I Jumped the Worldโ€™s Most Extreme Skydive (Near Death Experience)

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The shots of Ammar when he was flying were amazing. Props to the camera person.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/slaughterhouse_809 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 28 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Great Video , Great Content , Nice People! Proud of you guys!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Myst3ryos0 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 29 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

What an insane video!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ThatIrishGuy99 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 28 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Great video

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/NeptuneOW ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 29 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Sean's wife Sarah (featured at 20:30) is an absolutely lovely person who also happens to be an award winning actress and stunt woman who skydived with Iron Man in Iron Man 3 and played Daniel Faraday's girlfriend on Lost. She's quite possibly the coolest person I know.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/becaauseimbatmam ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 29 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
this has been a very long time coming when i was set out to tell the story i thought it was going to be about my love for skydiving and how this wild dream i'm about to share with you originated this dream jump is arguably one of the most extreme skydives that i can think of but one day i was hit with a big reality check am i just going through a car accident are you a kmr you're right i'm all good i'm like the most scratched but the car is i literally can't leave him sorry just going into nothing was the same after that as a kid i was fascinated by the experience of piercing through the skies with one's bare body my earliest youtube searches were on skydiving i would download and watch these videos over and over and fantasize about the sense of freedom that it must feel like to actually fly and one day that fantasy became a little more real mr noser my pe teacher when i was 11 years old he used to skydive in the egyptian military and i would ask him about it all the time and then one day he surprised me and he brought his parachute to school and he let me put it on and run with it on the field against the wind i remember in that moment deciding that one day i want to go up as high as i possibly can and jump fast forward to 2015 my first ever skydive four months into building this youtube channel we received a very exciting invitation from two startup founders in san francisco they had seen one of our videos on reddit and they were fans of seek discomfort as a way of living so they flew us from canada to california and took a skydiving and tuxedos little did we know california would become our home a year later to build yes theory and seek discomfort shortly after moving here i started becoming obsessed with taking friends and strangers skydiving for their first time do you want to go skydiving do you want to go skydiving do you want to go skydiving yeah let's go okay sweet but honestly i didn't want to be skydiving strapped to someone else anymore it was time to actually fly so in the spring of 2018 i decided to commit and get licensed to solo skydiving today is my first day at skydiving school my friend zach put me in touch with the best in the world to help make this happen the red bull air force i got connected to sean mccormack to be my coach which after my first google search on him i was floored by what i found sean is one of the greatest athletes in sky sports he's done over 21 000 jumps that is more skydives than days he's been alive it's as if i decided to take a basketball and found out that my coach was michael jordan it turns out that sean and his friends were literally the guys that i used to watch on youtube when i was a teenager and now i get to be sean's student 24 hours after meeting sean i went for my first ever non-tandem skydiving yeah buddy what'd you think of that it's like everything that i've ever wanted to experience just in two minutes get me back in the sky sean for the following two years i continued skydiving with the goal to one day make my childhood vision happen which now i knew the tactical term for a halo jump halo stands for high altitude low opening these jumps are typically performed above 20 000 feet by the military to deliver people and equipment into hard to reach corners of a combat zone halo jumps are way less common for civilians they use very specific equipment and require special airspace clearance since it's over double the height of a regular skydive and when i told sean about this vision he couldn't help but raise the stakes he's gonna basically make me into a human missile but at the end of august 2020 on my way back home from skydiving training and only three days away from my set date to do my halo i got into a horrific car crash i was merging lanes and i got hit from behind literally after calling after calling off skydiving because it was too dangerous just completely rolled rolled off the highway i literally can't believe i'm alive oh my god miraculously i survived the accident physically but psychologically i'd have a long way to go it has been five months since my accident and today is the first day i go back i'm experiencing a very new feeling that i've never had before going to skydive which is thinking about death and thinking about what could happen and what could go wrong and probably the hardest adjustment i've ever had to do in my life because the psychological impacts of the accident were beyond just my thoughts and what i could control it was actually my own nervous system's reaction towards the world and certain fears that i started to develop and it's been it's been a long time coming and i'm pretty determined to do the halo jump and and finish what i started and today is the first day in the journey of doing that day one here we go it was pretty unsettling being back on the road that almost took my life a few months earlier but despite my fears i really felt like it was time to push through [Music] that's probably the worst skydiving mistake ever made i don't feel good i went skydiving every day that week to get my basics back down way better landing than yesterday nice at that point sean decided to reveal to me his unconventional plan for our halo jump basically how it's gonna go is he's gonna use my body and turn into a human missile so he's gonna point me down hold on to me and he's gonna be steering will basically reach a speed in the sky that it will be the fastest i've ever experienced in my life after running through our exit routine on the ground we took it to the sky on these jumps i reached flying speeds that i had never experienced before and it made being stable extremely challenging so we ran it again and again that speed though oh my god we did that for half as long wow and at about 80 of the speed that we are going to be doing this is the what third or fourth day in a row today i'm joined by tommy i'm gonna be seeing my o2 equipment for the first time and getting training on it which is very exciting egyptian tom cruise we watched mission impossible fall out last night and uh pretty crazy stuff three days out we finally received the military gear that would allow this jump to happen since we were climbing to altitudes that would expose us to hypoxia which is what happens when the brain doesn't get enough oxygen it is so hard to self-diagnose hypoxic right like i'm frightened like clueless you'll see this fade where you'll see that focus go to like in front of their face right and it's really subtle right but like the lips the blue is a little jitter color blindness that happens you lose sense of colors different colors uh fade sometimes uh red turns to gray yeah what's the worst thing that happened fall out of the sky let me give you a little rundown okay yes okay so this is we've built this thing up so out of the box right pushing the tensile strength of their aircraft juggling planes that can actually fit the profile of what we're wanting to do using equipment from everest to do something that a lot of people never do there's a lot of people a thousand guys they're excellent at many many things that have never had this opportunity rom has never had this opportunity it's radical dude and it's really really really really fast there's a lot a lot a lot so i got fitted for the new game i don't know if i'm going screaming or going skydiving pretty overwhelming but it's great this is mine oh boy oh boy oh boy and the next day after putting all the pieces together we're finally ready for a test jump from 13 000 feet there you go you just dropped the whole thing there's a whole other israeli rush with this stuff bro i can tell you're stressed out you didn't even give me a count you left the plane i'm like i think that you are playing it cool as hell i know there's a lot on right each of these little things we are adding on not replacing workspace or information you can't lose step one and two when we're adding step six okay i don't feel like you presented your hips at all no right you're presenting your side hands out you're looking at the ground instead of maybe looking at the bra sean could tell that i was getting pretty overwhelmed but per usual he came through with some life-saving advice when we're talking about skydiving i think one of the fascinating things right is that the only thing that's going to keep your mind and your body playing together at all is going to be your breath our minds and our bodies can either take the pace of the activity right and there's this whole thing and this amping like total thing and you can either take your breath and go and start breathing at the pace of this activity which is just gonna choke you out right or this and i can go and i can make the pace of the activity go to my breath and i want to be leading this dance right right so we're just going to breathe go nice and slow let's go over to the mock-up we're going to walk through it real quick together stay positive and ahead of that [Music] and for my final jump before my halo we took it up to eighteen thousand feet five thousand more than i'd ever done but still seven thousand feet less than my halo jungle [Music] [Music] and so the day before the jump we all met up at the s house to drive out to the stunt location where we'll spend the night [Music] oh we're frolicking baby [Music] we'll go through like a little walk around you'll see the hanger and kind of walk around the airport [Applause] [Music] once we're like locked in and we're like okay it looks good then i'm just gonna try and speed it up okay okay [Music] before we continue i just want to let you know that our moonshot collection is out which is all about chasing dreams and identifying what that big dream is for you so make sure you go to seekdiscomfort.com and check it out after the video ends you feeling dog this this is a such a throwback to the jump dude i know because it's it was a similar setting this is for 10 year old me i wish i could go back right now and be like look at this you did it you did it and i get to do the best in the world there's like the amount of magic in this journey and in the serendipity that brings all these different characters to be a part of it but yeah the biggest thing is just that i like i feel proud of myself i don't give that to myself enough to just see the amount of work that got that went into making this moment happen a big part of that gratitude that i'm feeling is also being grateful that i'm alive to to see this through and you know i almost lost my life in the process of making this happen that's insane the accident took me out for six months and at some point i was questioning if the accident was just like a sign for me to maybe calm down or before i went back to training i was having a hard time leaving my apartment i i was literally scared at the outside so now to be actually like doing what i've set myself out to do is pretty surreal this is the dream love you too bud [Music] relax today's the day i feel ready i feel loved time to take the dream up high come on [Music] [Music] look at that special overnight aerial delivery [Music] so i'm freaking proud of you dude i'm here in spirit yes i know i feel all the love [Music] we're going to what we have to do right it was like they're talking about like 18 000 feet maybe is a minimum like no if we were going to go out of 18 000 feet we would have gone out of the sky band at elsinore but that's what we would have done right so like that to me isn't what the whole point is a bit of complications with the faa which gives us the clearance for the airspace and given that we're going up way higher than usual for some reason the guy this morning just stamped a rejection on the request to get up to the airspace so we're either gonna hopefully succeed at that or file for another report it's never smooth it's just never smooth there's a verse from the quran that always is present in my mind in situations like this which is which means be aware of not liking something that happened to you because it might be good for you but your limited view of your life doesn't allow you to see that so i'm just gonna continue to believe in that um so the faa gentleman has told us that he might be able to vector us to 25 000 feet to land at elsinore that's what i said people don't understand what the faa is and all that it's the dmv of the sky and we are right now having issues with them just like you would when you go renew your license or get anything done at dmv you're very close to the arrivals in the burbank so you're gonna have to park porterville yes sir right so you need us to fly over and then we'll do our jump there no problem yeah you just we've got an airport we've got an airport we are going to depart here in approximately 30 minutes you got to get going now or you're not going to cheat cool thank you let's go it's [Music] it's hitting me all over again it's like it's coming up you're so set for this yes um there's nothing [ย __ย ] out there you guys are you guys just going straight to altitude from here and then jumping yes no no we're going to land reset and then come on no no no taking off from here and jumping into there you're not going to land real deal holyfield just breathe this is where we're going okay okay it looks like the most obvious airport anywhere right okay though this is new information i thought i was landing first i was like unusually prepared and then all of a sudden so there's new information i will be jumping straight from the plane which i don't yeah you yeah boy you're gonna crush this dude thank you guys i'm so grateful to be joined by every single one of you today here all right boys we gotta roll here's the situation they're leaving in half an hour and they're gonna fly there which takes them half an hour so an hour he's gonna be jumping it takes us an hour and 20 minutes to get there meaning we got cut 20 minutes off google maps time we're hauling ass can i get a chair i said can i get a cheers how is he gonna pick this out of the sky now i'm no pilot or aviator expert but i'd say this seems like an unsafe place to land i can't really risk for a ma to be jumping there so this is a much more open area here and he's going to set up a windsock so they know where they're going he was saying this wasn't enough space here there's a live runway and there's lots of power lines so it's too risky really for ammar the other guy is obviously a red bull athlete i don't feel good yeah this dude is 25 000 feet in the air has to land the place has never landed before you practice for this and then you expect the day to go a very particular way and then the entire schedule gets pushed back and then you have to rush that like i don't like that what do you think is going through his head right now i just hope he knows what he's doing how fast is he going to fall 300 miles an hour what 300 miles an hour this is literally the first time i've heard that number seriously that's a frightening speed to for a human to go at he doesn't just want to do a halo jump he wants to do it at 300 an hour well i guess we'll see super fast speed check speed check good [Music] [Music] [Music] so uh la center 926 mic out for about three minutes caution all aircraft in the vicinity of the fields gotta go commence in two minutes so [Music] [Music] rockets [Music] [Music] look you can see them [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] my god [Applause] how was it oh wow [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's a [ย __ย ] fence right there dude [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh my god that was definitely faster than i thought were literally going you were flying you were accelerating like so fast i've never even seen a plane go down [Applause] let's go i couldn't believe how long i was in the air you guys that is crazy [Laughter] it's a childhood dream and to just be getting to do it with literally the best in the world and all friends is is such an honor and and i i can't even begin to express how grateful i am so it's about me this is like the middle of like our project i'm just it's always awesome and so cool for us to get to do any of it and you're amazing and you just crushed something that's incredible we're like mocking through space through like a corridor of like passenger planes five miles of altitude yeah pretty much 25 000 feet so we flew like five miles in like a minute 30 or whatever we'll check it out like the surreal moment like high altitude and everything's on yeah it's a different oh my gosh there's a certain silence that comes once once we're locked in and once things just feel relaxing almost everything just quiets down and then field of vision just opens outer space yeah let's bring it in for all right level for fear on three one two three i've been inspired my whole life by red bull and the human feats they've sponsored over the years since we started seek discomfort three years ago i've been striving to build a brand that can soon enough compete with rebel and empowering dreamers it was a privilege and an honor taking this vision one step closer to reality i hope this got you asking yourself what's my dream that i want to take to the highest of heights well i'd really appreciate it if you share your answers with us in the comments and i'll be picking three of you to get a skydive finally i just want to say that we're eternally grateful to all of you supporting our big vision and being a part of this community and buying from seek discomfort it has truly enabled us with yes theory and seek discomfort to take this dream to the highest of heights this is just the beginning and the best is yet to come if you're not subscribed you know what to do no after all that you're just gonna watch this and not subscribe so please subscribe go to seekdiscomfort.com moonshot collection is out right brian yeah tell them man tell them all the way to twenty five thousand to let you know that moonshot collection is out so please go to school.com you
Channel: Yes Theory
Views: 3,714,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yestheory, seek discomfort, yes theory strangers, yes theory travel, yes theory subscribers, getting out of your comfort zone, Amazon FBA, Skydiving, Most extreme skydive, Dangerous skydive, Red Bull skydive, Halo jump, Halo skydive, Most dangerous skydive, Near death skydive, Highest skydive in the world, Training for skydiving
Id: Mvher-mKt1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 20sec (2060 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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