'm happy that you got some family there with you too you know with you and I mean even over the last three months it makes me so happy look her baby we're coming I have to the perception but like I said where I'll keep you up to date and I love you did I'll talk to you soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] we've got four keys and we over you and I quit new friends over those of you that don't know I Stephanie and anger and I met about four months ago when I found out about Stephanie's custody having saved her and I've gotten to those neighbor over the last four months we become quite close we talk nearly every day and he's spent his best friend and I can understand why and about two days ago I was with and we were talking about coming to this wedding and I was talking him that I wish you could have been there and he was she had been there too and he was expected to me how hard it is so just be at home all day long had been having to miss something so special like this and as he lay there one of us started to cry and we cried for 30 minutes and we didn't say anything we just haven't cried [Music] and while I was doing I was thinking of how it working that is the shows happen that this right here is all that matters connection we have to each other and here and witnessing this being able to be a part of this the whole time I knew he was here with and your mother was careless she's was and anybody that's ever lost anybody is here as well when we're celebrating love you know we bring back those people and I'm so so blessed to be here with you guys the fact that you pretty much a stranger to come and spend time with you is such an honor your family is so beautiful Xavier is so happy that it went so well for this marriage the Boston and first appearance [Music] if you're gonna give a speech there what do you think you'd say to Stephanie ma'am if I were to give a speech just thank her for so much that she's done already for me what no one's ever done you know going through so much together and her being there since I had my first surgery one night I was diagnosed she's not just anybody to me she's you know a sister I love her to death like to sit here for four hours just continue talking and talking but I don't know what else [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Yes Theory
Views: 3,533,900
Rating: 4.9831352 out of 5
Keywords: yestheory, seek discomfort, last 24 hours, last 3 months to live, cancer patient, how to deal with cancer, friendship, terminally ill, friend with cancer, rare cancer, yes theory, yes theory stranger
Id: kYiC8lzpTyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 4sec (1804 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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