Letting Chat GPT control our lives for 72hrs

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artificial intelligence what in most hollywood movies embodies the end of the world but in reality artificial intelligence has the potential to be the gateway for exponential improvements in many kinds of technologies and solve problems we never could have imagined solving otherwise and it already exists all around us to define it artificial intelligence or ai refers to the simulation of human intelligence and machines that in some cases are programmed to think like humans are able to learn and solve problems and recently our friend tyler weitzman introduced us to one of the more advanced forms of artificial intelligence currently in development only accessible by select developers like himself tyler has invented over 30 apps since teaching himself to code at age 9. he studied at stanford and published computer science research in ai he has since started his own company which has gotten him chased down by silicon valley's top investors to put it simply the ai that we have access to today has basically absorbed all of the internet we are using gpt3 to generate ideas for youtube videos using a um neural network deep natural language generation model i don't know what any of that means but when we input all of our previous yes theory video titles ai generated hundreds of episode concepts for us these are so random i got married to a stranger in london world's largest waterslide in australia eat at the world's most haunted restaurant world's smallest hotel room my favorite one hiding a hundred thousand dollars of cocaine inside my body for 24 hours inside my body could this machine understand what a spontaneous adventure entails and if so where would it send us well while honestly not knowing the answer to that question we decided to fly out our friend tyler and our friend eric tobacco who is slowly becoming more and more of a regular in our yes theory episodes will be joining me on this wild adventure and so welcome to the future so we're right now working with most advanced artificial intelligence gp u3 is that right can't even say it what does that stand for uh general uh pp ethos it stands more for a generative pre-training oh that's what i think [Laughter] is this the dumbest use of your ai so far absolutely after a full morning of experimentation we discovered that the best way this ai could generate actual things for us to do and control our adventure would be if we write our prompts like dialogue in a book that then treats us like characters in that story this is the input that we give the ai yes theory is the youtube channel where thomas bragg and his friends go on adventures to get them to say yes to uncomfortable situations we believe that the best things in life will happen when you step outside of your comfort zone and then the dialogue starts quotes okay thomas we figured out your location you'll be going to the state of north dakota north dakota north dakota thomas says the least visited state in the united states what the hell am i going to do there so what we just go to north dakota well you go and then text us from the airport what do you want us to ask it next you're going so far it's not dakota i don't know it's above south dakota all right thomas asked what city you know what the credit will you be sending me to yes theory team answered enter the city of bismarck bismarck bismarck thomas said that's the capital of north dakota right you're so knowledgeable it uses a statistical model based on everything that it's learned to generate new information but don't worry don't you get it yeah i get it dude we're writing a whole book this is amazing but we're also still having to go to north dakota the strangest thing about the story is that this ai not only seemed to perfectly understand what a yes theory adventure was it also seemed to be predicting things that were going to happen in the future thomas and eric went to the airport they waited in line for a very long time it first predicted that our flight was going to be late which it was then the first destination it initially told us to fly to when we were just testing it was the country of myanmar and in our connecting flight through minneapolis we stumbled into a gathering of locals from myanmar greeting miss myanmar herself for a fundraising event for refugees from the country meaning myanmar in minneapolis it's the weirdest situation show our gratitude to that uh upon arriving in bismarck airport thomas and eric whoa that's cool the a i first told them that someone from our yes theory community should come to pick us up this is a little random but if you're in bismarck north dakota we need your help for something and so when we arrived we were told to get in the car with someone with a giant gray teddy bear and wait for further instructions what's going on dude i'm thomas hi nicole welcome to our huge airport you're the one that is the gatekeeper to the next i am the gatekeeper so your next clue is you're supposed to meet the governor and stay at his mansion oh oh my god yes dude that's this ai is brilliant how do we get how do we do that i'll take you to the capitol try find him oh my god you can't write this yourself that's crazy you came up with that oh that's oh wow thank you so much oh thank you hello wait what the what has she told you she's told us that we're supposed to try to meet the governor let us read you exactly what day i said you'll be staying at the governor's mansion tonight the governor's mansion thomas said i'm not sure i'll be able to stay tonight but maybe we can take him on adventure in his home state north dakota to go and do something he's never done before how do we how do we meet the governor that's your next mission okay bye also ai had said that the person delivering us this message should be wearing sick discomfort so we'll be gifting you a hundred dollar gift card for the secret store just as a thank you for picking us up and delivering this message i was just being a friendly north dakotan every year later we're at the capitol building of north dakota how's it going what was that i don't know just awkwardly saying hi to these two little boys what's up how's it going doug burgum an american entrepreneur and politician serving as the 33rd and current governor of north dakota since 2016. he sold the company to microsoft for 1.1 billion dollars in 2001. what this guy's a billionaire there he is should we just walk around interesting can this do anything oh if you're listening we would really like to meet you today i don't even know what we're doing now we're just like walking around how did artificial intelligence bring us the door is just open we are literally walking around the capitol building right now it feels like we're sneaking in and we ask people like how come they're just like well it's north dakota how come it's just start the code they don't have the security it's not like seattle we're from seattle [Music] that's that's the governor's office wait did you go inside no how are you doing hi great we were trying to meet doug i mean we've already we've known that he's not doug dougie don't listen to him we make videos about saying yes and getting out of our comfort zone okay so we've done everything from throwing a dart at a map and flying wherever we can give us access to one of the world's most advanced uh artificial intelligence morning when we arrived it said your objective in north dakota is to try to meet the governor uh we haven't got a request like this before so really this thing happened you've never had an ai i've never had an ai offer you're more awkward than i am dougie man i know him he's my guy that you set it up at his secondary's house we'll see if it goes anywhere as we kept walking around our cameras attracted a lot of attention and many strangers came to talk to us we then met someone who happened to know the governor really well he's in minneapolis he's in minneapolis yeah that's where we just were i just talked to him last night oh what you know him north dakota small state i think everybody knows him i'll text him and see when he's coming back oh my god how do you know him it's just a small world well yeah he's from fargo i'm from fargo okay that's my father my father's uh what's your award right there great he answered question mark yes period stay away from them no no oh i got so scared now he knows that we're looking for him that sounds really creepy i'm sorry i'm working monday in fargo so i won't be back bismarck until monday night how do we how do we it's three hours away oh only three hours drive easy is it weird if we like drive to where he is this is already so weird that i don't think we can make it much weirder hey man an ai told us we have to meet you it's okay if we drive to you though he's like i don't think the driving part is what's weird nikki's mansion is right down there right should we just go check it out that's it wow there's just like a little fence around it i'm gonna be on some watch list walking up to this like 10 people have already texted him about us and now we're at his house this is the mention that the ai told us to try to sleep in tonight and he's not here a local number just called me hello oh hi this is uh thomas bragg um so we have a youtube channel called yes theory so we're using this artificial intelligence to create the storyline for our episode just trying to see if there's any way we could potentially get to me thank you so much mike all right have a good day this came from the governor's office my pitch how is this happening so fast like the fact that we're already in touch with everyone in the government in north dakota in a matter of hours is insane so the communications director just messed with me saying governor burgum will be available to meet with you in fargo on monday morning three days from now wow well we freaking did it man let's get a tour of freaking north dakota let's go all right so giving a quick update from the control room tyler played around today and was able to put the ai framework into the app that he's been building sonic so now thomas and eric are actually able to talk to the ai didn't they just input something uh yeah he told them to go to a bar oh damn so they're in a bar in north dakota right now oh amazing oh no eric and thomas are at the bar eric is feeling spontaneous so he decides to they both took a shot off tequila they were feeling so good that they decided to do a shot of whiskey oh my god i don't drink but if the ai says [Music] with me right now this guy comes up and he says i won't invite you to my house tonight it feels like whenever the ai writes it happens we've been invited to a stranger's house and we're going to meet the governor in two days north dakota is the coolest place ever i feel like i'm being thrown in the deep end with yesterday go straight forever that's the best directions ever just don't ever stop this is your house so right here what oh my god we're moving to north dakota [Music] thank you for inviting us here seriously this is very very serendipitous and it's the best kind of encounter [Laughter] what there are so many ways i mean fighting getting invited to a stranger's house at a bar could get worse this is the best kind of possible how you doing man hey it's your dad yeah we literally met him in your dance house you guys should come over to my house it all works out yeah let us hear it wow oh my god i guess his son uh just invited a bunch of friends who are fans so we're gonna meet him and i don't know what time it is it's 2 a.m [Music] james what an adventure we had that was fun legendary yeah random but exactly exactly thank you bye okay that was insane he didn't care who we were what we wanted or why he just wanted to spend time with us like he just wanted us to come over and hang so we've just been back at our hotel for about an hour and i asked i said eric and thomas spent the night at a stranger's house they met at the bar like you freaking asked the next day they wanted to see some nature so they decided to go to the theodore roosevelt national park after a long day of exploring the park where is this national national park where is that i'm gonna message the subscriber who's been like in contact with us and then hopefully they can come pick us up we're wearing the same clothes for it looks so bad for three days now what am i doing my hair my everything yes we're way overstaying what we initially expected i had one day worth of clothes our realtors partners are here [Applause] no i told us we should go to the theater roomsville national park yeah so that's kind of what i had already planned on like oh perfect uh the ai new as it always knows let's start this bad boy we're going on a road trip in north dakota i guess [Music] anybody that comes into the state is going to be welcomed with open arms we all try and just care for our neighbors doesn't matter who you are what you are what you look like we're going to take care of you wow we have just arrived at the theater roosevelt national park [Music] wild buffalos huh he's staring at us and to finish off our day we attended the main local musical wow that's so believable and somehow ran into bill from the capitol building what are you guys doing here apparently everyone knows each other here so the two groups of people that we've met know each other that's so bizarre [Music] brian loves to sing i do i can't stop it [Applause] [Music] day four in north dakota it is time we are 15 minutes out meeting billionaire governor of north dakota finally tie the knot on this full experience that this ai has taken us on welcome to north dakota it's been wonderful i'm so pumped that you're here oh my god so great to meet you bring it in there man we've been loving your state well we're really so happy you're here did you guys make it out west did you get to the badlands before you came here look at that we saw the medora musical oh you did which was great yeah not a hoot yeah yeah we said h-o-o-t a hoot learning's a local slang yeah so eric and i took the first flight landed and then as soon as we land it says great now you should try to meet the governor and get to do something he's never done before with him and we're like how are we going to do it we have now you've done both of those exactly i love what you guys are doing because i'm a proponent of the yes theory and i feel grateful that i've been able to in my life say yes to a lot of adventures my dad passed away when i was a freshman in high school after a two month two year battle with brain cancer and at age 54 and there was a part of me that something clicked in my brain that just said life is short the decision tree that i had very on in life was well if i do this today will i remember it on my deathbed any day is a great day if you can remember it when you're old and so there's so that's been part of the philosophy i love that i've been trying to take every day is a great day when i was 19 i hitchhiked from my hometown of 350 people arthur north dakota i hitchhiked from there to alaska on a two-month journey that's a long trip it is long-term you've been embodying and feel like the message of seed discomfort in so many ways i've heard you've already been skydiving you've been parasailing that's correct right yeah and of course part of that that led to my current thing because this was a giant gigantic seeking discomfort risk thing to leave the private sector and jump into the public service yeah i feel like there's a lot of synergy in how we think about life and it's the ai maybe had a plan that even we could never have predicted ourselves right so but i'm really excited for you and your partners and what you're doing because i love watching young entrepreneurs take risks wool doesn't go forward without them so that's very true sweet should we go inside thank you so much for opening for us well we're about to throw some axes with the governor of north dakota so is this a challenge i guess so i think so yeah let's do it i got sight game is on [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh man down here [Applause] wow that was a really close game thank you for inspiring people to get out of their comfort zone thanks for coming to north dakota thanks for cheering the beautiful state the beautiful people the welcoming people that we have here you're about passion you're about adventure you're about compassion and you guys really are changing the lives of people i appreciate that the yes theory is no longer a theory the yes theory is actually a fact because you say yes to north dakota and great things happen perfect way to end it there we go honestly the crazy thing about this whole adventure is that going out we had absolutely no idea if they would actually be able to understand and generate what a spontaneous adventure would actually look like but it did and our initial excitement for north dakota was basically non-existent but the main takeaway we got from this often forgotten state of the midwest is not only that the people were some of the kindest and most welcoming we've met so far in the us but also that even in a state as inconspicuous as north dakota that there's always a path to creating your own adventure wherever you are in the world and the coincidences between what the ai was telling us and what ended up happening to us we definitely strange but i guess those were just coincidences right or did this ai know more than we did well i guess we'll never know we'll see you next week look at me you have 10 seconds to give me access to the ai i don't have give me access to the air i don't have it you are lying to me i don't like liars we found your phone tell me what is this that's not the ai that's discord what is discord discord discord is actually the sponsor of today's video discord is an instant messaging platform designed for creating communities through voice calls video calls and text messages and they recently launched a new feature called stage channels which are special types of communal voice channels for audio only conversations or members of the audience can join in people can join in wait people are watching this and we're hosting one on june 29th at 7 a.m pacific standard time we're going to be discussing some behind the scenes of some of the episodes we've shot this season and any other questions you've been wanting to ask us we're extremely excited to have a platform to communicate directly with the yes fam in a simple and efficient way all you need is a discord account it's completely free and takes less than 15 seconds to join click the invite link in the description below and i'll see you on the other side don't forget to add this to your calendar it's june 29th at 7am pacific standard time we're gonna be talking directly with a few of you guys answering tons of questions on the yesterday discord group we're looking forward to seeing you then can i come
Channel: Yes Theory
Views: 2,305,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yestheory, seek discomfort, yes theory strangers, yes theory travel, yes theory subscribers, getting out of your comfort zone, Amazon FBA, Asking strangers, Yes theory travel, North Dakota, Yes theory USA, USA roadtrip, Billionaire, Asking billionaires, American governors
Id: kISB5sum51Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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