Don't Complain Give God Praise

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[Music] today on excellent leadership with sama DMA you may be out of control God will never be out of control over your situation and remember the potent force that can change your emotions is Revelation 1st Corinthians chapter 10 and verse 10 all of us are going to read together it's a shot bus starts right in the middle of a sentence first Corinthians chapter 10 and verse 10 let's go no complain as some of them also complained and we're destroyed by the destroyer you will not be destroyed in the mighty name of Jesus Christ alright let's title our discussion don't complain give God praise don't complain give God praise to be a high flyer in this world you must learn to have a grip on your emotions you must have a grip on your emotions our emotions are powerhouses like power generators and whatever we channel them into is powered in our lives and produces effects if we channel our emotions into the negative aspects of our lives we'll produce negative results we channel our emotions positively we produce positive results hmm when you combine negative emotions with negative confession that's an exclusive cocktail you combine positive emotions with positive words we create an atmosphere for miracles I'll say that again negative emotions combined with negative confession produces negative results it's a dangerous cocktail has the capacity to produce disastrous results so God gave us the capacity to think and with our thoughts we are able to channel our emotions negative emotions are rooted in negative thoughts positive emotions are rooted in positive thoughts when we don't control our thoughts we are also unable to control our emotions you have a plethora of negative emotions that the Bible warns us against from Envy to hatred to anger to anxiety to Dowe and so on and so forth one interesting thing we need to observe is that our emotions have the capacity to follow our perception in other words it doesn't matter how beautiful something is or someone is when our emotions are negative they color how we perceive the person or the situation when our emotions are positive same thing they color how we perceive it's amazing so this is very very important because ultimately our responses to people or our response to life is colored by our perception when we complain it is simply because we perceive a situation to be negative and especially we perceive it to be a situation that we can do nothing about complaining shows people that you believe that you have absolutely no control over a situation or circumstance the most potent force that should shape your perception and my perception of a person or a situation is revelation because with the revelation we see it the way God sees it what you see the time is how you react or respond what you see the time is how you behave when we see people or circumstances the way God sees them we will respond the way God responds so we complain about a lot of situations of circumstances that God is excited about because things are working in our favor complaining is a sign that we believe the wrong thing complaining is a sign that you believe the wrong thing about a person or about a situation that's very very important complaining is a sign that what you believe about your finances is wrong complaining is a sign that what you believe about your husband or about your wife how about your child is wrong so very important let's read Philippians chapter 2 verses 14 to 16 in the new living translation of the Bible complaining is a sign that you now believe the wrong thing Philippians chapter 2 from verse 14 it says do everything without complaining and arguing so that no one can criticize you leave clean innocent lives as children of God shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people hold firmly to the word of life then on the day of Christ's return I will be proud that I did not run the race in vain and that my work was not useless do everything without complaining and arguing so I say Christian you are banned from complaining why the situation may be out of your control it is not out of God's control - you have not asked God yet what he thinks about the situation and how he sees it because he sees the end from the beginning a Christian is banned from complaining because there is absolutely nothing beyond the control of your God Jesus got to the house of Jairus and said why all this noise why all this noise the girl is not dead she's only sleeping and I'm here to say to someone today that situation that looks to you like it is dead it is finished if either is absolutely nothing anybody can do about it it's a temporary situation okay do nothing don't complain and don't argue this is very very important complaining brought destruction to Israel I mean that's the scary part of it you can't get have it better than Israel had it you can't have it better than Israel had it miracles everything about Israel was miracles their food was supplied through miracles they walked through the Red Sea by a miracle their health was miraculous because eventually Moses testified Israel walked for forty years and he said their bodies were so empowered by the Holy Spirit that even their shoes did no way out isn't that amazing but they didn't see it that way not all the time numbers chapter 11 our readers verse 1 you can read the remaining verses later numbers 11 was 1 now when the people complained it displeased the Lord for the Lord had it and his hunger was aroused so the finger saw the fire of the Lord bond among them and consumed some in the outskirts of the camp Wow the more you complain the more you attract problems to yourself somebody said the more you complained the less you obtain the more you cop complained the less you opted if there was any group of people that was meant to be grateful to God it was Israel I'm telling nobody should have praised God celebrated God more than Israel and no group of people should have had faith that God will walk on their behalf because God had never failed them every challenge was turned into a testimony yet they were complaining help me to tell your neighbor God has been good to you he holds you nothing tell the person there is no reason for you to complain you have every reason to give thanks listen I've shared this story before attitude is not a gift it's a choice and sincerely speaking we may think that we have the right to be negative simply because our circumstances are negative people around us are negative but you will never have a good enough scriptural reason to be negative in your attitude it is not what happens to us that hurts us Eleanor Roosevelt said it is how we respond to what is happening that is the real problem yep our response is the real big issue jesus said if someone slaps you on the right cheek turn the left way what was he say what the President did is not the issue how you respond is the issue and you can choose how to respond you can choose how to respond to your situations and your circumstances I was on campus and was walking by this elderly lady when I was a student when I overheard her having a conversation with herself what she said baffled me I had never had a human being say anything close to that before she was speaking in a local Nigerian language let me see it for those that understand the language you will you will get the import of the statement and now translated can I move fish along Tompa me lady yeah what have I done to God that he is killing my chicken she said day before yesterday one died yesterday another one died now this morning I've woken up and another one is dead what have I don't God that he is killing my chicken Wow I had never had anyone level an accusation against God like that on to that day and that's why I've not forgotten even though it's many many years since then I mean that's some 30 years now I have never forgotten that God is the one that has been killing your chicken happy to ask your neighbor what has God been good do it to you if it's negative it's no god it's the devil put the blame where it really belongs but the point here is when we focus only on the negative we just never get to appreciate what God is doing in our lives Israel complained and complained Israel got to the border of Canaan some of their leaders went to spy out the land most of them came back and they were complaining about what they saw and the whole group of people everybody began to lament God brought us here to this place to destroy us that at the end of the day you know what happened they were destroyed and that's the warning that we got from first Corinthians chapter 10 and verse 10 if you back up to the beginning of the chapter the Bible is written about Israel and warning us about the things that they did wrong remember they never entered the land of promise that generation that left Egypt and the Bible is warning us about the things they got wrong and one of the things they got wrong was complaining complaining lament a b- and eventually they did not make it you will make it in the mighty name of Jesus Christ so if you find yourself in a situation that is going negative going down south things are not working quite well as you expect in fact you may catch yourself going negative already okay caches are feeling bad feeling sad feeling sorrowful what should you do one of the greatest questions that I have asked while study in the Bible is how to switch my emotions from negative to positive everybody needs to know how to be able to do that as long as you are on the channel of negativity things are not going to happen God is not going to move the power of the Holy Spirit is not going to flow you've got to switch and one of the best examples I got is in First Samuel chapter xxxi samwell 30 David went with his men to carry out raids they came back and their own city was finished leveled to the ground burnt down every single building bond all the wives and their children were carried away as captives by the Raiders and the Bible says that David and his men felt so bad felt so bad that they cried the Bible says that they wept until they had no more power to weep that was really bad I'm to have your wife your kids gone and not only that everything you have a built in your life finished and the web then the Bible says that the men began to speak of stoning David why is it important for us to discuss this because as long as you are on that frequency of negativity the breakthrough ideas you will get will be to kill someone there will be bad ideas there will be ideas fueled by hatred filled by strife world by anger then the Bible says there for summer 30 verse 6 and David encouraged himself in the Lord his God that switch in emotions was what saved the day because as soon as did that the idea that would take them out of the situation came to him as long as they were crying they did not even remember God the moment he switched to positive and I'm telling you that is what makes a leader a leader one of the most important things on this planet if you're going to rise into leadership and succeed as a leader if you're going to have influence on people is your attitude you've got to be the one person on the team the one person in the group that can see that tiny array of light in the midst of the gloomy darkness you've got to be that one person that knows that beyond the dark clouds the Sun is still shining and you can tell everybody this cloud we pass Israel came right there to the border from the Red Sea right right to the Red Sea Pharaoh and his army were coming behind them they looked at the Red Sea there was no way they could cross and everybody went negative call Moses and Aaron brought us here to destroy us that's it they just wanted to kill us hello the face I know working perfectly doesn't mean that you should not be able to think anymore but Moses was the person that spoke up and said everybody stand still okay stand still stand fine you just watch and see the salvation of the Lord as at that point even he had not heard anything from God but he had enough faith in God to know it was a temporary situation it will pass even when he did not know how that's fate it was after that that he went to pray Lord what are we going to do and he got the match in others don't even bother to pray just much forward amazing that's leadership back to the ten spies we call them or the ten leaders in numbers 13 10 out of 12 give a negative report and the whole crowd believed them that's to show you how influential leadership is attitude is contagious when you begin to complain please realize it's not going to be only you if you're a parent in the house you're complaining no you are going to affect everybody else with your negative attitude if you are the head of a team in the office you're negative you will infect everybody else when you switch like David switched it's the person that is positive that the solution comes to David found the solution God told him you will pursue that and overtake them and without fail you will recover everything that they took from you David and his men recovered all their wives their children their goods and even more on that day i prophesy by the power of the Spirit of God if everything has been going down south for you I profess that cube Bay is the turning point in the mighty name of Jesus Christ prayer is the key prayer Philippians chapter 4 verses 6 and 7 be anxious for nothing once you find yourself lapsing into worry laughs in you know into anxiety once you find yourself on the complaint channel stop if you don't know anything else to do begin to pray if you don't know what to say pray in tongues pray in tongues like we saw from God's Word the last time in Acts of the Apostles whenever they spoke in tongues the Bible says that they magnified God pray that's it bring God on the situation you may be out of control God will never be out of control over your situation and remember the potent force that can change your emotions is revelation in 1st Samuel Chapter one there's a beautiful story there it didn't start beautifully a woman went you know to the high place to go worship God they called it she lo they called up please Sheila every year they would go and this particular year this woman was very sorrowful of heart her name was Hana why she had never had a child in all the years that she had been married she was sorrowful of hat that year she prayed like she had never prayed before that prayer changed everything I'm encouraging if you want to get off the complaint channel prayer is a very very critical factor for you first summer chapter 1 and I want us to read verses 12 to 18 and our close on that first summer of chapter 1 from verse 12 and it happened as she continued praying before the Lord that Eli watched her mouth now Hannah spoke in her heart only her lips moved but her voice was no heart there for a life thought she was drunk so ill I said to her how long will you be drawn put your wine away from you but Hannah answered and said no my lord I am a woman of sorrowful spirit I have drunk neither wine nor intoxicating drink but have poured out my soul before the Lord do not consider your maidservant a wicked woman for out of the abundance of my complaint and grief I have spoken until now then Eli answered and said go in peace and the God of Israel grants your petition which you have asked of him and she said let your maidservant find favor in your sight so the woman went her way and and her face was no longer sad hallelujah listen you do your research later and read what happened to this woman and why she got into that state let me give you some idea if you back up you know to verse 6 it says and her rival provoked her severely because the Lord had closed her womb so it was year by year when she went up to the house of the Lord that she provoked her therefore she wept and did not eat that was followed up to this point instead of talking to him he's talking to a husband complaining to people she faced God prayed until the servant of God came made a pronouncement and I love this woman she believed she went home she is everything took food and add and stop being sore i prophesy in the mighty name of Jesus Christ the days of being provoked by situations and circumstances provoked by people the days of being harassed by Satan those days are over forever in the mighty name of Jesus Christ if you came into this service pray if you came into this service longing for an intervention by God in your situation if what you're facing is beyond human ability i prophesy today the God that we serve the father of our Lord Jesus Christ steps into your situation today in the name of Jesus Christ the days of sorrow are over thank you lord thank you lord first the saloon ian's 5:18 in all things give thanks for that is the will of God concerning you in Christ Jesus help me to tell someone sitting next to you don't complain give God some praise so on put your hands together let's give Jesus out let's give him some praise hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord whatever was impossible before you came today has become possible someone conceives a baby now in the name of Jesus the heavens are opened over someone now that financial situation is reserved now that debt is paid in the name of Jesus thank you lord [Music]
Channel: Sam AdeyemiTV
Views: 27,863
Rating: 4.8322582 out of 5
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Length: 27min 21sec (1641 seconds)
Published: Fri May 18 2018
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