"Out of Hiding" - Stephanie Ike

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greetings family pastor Toure here I'm excited about this message that you're getting ready to watch I'm also excited about the countless lives that are being changed by wholeness winning in life from the inside out in fact I want you to watch this short testimonies gonna bless you and then that message will be right after it I would have to say that my favorite chapter in the book wholeness has to be chapter 5 when PT talks about the cracked mirror I recognize that because of some brokenness from my past some voices that may have had greater impact on my life than they needed to have been impacting my storyteller everyone has a storyteller and PT talks about the greatest voice that you hear every day is your own and the greatest narrator of your story and of your life is the one that you give yourself and so I recognize that sometimes when my storytelling starts acting up and feeding me lies like no one cares so that people are against me I come against those things to shut them down because I recognize that I'm winning I'm blessed I'm whole get this book now it'll absolutely change your life [Music] [Music] all this to go straight in the word and while we're standing some people were trying to take a squat yeah so we're gonna look at Luke 8 to start with Luke 8 know what okay so look so from verse 40 and so it says so it was when Jesus returned that the multitude welcomed him but they were all waiting for him oh that's so good and behold they came a man named Jairus and he was a ruler of the synagogue and he fell down at Jesus's feet okay so there's just some start from the top okay so from verse 40 so it was when Jesus returned that the multitude welcomed him for they were all waiting for him and behold there came a man named Jairus and he was a ruler of the synagogue and he fell down at Jesus's feet and begged him to come to his house for he had only he had an only daughter about twelve years of age and she was dying but as he went the multitude thronged him so they flooded him now a woman having a flow of blood for 12 years who had spent all her livelihood and physicians and could not be healed by any came from behind and such the border of His garment and immediately her flow of blood stopped and Jesus said who touched me when all denied it Peter and those with him said master the multitude throng and press you and you say who touched me but Jesus said somebody touched me for I perceived power going out from me now when the woman saw that she was not hidden she came trembling and falling down before him she declared to him in the presence of all the people the reason she had touched them and how she was healed immediately and he said to her daughter be of good cheer your faith has made you well and in other passages your faith has made you whole go in peace now let's open to one more passage in Romans 8:19 for the earnest expectation of creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God amen lord I thank you that you will have your way you can be seated now these passages for many are very familiar we're going to look at it from a very interesting standpoint you know when the song was going on in worship I love the part that it talked about being called out of the dark because the message today is out of hiding you see in this passage it's so fascinating this woman she had she had an issue of blood for she had a flow of blood for 12 years and what hit me as I was studying this I said Lord show this to me you know man this is one passage I was reading and if you ever get excited by yourself like I just start shouting in my room it's crazy if you saw me in private you would think something is definitely wrong with me I was like Lord this is so good and so I was studying it and I'm like wow that the moment this woman's issue started the passage talked about how she had spent all her livelihood she had spent all her living she was looking for a solution but the truth of the matter is that her solution existed the moment her issue started Jesus was on the earth but Jesus was in hiding and so she has this problem for the twelve years she's trying to find solutions the ultimate answer was already existing and I feel this prophetic for someone that what you're waiting for what you're looking for it seems like you've been rejected by so many people it seems like God has given you a word and you know there's something that you're after and you're looking for it and it you seem like you can't find it and God is saying no no no it's in hiding someone is preparing it the script has not yet been written the show is not yet ready the job opportunity is being formed while you're searching she was looking for her miracle but her miracle was in hiding 12 years and the crazy thing is that this woman in a way she was also in hiding because in that time you see having the flow of blood the people they followed what was one of the the laws that Moses had given the people in and you can find that I believe it's in numbers 15 and they talked about how when a woman either when she's on her menstrual cycle or some mana be like yeah come on you have a mama so even when she's on her menstrual cycle or or if she had an abnormal flow of blood she was known to be unclean and so what that meant is anyone who touched her or anyone who touched something she touched was unclean and they would have to go through this whole process where they have to be separated so basically if this was her issue for 12 years this woman was separated from society for 12 years we don't even see her background story and I think I believe that sometimes it almost feels like God omits the their background so that we can fill in our lives in the gap we don't know where she came from we don't know if she has a family some believe that this flow of blood could have been the result of complications after childbirth we don't know but what we do know is that it caused her to be separated from society that for many years she had to be by herself I mean she did not even know what it felt like to to have the comfort of a hug so for these 12 years she's going through what we would know as trials and tribulations but prior to this she had what could have seen like a normal life she had I mean she was fine and all of a sudden this issue kicks in and now she's being separated from society I wonder if there's anyone in the house and it feels like God where God initially positioned you that circumstances drew you away from it that what you initially came to this city to do or what God sent you to a place to do all of a sudden there are these circumstances that came in the way these trials these tribulations and it seemed to pull you Father from where God said he's positioning you but you see the interesting thing that the Lord said it teaching me about tribulations is that in the Word of God and this is in Matthew I believe Matthew 13 21 it talks about how tribulations come because of the word so if tribulations are coming because of the word when you're experiencing a difficulty it's because there's a word on your life the enemy is not going after you if there's no word but the enemy being sent to you in this manner is actually him being approved by God the story of job there are times that God appoints tribulations in your life and the thing family is that Jesus talked about how a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand and I say this because when God appoints tribulation in your life it's not against you because sometimes we see something coming and we're just like oh the enemy is just after my car the enemy is just after this enemies after that and God is like no no no no this is not against you because God cannot be against his own and so it's almost like the tribulation is actually the fertilizer for the Word of God just flow with me right God appoints tribulation he sends a word to your life and that word is accompanied by tribulations we think that the tribulation is after us that we are being attacked but if God appoints it that it means in actually attacking something that is keeping you blindly bound you see when we look in this story we're gonna realize that this woman's first issue was not the issue of blood and that her issue of blood was actually a process to something else twelve year she's going through something twelve the number of perfection she's having this issue for 12 years and so in a way she's hidden but in truth if it means that what attracted this tribulation to her life was that there was a word on her life then until she manifests the word on her life she's actually hidden because when the scripture in Romans tells us that the earth is eagerly awaiting for the revealing of the sons of God that means when God looks at you and he doesn't see the word he knows about you you're still in hiding but being hidden is not like it's not even a bad thing because being hidden has a purpose in Isaiah 49 - it talks about how God would make you a sharpened arrow in when you are hidden in the shadow his hand and so what that means is that when God hides you he's hiding you for impact that when he repositions you that your life will have impact so 12 years this woman had the issue and I wondered I said Lord then what was the actual problem if it's not that the issue of blood because first of all she she didn't need to have a blood issue so if it's about that all while we thank God that she got healed but what if she didn't have the problem and I said God show me what the problem really was you see in the passage it talked about how the woman was able to pull power from God the way she touched the hem of Jesus garment that power left him and healed her but when Jesus says who touched me she was afraid to reveal herself because you have to realize that this woman is in the mist first of all she's in the midst of a ruler of the synagogue and the rule of the synagogue meant that he most must have known this woman because he is in charge or he's one of the people in charge of making sure that if someone is unclean they're not entering the temple she's surrounded by people that in order for her to get to Jesus it meant that she touched a lot of people if she revealed herself it would be known that oh my gosh this woman made me unclean it the words of people would be against her you see there was a fear of man that was taken place in this passage she had faith to pour power from God but she feared the opinions of man and I wonder if her issue of blood was actually God's way of weaning her out of this need to be validated because you see family the issue of blood already separated her from people it put her in the place that she had to understand how to live life by herself no one could help her no one could give her a hug no one could get her groceries for her if she was you know what tripping people just watch her like girl don't break your leg now cuz I can't touch you she had to live life understanding that her validation did not come from people she had to live life knowing that you know what no one wanted to be around her I wonder if those 12 years was actually God's Way of weaning her off this fear of man because she has faith to pull power from God but she fears being revealed she fears saying what she did because of the consequences of her actions people might hate her perhaps people might wonder you know what we even gave you the grace even being that because she she must have come even in a concealed manner and it's interesting family because when we think about our lives some people you had the faith to get in the room but you feared speaking up you had the faith to write the song but you fear it being heard you had the faith to start but you fear finishing what is it that you had the faith for but then there's a fear that actually hindered the final process she had faith to pull power but she feared men and in that moment Jesus says somebody touched me now you have to understand this is Jesus we're talking about I mean this man was like you know one-on-one with the Holy Spirit he could have just blinked and said you touched me but Jesus is like no because this is not something he can force her to do and the woman says in the past that she says that knowing that she was revealed but knowing that she was revealed it spoke to me that Jesus probably looked her in the eye and said somebody touched me because Jesus did some things that were just so interested in the Bible I believe that he looked her right in the eye and said somebody touched me and that's when she knew that he sees me he knows I'm the one that touched him I must say what I did and the interesting family is that when this woman says you know she talks about how she revealed herself and she told him everything that she did she says you know I'm the one that touched you and this is why and the moment I touched you I was healed and then Jesus tells her first of all it's so interesting because first of all he calls her daughter and I believe and this was not a word he used very lightly the only time before this passage the only healing that's recorded in the Bible that Jesus is calling someone a daughter or a son this the son was when there was a man history is fascinating him and his four friends they opened a roof where Jesus was because they couldn't find a way to get in and they bring the friend who was crippled down through the roof and Jesus called him son but he called him son because he recognized the great faith that they had so when Jesus calls her daughter he's saying that I can see you now because at first he said somebody touched me then when she breaks out of this fear of man that I believe has been the points all along for the 12 years that she was in hiding he now says now I recognize you as the father recognizes you now I can see who you really are jesus healed a lot of people but he will call them cert man or go to this black he he didn't use the word son or daughter he calls her daughter he says I see you in the kingdom now I can the way you look to me now is how you look in heaven in that moment in that moment she was revealed not just that she revealed herself to the people but she was revealed before God and he announced her before the people he announced her position before the people and then he says daughter your faith has made you whole you see family want I'm taking my time with this word because as we go to the journey of this world I believe that the Holy Spirit is going to go through the journey of your life the areas where you felt like you have been that God called you to but then it's like I have the faith to start but there is this fear of what are people gonna say when it comes out and Jesus is saying I'm not gonna force you to come out I will call you I would give you the opportunities to reveal who you really are but it's your decision to come out of hiding when he says daughter your faith has made you whole you see I always found that fascinating because she was already healed but before she was ever sick she was broken before the illness ever took place there was a brokenness in her and family I'm wondering what are the tribulations you have faced what are the things you're currently facing and you think it's against you but God said no I appointed it to break what's holding you because sometimes you may be going through a financial struggle and you're like god when is this gonna end but could it be that God is actually breaking your need to use money to win friends that God is breaking your need to use money to make a point to show off I don't know what area that you could have to you could be facing tribulations but sometimes it is for your good it's actually for your wholeness that God says no this thing is actually against what's against you because God cannot be divided he will not send what is against his own people but he will use it to fight what is actually the thing that could cause you to fall because if you have that same mindset whatever is being attacked in your life not you the thing that could keep you bound if you carry that mindset into the place God is calling you then that thing will have you rather than you being submitted to God if you have the fear of man it doesn't matter how high God takes you you will be controlled by their validation and so when God is sending tribulations in your life he said no this is to make you whole when he said your faith has made you whole it was first the faith to pull power from God but then there was the faith to be revealed you see and what's interesting is that this woman like each and every one of us had already been pulling from God even before time because whenever God sees us and he doesn't see who he formed he sends a word he sends a word and for some this does not have to be an audible word it does not have to be there someone prophesied to you because it's the spirit that speaks and so whether the spirit spoke through a purse or the spirits pokes you directly sometimes you just have this innate feeling and more than this there is more to me than than what I'm doing right now God starts downloading ideas and visions and and creativity and you're like no God has said God sends a word because when when we are in a broken state it pulls a word from heaven so before she ever pulled power from Jesus she had already been pulling a word from God and there is a word over each and every one of your lives and it is God's Word that says when tribulation when persecution when affliction comes because of the word not comes against the word it comes because of it because it it fertilizes it and your faith is what produces the version God knows of you another thing I found interesting about this passage is when Jesus says to her go in peace you see that peace it gave a sense of safety that Jesus is our refuge and and that is so key because when you stand on who God is calling you to be there will be a different kind of opposition now this is not tribulation I'm talking about when people want to start opposing who you are when when the people close to you start wandering like I don't get you and and and and words start coming to actually taunt you and remove you from your position and jesus said remember that I am your refuge I am your protection there is a powerful word in lamentations and it's annotations 337 and it talks about that can anyone command a thing unless the Lord speaks it and so sometimes we have this fear that if I don't do things the way people said then maybe I might lose favor with man but I told you that if you have favor with men and not with God you were bound to man because men do things oftentimes with conditions but when you have favor with God that's why he talks about that before I open a door before you that no one can shut when you have favor with God your life when you're submitted to God it does not matter where man says no if God says yes it's settled and so finally my question is one of the areas that God is calling you out of hiding one of the things that you have been so used to and God says yeah but that was for this season to lead you to the next season you say I'll share a story with you and why this is so key I remember many years ago at the time I lived in San Gabriel one day I was walking - they had this like Chinese store they sue you know I was like talking to the workers cuz I try to have them teach me Mandarin so they had this there's this almond cookies I love so much it's like 99 cents real cheap but so good so they had those almond cookies there so sometimes I always go to the store to buy because it was literally like three minutes walking distance from my place and so I was walking to the store to get myself some almond cookies I saw this lady with her son and I could see that the Sun was had some you know Hudson had an illness and I was walking past them I just noticed that the Holy Spirit tells me lay hands and pray for him I said on the street I said god I I say yes to you but I didn't say yes to look crazy okay I have that in the net he says he tells me again and the funny thing it felt like this people were walking in slow motion all of a sudden like I was just in the matrix you know and you're just there like saying you know you know what Asian people man they be cracking me up sometimes cuz they were walk slow then walk back I said listen is this a workout and so I'm like god this this sounds this sounds crazy you want me to lay hands and pray for her son like she might slap me or something and he says lay hands and pray for him and I was like god no well crazy I don't know if I could do that one and honestly like I fought it I was like god I'm going to the store to get me some cookies and I really like it weighed on me cuz I was like Lord I walked past them I'm not you know I'm not I'm not proud of this story so I walked past them I said god I'm not doing none of that because I'm going to the store I go into the store got me some cookies but to actually I said let me come for myself so while I'm in the store I bought my cookies I'm like God why would you tell me to do that on the street this is what could think I'm crazy and he revealed to me he said that's not really your issue your problem is that you don't know if I'm gonna heal them immediately or afterwards and you're actually concerned about your image he said your issue is not looking crazy your issue is that I might choose to heal him when he gets home but it's in your output I gave you the ability to set this boy free and you said no and in my mind I was like god that's just too much you know I'm sure there's so many ways that this boy could get his healing I said you know Laura forgive me I'm just gonna eat some cookies I was in my head yeah I'm not proud of this real talk so I was like god I'm sorry I I just I'm not I didn't sign up to look crazy and when he revealed that to me I was fighting I was like god I would do anything for you and he's like no no no no you hear a big conditioning now and I was like man so I go home and I was just like I was at home and I was just like God like I'm sorry you know I'm not sure what happened but the truth of the matter is what God was calling me to do what he was revealing to me was a different dimension of revealing that I was not comfortable with and I go home and I'm just like okay Lord I'm sorry few days later it's crazy story but I believe this is the right room to discuss it few days later I'm walking to the same store to get me some almond cookies and as I was walking her family this this story it broke me as I was walking so I'm leaving my apartment so there's like a there's a drive-through so like I'm walking let me put it like you know what I'm walking this way right I'm trying to put something on my left-hand side and I'm walking out and then angel appears to my left I looked I said and when I looked at him he held he had he had this some gold thing in his hand that had like this insects coming out of it I was very confused I said God not today I can't walk it I said I uh I signed up for this I didn't sign up to kill nobody in the streets I don't know what you trying to send me to do I said I'm going to the store I'm gonna buy me some cookies I went to the store bought me some cookies and the pin family I don't have when it comes to prayer it's it was never dad but it was a fact of being in a public setting with strangers and I'm just gonna be walking and be like Oh be healed in Jesus name I said nah I went to the store got me some cookies I was like God what was that what was he holding I never seen someone holding that before I go home the Holy Spirit starts ministering to me that that angel is still on the earth because you did not release the prayer for that boy then I said wait no I forgot then there's a scripture you know God will always confirm his word with his word there's a scripture in Revelations 8 4 or 82 and it talks about an angel that carried a golden I don't know I can remember what it's called it was like a golden thing that incense comes out of it and they offer it before the throne of God with the prayers of the Saints when I saw that I said oh Jesus I'm going to hell but I'm not thank you Jesus I felt so bad I said god what did i do what did i do what did I do and he said the key for that boy I put it in you and you chose for your comfort to keep it hidden and after that family all you know it beans became for me hard as hell have you sidenote y'all I learned that it's not hard as hell but hail I learned that on the shade room I said what I changed my life and all of a sudden this began to be no furrow your heart as hail cuz hill is hard you know hail that comes out hail yeah I was like wow that changed my whole childhood but but let's go back to back to topic this is a very serious matter and so I'm like all of a sudden family things became so tight and I was like god what is happening to the point that I could not even explain to my family what was going on I told that my mom is about to find out right now cuz she's watching I told him I was like yeah you know I'm just gonna go to Oakland and visit a friend I literally things were so hard that I had to I packed my stuff for my apartment carried it with my hand to a what's this place called like what's this things called storage and flew I lived in Oakland with a friend for three months because I did not know what to do and I said God I need you to open your door I was like God why are things my love things feel so tight and he revealed to me that when you chose to keep what did not belong to you then what belongs to you was also kept hidden from you you see family Jesus we see this in this story actually because Jesus was revealed by Jesus being revealed on the earth this woman encounters her healing when she encountered her healing she was also revealed but in the beginning of this passage it talked about the man the ruler of the synagogue had a twelve-year-old child after Jesus had healed this woman has been healed and the whole story came out someone that was canet someone from this man's house comes and says your daughter is dead leave Jesus alone you see the Word of God says that we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony when he said your daughter is dead Jesus tells them only believe and you will see that she would live that she is not even dead actually he even tells them but what I'm trying to tell you is that when this woman revealed herself it stared up faith in this the young girl's father everything was connected when the man goes to the house and we know this because when the man returns to his house and you can read this further down in the passage when the man returns to the house we hear how Jesus kicked everyone from the house who was doubting the miracle that meant even though this man had heard your daughter is dead he just witnessed a woman he had known speak about how just by touching Jesus's garment she got healed and the man is the beginning of the story the man tells Jesus if you can may hand on my daughter so there is a discussion of laying of hands and hands and hands so the woman uses her hand to touch the garment he says if you lay hands on my daughter she would be healed when the woman revealed that just by touching your garment I was healed it it stirred up his faith then certainly if Jesus will may his hand on my daughter she would be he'll the story was connected and you have to realize that when God is calling you out of hiding it's connected to someone something in you is not for you and so you can't you can't keep questioning God I'm not ready God you know I don't want to look crazy lay hands on someone on the street you can't keep questioning because family were in a time then not only is God gonna call you he's not only is he gonna dition you back to the places he's exposed you to but God is also gonna reveal new Mansell's on your life many have been known as one thing and God is gonna reveal you as another and the process of shifting to say well God I've always been comfortable in this place and he says no no no no I'm calling you to wholeness I'm calling you to everything I knew about you before I put you in your mother's womb so you've experienced you've experienced one side of you but I'm calling you to all of you he's gonna start revealing we read about the fivefold ministries in the Bible and although this is you know this is Hollywood and so our fivefold ministry is like actor agent model we got a whole different fight for ministry but in that very position God is gonna reveal your office he's gonna start revealing no I called you as an evangelist you're an actor because you're an evangelist I called you as a prophet I called you as an apostille I called you as a teacher as a pastor God is gonna start revealing your office to you and when he does it's not that you say what God you know I'm just you know my five four ministries being an agent he's like nothing any no in that place I want you to be a teacher of my word I want you to put people under you and that you would graze them in my word there is a revival coming to this city and it's gonna be a revival like no other because it's it's gonna come through not just the institution of church but the body that is Church it's gonna come through God's people the places that he has positioned you people is is oh my gosh family whatever God begins to show you for some has already started revealing things to you and for some there things are gonna be revealed in the coming days in the coming weeks do not be afraid of yourself because it's who you are God is calling us out of hiding when I had that experience I realized my life is it's one thing to say it and then you see it I said God my life is really not mine because you put in me what belongs to another the same way you put it in another what belongs to me and that's why that's why the the scripture talks about us as a body it doesn't say that each person is their own body he says no we all come together as a body so I may be the hand but I also need the leg because with the hand I can't even eat you know I can only grab stuff so God is saying let us work as we even be in the beginning of service and we said let us hold hands that is symbolic for what God is doing that we cannot do this thing divided we can only do this as one the potter's house at one anyway we have to be united if you say that you're a child of God that you're a son of God it has to flow through every area of your life we have to be one because we are all connected what is God calling you to what is he saying that you have been hiding for too long what is the tribulation actually teaching you what is it that you're like you know what because what where the enemy has power is not in the tribulation because God appoints at the tribulation his power is in deception it's to make you think that God is against you but God is against the thing that is actually against you where is God calling you to stand with me family thank you Jesus we're coming out of hiding we're coming out of hiding and you will be tested we will be tested but we have to know that if God is for us who can be against us for some their relationships in your life and and some things will occur where you would have to draw a line because it's you can't play both sides if the relationship is leading you away from your truth you can't play both sides to accommodate feelings and so there are things that God is gonna require you to draw a line and it's things that we may feel hesitancy about because it's like man this person has always been in my life but could it be that they're trying to keep you where they found you and God is saying come out of hiding come out of hiding come out of hiding come out of hiding come out of hiding thank you Jesus thank you Jesus here it's not my word that is saying this here the father come out of hiding thank you Jesus thank you Jesus I just want us to take a moment the Holy Spirit is gonna start ministering to you about the areas in your life that you have been holding back see I love the Holy Spirit so much because I can't do ministry without him there are ways he could speak to you that I can't thank you Holy Spirit Thank You Holy Spirit just take a moment and bow your heads listen to what the Spirit of God is saying always very open their hearts open their ears whatare we are in their life are they holding back what area in their life are they resistant towards you because they thought the tribulation was against them reveal to them what the tribulation was actually teaching them what it was breaking free out of them [Music] thank you Jesus thank you Jesus holy spirit half your way [Music] [Music] [Music] come out of hiding come out of hiding Jesus write the book speak up you are not in the room to be mute God in opposition you in the road to not speak your idea the moment this is for somebody the moment you speak up your position will shift there is someone the promotion you're looking for is when you will finally take the courage in the Spirit of God to speak up about the idea God gave you don't be afraid to release it stop writing in the dark God is calling us out of the dark for some of you the thing that you do in your bedroom every day God says this is not just for your bedroom it's not just in closed walls I'm calling you out of the dark come out of hiding thank you Jesus thank you Jesus if you are here and even if you're watching online the presence of God is in your room so you can join us in the activity God sees you this is not for me to look about who is doing what this is what God is watching if you are here and you say Lord and even while ministering the Holy Spirit and I want you to do this if the Holy Spirit has revealed something in your life if the Holy Spirit because for some of you it is things that would be revealed in time but if you are here and the Holy Spirit ministered to you about an area that you have been holding back and he's telling you that no this is the time this is the time God is calling you out of hiding if he revealed to you a place that you have been God I'm not ready I'm not ready but who are we to tell God we're not ready when he created us to know when we're ready if that is you if the Holy Spirit revealed to you the tribulations in your life that you thought was against you and he said no my son no my daughter this is against what against you I'm using this thing to break you free if that is you I want you to put your hands up I want you to raise your hands because God sees you God sees you thank you Jesus thank you Jesus we're gonna seal this in God's word that his courage his boldness will come upon you the Apostles prayed for boldness and it talked about how the Holy Spirit filled them up and they moved in boldness God is gonna give you the boldness to come out of hiding just raise your hands up to heaven thank you Jesus and that is you raise your hands up to heaven thank you Jesus thank you Jesus it is connected to what is also connected to you Father God you see your people I am only your vessel you see your people you spoke to them Lord God I thank you that they are coming out of hiding they are coming out of hiding lord I thank you that you would release boldness upon them that you will stir them up Holy Spirit because you are a spirit of power you are a spirit you are bold you are not timid I thank you as they raised your hands up to you Holy Spirit fill them up afresh in the name of Jesus fill them up afresh in the name of Jesus they are coming out of hiding have your way Lord God I thank you that your word says that we should glory in tribulations because tribulations produce perseverance and perseverance produces character and it is this character that produces hope and this hope is the anchor when we are unshaken in your word I thank you Lord that we would see it properly I thank you Lord Jesus that we will see you properly have your way Holy Spirit in the lives of your people have your way still this word Lord God in their hearts in their minds I thank you Lord that you're doing a mighty working then I thank you Lord that we are coming into a time that you are gonna put it put them in the way of platforms that would reveal who you call them to be I hear the Lord say that he is pulling you out of hiding to establish you then as the woman had a leak had that she was leaking the word says that life is in the blood it was not just what she was leaking in the physical in the spiritual she was leaking in her identity and God is calling you back to yourself and he says that the areas in your life that feels that has been a leak it is leaking because you are in hiding when you should be out God is going to establish you as you take the step forward [Music] thank you Jesus thank you Jesus and I hear the Lord saying that use wisdom for someone don't be impulsive let the Lord guide you this word is not for you someone is there's someone here and you're thinking of quitting something and God said no no no I'm not telling you to quit a job I'm simply telling you to come out of hiding [Music] use wisdom use wisdom use wisdom seek the Holy Spirit about the world is revealing to you now and God will give you direction God will give you direction thank you Jesus thank you Jesus have your way Lord God in Jesus name [Music] thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord [Music]
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 26,895
Rating: 4.8983049 out of 5
Id: vVY27kC8CLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 56sec (3296 seconds)
Published: Fri May 18 2018
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