I Took The Longest Bus Ride in America... 84HRS OF HELL

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God I'd kill to see them do the trans-siberian

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Skyclad__Observer 📅︎︎ Oct 14 2019 đź—«︎ replies
hello everyone before you turn in to this video and watch me suffer I just want to let you know that we have just launched our newest collaboration with Lulu lemon we are so stoked on this drop we've been working on this for months it's our most exciting collaboration yet the drop is live for 72 hours until Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. PST so go to the link in the description to get yours this is one of the items and here is a quick look at some of the other I was made for this [Music] [Music] what's the most physically uncomfortable you've ever been for an extended period of time cramped in a middle seat on a really long flight or just a terribly crammed commute in a jam-packed train well today we're gonna test our capacity to withstand an extremely and comfortable environment in taking an opportunity to see America we've never seen it before by taking the longest bus ride across the entire country it's an eighty four hour torture ride from Miami Florida all the way to Seattle Washington we'll go across states that we've never seen before with stops every few hours guaranteeing that we'll probably end up meeting some incredibly unique individuals from across the country but before we went on this trip we knew we needed some great company and some after watching their video of taking the longest train ride across the UK you reached out to two of our favorite creators and possibly to the only people crazy enough to say yes to this our friends from the YouTube channel Zak and Jay to see if they'd be interested enough to join us but first we had to decide who the hell from our side would go on this impossible journey three-day bus ride Miami to Seattle that's how I imagined hello being with Matt I would go if I hadn't like wrecked my back I don't know why my back isn't so much pain but I can't sit but yeah your back is totally fun so let's wreck it Matt has no idea that were even discussing this right now we shouldn't surprise him with it somehow what guy is Miami is like what Seattle is like what time is the bus and evening mr. Bragg you've piqued my interest of a chance thing to police and why which say that because I've known any horrible fun of town so break up the coach right from oh yeah yeah oh it's mad but it surprise for you I like the syllabus a good spread the Ben Smith does it sound like I guess okay so you should you should just put this on your perfect what is happening yeah you gonna stand up yeah come with me oh my god now you can open yeah yeah what is this what is going on whoa looks exciting [Applause] can you read it out loud - you're joking if you want an all-expenses-paid trip across America with your very own brother yeah hope you're ready for this I actually got not really yes I'd be funny to get you we have arrival in Miami the point of this trip is when you put yourself through endurance challenges like this it's actually great practice for life if you're able to withstand tight cramped bus or 80 plus hours I think it would stand a lot in life so hey really do not enjoy Greyhound buses so stay positive all about optimism anyhow do you go I'm freaking out man [Music] here we go alright we've taken out Orlando Florida let the journey begin [Music] here is it's not the same bus the whole way so if this bus is late there's a high chance that we missed the next one in which case I don't even know what happens like a severely damaged Bocuse oh thanks for sure off the bat first but unfortunately for you to me I am an Iron Man [Music] the book I brought to my journey you actually read about or do you bring it just about shop oh it's actually quite interesting but you're not gonna get any advice because you make fun of me [Music] we're doing they're treated you know mental toughness you never read too much for the mind Oh [Music] arrived in Orlando Florida on our first stop Julie no Karen I'm feeling okay they're gonna look fabulous I'll take them one painkiller yes number two good night sleep tight don't let the Lions bite we arrived in [Music] okay okay so he's gonna kick us to all of the base oh we get referred to get Kingdom you sucked at all feeling crazy how loud is that boy she's outside and we can still hear as if she's next to us she's following those years funny she's on probation and she snapped her boyfriend I'll say yeah yeah yeah so yeah so and also when she loves she does this you arrived just as the other bus is leaving so we have no time I've to get my luggage up on the next bus no sleep straight the same accessory 12-hour one there from the other bus we'll be the foundation on Vernon Illinois 27 hours in the heat and golf student starts to add up can't get our bags right now to change so I'm still wearing the same stuff that we were wearing yesterday so we'll see how we hold up man is a mission to make yourself feel terrible and like flirty and I feel the best for my man one two three four five six anyways explain to me I'm a beard of a myth the two point for the mile swim baby : like right no no it's bad under 12 and let me tell you we don't need that [Music] arrived in st. Louis Missouri our next bus is to Denver Colorado excited to see what this evenings got installed for us okay yes it was a party today is gonna be a lot more relaxed really hopefully yeah [Applause] [Music] [Music] Kansas City Missouri Zach's neighbor while we were in the bus was snoring it says act stabbed him which is really interesting thing that happened why just have that guy stop in this parking lot for two and a half hours now and the driver supposed to replace this one won't come and 20 minutes which means we're definitely missing their next bus probably yeah they said they come once everyday mush you another pleasure the goods to go home sure you wouldn't get this in the UK why is every possible been laid [Music] the cedar is not changed until the past 12 hours which is but next you know Phil erectus [Music] the challenge is still you're sure you're gonna miss it we were two hours behind this is late - is everything just late it was insane that we're excited to be on a 10 hour bus ride I'm feeling a lot a factor quite doing I don't know if that's because I'm not okay okay I'm really gonna enjoy grant how buses so crazy for usually Mia one two three four five six [Music] there are no rules there are no rules we are just busting rat squeaks yo and we better stop all that stuff in the fancy I'm a webmaster man yes the best Avery he doesn't like me [Music] what we had expected a welcome back to this episode with affectation I'm here joined with princess how you fund the journey so far [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen we are on our last night together last official nights in less than 24 hours we will be arriving in our final destination of Seattle Washington Salt Lake City - too long it's crazy the characters you meet on a trip like this that's just people that you would never interact with otherwise if you realize how much you live in your own bubble that makes people is so eclectic of all races religions genders fly over the country and now we really get to experience the people in the places that make 95% of this country that I've never actually seen either of the guys it's been tough but very worth it about frying pass out [Music] [Music] we're we're boys boys I will Boise Idaho is your handsome we have approximately 12 hours till we get to our final destination 12 hours was fine like what you're so easy my princess is pretty much our child now and you're like an anteater that's what Greyhound will do to you let's switch around the family tree it's quite large do this be a listen you put your hands off and then if it comes down three so what what happened wait what turn into an absolute chaos right now suppose nobody has any idea where this bus is going on that's arrives if you go out you have no idea bad news things were going perfectly and of course on the last bus we missed it so now we're getting rerouted to Portland not to Seattle and who knows if when they get to Seattle by tonight excited everybody's got a big site and five hours left you said it's too easy and you know just missed the last transfer cause now we are in Washington and we are potentially in need of a ride from Portland to Seattle if there's anybody who wants to join us if you have a car and you live in Portland DME and let's ride up together I'm gonna murder you no we will number two we have an interested lad named Thomson yo and may be able to help you out where the details since this car was a little red rocket he calls it the red rocket the last 10 minutes we'll be spending on the bus it's been an honor gonna shoot with you on these bus boys I just don't know what I'm never gonna be such an eclectic bunch of Americans ever again bogus train ride comment below if we should do Russia with these fellas and maybe we'll do it next year ladies and gentlemen as this journey comes to an end and we head to Portland is been an absolute honor [Music] glad I could help you guys out yeah thanks for columns at my buddy's house watching football just rolling through Instagram and yeah there was murder in use yes all right I mean I think trusting me with your life sitting there and I was like well I'm work tomorrow I got [ __ ] to do so might as well [Music] [Music] it's the daughter of my last meeting I scored eight with you we've been through ups and downs thanks for coming on this crazy trip too many more come to Russia [Music] to the next adventure hello everyone thank you again for watching this episode I hope you enjoyed it please go check out our friends Zack and JD we've left them link to their channel in the description there's some of our favorite youtubers and they've made an episode of this same adventure again the drop of blue lemon is live for only 72 hours we're so so stoked on this collaboration to partner up with a brand like Luke lemon is huge for us so go to seek discomfort calm to check out the collaboration see you next time
Channel: Yes Theory
Views: 4,508,221
Rating: 4.9349079 out of 5
Keywords: yestheory, seek discomfort, bus ride, bus across america, walking across america, going across america, bus ride of hell, yes theory strangers, yes theory bus ride, visiting every state in america, greyhound bus ride, terrible bus ride, bad transportation, transportation fail, worst bus, funny bus, funny america, brother roadtrip, zac and jay, zac and jay show, zac and jay show fashion week, zac and jay show conor mcgregor, zac and jay show sneaking, British in america
Id: zVudr8cxHRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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