A Prayer for You

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god our father and the lord jesus christ i am pastor kimberly ray gavin and it is a distinct pleasure an honor and a great joy just to have this opportunity to come live into your homes those of you that are watching around the nation in various nations of the world i want to say to you today that jesus christ is still the answer i would like to give you tonight a few areas of prayer that we're going to cover and i would like to ask you do you know anyone who is standing in the need of prayer standing in the need of intercession standing in the need of someone standing in the gap for them i want to ask you to reach out to them and tell them to call at this present time or to prepare to call in for prayer we will be live for 30 minutes and i would like for you to get the phone number that we will be giving to you in just a few moments so that you can call in for prayer i want to say that in the midst of this global pandemic in the midst of this unprecedented time i believe that the power of prayer is still yet able and god's power is still available to his people i am aware that during this time of lockdown in this time of isolation i believe that it is time for the church to rise and strength and empower amen and ask god for his mercy and for his help i am aware that in the midst of all of these uh global crisis that's happening at this present time that god is still yet able to break yokes to deliver and to make changes i want to say that during this time of uncertainty that god is able to give you perspective he's able to give you direction and guidance he is able i know that the whole world has been affected by this global pandemic but i believe in the power of intercession so tonight we're going to stand in the gap we're going to make up the hedge we're going to pray and there's some areas of prayer tonight that i would like to share with you all that has just been in my heart to tell you all that in the midst of this that god is going to move in the lives of his people i want to talk for a moment about the fact that in the natural just as in the natural many people have been affected in the in the area of their respiratory system in their immune system this pandemic has hit the immune system of so many people so tonight we're going to be praying for the complex system of the immune system we're going to be praying and standing in the gap for those of you that have been affected in the area of your bone marrow your lymph nodes the spleen those of you that have been affected that's not able to fight off the disease i'm praying tonight that god will strengthen you in your t-cells your red blood cells your white blood cells we are going to pray i want to share with you all that all around the world there has been a real uh devastation in the area of the economy many people have lost their jobs some of whom are on furlough some of whom have just completely nowhere to work at this present time i want to say a prayer for individuals that need prayer for your job you need prayer for employment and i know that god is able even in the midst of this pandemic he's able to bring about deliverance i want to also say a special prayer tonight for people that are i believe in in the lives of so many they are in a a crisis many of our black americans many of our african-americans they are suffering at this present time if you look at the time look at the stats of how many people have passed away in the united states of america they are leading in depths and then spain also italy in turkey and france uh there are people that are dying all over the world so we want to pray tonight for our leaders we want to pray for our government for our governors we want to pray and ask god to give wisdom to those that are in leadership in the name of jesus i want to ask the lord in jesus name to breathe upon our people that have truly truly been in a devastating time i want to ask god in the name of jesus to breathe upon our nation to breathe upon our families there are those that are in homes that are isolated and in need of someone that cares enough to just seek god on their behalf i want to say that the african-american community has truly been disproportionately affected by this pandemic there are so many that have underlying conditions some of whom have diabetes and heart conditions and many of whom have suffered with obesity and problems with food and yes we talk about obesity but we also know that there are some people that are impoverished that are living in poverty and they're living in what we call food deserts where they don't have a grocery store that has vegetables and fresh fruit but many of whom have found themselves just going from fast food to fast food people of god i want us to pray tonight on behalf of our people so many of them are in a true true devastating place many don't have health care there are some that can't call their primary doctor because they don't have one there's some that can't go to a bank account because they don't have one we are standing in the gap tonight and asking god lord be merciful unto us and bless us there's another major area that many people are facing so many are feeling the spirit of anxiety and i have found part of me i have found that prayer has a way of bringing about a a real real shield and a protection against the spirit of anxiety i want to share with you all tonight that the bible teaches us to devote ourselves to prayer to devote ourselves to prayer and to intercession i want you to know that when you understand the power of prayer the power of the holy ghost the power of god tonight we are going into the spirit and we're asking god for mercy for our nation and for various nations of the world i want to tell you tonight that there are so many people that are grieved and bereaved families that are so devastated going to the cemetery with only 10 family members not able to even embrace one another during the time of loss and then there are people that are in hospitals that are not able to communicate with their families because some of whom are on respirators and so family members literally are sitting in parking lots waiting for someone from the hospital staff to call them to give them an update concerning their loved ones well tonight we are going to pray we're going to pray in the area of the grief we're going to pray in the area uh that that many many people are affected by again we praise god for a time of intercession i am pastor kimberly ray gabbin and tonight our assignment is to stand in the gap and make up the hedge and pray for god's people i am convinced and i am determined as a woman of god to stand in agreement with the men and women of god around this nation that believe in the words of prayer that believe in the power of god those of you that know without a shadow of a doubt that you need god during this time i am here to tell you tonight to look up and live and know that our redemption draw at night i want to tell you amen those of you that have been feeling chronic depression you've been feeling like you just can't go on i came to tell you tonight that god will have you to be resilient you have bounced back before and you will bounce back again those of you that are going through and i tell you many people are social distancing and washing their hands and i tell you many of whom are wearing masks and trying their best to just get along amen but i tell you tonight in the name of jesus that as we've already forced spoken that just like uh that this disease has hit the immune system and the respiratory system it has also hit the financial uh areas of many of our uh areas and resources in the nation so we are praying tonight that god will send a life line to those individual countries that are devastated by this virus and ask god for mercy one thing i love about the word network is that this network is not just for the united states but this network is blessed to go into so many countries so many different countries around the world and again i would like to ask you if you have a friend a brother a sister someone that you care about i want to ask you to call them right now and ask them to go on the the television to watch at this present time and i want you to tell them that we are getting ready to go into prayer i'm telling you i feel the power of god i feel the presence of god and i believe that god is going to move in a mighty mighty way i'm praising god that we know that that even after the lockdown has been lifted i am believing god that he's going to begin to touch in different cities and different uh areas of different individuals who are facing unprecedented problems i'm believing god to stand with you during this difficult and challenging time bless the name of the lord god is great and he's greatly to be praised remember the whole world has been affected by this pandemic but as we look at this particular perspective we know that the bible says and we know that all things work together for good to them that love god i was thinking about in february how it was noted that the united states of america was on a financial upswing uh the trajectory of the financial markets were soaring there was so much increase and so many of the markets were just going up up up and then in a few weeks a few days i tell you people saw their investments and saw their monies that they have invested in the market they saw them began to dwindle and to drop to nothing well i want to let you know something that i hope is not in the stock market our hope is not in man our hope is in the lord jesus christ he is our deliverer he is our savior and again i say in the midst of this fiscal and monetary problems that's happening all over the world we're still going to trust in the lord and we're going to lean and depend on him the word of god says that the steps of a good man they are ordered by the lord and i believe that god is going to hear our cry on tonight i would like to ask you one moment i would like to ask you to please call a neighbor a friend and tell them pastor kim is getting ready to pray and we're getting ready to go into intercession for the saints of god everywhere again those of you that desire prayer you can dial 708 503 11 40 and you can receive call prayer at this present time i just want to reference something that i read on yesterday in the book of first samuel chapter 30 the bible begins to teach us about david when david was at zig lag and the bible declares that he had gone with a group of men and as they returned back to zig lag that their wives and their children have been taken away and the city had been burned and david was so greatly distressed because of the the the horrible thing that had happened with the the families that the wives and the children being taken away and david began to pray and begin to ask god lord shall i pursue first of all the men that were with him they became so distraught about their children and wives being taken the bible says in the book of first samuel the 30th chapter that they began to speak of stoning david my god to stone someone at that time was a method of execution that was very brutal and a horrible horrible way to die but in the midst of them discussing that and talking about david david said i will encourage myself in the lord and i want to say to those of you that are facing all of these various trials and tribulations amen that you've got to encourage yourself in the lord and remember that the god of abraham isaac and jacob has the authority the dominion and the power the strength to bring you through greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world not only that the bible says that david recovered all he recovered everything that had been lost and i say to you today you may not know exactly how you're going to make it how things are going to work on your behalf but i'm here tonight to tell you that god is going to bring about change in your life i want to say to you that there is a word that is called gratitude that even in the midst of all of the negative things that are happening i want to encourage you to stir your pure mind and begin to be grateful for what you have yes i know it might be difficult at this time but be grateful for what you have because somebody else has it much worse than you god is with us god is our refuge and our strength he's a very present help in the day of trouble i'm looking right into this screen to tell you today to be still and know that god is god in psalm 46 and 10 the word of god says be still and know that i am god he's able god is able to deliver and he's able to bring you through so we're preparing ourselves at this time to pray again we are praying for families we're praying for marriages there are so many couples that are in uh confined or close spaces and as a result of that there are so many times tension can begin to happen of frustrations irritations well i want to say to you tonight that i'm believing god to restore in marriages and to bring about truth and to bring about freedom in the lives of god's precious people and your marriage in jesus mighty name so we're getting ready to go into prayer again those of you that need the number you can dial 708.50 11 40. i want to just tell you before we start praying that if you're gonna pray you gotta believe faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god you've got to stir your very spirit listen we won't be intimidated by the enemy but we will continue to pray we will continue to fight we will continue to encourage ourselves in the lord god is with you he is our maker and he is our creator it is god that founded the world it is god that spoke and man lives it is god that is the establisher of the pillars of the universe it is god that is the architect of the earth we've got to remember who we're serving we're serving the only true and living god and that's why we devote ourselves to prayer the bible teaches us in acts chapter 6 and verse 4 and we will give ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word so this is what we do in trouble we find a way to call on the name of jesus the bible says that when the righteous cry that god hears and delivers them out of all of their troubles this poor man cried and the lord heard him and delivered him i want to tell you tonight to fear not for i am thy god i will help thee i will strengthen thee i will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness i want to tell you to go to the word of god in times of distress in times of fear in times of panic in times of anxiety the bible says whose mind is stayed on me according to the book of isaiah i will keep him in perfect peace so keep your mind stayed on the lord my peace i'll give to you not as this world gives give i unto thee i'm gonna give you supernatural peace and let me say what the lord has been giving me even in the last several days is that he is going to bless the servants those of you that serve humanity that are still able to help the homeless still able to feed those that are in need of food still able to see about the senior citizens glory to god some of you are on a man locked down in your cities and you're on a stay in order but you can pick up that phone and you can call and you can pray for someone you can send some money to someone that's in need listen let god use you during this hour and let god use you to be a blessing well we're preparing our hearts to pray and i'm excited i pray that you've called someone and that you told them again we are praying for the people of god around the nation i want to say a special prayer for those of you in the new york area those in new orleans those in of course chicago and illinois there are hot spots in various nation various cities excuse me and of course we're going to be praying and believing god for change in jesus name won't you prepare and let's go into prayer father in the name of jesus i thank you now that you're able to build a bridge to those that are in distress my father in jesus name i apply and appropriate the blood of jesus to every person that is watching this telecast lord someone is sitting in their living room someone is in their dining room someone is in their kitchen and they're distressed and troubled and grieved in heart and in mine wondering lord where are you lord but give them tonight to trust you even when they can't trace you father in the name of jesus i pray that you will let the anointing of god break every yoke of anxiety lord during this sobering and unprecedented time let the power of the holy ghost begin to bring about peace in the midst of this storm father in jesus name i pray now that you will give your people the spirit of prayer even during this global crisis in the name of jesus let the power prayer begin to manifest in this time of uncertainty let the anointing of god bring about change father god in the name of jesus i pray that you will bring about a jubilee over the lives of your people let there be debt cancellation low god in the name of jesus let them see new mercies let land be released into their hands in jesus mighty name father i thank you for every person that is facing trauma because of the death of loved ones i ask god that you will let the healing power of god the healing bomb of gilead begin to heal set free and deliver in the name of jesus lord you said call on me and i will answer thee and show you great and mighty things that you know not of father in the name of jesus i'm asking you right now that you will breathe on your people i ask god that you will go to the east coast that you will touch those that are struggling with depression i'm buying the spirit of despair we come against the spirit of powerlessness the stronghold of fear we break the assignment of the enemy that is bringing in chronic depression we curse it at the root in the name of jesus god i pray for that family member that sits in the parking lot waiting to hear on information from their loved ones god i ask that you will overtake them with the anointing of god overtake them with power in jesus mighty name god somebody is troubled somebody is depressed somebody is grieved in heart grieved in mine but god in the name of jesus we break the assignment of heaviness we break the stronghold of sadness and gloom satan the lord god rebuke you father i pray now that you will open up streams of income that you will open doors of opportunity that you will bless your people that have been faithful in that time and offering i pray to night god that you will stir in their house that you will let the power of god overtake their minds in jesus name father in the name of jesus help them to renew their mind help them to renew their spirit in jesus mighty name father god in the name of jesus i apply the blood of jesus christ over every person that is viewing this telecast father i ask in the name of jesus that you will let the power of the holy ghost begin to go into that home and god i ask that you will overtake them move in their mind move in their heart lord some deep psychological strength some need spiritual strength some need physical strength move now in their lives in jesus mighty name and father god in the name of jesus i pray for the systems of the body i pray now for the respiratory system lord for the ability to just breathe god i pray for the lungs for the tissues of the lungs in the name of jesus we come against this cobit 19. god this coronavirus that's destroying lives we ask that you will arrest it in the name of jesus father god let the blood of jesus begin to saturate the lungs begin to saturate the respiratory system all the way down from the esophagus down into the breathing passages father god let the healing power of jesus christ bring that woman off the respirator bring that man off the respirator let the spirit of god begin to break the shackles break the yokes in jesus name father we come against the underlying conditions that's causing so many people to be vulnerable to this attack lord we come against the assignment of heart disease father all of the assignments that are coming to destroy the people oh god we break it in the name of jesus we come against the spirit that's causing the people of god to just be overtaken by the spirit of poverty we bind the spirit of lack the spirit of poverty that spirit that wants to take people back generations we break every generational assignment every generational curse in the name of jesus father god in the name of jesus you know the end from the beginning god you know our down sittings and our uprisings you know our thoughts are far off father god in the name of jesus we call on your name we cry out to your father we cry out for the churches that are not able to meet together we cry out for the members that are longing for fellowship we cry out for the leaders many of whom are discouraged broken in heart broken in spirit father in the name of jesus breathe on the men of god stir your men of god the men of valor let them begin to call you like never before god i pray for the women of god are speaking to the spirit and the lives of the daughters of zion i pray god for the mothers the mothers of the mourning and the cunning women that jeremiah spoke about father god in jesus name let him rise up with authority let him rise up with power god called for the midwives let him cry between the porch and the altar in the name of jesus god i thank you for the power prayer i thank you that where two or three of us are gathered together in our in your name father you said you would be in the midst have your way god have your way in new york have your way in california have your way in oklahoma god breathed on that woman in chicago that feels like giving up a father in the name of jesus go to new orleans father lord have mercy let the mercies of the lord god overtake your people everywhere in the name of jesus god go into the south touch the people in arkansas in alabama god in the name of jesus stir your vessels to pray stir them to intercede stir up to cry out like never before in the name of jesus and god will glorify you and we'll give your name the praise we'll bless you we'll praise you and we'll give you all of the glory father we praise you for the victory god we thank you that you are our father there's nothing too difficult for you god you are awesome thank you lord for being majestic thank you lord for sending us jesus thank you that jesus paid the sacrifice for our sins he redeemed us and he set us free thank you lord that jesus is our advocate thank you lord that jesus is our propitiation thank you lord that jesus is our will in the middle of a wheel we thank you god that you're in control we praise you tonight we praise you we give you the glory and god before we leave this telecaster lord like esther i cry for our people i cry for those that are racially the discrimination i i cry for those that are disparaged because of poverty i cry lord for those that are minorities father those that are dying in the streets without insurance without help god like esther i ask that you will have mercy that you will help your people everywhere move on the minorities for your glory and for your honor and god will give your name the glory and we'll give you all of the praise we will bless your name and we'll give you the glory in jesus mighty name we pray amen and amen god bless you thank you so much for watching a time of intercession thank you for tuning in listen if you'd like to receive prayer you can call at this present time 708 503 11 40. for those of you that would like to write the ministry to correspond with us you can write to arm that's at p.o box 1104 in madison illinois 60443 again you can call 708 503 11 40. this has been pastor kimberly ray gavin a time of intercession i want to tell you this that i can feel god flowing in your lives i can feel god moving in your home i want you to do something for me i want you to go to facebook if you're watching a time of intercession just go to kimberly ray gavin and go to that page go to angie ray ministries go to that page and i want you to just say i am watching a time of intercession let us know that you're there you can follow us on facebook follow us on twitter you can follow us on instagram we would love to hear from you i want to say this in closing that it has been our joy it has been our honor to be with you glory to god keep the faith my brother keep the faith my sister it won't be long before your change comes the word network is committed to being a consistent source of prayer support and encouragement to the body of christ if you or a loved one is in need of prayer give us a call at 855 730 word that's 855
Channel: Angie Ray Ministries - Pastor Kimberly Ray-Gavin
Views: 3,811
Rating: 4.9605913 out of 5
Id: s9bUhkDSD4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 57sec (1737 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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