Over $1,000 in Easy Profit in the wine locker I bought at the abandoned storage unit auction.

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okay oh this is nice oh heck yeah milwaukee okay wait a second here this looks like a uh projector okay that's nice see that this one's broken ow wine awakenings ooh previously on locker nuts i bought two lockers at the auctions the first one stunk both literally and also in regards to the low end stuff and garbage i found inside but the other one looks more promising our adventure continues the next day when i head back to see what treasures the second unit holds all right what's up locker that's all right it's the day after and um i'm gonna go back to that unit that i bought with the wine and see what we got but first i've been stopping at my one of my favorite spots right here this little uh little mini mart right here in gas station it's right down the street from my locker i go here a lot one of the things i love about it if you can see the sign up there they are also a post office you can believe that this little this little uh spot on the map is a post office as well i love it you know it's been here forever i just pulled in and i just want to show you one thing i never noticed before i parked my truck right here i'm getting out and i didn't even notice this this is one of those book donation boxes right here see that and guess what i got in my in my truck that was destined to go to the donation there's a bunch of books so all right look at that look how fishing i am look at the uh look at the smoke in here i mean like you can barely see past these tree tops you can ah you can see if it doesn't pass out you can see the mountains out there you see it in a sec you can see the mountains but the smoke is extremely bad like i think this is about as bad as we've ever seen it it was pretty bad last year but fires are much further away they're much closer and there's a lot of them it's really really bad [Music] all right guys we are here it is hot and i'm ready okay so are you ready are you ready okay how much do we pay for this 150 bucks it's a little five by five let's take at what we got [Music] get this one going to you double camera action you ready okay all right all right all right let me flip this around so there was talk of this being a business and people are saying wine business but i think that that may have just been speculation i don't know because of the wine bottles clearly right in that bag there uh this wine box also see this right here cognac venom sounds like wine yeah tasting set a couple cases all right so that definitely looks like a wine styrofoam up there okay so if there's wine in here 150 bucks maybe good if there's empty bottles in here 150 bucks may be bad that's that's the chance we take that's the risk we incur um yeah i probably should have got this one for less but we'll see we will see all right let's get to uh let's get to digging yeah one guy the guy that was bidding against me he after i bought it he pointed there he's like hey can we open one box i want to see what's in that red box um i just kind of ignored him because he already watches the channel and uh yeah if you uh if you bid me up it doesn't really you don't buy your right to uh oh this is nice oh heck yeah milwaukee look at this thing that is really cool that's actually extremely handy dang that's that's really sweet i've never seen one that nice so you see the cheap ones you get at the flea market but what i'm saying is if yeah if you're gonna bid me up you just lost your chance to uh dig with me right don't don't bid me up if you wanna stick around be part of the fun that's not cool all right these two are kind of light that's a little disappointing it's actually hoping they were full i hope they're full of some good stuff and let's see but besides that i was hoping to get back to tracy i bought one in tracy and uh the guy was leaving for lunch break i was trying to get back i got back five minutes before she left okay wait a second here this looks like a projector and this is it is i i think it's an epson but what i'm most excited about is there's an hdmi cable i've never found a projector with an hdmi cable now i have one let's hope it works let's close that um epson ex-51 is very light i don't know if that's a sign of the quality how light it is uh i've owned a projector before and we sold it because it didn't have an hdmi it's kind of a pain that doesn't have hdmi so i just wound up selling it uh i figured i'd eventually find another one and now i did laptop charger huh look at all those different yeah actually that's pretty cool we find so many laptops it would be nice i think we're missing the important part there all right i just want to do a little digging just kind of see this looks like all garbage what's this right here oh how neat so it's like a place mat you pour the glass of the nice stuff number one pour glass cheap stuff number two say try them both tell me which one you like better see how much you know right mystery mystery i like mystery a little more digging so my personal locker is right up the street i kind of thought that maybe i'd just be moving this stuff down there and going through it there we'll just play it by ear here's some levine do mido bordeaux all right i probably butchered that but yeah there's a lot of information on the wines nothing of value though okay nothing of value bag to nature biodegradable bags i feel some rocks in here dining out huh probably their wine was featured in here or something so they got a bunch of copies of it that's my guess this is all going to go recycled uh-oh this ain't good bunch more dining out magazines that's not that's not good it's a big heavy waste of space right there okay how about we get this is light venom hmm these could be in here it's not that light there's some weight to it okay that's nice see that a couple different boy what is this there's like four different styles of glasses in there bordeaux burgundy chardonnay sauvignon blanc different style glasses one for each tester i guess venom i gotta look this up and see if this has got oh it's rydell okay vietnam must be the style got it we'll have to look that up that actually might have some valium okay venom tasting said that okay lead crystal very what the heck oh that was those i'm like what the heck okay so hey if those have some value hopefully they do then yeah we might have something we might have something we'll ship it right back out in the same box right here we'll just slap a label on that baby we got one two three and up there four five six of those let's hope those worth a few bucks each over here we got a bunch of empty bottles let's basically recycle yeah this is garbage so it looks like we'll go through it more carefully one thing i'm certain of this is going to be one very easy load in the truck and you know what i think i'm going to do at this point i think i'm going to stop filming oh i see something good right here i think i'm going to stop filming just start loading i'll go to my unit we'll start we'll resume the film there it's not that good it's a decent little cane though kind of like that okay it's hoping to find a little bit more good stuff in here though but what's in those boxes let's find out [Music] okay i usually bring my own cart because i'm never sure if there's gonna be carts available so i try to play it safe i always want to be prepared because not having a car well seriously wear you down and take a lot more time a lot more tired [Music] yeah this is really light right here that's not a good sign stinking empty boxes bummer this one's not empty i'm not taking that one right now i don't want to fall over oh man that's too bad they ruined it all right that's a decent load let's go a little more peeking i can't help i can't help it i got a peek that's the fun part all right it's just a little i don't even know what you call that po parista opari some little oh man i don't know you put little nuts or something in there at the wine bar okay it's garage sale or flea market stuff okay what's in here bordeaux vineyard all right okay some more flea market stuff right here dry erasers oh look at this do you know what that's called if anyone knows what that's called a comment below i found one of these before i don't think i ever put on the video oh that's pretty cool what are these guys comment below comment below i'll tell you i'll try to remember to tell you at the end of the that's a good pim unfortunately it's dry i'll try to remember to tell you at the end of the video okay well maybe they sold wine to like restaurants or wine wine uh shops or something like they're represented the vineyard bordeaux i think is in france looks like it's in france so i'd say yeah and uh maybe they these are their american division i don't know i'm just guessing empty bottles not good not good at all ain't it for glasses there's no glass in there though i think rydell makes pretty decent glass okay what we got here we've got a ton of brand new napkins oh that makes me kind of happy i do appreciate napkins all right somehow we're not able to ever keep enough napkins in our house and this appears to be a brand new unopened plastic oh they're right here i think they're really fancy too they look like they're metal but they're not that's brand new unopened shoot that's some good money right there okay these bags are pretty they're pretty worked look at the zippers splitting apart it's all these are pretty pretty used and abused i don't know if we're gonna get much for these guys chaps huh probably was a pretty decent piece of luggage when it was new look at that the ring the metal pulling out from around the corner there i have a feeling that these guys were uh were indeed representatives of the company from france they probably traveled out here a lot they probably packed this full of wine bottles it's probably very heavy and that's why it got a little bit more um worn look at that the handles ripped off right here oh yeah i noticed this one the handle is missing off the top that would explain it if they were super duper heavy and that's a polar sport dang that was a nice one oh and this is fragile that's french oh man look at that busted dr tasty's wicked stick indoor flowers coated with shatter of keefe for an uplifting wet [Music] that's a straight up uh doobie right there someone rolled a friday this is the one okay the one and only glass you'll need for all red lines and we got four of them wait if you only need one why do you have four now they are used yeah i see a little residue inside of them this kind of sucks just because i don't have to wash them if they got some value i'll be washing them those on ebay for 50 bucks or more it's washi time oh what's this oh this look at this brand right here we had some of these knives recently lagioli it's not very sharp this is a very collectible knife maker knife manufacturer whatever looks like he's missing some parts to this little box right here that was probably like to cut cheese like you want to make a really nice presentation so cutting the cheese get it okay back at the unit oh okay yeah we just grabbed one of these big boxes and that's got a bunch more it looks like smaller rydell glasses let's hope these all do this one weighs okay all right yes it does like i said we'll be looking those up potentially yep more potentially putting those on ebay if they're worth enough they're worth enough i don't really like shipping glassware it's prone to breaking especially the post office and fedex handles packages but uh if it's worth enough we'll we'll definitely take it on all right looks like a promo maybe it's for like a i don't know trade show or something okay we got him oh yep there's a big one those are some decent looking little serving trees right here okay again probably for presentation when they're doing wine tasting giant paper pads let's see what they drew on it nothing nothing all right okay more paper more paper more sales books basically still got that red thing i thought that was a cut lock no that's a good lock huh that's funny it's just chilling right in the corner there okay this milwaukee is probably worth a few bucks i do like that that's cool and guys unfortunately that's it that's a wrap empty all right so it looks like the real money in this locker is probably going to come from glassware if it comes at all it's coming from glassware we got the projector um what else do we got not much not much so the black glassware is gonna break us even maybe better or it'll be a bust no wine not one bottle of wine okay let's see what else we got in here oh look at this here's another one of those lagueli knives just like the other one i'm telling you i'm pretty sure they use these to cut cheese because they're not very sharp uh oh here's a couple more of these again comment below if you know what these are these are a thing right here they're made out of silicon all right has something to do with wine hint hint uh and just couple of yeah that's nice i don't know what you call them all right this is good stuff here it's all for the flea market maybe the wine uh maybe the knife will keep actually those we might list i don't know we'll see okay last one here i mean we have all those big boxes in here um of the glassware we're just gonna look that up later that's not super exciting no need to unbox all that all right but i think we could sell these i don't know we'll probably be able to sell them it's not one type of land and brand national sales meeting what the heck mission tree tra is trail mission trail free-able easily crumbled light soils number two is kneeling loose brown sand tube loamy sands there's all these little things here are these for uh are these for smelling this one's broken oh it's freaking glass and it's broken that's really too bad i have a feeling these are all for like smelling you smell the different stuff like for uh what do you call it a salmon zombie you know i think to work on your scent and uh able to smell what the heck looks like a bullet hole right there this thing's been through war i think it's i think it's it's being retired i don't do broken glass and that kind of stuff so let's see what's this wine awakenings ooh vinegar corked geranium oxidized garlic onion nail polish remover what rotten egg rotten eggs okay it doesn't smell like rotten eggs materialized that has a different smell hmm sulfur sweet corn and you're unripe unripe oh the sweet corn smells good it does smell like sweet corn reminds me of brentwood i don't know that smells so good interesting though wine awakenings now duh the red box the red box says 54. what is this what's going on here oh it's very fancy it's very fancy what is this what is this okay what oh wait a second now what is this it's all sense i think that's what this is but unfortunately they didn't oh no there's actually some solids in here there's 54 vials here so i think you're supposed to guess what they are all right there's 25 26 this thing is pretty worn but um how interesting i've never found anything like this anything at all this is definitely something that we're gonna have to take home and look up i think there's supposed to be a booklet here unfortunately i don't see it if it's in what they need this paperwork well we're gonna just have to write that off because i'm not going through all the paperwork for one little book okay let me look this up right now did you guys see that did you see that it's like 300 for that thing i think if it's new or like new mine's not obviously but what all right so all those scent things even the broken glass one's gonna go home with me i gotta look them up all a little bit more carefully even if we don't have a complete set maybe someone's missing some of the bottles and they'll buy an incomplete set just they can put those together and have a complete set i don't know but um do you think i'll get my 150 bucks back just for that scenting thing that's crazy all right but i don't know where the book is so you know i'm not looking for the book if we get 150 bucks for that i'd be super happy and then any of the wine glasses and the projector and stuff is profit but uh let's go home and uh let me finish loading this first okay yeah obviously do that first and then let me get going and we'll go look up some of those wine glasses see if there's any value there okay i just looked up uh these on ebay maybe i need to look them up a little bit more carefully because i'm just i'm doing this on the fly but these rydell venum tasting glasses all right in here there are six pieces in each of these boxes these ones are in the can that's kind of nice huh see that they could very well be used but i don't think that really matters i mean it matters we'll have to clean them but i don't think it matters that much now i looked up venom uh these glasses sell like uh depending on the style of glass right but two glasses could be 20 to 30 bucks plus shipping and i've got six i i don't know maybe those are more expensive like i said i gotta research them a little bit more but in this one case here there's four boxes of six glasses and if these are all the same one two three four that's 16 boxes of six it's 96 glasses if we're talking about uh 10 bucks of glass if we are let's just have that say five bucks of glass we're almost 500 bucks in glass right here this is not all the glass we have this is only only in these four boxes 500 bucks in glass could that be well yeah i mean we're still going to have to list it and box it and ship it and all the rest there's a lot of work involved in that but yeah that ain't bad not bad at all all right so not a bad little unit right hey a lot better than the other one i bought on that day this one had some profit different right a little bit different than what i'm used to buying but a good investment nevertheless let's let's take a quick review of what what we really we got we got the projector which is worth about 80 bucks that milwaukee hand cart 35 bucks the scent vial so the bigger kit man if that thing was complete and in better condition we're talking three to four hundred bucks that was that was pretty legit but about 16 of the vials were empty um you could still unscrew it and get a smell for it so if it's like lemon you can still smell the lemon but there's no more oil inside but there's 54 vials that still left a lot of vials all the note cards are there the instruction book was missing but never anyways i list it for 150 bucks i'll be the lowest price one out there we'll see if it sells then the other one the smaller kit those were actually called wine faults they were bad smells they were smells that when a wine goes bad and people the reviewers talk about certain smells this is what you train your nose to look for and that was things like vinegar like nail polish there's one in there i didn't show it unfortunately but it's called brett when a wine goes really bad then they say it smells like bread which is in reference to a a professional athlete i guess pretty funny but they were all pretty bad smells uh maybe the sweet corn wasn't as bad but not something you'd look for in a wine all right but the glassware the glassware is the nice surprise so i was kind of you know estimating saying if we get at least five bucks i got 500 bucks in glass no we're going to get closer to 10 bucks a glass so jana listed the first uh lot of glassware in meaning lot meaning all the the first batch of rydell's i put a lot of it in my storage locker i brought some home to what i brought home she listed the write-up rydell makes a great glass it's a crystal lead crystal i think glass very high quality and they are selling and we listed them for around nine bucks a glass right i think a set of eight for 75 sold two sets yesterday we listed them yesterday they were up on the ebay store yesterday i already sold two uh two boxes of them so that's 150 bucks in glass already it barely got listed so i got to go the storage unit and bring home the rest of it so we get all listed it's gonna be good money so i totaled up we have um 143 glasses 143 glasses at nine bucks each that is hundred and eighty seven dollars that's if and when we sell them all and of course you gotta factor in ebay fees and if anything breaks you gotta give them the money back i understand but still 1287 bucks in wine glasses yo that's good so let me show you the spreadsheet to how the numbers work out on this unit very nice profit right so we paid 150 bucks for it there's no tax because i have a resale license there's no auction fee so we didn't buy it through an online auction there was a little dump fee because i had a couple suitcases and some miscellaneous junk 13 bucks we got 163 bucks in it if i sell all those items for the prices that i just mentioned we're looking at 1627 dollars in sales with a profit of 1464 and 1464. and that is an roi of 900 percent that's fantastic right fantastic well anyways um you know that at the time i really did feel like maybe that's a little bit much to spend on that unit but i bought it for two main reasons one because it's close to my unit and so i'm there all the time anyways i like to spend i will spend more when it's closer to me there's a convenience fee there right if i travel far away i'm going to spend less because i know that i don't want to make the trips out there that far i'm going to get a deal if i do for two because there's boxes and because boxes to me mean mystery so you never know what's going to be in a box and that's exciting this one being a business is not really as exciting but i love to make money so it's all good i'm really happy i did it and i hope you guys enjoyed watching the video hey before we go i got a couple more things first off let's give a shout out to reseller jenny reseller jenny is a supporter of our channel she is a channel member and she is bonafide nuts all right jenny also has a channel of her own i'm going to put the link in the video description so if you want to check her out she's in australia she um collects pop heads as well as a whole bunch of other cool pop culture stuff you'll love her channel check it out but if you're curious about what it means to be a member click the join button down below and a little video will show you what it means to be a channel member of the locker nuts channel and all that it includes all right thanks jenny we really appreciate you and the last thing that i want to mention was i asked a couple times in the video what are these things all right maybe you guys answered by now i don't know but we found a bunch of them this is in regards to wine making these are to go if you think about the classic like oak wine barrel there's always a little hole in it right well these go to plug the hole but there's a name for them these are called bungs b-u-n-g all right bungs and they are intended to plug you got it the bunghole this sounds so so juvenile the 10 year old me is cracking up falling on the floor this is not the first time i've come across these i've actually bought another locker i didn't film it but it was owned by a winemaker and i found a whole bunch of these silicon bungs hilarious but they do sell brand new these cost about seven bucks each on ebay i had a much bigger lot before i had a whole big bag of them and uh we sold them i don't remember how much it was 40 bucks or something for a whole big bag of them but i don't know if i'll put those up i got i got like six of them 42 bucks brand new it's not that big of a sale but just kind of an interesting little piece if you didn't know that well you learned something new today the last time i came across it i learned something new that day and there are all different sizes for all different size bungs bungles i had to say it i had to say it all right guys i hope you enjoyed the video and that's all for today but the next one the next one is really really exciting okay i bought an online auction and it's kind of funny because this is the second one i bought this year i don't buy online very often i think maybe i bought one all of last year maybe i don't remember right now but i don't buy them very often this one again i felt like i grossly overpaid it is right here in santa ramon and i got lucky i got lucky and there are some fantastic stuff i almost started questioning my hot streak saying it is gone because i bought a couple lockers at work and the last one in particular that really is stunk right but that hot streak was just taking us a very small pause and it's back and you guys gonna love it so stay tuned for that next video and it'll be out soon but until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on locker nuts plug your bunk hole what guys that say gianni versus yankee for saw versus versailles for sake maybe that's something huh [Music]
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 22,113
Rating: 4.9411764 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, time capsule, deceased owner, dead owner, old lady, ephemera, #extremeunboxing, old trunks, storagetreasures.com, trunk, locked trunk, asian, Yeti cooler, Yeti, Kitchen Aid mixer, Ray Ban, Gucci, found money, found cash, Louis Vuitton, Burberry, Riedel, wine, wine glasses
Id: iJAnlC-lsWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 38sec (2078 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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