We Built A Homemade Survival SUBMARINE

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we're gonna turn this water tank into our very own survival submarine today we're gonna build our very own survival submarine and survive freezing waters we haven't been inside the submarine yet so let's go take a look oh wow what's cool about this submarine is that we've right now we actually have two entrances i'm in the main room right now and andrew's right next door in the smaller room this is pretty cool after we're done with some upgrades we're gonna take it to an actual lake and submerge it and turn it into a submarine so the first thing we got to think about is this wall here do we want to take the wall completely out or do we want to make this two separate rooms in the submarine i think just cut it basically in half and we'll have another cool room over there in half three eighths like did you get that cut it into three eighths our biggest concern right now though is we have no idea if this thing is just gonna completely flip over once we put it into the water and then put us into danger of drowning freezing to death what do we do blake go find sam and ask him it's not bad yeah it's like three times bigger on the inside yellow daniel how are we going to get the submarine to actually sink we just fill the bottom with gravel if that doesn't work we just pour concrete in the bottom i'll put concrete and other of those ingredients yeah part of my plan for it is that when i have like pontoons along the side of it so hopefully we can't sink too deep just in case if we make it too heavy because if it starts sinking too fast it's going to be like that thing you have with cars and like they drive into the lake you have the section force you can't get out and you're drowned inside the car so i would like to avoid that if it all comes no drowning homemade submarines are very dangerous and if we aren't careful our build could sink in drown with us in it and on top of that we're taking our sub into freezing waters if our submarine fails and sinks we will have 15 to 30 minutes to survive before hypothermia takes over yeah how will the window be here basically what we're gonna have to do is cut this out i bought a whole bunch of flex seal phil swift here for flex flexfield while me and the boys went shopping for submarine gear we sent rick the editor to pick up the boat in the trailer one thing we're gonna need to complete this build is a boat trailer and an engine so i found one for sale on facebook marketplace for only 400 bucks this is quite dangerous the place that he had as meat was like an abandoned building and it was a little bit shady because he was kept insisting like oh i swear it's not stolen even though i wasn't saying that it was he's like oh it's not stolen it's not stolen i promise it's not stolen what we wanted to do with our submarine was submerge it enough that it was basically fully underneath the water but what's dangerous about that is if we added too much weight to it the entire thing would have sunk and then water would have started pouring in the access holes from the top what we decided to do is add two kayaks to the sides just in case if we added too much weight we still had a safety feature so that we couldn't fully sync the submarine using that to seal the submarine is going to make me pass out or something oh [Music] if inhaled remove person their fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing call boys instead of doctor they have to breathe comfortably these are for the submarine so the submarine doesn't tip over so if we can get our homemade submarine to travel over a mile and survive over five hours in the freezing waters we will be official helmsman and better than steve zizu zaizo zizu [Music] if our submarine fails and sinks we will have 15 to 30 minutes to survive before hypothermia takes over [Applause] [Music] we already had a window break so just the pressure of how this was bolted on the plexiglass snapped and if that happens while they're in the water they're just gonna sink time to drown i did some calculations we need eight thousand pounds of weight inside of it to actually get it to submerge i have no idea how we're gonna make it that heavy you got any ideas the sub is basically done the rest we just have to assemble at the lake but just one problem we didn't check the weather report today kind of hard to launch a submarine in that kind of weather people would just get hypothermic why is the trailer like this because it's designed for a boat not a submarine but we're having to modify the trailer so we can actually carry the submarine today is the day we're taking the submarine to the lake but we have a super issue right here one of the windows literally cracked and fell off second time this isn't gonna go in the water how is this gonna protect us from the lake we're supposed to leave in 10 minutes oh my gosh samuel's got to fix this we're going to sink immediately sheet metal i think we've put like 160 man hours into it so far please don't worry about this breaking so the concrete hasn't had a chance to fully cure yet so we'll see if i all sink we had to stop on the drive down because the submarine was falling off the trailer almost ruining the entire video we repaired the window for a third time left almost died on the highway down and made it to the lake and now it's time to assemble the submarine all right so we got our wetsuits on just in case we drown our boat is currently being inspected they're going to inspect some dumpster dive but we have to pass inspection or this entire video is over ss september oh that thing is tight you actually breathe i'm too heavy for this hold that sweater [Music] oh me dude so i i mixed i meet the height requirements for this wetsuit but not the weight requirements all right so we originally planned for three people in the submarine but justin wasn't able to make it today feeling a little ill it's just me and leb captain leb captain daddy look at that you can see the mountain back there there's pike's peak nope and see me we're just trying to float i just searched you on youtube and found you guys oh [Music] oh nice shot rick [Music] for the views we better get views better get likes and subscribers this better get kevin james it is better get we better get to 8 million subs after this video so we can do the movie with mall top three what guys if we get 75 000 likes on this video we'll take the homemade submarine to the ocean just gotta make sure it works in the lake first we also gotta make sure we gather this alive that's not safe oh man oops oh baby yeah [Music] a little bit nervous a little bit stressed out but i also think it'll be fun if it works if it doesn't work i mean i just swim out swim out i'll ruin my doc martens what happens to your pokemon cards if it goes wrong drew if i die you're more than welcome to have every single last one hear that taylor they're mine i have your guitars sure blake yes would you like matt i have your truck yes rick yes i want your truck i guess i'll take your channel how many subscribers you have i've got 8 000 subs so it's not much that's more than i have yeah the park rangers gave us the green light but only if we didn't use the motor caleb here's your guys's camera hope we don't ruin it we've made it into the submarine we're about to launch and go into the water i am nervous ready ready you guys ready ready all right [Music] caleb going backwards i don't like this here we go man [Music] you're in the water did you hear that yes dude i can see the water line where's our first like potential leak dude he's gonna keep going oh lord oh we're not oh they stopped because your your exhaust is in the water yeah now stainless is gonna push us out we are inside of a real life homemade submarine we're getting closer to the water line sounds so cool in here i don't know what to expect i'm so scared holy no we're floating dude samuel we're floating how much are you guys floating oh it's moving we're gone we're in the water that is so sketchy but we need more sandbags i need more sandbags to sink quick bring sandbags we'll throw them in from here that's a one way to tip the boat we're going to keep adding sandbags right yep look the water line is at the window yes we're not leaking that that honestly made this a whole vid for me seeing the water line above a window that we made they probably powered their way out of there is that the plan can you throw sandbags in we could yeah we could how do we get over there do you have a rope you have pedals [Music] right now the submarine hasn't fully sunk yet because we have more sandbags waiting for us at the dock to put us into full submarine mode all right guys check this out we've got our navigation system set up here we've got a fish finder we've got maps we've got user data let's just go traditional see what happens no point map there we go there's the submarine since we don't have a motor anymore the plane isn't like go anywhere we're just basically just sinking and then coming back up yeah if we can fully submerge this sub we are officially helmsman yeah sure helm's oh no hurry with the sandbags we're leaking i don't know the metal the steel it's the metal one it's leaking a lot as we were loading more sandbags on the seal on the steel window broke oh where's our safety tape flex tape oh my gosh we're leaking a lot no no no no no no no no or snacks the snacks oh somebody help we need tape where is flex tape tape or something oh use the pump andrew the tube fell off we are doomed built this thing we need sandbags some buckets why is the plexiglass working and not the steel ones hello we are this close to sinking into the ocean we're definitely thinking now that's how it works i think so but it's not doing much is that flex tape we needed flex tape we phil swift phil swift here for flex tape it even works under water hurry caleb hurry we're sinking come on that's a lot of damage that didn't work i tried to fill us with it it's not going to stick because the water is wet or is what is water wet water is wet it won't stick we need something to like stuff the hole with yeah i keep stuffing it like that this is a disaster i knew this wouldn't work there we go is it working yeah what it's like this is like backwards or something because it just changes it doesn't matter that this failed if we get the 75 000 likes we're gonna go to the beach oh gosh and we're taking a submarine to the ocean it almost worked it's that thing inside that kept breaking that window that is super annoying that is this window [Music] how do you feel my legs feel great thanks to this glorious wetsuit but other than that i'm pretty this sucks we had it we literally got to the point where the windows were underwater man we had to film today in order to finish editing and uploading this video on time and it caused us to fail this entire mission failed because of one window that's what happens when you seal a window in 10 minutes before leaving when it needs 24 hours to dry didn't ruin my doc martens 75 000 likes yes we're going to do it and it's going to work this time it's going to work if you want to see a sub work and in the ocean like the video we let steve zesu down guys we tried our hardest the submarine almost worked it was this window it gave us problems like we said give this video 75 000 likes we'll build a better one and take it to the ocean right rick yeah
Channel: JStu
Views: 6,650,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: survival, homemade submarine, homemade submarine build, building a submarine, survival submarine, morejstu, morejstu survival, underwater submaine, surviving in homemade submarine, turning a septic tank into a submarine, submarine in a lake
Id: LB0ZDg6Xmr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 11 2022
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