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we have a mission god we have risen just as long as you want to you going Oh yeah sure right shining sunroom I love proverbs 15:1 a soft answer turns away anger but a harsh word stirs up anger right it's in a soft word or it's a harsh word which one comes to you more easily some of us had harsh words growing up that's all we've got to give and some people think you are being weak when you speak only nice words or kind words some people say look I speak the truth well the Bible says which you speak the truth in love I speak the truth in love as a digression some pastors say that the reason why their churches are small you know that big churches there is my people go - because they never tell them the truth okay that preacher diluted message that reason why the church is small is because they say the truth and I say fine it's just that there must be some difference between the truth you preach and the one Jesus preached because the one he preached attracted multitudes so if you black they are someone who speaks the truth and your truth tries to pull away from you something is wrong with it if it's creating stress in your family something is wrong with it it needs to be balanced with love amen a soft answer a harsh word I encourage that we should withhold judgment see when you're listening to someone in a conversation don't be out to point out what's wrong what I say don't be permanently critical is it and in marriage this usually work pans out this way maybe you a married man your wife just came back from work she had issues with a colleague at work and she's trying to tell you what happened listen don't cut her in the middle of her story to point out what she didn't do right and candidly wait wait we put you two you should have spoken like that you should I'm advising you hey if you go down that road the fight will move from the office into your bedroom straight instantly she is not telling you the story as the chief judge of the Supreme Court of your house she's trying to vent she needs relief and if she says it she will feel relief if I if you are smart whoever she says is the problem you will side with her to finish the person right we may not always logical and then we think she's trying to communicate logic is not logic it's all about emotions she needs relief you'll be surprised how relieved you feel you know and then what you were planning to tell us the correction you will be surprised when she is fully relieved you will be surprised she's the one that will bring it up and say well I know I shouldn't have spoken to her that way I know but you know yuk yuk she's an adult if she knows what she's talking about she can think okay so just basic things that frustrate the communication between couples people's temperaments influence their communication someone talks too much the other one doesn't talk enough well remember communication has different parts speaking so it has writing reading speaking and they work listening listening in school the Toto's writing the todos reading de todos or a language speaking didn't it was listening very critical skill in communication so a lot of the time when someone is talking to us we're not listening to understand what they are saying we're not thinking about what they're saying we're thinking what we will say after they've stopped talking and that's what creates frustration because the next thing we're going to say does not align with what the person was saying or what the person is expecting to hear so we need to develop our listening skills and how you respond to someone depends on their temperament if the if your spouse is an Supai extrovert a sanguine for example you need to respond to them with excitement so they usually excited almost permanently excited so you need to respond with excitement you knew him well that's right you know try and liven up a bit and if it's a melancholic just just always remember something those ones don't thrive on trivia they'd like to discuss serious things okay so don't be surprised if the person is not interested in what you have to say they'd like to discuss so you bring up serious ideas the next project creative innovative ideas right if it's a phlegmatic bear thing one thing in mind they don't like stress once the discussions becoming stressful you lost them so if what you have to give them is heavy just break it in pieces okay bit bring it bit by bit okay for the choleric they like loyalty and they don't like good disagreeing with them the life of you to agree with them Jesus said I agree with your advice very quickly or else you will deliver you to the gorge okay so if you want to enjoy a conversation with a choleric agree with everything he or she says even if you don't fully agree but agree first of all agree if you break if you if you resist confront you know everything that the choleric says you argue with fu contest everything the choleric says you are employee they don't lose arguments they don't lose I'm telling you so you just find out you have forgotten you a husband and wife you turn your bedroom into the debating society of Nigeria contested with each other at the end of the day was a basic thing have the interest of the other person at hat okay love the other person genuinely and use human as much as possible life is stressful enough when we get home it should be downtime amen that should be our place of comfort our place of suka our place where we can look at everything even the one that looks serious and just crack jokes over everything even your own mistakes you need to catch yourselves when you are getting too serious catch yourselves Midway or when one of you is getting too serious and about to get heated up somebody should turn it into a joke not sarcastic joke I won't be there to save you okay just find something that will make the person to laugh and to crack up and to just have a new perspective to the issue which you argue and die life continues tomorrow amen and you find you would have found a lot of the time when Marty people are arguing a lot of the time it was them are correct you need to be flexible and wise to be able to put the two views together to have a complete view but overs are right we're going there let's take this way the other person says let's take that way interestingly both ways because then that doesn't need to become an argument right sometimes giving in is winning look at the end result will it take you to where you are going let's do it your way and the person is happy instead of you never take my advice never never take my advice let's do it your way if I can see if you get us where we're going why not fantastic wisdom is profitable to that I pray in the name of Jesus Christ now whatever is destroying homes destroy marriages up there will not be able to destroy your i prophesy by the Spirit of God but the one who designed your destiny this season he will give you revelation he will give you instructions he will show you which way to go i prophesy on your home love peace joy even if you are not married yet i prophesy ahead into that whom i prophesied joy i prophesy peace i prophesy favor promotion if satan stole anything any bit of peace or joy i prophesy restoration now in the name of jesus christ whatever may have been lost whatever may have been delay a prophesy they are restored now make yours a world of possibilities come today star Kristen Center this Sunday at plot a3c echoes erode Oregon Lagos Nigeria join any of our four services at 7 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 10:30 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. and experience possibilities without limits they star raising room models
Channel: Daystar Christian Centre
Views: 73,730
Rating: 4.8300886 out of 5
Keywords: Marriage, relationships, love, Sam Adeyemi, Isaac Oladipupo, Communication, courtship
Id: d8oR8HdC-9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 02 2014
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